FBI Shows “Utter Contempt For The American People” | Turley

Jonathan Turley says the FBI response to the latest Twitter Files revelations shows ‘utter contempt for the American people’

  • FBI’s Response to the Twitter Files Does Not Dispute Any Factual Allegation, But Slanders Any American Discussing These Facts and Faulting Their Eager Involvement in Censorship As “Conspiracy Theorists” — ACE

Not Your Father’s Comic Books (Cultural Marxism/#Woke)

(Lol! I am the father in the title.) Have you seen what’s happened to comic books? They’ve gone stupidly woke! DC and Marvel once dominated, but now they’ve fallen out of the Top 20! They push gay Superman. Black Batman. Iron Man as a Black teenage girl. Why? Eric July explains.

Abortion Is a Religious Act (Michael Knowles)

The entire Michael Knowles Show this excerpt is from FBI Targets Several Pro-Life Advocates | Ep. 1148.

  • (2) the use of physical force, threat of physical force, or physical obstruction to intentionally injure, intimidate, interfere with or attempt to injure, intimidate or interfere with any person who is exercising or trying to exercise their First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship

Pardon Me? | Trump VS….

Trump didn’t even make the top ten in the oldest newspaper in America’s history list of controversial pardons.

  • HEAVY has a state-by-state list of Obama’s pardons and commutations/clemencies.
  • And of course Slick Willy’s list via SOAPBOXIE and the SPECTATOR.

PEW RESEARCH has some numbers:

Despite a burst of pardons and commutations in his last hours in office, Donald Trump used his executive clemency power less frequently than nearly every other president since the turn of the 20th century, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Justice Department data.

Trump granted 237 acts of clemency during his four years in the White House, including 143 pardons and 94 commutations. Only two other presidents since 1900 – George W. and George H.W. Bush – granted fewer acts of clemency than Trump.

His predecessor, Barack Obama, granted clemency 1,927 times over the course of eight years in office, the highest total of any president going back to Harry Truman. Obama’s total was skewed heavily toward commutations (1,715) instead of pardons (212).

Yeah. Trump stands head n shoulders above almost all the rest.

David French Defends Drag Queen Irreligiosity (Michael Knowles)

Michael Knowles in his Ep. 1143 discusses “irreligion and religion” and the failure to distinguish between them (The Woke Mind Virus). Knowles mentions David French as well:

  • “The fact that a person can get a room in a library and hold a Drag Queen Story Hour and get people to come? That’s one of the blessings of liberty.” (CAPSTONE REPORT)

CAPSTONE REPORT notes French’s further fall from grace:

….But, what makes this New Yorker quote important is how revealing it is about French and elite evangelicalism. He defended Russell Moore, and thinks voting for Trump is bad; however, Drag Queen Story Time is one of the “blessings of liberty.”

According to the New Yorker, “And, oh, by the way, you can’t define victory as the exclusion of your enemies from the public square. There are going to be Drag Queen Story Hours. They’re going to happen. And, by the way, the fact that a person can get a room in a library and hold a Drag Queen Story Hour and get people to come? That’s one of the blessings of liberty.”

Blessings of Liberty?

Or the curse of license?

The modern world of liberal excess is a time where every man, woman (and all 73 other genders) do what is right in their own eyes.

This is the key problem with modern conservatives. They don’t know what is worth conserving.

Conservatism is more than free markets, supply side tax rates and defending property rights. Conservationism is more than individual liberty. Real conservatism preserves our faith, families and liberty.

French gets the liberty part right. We should defend liberty. However, liberty always has limits. It is the delicate balance the Founders undertook in creating the U.S. Constitution.

French must admit the public square is never neutral. It is always promoting something, and in modern America the liberal order promotes sexual immorality. To call celebrations of this a blessing of liberty misses the point of both blessing and liberty.

But, like most Never Trumpers, French is wrong about politics……

Douglas Wilson weighs in on the David French and Sohrab Ahmari Drag Queen Story Hour Debates

  • The effort to ban Drag Queen Story Hour starts when we have the courage to clarify the moral stakes. This requires casting off the civility creeds of the woke liberal left—codes that dictate we merely shrug our shoulders, or resort to euphemisms. That so many liberals and libertarians have expressed surprise at Ahmari’s concerns suggests that we have failed thus far to speak out loudly and boldly enough. (FIRST THINGS)

Venezuela: Vivi’s Life under Socialism (Prager U’s “Kids”)

Socialism nearly destroyed the beautiful nation of Venezuela. In this episode of Around the World (based on PragerU Kids magazines for advanced readers), meet Vivi and her family, who must live with the hardships that socialist policies have brought upon this once thriving country in South America.

Vaxxed Americans Report Major Side Effects | Rasmussen

STEVE KIRSCH has this:

Rasmussen polled the American people with a simple four question survey and found that my polls were accurate and so was the V-safe data and so was the Israeli Ministry of Health safety report that nobody wants to see.

The Rasmussen poll of 1,000 Americans found that:

  1. 32% were not vaccinated
  2. 7% of those surveyed had a major side effect.

A 7% major side effect rate is unprecedented. We know from the V-safe data that this effectively means that the side effect was so bad, they had to seek medical attention. If any drug had that kind of safety profile, it would be immediately pulled from the market. Would you take any drug with that kind of side effect profile? Of course not. It’s off the charts! However, because we are told it is a safe and effective vaccine, people do what they are told despite the lack of safety. That’s how science works.

Note that people who were killed by the vaccine were unable to participate in the survey, so the actual numbers are slightly worse.

Rasmussen also admitted that Google censors unfavorable results! In short, they admitted that it’s worse than they are “allowed” to tell people (see their tweet). Wow.

Here it is in their own words: “We asked and the answer is not good.”….


Psalm 22:16 | “Pierced” or “Like a lion”

The Case for Messiah seeks to answer some the biggest questions and objections to the Messianic interpretation of scripture and strengthen your faith. In this Episode we dive into the Rabbinic Objections of our reading of Psalm 22 and modern and contextual arguments against the rabbinic interpretations. Dig deeper into one of the most powerful prophecies of the bible and let the roots of your faith be strengthened by this powerful podcast!

CLAIM 1: Christians corrupted original “like a lion” to “they pierced.”
CLAIM 2: Everywhere else כארי is used means “like a lion.”
CLAIM 3: Two other verses in Psalm 22 refers to lions, so this has to be a lion.
CLAIM 4: The New Testament never quotes this verse.
CLAIM 5: Psalm 22 is only about David.

GOT QUESTIONS has a quick summary as well. See also ONE FOR ISRAEL’s posts on this:

BIBLE HUB is also worth a Hebrew peruse.

Find out if Psalm 22 really speaks of the piercing of Jesus’ hands and feet, or whether it speaks of lions’ teeth instead.

Is Psalm 22 a prophetic psalm or does it refer to the story of David? Find out as Dr. Brown explains this psalm!