Black Lives Matter Admit Revolutionary Goals

Black Lives Matter Protesters Admit Their Goal is a Communist Revolution, Nothing Less – Violent Overthrow, Not Voting (NSFW)

Previously I noted this in this upload:

More can be found at my site, here:

And here:

God’s Law or Chaos (Anti-Christian PART 1.6)

(This is PART ONE POINT SIX of an “anti-Christian” series. PART ONE and TWO can be viewed, respectively)

Watch this powerful new sermon from Apologia Church. Dr. James White and Jeff Durbin both preach to the congregation about the recent events, #BlackLivesMatter, #Marxism, and #Communism. Don’t miss this vitally important message and be sure to tell someone about it!

What’s so controversial about Black Lives Matter? Shouldn’t everyone, especially Christians, agree with this phrase? Of course. Unfortunately, though, it’s much deeper than simply a phrase or statement. Black Lives Matter is an organization that Christians need to understand, especially when it comes to this important question: should Christians support Black Lives Matter?

Geisler Speaks About (Atheist) Antony Flew’s Conversion

(First Posted June 2011)

This is an old podcast of Dr. Norman Geisler discussing ex-atheist Antony Flew’s book that detailed his leaving atheism. Here is a “Flewism”

  • “My whole life has been guided by the principle of Plato’s Socrates: Follow the evidence, wherever it leads.” After chewing on his scientific worldview for more than five decades, Flew concluded, “A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature.” Previously, in his central work, The Presumption of Atheism (1976), Flew argued that the “onus of proof [of God] must lie upon the theist.” However, at the age of 81, Flew shocked the world when he renounced his atheism because “the argument for Intelligent Design is enormously stronger than it was when I first met it.” (See my DNA post: RNA/DNA = Information | Or, What “IS” Information)

Flew’s God was: immutable, immaterial, omnipotent, omniscient, whole [one, or indivisible, perfectly good and necessary exists.

“Apocalypse Never” – Michael Shellenberger Talks With Dennis Prager

Dennis Prager had Michael Shellenberger on his show to discuss his new book entitled “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All” (Amazon: ). In an article by Michael, you see him transitioning into a “Bjorn Lomborg” type of category. Here is the opening paragraph of that article:

  • On behalf of environmentalists everywhere, I would like to formally apologize for the climate scare we created over the last 30 years. Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem. (ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS)

Facts through reason and common sense have made it through to this gentleman, and this is nice to hear. In another review of the book, it is noted that Mr. Shellenberger is a long time environmentalist and contributed “rationalism [that] is in woefully short supply in present day environmental discourse. Michael Shellenberger’s Apocalypse Never succeeds in providing a welcome boost” Here is the opening of that review:

The way to a cleaner, sustainable planet is not to eliminate fossil fuels and nuclear power, but rather to expand their use, especially in developing countries to bring economic growth and prosperity, the way such sources did for the developed world.

This is one of the primary themes in the new book, Apocalypse Never, written not by a “climate denier” or “corporate shill.” Instead, author Michael Shellenberger is a 30-year environmental activist with street cred in various causes including saving California’s redwood forests and co-founding a “progressive Democratic, labor-environment push” in 2002 for the New Apollo Project, a renewable energy initiative that long predated the Green New Deal. He also is a Time magazine “Hero of the Environment.”…..

(PA PUNDITS – Peter Murphy)

Everyday Language Somehow Racist (Plus, Hate Hoaxes)

(The video graphic is a joke — sorta)

Dennis Prager’s new column is related to this topic and is a good read. It is entitled “If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?”. Here is article from CNN mentioned and read from by Prager; it is entitled “Everyday Words And Phrases That Have Racist Connotations”. (DAILY WIRE comments on this article well.) Dennis Prager also mentions the “training” [read here, brainwashing] going on in Seattle. Here is an excerpt of that:

  • The City of Seattle held a training session for white employees called “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness.” So I did a public records request to find out exactly what this means. Let’s go through it togetherFirst, diversity trainers informed white participants that “objectivity,” “individualism,” “intellectualization,” and “comfort” are all vestiges of internalized racial oppression…. (FREE REPUBLIC)

BTW, As I published this, another “hate-hoax” hit the conservative airwaves:

Another Hate Crime Hoax: Oregon Commission Candidate Admits He Wrote ‘Racist’ Letter To Himself

An Oregon man gunning for a seat at the political table has joined the ranks of now notorious hate crime ‘hoaxers’ Jussie Smollett and Bubba Wallace.

A Hispanic candidate for an Oregon county commission seat has admitted he faked a ‘racist’ letter to himself, though he now says he never meant to “mislead” anyone…..

Here are some links to sites and a book featuring hate hoaxes:

“Uncle Tom” – A Must See Documentary

UNCLE TOM is the best political documentary I have seen since INDOCTRINATE U… and yes, I watched No Safe Spaces. That was largely a dud in my mind. Why? It really didn’t introduce me to others to allow for the growth ideas and viewpoints or perspectives to make a stronger conservative case. Indoctrinate U introduced me to Carol Swain, John McWhorter, and others. (My 2-cents)

Here Larry Elder covers some of the reviews of the film:

Dr. Scott Atlas Discusses Rise In Coronavirus Cases

AUDIO BELOW the hospitalizations excerpts/updates:

  • Lindsey Rosales, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of State Health Services, confirmed to Just the News this week that the state is categorizing every inpatient in the state with a positive COVID-19 test as a COVID-19 hospitalization. … (JUST THE NEWS)

AMERICAN THINKER notes the following, “We are told new cases are rising by double-digit percentages, including: “The number of people hospitalized with coronavirus.” Hospitalized with or from coronavirus? Is this really a surge or simply fear-mongering fake news?” Continuing they quote a Texas area hospital CEO:

….A Texas hospital CEO lets the fake news cat out of the bag.

  • Health officials in Texas are logging every single COVID-19-positive hospital patient in the state as a COVID-19 hospitalization, even if the patients themselves are admitted seeking treatment for something other than the coronavirus.

Most hospitals require a COVID test before elective surgery. This means that patients coming to the hospital for a non-COVID reason are tested for COVID, and if positive are being counted as a “COVID hospitalization.” If a patient goes to the hospital for a new hip or cataract surgery, and happens to test positive for COVID, they are counted as a COVID hospitalization.

Just like inflated death counts, there is a big difference between dying or being hospitalized due to coronavirus or with coronavirus. George Floyd tested positive for COVID but no one is attributing his death in Minneapolis to COVID. Yet that is how hospitalizations are being counted, leading to this so-called surge in cases.

This surge hit the news about two weeks ago, after the BLM protests and riots peaked and agitators were starting to be arrested. Is this the latest chapter in the ongoing saga to beat on Trump and interfere in the upcoming presidential election?…..


Larry O’Connor spoke with Dr. Scott Atlas, the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, about the latest surrounding the country reopening following the coronavirus.

More from the DAILY CALLER:

Dr. Scott Atlas, former chief of neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, offered a potential explanation about why COVID hospitalizations are rising among younger people in Texas.

Appearing on Monday night’s “The Story with Martha MacCallum,” Atlas said that, since everyone who gets hospitalized for any reason is getting tested for COVID-19, the people making up the inflated statistics could actually be “hospitalized for something else” but “classified as COVID-19 hospitalizations.”

“What is your thought on that, do you think that 25% of the cases are being hospitalized are people 20-29, does that seem unusual?” MacCallum asked.

“No,” Atlas said. “I think that’s counter to any other data point we have. We have a state that has detailed evidence, Florida. We see that although there is a huge rise in cases, they are almost all overwhelmingly healthy young people. They are not being hospitalized. They are not dying. The deaths are going down per day. The hospitalizations are going down per day. It’s just not likely.”

“I think that what is happening in Texas, I know that this is true, they are testing every person that gets hospitalized for Covid-19,” Atlas continued. “We know that the vast majority of people with COVID-19 who are young, particularly, are asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic. I question if those people who are positive for COVID-19 and being hospitalized for something else are classified as COVID-19 hospitalizations. That’s a big difference.”

Atlas went on to explain that younger people getting the infection is actually a good thing because it leads to herd immunity over the long term…….

Charter Schools and Their Enemies | Thomas Sowell’s New Book

Larry Elder Interviews the Great Economist and thinker, Thomas Sowell. Larry asks Sowell about Biden, the Black Lives Matter Movement, the Coronavirus Shutdown, baseball, and more… Sowell just released his new book on Charter Schools and the education system, “Charter Schools and Their Enemies” (Interview Date 7-1-2020)

The day before this show was recorded, Dr. Thomas Sowell began his 10th decade of life. Remarkably on one hand and yet completely expected on the other, he remains as engaged, analytical, and thoughtful as ever. In this interview (one of roughly a dozen or so we’ve conducted with Dr. Sowell over the years), we delve into his new book Charter Schools and Their Enemies, a sobering look at the academic success of charter schools in New York City, and the fierce battles waged by teachers unions and progressive politicians to curtail them. Dr. Sowell’s conclusion is equally thought provoking: If the opponents of charter schools succeed, the biggest losers will be poor minority children for whom a quality education is the best chance for a better life.

Dennis Prager had Thomas Sowell on his show to discuss Doc Sowell’s new book, “Charter Schools and Their Enemies”. The publisher mentions this about the book:

  • The black-white educational achievement gap — so much discussed for so many years — has already been closed by black students attending New York City’s charter schools. This might be expected to be welcome news. But it has been very unwelcome news in traditional public schools whose students are transferring to charter schools. A backlash against charter schools has been led by teachers unions, politicians and others — not only in New York but across the country. If those attacks succeed, the biggest losers will be minority youngsters for whom a quality education is their biggest chance for a better life.