‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ hosts discuss Gold Star families defending former President Trump for attending a memorial for fallen service members after Vice President Harris’ criticism.
Senator Tom Cotton Shuts Down The Fake News Arlington Hoax
‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ hosts discuss Gold Star families defending former President Trump for attending a memorial for fallen service members after Vice President Harris’ criticism.
Senator Tom Cotton Shuts Down The Fake News Arlington Hoax
Jesse Watters: “Can you guess who’s running these places? Democrats. Democrats want to disarm you during the crime wave they created”
BREITBART notes the WaPo article Watters mentions above:
Here is FACT CHECK .ORG for one example:
‘Disarming You Is The Point’: Tucker Slams Biden’s Gun Control Speech
(See more at NEWSBUSTERS)
AMMOLAND joins the fray:
2018 Excoriated a Bit (RALLY FOR OUR RIGHTS):
And a noteworthy TWITTER THREAD discussing the idea that the United States leads the world in gun violence:
A list is making its rounds showing a crapload of “school shootings” — I will post the list at the end because it is long. But this is the most recent list shared primarily on Facebook. The version I saw was by Greg Atkinson:
It is a list of 245 school shootings. This is nothing new, per-se, at every similar event some list is trotted out to use a real event to make untrue statements about others. Why? To elicit an emotional response. This was confirmed to me as I went through the comments under the list; one person was even calling for a teacher strike.
I thought to myself at the time of reading it (but did not respond),
Even NPR admits issues with such lists, this is from August of 2018:
NPR goes on to note:
All lists like the one shared [below] do is add to the confusion. This was my response to a friend sharing the list:
As an aside: I make it a habit not to post on this person’s Facebook (FB), and this was one of almost zero comments on their FB I have made over time. And my comment was pretty benign (minus facts), which are abrasive to perceived narratives — I get that. Subsequentially my status was changed so I could not see any posts on their Facebook.
Which reminded me of a recently read article,
It’s the “bubbles” part that interests me.
I simply offered a view unlike any other in the strain; and what did the person do? Shut themselves off to the rare viewpoint that disagreed with the consensus they wish to artificially build around themself.
Another example of regular conversation moving toward censorship of viewpoints that offer even the slightest dissent (in Orwellian fashion) is this: years ago there was a weekly series in the L.A. Times where a column would take an event or position and have a progressive leaning columnist give their thoughts and position; and another column was written by a more conservative columnist giving theirs. I believe it was called, “View from the Left,” and, “View from the Right.”
Often times the writer on the right was Dennis Prager.
The L.A. Times has long nixed thoughtful thinking, comparison, and columns/columnists like this and Dennis.
Another example comes by way of the Executive Editor of the New York Times (the top position in the newsroom), Dean Baquet, who admitted that it is the Left who does not want to hear thoughtful responses to issues from a countering viewpoint.
You see, progressive leaning individuals are far more likely to unfriend or censor opposing political views (see HERE). Here is a snippet of the poll via TOWNHALL shortly after the 2016 election
And this still holds true in large measure. And as you can see from my very reasonable, non-yelling, non-gaslighting comment [in the “Calvin” text box] — this holds true.
In another 2018 posting, DAILY CALLER catalogs CNN’s use of bad stats as well:
Again, NPR:
When I found this video I posted it on my Facebook with the following note:
And that is the key… what will a teacher do, or what length will he or she go in our more secularly violent society to protect his or her own life and thus her children in the classroom? After Sandy Hook some schools offered training and more for teachers that chose to arm themselves.
Here is the training they go through:
These districts took to heart recommendations made after other school shooting. The Parkland police also failed like the Uvalde school shooting.
So 2 of the 3 deadliest school shootings made it to that gruesome list because of inaction by armed and trained professionals. When my life is about to end by violence, I need to be trained to keep it. And I can rely on myself to do so.
But the Biden Admin doesn’t track with this common sense:
Politicized School List
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton wade through the left’s lies about our interview with Donald Trump. These journos have nothing else left but to gaslight and demonize Trump.
REAL CLEAR POLITICS notes the out of context nature of the MSM narrative:
Marco Rubio says of the interview:
RED STATE rightly notes what Clay and Buck did when speaking about what the Left and Press has run with counters basic English context when “referring to someone as a ‘genius’ can carry with it, alternative meanings.”
(RIGHT SCOOP also responds to Meghan McCain)
Hillary Clinton jumps into the fray and gets walloped! PJ-MEDIA has a great post in which I will steal two tweets from:
Clay Travis and Buck Sexton break down Hillary Clinton’s lies about our interview with Donald Trump. How much wrong can the Democrats fit into just one year?
A SUPERCUT sandwiched in the middle of Kaylee McKenna in April of 2021 discussing the #FAKENEWS aspect of the media’s running with one of MANY fake stories meant merely to hurt the Presidency of Donald Trump. Former President Trump’s White House spokeswoman, Kaylee McKenna, also notes another #FAKENEWS story [media lie] regarding President Trump calling fallen soldiers losers.
Here are some related articles for the reader:
(FLASHBACK to September 2020) An Atlantic story says President Trump military men and women who died in WWII “suckers” and “losers.”
Here are some articles for the reader:
The Atlantic published an article claiming via unnamed sources that President Trump refused to honor fallen U.S. soldiers because they were “losers”. Does that really sound like Trump? Andrew Klavan explains.
I posted this Rachel “Left of Mao” Maddow Tweet on my Facebook and was soon approached by a naysayer.
Say it ain’t so, lol.
And this is similar to another #FAKENEWS story regarding ivermectin from Rolling Stone magazine. A friend noted this article with his comment:
And he followed up that with this:
I will just bluntly state, I don’t buy it. And this is why — not what he requires of me and I do not of him. Not only was the Oklahomah hospital story bunk, but major parts that inform the NPR story are #FAKENEWS as well. So I posted this:
Jim G. then asked for confirmation of the story. So I quoted the NPR story and followed it up with the POST MILLENNIAL story:
The entire article is worth a read. But here is some of the responses:
Lol. Oh boy… Archive Today a fake website? No “direct” link? Etc. And I am suppose be swayed from something “Seen on my timeline just now”? Lol.
In the story there are links to this (graphic is linked):
I followed that with this:
Steven M. followed that up with this: “Dear FDA: Are MERCK and Its Partners Treating Children with A Horse Drug?”
And this site linked in the pic:
At this point Jim G. tapped out with a switch of subject.
(Posted on the 4th of Sept, updated the 8th)
See more at the DAILY CALLER
And a side note is that even the picture is not even of a line to a hospital… lol!
It is lies vs. truth.
Here is TOWNHALL with more:
I combined two segments of the Larry O’Connor Show responding to THE ATLANTIC’S story. One at his opening to the show yesterday, and the other is his interview with Sean David from THE FEDERALIST. I also add at the beginning a SPECIAL REPORT excerpt regarding Bolton’s assertion from actually being in the meeting (full video @FOX). As well as ending the audio by Larry O’Connor with an excerpt of THE FIVE. The point of this is to note that if a person who is a hostile witness to Trump – substantiates Trump’s claim, that goes a long way to making the point (WESTERN JOURNAL).
MAKE NO MISTAKE, there is an issue with anonymous sources in the media that is on steroids right now. I note this in a book review series I just started on my site (R-PT). But here you have four ON-THE-RECORD sources that rebut the anonymous sources (EPOCH TIMES). Five according to the DAILY WIRE, whom 4 were present and go on the record: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Hogan Gidley, Dan Scavino, Steven Miller, and Lt. General Keith Kellogg.
And in story-after-story you see this pattern, the Washington post or the New York Times or CNN and the like will have a breaking news story – that in the end cannot be substantiated.
What The Atlantic SHOULD DO is include with every story bashing Trump mention that it’s owner is a mega-donor to Biden’s campaign. Here is the DAILY CALLER’S bullet points:
So not only is The Atlantic apparently guided by the same bias CNN is driven by ([undercover video] BREITBART), but an ad that ran on Morning Joe’s MSNBC show was another factor in how well-orchestrated this was. The Atlantic story came out after the business day Thursday (“The story came out at night on the east coast” — video at TWITTER)”
The ad was aired 12-hours later. As the WASHINGTON EXAMINER notes:
RED STATE also joins the fray:
As one comment from the TWITTER thread linked above says:
Mee too.
(See more at TWITCHY)
This is the general public (and many on FACEBOOK) believing these headline makers lock-stock-and-barrel (ROLL CAMERA PLEASE):
I was challenged by a friend when I brought up the weighted aspect by this: “Have you taken any graduate level courses on polling Sean? I have.” So I guess you have to take graduate level courses in statistics to be fooled? I don’t know… I don’t put ANYTHING past these #NeverTrumpers any-longer. But I never say, “have you read over 2,000 books cover-to-cover, have a library of over 5,000 books as well as 3,000 more digitally?” — to make a point become true.
BIZPIC has this about the Fox News Poll:
AMERICAN THINKER continues the breakdown and shows how Rasmussen attempts to correct for such things:
Here is a wild ride of Party affiliations interchanged due to the perceived impact on Trump (NOQ REPORT):
BTW, I would say she is one of the worst moms. The REPORT continues:
This will surely make the HATE HOAXES LIST!
(HAT-TIP to NOQ-REPORT) The video above reveals several things about Georgia state representative Erica Thomas and the man who called her a “lazy bitch,” Eric Sparkes. It reveals Sparkes made a very poor choice in confronting a 9-months pregnant woman over her use of the express lane, but more importantly it reveals the lies compounding previous lies by a Democratic politician who wanted to attract national attention through her falsified use of the victim card.
Another #HateHoax
Georgia State Rep. Erica Thomas said a Racist White Man told her to go back
He said he’s Cuban & also a Democrat.
*RT if you’re laughing with me & think she should Resign!#EricaThomas #EricaSmollett #EricaThomasResign pic.twitter.com/lMndsDR6c1
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) July 21, 2019
Everyone listen to Naomi Wolf realize on live radio that the historical thesis of the book she’s there to promote is based on her misunderstanding a legal term pic.twitter.com/a3tB77g3c1
— Edmund Hochreiter (@thymetikon) May 23, 2019
DAILY CALLER has the story:
Same As Above – Just YouTube
Naomi Wolf’S New Book A Complete Misunderstanding | An Author’s Greatest Nightmare Unfolded On Live Radio.
PJ-MEDIA has a great story on two fabricating authors, Wolf and Wolff in sheep’s clothing: