Growing up in Newport Beach, California, Olivia Jaber looked forward to college as an opportunity to stretch beyond her ideological comfort zone. She chose to attend UC Berkeley, once the epicenter of the Free Speech movement, but found Cal to be an intolerant left-wing echo chamber with no interest in diversity of thought. Emerging from the “conservative closet” after graduation, Olivia founded a publication reflecting her values called THE CONSERVATEUR and encourages young women to be vocal about who they are and what they believe in.

Jay-Z Sports a Racist Emblem from the CULT “The Five Percenters”
(Originally posted in April of 2014. Updated media and some links)
This post should be combined with my other work: “Racist Cults Behind Much of the Police Brutality & Rioting“
Except for the fact that Beyonce is in a black nationalist [racist] cult that thinks UFO’s are going to come to earth with black god’s aboard to kill all the devils on earth [white people]. And just so we are clear, what Jay-Z is wearing below would be no different than a white celebrity wearing a KKK symbol (to the right)
Keep in mind that some of the below may have left the cult, but I doubt to a mainstream “orthodox” Christian faith that is healthy and well balanced.
If you click the picture, you will notice an old rap album cover by Eric B. and Rakim… Rakim is wearing a jacket with the symbol of the cult.
Some believe he is a Christian now… but no, he is still involved in thinking he is a god as a self-admitted 5-percenter (right), and white men are evil. And don’t think for a second this doesn’t cut close to the White House!
(Also, see my conversation with a cultist about Jesus, HERE.) Here is a partial list of artists affiliated currently or at one time intimately with the 5%’ers:
Rakim – member of the influential duo Eric B. & Rakim; Big Daddy Kane; Lakim Shabazz; Nas; Wu-Tang Clan – Ghostface Killah and Raekwon have deep ties to the 5%’ers, as do the following:
- Gang Starr; MF Doom; Jay Electronica; Busta Rhymes (Raised a Five Percenter, he has since converted to traditional Islam); Black Thought – Lead MC of the Philadelphia-based hip hop group The Roots; Ras Kass; Jus Allah – Member of the underground rap duo Jedi Mind Tricks; Cormega; Allah Mathematics – Hip hop producer and DJ for the Wu-Tang Clan; Erykah Badu – Her Grammy Award-winning song “On & On” features teachings of the Five Percent Nation [my favorite is Tyron]; Pete Rock & CL Smooth; Jadakiss; Jay-Z;TDK, Xcel, Raz Fresco, World’s Famous Supreme Team DJ Crew, Brand Nubian, Poor Righteous Teachers (a group whose very name comes from Five Percent teachings), 6orn, Estee Nack, Carmelo Anthony (NBA), L.L. Cool J, Kanye West, Jay Electronica, Queen Latifah, — just to name a few.
On-and-on, you get the point. See my video on the Five-Percenters. Here is the extended portion of the sample Wu-Tang Clan put into one of their songs:
Gateway Pundit brought this story to my attention, but a site I found but haven’t utilized — until now — is a site called, Black Apologetics (now defunct unfortunately). They have some good info on their page about (now linked to Apologetic Index) The Five Percent: Here is the small blurb via Gateway:
- Rapper Jay-Z raised eyebrows this week after sporting a medallion symbolizing the Five Percent Nation. The Five Percent Nation – an off-shoot of the Nation of Islam – believes that white people are ‘wicked and inferior’ to black men.
And here the first two points via Black Apologetics [now defunct unfortunately… I was glad to at least grab this from them] are reproduced to familiarize oneself a little with the craziness of the cult:
1.) What are the Nation of Gods and Earths (Five Percent?)
The Five Percent began as an offshoot of the NOI (Nation of Islam) back in 1964 by Clarence 13X who was a minister in Mosque no. 7 under the tutelege of Malcolm X. The movement was started because Clarence 13X rejected the notion that Wallace Fard was God Incarnate (see NOI). He began teaching that the black man himself was god. Five Percenters also depart from NOI in their teaching of the Supreme Alphabet and Supreme Mathematics, an arcane system devised by Clarence 13X wherein each letter or numeral denotes a concept with an accompanying parable. “A” stands for Allah, “B” is Be or Born, “C” is See and so on. This process is known as “dropping science”.
2.) Why do they call themselves members of the Nation of Gods and Earths or Five Percenters?
Clarence 13X taught that eighty-five percent of the population is made up of ignorant, unlearned and uncivilized people who need to be led (mostly churchgoers). This eighty-five percent are believed to have no “knowledge of self”. Ten percent of the population have some knowledge of self [i.e. the real truth], however, they use this knowledge to wield control over the eighty-five percent vs. “liberating” them [most baptist preachers, including Rev. Jesse Jackson are believed to be in this category]. Lastly, he considered the remaining five percent to be those who thought/believed like himself and his followers. The “poor, righteous teachers”, the ones who do possess knowledge of themselves, their origins, and the way the world system really is — and additionally, the way in which the new world order will come about. Their job/mission is to educate the eighty-five percent to what this hidden or veiled knowledge really is. [In the last few years, they have preferred to be called the Nation of Gods and Earths. The men are referred to as “gods” and the women are referred to as “earths”] – I have been informed recently by a member that Allah “The Father” , Clarence 13X, said that after 1967 they would no longer be known as the 5% Nation of Islam, but as Allah’s Nation of Gods and Earths.
(I think this may be the same author – read more HERE)
More on the founder of the 5%’ers, Clarence Smith, later, Clarence 13X, and still later, Allah the Father. The DAILY BEAST has a good article on this… I also mix in this article: “10 Things To Know About Clarence 13X, Founder Of The Five Percenters“:
The Five Percenters believe there is a divine order of the world. “According to the Five Percenters it all started like this: 6,600 years ago, a ‘bigheaded scientist’ named Yakub wickedly created the white race through selective breeding on the Greek island of Patmos, which is now a lovely place to vacation. Unleashing this plague upon humanity, Yakub initiated the decline and eventual enslavement of the Original Man. Up until this point, everything is in agreement with the instructions of Fard Mohammed, the sketchily known teacher of Elijah Mohammed, the founder and prophet of the Nation of Islam,” THE DAILY BEAST reported.
The Five Percenters, or the Nation of Gods and Earths, believes that Black people are the original people of Earth, so they are the fathers (“Gods”) and mothers (“Earths”) of civilization.
The Nation of Gods and Earths differs with the Nation Of Islam on several counts. Polygamy is acceptable, especially because it is only the men who are Gods. Women are Earths, which is a lesser form of deity.
If the above [and below] videos do not cause concern, Apologetic Index: has some more “basic teachings” of the philosophy of the 5%
- That black people are the original people of the planet earth.
- That black people are the fathers and mothers of civilization.
- That the science of Supreme Mathematics is the key to understanding man’s relationship to the universe.
- Islam is a natural way of life, not a religion.
- That education should be fashioned to enable us to be self sufficient as a people.
- That each one should teach one according to their knowledge.
- That the blackman is god and his proper name is ALLAH. Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Head.
- That our children are our link to the future and they must be nurtured, respected, loved, protected and educated.
- That the unified black family is the vital building block of the nation.
– Source: NPR (MORE: God-Body-Tour-Notes-PDF)
Another good [bite-size] summary of 5-percent’s history comes way of MoonBattery:
- The group was founded in 1964 in Harlem by Clarence Smith, who later changed his name to Allah, a former student of Malcolm X who disagreed with the Nation of Islam over the nature of God.
- “The rationale is that the black man is God and created the universe, and is physically stronger and intellectually stronger and more righteous naturally,” says Michael Muhammad Knight, an author of two books on the radical group.
- “Whiteness is weak and wicked and inferior — basically just an errant child who needs to be corrected.”
- Smith rejected the notion of a supernatural deity and instead believed that all black men had God in them and that black women were “earths” who took on a complementary yet subordinate role to their gods. …
- Five Percenters don’t consider themselves Muslim, but their name comes from the Nation of Islam’s belief that 5 percent of humanity are “poor righteous teachers” who exist to enlighten the masses about the truth of existence.
Below, we see a “school” in “Mecca.” I suppose that ~Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd., in New York~ is now considered Mecca? This is the whole “lowering-versus-raising-the-bar-thingy” — I suppose. But that is what some black scholars speak to better than myself (like Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell):
Busta Rhymes sugar coats his CULT affiliation:

Biden vs. Biden (“Fine People” Edition)
First of all, this is a remaking of my original video titled: “Fine People On Both Sides (Biden Edition)” I remove Trump and add “Confederate Biden” into the mix (original file at Trump War Room).
The GRUNGE makes a simple notation to start out their wonderful article on “The United Daughters of the Confederacy,” or, UDC:
Honestly, with a name like “The United Daughters of the Confederacy,” it’s really not all that hard to imagine why in the world this group would be at the center of some pretty controversial stuff.
My post that gives one of the best synopsis, “media-wise”, is here: “The ‘Big Lie’ Biden Continues To Spread“
My main point I bring up in conversation regarding the statues and now the KKK is this,
- I am enjoying it… you have a radical socialist group on one-side (the KKK) clashing with a radical socialist group on the other (BLM and social justice warriors) — all fighting over DEMOCRATIC history.
Which is why I personally do not like the Confederate flag as many display it. It represents racist slave holding/fighting Democrats who were defeated by Republicans. And who later founded the KKK as the terrorist are of the south to keep blacks and other Republicans from voting.
- “…virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” — Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
- “…not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” — Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.
For Republicans to fly the Confederate flag on the back of their truck is a political tragedy.
See More

Are America’s Founding Documents “Racist”? (Biden Admin. VS. History)
There is just no way to really get across the years of reading on this topic in an audio or video form to respond to the bigotry and rewriting of history found in the Biden Administration. But I try with this somewhat long video. FIRST however, an article I suggest one read if a fan of Thomas Sowell is this one in the only political journal of note, THE CITY JOURNAL:
- THE NONCONFORMIST: Over a lifetime of scholarship and public engagement, economist Thomas Sowell has illuminated controversial topics such as race, poverty, and culture.
I likewise use video from WALLBUILDERS creations, as well as video from the following Thomas Sowell channels on YouTube:
This video likewise compliments my previous posts:
- 3/5ths Clause Explained (Abe Lincoln Bonus)
- Reparations Are Not the Answer (Thomas Sowell)
- Thomas Sowell DEBUNKS the Legacy of Slavery Argument
- America’s Original Sin (Michael Medved)
- Slavery’s Twist of Fate (Larry Elder and Roger D. McGrath)
- Getting Real About Reparations | Roger D. McGrath
- Percentages Of Slaves Brought To America (UPDATED)
- Thomas Sowell Goes Through The History of Slavery
- Some Historical Perspective on Slavery ~ Michael Medved
- Excerpts on Slavery (D’Souza, Williams, and Sowell) UPDATED

Systematic Ignorance Underlies Systematic Racism (+The Capitol Incident)
This is the last portion of a larger audio, to follow. Larry Elder discusses new studies – but included one from the 1970s… this is the first time I have heard this particular study:
This is from yesterdays show (1/7/2021), and is a large sample of why The Sage is great at what he does. I add some video which radio only allows audio to play, as well as adding some of the video from @The Larry Elder Show — Enjoy, it is a stitching of large sections from all three hours.

Debating Minimum Wage In SEATTLE and NEW YORK CITY
So, I debated on whether to add this to our (Chris L. and myself conversation, posted HERE) earlier conversation, but, I decided to post it separately. So, in the same conversation he finally took a jaunt over to my MINIMUM WAGE portion of my ECON 101 page. He still doesn’t know why the minimum wage was used during the Davis/Bacon Act days (a), why the apartheid unions in South Africa used it (b), and why unions here use it and which community it hurts the most (c) — but at least he a c t u a l l y went to my link… and got it all wrong – lol:
…An even more insidious substitution effect of minimum wages can be seen from a few quotations. During South Africa’s apartheid era, racist unions, which would never accept a black member, were the major supporters of minimum wages for blacks. In 1925, the South African Economic and Wage Commission said, “The method would be to fix a minimum rate for an occupation or craft so high that no Native would be likely to be employed.” Gert Beetge, secretary of the racist Building Workers’ Union, complained, “There is no job reservation left in the building industry, and in the circumstances, I support the rate for the job (minimum wage) as the second-best way of protecting our white artisans.” “Equal pay for equal work” became the rallying slogan of the South African white labor movement. These laborers knew that if employers were forced to pay black workers the same wages as white workers, there’d be reduced incentive to hire blacks.
South Africans were not alone in their minimum wage conspiracy against blacks. After a bitter 1909 strike by the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen in the U.S., an arbitration board decreed that blacks and whites were to be paid equal wages. Union members expressed their delight, saying, “If this course of action is followed by the company and the incentive for employing the Negro thus removed, the strike will not have been in vain.”
Our nation’s first minimum wage law, the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931, had racist motivation. During its legislative debate, its congressional supporters made such statements as, “That contractor has cheap colored labor that he transports, and he puts them in cabins, and it is labor of that sort that is in competition with white labor throughout the country.” During hearings, American Federation of Labor President William Green complained, “Colored labor is being sought to demoralize wage rates.”
Today’s stated intentions behind the support of minimum wages are nothing like yesteryear’s. However, intentions are irrelevant. In the name of decency, we must examine the effects….
- Walter Williams, “Minimum Wage and Discrimination“

…The white labor unions and other white supremacists lobbied for other regulations which, in effect, prohibited blacks from being hired. These groups demanded that the hiring of blacks and other nonwhites be subject to the same compulsory employer compensation and minimum wage requirements granted to white union members. The intent of such legislation, Williams contends, is obvious. Such labor laws took away the only bar-gaming chip available to the blacks and other non-whites—their willingness to work for a lower wage. Many whites recognized this. In 1925, for example, the report of the Mining Regulations Commission proposed a mandatory system of minimum wages per job “in order to rescue the European miner from the economic fetters which at present render him the easy victim of advancing native competition.”
Contrary to the view accepted by many on the political left, apartheid is not the result of white businessmen attempting to maximize profits by enslaving cheap black labor. It is instead a product of political privilege. Says Williams:
The mere existence of South Africa’s extensive racial regulatory laws is evidence enough that racial privilege is difficult through free market forces. Consider South Africa’s job reservation laws, which mandate that certain jobs be performed by whites only . . . . The presence of job reservation laws suggests that at least some employers would hire blacks in the “white jobs.” The fact that they would hire blacks to do white jobs neither requires nor suggests that these employers be necessarily any less white supremacist than anyone else. It does suggest that those employers who would hire blacks considered such a course of action to be an attractive alternative because blacks were willing to work for lower wages—“uncivilized wages”—than white workers. The business pursuit of profits—which caused employers to be less ardent supporters of the white supremacist doc-trine-has always been the enemy of white privilege. This is why South African white workers resorted to government.
“The whole ugly history of apartheid has been an attack on free markets and the rights of individuals, and a glorification of centralized government power,” Williams concludes. Only when South Africa’s people—black, white, or colored—“de-dare war against centralized government power” will there be genuine progress toward freedom. Walter Williams’ new book provides powerful intellectual ammunition for that war.
- Matthew B. Kibbe, FEE
(Via AEI)
There is no inherent reason why low-skilled or high-risk employees are any less employable than high-skilled, low-risk employees. Someone who is five times as valuable to an employer is no more or less employable than someone who is one-fifth as valuable, when the pay differences reflect their differences in benefits to the employer.
This is more than a theoretical point. Historically, lower skill levels did not prevent black males from having labor force participation rates higher than that of white males for every US Census from 1890 through 1930. Since then, the general growth of wage-fixing arrangements: minimum wage laws, labor unions, civil service pay scales, etc. has reversed that and made more and more blacks unemployable despite their rising levels of education and skills: absolutely and relative to whites.
And here’s the “money quote”:
In short, no one is employable or unemployable absolutely, but only relative to a given pay scale.
And that highlights the essence of the economic logic that explains why the most vulnerable workers (low-skilled, uneducated, teenagers, etc.) are the group that is most harmed by minimum wage laws — those laws artificially raise the wages of low-skilled workers without increasing their productivity, and therefore significantly reduce their employability relative to higher-skilled workers.
For example, in the study from the team of researchers at the University of Washington on Seattle’s $15 an hour minimum wage, they reported (emphasis added):
Our preferred estimates suggest that the Seattle Minimum Wage Ordinance caused hours worked by low-skilled workers (i.e., those earning under $19 per hour) to fall by 9.4% during the three quarters when the minimum wage was $13 per hour, resulting in a loss of 3.5 million hours worked per calendar quarter. Alternative estimates show the number of low-wage jobs declined by 6.8%, which represents a loss of more than 5,000 jobs.
The work of least-paid workers might be performed more efficiently by more skilled and experienced workers commanding a substantially higher wage.
Bottom Line: Thomas Sowell’s comments illustrate an economic reality that is frequently overlooked: Workers compete against other workers (not employers) to find jobs and get the highest wages. Employers compete against other employers to find the best workers. In other words, low-skilled workers compete against high-skilled workers in the labor market. Low-skilled workers who would be employable at a low wage become unemployable at an artificially higher wage. And that explains the perverse cruelty of minimum wage laws: it inflicts the greatest harm on the very workers it is allegedly designed to help.
However, this is not the reason for this post. I merely wanted to show the hubris out there in stating propaganda (not intentionally, just in ignorance). Here is the portion that that I wanted to highlight and respond to. Here is the video so people can glean context:
So, here are the main points of the above:
- Minimum wage is still not $15.00 an hour
- It is $13.50 and in 2021 will be $13.69 (which he is right about, but we are talking about SEATTLE)
- [QUOTE] “Sean Giordano this is why I & everyone else should dismiss what ever you post. First minute & a half & anyone can prove she’s full of shit” [UNQUOTE]
- New York (remember, she said New York CITY) does not have $15.00 minimum wage, they are near $11.80
- California isn’t even over %15.00 an hour
So my first response is to points #1 and #2
The Prager U video specifically mentions Seattle and New York City. This is key. I used two websites to find the current minimum wage in Seattle, Washington: MINIMUM-WAGE.ORG and SEATTLE GOVERNEMNT’S website. In the conversation I noted this many times, but granted, I wasn’t clear.
During the long discussion that followed a few paths, what I learned is that franchises are all included together as a large business. So if I were to franchise, say, The Brass Tap (bar/restaurant chain focuses mostly on its craft beer offerings), if the franchises nationwide have 501 employees, the tips earned do not lower the to $13.50. To make the point clearer I made a crude version:
A sad article of sorts was this one detailing the info:
Justices Reject Franchise Appeal Over Seattle’s $15 Minimum Wage (May 2, 2016) SEATTLE — The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear a challenge to Seattle’s $15-an-hour minimum wage from franchise owners who say the law discriminates against them by treating them as large businesses. Seattle was one of the first cities in the nation to adopt a law aiming for a $15 minimum wage, giving small businesses employing fewer than 500 people seven years to phase it in. Large employers must do so over three or four years, depending on whether they offer health insurance to their employees. Five franchises and the International Franchise Association sued the city, saying the law treats Seattle’s 623 franchises like large businesses because they are part of multistate networks. But the franchises say they are small businesses and should have more time to phase in the higher wage. [….] “Seattle’s ordinance is blatantly discriminatory and affirmatively harms Seattle hard-working franchise small business owners every day since it has gone into effect,” Robert Cresanti said in a statement. “We are simply attempting to level the playing field for the 600 local franchise business owners employing 19,000 people in Seattle.”…. Remember, Seattle has a higher minimum wage than the rest of the state. I likewise responded to points #4 thus This comes from the NEW YORK CITY GOVERNMENTS website: The minimum wage in New York City is $15.00 per hour. The New York State Department of Labor oversees wage regulations in New York State. Businesses employing people in New York State should be aware of wage requirements and regulations. After December 31, 2019, all employees in New York City must be paid at least $15.00 per hour. … #5 deals with California as a state However, just like New York state/New York City and Washington state/Seattle, so to goes California. There are many cities in California that have differing minimum wage laws than the state. Here is just one example (click to enlarge): So, there are a couple numbers not dealt with yet… they are numbers #3 and #6 If the opposite of Chris L’s premise is in fact shown, and if his position is “true” of me — that is: “why I & everyone else should dismiss what ever you post.” Why should I, or we, not dismiss whatever he says. I mean, he is full of shit (#6!!). Later in the conversation discussion about the effects of minimum wage hurting restaurants, to which Chris posted the following: I merely responded with So, if 29 opened up DESPITE minimum wage and covid… would the 624 be closed BECAUSE of the minimum wage and covid?

Media Narratives and “Racist” Vaccines?
I combine (stitch together) two topics that are related to each other. That is, how the media distorts and covers up important issues by actively censoring topics… bias by omission. This bias is also seen in how the media and academia have characterized our nation for decades — as well as Donald Trump for over 4-years. If our nation if systemically racist and Donald Trump is a white supremacist “nazi,” why should minorities feel safe regarding government activity. (Which is what the Left wants, victims made through fear are easier to control.) The MSM drives the narrative for the lazy.
- A Caller Triggers Larry Elder’s “Beast Mode”
- A Caller Tries To Prove Systemic Racism to Larry Elder (LOL)
- Crime Stats via Larry Elder
…For the post-election survey, The Polling Company interviewed 1,750 Biden voters in seven swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, six of which (excluding North Carolina) were called for Biden. The voters were asked about their knowledge of eight news stories, all of which the liberal media had downplayed or censored.
The survey showed “a huge majority (82%) of Biden voters were unaware of at least one of these key items, with five percent saying they were unaware of all eight of the issues we tested,” reported the MRC.
For instance, despite the #MeToo movement and the media coverage it garnered, the survey found that 35.4% of Biden voters were unaware of the serious allegations of sexual assault made by Tara Reade against Joe Biden. Reade had worked for Biden in the 1990s.
“If they had known about Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations, 8.9% told us they would have changed their vote — either switching to Trump or a 3rd party candidate, not voting for any presidential candidate, or not voting at all,” said the MRC.
“By itself, this would have flipped all six of the swing states won by Biden (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin), giving the president a win with 311 electoral college votes,” said the organization.
Another important story buried by the major media was the Hunter Biden laptop story, which showed that Joe Biden was aware of his son’s business dealings in the Ukraine and in Communist China.
Yet 45.1% of Biden voters said they were unaware of the laptop story.
“According to our poll, full awareness of the Hunter Biden scandal would have led 9.4% of Biden voters to abandon the Democratic candidate, flipping all six of the swing states he won to Trump, giving the President 311 electoral votes,” reported the MRC.
Similar results were found when Biden voters were asked about the other six censored stories – Kamala Harris’s radical left-wing policies; positive economic and job reports; Middle East peace deals brokered by Trump; energy independence; and the swift vaccine production as a result of Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.
“Looking at all eight of these issues together, our poll found that a total of 17% of Biden’s voters told us they would have changed their vote if they had been aware of one or more of these important stories,” reported the MRC.
“This would have moved every one of the swing states into Trump’s column, some by a huge margin,” said the MRC. “The President would have trounced Biden in the electoral college, 311 to 227.”
The MRC noted that the Biden voters who said they would have voted differently had they been properly informed by the media, did not have to vote for Trump for the president to have won a second term.
“Just by choosing to abandon Biden, these voters would have handed all six of these states, and a second term, to the President — if the news media had properly informed them about the two candidates,” said the MRC. (Emphasis added.)

If Trump Is A Racist… He Needs To Go Back To Racism School
- 49% of Democrats think Trump voters are racist — July 2019
- 83% of Democrats think Trump is racist — June 2020
After becoming the leader of the Democratic party in the Senate in 2017, Schumer spent the last four long years accusing time and time again President Trump is a racist. Flashback to 1974: Sen. Schumer came to power as an Assemblyman by an overtly racist scheme he created to force out Black people from a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Much to his dismay, the plan failed, and the residents remained in the neighborhood with nicer digs. To this day, the saint of anti-racism somehow still has a no-fly zone over him.
Trump is the worst RAAACIST EVA!
- Historic black unemployment;
- First Step Act;
- Music Modernization Act;
- School Choice;
- Illegal Immigration;
- Pardons;
- ETC.
If Trump Is A Racist… He Needs To Go Back To Racism School.
President Trump is still constantly called racist by many people, but his policies towards black Americans prove quite the opposite. Larry takes a deep dive into the various policies and positions the President has taken that have benefited black Americans across the nation.
In the midst of The Democratic Party and the media labeling President Trump’s remarks about Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Illhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley as racist, Larry decides to do some digging. What did the president actually say? How long has the Democratic Party been labeling Republicans as racist? Have race relations actually worsened under Trump? Larry answers all these questions and more in this week’s episode.
….78% of Democrats, according to an August 2018 Gallup poll, believe that “Russians interfered in the 2016 campaign and that it changed the outcome of the election.” Never mind that Jeh Johnson, President Barack Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security, in his 2017 prepared testimony before Congress, said: “On Election Day, DHS assembled a crisis-response team to rapidly address any reported cyber intrusions into the election process. To my current knowledge, the Russian government did not through any cyber intrusion alter ballots, ballot counts or reporting of election results.”
Whatever Russia, China or Iran did to meddle with our elections pales in comparison to the impact of our biased, bigoted, Republican-hating, class-warfare waging, secular, “health care is a right,” “there’s no such thing as illegal people, only ‘undocumented,'” Donald Trump-hating media. Let’s compare the impact of Russian, Chinese or Iranian election interference with the election interference of the American media.
In his book “Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind,” Professor Tim Groseclose, economics and political science professor, attempts to quantify the impact of our left-wing media. How do our overwhelmingly liberal media affect how Americans think and vote? Groseclose wrote in 2011:
“For the past several years, I have researched this question, trying to solve the following thought experiment: What if media bias were suddenly to disappear? In such a world, how would America look and act politically?
“The answer is, approximately like Texas.” (Note: This year, President Trump handily won that state.)
“More specifically, if media bias were to disappear, according to the analysis, then America would think and vote like any region that voted around 56-43 percent for Republican John McCain in the last presidential election. Besides Texas, such regions include Kansas, North Dakota, Kentucky, Salt Lake County, Utah, and Orange County, Calif.”
Dean Baquet, executive editor of The New York Times, once admitted, “The left, as a rule, does not want to hear thoughtful disagreement.” Given this mentality, liberals, Democrats and the media find Trump absolutely, positively insufferable. This raises a question. Mr. Biden, which side needs to heal?

Corey Booker’s Trump Card Is A Race-Card (ACB/BDP/EPMD Edition)
Firstly, Amy Coney Barrett’s simple “yes” reminded me of a song from my younger years: “Boogie Down Productions – My Philosophy”, so I mixed it in a couple of times.
This upload is really in edition to the CRAZY notion by Democrats that Trump has never condemned neo-NAZIs or white supremacists. Here are my other editions of this lie:
- Jake Tapper Gets Trump’s Comments Correct (Tapper Edition)
- “Fine People On Both Sides” (Biden Edition)
- “Fine People On Both Sides” (Larry Elder’s “Biden Edition”)
- Good People On Both Sides (Prager)
- “Fine People On Both Sides” (Larry Elder’s “Biden Edition”)
The video I used for Cory Booker is via BREITBART’s YouTube. The first montage of Trump condemning over the years racism/David Duke/white supremacy/neo-NAZIs is with a hat-tip to PATRIOT POST. And the second montage (w/music) is via Adrian Norman (TWITTER). I end with an older mix I did for “The Sage” using EPMD’s “Strictly Business”.

The Origin Story Of “The Proud Boys”
See the fuller Gavin McInnes explanation of how he founded the men’s club, Proud Boys, and how the media misrepresents them as a group — HERE.

A Caller Triggers Larry Elder’s “Beast Mode”
A caller, while polite, was still trying to “trap” Larry Elder, but he was having none of it. In this long screed, Larry Elder travels through facts and reason to school the caller about the non-existence of “Systematic Racism.” Buckle up — it is Larry at his best!
BTW, Larry mentions in passing this story of bigotry via an MSNBC host:
- “MSNBC Guest Cheryl Dorsey on Black Kentucky AG: ‘He’s Skin Folk But He Is Not Kinfolk'” (REAL CLEAR POLITICS)
- “CNN guest Cheryl Dorsey slams Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron: ‘He is not kinfolk'” (WASHINGTON TIMES)

The Down Side Of Egalitarian Anti-Racism
John McWhorter discusses the harms of anti-racism.
Microaggression Break
Columbia University linguist John McWhorter on the Jussie Smollett hoax, Donald Trump, and “antiracism” as a new secular religion. (Mind you, while I thoroughly enjoy Doc McHorter, I disagree with some of his positions. But he is a sane moderate voice.)