Dr. Deborah Birx Admits To Not Following the Science

(Hat-tip to Anthony C. for the topic)

Dr. Deborah Birx , who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump , shared some new revelations about the COVID-19 vaccine .

In an appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored , she said we’ve “done wrong in public health” by not explaining the COVID vaccine is unlike childhood vaccines.

“The childhood vaccines, like many of the diseases, you get it once, you don’t get it again,” she explained. “And this is getting the children to have that disease without getting the deadly consequences. That is not what the COVID vaccine was designed to do. It wasn’t designed to prevent infection, and if you look at the vaccine hesitancy rates, they’ve doubled since COVID.

She went on to insist we “have to start addressing these things” and cannot “just ignore” them.

Morgan then asked her if she was concerned about the long-term impact of the COVID vaccine, to which she admitted the shots were given to the wrong people. “The messenger RNA vaccine should have been rolled out for the people that were at risk for severe disease,” she stated, “because that’s what the vaccine was developed for. When we say that we’re following the science and the data, we need to follow the science and the data. And the science and the data said people primarily over 65 or people with significant co-morbidities were at risk for severe disease. Those are the individuals that should have been immunized first. And we should have put our science behind our immunization schedule and protected those most at risk.”

She  went on to share the vaccines ended up going into “young people at hospitals” before going into “elderly people in nursing homes.” “That is not following the science and data,” she reiterated. “So I am all for following the science and the data, but it shouldn’t just be a statement. It should be a reality. And when we don’t match what we do in public health to the science and the data, that is when we get into trouble.”

Bill Maher Abortion Statements | Michael Knowles – Tim Pool

Republicans don’t hate women….

Republicans just view it as murder….

It basically *is* murder….

— Bill Maher

Here is another by Faye Wattleton, former president of U.S. Planned Parenthood:

  • “I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing. So any pretense that abortion is not killing is a signal of our ambivalence, a signal that we cannot say yes, it kills a fetus.”

So, Bill Maher is all for murder based on the lie of overpopulation.


Bill Maher Says ABORTION IS MURDER But That He Is OK WITH IT In Shocking Statement

A flashback to some better known atheists than Maher discussing being Pro-Life! More at my post as well:

Trump Dominates CNN’s “Townhall”

Here is Trump’s “CNN townhall”… I will preface it with BEN SHAPIRO’S TWEET as it is spot on, I will embed a commentator on Ben’s Tweet as well (with slight edits – like bullet points):

CNN did Trump a MASSIVE favor last night and everybody knows it. Here’s why.

This townhall was billed as a Republican primary townhall, which means that presumably, Trump should have been asked about issues Republican voters care about. Like, say, Fauci and covid; criminal justice reform and Alice Johnson and crime; the border wall and illegal immigration. Etc.

Now let me present a partial list of the issues Republican voters DON’T care about:

  • Jean Carroll
  • January 6
  • Georgia election questions
  • National Archives documents
  • Alvin Bragg’s allegations

These are all Democrats’ top issues.



Collins asked zero of the questions Republicans cared about and all the ones Democrats cared about.

So, in other words, this was billed as a GOP primary night, and it was just Kaitlin Collins asking questions Democrats have about Trump.

Republican voters sensed this. So when Trump took out the kitchen sink and began hammering Collins into the wall with it, they cheered. Republicans will — ALWAYS AND CORRECTLY — cheer biased moderators being steamrolled by Republican candidates, no matter what those candidates actually say.

Trump wins more favor with Republican voters; Democrats remain offput; independents continue to wonder why we’re relitigating 2020. Ridiculous failure by CNN on all fronts — unless, of course, their goal is to renominate Trump for the ratings and because they think he’s most beatable (NOTE: this, by the way, is precisely their goal).

It is all about ratings and faux outrage to get noticed…. again. A better term is what RED STATE said it was in their post on the “townhall”:


Here is the “townhall” with more commentary to follow:

Okay, here are some great video commentaries and play-by-play:

  • BREITBART has a good montage of short clips in their article: “Trump Hijacks CNN, Steamrolls Kaitlan Collins in New Hampshire Townhall: ‘You Are a Nasty Person’”
  • RED STATE has a good short post on the night: “Trump Dominates at Town Hall, Then Audience Focus Group Finishes CNN Off”
  • PJ-MEDIA slices up the night well in their post titled “9 Key Moments From Trump’s CNN Town Hall”

CNN then went to a focus group and encountered real Americans fed up with the media narrative of asking a question to a Republican and then later saying “why did [insert any conservative here] talk about this?” (TWITCHY H/T)

Rep. Byron Donald

Republican Florida Rep. Byron Donald sparred with a CNN panel Wednesday about the network’s Republican Presidential town hall Wednesday.


Trump DESTROYS CNN In Townhall, CNN PULLS PLUG EARLY After Trump WINS Debate With Kaitlan Collins.

(FYI, I disagree with Tim’s view on the election being fair-n-square.)

Dr. Steve Turley

5 Biggest Moments of Trump’s CNN Townhall!


Last night, Donald Trump stole the show at a CNN Town Hall and embarrassed the network. Is this the start of a comeback as Trump revs up for another presidential run? The Sekulow team discusses this and more on today’s show.


President Trump destroys CNN, the libs arrest Republican congressman George Santos, and the Texas National Guard repels an invasion at the border.


LIBERTY DAILY put together 10 short clips that should be seen:

Abortion Is a Religious Act (Michael Knowles)

The entire Michael Knowles Show this excerpt is from FBI Targets Several Pro-Life Advocates | Ep. 1148.

  • (2) the use of physical force, threat of physical force, or physical obstruction to intentionally injure, intimidate, interfere with or attempt to injure, intimidate or interfere with any person who is exercising or trying to exercise their First Amendment right of religious freedom at a place of religious worship

David French Defends Drag Queen Irreligiosity (Michael Knowles)

Michael Knowles in his Ep. 1143 discusses “irreligion and religion” and the failure to distinguish between them (The Woke Mind Virus). Knowles mentions David French as well:

  • “The fact that a person can get a room in a library and hold a Drag Queen Story Hour and get people to come? That’s one of the blessings of liberty.” (CAPSTONE REPORT)

CAPSTONE REPORT notes French’s further fall from grace:

….But, what makes this New Yorker quote important is how revealing it is about French and elite evangelicalism. He defended Russell Moore, and thinks voting for Trump is bad; however, Drag Queen Story Time is one of the “blessings of liberty.”

According to the New Yorker, “And, oh, by the way, you can’t define victory as the exclusion of your enemies from the public square. There are going to be Drag Queen Story Hours. They’re going to happen. And, by the way, the fact that a person can get a room in a library and hold a Drag Queen Story Hour and get people to come? That’s one of the blessings of liberty.”

Blessings of Liberty?

Or the curse of license?

The modern world of liberal excess is a time where every man, woman (and all 73 other genders) do what is right in their own eyes.

This is the key problem with modern conservatives. They don’t know what is worth conserving.

Conservatism is more than free markets, supply side tax rates and defending property rights. Conservationism is more than individual liberty. Real conservatism preserves our faith, families and liberty.

French gets the liberty part right. We should defend liberty. However, liberty always has limits. It is the delicate balance the Founders undertook in creating the U.S. Constitution.

French must admit the public square is never neutral. It is always promoting something, and in modern America the liberal order promotes sexual immorality. To call celebrations of this a blessing of liberty misses the point of both blessing and liberty.

But, like most Never Trumpers, French is wrong about politics……

Douglas Wilson weighs in on the David French and Sohrab Ahmari Drag Queen Story Hour Debates

  • The effort to ban Drag Queen Story Hour starts when we have the courage to clarify the moral stakes. This requires casting off the civility creeds of the woke liberal left—codes that dictate we merely shrug our shoulders, or resort to euphemisms. That so many liberals and libertarians have expressed surprise at Ahmari’s concerns suggests that we have failed thus far to speak out loudly and boldly enough. (FIRST THINGS)

The New World Order (Secular Humanism > God)

  • Humanism is man-centered philosophy. Man himself, not God’s glory, is the primary concern and our world’s problems can be solved by the intelligent effort of man. They gladly point to the United Nations [or: World Economic Forum; G20; CDC, or the like] to exemplify humanistic accomplishment. Any concept of faith is generally eschewed and supernatural revelation is rejected. They seek no higher source for moral values and do not normally believe in an afterlife. Colossians 1:12-29 clearly condemns their thinking. (See more at: TRUTH & TIDINGS | GOT QUESTIONS)

These three excerpts from the videos below are related in that the New World Order has simply been people in power who want no borders and power to decide for others how they should live and eat for the betterment of the world and their egos. Control of Elections, control of lives – bigger government… the wet dream of the Left throughout history. From Lycurgus (Sparta) to Soros/Schwab. The DNC is onboard for a borderless, “world worker” collective.

The son of famous atheist, Madalyn Murray O’Hair, notes the collective nature of Sparta and man’s search to be like God since the Garden (Genesis 3:1; 5 —  “…did God really say…. For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Planning for mankind what man thinks is good/bad apart from God’s revelation.):

The Grecian city-state of Sparta and Plato’s descriptions of the supposedly perfect society in his Republic and in the Laws (a twelve-book series) have been the inspiration for utopian tyrants throughout history. Sparta was a collectivist, centrally planned city-state. Individuality was discouraged, and all were expected to live their lives in obedience to the dictates of the totalitarian leadership. Boys were raised from birth to be soldiers and not much more.

Sparta moved to utopian tyranny under the rule of Lycurgus, who imposed a series of laws on the Spartans around 800 BC. Lycurgus turned Sparta into a disciplined war machine, a country where freedom was nonexistent and where cultural creativity died. Regrettably, his influence over this nation-state lasted some five hundred years. Sparta eventually decayed from within, and outside invasions decimated its population.

Before Lycurgus imposed his draconian laws upon Spartan’s citizens, there had been art and creativity in the city-state’s culture; however, Lycurgus ordered all Spartans to disregard art (with the exception of some martial-style songs, music, and poetry). He taught them to distrust philosophy and to avoid excess in all things. Even their speech patterns were restricted to avoid pointless chatter, gossip, or too much speaking of any kind.


The historian Plutarch described how Lycurgus traveled to other parts of the known world to study various forms of government and cultures before returning to Sparta to implement his totalitarian plans. lie searched for a society based on virtue and a warrior ethos. Lycurgus then traveled to the Greek Oracle of Delphi (a priestess of the god Apollo) to obtain instructions from the “gods” on how to rule Sparta, or at least claimed that as his purpose.

According to Plutarch, the oracle taught Lycurgus that he himself was a “god” and confirmed his ruthless plans for governing Sparta as purposed by the gods.

With apparent “divine” approval through this mystical oracle, Lycurgus began to remake Sparta in the utopian image he imagined. Plutarch related how he first established a council of elders who would have an equal vote with the two kings who ruled Sparta at the time. According to Plutarch, “eight-and-twenty elders would lend the kings their support in the suppression of democracy, but would use the people to suppress any tendency to despotism.”

Long before Karl Marx, Lycurgus was the ideal collectivist and cen­tral planner. He believed that Sparta’s citizens were the property of the state and that they had no higher purpose than to obey the dictates of the rulers throughout their lives. The concept of individual liberty and of freedom of conscience and action soon became nonexistent in Sparta. The state rather than the family was the center of each person’s life.

Unlike Marx or Lenin, Lycurgus never produced an overall doctrine in writing for Sparta. Using this tactic, he could add to the rules or change them as he pleased, just as other despotic rulers over Sparta did who followed after his death.

As a good collectivist, Lycurgus hated wealth and private property, so he decided that wealthy landowners should be stripped of all their property so it could be given to the poor. He engaged in what current collectives describe as “redistributing” the wealth. In the twentieth century, Communists called this land-theft process “agrarian reform.” According to Plutarch, Lycurgus accomplished this without murder:

Lycurgus abolished all the mass of pride, envy, crime, and luxury which flowed from those old and more terrible evils of riches and poverty, by inducing all land-owners to offer their estates for redis­tribution, and prevailing upon them to live on equal terms one with another, and with equal incomes, striving only to surpass each other in courage and virtue, there being henceforth no social inequalities among them except such as praise or blame can create.

Lycurgus also hated the concept of money because it supposedly resulted in greed and avarice. His solution was to abolish the use of gold and silver money and to make iron money the only legal tender in his city-state. The iron money was so large that it had to be carried by a yoke of oxen. The destruction of the gold and silver standard also made it impossible for Sparta to effectively trade with other countries.


Lycurgus controlled every aspect of Spartan life. There were even precise regulations as to how a Spartan home could be roofed. The beams of each house had to be constructed with an axe, while the doors had to be built with a saw and no other tools.


Lycurgus was an advocate of infanticide, which became an insti­tution in Sparta. Whenever a child was born, it was considered state property and, if a boy, he was destined to spend most of his life training or engaging in warfare against Sparta’s enemies. Thus, he had to be strong and indifferent to pain and privation. Babies that appeared to have defects or weakness at birth were eliminated, as they could not serve the Spartan state and thus had no value.

The manner of death of the unwanted babies was not as sterile as it is today at a Planned Parenthood clinic. Newborns were taken to a group of elders for examination. If those elders chose a child for disposal, it was taken to the top of a mountain cliff and thrown off, to be eaten by wild animals.


crops and services to the Spartan elites. To keep the Helots enslaved and in constant fear, Sparta’s leaders created a secret police much like the Soviet KGB or the Nazi Gestapo to terrorize them on a regular basis. This force was called the Krypteia.

William J. Murray, Utopian Road to Hell: Enslaving America and the World with Central Planning (Washington, D.C.: WND Books, 2016), 42-44, 45, 46, 47.

Spike Proteins Found In Heart and Brain of Deceased Vaccinated Man

This is a must watch/listen, and comes by way of Michael Knowles RUMBLE. A couple places where this story is referenced can be found here:

  • mRNA Spike Proteins Found In Heart, Brain Of Deceased “Fully Vaccinated” Man (VACCINE DEATHS)
  • Case Report Confirms mRNA Spike Proteins Found in the Heart and Brain of a Deceased Man – Spike Protein may have Contributed to the Patient’s Lesions and Illness (GATEWAY PUNDIT)

Trump Declassified The Democrat’s Corruption

The libs move the goalposts on the justification for the Trump raid, the New York Times gets caught running op-eds by Chuck Schumer for approval, and Boston Children’s Hospital claims that toddlers know they’re “transgender.”

Royal Gnosticism Displayed By the “Religious Left”

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton cover the recent Microsoft Employee Introductions during the company’s recent “Ignite” conference. This is a shorter version of a longer clip (LONG VERSION HERE), but the point of introducing “royalty” I thought deserved a segment of its own. I include the call by the blind gentleman.

A couple posts on the topic for the people who want to follow up on this:

  • ‘I’m a Caucasian Woman:’ Microsoft Event Highlights the Future of Woke Capitalism (VOICES OF A NATION)
  • ‘WTF Is This’? Microsoft Security Podcasters Introduce Themselves By Race, Gender, And Hairstyle (In Case You Couldn’t Tell By Looking At Them) (TWITCHY)
  • Microsoft Mocked for ‘Utterly Bananas’ Employee Introductions (RED STATE)

And a few weeks ago I heard something by Michael Knowles said at a DAILY WIRE symposium (DAILY WIRE BACKSTAGE: LIVE AT THE RYMAN) that really hit home with me. You always hear about “Leftism” being “religious,” or environmentalism being a “stand in religion,” and the like. This in my mind’s eye give the Postmodernist/Gnostic combo a real metaphysical “umph.”

Michael Horton defines some of the old vs. new aspects of “Gnosticism” (WAYBACK MACHINE). And Voddie Baucham describes how the Critical Race Theorists use it to “know” what is racist: “Voddie Baucham – What Is Ethnic Gnosticism?”

  • (Reform Wiki) In this clip, Pastor Voddie Baucham explains his phrase, “Ethnic Gnosticism,” which is the concept that certain people have a secret knowledge about racism because of their ethnicity.

How to Fight Big Tech (A Dave Rubin Montage)

Tulsi Gabbard is right. When foreign leaders seem more concerned than our leaders about Big Tech attacks on freedom of speech here, we have a BIG problem.

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks about big tech with Tim Pool, Dennis Prager, Tucker Carlson, Michael Malice, Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Beck and more. This compilation shows how long the big tech censorship problem has been growing with clips spanning the last few years. Dave discusses section 230, social media censorship, and free speech with tech innovators like Peter Thiel, politicians like Ted Cruz, creators like Bridget Phetasy, commentators like Michael Knowles, and activists like Charlie Kirk.

Control the Words, Control the Culture

The culture war is first and foremost a war of words – and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable.


When Seattle police officers write use of force reports they no longer call a suspect a suspect.

“Community member” is the new term. Several officers say the term is offensive, explaining their work with violent suspects.


As noted before, on the right, we worry about actual issues: regulation-fueled economic decline, corruption in Government, the erosion of individual liberty, the unsustainable fiscal path of the national Government.

On the left, they worry about vocabulary.


“When it comes to the bedrock principles, I don’t disagree with him at all,” Cortes defended Trump on Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes. “Those are twofold. Number one, we have to secure our border. Number two, there can be no citizenship for illegals. You cannot reward criminality.”

Reid stopped him right there.

“Hold on a second,” the MSNBCer said.

“I’m going to stop you right there. You are Hispanic, Steve. Are you comfortable with that term, illegals? That is a pejorative to a lot of people. Why do you use that term?” Reid asked, not believing a Latino would use such a term.

“You know why, because words matter,” Cortes said. 

“Yeah, they do,” Reid shot back.

“If you do something that is against the law, it’s illegal,” Cortes reminded Reid. “If you go into a store and you shoplift, you’re not an undocumented holder of a good, you’re a thief. If you come to the United States against the immigration laws of the United States, you’re not undocumented, You’re illegal. …


A guide titled “Words That Hurt” on the website of the University of California, Davis, warns students to avoid using the phrase “you guys” — because, apparently, that’s really harmful or something.

“You guys [e]rases the identities of people who are in the room,” the guide states. It “generaliz[es] a group of people to be masculine.”

The purpose of the guide, which is published on the school’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center, is to remind students that “sometimes we say words without realizing the impact they may have on others.”


Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz suggested last week that the term “ObamaCare” was disparaging and shouldn’t be allowed on the House floor


Marissa Jenae Johnson from Seattle is reportedly a Black Lives Matter co-founder. Marissa likes to rant about her victimhood as a black American and how The Man makes life here intolerable. In this interview with FOX News Marissa says “all lives matter” is a slur.


A business class at Purdue University teaches students the phrase “America is a melting pot” is a microaggression, according to class handouts obtained by The College Fix. That phrase is among at least a dozen examples students were recently instructed on in the Management 301 course.

Additional microaggressions listed on the worksheet include: “Where are you from,” “There is only one race, the human race,” “Everyone can succeed in society if they work hard enough” and “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.”

These phrases are problematic because they promote the “myth of meritocracy” or represent “statements which assert that race or gender does not play a role in life successes,” the handout stated. Others are said to be color blind, apparently a bad thing that indicates “that a white person does not want to or need to acknowledge race,” according to the handout.

The Spring 2016 class largely focuses on teaching undergads how to advance their overall professional career development, such as obtaining internships and jobs. But the recent lesson on microaggressions unsettled at least one student in the class….