This was a video I played as part of an adult Sunday school class when the leader went on a missions journey to India. It is a documentary examining claims that CS Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles contain a hidden meaning.
BBC Admits Hamas Used Shifa Hospital As An Operations Base
The BBC and other MSM outlets have been horrible on their reporting of many topics during this newer war between Islamic-Nazis and Israel. Here is the BBC [finally] admitting that there was a Hamas command center underneath the Shifa Hospital – as Israel originally reported by the IDF.
BBC Finally Admits Hamas Used People in Shifa Hospital as Human Shields
The NEW YORK SUN has an excellent article detailing some of the past claims which are ignored presently:
As Evidence Mounts of Hamas Using Shifa Hospital as a Military Base, Human Rights Groups Turn Sullenly Silent
Other noteworthy articles are below:
Videos: Inside The Hamas Shifa Hospital Underground Command Center
- …Behind the hatch door that was breached, war rooms, an air-conditioned living room and hiding place, as well as toilets and a kitchen for extended stays were discovered. [….]the images suggest that the labyrinthine tunnels were used not just for transporting materials or people, but as something of an extended-stay base. The Israel Defense Forces referred to it as “Hamas’ underground city.”…. (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
Media Minimize Evidence of Hamas Activity in Gaza’s Shifa Hospital
- …[by] minimizing the evidence by suggesting that what Israel has exposed is not enough or fake, while relying on the denials of a deceitful terror organization, is nothing less than a complete ethical and journalistic collapse.” (HONEST REPORTING)
BBC Says Israel Targeted Hospital Staff, Forced To Apologize (Again)
- On Wednesday [15th of November, 2023], the globally influential BBC was forced to apologize yet again for an anti-Israel smear from one of its anchors. This time, the BBC accused Israel of intentionally targeting Al-Shifa Hospital staff and Arab speakers during its operations in Gaza, which was exactly the opposite of what the cited Reuters report said. (NEWSBUSTERS)
Contact Tracing (Why George Orwell Is Still Important)
From reality TV show Big Brother to warnings about surveillance, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four has had a lasting impact on modern society.
Person speaking is, Dorian Lynskey, author of, “The Ministry of Truth: The Biography of George Orwell’s 1984“
Authorities have found a new excuse to delay reopening America: The need for hundreds of thousands of so-called ‘contact tracers.’
Bill Gates suggests mass surveillance of Americans to combat coronavirus pandemic.
The original post (OP) on this second strain was a graphic. I will link to the Kent County (Michigan site through it. Here is my FB description of the following: “A person named B.M. wrote on a friends Facebook wall the following regarding “contact tracing.” (The original post had to do with hiring government employees to trace citizens with Covid.)”
ALSO, a short bit from Bruce Carrol:
Trump Is Right – Good People On Both Sides
(MEDIA Updated May 2023)
The media has been lying for two years about who President Trump called “very fine people.” The lies continue this very week. Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.
PRAGER U has another version showing some video of the press saying this. I also include Larry’s audio montage HERE, at the 5:03 mark.
(Updated Media Original Post, Aug 2017)
Dennis Prager quickly deals out some common sense to squelch a mantra regarding Trump and Charlottesville.
Larry AGAIN takes us through Trump’s “good people on both sides” quote.
My somewhat humorous and hopefully challenging response to this issue if asked is this:
- I am enjoying it… you have a radical socialist group on one-side clashing with a radical socialist group on the other — all fighting over Democratic history.
I just wanted to make more visually clear that Trump was correct in saying there were groups on both sides equal in their racism, hate, and violence. From Black Lives Matter to the KKK, both sides are cut from the same socialist cloth. In the video (HERE) you can see a Black Lives Matter person holding a sign up to block a street preachers sign. In the lower right of that sign is this: Workers World Party (WWP). Here is a short list of this groups terrible history:
Stalin and these dictators like Mao have killed more people than the National Socialists (NAZIs) could ever have dreamed.
Another aspect of this “clash” that garnered such attention is that the violence started BECAUSE of the LEFT. That doesn’t mean the racist people in the other Leftist group (the KKK) didn’t reciprocate… but the order of events is important.
THE DAILY WIRE notes an article from a New York Times reporter who said this:
- “I saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park.”
In other words, these KKK types were leaving peacefully, being escorted out, and they were attacked. They continue:
Wow, sounds just like President Trump. And HOTAIR notes that both NBC news and the BBC have “put out videos offering fact-checks on some of president trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight.” Here is a portion of the NBC, BBC, and others -videos- I wish to note:
Jake Tapper notes as well that reporters who were attacked were attacked by Antifa. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) took to Facebook to go after President Donald Trump and his “many sides” comment on yesterday’s violence in Charlottesville. But the ACLU disagrees:
Not sure who provoked first. Both sides were hitting each other at Justice Park before police arrived. #Charlottesville
— ACLU of Virginia (@ACLUVA) August 12, 2017
A response that highlights the combined NBC, BBC video via my RUMBLE above is this:
What about that “famous” parking garage fight where a man “explained that his attackers “rushed” him, forcing him off the street and into the parking garage where they set upon him.” As if he were innocent. Here is my description of the video:
- This is a video setting straight the media narrative that an innocent black man was “pounced upon” by racist whites in Charlottesville. WHY AM I POSTING THIS? It is NOT to defend racists on either side. It is sad I have to post this at all, and to be clear, JESUS is the only real answer to the racism we are seeing come up today. That aside, this video shows how the media consistently gets it wrong, seemingly on purpose to push a narrative.
John Cleese on Brexit, The MSM, and Leaving The UK
John Cleese (Monty Python star) explains to Emily Maitlis why newspapers have driven him to the Caribbean. Some comments via YouTube (just a sample):
- John Cleese laughing in her face is priceless.
- Great interview. He basically shat all over the BBC while on the BBC.
- The BBC is a farce … absolutely not an independent news media .. very biased and not informative
- Hey BBC we’re clicking like because John Cleese 1: BBC 0
- John Cleese knows the score, lying scumbags the MSM.
- This presenter is so annoyingly rude, a true BBC presenter. She is exactly why he is leaving, too many liars.
- He seems like just a nice guy who wants to chat, she’s a robot trying to get through the list of questions. Interesting contrast between a genuine personality and an artificial one.
- “Can I have my standard living money back, its about £20 living a month for a concentration camp ???” ~ G.L. Proffitt ~ Thank You John Cleese ?
- Watching Cleese dismantle the lying press puppet is just delicious!
Wolff in Sheeps Clothing
- But the book’s author, Michael Wolff, says he can’t be sure that all of it is true. (BUSINESS INSIDER)
Here is POWERLINE laying down the law (really, common sense):
Even the White House NYTs correspondent distances herself from the veracity of what Wolff has written:
Chernobyl Gets a Face-Lift
A new shelter is being built to protect Chernobyl in Ukraine. The construction costs over £1bn ($1.46bn/1.38bn euros) and is intended to stop radioactive material leaking, and to allow the old reactor to be dismantled safely. A catastrophic explosion in April 1986 caused 31 deaths, and the radioactive material released spread across Europe. The BBC’s Science Editor David Shukman went to see the shield being built.
Here are some more videos describing and showing the movement:
The BBC Has Killed Comedy ~ John Cleese and 1984
JoNova notes:
Victoria Ayling [UKIP] Candidate Slams BBC Reporter!
3rd Wave Feminist Music Lauded by the BBC
(Via Moonbattery) Cover your ears. It turns out that instrumentation, harmony, melody, and even listenability are all aspects of the misogynistic patriarchy applied to music. But womyn are free of that now. Introducing feminist music:
Re-Education Camps and Censorship “Chic” in the UK
Powerline has this story of government run media being used to guide the public towards a certain conclusion. (yes, I know) is celebrating that the BBC has decided to go full Pravda on us and cease allowing “climate deniers” on the air. Well, it is a government-run media establishment. But that would be the same BBC that refused to allow Churchill to broadcast his “appeasement denial” views back in the 1930s. Yup, same slimy people.
Anyway, quoth a jubilant Salon:
Good news for viewers of BBC News: you’ll no longer be subjected to the unhinged ravings of climate deniers and other members of the anti-science fringe. . . Were every network to start doing what the BBC is, their unfounded opinions would cease to be heard, Bill Nye wouldn’t have to keep debating them, and maybe, just maybe, they’d all just go away.
Esquire Magazine goes further in it’s diatribe of censorship that prove there is a totalitarian in every leftist waiting to get out, something Powerline missed, by-the-way:
The BBC Forbids Idiots On The Topic Of Science: No longer must Bill Nye debate the ignorant, at least in the U.K.
…BBC journalists must now attend seminars with academics and scientists who educate on what constitutes popular and marginal opinions.
Perpetuating ignorance for the sake of entertainment is not only getting boring, but is actively dangerous. US media companies should take note. American media makes political bipartisanship a game of spin and false controversy, which—as Jon Stewart will tell you—can inflict a lot of very real pain….
Yes, re-education camps… you read it right. Scientism on the march in the name of secularism. The Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK), otherwise known as the Khmer Rouge, would be proud, as would others. Even the HHS is defining media in the immigration battle, this from The Corner:
– No recording devices will be allowed
– No questions will be allowed during the tour
– No interacting with staff and children at the shelter
– We ask that your questions be provided via email or phone after the tour to Kenneth Wolfe
– HHS ACF public affairs will provide answers to your follow up questions as quickly as possible
– We will provide photos of the facility after the tour
– There will be no on-site interviews by HHS staff before or after the tour, all inquiries go to Kenneth Wolfe
To continue… while the BBC stops debate on climate, the UK starts to talk seriously about the normality of pedophilia. CNN notes just how bad it is for the BBC in this regard:
Gay Patriot notes the following:
An increasingly vocal and open group of prominent British Academics is claiming that paedophilia is a perfectly normal and natural thing.
“Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”
The presentation in question was presented at an academic conference at Cambridge University in the UK, where other topics included: “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”
And — like every other horror of the current ear — this has its roots in the sexual liberation movement of the 1970′s.
With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. Many liberals, of course, saw through PIE’s cynical rhetoric of “child lib”. But to others on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary to be swept away – and some of the most important backing came from academia. [Emphasis added]
Hey, “Love is Love,” right?…
Malcolm Muggeridge (a British journalist, author, satirist, media personality, soldier-spy and, in his later years, a Catholic convert and writer) said it best:
“If God is ‘dead,’ somebody is going to have to take his place. It will be megalomania or erotomania, the drive for power or the drive for pleasure, the clenched fist or the phallus, Hitler or Hugh Heffner.”
- Ravi Zacharias, The Real Face of Atheism (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2004), 32.