Covid-1984 (Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill)

SHERMAN OAKS, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — The owner of a Sherman Oaks restaurant expressed her anger and frustration over Los Angeles County’s outdoor dining ban in a gut-wrenching video.

Angela Marsden, the owner of Pineapple Hill Saloon and Grill, posted a video on social media after she saw production tents and tables set up in a parking lot just a few feet from the outdoor dining area she’s not allowed to use.

People involved in the television production were seen dining under the tents.

“Everything I own is being taken away from me and they set up a movie company right next to my outdoor patio,” Marsden says in the video.

What’s Wrong With The 1619 Project? (PragerU)

In August of 2019, the New York Times published The 1619 Project. Its goal is to redefine the American experiment as rooted not in liberty but in slavery. In this video, Wilfred Reilly, Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University, responds to The 1619 Project’s major claims.

Enough Evidence Of Fraud To Overturn Swing States (UPDATED)

  • The FBI is using voter fraud information collected by the Amistad Project, the project’s director, Phillip Kline, said Monday on Newsmax TV. (NEWSMAX)

After the videos I will post ACE OF SPADES article dump from the past few days. Here are a couple testimonies linked to an article. First however, in this update to the below

So, after reading these articles…..

  • 5 More Ways Joe Biden Magically Outperformed Election Norms: Surely the journalist class should be intrigued by the historic implausibility of Joe Biden’s victory. That they are not is curious, to say the least (THE FEDERALIST)
  • Legitimacy of Biden Win Buried by Objective Data: Emerging information from the states render his victory less and less plausible (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
  • “In particular, we are able to quantify the extent of compliance with this property and discover that, of the 8,954 vote updates used in the analysis, these four decisive updates were the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 7th most anomalous updates in the entire data set. Not only does each of these vote updates not follow the generally observed pattern, but the anomalous behavior of these updates is particularly extreme. That is, these vote updates are outliers of the outliers.” (NEWSMAX | VOTE PATTER ANALYSIS)

…. I thought to myself there must be some evidence of production of ballots (as well as electronic tampering) if the numbers and “anomalies” in the articles are real. Yesterday morning [now, this morning] I posted testimony of a trucker delivering 24 pallets what he saw of pre-filled out ballots across state lines from New York to Pennsylvania. That is just one guy!

At the Amistad Project press conference in Virginia, a US Postal Service worker and whistleblower alleged that nearly 300,000 completed mail-in ballots that he had transported across state lines had disappeared overnight. (POST MILLENNIAL)

Other witnesses saw similar deliveries to polling places:

  • On Wednesday night Col. Waldron told the committee that they have witnesses now who delivered truckloads of ballots for Joe Biden from New York to Pennsylvania. Waldron said they likely did the same thing in Wisconsin. Waldron explained that Democrats inserted truckloads of fraudulent ballots into the fraudulent 2020 election. (VIDEO)
  • Keep in mind Pennsylvania was the place that in just 90-minutes Biden got 99.4% of votes (570,000) v. Trump’s 0.6% (3,200) — AMERICAN SPECTATOR.
  • Republican poll monitors in Michigan on Tuesday bolstered President Trump’s claims of widespread election fraud, telling a state Senate committee that they witnessed mysterious truckloads of absentee ballots delivered to a counting center in Detroit and Democratic workers scanning the same ballots multiple times in tabulation machines. Also on Tuesday, several election whistleblowers, including a contract driver for the U.S. Postal Service, said at a press conference near Washington that hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots disappeared or were backdated and that pro-Trump mail was undelivered in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. (WASHINGTON TIMES)

More from that WT article:

….The president’s attorneys said they have “many witnesses swearing under oath they saw crimes being committed in connection with voter fraud.” One of them is Mellissa Carone, an information technology worker contracted to work for Dominion Voting Systems in Michigan on Election Day.

Ms. Carone told the Republican-led state Senate Oversight Committee that she witnessed election workers at a convention center in Detroit scanning mail-in ballots multiple times whenever the tabulation machines rejected them.

“What I witnessed at the TCF Center was complete fraud,” she said. “At least 90% of those workers were all in on this. They were re-scanning, counting ballots eight to 10 times.”

She said she didn’t see a single vote for Mr. Trump during the 27 hours she spent at the ballot-counting center, and she described a “big data loss” in the voting system on the afternoon of Election Day.

State Sen. Michael MacDonald, a Republican, called the testimony of Ms. Carone, who has spoken with the FBI, “incredibly compelling.” Some in the audience applauded Ms. Carone’s appearance, while a group of “Stop the Steal” demonstrators outside watched the hearing through windows.

The committee heard testimony from other witnesses who described similar concerns about the chain of custody of Michigan’s mail-in ballots, lack of access for Republican poll watchers and the voting system’s vulnerability to hacking.

At least two witnesses said they saw a truck delivering large batches of mail-in ballots to the counting center around 4 a.m. on the morning after Election Day, and they couldn’t get an explanation where the ballots came from.

Former state Sen. Patrick Colbeck, a Republican poll challenger, urged the legislators to take control of the selection of presidential electors. 

“There are options before you,” Mr. Colbeck told his former colleagues.


In Arlington, Virginia, several whistleblowers raised fresh questions Tuesday about possible election fraud. They said up to 288,000 ballots disappeared, another 100,000 ballots were improperly backdated, and mail promoting the president was trashed while mail for Mr. Biden was delivered.


Other witnesses said Trump campaign mail in Traverse City, Michigan, was put into bins labeled “undeliverable bulk business mail” while the same kind of mail for Mr. Biden was delivered on time.

The claims were revealed by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, which is conducting its own investigation of election fraud….


  • Postal subcontractor Nathan Pease is told by two separate postal workers on two separate occasions that the USPS in Wisconsin was gathering over 100,000 ballots on the morning of Nov. 4 to backdate the ballots so that the ballots would be counted even if they arrived after the statutory deadline. (EPOCH TIMES)
  • Computer expert Gregory Stenstrom of Pennsylvania witnessed a vendor of Dominion machines and local election officials download and update counting machines in violation of election system protocol and the comingling of machine jump drives in violation of election protocols and rendering audits impossible without direct forensic access to the machines. (WASHINTON EXAMINER)
  • Postal workers in Traverse City, Michigan; Coraopolis, Pennsylvania; Erie, Pennsylvania; and Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, indicate widespread malfeasance in the Postal Service including backdating ballots, ordering that Trump mail be interdicted to be placed in the ‘Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail’ bin, and emphasizing that Biden mail be delivered on time. (IBID)
  • Michigan poll worker testifies the ballots were in numerical order and street number order with similar signatures and no date on absentee envelopes (VIDEO)

Another oddity I suspect we will see more of as courts allow access to Dominion servers and machines is this: an election official in Georgia blamed a Dominion Voting Systems server crash on a Fulton County technician who didn’t follow instructions. HOWEVER, it now appears that the server may have been (I stress may have) removed entirely, to where is not known yet. I suspect we will hear similar stories from the swing states with litigation.

A computer server crucial to a lawsuit against Georgia election officials was quietly wiped clean by its custodians just after the suit was filed, The Associated Press has learned.

The server’s data was destroyed July 7 by technicians at the Center for Elections Systems at Kennesaw State University, which runs the state’s election system. The data wipe was revealed in an email sent last week from an assistant state attorney general to plaintiffs in the case that was later obtained by the AP. More emails obtained in a public records request confirmed the wipe.

The lawsuit, filed July 3 by a diverse group of election reform advocates, aims to force Georgia to retire its antiquated and heavily criticized election technology. The server in question, which served as a statewide staging location for key election-related data, made national headlines in June after a security expert disclosed a gaping security hole that wasn’t fixed six months after he reported it to election authorities.


It’s not clear who ordered the server’s data irretrievably erased.


Wiping the server “forestalls any forensic investigation at all,” said Richard DeMillo, a Georgia Tech computer scientist following the case. “People who have nothing to hide don’t behave this way.”


It seems this stuff has happened in the past, and, as courts allow for computer forensics to look at Dominion servers for the 2020 election, I suspect we will have heard similar stories.

Here is the full newser by the Amistad Project:

Matt Schlapp responds to Fired Trump Administration official Chris Krebs told 60 Minutes that the 2020 Election was “the most secure in American history,” in this short interview.





  • “Poll workers and observers testified to the Michigan state Senate Tuesday, making multiple shocking allegations of ballots being counted multiple times, intimidation and removal of Republican poll workers. There was, reportedly, even a mysterious sets of all-Biden military ballots from allegedly unregistered voters.”
    Michigan Mischief: Senate Hearings Reveal Numerous Forms of Election Tampering











  • “Today’s suit includes four cases with clear evidence of unlawfulness, such as illegally altering absentee ballot envelopes, counting ballots that had no required application, overlooking unlawful claims of indefinite confinement, and holding illegal voting events called Democracy in the Park. These unlawful actions affected no less than approximately 221,000 ballots out of over the three million ballots cast in Wisconsin.”
    Trump Campaign Files Suit Over 221,000 Ballots In Wisconsin




  • “State and local officials brazenly violated election laws in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” Phil Kline, director of The Amistad Project, said in a statement. “The pattern of lawlessness was so pervasive and widespread that it deprived the people of Michigan of a free and fair election, throwing the integrity of the entire process into question.”
    EXPLOSIVE: Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500,000 Ballots, Lawsuit Claims



  • “This does not mean Biden will receive the state’s electoral votes. Certification triggers the right to contest the election, the Governor has said he won’t certify electors until litigation is resolved, legislators can still send their own electors, and Congress can still object.”
    AZ Gov. Doug Ducey Certifies Vote for Joe Biden But It Ain’t Over Yet


The World Has Lost A Giant, RIP Walter Williams

In 1981, Secretary of Health Education and Welfare Patricia Harris wrote in the Washington Post that libertarian economists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell are “middle class” so they “don’t know what it is to be poor.”

In fact, Williams grew up in a single-parent household in a poor section of Philadelphia. He was raised by his mother, who was a high school dropout. The family spent time on welfare, and eventually moved into the Richard Allen public housing project. (Sowell, whose father died before he was born, was the son of a maid.)

Drafted into the peacetime Army, Williams eventually earned a PhD from UCLA in the late 1960s and quickly became a sought-after researcher and public intellectual. His best known book, 1982’s The State Against Blacks, argues that a major cause of black unemployment is government intervention in the labor market.

Williams’ contrarian views have had wide exposure through documentaries, public appearances, and for the past 30 years, a syndicated weekly column. Since 1992, Williams has also been a frequent guest host of Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. Now a professor emeritus at George Mason University, Williams has taught at Temple University, California State University-Los Angeles, and other universities. (Go here for his personal web page.)

His new book, Up from the Projects: An Autobiography, is a fascinating look at his childhood, his half-century-long marriage to his recently departed wife, his unusual career path, and the genesis of his views on race, economics, and politics.

Throughout his career, Williams has used his own life to illustrate how government regulations often work to deny opportunities to poor blacks, and his memoir is no exception. For example, Williams recounts that when he was a teenager, he was fired from a great job at a hat factory when a fellow employee complained to the Department of Labor that his boss was violating child labor laws.’s Nick Gillespie recently sat down with Williams to talk about his life, how his experiences have informed his scholarship, his lead role in turning George Mason University into a center for libertarian scholarship, and whether the Obama presidency has improved the lives of blacks in the United States.

Here is Dr. Williams last article: Black Education Tragedy Is New

Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. What they found was an utter disgrace. In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math. In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math. In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading. Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma — a fraudulent high school diploma.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District scored the lowest in the nation compared to 26 other urban districts for reading and mathematics at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels. A recent video captures some of this miseducation in Milwaukee high schools: In two city high schools, only one student tested proficient in math and none are proficient in English. Yet, the schools spent a full week learning about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter activism.” By the way, a Nov. 19, 2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article asks: “How many Black teachers did you have? I’ve only had two.” The article concludes, “For future Black students, that number needs to go up.” New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter-themed lesson plans. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality and white privilege in their classrooms.

Should we blame this education tragedy on racial discrimination or claim that it is a legacy of slavery? Dr. Thomas Sowell’s research in “Education: Assumptions Versus History” documents academic excellence at Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass High School and others. This academic excellence occurred during the late 1800s to mid-1900s, an era when blacks were much poorer than today and faced gross racial discrimination. Frederick Douglass High School of yesteryear produced many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall and Cab Calloway, and several judges, congressmen and civil rights leaders. Frederick Douglass High School was second in the nation in black Ph.Ds. among its alumni.

Also, in Sowell’s “Education: Assumptions Versus History” is the story of Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, a black public school in Washington, D.C. As early as 1899, its students scored higher on citywide tests than any of the city’s white schools. From its founding in 1870 to 1955, most of its graduates went off to college. Dunbar’s distinguished alumni include U.S. Sen. Edward Brooke, physician Charles Drew and, during World War II, nearly a score of majors, nine colonels and lieutenant colonels, and a brigadier general. Today’s Paul Laurence Dunbar and Frederick Douglass high schools have material resources that would have been unimaginable to their predecessors. However, having those resources have meant absolutely nothing in terms of academic achievement.

If we accept the notion that rotten education is not preordained, then I wonder when the black community will demand an end to an educational environment that condemns so many youngsters to mediocrity. You can bet the rent money that white liberals and high-income blacks would not begin to accept the kind of education for their children that most blacks receive.

The school climate, seldom discussed, plays a very important role in education. During the 2017-18 school year, there were an estimated 962,300 violent incidents and 476,100 nonviolent incidents in U.S. public schools nationwide. Schools with 1,000 or more students had at least one sworn law enforcement officer. About 90% of those law enforcement officers carry firearms. Aside from violence, there are many instances of outright disrespect for teachers. First- and second-graders telling teachers to “Shut the f— up” and calling teachers “b—h.”

Years ago, much of the behavior of young people that we see today would have never been tolerated. There was the vice principal’s office where corporal punishment would be administered for gross infractions. If the kid was unwise enough to tell his parents what happened, he might get more punishment at home. Today, unfortunately, we have replaced practices that worked with practices that sound good and caring. And we are witnessing the results.

A recent documentary by Walter Williams is this one — description followed by the video:

On the major social and political issues of our time, Walter Williams is one of America’s most important and provocative thinkers. He is black, yet he opposes affirmative action. He believes that the Civil Rights Act was a major error, that the minimum wage actually creates unemployment and that occupational and business licensure and industry regulation work against minorities and others in American business. Perhaps most importantly he has come to believe that it has been the welfare state that has done to black Americans what slavery could never do: destroy the black family. Walter Williams expresses all of these provocative ideas and more in this new public television documentary produced by Free To Choose Network.

The program features material drawn from extensive contemporary interviews with Dr. Williams as well as appearances by authors and scholars: Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell, Douglas Ginsberg and others. A rich archive of photographs and motion pictures supports this uniquely American story.

The program traces Walter Williams rise from a child of the Philadelphia housing projects to become one of America’s most important authors and commentators and features the events of the 1960’s when Walter Williams realized “black people cannot make great progress until they understand the economic system.” It was then that he concluded that what America needed was to heed the words and the ideas of the Constitution.

“American Contempt for Liberty,” author speaks out about the loss of free speech and increase of government control on the premiere of ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’


  • Walter Williams critiques The War on Poverty, Schooling and more. However, rather than considering the intentions surrounding certain programs, Williams analyzes the success of the programs according to results, and leaves us wondering, are Free Markets preferable in combating America’s hardships?


The Gospel vs Ibram Kendi and James Cone (RPT Series)

In my continuing masochistic experiment of commenting on one of the most openly bigoted and wrong minded books I have read (outside of maybe the books I purchased from Obama’s church’s book store), I delve into a second installment of this series.  I will however, unlike my dealing with the Introduction of Ibram Kendi’s book, take smaller chunks of it and dissect it a bit. Or take topical chunks I should say.  The first issue I wish to tackle are more misunderstandings regarding the Christian faith and the journey his father took (at least Kendi’s understanding of it). Here is an example.  In the beginning pages of Chapter one of “How to Be an Antiracist” he writes of the influence of Tom Skinner on his parents.

However, Mr. Ibram never expresses the ideas to the reader that even though Tom Skinner was tough on white Evangelicals – making them feel uncomfortable in time (remember, many were silent in the pews during the Democratic Jim Crow era), but that Skinner himself was tougher on the black church., for instance, in an interesting article entitled, “Tom Skinner Was Not The Evangelical Radical You’re Looking For,” we find this:

Skinner was not afraid to make white evangelicals uncomfortable. They were “almost totally irresponsible” in their avoidance of their black brethren, and it was only the pressures of the civil rights movement that had belatedly stirred them from their complacency. He blasted white evangelicals who piously intoned that “Jesus was the answer” while refusing to get involved in the problem. Skinner believed Jesus was the answer too. But he had skin in the game, and he expected other evangelicals to join him. Yet it was precisely this supplicatory undertone that made Skinner’s criticisms manageable. For all the discomfort his words could cause, he did not doubt that white evangelicals had the correct theology on the point that mattered most, and he asked them to help him bring their theology to the ghetto. Christianity Today approvingly noted that Skinner “plays down social insurgence in his sermons because he feels that reform may take ‘sixty years’ but that regeneration through Christ can help now.”[3] To put it baldly, converted Negroes were not rioting Negroes.

Remarkably, Skinner’s criticisms of white evangelicals were tame compared to his open contempt for the black church. He described most black churches as bastions of excessive emotionalism and spiritual immaturity, led by ministers given over to sexual immorality and hypocrisy.[4] As a result, he claimed, “There is hardly any Christian witness in the ghetto.”[5] There’s little reason to suppose Skinner’s hostility toward the black church was anything but sincere ….

[3] “The Gospel with Candor,” Christianity Today, October 14, 1966, 53-54.

[4] Skinner, Black and Free, 45-53.

[5] Skinner, Black and Free, 32.


However, on pages 16 and 17 we see the real influence on Kendi and his family. James Cone is said to have been asked by Mr. Kendi’s father this: “What is your definition of a Christian?” James Cone responded: “A Christian is one who is striving for liberation.”

Without getting into “theological woods,” James Cone pretty much announced he isn’t saved. In the previous post on this book I noted the following from the “flagship book” of Dr. Cone’s:

    • “The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew” — Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
  • “The goal of black theology is the destruction of everything white, so that blacks can be liberated from alien gods” — James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.62
  • “White religionists are not capable of perceiving the blackness of God, because their satanic whiteness is a denial of the very essence of divinity. That is why whites are finding and will continue to find the black experience a disturbing reality” — James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.64

However, the book specifically mentioned in these pages by Mr. Kendi is the following:

  • “It is this fact that makes all white churches anti-Christian in their essence. To be Christian is to be one of those whom God has chosen. God has chosen black people!” — James Cone, Black Theology & Black Power, p.151

This influence on the black church is detrimental to Christianity, just as much as if it were said that “God has chosen the white people.” And this thinking by Cone is what is driving some of the political violence we see today when he said “These new theologians of the Third World argue that Christians [liberation theology accepting Christians] should not shun violence but should initiate it” (Ibid. p.32)

Tom Skinner essentially taught that “converted Negroes were not rioting Negroes.” Cone taught the opposite. In the afore mentioned book, Dr. Cone noted:

  • “It [black liberation theology] is dangerous because the true prophet of the gospel of God must become both “anti-Christian” and “unpatriotic.”…. “Because whiteness by its very nature is against blackness, the black prophet is a prophet of national doom. He proclaims the end of the American Way” — James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation, p.55-56

La Shawn Barber zeroes in on the above thinking promoted by Dr. Kendi

Filtering Scripture through race or sex should instinctively strike Christians as problematic; labeling theology “black” or “white” or “Latino” or “feminist,” even more so. The most wonderful enduring truth about Christ is that He’s no respecter of persons. It is not unbiblical to recognize differences or to incorporate them into worship, as long as Christ and Scripture remain the supreme authority of our faith and practice.

The kind of black theology Reformed Christian Anthony J. Carter supports is different from Cone’s brand of race-filtered theology. Carter said theology has always had an ethnic or cultural context, and lists German Lutheran and Scottish Reformed traditions as examples. In that regard, he says a biblical black theology is necessary, because the alternative is an unbiblical black theology. “The unfortunate errors of nascent black theology were rooted in the assumption that experiences should be the primary source of truth,”[6] Carter writes. He notes that men like Cone didn’t maintain the integrity of doctrine “pivotal and indispensable to the historic Christian faith.”[7]

[6] Anthony J. Carter, On Being Black and Reformed: A New Perspective on the African-American Experience (Phillipsburg, NJ: P and R Publishing, 2003), 14.

[7] Ibid., 15.


And this early (chapter one) setting is a red-flag for just how bad the rest of the book will be and is. As Ron Rhodes poignantly says in his quoting of Tom Skinner:

  • Tom Skinner agrees and argues that “like any theology, black theology must have a frame of reference…. There are some black theologians who seek to make their frame of reference purely the black experience, but this assumes the black experience is absolutely moral and absolutely just, and that is not the case. There must be a moral frame of reference through which the black experience can be judged.” That frame of reference must be Scripture. (EQUIP)

And that is where the vaunted James Cone (and, frankly, Ibram Kendi’s acceptance of the neo-Marxist positions of liberation theology) sidesteps the real issue. Salvation vs. liberation.

Something Lit-sen Chang noted many years ago: “Without reconciliation with God, there is no reconciliation with man.”

As Dr. Carl F. H. Henry pointed out: “The Chicago evangelicals, while seeking to overcome the polarization of concern in terms of personal evangelism or social ethics, also transcended the neoProtestant nullification of the Great Commission.” “The Chicago Declaration did not leap from a vision of social utopia to legislation specifics, but concentrated first on biblical priorities for social change.” “The Chicago evangelicals did not ignore transcendent aspects of God’s Kingdom, nor did they turn the recognition of these elements into a rationalization of a theology of revolutionary violence or of pacifistic neutrality in the face of blatant militarist aggression.” (Cf. Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, “Evangelical Social Concern” Christianity Today, March 1, 1974.) The evangelical social concern is transcendental not merely horizontal.

We must make it clear that the true revolutionaries are different from the frauds who “deal only with surface phenomena. They seek to remove a deep-seated tumor from society by applying a plaster to the surface. The world’s deepest need today is not something that merely dulls the pain, but something that goes deep in order to change the basic unity of society, man himself. Only when men individually have experienced a change and reorientation, can society be redirected in the way it should go. This we cannot accomplish by either violence or legislation” (cf. Reid: op. cit.). Social actions, without a vertical and transcendental relation with God only create horizontal anxieties and perplexities!

Furthermore, the social activists are in fact ignorant of the social issues, they are not experts in the social sciences. They simply demand an immediate change or destruction of the social structures, but provide no blueprint of the new society whatsoever! They can be likened to the fool, as a Chinese story tells, who tried to help the plant grow faster by pulling it higher. Of course such “action” only caused the plant to wither and die. This is exactly what the social radicals are doing now! And the W.C.C. is supporting such a tragic course!

We must challenge them [secular social activists] to discern the difference between the true repentance and “social repentance.” The Bible says: “For the godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret; but worldly grief produces death” (II Cor. 7:10). This was the bitter experiences of many former Russian Marxists, who, after their conversion to Christ came to understand that they had only a sort of “social repentance”—a sense of guilt before the peasant and the proletariat, but not before God. They admitted that “A Russian (Marxist) intellectual as an individual is often a mild and loving creature, but his creed (Marxism) constrains him to hate” (cf. Nicolas Zernov: The Russian Religious Renaissance). “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one…. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:10,23). A complete change of a society must come from man himself, for basically man is at enmity with God. All humanistic social, economic and political systems are but “cut flowers,” as Dr. Trueblood put it, even the best are only dim reflections of the Glory of the Kingdom of God. As Benjamin Franklin in his famous address to the Constitutional Convention, said, “Without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel.” Without reconciliation with God, there is no reconciliation with man. Social action is not evangelism; political liberation is not salvation. While we shall by all means have deep concern on social issues; nevertheless, social activism shall never be a substitution for the Gospel.

Lit-sen Chang, The True Gospel vs. Social Activism, (booklet. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co: 1976), 9.

No Spike In Average Deaths Per Year Because of The Vid (UPDATE)

A month or two ago I asked a question about the average death by heart-attack, diabetes, and other ailments that affect the population… what the average of those deaths each year were from year to year, and, if we would see a decrease of deaths by what is a normal average from year-to-year – compared to 2020.

Here is a message I sent to LARRY ELDER October 7th

In other words, since what would normally be deaths spread across a wide spectrum year in and year out would decrease this year because hospitals are categorizing (for the first time in the history of medicine)  these deaths as Covid-19. [Whereas previous outbreaks of “novel” and “regular” influenza were never categorized with “co-morbidities.] I assume that if these previous outbreaks were coupled with – at the time of death – these co-morbidities… I suspect the numbers below would be tripled or quadrupled:

[1] The 1918-19 “Spanish Flu” Pandemic — 675,000 died in the United States, some victims died within mere hours or days of developing symptoms.
[2] The 1957-58 “Asian Flu” Pandemic — 116,000 deaths were in the US. Most of the cases affected young children. (U.S. population in 1957 177,751,476)
[3] The 1968-69 “Hong Kong Flu” Pandemic — 100,000 deaths occurred in the United States. (In 1969 the U.S. population was 207,659,263)
[4] 2017-2018 flu season — The CDC estimates that between 46,000 and 95,000 Americans died due to influenza during the 2017-18 flu season. This resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and a middle-ground of 61,099 deaths.
[5] 2012-2013 flu season — 56,000 deaths is the CDC estimate. 571,000 influenza-related hospitalizations
[7] 2014-2015 flu season — 591,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 51,000 flu-associated deaths


Well, there is an answer to my query… and it was published for a short while… then yanked per “pressure.” Here is the “set up” via PJ-MEDIA:

Conventional wisdom is that COVID-19 has caused thousands of deaths in the United States and nearly 1.5 million worldwide. This perception has been directly challenged by a study published by Johns Hopkins University on November 22.

Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the Applied Economics master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins University, critically analyzed the impact that COVID-19 had on U.S. deaths. According to Briand, the impact of COVID-19 on deaths in the United States can be fully understood by comparing it to the number of total deaths in the country.

According to the study, “in contrast to most people’s assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States.”

Wait, what?  Really?

That’s what it says.  And, it should come as no surprise that the study was deleted within days.

Luckily, a back-up copy remains on The Wayback Machine, and we can still read the study


The study foun0d that “This trend is completely contrary to the pattern observed in all previous years.” In fact, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

Briand concludes that the COVID-19 death toll in the United States is misleading and that deaths from other diseases are being categorized as COVID-19 deaths……

(emphasis added)

Here is the portion excerpted from Johns Hopkins by PJ-MEDIA:

After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.

Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.

To answer that question, Briand shifted her focus to the deaths per causes ranging from 2014 to 2020. There is a sudden increase in deaths in 2020 due to COVID-19. This is no surprise because COVID-19 emerged in the U.S. in early 2020, and thus COVID-19-related deaths increased drastically afterward.

Analysis of deaths per cause in 2018 revealed that the pattern of seasonal increase in the total number of deaths is a result of the rise in deaths by all causes, with the top three being heart disease, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia.

When Briand looked at the 2020 data during that seasonal period, COVID-19-related deaths exceeded deaths from heart diseases. This was highly unusual since heart disease has always prevailed as the leading cause of deaths. However, when taking a closer look at the death numbers, she noted something strange. As Briand compared the number of deaths per cause during that period in 2020 to 2018, she noticed that instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to heart disease. Even more surprising, as seen in the graph below, this sudden decline in deaths is observed for all other causes.

A friend commented (“Make it simple. 7700 died everyday on average in 2017. 2020?”), which got me thinking and searching. I found a really good convo kinda correcting a main post… here is the comment I thought was most thoughtful/fact filled:

There is a HUGE factor omitted from all of these “excessive death” numbers which is the way that the “excessive death” numbers have been trending over the last decade in the US.

This year is decidedly NOT an aberration.

For the US, the Macrotrends site below estimates 8.88 deaths per 1,000 residents for 2020, which would be about 3 million deaths of all causes for Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 of this year. The chances of the “Coronavirus epidemic” pushing that figure noticeably up, in a way such that someone at a distant time or place glancing at a table of deaths for a long period would immediately notice, appears to now be zero. Though I am sure most people will still vaguely think it is a major threat of exactly that kind, owing to the pro-Panic side’s control of the media narrative.

On total deaths in the 2010’s in the US.

The low-period for deaths per capita in the US was 2008 to 2013 (rate: 8.12 to 8.16 range). Looking at deaths since then (2013 to 2019):

US Deaths per 1000 residents:

– 2013: 8.159

– 2014: 8.264

– 2015: 8.369

– 2016: 8.475

– 2017: 8.580

– 2018: 8.685

– 2019: 8.782

– 2020: (proj.) 8.880

US Census estimates for total resident population as of July 1 of each year (Census Table NST-EST 2019-01):

– 2013: 315,993,715

– 2014: 318,301,008

– 2015: 320,635,163

– 2016: 322,941,311

– 2017: 324,985,539

– 2018: 326,687,501

– 2019: 328,239,523

– 2020: 329,877,505

Multiplying the two we get an interesting result.


– 2013 total deaths: 2,578,000

– 2014 total deaths: 2,630,500

– 2015 total deaths: 2,683,500

– 2016 total deaths: 2,737,000

– 2017 total deaths: 2,788,500

– 2018 total deaths: 2,837,000

– 2019 total deaths: 2,882,500

– 2020 total deaths (proj.): 2,929,500

Notice the substantial increase each year, absent any named, attention-getting, Panic-creating flu-virus event through the 2010s (some bad flu-strains existed but no one noticed/cared). 2019 had +146,000 more total deaths than 2016, for example, and even +304,500 (!) over 2013.

2020 was projected to have even more, +351,000 deaths over 2013, an estimate made before anyone knew about Coronavirus.

The basic mechanisms for these big-looking increases is no mystery, and nothing to panic about (of course):

  • Aging population plus higher base population. Plus, some on the margins is due to the well-documented rise in so-called deaths of despair in Middle America, which includes drug-deaths; this part of the increase we SHOULD worry about, as certainly it is much more harmful than the current flu-virus pandemic, by any half-way objective measure. But about the rise of deaths of despair we hardly hear at all. No emergency measures, no martial law, hardly even any attention. Why?

Needless to say, the observed increase in deaths since 2013 far more than covers (exceeds) the total of number of deaths attributable to the 2020 coronavirus. The CoronaPanic-pushers of 2020 either do not know or don’t care about this. It qualifies as “Context,” which is a heresy to Corona True Believers.

(U.S. Death Rate 1950-2020)

Another comment mentioned the impact on our averages by the illegal immigrant population (22-million) impacting the death averages — mainly because they bring over the border poor health history which would imp[act them more during any large influenza season.

I also said in that original comment a month or-so-ago that IF these other causes of death dropped (heart disease, diabetes, etc) because of Covid-19, then, we should consider Covid-19 a positive that we would want to keep around. One should read the whole post by PJ-MEDIA… it is an excellent read in totality.


American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) has a bang-up article regarding the Johns Hopkins study discussing the average death rate from year to year. Some of the bove is repeated… but repeated well (hat-tip, ALPHA NEWS):


What is even more interesting if not more alarming is that the spike in recorded Covid-19 deaths seen in 2020 has coincided with a proportional decrease in death from other diseases. 

Yanni Gu writes

“This suggests, according to Briand, that the COVID-19 death toll is misleading. Briand believes that deaths due to heart diseases, respiratory diseases, influenza and pneumonia may instead be recategorized as being due to COVID-19.” 

Deaths have remained relatively constant, yet reported deaths due to deadly conditions such as heart disease have fallen while reported Covid deaths have risen. This suggests that the current Covid death count is in some capacity relabeled deaths due to other ailments. According to the graph, reported Covid deaths even overtook heart disease as the main cause of death at one point, which should raise suspicion.

This aligns with many other well-established facts about the virus, such as those with comorbidities are the most at risk. According to the CDC, about 94% of Covid deaths occur with comorbidities. This suggests that it could be possible that a large number of deaths could have been mainly due to more serious ailments such as heart disease but categorized as a Covid-19 death, a far less lethal disease.

According to this graph provided by the study, deaths labeled under Covid-19 increased while deaths labeled under others decreased. It is important to note that this sample only applies to the month of April as the author notes these were the weeks with the highest reported deaths. Gu writes 

“The CDC classified all deaths that are related to COVID-19 simply as COVID-19 deaths. Even patients dying from other underlying diseases but are infected with COVID-19 count as COVID-19 deaths. This is likely the main explanation as to why COVID-19 deaths drastically increased while deaths by all other diseases experienced a significant decrease

“If [the COVID-19 death toll] was not misleading at all, what we should have observed is an increased number of heart attacks and increased COVID-19 numbers. But a decreased number of heart attacks and all the other death causes doesn’t give us a choice but to point to some misclassification,” Briand replied.”

Furthermore, Briand’s research notes that the percentage of death has remained relatively constant through all age groups. Covid death statistics seem to mirror the normal distribution of death amongst age groups, further lending credence to the argument that many Covid deaths are recategorized deaths.

Briand provides this graph constructed from CDC data that shows that deaths amongst various age groups have remained relatively constant. 

By simply looking at the raw data presented by the CDC Gu writes that

“All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary,” Briand concluded…..


Some More Voter Fraud/Hacking Issues (NewsmaxTV)

Michelle Malkin investigates the history of systems used to calculate results from November’s big race, and presents claims that suggest the winners and losers might have been influenced by outside parties. – via Michelle Malkin Sovereign Nation, Saturdays at 7PM ET on Newsmax TV

Antifa Exposed By Ex-Neo Nazi (Clarion Project)

Violence cannot be the answer. Anti-fascist must also mean anti-violence. History has proven that anti-fascists like Stalin and Chairman Mao have led to obsessive violence and caused huge losses of life against their own people. Is this what Marxists inspired Antifa aspires to be?

Is Trump Undermining Democracy With Legal Court Cases? (MSM Narratives)

Dave takes you through an excellent article detailing the many statistical oddities present in Joe Biden’s impossible win.

  • If taking claims to court undermines democracy, how to defend Democrats’ vociferous and repeated claims that Donald Trump stole the election in 2016 with the help of Russia? (THE FEDERALIST)