New Jersey | Shooters Black Nationalists (UPDATE!)

>> JUMP to UPDATE <<

In a conversation on Facebook, I noted the voting patterns of racists and the violence associated in inner cities (and that most of these city’s citezens are Democrat supporters). To which the gentleman I was in discussion with responded thus:

A little while later (about an hour or so) I posted this on my own Facebook:

  • Information about the New Jersey shooter is starting to trickle out. There seems to be good evidence of anti-Semitism involved. However I have not seen the ethnicity of the shooters yet. Which leads me to believe they were not whiteI may be wrong, but if they were all the news media would be running around the clock stories about it. I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled today so I will not be able to look into this further. Any info would be appreciated for when I’m up and about in the comments below.

And sure enough, with a heads up about the shooters via my Facebook friends, they were members of a racist black nationalist cult. What is funny, much like this guy on FB, Rep. Rashida Tlaib posted immediately about the Jersey shooting being by white supremacists. LOL, I put the perps pics next to her Tweet):


She wasn’t the only one who blamed honky’s. Joy Behar got her imaginary hits in:


I have shown that almost all members of racist cults typically vote for Democrats: Some Trump Sized Mantras: (#3) Are Racists Voting for Republicans? | Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK) — but here is a summation of some reasons why racist whites tend to vote for Democrats:

Again, let’s recap for clarity some of my reasons white racist/nationalists cults vote Democrat:

  • They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance).
As for my original statement about Democrats and gun violence, here is a good hint I am right:

Here are the top 20 cities with the highest gun murder rates in the U.S. per capita.  Of these, every city except the last one, Tulsa, has a Democrat majority in the mayoralty and City Council or Board of Aldermen.

Here are the non-fatal shootings top 20 per capita.  Notice the overlap of several cities; the cities on the non-fatal list absent on the murder list are also Democrat-run cities, except for the last one, Jacksonville.

Here’s a sampling of five longtime Democrat empires (all days are consecutive and uninterrupted).  All appear in the top 20 lists:

1. St. Louis: only Democrat mayors; 90% Democrat City Council; 15,000 days.
2. Baltimore: only Democrat mayors and only Democrat City Council; 18,000 days.
3. Philadelphia: only Democrat mayors; 90% Democrat City Council; 20,000 days.
4. Detroit: only Democrat mayors; 90% Democrat City Council; 22,000 days.
5. Chicago: only Democrat mayors; 90% Democrat City Council; 30,000 days.

The Democrats have ruled Chicago for longer than Stalin ruled the USSR, the Castros in Cuba, and the Kims in North Korea, and for longer than slavery was legal in the U.S.

Exhausted yet?  There’s more.

These are America’s top 10 most violent cities, according to FBI data.  Violent crimes include homicides, gun violence, gangs, pedophilia, and robberies.

Every city is majority Democrat-controlled.  Several of the cities on the FBI’s list also appear on the aforementioned murder and non-fatal shootings lists.  Because the FBI’s ranking is per capita, several cities such as Chicago and Newark (only Democrat mayors; 90% City Council; 23,000 days) are absent.

Still with me?  St. Louis, Baltimore, Detroit, and New Orleans crack the top 50 for most dangerous cities on the planet.  New Orleans has elected only Democrat mayors for the last 55,000 consecutive days; the United States as a nation has existed for 88,000 days.  New Orleans’s city council is, in theory, nonpartisan; I’ll let you conclude how nonpartisan it is.


When it comes to the crème de la crème of cities with gun crime, Democrats control 95% – yes, 95% – of the top 20.  As one moves into the top 50 and 100 cities, the percentage dips, but not by much….


 Here is the opener to a longer post detailing some of these supposed “right-winger” shooters (READ IT ALL):

Old Post Alert

✦ “As we’ve seen more people in this country have been killed by rightwing extremists that radical Islamist extremists.” (GATEWAY PUNDIT)

  • Elliot Rodger (“UCSB” shooter): Fan of the left-wing political talk show, The Young Turks.
  • James von Brunn (Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter): von Brunn hated Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, George W. Bush and John McCain.
  • Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood Shooter): Registered Democrat and Muslim.
  • Aaron Alexis (Navy Yard shooter): black liberal/Obama voter.
  • Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech shooter): Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
  • James Holmes: the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy, progressive liberal, hated Christians.
  • Amy Bishop: the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
  • Andrew J. Stack (IRS bomber, flew plane into IRS building in Texas): Leftist Democrat, hated Bush and capitalism.
  • James J. Lee (who was the “green activist”): leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
  • John Patrick Bedell: (Pentagon Shooter) registered Democrat, talked about economic justice.
  • Nkosi Thandiwe (Shooting spree targeting white ppl): Accepted “white priveledge.”
  • Floyd Corkins (LGBT Chic-Fil-A shooter): hated conservative and Christians.
  • Karl Pierson (school shooter): loved communism, self-avowed Keynesian, hated Adam Smith and supported gun-control.

(For a list of LEFT-WING murderers/killers, see this article.)

A great story on some of these and more can be found at THE BLAZE, and excoriates the media for their participation in this smear.

Okay, I have been wanting to do this for a while, which is, transfer some info from a cadre of old blogs to update the topic into one post that I can reference in the future. Keep in mind that some of the links are long dead. Blogs come-and-go. I am trying to stay. I will continue to post “bios” like this… it was at first a refutation of the legacy media who were immediately connecting many of these shooters to the T.E.A. Party, but an interesting pattern emerges. Also, when dealing with the media we are dealing with THIS type of bias:

>> UPDATE <<

The bulk of this comes from a part II by myself regarding the Left’s anti-Semitism/racism: Democratic Antisemitic Racist Tendencies (Aretha Update)

To make my point, JIM — in the Facebook conversation i noted in part — mentioned that black nationalists cults are fascist. So I suppose those that support them as well are fascists? That would be a logical conclusion.

(SO THEN, THE BELOW DEMOCRATS MUST BE FASCISTS — its good to hear someone agree these Democrats are radical, anti-semitic racists supporters with fascist [socialist] tendencies) Keep in mind these two killers (anti-Semitic racist black nationalists cult members) were heavily influenced by the anti-Semitic racist black nationalist UFO-cult leader pictured below with Obama:

  • Eight House Democrats have met with notorious racist and anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan during their time in Congress
  • Four of those House Democrats now refuse to denounce Farrakhan (and two others have misled the public about their prior relationships with him)
  • Farrakahn’s close ties to the Democratic Party have re-emerged as a political issue after he was revealed to have been closer with several House Democrats than they let on. (DAILY CALLER)

The left cannot produce the following regarding Trump (or, when they were calling Bush a NAZI):

Obama’s pastor not only was a minister in The Nation of Islam, an anti-Semitic/racist group, but the church’s book store sells sermons by Louise Farrakhan, who teaches that the white man was created on the Island of Cyprus by a mad scientist, Yakub. (Mr. Farrakhan also believes he was taken up on a UFO to meet God, and was told he was a little messiah, take note also that he was directly involved in the deaths of police officers as well.) Louise Farrakhan was featured twice on the church’s magazine which reach 20,000[plus] homes in the Chicago area. Even placing on the cover with Louise Farrakhan a third time the founder of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad likewise taught that the white man was created by Yakub 6,600 years ago. Walter, Louise Farrakhan teaches that the Jews in Israel do not belong there, and that the true Jews are the black people. Louise Farrakhan was invited into Obama’s church, to the pulpit and given a “lifetime achievement award.” In fact, the New Black Panthers and members of the Nation of Islam often times sat in the pews for sermons by Rev. Wright, whom Obama called a mentor. Not to mention Obama’s wife pictured with racist, anti-Semetic, UFO cult members.

So I expect you, [insert Leftist name], to join arm-and-arm with me on finding out why the media, and Democrats who are so concerned about racism let such a man into office, when, if the tables were turned, I wouldn’t want in office.

ALAN DERSHOWITZ is correct when he says “that any Democrat who meets with the ‘bigot’ Louis Farrakhan should resign from office, and said there should be no tolerance for any association with the Nation of Islam leader.” Continuing he notes,

“Farrakhan is a bigot,” Dershowitz said on Fox News. “He is far worse than David Duke. Why? Because Farrakhan has a large following, David Duke is a joke.”

“He ought to be treated the way we treat David Duke,” he said. “If any Republican dared to meet with David Duke, that would be the end of their career.”

“It should be the end of the career of any Democrat who has any association with this bigot Farrakhan,” Dershowitz added.

Keith Ellison, the No. 2 Democrat at the Democratic National Committee, had said he stopped meeting with Farrakhan before 2006, but it was later confirmed he was at a private meeting with Farrakhan in 2015.

Washington Post gave Ellison four Pinnochios for lying when he said his relationship with Farrakhan ended more than a decade ago.

“This is the leadership of the Democratic Party,” Dershowitz said…….

See much more here:

Here is my video a few months before the 2008 election:

Here — APPARENTLY — is a picture of another fascist, according to JIM:

See my posts regarding these two:


Right-Wingers Kill More Than Islamists or Leftists? (Bios)

This story has popped up at times, even since it’s debunking. So I thought I would add a bit of my own “swerve” to the fun. PJ-MEDIA (part one and part two) has a great response to this issue that I will merely add (adapt) to and from. So these are the issues I think undermind the idea that more violence and death are caused by “right-wing” extremists:

  • The perpetrators used as examples do not kill IN THE NAME OF an ideology;
  • The perpetrators noted as part of the data set are often NOT “right-wingers”;
  • The data set starts AFTER 9-11;
  • The data sets DO NOT INCLUDE world-wide statistics.

This entire post can be summed up in one cartoon, to allow the person with low-attention-spen-deficet-disorder the opportunity to “get it” and click out:

Just a quick note before beginning — that explains shortly (see the longer explanation here) — why almost all KKK’ers and “white supremacists” are socialists (a LEFT leaning political economic system):


Again, let’s recap for clarity some of my reasons white racist/nationalists cults vote Democrat:

  • They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance).

This is why a majority STILL supported Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. She is a socialist at heart, wants a big welfare state, and does not like Israel as much as Trump, who has kids practicing the Jewish religion. Thee ONLY issue a racist could want to vote for Trump on is his immigration policies… hardly a racist position. It has only now become an issue of bigotry and racism because the Left has moved the goal post in the use of language. Racists no longer means “genetically superior,” rather, it mean you disagree with a Democrat and/or hurt their feelings. Otherwise, these people would be RACISTS!


Even the EL PASO SHOOTER is not a right-winger… even though every media outlet labeled him such:

So, as an example[s] of the bullet points at the top of this post. VOX uses the following example:

  • JAMES HODGKINSON: In June, a 66-year-old white man from Illinois shot at Republican Congress members during an early morning baseball practice, severely wounding several people including Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, the House of Representatives Majority Whip.
  • STEPHEN PADDOCK: Sunday night, a 64-year-old white man from Nevada opened fire on a crowd of more than 22,000 people at a country music festival in Las Vegas, killing more than 50 and wounding more than 200.

(BTW, I am not one who thinks NOT NAMING these cucks is helpful, so be aware. I am sure the media would like to obfuscate their roots by making it impossible to track them down to “test” their narrative.) Here is a good example of the obfuscation of “being a white-man” versus an “ideology” or belief you are doing your crime in the name of or for some twisted reasoning.


I posted on this in more depth, but here is an excerpt OF THAT POST:

The Shooter of Rep. Steve Scalise is a radical Leftist. He was deeply involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. He railed against the one-percent. Was a long-time fan of Bernie Sanders years before he ran for election. Mind you. the media has a role in egging people on that may have these radical tendencies. On my Facebook, I noted this:

  • If Republicans are “worse than terrorists”… why wouldn’t Leftists shoot them [us]? Yes, the Democrats (Bernie Sanders intimated this as well as others) say we are worse than ISIS due to rejecting the idea that mankind is driving in a significant manner climate change. The shooter had many posts on climate. I mean Democrats are seriously considering jailing Republicans for denying AGW (anthropogenic global warming).

These are some of the group the Shooter belonged to (BELLVILLE-NEWS DEMOCRAT):

  • “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans”
  • “Donald Trump is not my President”
  • “President Bernie Sanders”
  • “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump”
  • “Boycott the Republican Party”
  • “Expose Republican Fraud”
  • “Terminate the Republican Party”

This shooter was also egged on by Democrat politicians (the following is adapted a bit from FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE):

What made James Hodgkinson believe that stopping the repeal of ObamaCare was a matter of life and death? Or, as he put it, “Republicans Want to Deny Most All Americans Health Care”?

It was Bernie Sanders who claimed that “thousands of Americans would die” if Republicans repealed ObamaCare. “Families will go bankrupt. People will die,” Elizabeth Warren had tweeted.

James Hodgkinson was a big Bernie supporter. And he was a fan of Elizabeth Warren.

  • Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe — “People are going to lose lives.” Instead of trying to push gun control, he might have revisited his own rhetoric.
  • Congressman John Lewis claimed that the repeal would kill.
  • Congressman Ruben Gallego insisted that he didn’t have to be civil to Republicans because their “policies that are going to kill people”.

It’s a short step from accusing Republicans of killing people to suspending civility to wishing them dead.


And Democrat politicians were downright restrained compared to some of their media allies.

  • Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald wanted to see every Congressional Republican who voted for ObamaCare have a family member perish. “It should be their loved ones who die,” he ranted. “The goprs in congress didn’t just send out a tweet wishing for me to face my own death. They actually voted to do it. If people don’t give a damn about the consequences of what they do, they should face those consequences,” Eichenwald wrote in a statement. 

James Hodgkinson was a fan of the Rachel Maddow show. Eichenwald was an MSNBC contributor and his work had been touted by Rachel Maddow. 

Calls for violence against Republicans had become normalized. 

  • A few days before the attack, the Huffington Post ran a piece calling for executing Trump “and everyone assisting in his agenda”. It has since come down, but a similarly themed piece defending a “violent response” to President Trump is still up.
  • Julius Caesar reimagined as Trump and leftist activists as his heroic assassins made headlines. “Killing Republicans” in neighboring Brooklyn did not. 
  • “They should be lined up and shot,” Professor John Griffin posted of Republicans over the ObamaCare repeal. Professor Lars Maischak at Frenso State proposed “the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant.”

And it didn’t end after the shooting.

  • “If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP house leadership considered self defense?” Malcolm Harris, a regular at the New Republic, whose work has appeared at the Washington Post and Salon, inquired.


  • “Noam Chomsky calls the Republican Party the Most Dangerous Organization in Human History!” was one of the messages on his Facebook page. According to Chomsky, appearing on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, Republicans are committed “to the destruction of organized human life on Earth.” Forget health care. Republicans are actually trying to wipe out the species by denying Global Warming.

James Hodgkinson participated in the People’s Climate March. Its theme, like Chomsky’s, was that Trump and Republicans were a threat to the entire planet. 

If that’s true, shouldn’t someone save the planet by doing something about those Republicans?

Hodgkinson was taught by the left that all problems were reducible to Republican evil. He quoted Robert Reich, a Sanders Institute fellow, claiming that the poor economy was due to tax cuts for the rich. 


“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co,” Hodgkinson ranted. Trump isn’t destroying our democracy. The leftists trying to bring him down are.

The left has whipped up an angry mob and promised them that if they scream and shout enough, President Trump will be forced out of office. They manufactured a crisis and now it’s exploding on them. If they can’t deliver a coup, there will be more shootings like this one. 

The Democrats are sleepwalking into a civil war. They want power, but like leftists from Russia to Cuba, they haven’t seriously contemplated the price that will have to paid for their bloody utopia.

In her “Resistance” video, former Attorney General Lynch spoke of blood, marching and dying….



And to this day there was no motive known behind the Vegas shooter. If the idea is that he is merely white, and this leads to mass shootings… then African nations should be peaceful. Yet, in 100-days 800,000 people were killed. Not by whites. John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo killed 10-people. And? Chicago is a shit show:


  • Shot & Killed: 350
  • Shot & Wounded: 1712
  • Total Shot: 2062
  • Total Homicides: 383

One city., again, one city. Almost all black-on-black (similar to Paddocks white-on-white). Similarly, in the U.S., the Black murder rate and violent crime rate is much higher than white (DAILY WIRE):

1. Data shows that 93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.

The left’s rebuttal is that that 84 percent of white homicide victims are killed by other whites, but The Wall Street Journal‘s Jason Riley points out that the white crime rate is “much lower than the black rate.”

2. According to Riley, “Blacks commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that whites do.”

Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Here are some more statistics from the FBI:

In 2013, the FBI has black criminals carrying out 38 per cent of murders, compared to 31.1 per cent for whites. The offender’s race was “unknown” in 29.1 per cent of cases.

What about violent crime more generally? FBI arrest rates are one way into this. Over the last three years of data – 2011 to 2013 – 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black.

3. Black crime is even more prevalent in the country’s largest cities and counties.

Heather Mac Donald writes in her book The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe that in Chicago, IL, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides, despite composing 35 percent of the city’s population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. Whites, who compose 28 percent of the city’s population, committed 4 percent of its homicides and 3.5 percent of its juvenile arrests. Hispanics, who compose 30 percent of the city’s population, committed 19 percent of its homicides and 18 percent of its juvenile arrests. (Another eye-opening fact from Mac Donald’s research is that only 26 percent of murder cases were solved in Chicago.)

Blacks are 10 percent of the population in Los Angeles, CA, but commit 42 percent of its robberies and 34 percent of its felonies. Whites make up 29 percent of the city’s population, and commit 5 percent of its robberies and 13 percent of its felonies.

In New York City, blacks committed “75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime,” despite only composing 23 percent of the population, said Mac Donald in a Hillsdale speech. Additionally, 2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that in 2009, “blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties.”

4. There were almost 6,000 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015.

By contrast, only 258 blacks were killed by police gunfire that year….


51% of the mass shootings (if all are considered — i.e., gang violence) are by black people, and only 29% by white. AND? Paddock (except the Muhammad and Malvo case) is one of the few that didn’t do the killings in the “name of something.” (Yes, killing in the name of a gang is technically an ideology… but as we will see, Leftism far outstrips conservatism as a factor.)

On one site, the top ten White Terrorists are listed, with connections to the “right-wing.” I will go through a couple to exemplify the “base” thinking of such connections.

  • Stack took Tea Party anger at taxes to a new level when he flew a plane into the Austin, Texas, IRS  building, killing himself. He left behind a manifesto attacking the IRS, taxes, and government bailouts.

Andrew Joseph Stack (“RIGHT WING”)

This is from my post entitled:

There was no evidence that Stack belonged to a Tea Party organization, even though the media immediately made the connection.

Another guy the press immediately tried to connect to the T.E.A. Party. It was pointed out that much of what the IRS Joseph “the bomber” Stack talked about was directly from Michael Moore movies.

The man suspected of intentionally crashing an airplane into a Texas office building today appears to have posted a lengthy online diatribe attacking the Internal Revenue Service and declaring that, “I know I’m hardly the first one to decide I have had all I can stand.”

The things said in his manifesto seem to all be taken straight from Michael Moore movies?

  • Anti-health care system= SICKO
  • Anti-Capitalism= CAPITALISM, A LOVE STORY
  • IRS cronyism with businesses= CAPITALISM, A LOVE STORY
  • Anti-Bush= FAHRENHEIT 9/11
  • Blames Big Corporations for job issues= THE BIG ONE

(lots of debate here at the above quotes source) For a well thought out story string of stories, see Verum Serum’s insights: Herehere, as well as the excerpt you see here:

One – Joe Stack was a liberal. As I pointed out recently ~ Stack:

  • Hates George W. Bush and his “cronies”
  • Hates Big Pharma
  • Hates Big Insurance
  • Hates GM executives
  • Hates organized religion
  • Refers favorably to communism
  • And in his last words before dying, denigrates capitalism.

read more

MICHELLE MALKIN had some great posts on him… here are some excerpts:

But as I reported at the time, Stack’s ranting suicide manifesto:

targeted “puppet” George W. Bush, murderous health care insurers and the pharmaceutical industry.

The “manifesto” ended:

The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.


In February 2010, ticking time-bomb professor Amy Bishop gunned down three of her colleagues at University of Alabama-Huntsville and suicide pilot Joseph Andrew Stack flew a stolen small plane into an Austin, Texas, office complex that contained an Internal Revenue Service office. Mainstream journalists from Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart to Time magazine reporter Hilary Hylton leaped forward to tie the crimes to Tea Party rhetoric. Never mind that Bishop was an Obama-worshiping academic with a lifelong history of violence or that Stack was another Bush-hater outraged about everything from George W. Bush to the American medical system to the evils of capitalism to the city of Austin, the Catholic Church, and airlines.


Nope. Not a righty TEA Partier. Here is another person mentioned on the LIST:

James von BrunN (“Right-Winger”)

Now isn’t this fascinating. James von Brunn , the white-supremacist suspect in the Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting in which the guard who was shot has now tragically died, describes the relevance of evolution to his sick thinking. He’s obsessed with “genetics.” He writes in his manifesto (emphasis added):

Approval of inter-racial breeding is predicated on idiotic Christian dogma that God’s children must love their enemies (a concept JEWS totally reject); and on LIBERAL/MARXIST/JEW propaganda that all men/races are created equal. These genocidal ideologies, preached from the American pulpits, taught in American schools, legislated in the halls of Congress (confirming TALMUDIC conviction that goyim are stupid sheep), are expected to produce a single, superintelligent, beautiful, non-White “American” population. Eliminating forever racism, inequality, bigotry and war. As with ALL LIBERAL ideologies, miscegenation is totally inconsistent with Natural Law: the species are improved through in-breeding, natural selection and mutation. Only the strong survive. Cross-breeding Whites with species lower on the evolutionary scale diminishes the White gene-pool while increasing the number of physiologically, psychologically and behaviorally deprived mongrels. Throughout history improvident Whites have miscegenated. The “brotherhood” concept is not new (as LIBERALS pretend) nor are the results — which are inevitably disastrous for the White Race — evident today, for example, in the botched populations of Cuba, Mexico, Egypt, India, and the inner cities of contemporary America. (Here’s the PDF version of Von Brunn’s “manifesto.”)

This wacko despises Christianity, too, though not quite as much as he does Judaism. Like Hitler in Mein Kampf, he draws lessons from his interpretation of Darwinism.

The below is some more news on James von Brunn. As they sift through his life more and more of his reasoning (or lack thereof) is coming to light and I feel I must share it with you. The following is from NEWSBUSTERS:

The perpetrator, James von Brunn, has far more in common with Rosie O’Donnell’s conspiracy theorist views of the world than say the politics of Rush Limbaugh or Fox News fans (emphasis mine):

While Mr. von Brunn is currently being made out to be the poster child of the Republican Party, even a cursory look at his professed views shows he is the avowed enemy of the GOP in its current incarnation. Among many others, Mr. von Brunn hates Rupert Murdoch, Fox News (that means you, too, Shep!), George W. Bush and John McCain. And according to the FBI, Mr. von Brunn even had in his vehicle the address of the Weekly Standard, home base of the dreaded “neo-cons.”

Seems Mr. von Brunn wasn’t a big fan of the Iraq War and also believed that 9/11 was an “inside job.” Given this political sketch, Mr. von Brunn would feel at home at Camp Casey, Cindy Sheehan’s antiwar outpost in Crawford, Texas, and at the Daily Kos convention, rather than partaking in a National Review cruise with pro-Israeli war hawks Mark Steyn and Victor Davis Hanson. 

It’s not Charles Lindbergh’s Republican Party any more. And it hasn’t been for more than a half-century. But don’t tell that to the facile minds at the DHS [the Department of Homeland Security] and CNN. 

An interesting aside. Dr. George Tiller, who was a women’s health physician, and performed legal abortions. was gunned down in his church by an anti-abortion zealot. Here is how NewsBustrers wrote about the story then:

First Day Contrast: Keith Olbermann Called Tiller Shooting ‘Terrorism’ And A ‘Jihad,’ But Avoided Those Terms For Fort Hood.

On June 1 of this year, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann devoted most of his hour of Countdown to his withering outrage at the shooting of late-term abortionist George Tiller in Kansas (and how it was caused by Fox News).

The tone was dramatically different than his tone on November 5, the night of the Islamic terrorist shooting rampage at Fort Hood in Texas. Here’s Olbermann’s very dry opening: “Nightmare at Fort Hood: How could a soldier kill at least 12 other soldiers and wounded at least 31 more? And why?”

read more

We know Mr. von Brunn HATES:


The bias is palpable.

MICHELLE MALKIN notes what Kathy Shaidle wrote about the shooter — a 9/11 Truther who hated “neo-cons:”

The man accused of opening fire at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC on June 10, James W. von Brunn, left a trail of unhinged writings around the internet.

The anti-semitism of von Brunn is the first thing one notices when visiting these bizarre websites. However, like those of most “white supremacists”, many of von Brunn’s political views track “Left” rather than “Right.” Clearly, a re-evaluation of these obsolete definitions is long overdue.

For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other “neo-conservatives” in online essays. As even some “progressives” such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, “neoconservative” is often used as a derogatory code word for “Jews”. As well, even a cursory glance at “white supremacist” writings reveals a hatred of, say, big corporations that is virtually indistinguishable from that of anti-globalization activists.

James von Brunn’s advocacy of 9/11 conspiracy theories also gives him an additional commonality with individuals on the far-left.

I think this guy fails the “right-wing” category given to him “willy-nilly.”

Here is another guy from the “top-ten” list:

John Patrick Bedell (“Right-Winger”)

The gunman identified by authorities in the Pentagon shooting, harbored intense anti-government feelings.

FoxNews has the recent story:

….Signs emerged that Bedell harbored ill feelings toward the government and the armed forces, and had questioned the circumstances behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

In an Internet posting, a user by the name JPatrickBedell wrote that he was “determined to see that justice is served” in the death of Marine Col. James Sabow, who was found dead in the backyard of his California home in 1991. The death was ruled a suicide but the case has long been the source of theories of a cover up. 

The user named JPatrickBedell wrote the Sabow case was “a step toward establishing the truth of events such as the September 11 demolitions.”

That same posting railed against the government’s enforcement of marijuana laws and included links to the author’s 2006 court case in Orange County, Calif., for cultivating marijuana and resisting a police officer. Court records available online show the date of birth on the case mentioned by the user JPatrickBedell matches that of the John Patrick Bedell suspected in the shooting….

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After the Christian Science Monitor and Talking Points Memo (TPM) connected Bedell to the Tea Party… real evidence started coming out in which I asked this question: “How many Tea Partiers or conservatives…”

  • Shoot at the Pentagon and hate the military?
  • Are registered Democrats?
  • Hate George Bush and the whole Bush family?
  • Think 9/11 was perpetrated not by Muslims but by Republicans?
  • Grow and smoke marijuana?
  • Read left-wing anti-Bush books?
  • Are anti-war?
  • Talk about “economic justice”?
  • Think the Vietnam War and the Iraq War were not merely mistakes but were part of a government conspiracy?

Michelle Malkin uncovered a key inconvenient fact which doesn’t quite fit this predictable “right-wing extremist” narrative — that bedell was a registered democrat


Bedell was also a marijuana smoker, grower and activist, as documented at Gateway Pundit.


Patterico has now posted a full transcript of one of Bedell’s internet rants — the same one cited by Talking Points Memo as evidence of his right-wing leanings — which has Bedell uncorking phrases like “economic justice” and paragraphs like (writing in 2006 during the Bush presidency) “This organization, like so many murderous governments throughout history, would see the sacrifice of thousands of its citizens in an event such as the September 11th attacks, as a small cost in order to perpetuate its barbaric control. This collection of gangsters would find it in their interests to foment conflict and initiate wars throughout the world in order to divert attention from their misconduct and criminality. The true nature of such a regime would find its clearest expression in Satanic violence currently ongoing in Iraq.” and anti-war conspiracy theories like “The political and military disasters such as the wars in Vietnam and Iraq that an illegitimate coup regime uses against the people…”.


Add all that to the previous discovery already linked above that Bedell’s Amazon “Wish List” featured the the left-wing conspiracy-theory books The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family and Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America.


And finally, from GATEWAY PUNDIT:

So, which state-run media outlet will be the first to claim this Bush-hating Truther is a tea party activist?We’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, the Christian Science Monitor was the first to call the pot smoking, Bush-hating, Truther a right wing extremist. For the record, 35% of democrats believed Bush knew about the 9-11 attacks in advance. 99.9% of the left were Bush-haters.

UPDATE: SoWill the state-run media report this? The Pentagon shooter is linked to several gay rights groups along with PETA, NPR, various drug legalization orgs, Greenpeace and Al Franken. Hmm. So when was the last time you ran into a “right wing extremist” who was a big fan of Al Franken?

UPDATE: The media’s “right wing extremist” is a registered democrat.


Some “right-winger,” so right-wing he registered as a Democrat! The problem is, as IJR points out that the LEFT merely uses a low-threshold definition of right wing:

…However, when right-wing terrorist attacks are coded by New America, those are attributed in a loose manner to mere statements made by the perpetrators that fit the left-wing’s shibboleth that racist or anti-government views define someone as a “right-winger.”

Thus, the conclusions are not only questionable, they are borderline deceptive. The professor concludes:

Right wing terrorism is more deadly for Americans only if you add a number of very limiting parameters (e.g. excluding the victims of 9/11, ignoring “lone wolf” attacks without solid connections to groups like al-Qaeda and their affiliates, etc). But if you lift those limitations, and apply equal standards, then the raw and unfiltered numbers of deaths of Americans due to Islamic extremism in the United States over the last fifteen years dwarf the numbers attributable to right wing extremism by a ratio of over 62 to 1.

Even if you leave out 9/11 victims and just focus on the ideological statements and goals of the attackers, then the deaths of Americans due to Islamic extremism still outnumber the deaths attributable to right wingers (which reveals an even greater disparity when compared with population groups). If we move beyond America’s borders, then the disparity becomes far greater, with somewhere around 90% of the world’s terrorism related deaths attributable to Islamic extremism, and only a fraction of 1% attributable to right wing extremism.

Back to PJ-MEDIA’S article… they note that “Bloomberg[‘s] View columnist Megan McArdle noted several ‘right-wing’ cases in New America’s data set that were dubious at best.” Continuing with Megan’s column:

Counting the other types of extremist terrorism is a little murkier. Some of them are fairly obvious: When a white supremacist starts shooting people at a Sikh temple, I don’t think we need to wonder too hard what his motives were. On the other hand, the data set The Times relies on also includes Andrew Joseph Stack, who you may remember piloted a small plane into an IRS building in Austin. Stack left a manifesto behind, and it doesn’t exactly read like an anarcho-capitalist treatise. Oh, he’s mad at the government, all right, but he’s mad about … the 1986 revision to Section 1706 of the tax code, which governs the treatment of technical contractors […]

Its closing lines are “The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need. The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.” Labeling this as a “deadly right-wing attack” is beyond a stretch; it’s not even arguably correct.

McArdle identifies several other eye-rolling examples of New America’s “right-wing” killers.

The PJ-MEDIA article goes on to quote Florida State Professor Andrew Holt who looked at New America’s data… of which the below is an extended quote from. BUT FIRST, the graph he used is old… HERITAGE FOUNDATION notes recently that the 114th Islamist terror plot was thwarted:

  • Law enforcement arrested a 19-year-old New York man before the Labor Day weekend and charged him with plotting a terrorist attack in New York City. It was the 114th Islamist terrorist plot or attack against the U.S. homeland. 

Here is the professors ending and addendums to the linked article:

The Global Terrorism Index also notes, for example, that since 9/11 only 0.5% (half of 1%) of all terrorist related deaths took place in western countries, to include the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, etcThis number includes not only deaths due to attacks by right wingers, racists, nationalists, etcbut also Islamic terrorists operating in Western countries who were often responsible for the most deadly attacks. So “right wing” terror attacks account foronly a portionof only halfof 1%of all worldwide related terrorist deaths in 2014, based on the GTI study.

Again, as I noted in the introduction, this is not to dismiss the threat of right wing terrorism and its very deadly consequences for some, but only to add perspective to the claims being made. Right wing terrorism is more deadly for Americans only if you add a number of very limiting parameters (e.g. excluding the victims of 9/11, ignoring “lone wolf” attacks without solid connections to groups like al-Qaeda and their affiliates, etc). But if you lift those limitations, and apply equal standards, then the raw and unfiltered numbers of deaths of Americans due to Islamic extremism in the United States over the last fifteen years dwarf the numbers attributable to right wing extremism by a ratio of over 62 to 1. Even if you leave out 9/11 victims and just focus on the ideological statements and goals of the attackers, then the deaths of Americans due to Islamic extremism still outnumber the deaths attributable to right wingers (which reveals an even greater disparity when compared with population groups). If we move beyond America’s borders, then the disparity becomes far greater, with somewhere around 90% of the world’s terrorism related deaths attributable to Islamic extremism, and only a fraction of 1% attributable to right wing extremism.


Addendum (June 14, 2016): Since the attack on a gay bar by an Islamic State supporter in Orlando that resulted in the deaths of 50 people, New America has updated their numbers to now show that jihadists have killed almost twice as many Americans since 9/11 (and excluding 9/11) than “Far Right Wing-Terrorists.” See my recent analysis for The College Fix.

Addendum (Feb. 28, 2017) Screen shot of current count on the New America website showing 94 deaths due to jihadists, with 50 due to right wing extremism.


Here is a quick listing from an OLDER POST of MINE discussing some of my research:

  • Elliot Rodger (“UCSB” shooter): Fan of the left-wing political talk show, The Young Turks.
  • James von Brunn (Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter): von Brunn hated Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, George W. Bush and John McCain.
  • Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood Shooter): Reg¬istered Democrat and Muslim.
  • Aaron Alexis (Navy Yard shooter): black liberal/Obama voter.
  • Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech shooter): Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
  • James Holmes: the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu¬py guy, progressive liberal, hated Christians.
  • Amy Bishop: the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
  • Andrew J. Stack (IRS bomber, flew plane into IRS building in Texas): Leftist Democrat, hated Bush and capitalism.
  • James J. Lee (who was the “green activist”): leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
  • John Patrick Bedell: (Pentagon Shooter) registered Democrat, talked about economic justice.
  • Nkosi Thandiwe (Shooting spree targeting white ppl): Accepted “white priveledge.”
  • Floyd Corkins (LGBT Chic-Fil-A shooter): hated conservative and Christians.
  • Karl Pierson (school shooter): loved communism, self-avowed Keynesian, hated Adam Smith and supported gun-control.

As you can tell from ALL of the above… this is a LIE perpetrated on the public — on a regular basis in fact. The Democrats push for violence in fact:

See more about this here:

Totalitarian/Fascist Fits – Violence from the Democrat Left

A Quick Note on the Media and the El Paso Shooter

This could be lifted from any Democrat 2020 campaign website or from their interviews…

  • a basic universal income
  • universal healthcare
  • complain about cost of college
  • talk about how oil companies are polluting water
  • how we waste resources — trees for overuse of paper-towels and other wasteful indulgences
  • think corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over-harvesting resources
  • corporations merely want illegal immigration for cheap labor
  • overpopulation is a real danger/threat that needs immediate dealing with

  • was “racialized” way before Trump after reading a 2011 book titled, “The Great Replacement”
  • said he reacted to Democrats in a DNC debate where all the candidates raised their hands to provide “health insurance” to illegal immigrants. Not anything Trump said

(El Paso Shooter)

However, imagine if you will a salt shaker. And you sprinkle “racism” on top of the above. All of a sudden Bernie Sanders’ face, Elizabeth Warren’s face, Robert O’Rourke’s’ face — meld into some right wing fascist just by adding “racism.” IN medieval days this was known as…


Amazing — the power of suggestion by the media. Like changing lead into gold… in this case, perceived political capital.

Dissecting Emotional Libels – Facebook

I just wanted to go through this and note all the untruths in this paragraph-screed by a friend. Now, granted, she is merely reacting emotionally — as we all are disgusted by the actions from this past weekend. I will tease out the logical consequences with new information gleaned from the killer[s] manifesto/life. Here is the “offending” (raw emotion) post:

  • Why dont any of my fellow Republicans ever post a post condemning these mass murders committed by our own home grown, radicalized, racially motivated white males who use AKs to kill as many people regardless if they are elderly, adults, or children? Rather attacking posts like mine that point out the ever repetitive act of mass murder with the same MO. And refuse to acknowledge that our president’s words and actions have fueled these murders. The FBI and police chiefs around the country have stated that hate crimes have been on the rise since he took office. Its not a secret. (OP)

Keep in mind in other areas of her posts she called these semi-automatic long-rifles machine guns (assault weapons, which the military uses — select fire). “Machine guns” have been outlawed since the 1930’s with thanks to Al Capone and others like him.

Okay, I noted that in fact, many of the “mass killers” and politically motivated persons wishing to cause harm are not in fact “right-leaning.” One lady mentioned after a response to the OP regarding reading that “Reading does most assuredly NOT make one a Republican.” I agreed but said:

  • Reading would stop people from saying assault weapons are used (machine-guns), and, allow one to know that a “Fascist” is really a socialist. A radically left leaning takeover of energy production, universal healthcare. and the Like. Not “right wing” in the least.

Now, since the shooting, we have come to find out that the killers manifesto was named after Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth,” with passages in the manifesto that really could have been lifted from almost any 2020 Democrat candidate’s campaign site regarding Corporations and Climate. He said his racist views pre-dated Trump (so if he acquired them — say — during Obama’s Presidency, should we blame him?). The killer also mentions Dr. Seuss’s book the Lorax.

Okay, some fixing and commentary of the above paragraph.

  • Why don’t any of my fellow Democrats ever post a post condemning these mass murders and political violence since they are overwhelmingly committed by Left-leaning radicals? Since the KKK and other white supremacist organizations overwhelmingly voted for Obama and other Democrat before and after him since they are essentially socialist in their political and economic views. Racially and environmentally motivated and violent males of all colors and backgrounds who primarily use handguns to kill as many people regardless if they are elderly, adults, or children? Rather attacking posts like mine that point out the ever repetitive act of mass murder with differing MO’sAnd refuse to acknowledge that our president’s words and actions have fueled these murders as wrongly encapsulated by the likes of CNN, Democrats, and MSNBC (and NPR, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other mainstream media outlets) as well as recognizing that there has not been an increase of hate-crimes at all but an increase in reporting them as more-and-more police precincts are added and definitions of what a hate-crime is considered is changed. Its not a secret. (EDITED-OP)

Just a day after this shooting another shooter who considered himself a socialist, voted in Democrat primaries, wanted Elizebeth Warren as president, killed people as well.

Almost all violent acts, racism, hated, and political assignations all the way to fist-to-cuffs — have been perpetrated by Democrats or radical Lefties:

The Killer railed against corporations, was rabidly pro-environment in a UNIBOMBER WAY, wanted large government programs like a universal income/livable-wage, and universal healthcare. Mentioned a book that influenced (obviously) his radical thing, The Lorax by Dr. Seuss:

People are amazed (really, due to the fact that they think history and facts are what CNN and other media sources tell them it is) that 3-of-the-4 leaders of the largest white supremacist groups told their followers to vote for Obama. That most leaders of the Klan (KKK) voted for Hillary. The idea that these groups are “right-wing” is due to a lack of knowledge regarding what fascism is:

  • “Everything I have said and done in these last years is relativism by intuition….  If relativism signifies contempt for fixed categories and men who claim to be bearers of an objective, immortal truth… then there is nothing more relativistic than fascistic attitudes and activity….  From the fact that all ideologies are of equal value, that all ideologies are mere fictions, the modern relativist infers that everybody has the right to create for himself his own ideology and to attempt to enforce it with all the energy of which he is capable.”

Mussolini, Diuturna (1924) pp. 374-77, quoted in A Refutation of Moral Relativism: Interviews with an Absolutist (Ignatius Press; 1999), by Peter Kreeft, p. 18.

Why do they vote Left… I give a breakdown of why in the “Trump Sized Myths” linked above:

Again, let’s recap for clarity some of my reasons white racist/nationalists cults vote Democrat:

  • They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance).

Also, hate-crimes are not on the rise under Trump:


A recent study from the University of Pennsylvania finds that racism in America has significantly decreased since President Donald Trump’s election in 2016, directly contradicting the narrative pushed among many academics and mainstream media personalities.

The Rise of Trump, the Fall of Prejudice? Tracking White Americans’ Racial Attitudes 2008-2018 via a Panel Survey was authored by UPenn political science professor Daniel J. Hopkins and research assistant Samantha Washington.

Hopkins, in an article for FiveThirtyEight, detailed on Tuesday the study, which used 13 waves of panel surveys to gather data and determined that white racial prejudice against African Americans and Hispanic Americans has declined since 2016, when Trump was elected president.


“Latino approval of President Trump has skyrocketed to 50 percent. We’ve had the lowest Latino unemployment in history under President Trump,” Joel Valdez, a Mexican-American and recent student at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. “Latinos and African-American[s] are prospering under the Trump Administration.”

“Racist” Perceptions

In fact, most hate-crimes one sees plastered in newspapers or in a chyron on CNN/MSNBC are later to be found out to be hoaxes… but the front-page coverage on TV or papers leaves a lasting impression (which is what the news orgs want, a narrative to be swallowed):

Although not mentioned, I am sure my friend thinks that America leads the world in mass shootings. THIS IS ALSO NOT THE CASE. Neither are the shootings of 4-or more ppl (mass shootings) done by white people primarily (just in 2019):

As you can see. Almost everything in the ORIGINAL OP was false. But people, because of their biases, want them to be true. This is nothing new however… ever since Goldwater we have heard the same tired “race-card” used on the GOPs peeps. Take Reagan for instance:

  • Steven F. Hayward, author of “The Age Of Reagan” wrote: “Liberals hated Reagan in the 1980s. Pure and simple. They used language that would make the most fervid anti-Obama rhetoric of the Tea Party seem like, well, a tea party. Democratic Rep. William Clay of Missouri charged that Reagan was ‘trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.'” (LARRY ELDER)

People are SICK OF IT!

In another post the same person wrote:

  • Another radicalized young white man with a gun that kills many quickly…. AK? Probably. So sick of these killings. Sick of hearing how our president and government officials are offering their prayers. Its not enough!!! We need stronger laws with these type of automatic and simi automatic weapons. Hey i love shooting them like many others but im more sick of hearing of our own home grown terrorists killing so many innocent men weomen children and elderly and NOTHING BEING DONE ABOUT IT!!!! Totall bullshit.

To which I respond:

The void of faith and prayer in this nation turning to paganism and secular fixes for the void in them and the “expectation” of government to make their ills disappear IS the problems with this country right now. NOT ENOUGH prayers to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are being made.

What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words, by God himself.

Blaise Pascal (Pensees 10.148)

Since 51% of the mass shootings (if all are considered — i.e., gang violence) are by black people, and only 29% by white… I wonder if people will write:

✦ Another radicalized young black man with a gun that kills many quickly…. AK?

Somehow I doubt it. Bemoaning white men and people of faith (read here: Christians) is the only acceptable whipping boy today [and ignoring the pain and suffering in the black community seems habitual]. Maybe these young men being told they have the burden of slavery, are privileged, and attacked daily in the news and taught crazy stuff throughout high school and college — IS THE ISSUE.

For instance, that kid that shot up Walmart — this was in his screed:

✦ a basic universal income
✦ wanted universal healthcare
✦ complained about cost of college
✦ talked about how oil companies polluted water
✦ how we wasted resources — trees for overuse of paper-towels
✦ railed against BOTH Democrats and Republicans
✦ said corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over-harvesting resources
✦ corporations wanted illegal immigration for cheap labor

That sounds like my kids being shown “An Inconvenient Truth” in the classroom in middle-school. (The movie the manifesto was named after by the Walmart shooter.) THANKFULLY I countered all the crazy ideologies spoon fed to my boys… here is my cut-n-paste (saved) challenge to others — I own and have watched (some of the below are shown in high-school classes):

I often bump into people that have watched some or most of the following “documentaries”

  • Bowling for Columbine
  • Roger and Me
  • Fahrenheit 9/11
  • Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
  • Sicko
  • An Inconvenient Truth
  • Loose Change
  • Zeitgeist
  • Religulouse
  • The God Who Wasn’t There
  • Super-Size Me
  • Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price

But rarely do I meet someone of the opposite persuasion from me that have watched any of the following (I own and have watched):

  • Celsius 41.11: The Temperature at Which the Brain Dies
  • FahrenHYPE 9/11
  • Michael & Me
  • Michael Moore Hates America
  • Bullshit! Fifth Season… (where they tear apart the Wal-Mart documentary mentioned above)
  • Indoctrinate U
  • Mine Your Own Business
  • Screw Loose Change
  • 3-part response to Zeitgeist
  • Fat-Head (a response to “Super Size Me”)

Maybe balance, reading countering viewpoints, faith, something greater than just you, the Imago Dei (the Image of God we all should honor), etc. Instead it’s blame corporations, white people, pushing environmental scare tactics, wanting socialized programs, livable wages, etc. etc. — as if THAT fixes the human condition

Since this Patrick Crusius is in custody and cooperating with authorities. I will update his info below. People hate posting his name… but usually the people not wanting to post his name are also the one’s trying to place people like this at Republicans feet — as if we created and encouraged him and others. (His whole manifesto is here).



Patrick Crusius, the shooter that killed 20 people at a Walmart in Texas (may be more depending on the medical condition of these persons — all this is really sad to type. The devastated families and grief of loved ones. Man.) This is with thanks to GATEWAY PUNDIT and the DAILY SIGNAL, who notes the following: “This is not to say he’s a Democrat or a Republican, but he is without question a progressive.” Continuing… this scumbag wanted to lessen the weight of the welfare state to “achieve ambitious social projects” in:

  • a basic universal income
  • like universal healthcare
  • complained about cost of college
  • talked about how oil companies polluted water
  • how we wasted resources — trees for overuse of paper-towels
  • railed against BOTH Democrats and Republicans

And said,

  • Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources
  • Corporations wanted illegal imigration for cheap labor

Here are some of the portions of the above:

“In the near future, AMERICA WILL HAVE TO INITIATE A BASIC UNIVERSAL INCOME to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs (to automation). Joblessness is in itself a source of civil unrest. The less dependents on a government welfare system, the lower the unemployment rate, the better. ACHIEVING AMBITIOUS SOCIAL PROJECTS LIKE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE AND UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of defendants are removed.”


“The decimation of our environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. CORPORATIONS ARE HEADING THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BY SHAMELESSLY OVERHARVESTING RESOURCES.”


This is why corporations lobby for even more illegal immigration even after decades of it of happening. They need to keep replenishing the low-skilled labor pool. Even as migrant children flood skilled jobs, Corporations make this worse by lobbying for even more work visas to be issued for skilled foreign workers to come here. Recently, the senate under a REPUBLICAN administration has greatly increased the number of foreign workers that will take American jobs. Remember that both Democrats and Republicans support immigration and work visas. Corporations need to keep replenishing the labor pool for both skilled and unskilled jobs to keep wages down. So Automation is a good thing as it will eliminate the need for new migrants to fill unskilled jobs. Jobs that Americans can’t survive on anyway. Automation can and would replace millions of low-skilled jobs if immigrants were deported. This source of competition for skilled labor from immigrants and visa holders around the world has made a very difficult situation even worse for natives as they compete in the skilled job market. To compete, people have to get better credentials by spending more time in college. It used to be that a high school degree was worth something. Now a bachelor’s degree is what’s recommended to be competitive in the job market. The cost of college degrees has exploded as their value has plummeted. This has led to a generation of indebted, overqualified students filling menial, low paying and unfulfilling jobs. Of course these migrants and their children have contributed to the problem, but are not the sole cause of it.


For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but god damn most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.

He also wrote in the very first sentence of his manifesto this: “In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.” I posted on the influences on this shooter. A Pagan nationalist named, Alain Benoist. A secular (pagan/New Age) philosopher. (More on my site.)

Lastly, he mentioned in his manifesto that he had started to hate Hispanics after reading a book back in 2011-2012 (LONG BEFORE TRUMP) The DAILY SIGNAL notes this:

The author expresses explicit support to the shooter in Christchurch, New Zealand, who killed 51 people at a mosque in March. The author also gained inspiration by reading “The Great Replacement,” a book by a white nationalist French author who claims European elites are conspiring to replace their native populations with non-European immigrants.

The manifesto ticks off a number of far-right grievances. However, the author also devotes a significant portion to overpopulation and its contribution to environmental degradation.

“The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heaing [sic] the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over harvesting resources,” it reads, saying Americans are unwilling to change their lifestyle to save the environment.

“Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent.”

The author concludes that the “next logical step” is to decrease the population. “If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable,” the manifesto says….

That book discusses the Muslim immigration issue of France… and here Patrick swapped out Hispanic. Since he is in custody, and cooperating… he also noted the following (GATEWAY PUNDIT). He said he expected the media to blame the attack on President Donald Trump, noting: “This is not the case” — “My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions… predate Trump and his campaign,” he wrote (DAILY MAIL).

Steve Hooper is a 30 year veteran of the FBI. Hooper said the El Paso shooter, during interviews, says he was triggered after watching the DNC debate where all the candidates raised their hands to provide “health insurance” to illegal immigrants.

It was the insanity at the Democrat Presidential debates that triggered the shooter, not Trump’s language.

So Democrats, and NOT TRUMP according to Patrick… and not CNN / MSNBC.


You cannot pigeon hole these guys as “Republicans,” and the use of RIGHT-WING is more akin to the progressive socialism of pre-war Germany. Just add these guys to the LONG LIST OF LEFTIST POLITICAL KILLERS and terrorists I note HERE.

Garlic Festival/Walmart Shooter Bio’s (Updated w/ Ohio Shooter)

To start out, I wish to quote someone I refer to as a “Cyber Friend,” a good thinker and lover of our Constitution.

The intense emotional reaction and grotesque ignorance during and following a mass shooting is PRECISELY why our Founders made the USA a Constitutional Republic, not a Direct Democracy — Bruce Carroll

Yep. This and other bios I post here are not to blame others, but to merely counter what I see on Leftists and Democrats (and now #NeverTrumper) social media saying these are Republicans killing people. Or that Trump or the GOP caused this. Dumb! I have been tracking with this lie since Dubya’s Presidency. You want to stop killing? Take all the guns away from Democrats and Leftists… and almost all the killings in the United States would stop. Here is a quick accounting of the three before we get into the weeds:

Let me be clear, as I link below and here… most of the political violence, murder, and hatred I have seen since I have been paying attention is from the Left. Here is another example:

Okay. It is sad, but unfortunately I have to update my “CRAZED GUNMEN BIO’S” section with some of the latest. Now tell me, do these guys sound like Republicans? (The OHIO SHOOTER update is below.)


First… the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter, Santino William Legan. Prior to the shooting he posted three items on Instagram. One was this post:

For someone who is part Iranian, and to memorialize this man, Ali Asghar Vahabzadeh, is saying something:

  • An Iranian source told that anybody who idolizes Ali Asghar – Legan’s grandfather’s namesake – would view themselves as a Shia zealot to Islam. (LAURA LOOMER)

JIHAD WATCH throws water on the “jihadi” idea, but notes the proclivity of the media to leave out certain associations (empasized):

He railed against “Silicon Valley white twats,” so it’s unlikely that he was a white supremacist, contrary to establishment media claims. BUT ALTHOUGH HE HAD MATERIAL ON JIHAD, HE DOESN’T SEEM TO HAVE BEEN A COMMITTED MUSLIM, OR A MUSLIM AT ALL; he is more likely to have been a hate-filled individual with a thirst to do people harm than a committed jihadi.

In any case, it is characteristic of the establishment media to ignore the Islamic material that Legan had and play up the white supremacist material, as you can see in the SFGate’s headline.

[HEADLINE] Report: White Supremacist Materials Found In Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooter’s Home 


Federal law enforcement sources told the Chronicle that the makings of “massive attack” were found in the Walker Lake, Nevada rental home where the shooter was staying. Among the items found were a gas mask, “numerous” hard drives, a bulletproof vest and “READING MATERIAL ON WHITE SUPREMACY AND RADICAL ISLAM.”….

Not only that, but the book that, but the book Santino William Legan supposedly referenced and may have been in his possession is “Might Is Right or The Survival of the Fittest.” This book was written by a late 19th-century/early 20th-century Nietzschean Social Darwinist who worshiped the “strong man,” had anarchist sympathies, and despised Judaism and Christianity, which he thought were religions for the weak.

I also wish to note that the “Muslim” ties do not diminish the radical pre-war Germany reading list. Mein Kampf is a best seller in Arabic speaking countries. Here is a question and a response in a forum discussing this:

This article from the Telegraph makes the claim that Adolf Hitler’s infamous manifesto, Mein Kampf is a bestseller in the Palestinian territories:

AN Arabic translation of Hitler’s Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain.

This BBC article describes the book being a bestseller in Bangladesh:

Adolf Hitler’s autobiography manifesto Mein Kampf is selling as well as Dan Brown’s latest novel, The Lost Symbol.

The street vendors in Dhaka are found at every major road junction and intersection.

Most of the sellers are young boys and many compete with beggars to attract the attention of motorists.

This WND news piece goes even further and claims that Mein Kampf is a standard Arab textbook.

Are there any bestseller lists in Muslim countries that show that the book has become a bestseller in Muslim countries in the past 20 years?

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute’s Special Dispatch No. 48, Hitler’s Mein Kampf In East Jerusalem And PA Territories:

Mein Kampf “is sixth on the Palestinian best-seller list”. This was back in 1999, and supports the claim of the BBC article in the OP which is from 2002.

Though the title in the OP generalizes to “Muslim countries”, there is no corresponding claim referenced in the OP. Instead there is just one claim about the Palestinian territories and one claim about Bangladesh.

In India, which is essentially in a 3-way tie with Indonesia and Pakistan for the largest Muslim population, Mein Kampf has also been selling well according to Indian business students snap up copies of Mein Kampf. However, the article makes associations with Hinduism rather than Islam.

The article further states:

India is not the only country where Mein Kampf is popular. It has been a best-seller in Croatia since it was first published in while in [T]urkey it sold 100,000 in just two months in 2005. In Russia it has been reprinted three times since the de facto ban on the book was overturned in 1992.

See also Mein Kampf sales soar in Turkey

Additionally, according to Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ surges to top of e-book charts (2014) which has screen-shot evidence that the book was the #1 seller in the Propaganda & Political Psychology category:

A digital edition of the manifesto is currently Amazon’s top-selling Propaganda & Political Psychology book, the 17th best-seller in Amazon’s Nationalism category, and places in the top 20 on iTune’s Politics & Events chart — twice.

So it is true that Mein Kampf sells well in various countries.

There is also a significant Wikipedia article Mein Kampf in Arabic.

In other words, people infatuated with Arab culture in a more radicalized sense may also have an affinity towards “anti-Semitic” literature. The Gilroy killer allegedly swallowed a bottle of valium before he went out to kill… probably to dull his conscience.


Patrick Crusius, the shooter that killed 20 people at a Walmart in Texas (may be more depending on the medical condition of these persons — all this is really sad to type. The devastated families and grief of loved ones. Man.) This is with thanks to GATEWAY PUNDIT, who notes the following: “This is not to say he’s a Democrat or a Republican, but he is without question a progressive.” Continuing… this scumbag wanted to lessen the weight of the welfare state to “achieve ambitious social projects” in:

  • a basic universal income
  • like universal healthcare
  • complained about cost of college
  • talked about how oil companies polluted water
  • how we wasted resources — trees for overuse of paper-towels
  • railed against BOTh Democrats and Republicans

And said,

  • Corporations are heading the destruction of our environment by shamelessly overharvesting resources

Here are the portions of the above:

“In the near future, AMERICA WILL HAVE TO INITIATE A BASIC UNIVERSAL INCOME to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs (to automation). Joblessness is in itself a source of civil unrest. The less dependents on a government welfare system, the lower the unemployment rate, the better. ACHIEVING AMBITIOUS SOCIAL PROJECTS LIKE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE AND UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of defendants are removed.”


“The decimation of our environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. CORPORATIONS ARE HEADING THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR ENVIRONMENT BY SHAMELESSLY OVERHARVESTING RESOURCES.”


This is why corporations lobby for even more illegal immigration even after decades of it of happening. They need to keep replenishing the low-skilled labor pool. Even as migrant children flood skilled jobs, Corporations make this worse by lobbying for even more work visas to be issued for skilled foreign workers to come here. Recently, the senate under a REPUBLICAN administration has greatly increased the number of foreign workers that will take American jobs. Remember that both Democrats and Republicans support immigration and work visas. Corporations need to keep replenishing the labor pool for both skilled and unskilled jobs to keep wages down. So Automation is a good thing as it will eliminate the need for new migrants to fill unskilled jobs. Jobs that Americans can’t survive on anyway. Automation can and would replace millions of low-skilled jobs if immigrants were deported. This source of competition for skilled labor from immigrants and visa holders around the world has made a very difficult situation even worse for natives as they compete in the skilled job market. To compete, people have to get better credentials by spending more time in college. It used to be that a high school degree was worth something. Now a bachelor’s degree is what’s recommended to be competitive in the job market. The cost of college degrees has exploded as their value has plummeted. This has led to a generation of indebted, overqualified students filling menial, low paying and unfulfilling jobs. Of course these migrants and their children have contributed to the problem, but are not the sole cause of it.


For example, this phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the decades old classic “The Lorax”. Water sheds around the country, especially in agricultural areas, are being depleted. Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent. Urban sprawl creates inefficient cities which unnecessarily destroys millions of acres of land. We even use god knows how many trees worth of paper towels just wipe water off our hands. Everything I have seen and heard in my short life has led me to believe that the average American isn’t willing to change their lifestyle, even if the changes only cause a slight inconvenience. The government is unwilling to tackle these issues beyond empty promises since they are owned by corporations. Corporations that also like immigration because more people means a bigger market for their products. I just want to say that I love the people of this country, but god damn most of y’all are just too stubborn to change your lifestyle. So the next logical step is to decrease the number of people in America using resources. If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable.

He also wrote in the very first sentence of his manifesto this: “In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto.” I posted on the influences on this shooter. A Pagan nationalist named, Alain Benoist. A secular (pagan/New Age) philosopher. (More on my site.)

Lastly, he mentioned in his manifesto that he had started to hate Hispanics after reading a book back in 2011-2012 (LONG BEFORE TRUMP) The DAILY SIGNAL notes this:

The author expresses explicit support to the shooter in Christchurch, New Zealand, who killed 51 people at a mosque in March. The author also gained inspiration by reading “The Great Replacement,” a book by a white nationalist French author who claims European elites are conspiring to replace their native populations with non-European immigrants.

The manifesto ticks off a number of far-right grievances. However, the author also devotes a significant portion to overpopulation and its contribution to environmental degradation.

“The decimation of the environment is creating a massive burden for future generations. Corporations are heaing [sic] the destruction of our environment by shamelessly over harvesting resources,” it reads, saying Americans are unwilling to change their lifestyle to save the environment.

“Fresh water is being polluted from farming and oil drilling operations. Consumer culture is creating thousands of tons of unnecessary plastic waste and electronic waste, and recycling to help slow this down is almost non-existent.”

The author concludes that the “next logical step” is to decrease the population. “If we can get rid of enough people, then our way of life can become more sustainable,” the manifesto says….

That book discusses the Muslim immigration issue of France… and here Patrick swapped out Hispanic. Since he is in custody, and cooperating… he also noted the following (GATEWAY PUNDIT). He said he expected the media to blame the attack on President Donald Trump, noting: “This is not the case” — “My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions… predate Trump and his campaign,” he wrote (DAILY MAIL).

Steve Hooper is a 30 year veteran of the FBI. Hooper said the El Paso shooter, during interviews, says he was triggered after watching the DNC debate where all the candidates raised their hands to provide “health insurance” to illegal immigrants.

It was the insanity at the Democrat Presidential debates that triggered the shooter, not Trump’s language.

So Democrats, and NOT TRUMP according to Patrick… and not CNN / MSNBC.


You cannot pigeon hole these guys as “Republicans,” and the use of RIGHT-WING is more akin to the progressive socialism of pre-war Germany. Just add these guys to the LONG LIST OF LEFTIST POLITICAL KILLERS and terrorists I note HERE.

Again, I am seeing all over Facebook from my friends and others that this is a Republican blemish. I would think not, and I posted on my sites RPT-FACEBOOK PAGE this linked story and asked my peeps to keep it in mind for some years to follow — THOMAS SOWELL:

One of the reasons for being glad to be as old as I am is that I may be spared living to see a race war in America. Race wars are often wars in which nobody wins and everybody ends up much worse off than they were before.

Initial skirmishes in that race war have already begun, and have in fact been going on for some years. But public officials pretend that it is not happening, and the mainstream media seldom publish it at all, except in ways that conceal what is really taking place.

For American society, a dangerous polarization has set in. Signs of this polarization over the years include opposite reactions between blacks and whites to the verdict in the O. J. Simpson murder case, the “rape” charges against Duke University students, and the trials resulting from the beating of Rodney King and the death of Trayvon Martin.More dangerous than these highly publicized episodes over the years are innumerable organized and unprovoked physical attacks on whites by young black gangs in shopping malls, on beaches, and in other public places all across the country today.

While some of these attacks make it into the media as isolated incidents, the nationwide pattern of organized black-on-white attacks by thugs remains invisible in the mainstream media, with the notable exception of Bill O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel.

Even when these attacks are accompanied by shouts of anti-white rhetoric and exultant laughter at the carnage, the racial makeup of the attackers and their victims is usually ignored by the media, and public officials often deny that race has anything to do with what happened.

These attacks have sent many people to the hospital, and some victims have died, but the attacks are often carried out in a festive atmosphere. What are called “troubled youths,” in this and other contexts, are often in fact young people enjoying themselves greatly by creating big trouble for others.

Some of these many attacks are covered in detail in a book titled White Girl Bleed a Lot, by Colin Flaherty. It was a phrase that I recognized immediately from my own previous research.

That phrase was uttered by one of a group of black attackers who descended on a group of whites at a July 4th fireworks show in Milwaukee. But what happened there was not unique, either in itself or in the efforts of police and political authorities to downplay what happened — and to say that race had nothing to do with it.

When the Chicago Tribune was criticized for editing out the race of the attackers in a series of similar organized attacks in Chicago, it replied that race was irrelevant. Yet race is not considered irrelevant when indignantly editorializing on a disproportionate number of young black males arrested and imprisoned.

Sadly, what happened in Milwaukee and Chicago were not isolated incidents. They were part of a pattern repeated in dozens of cities, in every region of the country. Colin Flaherty’s book, which is subtitled “The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” reveals this pattern in painful detail.

Other books are emerging that are more clearly a white backlash, in the sense that they attack behavior patterns among contemporary blacks in general.

Perhaps the most clearly “backlash” books are those written by Paul Kersey, whose central theme is that whites have created thriving cities, which blacks subsequently took over and ruined. Examples include his books about Birmingham (The Tragic City) and Detroit (Escape from Detroit).

Kersey even takes a swing at Rush Limbaugh (and at yours truly) for saying that liberal policies destroyed these cities. He says that San Francisco and other cities with liberal policies, but without black demographic and political takeovers, have not been ruined. His books are poorly written, but they raise tough questions.

It would be easy to simply dismiss Kersey as a racist. But denouncing him or ignoring him is not refuting him. Refuting requires thought, which has largely been replaced by fashionable buzzwords and catchphrases when it comes to discussions of race.

Thought is long overdue. So is honesty.



The suspect in the Dayton shooting early Saturday morning where nine people were killed has been identified as a 24-year-old man.

Law enforcement sources told CBS News the shooter was identified as 24-year-old Connor Betts, of Bellbrook, Ohio. The sources said police were searching his home Sunday morning. Police said the suspect was shot and killed by officers in less than one minute.

This update is with thanks to GATEWAY PUNDIT! Connor Betts is pictured here with a patch from a Satanist website called “Blackcraft,” a Satanic website. They have since taken the patch off their store, but here are the other patches they sell.

His mother was a Catholic and had many “Virgin Mary’s” in the house (per her social media posts… which may be why Connor was wearing a hoodie at the time of the shooting with a portion of a song from a metal-core band Acacia Strain: “No Heart to Feel, No Soul to Steal.” Here are the full lyrics:

I want to see the pieces fit into place, I want to feel your body temperature drop
I want to feel the wind against my face, I want to hear your heart stop
I have a pretty good idea of how the fuck you’re going to die
We fear what we don’t understand, and I’m afraid of everything
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the place
I wanted to tell her I felt it in my heart, but I have no heart to feel
I wanted to let them know I stole my soul, but I have no soul to steal
I believe that Hell is real, Hell is other people
I’m a burning building and you can’t save me
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the place
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the place
I am the one who will bring Hell upon you all
I’ll stand at the gates and watch your kingdom fall
Ashes to ashes, and dust into dust
This world is a graveyard
I don’t give a fuck
Hail Mary, the virgin whore
I can’t fucking take this anymore
Hail Mary with the broken face
You name the time, I’ll name the fucking place

HEAVY has this about the shooter:

Betts’ Twitter profile read, “he/him / anime fan / metalhead / leftist / i’m going to hell and i’m not coming back.” One tweet on his page read, “Off to Midnight Mass. At least the songs are good. #athiestsonchristmas.” The page handle? I am the spookster. On one selfie, he included the hashtags, “#selfie4satan #HailSatan @SatanTweeting.” On the date of Republican Sen. John McCain’s death, he wrote, “F*ck John McCain.”

On Nov. 2, 2018, he wrote: “Vote blue for gods sake.”

“This is America: Guns on every corner, guns in every house, no freedom but that to kill,” he wrote in December 2018. And, “’Tis! The pistol is a Beretta 93R, called the REK7 in BO4. Do love me some guns!” He also wrote, “Hammer, brick, gun.” On Feb. 14, 2018, he tweeted this at Sen. Rob Portman: “@robportman hey rob. How much did they pay you to look the other way? 17 kids are dead. If not now, when?” That was the date of the mass shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.

The Twitter page gives the first public glimpse into the shooter’s politics, and what he wrote stands pretty much in polar opposite to accused El Paso shooter Patrick Crusius, whose own social media accounts indicated support for President Donald Trump and anti-immigrant measures, such as the border wall. You can read about Crusius’s pages here.


He shared a post that showed Donald Trump and referred to a global fascist movement…

He also praised the Antifa bomber.

What seems to be a theme here is a loss of the True knowledge of God, and it being deeply rooted in our country’s psyche. As we forget this and become more secular… we will see more of these shootings.

Pagan Nationalism Driving Deadly Violence (New Shooting Update)

(JUMP to UPDATE) This post is merely an intro to one of the proginators of a pagan nationalism that has created many violent followers. A “comparative-religion” intro to Alain de Benoist for my site.

Despite a veneer of fashionable progressivism, the fact is that environmentalism’s fundamental opposition to modernity propels it straight into the arms of neofascism. For just like their precursors in the twenties and thirties, today’s ultranationalist and neo-Nazi groups chime with many of the ideas that also march under the green banner. In France, Italy and Belgium, the Nouvelle Droite combined Hellenic paganism with support for the dissolution of national boundaries; it was anticapitalist and anti-American, adopt­ing sociobiological arguments to stress the uniqueness of each race and culture within national boundaries and to oppose colonization and empire. In Germany, the radical-right journal Mut was pacifist and ecological?’ Such groups met the left on the common ground of New Age paganism, expressed in particular through the religions and cultures of the East.

— Melanie Phillips (read her entire chapter discussing this, HERE)

I found the following review of Alain de Benoist’s “On Being a Pagan.” He (and thus his followers) are very confused… especially on the Bible and the Christian faith. While the below video is not done by a stated Christian (I assume she is a pagan from her other videos, but SHE HAS SOME VERY USEFUL posts and interviews), she does a great job on summarizing Benoist’s view of YHWH. 

PJ-MEDIA has an excellent article discussing the roots of the “far-right” in Europe. At the beginning of the article they note that the Mosque shooter, Brenton Tarrant, may have been viewed as a “Christian” — “The media may have given the impression that Brenton Tarrant, the New Zealand mosque murderer, was a Christian or accidentally conveyed that sense by spotty coverage.” But they go one to note the trail of these so-called “reborn Knights Templars.” They note the media searching for connections that are more a video game fantasy than real leg-work.

Here is the meat of the article:

What actually exists is Tarrant’s association with the Identitarian Movement of Austria. “A shadowy far-right group in Europe has been linked to Brenton Tarrant as its leader’s home was raided by intelligence agents who found a large donation from a supporter with the same surname as the accused Christchurch terrorist. Electronic devices were seized from the home of Martin Sellner, head of the Identitarian Movement of Austria (IBO)”.

The white supremacist Identitarian Movement originated in France and is considered the equivalent of the American alt-right, rising out of the ashes of fascism and drawing on European Neo-Nazism and Germany’s New Right.

Its followers idolise anti-immigration French writers including Alain Benoist and Renaud Camus from whom Tarrant borrowed the title of his sickening manifesto, “The Great Replacement”.

Who is Alain Benoist? According to Wikipedia, “Alain de Benoist born 11 December 1943 is a French academic, philosopher, a founder of the Nouvelle Droite (New Right), and head of the French think tank GRECE”, dedicated to the abolition of Christianity and repaganization of Europe.

Benoist is opposed to Christianity, the United States, free markets, neoliberalism, democracy, and egalitarianism. His work has been influential with the alt-right movement in the United States, and he presented a lecture on identity at a National Policy Institute conference hosted by Richard B. Spencer; however, he has distanced himself from the movement

He is an admirer of Pan-European nationalism and neopaganismBenoist considers himself both left and right-wing.

Benoist’s manifesto, On Being a Pagan, frankly advocates a sophisticated form of nature-worship. “Paganism, far from being something that can be characterized as a denial of spirituality or a rejection of the sacred, consists on the contrary in the choice (and reappropriation) of another spirituality, another form of the sacred. Far from being confused with atheism or agnosticism, it poses a fundamentally religious relationship between man and the world — and a spirituality that appears to us as much more intense, much more serious, and stronger than what Judeo-Christianity claims for itself. Far from desacralizing the world, it sacralizes it in the literal sense of the word; it regards the world as sacred — and this is precisely, as we shall see, the core of paganism.”

Paganism — and nature worship — are part of the plan to put Europe back on top.

The alt-right is anti-Christian.  Not by implication or insinuation, but by confession. Its leading thinkers flaunt their rejection of Christianity and their desire to convert believers away from it. … Alt-right thinkers are overwhelmingly atheists, but their worldview is not rooted in the secular Enlightenment, nor is it irreligious. Far from it. Read deeply in their sources—and make no mistake, the alt-right has an intellectual tradition—and you will discover a movement that takes Christian thought and culture seriously. It is a conflicted tribute paid to their chief adversary. Against Christianity it makes two related charges. Beginning with the claim that Europe effectively created Christianity—not the other way around—it argues that Christian teachings have become socially and morally poisonous to the West. A major work of alt-right history opens with a widely echoed claim: “The introduction of Christianity has to count as the single greatest ideological catastrophe to ever strike Europe.”

Not only is paganism good because it is the original European religion but it is desirable because it “regards the world as sacred  — and this is precisely, as we shall see, the core of paganism.” The link between paganism and fringe environmentalism is yet another link the media hesitates to explore, yet is essential to the story.

In The Guardian‘s description of Tarrant’s intellectual history, it was clear the killer came to eco-fascism via the left-wing route rather than the churches. “When he was young, he was ‘a communist, then an anarchist and finally a libertarian before coming to be an eco-fascist.'” The term “eco-fascist,” which puzzled Heavy, is now very easy to understand. They wrote that “perhaps bizarrely, the gunman’s manifesto combines environmentalism with racism. He considers himself an ‘eco-fascist.'”


Once the reader realizes that nature worship, the abolition of Christianity, environmentalism and mass murder can all be part of the same package, a clearer picture of the mosque killer’s belief system emerges. But given the revulsion caused by Tarrant’s actions, it was far more convenient to tie him to the Reborn Knights Templars of World of Warcraft fame rather than a real “established, if somewhat obscure, brand of neo-Nazi” pagan environmentalism.

Great stuff!

You can hear Alain Benoist discuss his aversion to free-markets for yourself (thick French accent warning), thus showing his adherence to Marxism. Benoist is a Leftist, but in European confusion of everything categorical — he is considered “right-wing.” Something that has always infected almost all totalitarian thinking — Leftism.


THERE WAS JUST A SHOOTING today where the shooter of a Synagogue in San Diego praised Brenton Tarrant — the above Mosque shooter.

According to a possible manifesto he left after the shooting. Here are a couple relevant portions from it that coincide a bit with what is already written (added emphasis):

My name is John Earnest and I am a man of European ancestry. The blood that runs in my veins is the same that ran through the English, Nordic, and Irish men of old. I am a descendant of one of the original colonists of Roanoke—John Earnest. What happened to him I do not know, and nor does anyone. But I do know that he left his wife and son, James Earnest, back in England. This son shortly after made the same daring journey across the Atlantic to the New World. From my mother’s side I inherited the blood of very wealthy Yankees—intelligent, resourceful, uncompromising. From my father’s side I inherited the blood of poor Southern farmers—intelligent, musically gifted, self-sufficient. A part of my ancestors lives within me in this very moment. They are the reason that I am who I am. Their acts of bravery, ingenuity, and righteousness live on through me. Truly, I am blessed by God for such a magnificent bloodline.


“How does killing Jews help the European race? The European race is doomed? What are you talking about? These Jews were innocent!” Every Jew is responsible for the meticulously planned genocide of the European race. They act as a unit, and every Jew plays his part to enslave the other races around him—whether consciously or subconsciously. Their crimes are endless. For lying and deceiving the public through their exorbitant role in news media; for using usury and banks to enslave nations in debt and control all finances for the purpose of funding evil; for their role in starting wars on a foundation of lies which have costed millions of lives throughout history; for their role in cultural Marxism and communism; for pushing degenerate propaganda in the form of entertainment; for their role in feminism which has enslaved women in sin; for causing many to fall into sin with their role in peddling pornography; for their role in voting for and funding politicians and organizations who use mass immigration to displace the European race; for their large role in every slave trade for the past two-thousand years; for promoting race mixing; for their cruel and bloody history of genocidal behavior; for their persecution of Christians of old (including the prophets of ancient Israel—Jeremiah, Isaiah, etc.), members of the early church (Stephen—whose death at the hands of the Jews was both heart-wrenching and rage-inducing), Christians of modern-day Syria and Palestine, and Christians in White nations; for their degenerate and abominable practices of sexual perversion and blood libel (you are not forgotten Simon of Trent, the horror that you and countless children have endured at the hands of the Jews will never be forgiven); for not speaking about these crimes; for not attempting to stop the members of their race from committing them. And finally, for their role in the murder of the Son of Man—that is the Christ. Every Jew young and old has contributed to these. For these crimes they deserve nothing but hell.

I will send them there.




“Are you affiliated with any political ideology?”

Yes. It’s called not wanting to go extinct.

“Are you a conservative?”

I am not a useless, spineless coward so no—I am not a conservative. Conservative is a misnomer. They conserve nothing. They’ll complain all they want but they won’t take up arms and threaten their government with death (the only thing that works). Ever heard about the Battle of Athens (1946)? Find your balls again you insufferable faggots. If you do not defend your rights you deserve none.


“Do you feel any remorse for what you did?”

The Jews have depleted our patience and our mercy. I feel no remorse. I only wish I killed more. I am honored to be the one to send these vile anti-humans into the pit of fire—where they shall remain for eternity.

“Do you feel anything but hatred for Jews?”

Disgust. Disgust that a race can become so unrecognizably corrupted that they would commit the most heinous acts that only the most twisted of individuals could put into reality.


“Do you hate all Jews?”

I hate anyone who seeks the destruction of my race. Every Jew currently alive plays a part in the destruction of my race. Does that answer your question?

“Do you hate other races?”

I hate anyone who seeks the destruction of my race. Spics and niggers are useful puppets for the Jew in terms of replacing Whites. Of course, they aren’t intelligent enough to realize that the Jew is using them and they will be enslaved if Europeans are eliminated. Do they actively hate my race? Yes, I hate them. Are they in my nation but do not hate my race? I do not hate them, but they aren’t staying. Are they out of my nation and do not hate my race? Fine by me.


“Why did you use guns instead of a flamethrower? Wouldn’t a flamethrower have given you a much higher score?”

Yes. I encourage you to use flamethrowers as well as guns. Use what you think would be best in your situation. I used a gun for the same reason that BRENTON TARRANT used a gun. In case you haven’t noticed we are running out of time. If this revolution doesn’t happen soon, we won’t have the numbers to win it. The goal is for the US government to start confiscating guns. People will defend their right to own a firearm—civil war has just started. Stop the slow boil of the frog—prevent the Jew from using incrementalism. Make the Jew play all of his cards to make it apparent to more people how their rights are being taken away right before their eyes.

“Did your family cause you to think this way?”

Unfortunately, no. I had to learn what they should have taught me from the beginning.


“How long did it take you to plan this attack?”

Four weeks. Four weeks ago, I decided that I was doing this. Four weeks later I did it. I remember a specific moment in time after BRENTON TARRANT’S sacrifice that something just clicked in my mind. ‘If I won’t defend my race, how can I expect others to do the same?’ I immediately got to planning, and I never looked back. I never had doubts. I never felt afraid. I never felt anxious—just the occasional nervous excitement.

“Who inspires you?”

Jesus Christ, the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, ADOLF HITLER, ROBERT BOWERS, BRENTON TARRANT, Ludwig van Beethoven, Moon Man, and Pink Guy.

REMEMBER, Bowers was the recent Synagogue shooter in Pittsburgh. He was a hater of Trump and Jews (via PAMELA GELLER)




Comparing Two Crazed Killers (Gunman vs. Bomber)

This post is merely to compare intent and outcome by a “pro-Trump” supporter (Cesar Sayoc), and an anti-Trump hater (Robert Bowers).

When I heard that the Synagogue shooter had said this, “Jews are the children of Satan,” I knew he was influenced by Christian Identity. Here is a snippet of the racist ideology of this shooter, Robert Bowers (via CBN-NEWS):

…In the description on his account, Bowers wrote: “Jews are the children of Satan.” The cover photo featured the neo-Nazi symbol “1488.” The first two numbers refer to the white supremacist “14 Words” slogan, while “88″ stands for “Heil Hitler” since “H″ is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

Among his recent posts, Bowers posted a photo of a fiery oven like those used in Nazi concentration camps used to cremate Jews, writing the caption “Make Ovens 1488F Again.” But in other posts, he also featured memes containing false conspiracy theories suggesting the Holocaust — in which an estimated 6 million Jews perished — was a hoax.

Another post derided Trump for being “a globalist, not a nationalist” and added that “there is no #MAGA” as long as there is a Jewish “infestation,” using a slur for Jews. The same post also referenced QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory that started on the message board 4chan and has been spread by a fringe element of the president’s supporters…

As one of the four main racist cults I have studied, Christian Identity teaches that Jews and other ethnicities are from an act of sensualism with the serpent [Satan] in the Garden of Eden — similar to the ideology supported and taught in President Obama’s church the entire 20-years he attended and still embraced by many Democrat personages, in that the Jews and the white man were created by a big-headed scientist named Yakub on the island of Cyprus 6,600 years ago, thus white men are devils. Here is more from a good synopsis of the current issue via THE CLARION LEDGER:

That was reflected in what the suspect Robert Bowers wrote on one social media site, calling Jews “the children of Satan.”

Christian Identity is the belief that Adam and Eve were white people and are “God’s chosen people.”

Jews, the religion claims, are imposters and actually descendants of Satan.

As for those who aren’t white, they are the “mud people” with no souls, the religion claims.

The Rev. Wesley Swift came on the scene in the 1940s, popularizing Identity in his sermons, recordings of which were mailed around the world.

In the 1960s, members of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi played Swift’s sermons at what were called “Swift parties.”

Sam Bowers, imperial wizard for the White Knights, embraced Identity beliefs, shifting the KKK’s targets beyond African Americans to include those of Jewish descent.


In a six-hour interview with The Clarion-Ledger in 1990, Beckwith detailed his Christian Identity beliefs, claiming that Jews had Satanic powers and that one day the “true Israelites” (white people) would destroy the Jews

For the record, no Republican supports the above crap, unlike Farrakhan’s shite and the Democrats. This is where the “Religio-Political starts to come out in my posts. So excuse me while I opine. I have in the past already noted why the KKK and Christian Identity and all white supremacist groups vote Left in their politics:

  • They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance). (TRUMP SIZED MANTRAS #3)

But also, the theological closeness of Farrakhan and this shooter (an evil man) are unmistakable (see more at DAILY CALLER):

  • Farrakhan has consistently described the Jewish synagogue as the “Synagogue of Satan” and has claimed that “the Satanic Jews…control everything and mostly everybody.” In 2011, he said: “Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people. You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.”
  • “The Jews have been so bad at politics they lost half their population in the Holocaust. They thought they could trust in Hitler, and they helped him get the Third Reich on the road,” Farrakhan claimed in 1998.
  • “White people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it,” Farrakhan said in 2015. He has also called white people “white devils,” “potential humans” who “haven’t evolved yet” and “sinful by nature.”
  • Farrakhan has repeatedly accused the Jews of being behind the September 11 terrorist attacks, which he claims was a false flag attack. In 2015, for example, he claimed that “there were many Israelis and Zionist Jews in key roles in the 9/11 attacks” and claimed that “many Jews received a text message not to come to work on September 11.” Farrakhan claimed in 2016 that “Osama Bin Laden didn’t destroy the Twin Towers. That was a false-flag operation to take the world’s attention away from the great disunity in America after George W. Bush stole the election.”
  • “I’m not into integration. I ain’t for that. God told the Jews, he didn’t want you intermarrying with others. But you disobeyed him. He don’t want us uniting into this that he’s come to judge. You can’t integrate with wickedness if you want righteousness,” Farrakhan said in 2003, two years before he was photographed meeting Obama. Opposing interracial marriage has been a consistent position for Farrakhan. “Now God don’t want you intermarrying with [white women],” Farrakhan said in a 2016 speech posted to Facebook. “The fact is that God wanted us to be with ourselves, us with our women. He respected white people who wanted to keep their race white, because we sure want to keep ours from being any further mongrelized.”

This is probably the same stuff (except exchange black where Farrakhan speaks about white people) that Robert Bower believes with what I know of him so far. And many on the Left (more-so than the right) hate interracial marriage. Anyhew… let us segue to this bomber in Florida.

First and foremost, I am not defending this man in any way… I am merely comparing someone who like Trump to someone who hates Trump. First, let us deal with how the media deals with this bomber, Cesar Sayoc. Many headines read that the bomber was a registered Republican. Mind you, I never saw a headline saying that James T. Hodgkinson (the shooter of Republicans at a softball game) was a registered Democrat. President Trump noted what the media was doing:

  • “We have seen an effort by the media to use the sinister actions of one sinister individual to score political points against me and the Republican Party,” President Trump said at a rally in North Carolina. (BIZPAC)

NATIONAL REVIEW continues the thinking:

Of course, even before Sayoc was identified, the media and the Left were blaming President Trump for the bombs. We’ve said it many times before, but it has to be said again: Harsh, overheated rhetoric is endemic to our political system, and it should not be confused with incitement to violence. When James Hodgkinson, a registered Democrat who campaigned for Bernie Sanders in the 2016 election, attempted to assassinate a group of Republican congressmen at a baseball practice last June, we did not blame Sanders or Hodgkinson’s party. Instead, we wrote, “The person singly responsible for Wednesday’s horrors is the man who pulled the trigger.” Here, too, the responsibility for Sayoc’s bombing campaign rests with him alone.

The double standard in these cases is flagrant. Even though Republican majority whip Steve Scalise was nearly killed in the Hodgkinson attack and more than a dozen of his colleagues could have been killed but for security neutralizing Hodgkinson, the event was quickly memory-holed and the media didn’t resound with calls for Bernie Sanders, or, say, Rachel Maddow, to tone it down

Cesar Sayoc said his bombs were inert, not meant to harm anyone. And so far this seems to be the case… so far. If they were real bombs, Cesar, as “former federal proseuctor Andrew McCarthy noted, if the mailed IED devices were ‘functionally explosive’ they would fall under the category ‘weapons of mass destruction’ [defined here by U.S. code] and the indictment would include 18 US Code 2332a [SEE HERE]. The absence of this charge infers the devices were not functionally explosive.” (<<< But more information will come out, but as of now, the indictment does not include what should be if these bombs were functional — see PDF indictment.)

The main point here is that Cesar, a registered Democrat till 2016…

CORRECTION — the MIAMI HERALD has him registered Republican since 2012: “He has been registered to vote in Miami-Dade as a Republican since 2012 and voted in recent primary and general elections.”

…and one who thinks Bush and Cheney are war criminals, sent fake bombs. He didn’t intend to hurt anyone. Whereas actual Trump haters and Republican haters, strap guns on and shoot people. Remember, I would put up the violence from the Left against Conservatives all day long… and the media’s covering up of leftist connections with violence compared to those on the right. Here are some recent examples of people who killed or intended to kill — who at first the media labeled “right-wing” but later buried the connections to left wing ideology or positions:

Many of the recent violent acts in fact are by person’s from the Left:

  • Elliot Rodger (“UCSB” shooter): Fan of the left-wing political talk show, The Young Turks.
  • James von Brunn (Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter): von Brunn hated Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, George W. Bush and John McCain.
  • Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood Shooter): Registered Democrat and Muslim.
  • Aaron Alexis (Navy Yard shooter): black liberal/Obama voter.
  • Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech shooter): Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
  • James Holmes: the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy, progressive liberal, hated Christians.
  • Amy Bishop: the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
  • Andrew J. Stack (IRS bomber, flew plane into IRS building in Texas): Leftist Democrat, hated Bush and capitalism.
  • James J. Lee (who was the “green activist”): leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
  • John Patrick Bedell: (Pentagon Shooter) registered Democrat, talked about economic justice.
  • Nkosi Thandiwe (Shooting spree targeting white ppl): Accepted “white priveledge.”
  • Floyd Corkins (LGBT Chic-Fil-A shooter): hated conservative and Christians.
  • Karl Pierson (school shooter): loved communism, self-avowed Keynesian, hated Adam Smith and supported gun-control.

(For a list of LEFT-WING murderers/killers, see this article.)

THANKFULLY, the shooter will be added to the “Failed assassins (whose politics we know)” column:

Even I initially thought that whoever did it was either a Republican or some backwoods, tinfoil-hat-wearing pseudo-Libertarian. Now that it’s come out he is a Democrat/Independent, it’s no surprise; virtually every assassin or would-be assassin of American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have been leftists (to the extent that their political views are known).

Successful assassins (whose politics we know):

  • John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, shot and killed President Lincoln
  • Charles Guiteau, a member of the communist Oneida Community, shot and killed President Garfield
  • Leon Czolgosz, a leftist anarchist (similar to the useful idiots in the Occupy movement) shot and killed President McKinley
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist, shot and killed President Kennedy.

Failed assassins (whose politics we know):

  • Severino Di Giovanni, a leftist anarchist, tried to bomb President-elect Hoover’s train
  • Giuseppe Zangara, a professed anti-capitalist, tried shooting President-elect Franklin Roosevelt
  • Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola, two Marxists, tried killing President Truman at the Blair House
  • Samuel Byck, who tried joining the leftist Black Panther group, attempted to kill President Nixon
  • Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, member of the Manson Family and also a hippie environmentalist, shot at President Ford
  • Sara Jane Moore tried to kill President Ford as well because, as she said, “the government had declared war on the Left.”
  • Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a leftist connected to the Occupy movement, tried getting a one-in-a-billion shot at President Obama by firing a gun at the White House

The only individual whose political motivations can be deduced as coming from the right side of the political spectrum is Francisco Martin Duran, who claims he was “incited” by conservative talk-show host Chuck Baker, but also claimed that he was trying to save the world from an alien mist which was connected by an umbilical cord to another alien in the Colorado mountains. So there’s that….



The Texas Shooter’s Wretched Life – Michael Medved

Michael Medved covers some of the newer information regarding the Texas church shooters biography. One nugget is that Devin Kelley escaped a mental health facility and was plotting on bringing harm to Air Force officials. Here is the Gray Ladies article.

HEROES From That Day

Democratic Strategist Starts Twitter Hashtag: #HuntRepublicans

While the story from BREITBART below notes James Devine apologized… he is actually doubling down on his #HuntRepublicans hashtag via his TWITTER:

BTW, that first Tweet (above) of his is easily disproved, here are a few places to go:

  • No Evidence Sarah Palin’S Pac Incited Shooting Of Rep. Gabby Giffords (POLITIFACT)

According to news reports, Loughner became fixated on Giffords several years before his Jan. 8, 2011, shooting rampage that killed six and injured 14, including the Arizona congresswoman…. According to the Washington Post, there is no evidence Loughner was aware of Palin’s maps. And according to an interview with one of Loughner’s high school friends, the gunman did not watch the news. His rampage was akin to “shooting at the world,” said Loughner’s friend Zach Osler.

Despite the facts which have come out showing that Jared Loughner was not a political person and was motivated by his own delusions rather than politics…. Remember, there is not a shred of evidence that Jared Loughner ever saw the map.  As discussed here numerous times, the connection of the map to the shooting was a complete fiction concocted moments after the shooting by certain left-wing bloggers who spread the connection into the mainstream media.

  • The New York Times Runs The Worst Editorial In Human History, Blames SARAH PALIN For Giffords Shooting AGAIN (DAILY WIRE)

Jared Lee Loughner wasn’t a conservative. He wasn’t a Republican. He wasn’t sane. There is no evidence whatsoever that he ever saw the infamous Palin targeted district map. None. The rumor was discredited within hours of the shooting. But six years later, The Times is still repeating the lie as true — and not just as true, but as the ultimate example of political rhetoric prompting violence.

See more at NEWSBUSTERS and LOUDER WITH CROWDER! Oh, and there are some people late to the Party!

(Via BREITBART) A New Jersey Democratic strategist is capitalizing on the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) by launching the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen, and he is showing no signs of backing down, claiming “the chickens are coming home to roost.”

James Devine, a longtime political strategist in the Garden State, tweeted in the wake of the shooting at a Republican baseball practice in Alexandria on Wednesday that “we are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people”…


He also accused Republicans of starting a “class war.”

“If you want to invite a class war,” he said, “then you have to expect people to fight back at some point.”

On his website, Devine claims to have served in multiple roles in the state, including as the Democratic State Committee political director between 1992-3, where he “authored the coordinated campaign plan that helped Bill Clinton become the first Democratic presidential candidate to win New Jersey since 1964.”

Here is his information and self aggrandizement:

James J. Devine is a masterful Democratic Party campaign strategist, a crusading journalist and an accomplished leader with extensive experience managing large organizations.

Over the past 35 years, Devine accumulated experience in every facet of politics (running campaigns for local school board, city council and mayor to state legislature, governor, congress and the presidency) and government (as a top level legislative staff member and manager of a federal agency with 1,150 employees under his command).

Contact Jim Devine at 908-458-6397 or


Scalise Shooter A Radical Leftist (Eliminationist Rhetoric)

  • When you do nothing but call your opponents racists, Nazis, homophobes, Islamaphobes, Uncle Toms, xenophobes, sexists, etc. as a matter of course, you have zero right to be surprised when violence is used against the same opponents by the fringe. Rhetoric like that can never relieve the shooter of ultimate responsibility, but it lays the foundation for violence like what we saw today. There is a lot of screwiness on the “right” side of politics, these days. But it has NOT become violent. — Josh Charles

A few excerpts from James Hodgkinson’s (the shooter) letters, in his own words, via TWITCHY:

“As for my loving President Obama, I say when people look at the other side, the choice is obvious. I don’t want a president who won’t even keep his money in American banks. I don’t want a president who will lower taxes on the rich and raise them on the other 99 percent.”

“These men are trying to buy our country. You know they expect something for all this money. That something is that Mitt Romney and a Republican Congress won’t raise their taxes. We all know that the rich don’t pay enough taxes.”

“If the rich paid their fair share of taxes today, we wouldn’t be in this predicament. We need to vote all Republicans out of Congress. We need to demand Congress add 10 or more brackets to the existing tax code. We need 20 brackets to $20 million, and a 60 percent top marginal rate.”

“We can get our country back if we all vote the right way.”


“Let’s vote all Republicans out of Congress, and get this country back on track. We need 10 more tax brackets for income over $1 million, $2 million, $3 million, $4 million and $10 million.”

‘These guys are cheating everyone in this country while telling us all the time that they are broke when it is the super rich with all the money.’


“A strong middle class is what a country needs to prosper. The only thing that has trickled down in the last 30 years came from Mitt Romney’s dog.”

The Shooter of Rep. Steve Scalise is a radical Leftist. He was deeply involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement. He railed against the one-percent. Was a long-time fan of Bernie Sanders years before he ran for election. Mind you. the media has a role in egging people on that may have these radical tendencies. On my Facebook, I noted this:

  • If Republicans are “worse than terrorists”… why wouldn’t Leftists shoot them [us]? Yes, the Democrats (Bernie Sanders intimated this as well as others) say we are worse than ISIS due to rejecting the idea that mankind is driving in a significant manner climate change. The shooter had many posts on climate. I mean Democrats are seriously considering jailing Republicans for denying AGW (anthropogenic global warming).

These are some of the group the Shooter belonged to (BELLVILLE-NEWS DEMOCRAT):

  • “The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans”
  • “Donald Trump is not my President”
  • “President Bernie Sanders”
  • “Illinois Berners United to Resist Trump”
  • “Boycott the Republican Party”
  • “Expose Republican Fraud”
  • “Terminate the Republican Party”

This shooter was also egged on by Democrat politicians (the following is adapted a bit from FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE):

What made James Hodgkinson believe that stopping the repeal of ObamaCare was a matter of life and death? Or, as he put it, “Republicans Want to Deny Most All Americans Health Care”?

It was Bernie Sanders who claimed that “thousands of Americans would die” if Republicans repealed ObamaCare. “Families will go bankrupt. People will die,” Elizabeth Warren had tweeted.

James Hodgkinson was a big Bernie supporter. And he was a fan of Elizabeth Warren.

  • Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe — “People are going to lose lives.” Instead of trying to push gun control, he might have revisited his own rhetoric.
  • Congressman John Lewis claimed that the repeal would kill.
  • Congressman Ruben Gallego insisted that he didn’t have to be civil to Republicans because their “policies that are going to kill people”.

It’s a short step from accusing Republicans of killing people to suspending civility to wishing them dead.


And Democrat politicians were downright restrained compared to some of their media allies.

  • Newsweek’s Kurt Eichenwald wanted to see every Congressional Republican who voted for ObamaCare have a family member perish. “It should be their loved ones who die,” he ranted. “The goprs in congress didn’t just send out a tweet wishing for me to face my own death. They actually voted to do it. If people don’t give a damn about the consequences of what they do, they should face those consequences,” Eichenwald wrote in a statement. 

James Hodgkinson was a fan of the Rachel Maddow show. Eichenwald was an MSNBC contributor and his work had been touted by Rachel Maddow. 

Calls for violence against Republicans had become normalized. 

  • A few days before the attack, the Huffington Post ran a piece calling for executing Trump “and everyone assisting in his agenda”. It has since come down, but a similarly themed piece defending a “violent response” to President Trump is still up.
  • Julius Caesar reimagined as Trump and leftist activists as his heroic assassins made headlines. “Killing Republicans” in neighboring Brooklyn did not. 
  • “They should be lined up and shot,” Professor John Griffin posted of Republicans over the ObamaCare repeal. Professor Lars Maischak at Frenso State proposed “the execution of two Republicans for each deported immigrant.”

And it didn’t end after the shooting.

  • “If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP house leadership considered self defense?” Malcolm Harris, a regular at the New Republic, whose work has appeared at the Washington Post and Salon, inquired.


  • “Noam Chomsky calls the Republican Party the Most Dangerous Organization in Human History!” was one of the messages on his Facebook page. According to Chomsky, appearing on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, Republicans are committed “to the destruction of organized human life on Earth.” Forget health care. Republicans are actually trying to wipe out the species by denying Global Warming.

James Hodgkinson participated in the People’s Climate March. Its theme, like Chomsky’s, was that Trump and Republicans were a threat to the entire planet. 

If that’s true, shouldn’t someone save the planet by doing something about those Republicans?

Hodgkinson was taught by the left that all problems were reducible to Republican evil. He quoted Robert Reich, a Sanders Institute fellow, claiming that the poor economy was due to tax cuts for the rich. 


“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co,” Hodgkinson ranted. Trump isn’t destroying our democracy. The leftists trying to bring him down are.

The left has whipped up an angry mob and promised them that if they scream and shout enough, President Trump will be forced out of office. They manufactured a crisis and now it’s exploding on them. If they can’t deliver a coup, there will be more shootings like this one. 

The Democrats are sleepwalking into a civil war. They want power, but like leftists from Russia to Cuba, they haven’t seriously contemplated the price that will have to paid for their bloody utopia.

In her “Resistance” video, former Attorney General Lynch spoke of blood, marching and dying….


Mind you, Loretta Lynch was not calling for people to be violent… but if Sarah Palin was the reason (according to Democrat politicians and the media) for Gabby Giffords being shot because of rhetoric… here is Paul Krugman’s viewpoint:

When you heard the terrible news from Arizona, were you completely surprised? Or were you, at some level, expecting something like this atrocity to happen? 

Put me in the latter category.

It’s true that the shooter in Arizona appears to have been mentally troubled. But that doesn’t mean that his act can or should be treated as an isolated event …

There isn’t any place for eliminationist rhetoric, for suggestions that those on the other side of a debate must be removed from that debate by whatever means necessary.

And it’s the saturation of our political discourse — and especially our airwaves — with eliminationist rhetoric that lies behind the rising tide of violence.

Where’s that toxic rhetoric coming from? Let’s not make a false pretense of balance: it’s coming, overwhelmingly, from the right …

So will the Arizona massacre make our discourse less toxic? It’s really up to G.O.P. leaders. Will they accept the reality of what’s happening to America and take a stand against eliminationist rhetoric? Or will they try to dismiss the massacre as the mere act of a deranged individual and go on as before?”


…then why not in this case? IN other words, the Left (politicians, the media, the culture, entertainment) has an extreme amount and acts of violence against conservatives, Trump supporters, as well as violent language (rhetoric). Jared Loughner was not a “Righty,” but James T. Hodgkinson was a “Leftist.” Many of the recent violent acts in fact are by person’s from the Left:

  • Elliot Rodger (“UCSB” shooter): Fan of the left-wing political talk show, The Young Turks.
  • James von Brunn (Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter): von Brunn hated Rupert Murdoch, Fox News, George W. Bush and John McCain.
  • Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood Shooter): Registered Democrat and Muslim.
  • Aaron Alexis (Navy Yard shooter): black liberal/Obama voter.
  • Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech shooter): Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
  • James Holmes: the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occu¬py guy, progressive liberal, hated Christians.
  • Amy Bishop: the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
  • Andrew J. Stack (IRS bomber, flew plane into IRS building in Texas): Leftist Democrat, hated Bush and capitalism.
  • James J. Lee (who was the “green activist”): leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
  • John Patrick Bedell: (Pentagon Shooter) registered Democrat, talked about economic justice.
  • Nkosi Thandiwe (Shooting spree targeting white ppl): Accepted “white priveledge.”
  • Floyd Corkins (LGBT Chic-Fil-A shooter): hated conservative and Christians.
  • Karl Pierson (school shooter): loved communism, self-avowed Keynesian, hated Adam Smith and supported gun-control.

(For a list of LEFT-WING murderers/killers, see this article.)

THANKFULLY, the shooter will be added to the “Failed assassins (whose politics we know)” column:

…Even I initially thought that whoever did it was either a Republican or some backwoods, tinfoil-hat-wearing pseudo-Libertarian. Now that it’s come out he is a Democrat/Independent, it’s no surprise; virtually every assassin or would-be assassin of American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have been leftists (to the extent that their political views are known).

Successful assassins (whose politics we know):

  • John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, shot and killed President Lincoln
  • Charles Guiteau, a member of the communist Oneida Community, shot and killed President Garfield
  • Leon Czolgosz, a leftist anarchist (similar to the useful idiots in the Occupy movement) shot and killed President McKinley
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist, shot and killed President Kennedy.

Failed assassins (whose politics we know):

  • Severino Di Giovanni, a leftist anarchist, tried to bomb President-elect Hoover’s train
  • Giuseppe Zangara, a professed anti-capitalist, tried shooting President-elect Franklin Roosevelt
  • Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola, two Marxists, tried killing President Truman at the Blair House
  • Samuel Byck, who tried joining the leftist Black Panther group, attempted to kill President Nixon
  • Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, member of the Manson Family and also a hippie environmentalist, shot at President Ford
  • Sara Jane Moore tried to kill President Ford as well because, as she said, “the government had declared war on the Left.”
  • Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a leftist connected to the Occupy movement, tried getting a one-in-a-billion shot at President Obama by firing a gun at the White House

The only individual whose political motivations can be deduced as coming from the right side of the political spectrum is Francisco Martin Duran, who claims he was “incited” by conservative talk-show host Chuck Baker, but also claimed that he was trying to save the world from an alien mist which was connected by an umbilical cord to another alien in the Colorado mountains. So there’s that….


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The Media Narrative About the Portland Stabber Crumbles

(The Portland Stabber’s Facebook)

I have a theory that almost all racist/nationalist cults in America vote primarily Democrat for various reasons, but especially white/nationalist groups:

  • “They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) or ideological reasoning (socialist), or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak.” (Trump Sized Mantras)

I also have a short bio of many of the early accused right-wing violence (shooters and stabbers) that end up being Left leaning individuals, HERE. However, I am going to facetiously continue my idea that most racist/nationalist-cult members vote Left. The PORTLAND MERCURY reports that the suspect was a “known local white supremacist”…

…The man accused of the brutal hate crime slayings of two people at the Hollywood Transit Center on Friday afternoon is a known local white supremacist.

Jeremy Christian, 35, was booked early Saturday morning on two aggravated murder charges, an attempted murder charge, two intimidation (hate crime) charges, and a felon in possession of a restricted weapon charge.

The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reported that the man “was on the MAX train yelling various remarks that would be best characterized as hate speech toward a variety of ethnicities and religions. At least two of the victims attempted to intervene with the suspect and calm him down. The suspect attacked the men, stabbing three, before leaving the train.”…

Likewise, NPR reported much the same: “White Supremacist Charged With Killing 2 In Portland, Ore., Knife Attack” Okay, let’s say that I believe the media taking the single statement from the Portland Mercury as factual (more on this in a second), the question becomes this — at least for me: was he a supporter of Republicans (say, by voting for Trump)” Or, did he vote like many other racists white nationalists do… supporting the most socialist candidate?

As usual, merely waiting a few days allows the truth to start to kreep to the forefront — in spite of the mainstream media’s (MSM) narrative. Here is one hint at Jeremy Christian’s political leanings grabbed from ARCHIVE:

As people did more digging, some Facebook posts by Jeremy showed a more Left-leaning bent in his politics. Here are a couple of responses to Jill Stein’s Tweet via TWITCHY, the first incorporates the Facebook post (h-t to GAY PATRIOT):

Oh man! Accepting he is a white supremacist and now knowing his politics — this goes a long way to support my earlier claims. Below is a video of Tucker Carlson correcting the lawyer defending the Leftist professor hitting Trump supporters by throwing bike locks at their heads in the name of Antifa (SEEN CLEARLY HERE thanks to 4CHAN):

The above was merely an excerpt of a longer video seen at Donetec’s YOUTUBE HERE. So, another media narrative crumbles… it still is not as hilariously obvious as this one!

But it exposes the Left’s propensity to shape false American opinion through the MSM. Take note as well that he affiliated with paganism and hated theism apparently… what I term as “theophobia”

  • “Fuck all you Christians and Muslims and fucking Jews,” he says. “Fucking die. Burn you at the stake, just like you did to my pagan ancestors.” (WILLAMETTE WEEK)

TOWNHALL makes a great point in regard to the above hatred for theism:

…On his Facebook wall, Christian called for a “Monotheist Holocaust,” the “Final Solution to the Monotheist Question.” He wrote that he wants to “put an end to the Monotheist Question.  All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ’s teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!”

In another post, he wrote: “I want a job in Norway cutting off the heads of people that Circumsize Babies…Like if you agree!!!”

Judging from what we know, it would seem that Christian equally disdains all three of the Earth’s great monotheistic traditions, or at least those of their forms that Christian takes to be their perversions (Zionist Judaism, Jihadi Islam, Christians who do not follow Christ).  Police have confirmed that Christian was hardly the obsessed “Islamophobe” that the media is making him out to be, instead ranting about all sorts of matters.

Yet the Christophobes in the media, always on the hunt for the Big, Bad White Supremacist—who they want for the public to at least subconsciously associate with Christianity—ignore Christian’s “Christophobia” to make it sound as if he has a singular obsession with Muslims. 

I also note he is into “Info Wars”/”Prison Planet” type stuff as well. I have a section rebutting the FEMA camps/coffins here. He was a “Misanthropic Nihilist” — which he described online as combining elements of Norse mythology, a disdain for women and minorities, and the right-wing “patriot” movement that wants to overthrow the federal government.


Earlier, I promised more on an aspect of believing a narrative about his racism. And this is more of a commentary on a point (a threshold really) made by someone in discussion with me that the four people arrested for kidnapping and torturing that disabled white kid NOT BEING CHARGED with a racially motivated or politically motivated hate-crime (even thought they said “fuck white people” and “fuck Donald Trump” as they kicked him) — was because the young black male teens dated white girls. Newt Gingrich was right, BTW, when he said: “If this had been done to an African-American by four whites, every liberal in the country would be outraged and there would be no question it is a hate crime.”

So, using that threshold of black people in one’s life to be the determiner of whether an attack is racially motivated, I submit this:

…Tomica Clark is black and the pair became friends in elementary school.

Clark told The Oregonian Christian had many black friends.

“He never disrespected me,” Clark said. “Prison took the real him away.”

On his Facebook posts, the six-foot, 235-pound accused killer said he likes comics, reefer and heavy metal…


Granted, he changed during his time in prison according to his friend Tomica Clark… which having been to jail I could see this changing a person not grounded in some sort of Judeo-Christian values vs. “comics, reefer and heavy metal.” But, going for my Leftist friends threshold, Jeremy wasn’t a racist… right?

So let’s recap a bit… He:

  1. had many black friends;
  2. was a Pagan;
  3. hated Christians, Jews, and Muslims (of all colors);
  4. smoked weed;
  5. was a criminal;
  6. was a segregationist (like most nationalist groups and many Democrats [Cal State L.A.; Harvard; University of Connecticut]);
  7. called Timothy McVeigh (an atheist) a “true patriot”;
  8. supported Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders;
  9. hated Hillary Clinton and Trump…
  10. etc.

Nope, no right-wing Christians here stabbing people.

Gavin Eugene Long, Racist Cult Cop Killer

I have been saying this for a while, and that is, there is a dysfunction in a portion of the black community regarding racist, nationalistic cults and theology. The shooter that just shot the cops this morning, was also into the Nation of Islam as well as Black Liberation Theology. Just like with MICAH X. JOHNSON, I was expecting this:

…Gavin Eugene Long’s YouTube account shows affinity for black nationalism/Nation of Islam…

…Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller reports that Gavin Eugene Long was a black racial nationalist aligned with the narratives of the Nation of Islam and Black Liberation Theology (BLT). BLT is the same fringe sect of Christianity fused with black racial nationalism and neo-Marxism followed by Jeremiah Wright, President Barack Obama’s former pastor of over twenty years in Chicago…

(Daily Wire)

What worries me is that Democrats give this type of radicalism a pass! Obama was in a church for TWENTY YEARS that taught this junk. In fact, prior to Obama’s election in 2008, I made a video discussing this issue. Generations of this crap in the black community instead of the grace and love found in Jesus has made these chickens come home to roost!