Pennsylvania – The Banana Republic

The Pennsylvania State Flag

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just confirmed what many have thought was a myth. Here is an example from a video upload of mine (WATCH THE FIRST 25-SECONDS…. that’s not too much to ask is it?):

….Observers were forced to stand 30 to 100 feet away from the ballot counting and resorted to using binoculars. NEWSLA rightly calls PA a Banana Republic:

President Trump was up by nearly 700,000 votes on election night in Pennsylvania when all of a sudden vote counting came to a halt.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia stopped counting ballots on election night.

This is when crooked officials in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh got to work stealing the election for Joe Biden.

Millions of ballots appeared within a few days and hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted for Joe Biden as officials blocked GOP poll observers from having access to the vote counting centers.

GOP poll observers and lawyers for President Trump’s campaign were blocked from observing the process despite a court order from an appellate judge.

According to the court order, GOP observers must be allowed within 6 feet of the ballot counting.

Observers were forced to stand 30 to 100 feet away from the ballot counting and resorted to using binoculars.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said all the state law requires is observers be allowed “‘in the room’ where ballots are counted. The law does not set a minimum distance between them and the counting tables…The legislature didn’t provide one, and the court can’t, either.”








Who Really Destroys Knowledge, Free Speech, and Bans Books?

  • “It appears the real assault on ‘history’ can be found at CNN, where pundits compare a presidential administration they simply don’t like to one of the evilest and most violent regimes in human history” (LEGAL INSURRECTION)

More can be found at THE DAILY WIRE. Christiane Amanpour compared the Trump administration to Kristallnacht, a horrifying event that took place in November 1938 when Nazis “torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 Jews,” according to History .com.

So, the only people “burning books” today (besides Muslims in Arab countries) is the Left. Here is a excerpt from a previous post:


Dennis Prager discusses Amazons attempt to silence freedom in banning Dr. Joseph Nicolosi’s books. The son of the author in question calls into the show. Maybe the updated edition to the book, “120 Banned Books,” can have a “Jeff Bezos” chapter. In fact, If Barnes and Noble were smart, they would have a “Jeff Bezos Box-Set” of banned books during “Banned Books Week.” At any rate, I find it fascinating that Freud was a book burned by Nazis in Germany, and now we have another psychologist’s work being burned. The attack on free speech by the Egalitarian Left since the New Left’s birth is now being “fast tracked” via the WWW. These groups of activists are essentially no different than the jack-boot brown shirts of pre-war Germany: shouting down those who they disagree with, violently attacking those who merely hold another opinion, banning books, and the like…..

….Here are some stories detailing the above:

  • Amazon Bans Books on Conversion Therapy for Homosexuals Who Want to Change Their Lives (RED STATE);
  • Amazon Bans Books on Gay ‘Conversion Therapy’ – Is the Bible Next? (LIFESITE);
  • Amazon Bans Books On Gay ‘Conversion Therapy’ (DAILY WIRE);
  • Amazon Stops Selling Books by Catholic Psychologist Amid LGBT Activist Pressure (CHRISTIAN POST);
  • Surrenders to The Homintern (AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE);
  • Amazon Bans Books On “Conversion Therapy” (DENNY BURK).

I just wish to note that I am as conservative of an Evangelical as can be. I am a young-earth creationist, believe the Biblical when it self-ascribes literalness, etc., etc. In my extensive library is the Satanic Bible (LaVey), the Book of Laws (Crowley), most anti-creationist books, most books by atheists, the Communist Manifesto, Mao’s Red Book, Margaret Sanger’s “Pivot of Civilization,” etc., etc…..


I would like to note as well the only people tearing down history are Leftists:

Not only is the Left destroying buildings and historical edifices, banning books, wanting books stolen and burned, but they also stop free speech:

Are conservative ideas allowed at American colleges? Protestors routinely try to shut down speeches by conservatives, like Heather Mac Donald, a Contributing Editor of the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal. She also wrote the book “The War on Cops,” which argues that Americans are less safe because police, for fear of being called racist, back off.

Dennis Prager sheds some thinking and light on the recent issue of the fascist left shutting down free speech. While I may parse a little of his position – for instance Cruz should have come out and have been clear on the main issue that this is a tactic of the left, to shut down freedom of speech while at the same time noting just how un-presidential Trump has been – Dennis Prager is still correct in his overall premise.

AND REPUBLICAN missed an opportunity to separate what conservatism “is” – the protection of all sides being heard; versus only one side using brown shirt type tactics:

Free Speech loses to Rollkommandos again:

JIHAD WATCH chimes in with the example from Richard Evans:

Although this violence and brutalization of political opponents is a new phenomenon in American politics, it has a historical antecedent: the Nazi Brownshirts. In The Coming of the Third Reich, historian Richard J. Evans explains how, in the early days of National Socialist Germany, Stormtroopers (Brownshirts) “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.”

To express dissent from Nazi positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands. The idea of people of opposing viewpoints airing their disagreements in a civil and mutually respectful manner was gone. One was a Nazi, or one was silent (and fearful). That is just the kind of public arena that the Left has been trying to bring to the United States for years, and is bringing to us now….

You can see a recent upload in this regards HERE.   Free Speech is not a value of the Democrats…

The MSM is a joke.


“Trump Team’s Evidence Will ‘Overturn’ Multiple States”


(100% FED-UP) Sidney Powell has been such a fearless warrior during the investigation into the 2020 election. She has been unafraid to expose corruption. America could use more patriots like Powell to help expose the lack of election integrity.

Powell reportedly told Mark Levin tonight that even Trump administration officials have been trying to stop her effort to expose the fraud in this year’s election. The Deep State runs deep in DC.

Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs tonight and read statements from the Smartmatic whistleblower:

I want this to be true!


PBS Special On Voting Machines (Oct 26, 2020)

(Larry Elder quotes PBS’s special below this video) Oh no… A University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science & Engineering is not confident in the Georgia voting system at all. They just made a last minute software change right before the election. Can anyone say Voter Fraud?

Protecting the American voting process from outside interference is a top priority this election season. But public and political opinion are divided over the best voting systems to prevent tampering. Miles O’Brien takes a look at the latest technology being used in Georgia — and whether it provides a stronger defense against meddling than the traditional paper ballot.

The MSM and Democrats Are Calling For Unity (LOLZ)

(Just some reminders of how I am — and those Trump voters — are thought about by many) After more than 4-years of relentless attacks on Trump and those who voted for him (me)… calling us NAZI’s, racists, bigots, and the like — now the MSM and Democrats are calling for unity. Really?

Here is a small sample of what NEWSBUSTERS could probably have posted but chose just a few examples: “The Media’s ‘Unity’ Chickens From 2016 Coming Home to Roost”

….After spending four years assailing Donald Trump, suddenly the media wants to give peace a chance. Fox’s Greg Gutfeld astutely observed this the other night on Fox’s The Five. Said Greg:

GREG GUTFELD: “It’s like a miracle! The media and Democrats converge on one message! It’s time to just move on. Time to heal! Here’s how the president-elect and some in the liberal media described it over the weekend: 

JOE BIDEN ON SATURDAY: This is the time to heal in America!

CNN ANCHOR DON LEMON: America needed a release valve at that moment. Finally, the relief came.

MSNBC ON SUNDAY: We’re getting decency back in our country.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: [It’s] a time to heal America but a time to heal the world as well.”

And I would add The Washington Post’s columnist Alexandra Petri headlined her post-election column this way: “It’s time to unite, but if it’s not too big a bother, could you accept the results?”

Then there’s MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “It’s time for us to take a deep breath and move forward.” 

Really? Really? These media figures and oh so many more want us to “unite”, “heal” and “accept the results”?

Let’s take a look back at the media’s idea of healing and moving on over the last four years after the 2016 election won by President Trump.

Here is CNN’s Brian Stelter in 2019 as reported by The Daily Caller

“CNN’s Brian Stelter speculated Sunday on President Donald Trump’s mental health and called for more media coverage of the issue.

‘So something is wrong,’ Stelter said in the opening monologue of his show, Reliable Sources.

‘There are lots of theories about what it is. There are some doctors who think they know,’ he said. ‘Others say we shouldn’t speculate. There are ethical questions about having this conversation at all, but we can’t tiptoe around it anymore. We’ve got to talk about this.’”

Here is CNN’s Chris Cuomo in 2019 interviewing Kayleigh McEnany: The President, he said, is “patently racist.”

Here is New York Times columnist David Leonhardt: “Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist”

Here is The Washington Post headline on an Op-Ed by one Erika Lee, the director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota. “Trump’s xenophobia is an American tradition — but it doesn’t have to be

Here is The Washington Post on January 20, 2017 at 12:27 pm – a mere 27 minutes after Trump was sworn into office. “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.” 

Here is the editorial board of The New York Times on February 17, 2017, 29 days after Trump was inaugurated: “Bring On the Special Prosecutor.” 

Got all that? The media spent their time after Trump was elected demanding a special prosecutor and impeachment, calling the president mentally unstable, a racist, xenophobic and more. They were utterly unwilling to accept the 2016 results, and made it their mission to overturn those results in whatever way feasible.

One could go on and on and on with examples like this from the mainstream media over the last four years.

And now they demand Americans come together in a kumbaya moment?

Somehow, in someway, I suspect the answer from most if not all 70-plus million Trump voters will listen to all this be a resounding, decidedly emphatic no.

Or put another way? I suspect that the liberal media’s last four years of chickens are about to come home to roost.


  • Liberal Opponents ‘Trashed’ Trump’ s Presidential Transition In 2016 (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • Democrats Labeled Me and Now They Want Unity? No Way (TOWNHALL)
  • How Do Democrats Dare Demand Unity Now? (LIBERTY NATION)
  • Dear Democrats: Here’s What You Can Do With Your Unity Candle (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Biden And Dems’ Version Of ‘Healing And Unity’ Means Bowing To Their Policies (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • ‘Unity’ Is the Carrot and the Schtick of Democrats (AMERICAN GREATNESS)


LARRY ELDER notes some of the “unity” proffered by Democrats:

Yes, nearly all polls show Biden ahead both nationally and in the battleground states. Imagine where Trump would rank in the polls but for the constant, relentless negative media coverage and deranged opposition that would have suffocated the average politician. Nearly one-third of the Democratic caucus boycotted Trump’s inaugural address. Several Democrats never attended a single State of the Union speech.

Immediately after Trump’s election, Democrats attempted to invoke the 25th amendment, arguing that the real-estate-developer-turned-politician lacked the mental fitness to hold a job. To counter this perception, Trump allowed his personal physician to hold a press conference to assure the country and the world that yes, this man is actually sane.

For nearly three years, a special counsel investigated thin and, in retrospect, virtually baseless allegations of collusion, conspiracy and/or coordination with Russia to win the election and to then, presumably, become a Russian stooge. Critics called Trump “soft on Russia.”

Never mind that it was the Obama administration that, to curry favor with the Iranians and Russians, turned its back on missile agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic negotiated during the previous administration. At the beginning of the Obama administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced their “reset” policy, a major policy redirection to change what President Barack Obama perceived as President George W. Bush’s dangerously hawkish relationship with Russia.

It was Obama who, during the 2012 presidential debate, ridiculed opponent Mitt Romney for calling Russia our biggest geopolitical threat. It was Obama who, on a “hot mic,” told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, “This is my last election … After my election, I have more flexibility” to negotiate a missile defense treaty between our two countries.

Oh, and Trump was impeached on grounds so weak that neither Biden nor running mate Sen. Kamala Harris even bring up impeachment while campaigning….

AMERICAN SPECTATOR has a great post I will clip the numbered portion of:

You want unity? That’s fair. We will give you unity:

1. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and deny the legitimacy of the 2020 election for the next four years.

2. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and investigate the Biden family’s every business dealing at home and abroad.

3. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and question Biden’s mental fitness to hold office.

4. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and question Biden’s physical fitness to hold office.

5. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and blame Biden for every person who dies from the coronavirus.

6. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and blame Biden personally for every Black person who is shot anywhere in America.

7. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and never stop publicizing that Biden has been accused of grabbing a woman’s crotch against her will.

8. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and emphasize that, any time a woman makes a claim of sexual harassment against Biden, she must be believed.

9. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and continue publicizing that Kamala Harris, like Evita Perón, slept her way into public life.

10. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and remind people that, no less than Stormy Daniels, Kamala Harris was a public figure’s mistress.

11. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and accuse Biden of treason for consorting with enemies like the wife of the Moscow mayor, who gave the Bidens $3.5 million, the Chinese who put the Bidens on their payroll, and the Ukrainians of Burisma.

12. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and investigate the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and if and when those photos can be released, they will be distributed to the tune of Maurice Chevalier’s “Thank Heaven for Little Girls.”

13. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and demand that Biden condemn racism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year.

14. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and remind the American public that, even with dead people casting votes for Biden — Democrats just dying to oust Trump — and with Republican poll watchers kept outside of range in the counting rooms of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; and with mail ballots without postmarks being accepted after election deadlines … Biden still did not receive 50 percent of the vote, so lacks the mandate that would have come from winning support from at least a majority of the living electorate.

15. In unity with you, and to advance the national healing, we humbly will acknowledge that Biden indeed won the coveted Obituary Vote, as Democrats, shrouded amid grave circumstances, emerged furtively from their plot to flock in from their cemeteries and mausolea to cast ballots for the candidate to whom they most related in style and substance — and the the one with the most skeletons in the closet. Biden knew how to urn every dead voter’s ballot by invoking the ultimate rule of social distancing: every extra needed Democrat vote must come from a distance of six feet … under. Perhaps on Memorial Day, Biden will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Voter.

16. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and will work to disrupt and slow down every cabinet appointment and every nomination that requires Senate advice and consent. However, we will make one small exception and will not impeach. Just as Richard Nixon knew precisely what he was doing when he made Spiro Agnew his running mate (aka his life insurance policy), so did Biden by running with his.

Some Sober Articles Regarding ‘Dominion Software’ (UPDATE ADDED)


There are a lot, and I mean A LOT, of information floating around the WWW about the software/voting machines. Much of it conjecturesome of it I wish is reality! Nonetheless, it is a topic that will surely infect this and future elections. By “infect” I mean having to be dealt with or a future topic of fair elections. First however, this is not just a “GOP Conspiracy” cooked up the last month… there have been bipartisan worry about this for years. PJ-MEDIA notes this:

last year, three Democrat senators, including former presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), sounded the alarm about the vulnerabilities of voting machines.

In a December 6, 2019, letter, Warren, Klobuchar, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wisc.), issued a formal complaint about these three companies, which they said “threaten the integrity of our elections.”

Here is a key paragraph from the letter, which is still available via Senator Warren’s Senate website.

In 2018 alone “voters in South Carolina [were] reporting machines that switched their votes after they’d inputted them, scanners [were] rejecting paper ballots in Missouri, and busted machines [were] causing long lines in Indiana.”14 In addition, researchers recently uncovered previously undisclosed vulnerabilities in “nearly three dozen backend election systems in 10 states.”15 And, just this year, after the Democratic candidate’s electronic tally showed he received an improbable 164 votes out of 55,000 cast in a Pennsylvania state judicial election in 2019, the county’s Republican Chairwoman said,”[n]othing went right on Election Day. Everything went wrong. That’s a problem.”16 These problems threaten the integrity of our elections and demonstrate the importance of election systems that are strong, durable, and not vulnerable to attack.

This may not prove Trump’s claim of votes being switched, but it proves that these allegations of problems began long before he was saying they were a problem.

(More can be seen about the above issue at JUST THE NEWS)

That last sentence is important. “This may not prove Trump’s claim of votes being switched, but it proves that these allegations of problems began long before he was saying they were a problem.” And the system was rejected twice by Texas and has been known to have issues.

I will post these next few articles in the time-frame I read them, first read to last. I posted these on my Facebook Page as they seemed sober enough to post (whether you agree or not with them, they are not “wild eyes” in the “Alex Jones” sense.

The first was a good intro article to the issue by RED STATE. In it they discuss the first known issue “in Antrim County in Michigan when according to a technical ‘glitch,’ 6000 votes that were supposed to go to President Donald Trump were given to Joe Biden in the official totals.” RS continues with the intro and issues,

The Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, claimed that “the clerk accidentally did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.”

So here’s the question I have with that: how does not “updating” the software result in the transposition of the votes to your opponent? And again, if it did, does that not suggest there is a problem in the function or design of what they have in place if this can occur?

As my colleague Jennifer Van Laar reported this is not only a question for the 47 counties in Michigan, but everywhere this system has been employed which interestingly, seems to be in the contested areas including Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia. She also reported about how there have been prior problems with this system and that there was also a problem in Georgia on Tuesday, also related to an “update” causing a “glitch.”


A technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties on Tuesday morning was caused by a vendor uploading an update to their election machines the night before, a county election supervisor said.

Voters were unable to cast machine ballots for a couple of hours in Morgan and Spalding counties after the electronic devices crashed, state officials said.

The companies “uploaded something last night, which is not normal, and it caused a glitch,” said Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election.

Notice the similar language in both Michigan and Georgia related to uploading an update, although one crashed when it was uploaded and the other supposedly caused the issue when it wasn’t uploaded.


([EMPHASIS ADDED] The rest of the article is worth reading as well as this RED-STATE article)

Another article I thought was worthy is an article by by Sharon Meroni in THE POST & EMAIL. The article dates from September 1st, 2016, and catalogs some [in my mind] critical vote security issues. (Again, the entire article is worth while):

On Friday, August 26th, during a meeting at the Illinois State Board of Elections, the Vice President of Engineering for Dominion Voting, Dr. Eric Coomer*, was asked if it was possible to bypass election systems software and go directly to the data tables that manage systems running elections in Illinois. His response was, “Yes, if they have access.”

Bypassing the election systems software means whoever has access can potentially manipulate the vote without many risks of detection. So the question needs to be asked, who has access to these data tables?

We asked Dr. Coomer that question. Dr. Coomer replied, ‘Vendors, election officials, and others who need to be granted access.’

This is explosive information. Dr. Coomer’s statement is an admission that various vendors, election officials, and others have access to the back end data tables that permit bypassing the operating system’s configuration. It is notable that when someone accesses these systems from a data table, their actions are not logged by the system; thereby making detection much more problematic. This contradicts Dr. Coomer’s assurances that the system is secure.




And that is not all! The Board asked Dr. Coomer if he had any comments [above video]. In direct response to the Illinois State Board, Dr. Coomer made the following statement:

“We are constantly assessing different threat models against all of our systems we have fielded across the US and internationally as well. Due to the certification environment that we are in, no we are not allowed to do routine updates without having to go through re-certification efforts, but we do routinely give guidance on how to best secure systems and also going back again, to the final mitigation against all of this is a robust auditing canvasing process which all of our jurisdictions have implemented.”

Dr. Coomer failed to mention that Illinois does not have any auditing procedure for absentee mail-in ballots. In 2014, mail-in paper balloting was 8% of the vote. Across Illinois, many election jurisdictions are working to increase this percentage! Illinois does not require any justification when audits show a vote discrepancy. They simply correct the total votes that are reported to the new totals found in the audit. Further, it is not a blind audit.  Auditors know what vote totals were reported before they begin the post-election re-count. So much for Coomer’s robust auditing process

Dr. Coomer’s statement brings to light a very serious issue all voters should understand. Voting systems must be re-certified each time they make changes to the hardware or software. Recertification is an expensive and time consuming process. What Dr. Coomer told the Board is that Dominion Voting does not go back for recertification of software when threats to their code are discovered. Rather, they rely on post-election audits and providing advice to election jurisdictions about security. I have reviewed all of the recertification documents produced by Dominion, and I do not recall any software adjustments for security purposes.

This is the reality of the security of your vote. Software systems that count and record the vote across Illinois and throughout the USA are not updated to address security problems, and even if they were, the software can be completely bypassed by going to the data tables that drive the systems.

I am not an expert on how other states audit the vote after an election. I do know that in Illinois, at least 8% of the vote never see any post-election audit. At least that amount of the vote is vulnerable to be manipulated without much chance for detection….

In yet a more recent article discussing the Georgia recount, REAL CLEAR INVESTIGATIONS references the possibility of the vote in Georgia being changed by the Dominion software. In their article entitled, “Pro-Biden Bug Also Suspected in Georgia’s Vote-Counting Software,” they cover this issue as well as other ballot tabulation issues:

A curious thing happened as Fulton County, Ga., election officials counted mail-in ballots at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena in the days after the election. In the early hours of Nov. 5, a surge of some 20,000 mail-in votes suddenly appeared for Joe Biden, while approximately 1,000 votes for President Trump mysteriously disappeared from his own totals in the critical swing state, where Biden holds a razor-thin lead.

A poll watcher noticed the suspicious shift in votes while monitoring the interim election results on the Georgia secretary of state website.

“I concluded from looking at these results that this was an irregularity, since there was no obvious reason for President Trump’s totals to have decreased while former Vice President Biden’s totals increased dramatically,” Voter GA co-founder Garland Favorito swore in an affidavit he filed this week with the secretary of state’s office.

Favorito suspects a variety of factors, including that votes were “artificially inflated” for Biden while using the same Dominion Voting system used by Antrim County, Mich., which erroneously transferred 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. Last year, Georgia contracted with Dominion to automate vote tabulations in all 159 of its counties.

“The software appears to have thrown votes from Trump to Biden here too,” he said in a RealClearInvestigations interview. “Or Biden ballots were manufactured.”

The large disparity of gains between the two candidates “was something I had never witnessed before in my years of election monitoring,” said Favorito, a career IT professional who has been a leading advocate for election integrity in the state over the past two decades. He says he is not a Republican or Trump supporter.

On Nov. 10, Favorito sent his affidavit to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, recommending a full, by-hand ballot recount. The next day, his office announced it will conduct such an audit for the presidential race. Biden currently leads Trump by more than 14,000 votes in the state.


On Dominion Voting’s website, a page titled “Election 2020: Setting the Record Straight” says “claims about Dominion switching or deleting votes are 100% false.” 

While noting that “no election is without isolated issues,” Dominion states:  “Election safeguards – from testing and certification of voting systems, to canvassing and auditing – prevent malicious actors from tampering with vote counts and ensure that final vote tallies are accurate.”

But Favorito, who lives in the Atlanta area, said the Fulton County shift was so dramatic it seemed as if someone had “dumped” a huge batch of mail-in ballots for Biden into the system overnight.

“One candidate could not go up by 20,000 and the other do nothing — in Fulton County or any county in Georgia,” he asserted. “That’s just not going to happen.”

Added Favorito: “I think they’re going to find the root cause of the irregularity was something electronic, and I think it’s going to change the results substantially.”

He suggested it may have been the result of a software or equipment malfunction or possibly even vote-swapping “malware” infecting the system. Of greatest concern, however, is the possibility of intentional misconduct by an election official or worker…..

So, these seem to be reasonable issues and concerns. There are others as well, but I wanted to stay focused on the Software Issue. As I was doing this post, Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State, Kathy Boockvar, has said she will not order an audit of the votes. However, I am curious to see where the chips fall in Georgia — that may be a good “bellwether” state that if changed dramatically, may require other states using the software to recount/audit.

I will end with the indomitable California Rep., Devin Nunes, in his interview via NEWSMAX TV. He said on Friday that “conservatives should be wary about glitches and security issues with voting machines, given an apparent sea change in support from President Trump to Joe Biden since election eve.” Here is the interview:


Social media is swarming around the claims that a current (or former, as his position has been scrubbed from the internet) vice-president with Dominion Voter Systems who previously admitted that it was possible for hackers to hack into their voting systems, allegedly, posted several anti-cop, anti-Trump and, frankly anti-American social media posts.

If you search the company’s profile Eric Coomer has since been removed from their page of directors.

Also, another question is being asked, does the CEO of dominion is an Antifa activist?

According to the Conservative Daily Podcast host Joe Oltmann, Dominion Voting Systems co-owner and inventor, Dr. Eric Coomer has made social media posts in the past directly connecting him to Antifa. Dominion Voting is based in Denver, Colorado. Coomer graduated with a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics from the University of California, Berkeley, and began working in the elections industry in 2005 with a company called Sequoia Voting Systems as their Chief Software Architect. In 2008, after Sequoia was acquired by Dominion, Coomer took the position as the Vice-President of US Engineering, overseeing development in the Denver, Colorado office.

With so many questions swirling about Dominion Voting, there are clearly issues if the co-inventor and owner of that company might be connected to the Antifa (idea, myth, organization, way of life, terrorists…You choose).

According to Oltmann, Coomer’s now-deleted Facebook posts include his sharing songs tilted “Dead Cops,” “Dead Prez,” and “ACAB.” One post of particular interest is a long “statement” from Antifa he shared in June in response to President Trump declaring Antifa a terrorist organization……


Racism Disguised as Racial Justice at Smith College

????????? ??? ????? discuss a staffer at Smith College, Jodi Shaw, talking publicly about the dangers of “Critical Race Theory” in dehumanizing people in the work environment and in life. I hadn’t heard of Jodi and so this was my first introduction to her… but she joins a panoply of women fed up with the racial contextualizing of them as the leading factor that counts about them. So, I included two excerpts from her YouTube Channel after the commentary by A&G. These begin at the 6:08 mark.

Here are some stories I recommend:

  • Smith College whistleblower hits campus Critical Race Theory indoctrination: “Stop reducing my personhood to a racial category” (LEGAL INSURRECTION)
  • Meet the Smith College employee whistleblower exposing anti-white racism (THE COLLAGE FIX)
  • Update: Story of Smith College “Critical Race Theory” Whistleblower Jodi Shaw Goes National (LEGAL INSURRECTION)

A book I wish to recommend is “Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody” – a short review I end with is here:

What Cynical Theories expresses is not a paranoid state of mind. It is a genuine concern about the threat that social justice activism, identity politics, and the legacy of postmodernism poses to Enlightenment liberalism and the belief that “disagreement and debate [are] means to getting at the truth.” The book explains how we have arrived at a state in which social justice scholarship treats the principles and themes of postmodernism as The Truth, where no dissent is tolerated, and anyone who disagrees must be cancelled.

(Read It All)

Armstrong and Getty are right, this is one of the most dangerous dogmas infecting our country right now. I would say enjoy, but blood boiling is not always “enjoyable.”

I will add that Critical Race Theory is a form of fascism in that the only country known for the deeply held belief that race make a difference in similar ways was that of Germany in the first half of the 20th Century. And now? Social Justice Warriors pick up that horrible mantle.

Michigan State Sen. Aric Nesbitt – Ballot Fraud

State Sen. Aric Nesbitt, R-Lawton (MI) speaks with Todd Herman (filling in for Rush Limbaugh) about what his wife and friend saw as they went down to a counting center. Many videos of removal of GOP lawyers/ballot watchers for simple questions (YT: Detroit Election Workers Cheer As Republican Lawyer Is Escorted Out Of Polling Place | Republican lawyer being escorted out in Michigan), or, not letting GOP volunteers in when most counters were Democrat (NATIONAL FILE). At any rate, this was a good interview.

Some Quick Thoughts Of Where We Stand (Part 2)

KEY: If any votes are thrown out through either fraud, breaking the law (the court ruling), or mishandling the count (not allowing poll watchers), then this is only the fault of one Party. DEMOCRATS!

FIRST! the latest

Yesterday I was letting people know (family and friends) the following: “165,000 in Philly, and 330,000 in Pitts were processed against state law.  If shown true in court, 80%  of Bidens and 20% of Trumps ballots would be nixed. Trump would win PA. Ohio’s AG asked SCOTUS to rule against the lower court usurping PA’s voting law. Missouri AG asked as well, saying the court ruling shouldn’t be able to change state election laws.” It was based on this as I was doing deliveries (I added the Pam Bondi video from a couple days earlier to give context to Giuliani):

Via “Our plan for the President. Rudy Giuliani with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First“.
I added the Pam Bondi video which I have a fuller version on in this audio: “Hans von Spakovsky On Election Integrity


The question was basically, Justice Alito asked for PA to separate the late votes where signatures and postmarks may have not been up to Pennsylvania election law — if these ballots are simply mixed in the rest [to hide the irregularities], what is the possible action. Remember, a court added to election law, whereas the state legislature is the only entity that can change election law/rules/procedures… not mayors, city councils, or governors or the courts. IN FACT, the Attorney Generals of Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma are urging SCOTUS to overturn the lower courts ruling. Why? Because the chaos Democrats created in PA would spread to other states where Democrat Judges would wantonly rule on issues of election laws. Here is more from THE DAILY SIGNAL:

Three of the state attorneys general—Jeff Landry of Louisiana, Eric Schmitt of Missouri, and Mike Hunter of Oklahoma—held a virtual press conference Monday to announce the filing of an amicus brief in the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot challenge brought by the Pennsylvania Republican Party, which is before the Supreme Court.

“We are weighing in on a case, on a writ, that has been brought to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to bring additional arguments before the court as to why we believe the court should take up this matter,” said Landry, chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association.

In unofficial results contested by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, Democratic challenger Joe Biden got 49.8% of the vote in Pennsylvania to Trump’s 49.1%. The president has not conceded the election, which major media outlets called Saturday for Biden after some put Pennsylvania in the former vice president’s column….


In a previous conversation on Facebook with an ex-co-worker, this is what I noted:

Granted, my original statement was a misrepresentation of what I heard in a short clip on the radio while driving. Getting in and out of the vehicle I drive, turning the sound down while on a studio lot (windows open no sound [not even the AC on] when reversing on a lot, etc). I will emphasize though what my correction said to explain better the following:


[Original Statement] Biden does worse than Hillary and Obama in every state except WI, GA, MI, and PA. Lol

[Talk to text additional context] I misspoke Chris Lazar, the stat I heard was from a story LIKE THIS (Biden Is Underperforming Hillary in Battleground States) I believe Biden outperformed Hillary in those counties [cities] that many of the questionable practices [late ballots and blocking watchers, large percentages found for a single candidate, etc] happened.

[While in stopped traffic that old article I read was all I could find, not the article mentioned by the radio personality] This is what I should have been clearer on in messaging (RUSH LIMBAUGH):

Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country,” except… Are you ready? “Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

Let me go through this again. “Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area” except for four. Milwaukee (i.e., Wisconsin), Detroit (i.e., Michigan), Atlanta (i.e., Georgia), Philadelphia (i.e., Pennsylvania.) It just so happened to be the four states that are gonna put Biden over the top in their scenarios here.

Here are two recent articles for clarity discussing this in-depth [and the portion not excerpted is a portion that supports some of Chris’s points from a previous discussion, FYI]. And this one example of Milwaukee is a reply in a sense to Chris’s nide LOL/TEAR emojis and missfounded response when I said this clearly:

  • (ME) the stat I heard was from a story LIKE THIS
  • (Chris) ???? that’s an article from AUGUST 28TH!!!!!
  • (ME) I am driving now, but there is a fresher comparison
  • (Chris) stop digging to try & fit the fraud hoax

The following is a combination of JONATHAN TURLEY’S article as well as THE FEDERALIST’S article:

…..In Michigan, ballot counters take unreadable ballots, and transcribe them to blank ballots, while a poll challenger from the Democrat, and the Republican parties, observe. They sign off each ballot transcribed. Instead, in violation of state law, GOP poll challengers were made to leave the room, and the windows blocked with cardboard. Ballot counters cheered, on camera, each time a GOP poll challenger was made to leave. One Republican poll challenger, Connarn, said that a counter told her that they were changing the dates on ballots received too late in order to count them. The counter allegedly handed her a note confirming it. As soon as that happened, the Republican was told to leave….

In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both, receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.

What makes this suspicious is that the county is shrinking. The Census Bureau population estimates show that in the last 10 years, thousands of metro Milwaukee residents have left the area for other parts of the state and country. As the Milwaukee Sentinel put it, “We’re lagging in a key metric that often reflects the vitality and desirability of a metro area: population growth.” The City of Milwaukee, which makes up about 60 percent of the county’s population, saw the number of registered voter decline by more than 26,700 from 2008 to 2020.

While it’s true that Obama in 2008 won about 18,000 more votes than Biden in the City of Milwaukee itself, one would also expect the countywide vote total for Biden to be less than Obama. Obama was a historic figure that motivated record numbers of blacks to vote in 2008. In addition, he had one of the most robust and successful campaigns in American history. His ground game and get-out-the-vote efforts were unprecedented, utilizing door knocking, canvassing, and phone banking. Not surprisingly, in no small part because of the black vote in Milwaukee County, he won the state of Wisconsin handily by a 6.9-percent margin.


The numbers in Milwaukee County suggest something fishy is happening in Wisconsin, and the Trump campaign is right to call for a recount.

So the above was for clarity.


Now, because of all of the above, REAL CLEAR POLITICS (hat-tip, 100% FED-UP):


Remember what I told my family and friends two days ago (Link Below) — and we are in the midst of either scenario:

Never before has an election been overturned by the amount of spread between the two candidates.

But, Trump has accomplished many hurdles. So there are many tracks I see happening.

One is [best case scenario] that SCOTUS is going to reject ballots after the 3rd (8pm) of November. The ballots not allowed to be jointly viewed by GOP/DEM “minders” need to be reviewed again, the ballots “cured” while not under view within 6-feet of GOP persons will be fully rejected because of that and that the equal “curing” didn’t happen in other districts for heavy Trump areas. [“Curing” happened in multiple districts in multiple states]. The machines (software) that “glitched” in the district in MI is in 30 states. ALL those ballots need to be hand counted and viewed properly. If this happens, Trump may win….BEST CASE.

WORSE CASE? Trump is a lame duck but uses his last couple months to install an independent council to look into Bidens’s’ dealings.  Using his position to show everyone how corrupt the Democrat machine is and the depths of cheating elections, thus, taking away the peoples real power. As he heads into the sunset helping set up a revived GOP machine to help fight the retarded philosophy of the Left’s corruption and depths of depravity in socialism.

Some Quick Thoughts Of Where We Stand (+ Article Dump)


Kristi Noem Speaks With George Stephanopoulos

Former Clintonista Stephanopoulos pushed the Democratic line, claiming there had been no evidence of widespread fraud. But Noem stopped him short (RED STATE).

“And that is not true,” Noem answered. “People have signed legal documents, affidavits, stating that they saw illegal activities and that is why we need to have this conversation in court. The New York Times itself has said there were clerical errors. … in Michigan we had computer glitches that turned Republican votes to Democrat votes. You look in Pennsylvania, dead people voted in Pennsylvania.” [….]

“So George, I don’t know how widespread it is. I don’t know if it will change the outcome of the election,” Noem admitted. “But why is everybody so scared just to have a fair election and find out? We gave Al Gore 37 days to run the process before we decided who was going to be president. Why would we not afford the 70.6 million Americans who voted for Trump the same consideration?”

Click graphic to go to video:

Election Integrity: von Spakovsky | Kris Kobach (Larry O’Connor Show)

This is a partial interview of Mr. von Spakovsky via the Larry O’Connor Show. I include video of the Pam Bondi presser with just a few minutes later the result of Philadelphia Democrats stopping the lawful act of viewing how ballots are processed (mark 1:05 to 4:15). Crazy! All these votes that were counted need to be recounted. And ballots that were “cured” without Republicans being close enough to observe need to be rejected. CBS PHILLY reports on the court case won:

  • PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The Trump campaign has secured a win in a Philadelphia lower court Thursday morning. Poll watchers are now allowed to be within six feet of ballot counting at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, rather than the previous 20-foot perimeter.

Larry O’Connor interviewed Kris Kobach who has been involved in the political field since the G.W. Bush admin. The topic is of course the current election. Kris’ article on BREITBART are here: “Why It’s Necessary to Watch Them Count the Votes in Pennsylvania”