“Moral” Zealotry Fueling the Left’s Violence | Luigi Mangione

The Political Left will get more and more violent.

  • The Left is learning they have built a monster; one that will be impossible to appease or placate. The more they surrender, the more emboldened the monster becomes. — Gay patriot [Many years ago]
  • Democrats defend illegal alien gang members while trashing Teslas and are shocked their approval is at 29% and sinking faster than Biden’s coherence. — Hot Air


My other thoughts for here is something I have said for quite a while now: “leftism” eats itself. It always has. We have seen socialist groups fight for their agenda to be paramount (thinking of Russian and German historical hegemony that led to many deaths to accomplish this goalbefore the end result of the power structure and well-known leaders took power — which caused even more deaths).

Because of the flag issue, already there is talk of the Jefferson Memorial (the founder of the party running around from activist issue-to-issue ~ they do this because they replace the God shaped vacuum with politics) banning Gone with the Wind (even though a black woman [the first time in our history] won “Best Supporting Actress) etc.

The hubris of the left can be seen as well in thinking that they [politicians] can control weather (the sun) by legislation. Or changing gender by the stroke of a pen. Pride predates the fall.


ALL THAT BEING SAID there is a dangerous aspect to this. As the left eats itself, they have historically looked for scapegoats. Jews and Christians are typically the fall-guy especially in the 20th and 21st Century.

The left “KNOWS” its goals are well meaning, and so find acknowledgment that they are true and society “NEEDS” them ~ again, based on the “well meaningful’ness.”

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Their very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. But to be punished, however severely, because we have deserved it, because ‘ought to have known better,’ is to be treated as a human persons in God’s image.”  

C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock (Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 2002), 292 (Full text).

So, in the West as these “well-meaning” ideals works themselves out, expect more legal, cultural, and violent expression against those who hold to a historical, conserving theology and expressing this in public life


Combine moral zealotry with increasingly blurred lines between political speech and violence long enough, and the outcome is predictable.


Deny, Defend, Depose: The Murder of Brian Thompson and the Rise of Political Violence

United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was shot dead on a New York City sidewalk. Inscribed on three bullets found at the scene: “Deny,” “Defend,” “Depose.” The suspected killer, Luigi Mangione, has since gained a fervent online fanbase. Comedians like Jimmy Kimmel and Bill Burr joked about his looks, while social media influencers hailed him as a symbol of rage against a broken healthcare system.

What fueled this reaction? Mangione, a former valedictorian with a bright future, suffered a devastating back injury and, allegedly, was denied treatment. His manifesto blamed the insurance industry, echoing the themes of Deny, Defend, Depose, a book exposing insurer practices. Many saw his actions as a twisted form of justice, and prominent figures, including former Washington Post and New York Times reporter Taylor Lorenz, justified the public’s lack of empathy for Thompson.

A Growing Divide on Political Violence

Polling reveals a disturbing trend: 41% of Americans under 30 say Thompson’s killing was “acceptable.” More young people view Mangione favorably than unfavorably. Yet, paradoxically, most Americans—particularly those under 30—report being satisfied with their own healthcare. So why has Mangione become a folk hero?

The answer lies in shifting cultural norms around speech and violence. For years, activists have argued that harmful speech is itself a form of violence. Now, the logic extends to institutions: If denying healthcare is violence, then retaliation—even murder—is justified.

This philosophy traces back to the 1960s and Herbert Marcuse’s concept of “repressive tolerance.” Today, it manifests in widespread acceptance of censorship, deplatforming, and even political violence. Nearly half of college students believe it’s acceptable to block or shout down controversial speakers, while a third say violence is a justified response to offensive ideas.

The Truth About Brian Thompson and Luigi Mangione

Lost in the rhetoric is the reality that neither Thompson nor Mangione fit neatly into the roles of hero or villain. Thompson, a father of two, was a self-made executive who oversaw billions in emergency healthcare funding during the pandemic. Mangione, the privileged son of wealthy parents, spent his final months before the murder vacationing in Hawaii. There’s no evidence he was ever denied treatment by United Healthcare; in fact, he received back surgery and advised others online on how to get insurers to cover it.

Despite growing sympathy for political violence, the majority of Americans still reject it. But history shows that a radicalized minority can wreak havoc if left unchecked. The 2020 riots, justified under similar moral arguments, proved how dangerous this mindset can become. Now, some politicians, like Rep. Seth Moulton, are distancing themselves from the activist wing of their party, recognizing that extremism is a losing strategy.

The celebration of Brian Thompson’s murder is a warning sign. If we continue blurring the lines between speech and violence, more tragedies will follow. Political change requires debate—not bullets.

A Transgender “Crazed Gunmen” List via Moonbattery

I have a series called CRAZED GUNMEN BIO’s, but this list is brining the trans/non-binary “verve” to it — via MOONBATTERY:

Recruit the certifiably insane into the Cultural Marxist coalition. Egg them on in their lunacy, affirming their delusions and offering precious victim status for flaunting their derangement. Pump them full of hormones. Nurture their paranoia with lies that they are put upon. Tell them Christians and conservatives are committing genocide against them. If local psychos are not violent enough, import more on an unvetted basis from the most violent countries in the world. Allow criminals to run loose no matter how many crimes they have committed. Then stand back and watch the fun.


Too bad for the media that Moreno will be so hard to characterize as a typical Trump supporter. Otherwise, the story would have been hyped into the stratosphere and exploited to attack our right of self-defense.

Please welcome Genesse Ivonne Moreno to the Transsexual Violence Hall of Horrors:

GATEWAY PUNDIT notes the shooters leanings when they state: “Moreno’s account reflects political leanings, with expressions of support for Bernie Sanders.” She was an anti-Semite, who supposedly voted in the 2020 election, as an illegal alien. IF, if this is all true, just another crazed-gunmen who leans left. The AP is calling the “trans” thing not confirmed yet.

Another “Hate-Crime” Accusation Crumbles | James J. Eaton



Jason Eaton pleaded not guilty today to attempted murder charges for allegedly shooting three college students of Palestinian descent in Vermont. Authorities have not charged Eaton with a hate crime but police say they are still investigating. NBC News’ Stephanie Gosk reports.

So, that is the narrative. An Islamophobic attack. But Eaton has not yet been charged with a hate crime. FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE may have a clue as to why… but first, they lay out the narrative well:

When three Arab Muslim students were shot and wounded in Burlington, Vermont, politicians and the media immediately hyped it as the ‘Islamophobic Crime of the Century’.

President Biden issued a statement declaring that “there is absolutely no place for violence or hate in America.” Vice President Kamala Harris’ statement bemoaned that “far too many people live with the fear that they could be targeted and attacked based on their beliefs or who they are”. The three Muslim men identified as ‘Palestinian’, two of them were wearing keffiyehs and Kamala, like many other leftists, was implying that the shooter was ‘anti-Palestinian’.

“The idea that three young men walking down the street get shot, perhaps because of no other reason than they are Palestinian, is unspeakable,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said. ”But I gotta tell you, this is not just a local phenomenon, this is happening all over the country.”

Then he blasted Israel.

“I’m heartbroken by yesterday’s senseless shooting of three Palestinian-American students visiting Burlington. We do not tolerate hate or Islamophobia in Vermont,” Sen Peter Welch tweeted.

“I do want to be clear that there is no question this was a hateful act,” Sarah George, the local State’s Attorney, claimed without evidence.

“In this charged moment, no one can look at this incident and not suspect that it may have been a hate-motivated crime,” Burlington Police Chief Jon Murad argued.

Anti-Israel groups convened a rally calling for the destruction of Israel.

“I stand here to stand with oppressed people who now fear for their lives just walking down the street here in Burlington,” Vermont Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman told the hateful mob.

A speaker at the hate rally with the antisemitic University of Vermont affiliate of Students for Justice in Palestine blamed the shootings on Jews, calling them the “shameless monsters who enabled this” and denouncing “a crime of unspeakable racist hatred, a crime borne out of white supremacy, out of fascist, genocidal malice, a crime borne out of Zionism.”


Woah. This guy must be a Right Wing Domestic Terrorist. But as I have argued in the past, much of this is a marriage between “Leftist ideals.” So even if he was truly a White Supremacist, that would mean I assume he is a lefty. As I note at the end of my point #3 discussing “Are Racists Voting for Republicans en masse?”

Again, let’s recap for clarity some of my reasons white racist/nationalists cults vote Democrat:

  • They are typically socialist in their political views, and thus support the welfare state for personal financial reasons (poor) and ideological reasoning (socialist); or for the reason that it is a way of controlling minorities (racist reasoning). A modern plantation so-to-speak; There is a shared hatred for Israel and supporting of groups wanting to exterminate the Jews (Palestinians for instance).

So, back to FRONT PAGE MAG:

All of these claims, along with many others around the shootings, were based on lies.

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee falsely claimed that “a man shouted and harassed the victims, then proceeded to shoot them. We have reason to believe this shooting occurred because the victims are Arab.”

In reality, they had been shot by a local resident outside his house who did not say a word.

The three Muslim men were returning home from a party on Saturday night when James J. Eaton, a local resident with a history of mental instability, stumbled out of a white clapboard house on the residential street and without a word fired four shots at the three men.

Eaton had been described as “that hippie guy” and “progressive”, an organic farmer who had posted a meme with a definition of “Amerika” that called it “the worst sense of the United States, ie imperialism, corruption and the global exportation of American culture.”

He appeared to be a Biden supporter

Media outlets, anti-Israel activists and politicians attributed the shootings to the Hamas war. Everyone from Biden and Kamala on down emphasized the “Palestinian” identities of those shot and implied that Eaton had attacked them because he was opposed to the ‘Palestinian’ cause.

In reality, Eaton supported Hamas.

On December 6, Seven Days, a local news outlet known for breaking stories about local politics, revealed that Eaton had tweeted, “the notion that Hamas is ‘evil’ for defending their state from occupation is absurd. They are owed a state. Pay up.”

Responding to an article about a proposed ceasefire, he wrote, “What if someone occupied your country? Wouldn’t you fight them?”

Local politicians were aware of this which is why in December a Burlington City Council resolution from Councilman Ali Dieng, an African Muslim immigrant currently running for mayor, trying to tie the shootings to an attack on Israel failed, and so did a resolution pushing the false claim that the students had been targeted because of their identity.

The latest Islamophobia hoax had fallen apart in Vermont, but still lingered nationally….

Bottom Line?

  • The suspect, James Eaton, is “mentally unstable, left-leaning, opposed to America and supportive of Islamic terrorists. He was neither Jewish nor pro-Israel” and had “publicly stated his support for Hamas.”

So @MichaelGreenspa brought up the New Mexico Muslim killings. He links to WIKIPEDIA, which is a decent article — but for how long?



Let us get a bit of “narrative” and then truth from JIHAD WATCH:

“I am angered and saddened by the horrific killings of four Muslim men in Albuquerque,” Joe Biden had tweeted. “While we await a full investigation, my prayers are with the victims’ families, and my administration stands strongly with the Muslim community. These hateful attacks have no place in America.”

“The targeted killings of Muslim residents of Albuquerque is deeply angering and wholly intolerable,” Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham tweeted. “We will continue to do everything we can to support to the Muslim community of Albuquerque and greater New Mexico during this difficult time. You are New Mexicans, you are welcomed here, and we stand with you.”

CAIR offered a $10,000 reward for the perpetrator of the “hateful shooting spree” and demanded that Biden make it his responsibility to “protect Albuquerque Muslims from further harm”. But when the perpetrator turned out to be a fellow Sunni Muslim, CAIR is no longer describing his actions as “hateful”, but “deranged”. Soon he’ll be dismissed as mentally ill.


E X C E P T. . . .

The alleged perpetrator, Muhammad Syed, a Sunni Muslim refugee from Afghanistan, was reportedly angry at his daughter’s marriage to a Shiite Muslim.

And took it out on some local Shiite Muslims in Albuquerque which is now the new Afghanistan.

So it was a – a – a – “hate-crime,” one imported to our shores. It was the hate of Sunni Muslims towards Shiite Muslims. NPR expresses the idea of “shock.”

Syed is well-known to the Muslim community in Albuquerque, multiple people told NPR. He regularly came to the same mosque that the victims had attended.

“For months, this guy was praying next to other members of the community as if everything was normal,” Aggad said. “It shocks you.”

Syed has been charged in two of the four deaths, and police say he is the primary suspect in the other two killings. He was arrested during a traffic stop more than 100 miles from Albuquerque, authorities said Tuesday.

In a conversation with officers, Syed denied connection to the shootings. According to the criminal complaint, a gun recovered from his home matched bullet casings found at the crime scenes.

However, it may be a shock to those raised in the Judeo-Christian culture of the West…. not to those born into Muslim/Middle-East countries and traditions. This is the norm.


Nashville Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leaked! (Steven Crowder)

With all the stuff happening in the world, there are still domestic items that are important that discussion of is forgotten about. Like the still ignoring of the Russian Collusion Hoax and the DOJ going after those who exposed it. The anti-Semitism in Congress, etc… there are still ball bouncing our eyes should be on. Here is one:Louder With Crowder [Steven Crowder] is the first to reoprt on the leaked “trans shooter manifesto.”



  • Today, we present to you the latest groundbreaking exposé from Mug Club Undercover! Join us for the very first look at excerpts from the Nashville Covenant School shooter’s manifesto. We’ve been granted exclusive access. We’re going line-by-line!

Here is the show, I start it past the long opener:

Nashville Trans School Shooter Manifesto Leaked!

I did play with a page… and the reason for it is that where school districts have the right for teachers to conceal carry, by district — conservative school districts allow it, lefty districts do not. Nationally, it is typically Democrats fighting the move for more armed safety in schools:

When “White Supremacists” Attack (UHaul Edition)

Here is the video of the  truck hitting the barricade.

Now, here is video of the NAZI flag being “undisplayed” for the “media” [suckers with weak minds].

A very funny [I thought] comment about this is the following.

And then this edited photo that got a laugh outta me:

And this from a commenter via ACE OF SPADES post:


PJ-MEDIA notes the following:

“I can’t help but notice how meticulously the first responders laid out that strangely crisp, new Nazi flag for the press cameras,” Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire observed.

The incident comes in the wake of backlash against Joe Biden for falsely claiming during his Howard University commencement address that “white supremacy” is “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland.”

Earlier this morning I grabbed this from TWEET:


This has been bugging me for quite some time, and I wish to opine. Some here may know my biography a bit… but to catch you up a tad: Thirty-plus-years ago I was incarcerated a few times, mainly for 3-felonies. During my two longest stints in various L.A. County jail system (from Biscailuz, to H.O.J.J., to Super Max and Mira Loma – etc.). My first couple weeks in were a steep learning curve, as are most young persons. But in all my time in the system – about a year and a half – I never met a “white supremacist person of color.” Having met many actual Aryan Brotherhood members, Nazi Low Riders, white pride guys, and other white purists (like an Odinite I met), and the like. Not one was Mexican, Black, Indian (from India), yada-yada.

I also met many racist cult members other than the ones already mentioned who were likewise part of prison gangs, like: Black Guerilla Family (BGF), Barrio Azteca, Mexican Mafia (La Eme), and the like. While there is some cooperation between Whites and Hispanics at times in jail I slept in what was called the “wood pile.”

I loved [even then] to talk politics and categorize things. The reason, for instance, I was removed from Biscailuz detention center was in my dorm I was asking all the Hispanic, Blacks, and White’s their set or gang affiliation or one’s they knew of. I had a very long list on two double sided legal paper notepad. Well One guy said I was doing this because I was an undercover “po-po.” THAT caused a BIG problem, and I was removed before I was beaten to a pulp.

In my very long list – ironically confiscated by the Sheriff’s removing me – and although I am sure the Sheriff gang unit were/are aware of them all, maybe I got a sub-set they were not. So, the accusation was a self-fulfilling prophecy by the guy who initially accused me. Lol.

All that to say, studying quite a few religiously racist cults years later and racist origins/history…. I have never, ever met a non-white white supremacist.


The cults I have spent some time investigating are [to name a few]:

  1. Christian Identity [defunct for the most part];
  2. the KKK [5,000 members];
  3. British Israelism;
  4. Black Liberation Theology;
  5. the Nation of Islam [NOI];
  6. Black Hebrew Israelites;
  7. and the Five Percent Nation of Gods and Earths

My studies have included getting original source materials from the founders of these movements, and watching copious amounts of members descriptions of their beliefs.

And in all that, the only time I hear about “white supremacist people of color” is from the “new-new” Democrats and the Left.

In other words, they do not exist outside of hyperbole the Left realizes keeps a voting block scared and in their pocket.


I have met and studied a lot about anti-Semitism in my time in jail and my studies. Anti-Semites come in all colors, creeds, and historical movements

But never a black or brown white supremacist.


As an aside, there is some news related to box-trucks ability to destroy stuff…

  • About 30 tons — or 60,000 pounds — of ammonium nitrate went missing from a rail car during transit. (RED STATE)

Which brings back this recent story… just a few weeks ago I posted this on another indecent:


Another gun-related tragedy hit America over the weekend, this time outside a mall in Allen, Texas. And, unsurprisingly, the reaction from politicians and media pundits turned political almost immediately. In fact, despite not presenting evidence to the public, some are now reporting the killer was a white supremacist. But can we trust what the government and the media tell us? And if the gun is to blame me for this shooting, then what about the car that took just as many lives in Brownsville? And why is the media already releasing information about the Allen, TX shooter, but we still know very little about the ones in Las Vegas and Nashville? Glenn and Stu discuss all this, plus more…


PJ-MEDIA adds to the questioning of the “evidence” in this post:

….An anonymous Twitter account (with a paid-for blue check) with the handle Insurrection Barbie put all the mysteries together in bullet points:

  • Hispanic man
  • praised the trans shooter who shot up the christian school
  • has a social media account on a Russian website (wtf)
  • loves Hitler but also a fan and follower of Libs of Tik Tok, who btw is Jewish
  • hates LGBTQIA but he shot up an outlet mall, which is a place that typically has housewives and families
  • he was not targeting anyone he just shot at whoever was in range
  • obtained his weapon illegally if he was in fact dishonorably discharged
  • Neo Nazi white supremacist who is not white

We’re left with lots of questions but few answers, despite all the information that’s been made available so quickly.

I’d just add that we were told an awful lot about the Texas shooter’s motivations within 48 hours of his crimes but we still aren’t allowed to see the Tennessee trans shooter’s manifesto nearly two months after she murdered six.

If you need me, I’ll be watching YouTube videos on how to fashion a functioning tinfoil hat…..

Meanwhile, the NARRATIVE continues:

Texas Shooting | Was the Killer REALLY a White Supremacist? (Update)

Another gun-related tragedy hit America over the weekend, this time outside a mall in Allen, Texas. And, unsurprisingly, the reaction from politicians and media pundits turned political almost immediately. In fact, despite not presenting evidence to the public, some are now reporting the killer was a white supremacist. But can we trust what the government and the media tell us? And if the gun is to blame me for this shooting, then what about the car that took just as many lives in Brownsville? And why is the media already releasing information about the Allen, TX shooter, but we still know very little about the ones in Las Vegas and Nashville? Glenn and Stu discuss all this, plus more…


PJ-MEDIA adds to the questioning of the “evidence” in this post:

….An anonymous Twitter account (with a paid-for blue check) with the handle Insurrection Barbie put all the mysteries together in bullet points:

  • Hispanic man
  • praised the trans shooter who shot up the christian school
  • has a social media account on a Russian website (wtf)
  • loves Hitler but also a fan and follower of Libs of Tik Tok, who btw is Jewish
  • hates LGBTQIA but he shot up an outlet mall, which is a place that typically has housewives and families
  • he was not targeting anyone he just shot at whoever was in range
  • obtained his weapon illegally if he was in fact dishonorably discharged
  • Neo Nazi white supremacist who is not white

We’re left with lots of questions but few answers, despite all the information that’s been made available so quickly.

I’d just add that we were told an awful lot about the Texas shooter’s motivations within 48 hours of his crimes but we still aren’t allowed to see the Tennessee trans shooter’s manifesto nearly two months after she murdered six.

If you need me, I’ll be watching YouTube videos on how to fashion a functioning tinfoil hat…..

Louisville Shooter Supported BLM, Hated Trump

Tucker Carlson: Louisville Shooter Supported BLM, Did Not Support Trump, Suffered Concussions and Live-Streamed His Killing Spree

PJ MEDIA has this about the shooter as well:

“Another Democrat killer,” Sebastian Gorka tweeted Monday as some of the Louisville shooter’s social media accounts came under scrutiny.

With credit to someone named Andy S., Gorka reposted the killer’s “anti-Trump and pro-lockdown posts on a Reddit under an account with the same name at his already nuked Twitter account.”

The killer locked down his Twitter account “a bit back,” according to another user who claims “he RT’d and followed other stuff that’s more antifa/far left such as Vaush & antifa doxxing blog left coast right watch.” The amateur sleuth summed up the killer’s Twitter feed as “AOC fan, anti-trump, NRA hater, etc.”

The correct Twitter account seems to be “sturg__” and not the “csturg41” handle he used on Reddit and Instagram.

There’s nothing on the killer’s Reddit more recent than four months ago, but at least some of the lefty stuff he posted can still be seen here and here. Mostly, his Reddit is filled with sports, videogames, complaints about women, and parental issues.

But what was he posting to his more public accounts? We might never know.

UPDATE: Sure enough, Reddit scrubbed the csturg41 account just as I was wrapping up this column. Soon he’ll be as invisible as the Nashville trans shooter’s manifesto.


Trans Mental Illness and Red Flag Laws (Andy Ngo | Steven Crowder)


On March 28, 2023, Andy Ngo spoke with Tucker Carlson about the pipeline to violent radicalization for young transgender people. The interview followed the Nashville church/school mass shooting by a transgender person. Three young children and three school staff were murdered by Audrey “Aiden” Hale, a biological woman who identified as a man.

The entire show on RUMBLE is a must watch: “Nashville Uncensored: The Truth From A To Z! | Louder with Crowder”

WARNING: Rough Language

  • Data indicate that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide, with suicidality highest among transgender youth. Using minority stress theory and the interpersonal theory of suicide, this study aims to better understand suicide risk among transgender youth. (PubMed)
  • When ‘the tumult and shouting dies,’ it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit sexual garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers. [….] The study identified increased mortality and psychiatric hospitalization compared to the matched controls. The mortality was primarily due to completed suicides (19.1-fold greater than in control Swedes), but death due to neoplasm and cardiovascular disease was increased 2 to 2.5 times as well. We note, mortality from this patient population did not become apparent until after 10 years. The risk for psychiatric hospitalization was 2.8 times greater than in controls even after adjustment for prior psychiatric disease (18 percent). The risk for attempted suicide was greater in male-to-female patients regardless of the gender of the control. Further, we cannot exclude therapeutic interventions as a cause of the observed excess morbidity and mortality. The study, however, was not constructed to assess the impact of gender reassignment surgery per se. (HERITAGE FOUNDATION)
  • Transgender people have a 42% attempted suicide rate. American slaves & Jews in concentration camps didn’t commit suicide at 19x more than the general population. (STEVEN CROWDER)



Between 1972 and 2018, 8831 people visited the gender identity clinic. 4263 were excluded from the study for a variety of reasons, and 2927 transgender women and 1641 transgender men were included in the study, with a total follow-up time of 40 232 person-years for transgender women and 17 285 person-years for transgender men. During follow-up, 317 (10·8%) transgender women died, which was higher than expected compared with general population men (SMR 1·8, 95% CI 1·6–2·0) and general population women (SMR 2·8, 2·5–3·1). Cause-specific mortality in transgender women was high for cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, HIV-related disease, and suicide. In transgender men, 44 people (2·7%) died, which was higher than expected compared with general population women (SMR 1·8, 95% CI 1·3–2·4) but not general population men (SMR 1·2, 95% CI 0·9–1·6). Cause-specific death in transgender men was high for non-natural causes of death. No decreasing trend in mortality risk was observed over the five decades studied.


This observational study showed an increased mortality risk in transgender people using hormone treatment, regardless of treatment type. This increased mortality risk did not decrease over time. The cause-specific mortality risk because of lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV-related disease, and suicide gives no indication to a specific effect of hormone treatment, but indicates that monitoring, optimising, and, if necessary, treating medical morbidities and lifestyle factors remain important in transgender health care.


Killer shot by police: WARNING!


It’s been a while since we’ve done an Emergency Gun Meme Review, but Jesus did you guys flood my inbox with memes after this one so uh…here we go…

Here are a few items more to consider about the violent Left.



PJ-MEDIA has this on a foiled “trans shooter” named William Whitworth. (NOTE: at the POSTMILLENNIAL shows a bit of the manifesto that had Trump’s name on it.):

William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male who claims to be female and goes by the name “Lilly,” has been arrested in Colorado Springs, Colo., after threatening various local schools. Whitworth has been charged with two counts of criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree, as well as criminal mischief, menacing, and more. His case, following so soon after Audrey Hale, a woman claiming to be male, murdered six people at a Christian school in Nashville, once again raises the question: wouldn’t we be better off treating this “transgender” business as mental illness rather than coddling and celebrating people who suffer from these delusions?

KRDO in Colorado Springs reported Thursday that Whitworth made “threats involving schools in Colorado Springs Academy District 20.” This was where he himself went to school between 2014 and 2016; KRDO adds that “they attended both in-person and the district’s Homeschool Academy.” Whitworth did not have an accomplice; KRDO is referring to him as “they” because Whitworth himself apparently prefers to be referred to in the plural; after all, the demons said long ago, “My name is Legion, for we are many” (Mark 5:9). Curiously, however, KRDO begins referring to Whitworth as “she” and “her” later on in its report.

It is a peculiar manifestation of the madness of our age that even as a mentally ill individual plots to act upon his mental illness by murdering people, those who report on this fact still treat his mental illness as if it were perfectly normal and even torture the English language in order to accommodate it. Apparently, no one at KRDO had the vision or wisdom or simple guts to say, “Hey, this trans kid was just planning to kill people, maybe we shouldn’t coddle him and pretend that he’s in his right mind by referring to him according to the pronouns of his delusion and fantasy.” No one would have dared.

Nevertheless, all was clearly not sane or well at the Whitworth household. Police were first called out to visit the Whitworths last Friday, when they received reports that the sister of the reporting party had “threatened to shoot up a school,” had “anger issues,” and had spoken the day before about “school shooting.” When deputies arrived at the house, according to their report, “someone at the door” told them that “someone inside” was “very upset and punched holes inside the walls,” but nonetheless initially refused to let them in. Eventually, they were let in, however, and found “two holes that appeared to be punch marks in the wall,” as well as a door off its hinges. In a bedroom, they encountered the reporting party’s “sister.” It was “Lilly,” that is, William Whitworth.

When the deputies asked Whitworth if he was planning to shoot up a school, he nodded. When they asked him why he would do such a thing, Whitworth replied: “Why does anyone do it?” He was then asked if he planned this massacre at Timberview Middle School, which he had attended, and he nodded again. Asked why he picked that school, he mumbled: “No specific reason.” He added that he also planned shootings at local churches.


Authorities also found floor plans of the school and directions for how to build a detonation device. They also found a copy of The Communist Manifesto (well, well, well), a list of weapons and 3D printer instructions, hit lists, and a list of various public figures, including conservative YouTuber Lauren Southern, whom Whitworth described as “Pathetic,” and Donald Trump, whom Whitworth dismissed as a “Con-mam” (sic). “Bad cops,” said Whitworth, were “useless garbage.”

William “Lilly” Whitworth, in sum, is yet another Leftist “trans” would-be mass murderer in a society whose leaders steadfastly ignore the existence of such people and blame their victims. Old Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and the rest are virtually certain to ignore Whitworth as well since he doesn’t fit their narrative about how “white supremacists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today. Or if they pay any attention to him at all, it will be to affirm their solidarity with the “transgender community” and scold patriotic Americans once again for daring not to believe that men can become women. William Whitworth isn’t the only mentally ill person in this scenario.

Now, when people post that on Twitter, pictures of “straight white male” shooters or “Christian” shooters appear. But almost 100% of the shooters of the shooters have a hatred for traditional Christianity, are atheists, and are Lefties – politically. (One short list of mine.) Moving on to another example.

Here is the backstory for those who do not know:

Tennessee’s Republican-held House voted Thursday to expel two out of three Democratic members for leading what House leadership called an “insurrection” at the state Capitol last week following Nashville’s school shooting.

The House voted to expel Nashville Rep. Justin Jones 72 to 25 and Memphis Rep. Justin Pearson 69 to 26 for “disorderly conduct” via HR 65 and HR 63 introduced Monday. Jones, Pearson and Knoxville Rep. Gloria Johnson joined a group of gun control protestors in the building last Thursday, and joined in chants via a bullhorn between bills; resolutions to expel the three of them were introduced Monday, according to The Tennessean.


This is called using the same definitions the Left uses to paint actions as insurrections. How I put it on my Facebook was

  • “Chickens coming home to roost!”

The violent Left — per Andy Ngô (see one of my examples here):

One comment on that Tweet made a salient point:

The Buffalo Shooter was an “Authoritarian Left Winger” (Updated)

  • Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron is a far-left activist who vowed to ‘seek justice for Ukraine’ and expressed hatred for conservatives opposed to war, according to his leaked manifesto. (bottom line!)

Sigh, people are often surprised to find out that many racist (almost all) ideologies are socialist in their make-up (see HERE and HERE). This shooter is no exception — see one example (in-depth… sorry, I am not known for my brevity on certain topics) from my long series of covering shooters the media say are right wing: “Right-Wingers Kill More Than Islamists or Leftists? (Bios)

So here we are, after another shooting but one seemingly that truly targets minorities.

Three additional POINTS/UPDATES I believe are worthy via TWITCHY and the LIBERTY DAILY. And the first is made by CHICKS ON THE RIGHT, and is made often by common sense thinkers. Which is, if everything is racist, nothing is racist:

  • We have reached peak absurdity.  The word means nothing anymore.  The left has devalued the term to the point that it has no power — and those wielding it are worthy only of ridicule. (AMERICAN THINKER)
  • When everything is racist, nothing is. When every single thought, act, landmark, cultural touchstone, and tradition are defamed as “white supremacy,” regardless of origin or context and irrespective of fact, the term “racism” has lost all meaning. (RED AS HELL)
  • If you think everything you don’t like is racist, then of course the election of a president you don’t like has to be racist. (NEW YORK POST)
  • The word “racism” is no longer a description, and hasn’t been for some time. Now it’s simply a political tool with no meaning. The word doesn’t need context to be used, and you need not worry about dissecting nuance in order to toss it around. Just find something you don’t like and apply liberally. No pun intended. (RED STATE)

And so, even though this was a young man in his boredom influenced by white supremacism and socialism… meh. People like Chicago Mayor think they are changing the world with stunts like these, while, her fellow brothers and sisters die in droves. Sad.

And here is another wonderful observation made as well:

(Mr. Martin’s thinking and common sense skills are to be read, BTW) And here is another “counter-narrative” Common sense gentleman that should be at the center:

So here are the early discussions of his manifesto (CD MEDIA):

The Buffalo shooter published a manifesto which showed support for the same symbols used by the Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine. He also expressed hatred for those against US military involvement in the Ukraine conflict.

In other words, he supported the globalist agenda in Ukraine and showed sympathy for Nazi elements in-country.

He also expressed hatred for Fox News, which is opposite what mainstream reporting is putting out.

“On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category

In other words…. what CD MEDIA is pointing out flies in the face of comments like these:

Three things. One, Joe Lockhart (and others) either “a” doesn’t know tucker Carlson’s position on this issue… or “b” is saying because Tucker opposed the U.S. financial support of the war in Ukraine — THIS opposition drove the shooter to kill people? At any rate, the Left often does not know that which it speaks of. Or “c” people like this just see an opportunity to attack conservative’s and FOX NEWS that they use lies to do it.

Here for instance is some input on Tucker’s position from the LEFTIE site, Crooks and Liars headline:

  • Tucker Wants Republicans Who Voted For Ukraine Aid Primaried: Continuing his support of Russia, the Fox News host denounced all Republicans that vote and will vote to approve aid to Ukraine.

Of course Crooks and Liars misapply Tucker’s position… but the point is that Tucker (and FOX NEWS) was hated by the shooter because of their position of skepticism about the monies spent there and not domestically in our country.

Many conservatives I follow disagree with the funding of the war in Ukraine. For instance, Daniel Horowitz notes the reason in one of his bullet points as follows:

  • Where are the money and arms going, and how are they not going toward the neo-Nazi Azov brigade that will, in the small chance they defeat the Russians, continue persecuting the ethnic Russians and fuel an intermittent conflict with Russia in perpetuity? (THE BLAZE)

Back to Fox and the MSMs position on this tragedy. The shooter created or used a large infographic that had people marked as Jews from CNN, the New York Times… and… wait for it… FOX NEWS. The largest Star of David was on 21st Century FOX infographic of Rupert Murdoch.

Soo, as any National Socialist, he see Jews EVERYWHERE. And much like the Left, hates Mr. Murdoch.

And the shooter also said he was influennced, not by TV, but by the interwebs:

  • Before I begin I will say that I was not born racist nor grew up to be racist. I simply became racist after I learned the truth.  started browsing 4chan in May 2020 after extreme boredom…. From there, I also found other sites, like worldtruthvideos […] dailyarchives […] dailystormer

The “boredom” thing caught my attention. DENNIS PRAGER:

Just as physicists look for equations to explain the natural world, I have always thought it useful to look for equations to explain human nature. For example, in my book on happiness, I offer this equation: U = I – R. Unhappiness = Image – Reality. The difference between the images we have for our life and the reality of our life is one way of measuring how much unhappiness we experience.

Here, I offer another theorem, this time to help explain leftism.

A + S = B = L

Affluence + Secularism = Boredom = Leftism

The search for an equation to help explain leftism (as distinguished from traditional liberalism) emanates from these facts:

Most leftists come from the upper and upper-middle class. This was true for the two founders of leftism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Marx was supported by his family and by Engels, who was a wealthy businessman and the son of a very wealthy businessman. All the Western spies for the Soviet Union were economically secure. And the great funder of radical causes today is a billionaire — George Soros.

Nearly all leftists are irreligious people. And the breeding place of leftism, the university, is the most secular institution in modern society.

These two facts produce a problem: Many people lack meaning in their lives. And lack of meaning is another way of stating “boredom” — a boredom of the soul.

People need meaning. After food, that is the greatest human need. As important as sex is, there are happy people who go without sex (loss of a partner, never having found a partner, vows of chastity), but there are no happy people who go without meaning (no matter how much sex they have).

This need for meaning has traditionally been met by four things: religion, family, providing for oneself and one’s family, and patriotism. And all are fading…..

Even Michael Cernovich (also hated by the Left) was noted by the killer to be a “Jew troll”

But as with our other shooters the Left claims to be right=-wing… they hold very far Left positions and politics. CHRISTINA PUSHAW notes after Cernovich’s Tweet:

  • “Authoritarian left wing” = National Socialist = Nazi.

(Click on graphic for an excellent, excellent article)


Stolen from a TWEET that made me laugh:

  • Means of production/exchange to be regulated by the central government. That sounds right-wing to you? (w/ The Dude)

Yep, which is why I pointed out how 3 of the 4 largest white supremist orgs told their voters to vote for Obama:

  1. Tom Metzger: Director, White Aryan Resistance; Career Highlights: Was Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan in the 70s; won the Democratic primary during his bid for Congress in 1980…
  2. Ron Edwards: Imperial Wizard, Imperial Klans of America; Career Highlights: Sued in 2007 by the Southern Poverty Law Center for inciting the brutal beating of a Latino teenager; building the IKA into one of the nation’s largest Klan groups by allowing non-Christians to join.
  3. Erich Gliebe: Chairman, National Alliance; Career Highlights: Turning white-power record label, Resistance Records, into a million-dollar-a-year business juggernaut; an 8-0 record as a professional boxer under the nickname, “The Aryan Barbarian.”
  4. Rocky Suhayda: Chairman, American Nazi Party; Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: “If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere.”

Because they are Authoritarian Left Wing.

PJ-MEDIA sums up their post as follows:

….Later in the manifest, the shooter insists, “I would prefer to call myself a populist. But you can call me an ethno-nationalist eco-fascist national socialist if you want, I wouldn’t disagree with you.” He also repeatedly attacks capitalists, and rejected the conservative label because, he wrote, “conservativism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

But let’s not pretend that, assuming the manifesto is legitimate, the rhetoric espoused in its pages means the shooter cannot be legitimately aligned with either major political party or political movement. While I would argue that the views expressed in the manifesto echo rhetoric of radical leftism, the manifesto is full of nonsense and garbage that is at times inconsistent. The people who were quick to exploit the situation to attack Fox News and conservatives were wrong and should be ashamed of themselves.

And RED STATE’S end to their post on this is good as well:

Further in the manifesto, the person who wrote that manifesto claims that he considered himself a communist but has since moved further right to be a “mild-moderate authoritarian left category.”

But hey, why wait for facts? The left never cared about facts in the past, why would they begin caring now? They don’t care about the tragedy and the people who died–except how they can use it to attack their political enemies, and that is despicable.

PJ-MEDIA puts the nail in the coffin:

….That didn’t stop them from blaming Fox News, of course. Leftist narratives never get tripped up by pesky things like facts.

As we all know, Tucker Carlson has replaced Sean Hannity as Public Enemy Number One at Fox News for the left, so he was getting a lot of the blame too. In their telling, this kid’s warped brain was fully formed by Carlson.

More bad news on that from the manifesto:

A search of the entire manifesto also yields no mentions of Tucker Carlson and specifically mentions “the internet” as where he got his beliefs.

Putting the final nail in the “right-wing extremist” narrative coffin, Cray-Cray says he got into communism young, uses a variety of leftist labels to describe himself, and rejects conservatism.



See more at my NAZI OCCULTISM post:

The Black Sun has been symbolized and used by various alchemists and occultists for well over 500 years. As I explained in my article, Black Sun Rising, this symbol is also known as the “Invisible Sun” and called by its Latin name, Sol Niger, and the German Schwarze Sonne, and the Sonnenrad German for Sun Wheel.

High-ranking Nazi officials eventually chose the symbol of the Black Sun to symbolize the force or energy they would channel to spread their ideologies around the globe and conquer their enemies.

However, the Nazis would use a modified version of the symbol of the Black Sun (German: Schwarze Sonne), adding twelve radial sig runes rather than the Traditional symbology, which did not contain the sig runes up until that time.

It has been theorized that the development of the Nazi Black Sun symbology was due to several SS leaders who were very much deep into the occult and esoteric studies. People like Rudolph Hess, Wilhelm Landig, and Karl Maria Miligut whose research influenced Hitler’s #1 man, Heinrich Himmler, and the German National Socialist ideologies who used this unseen force to fuel their war campaigns.

The NAZI Black Sun first appeared in Nazi Germany during World War II in 1933 when Heinrich Himmler created the central meeting place and spiritual home for the Schutzstaffel (SS) at the Wewelsburg Castle…..

I haven’t posted these in a while, but I think in regard to the shooter’s manifesto where he calls himself an “authoritarian left winger and green nationalist” — I think Melanie Phillips (see her SUBSTACK for the latest in really good writing) seems appropriate right about now:

Darrell Brooks Intentional Racist Driven Mass Murder

Horror in Waukesha, but the media ignore shocking new details about the suspect. Meanwhile, Rep Tlaib and friends want all prisoners released. Every last one of them.

(My YouTube video on the FIVE-PERCENTERS) So everyone knows, LAURA LOOMER was the first to break news on this twat:

There are fundraisers at this link via Paul’s posting.

(SIDE-NOTE) While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet and Summit News network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.


Good morning, kids. Hope you all tryptophan’d the light fantastic yesterday. It’s Black Friday, and considering what’s been happening this past week, the double- and triple-entendres abound. It is now absolutely crystal clear that Darrell Brooks intentionally committed an act of mass terrorism in Waukesha. It’s probably accurate to say that the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse is what drove him over the edge. But that was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. The fuse was lit decades ago, before Brooks escaped the reach of Kermit Gosnell’s rusty scissors.

Milwaukee BLM leader Vaun Mayes, who has appeared alongside local Democrat politicians, responded to the horrifying atrocity by suggesting, “It sounds possible that the revolution has started in Wisconsin. It started with this Christmas parade.”Milwaukee BLM leader Vaun Mayes, who has appeared alongside local Democrat politicians, responded to the horrifying atrocity by suggesting, “It sounds possible that the revolution has started in Wisconsin. It started with this Christmas parade.”

How better to start the Marxist revolution than by running down some Dancing Grannies? This is sick. But it is enabled by the collusion of well-meaning people who don’t want to acknowledge that blacks can be mass murderers and racist monsters just like everyone else.

Black Lives Matter had adopted a quote from black nationalist fugitive cop killer Assata Shakur as its slogan, “It is our duty to fight for our freedom.” That chant has appeared at Democrat Party events and even corporate anti-racism sessions.

The phrase just before the chant is, “We must gain our liberation by any means necessary.” People who say things like this are criminals and race haters ready to commit the worst kinds of atrocities. And those who enable them should be held accountable.

Shakur’s slogan was dedicated to black nationalist terrorists, including Mark Essex, a racist killer who opened fire on New Year’s Eve [1972] in New Orleans killing, among others, a honeymooning couple. Betty Steagall was shot in the back of her head while embracing her murdered husband. Essex left a Black Liberation flag lying near the corpses of the doctor and his wife.

That’s what “by any means necessary” means. It’s the murderous black racism the Left enables. . .

. . . The actual root cause, a corrupt welfare state that treats crime like a civil rights movement, is easily visible in Chicago, Milwaukee, and countless Democrat cities. Black Lives Matter perfectly blends crime, racism and revolution until it’s impossible to tell the difference.

Communist revolutions begin as crimes with robberies, murders, and bombings. And that makes leftists into criminals and criminals into leftists. The Bolsheviks called the bank robberies they used to finance their revolution, “expropriations.” BLM looters are just following in their footsteps by “expropriating” the shelves of neighborhood grocery stores for their racist revolution.

Are gangs of looters clearing out stores to protest the Rittenhouse verdict or to make money? . . .

. . . Black Lives Matter racializes crime and turns every criminal act into a hate crime against white people. That’s how you end up with Black Lives Matter taking ownership of a racist thug ramming his car through a Christmas parade, leaving children and grandmothers bleeding on the ground in his wake, into a revolutionary act of political terrorism against whiteness . . .

. . . What motivated Darrell Brooks’s rampage of death? The career criminal had absorbed the black nationalist ethos of BLM that criminals were victims and police were the real criminals. A thousand media outlets, politicians, and activists had warned that violence would follow if Rittenhouse were set free. The looters who struck luxury boutiques and the black supremacist racist who drove through a Christmas parade just followed up on the media’s incitement. Sometimes BLM’s career criminals fight systemic racism and the white supremacist idea of private property by looting malls, other times by running over kids at a Christmas parade.

If white people are evil, then any and every attack on them becomes innately justifiable.

It is beyond bitterly ironic, to a level that I cannot even think of the words to describe it, that BLM, the Black Panthers, the BLA, the SLA, Jeremiah Wright, Calypso Louie, Joanne “Assata Shakur” Chesimard and every other insane, frothing at the mouth black “revolutionary” are manipulated and conned by the very people, systems and institutions that they rail against. Specifically it’s white Marxists who for more than 60 years have, to paraphrase ol’ Vladdy Lenin hisself, “sold them the dope by which they delude themselves.” Do any of these people really think that when the revolution that they are so hot and horny to set off happens that they are going to be the ones running the show when the dust settles?

You know, in the cold light of day, Charles Manson wasn’t wrong; he was just about 50 years ahead of his time. Look at the words and deeds of individuals like Chesa Boudin and this John Chisholm. The latter openly boasted of letting criminals out on the streets with either no bail or no jail time and “guaranteed” someone was going to die because of it. It’s all eggs and omelets when it comes to “social justice.” And that bullshit is exactly that; bullshit. They want to use chaos and violence in the streets to foment revolution and then grab absolute power.

There is no difference in the political mindset of Charles Manson and any other George Soros-pimped DA or AG. Hell, if Manson were around today there’s a better than even chance he could run for office in California and actually win. There’s an old show-biz expression that I think applies: “Hollywood would forgive Hitler if he were good box office. Well, maybe not forgive, but certainly forget.”

I was going to say John Chisholm didn’t run a cult that had people killed in order to foment a race war. But, on second thought, considering the actions of Darrell Brooks and how he was able to commit mass vehicular terrorism, a case could be made.

Not in any way, shape or form am I going to try and mitigate or excuse the carnage Darrell Brooks inflicted on his victims and all of us collectively. That loss is absolutely devastating. But the vast, wasted potential of the wasted lives of all the tens of thousands of Brookses gunned down, OD’d, aborted, incarcerated (Boudin and Chisholm notwithstanding) or otherwise destroyed in the inner city wastelands for the past six decades is just as incalculable.

The Democrat Party, and the anti-American left have literally committed genocide against American blacks for the sole purpose of political dominance and the drive to turn America into a totalitarian dictatorship. Because of this, we find ourselves on the verge of societal dissolution, and a protracted racial civil upheaval that could well devolve to civil war. All of it completely unnecessary and avoidable. All of it built on one of the most pernicious and titanic of big lies ever to have been foisted on a society. That is surely among the greatest crimes against humanity ever committed. Imagine what America would be like today if Herbert Marcuse, Saul Alinsky, LBJ and all the others had been thwarted.

Have a great weekend.



The media claims there’s no motive behind the Waukesha attack. Darrell Brooks’ history says otherwise.

FBI Finally Admits “GOP Shooter” Was A Domestic Terrorist

It took them long enough, but they finally admitted it after Christopher Wray (FBI head) laughably said it was a death by cop scenario — rather than an ideological Leftist shooting political adversaries Here is THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER

The FBI quietly admitted Friday that the 2017 Alexandria, Virginia, baseball field shooting that nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise has been classified as “domestic terrorism” carried out by a “domestic violent extremist” targeting Republicans after the bureau previously classified it as “suicide by cop.”

The revelation appears in the middle of an appendix on page 35 of a 40-page FBI-DHS report released on Friday titled “Security Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism.” In a section describing approximately 85 different “FBI-Designated Significant Domestic Terrorism Incidents in the United States from 2015 through 2019,” the Alexandria baseball field shooting appears, with the FBI categorizing the perpetrator as a “Domestic Violent Extremist” and describing the incident thusly: “An individual with a personalized violent ideology targeted and shot Republican members of Congress at a baseball field and wounded five people. The subject died as a result of engagement with law enforcement.”

In June 2017, James Hodgkinson, a man from Illinois who was living out of a van in Alexandria, opened fire at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park after asking GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan, who was leaving practice early, if the players were Republicans or Democrats. Hodgkinson struck Scalise in the hip, hit lobbyist Matt Mika in the chest, and injured two U.S. Capitol Police officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey. Scalise nearly bled to death and required multiple surgeries before returning to Congress.

Hodgkinson, an avid liberal and supporter of Democratic presidential primary candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, was killed by law enforcement. He had posted on Facebook that “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” and joined other groups such as “Terminate The Republican Party” and “Join The Resistance Worldwide!!”…..

THE BLAZE notes a portion of the declassified FBI report:

  • An individual with a personal violent ideology targeted and shot Republican members of Congress at a baseball field and wounded five people. The subject died as a result of engagement with law enforcement.

Continuing, they also write:

  • The Republicans also noted that Hodgkinson had a “potential ‘hit list'” in his pocket. The names on that list were GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio), Mo Brooks (Ala.), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Morgan Griffith (Va.), Scott DesJarlais (Tenn.), and Jeff Duncan (S.C.).


… of the recent revelation by Director Wray that got common sense people saying WTF!? BYRON YORK (May 3rd)

….“On Nov. 16, 2017, the FBI briefed those of us who were at the field that day,” Wenstrup said at a House Intelligence Committee hearing featuring FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Much to our shock that day, the FBI concluded that this was a case of the attacker seeking suicide by cop.”

“We were just astonished,” Wenstrup told me in a recent conversation. “We just went, ‘What?’ I said, ‘There’s no way. If you want to commit suicide by cop, you just pull a gun on a cop.’”

Hodgkinson had obviously done much, much more than that. and the suicide by cop theory made even less sense in light of the fact that the Capitol Police who were at the baseball field that day — the security detail for Scalise, a member of the House leadership — were sitting in an unmarked vehicle, wearing plain clothes. Hodkinson would not have known they were police.

Wenstrup also noted that the FBI had not interviewed the members — the victims — in this case. They never interviewed Duncan, who had actually spoken to the shooter. “I asked (the FBI), ‘Who did you talk to?’” Wenstrup recalled. “They took my number, called me the next day. I called them back, and never heard from them again.”

At the hearing, Wenstrup noted that, “Both the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published products labeling this attack as a domestic violent extremism event specifically targeting Republican members of Congress. The FBI did not. The FBI still has not.”

Now, in light of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which is widely referred to as domestic terrorism, Wenstrup wonders what the FBI was doing. The attack “could have been a massacre,” Wenstrup noted. “The attacker may have believed he could change the balance of power in the U.S. House of Representatives in one morning.”


The unanswered question in all this is why the FBI, at the time under the leadership of acting Director Andrew McCabe, did what it did. Even at that time, the bureau was warning Americans of the danger posed by domestic terrorists. and yet the FBI refused to publicly recognize a clear act of domestic terrorism. Was some sort of Trump-era bias involved? Was it bureaucratic infighting? Something else? It’s time the victims in the case — and also the country as a whole — got some answers.