RPT’s Thoughts On Yesterdays Events (The Storming of the Capitol)

For the record:

Trump released a video on social media in which he called for protesters to cease violence and “go home in peace.”

He said, “You have to go home now, we have to have peace. We have to have law and order.”


Here were my first thoughts via the FB PAGE for this site:

Just some quick thoughts on the woman shot and killed today in the Capital. First and foremost, I am saddened for her family… her being: “Ashli Babbitt — a 14 year Air Force veteran, served four tours, was a high level security officer.” I suggest that every person who has not read Ann Coulter’s book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America, read it. This “mob mentality” does not just exist on the Left, but when caught up in the energy of a large crowd, many will make a decision that alone, in a less stressful environment, wouldn’t make. We are human and are vulnerable at times to peer pressure.

Another thought is that I don’t care who you are — Antifa, Trump supporter, progressive, conservative, libertarian… whatever. If you storm the Capital you stand a high chance of being shot.

I also feel for the officer. I am sure he feels horrible. no one can shoot and kill someone who is unarmed and go home and tell their family, “oh yeah, today was a good day at work.”

Another thing I think that this situation has done is well stated by RED STATE:

….Unfortunately now in addition to people being hurt and this woman dying, they completely changed for the negative any attention that people maybe would have paid to the election concerns. Now some of the politicians are not going to object according to reports, because the left is trying to link the legitimate objections to the actions of the rioters.

Reportedly House Speaker Nancy Pelosi intends to continue the count tonight so we’ll have to see if people who were going to object stick to their principles or they just give up on it all……


(And people who were ready to object, changed their minds as a consequence to what happened.)

Here are some other worthwhile articles to read before my other thought on an issue cropping up.


….Which leads me to the second point about which I am confident. Today has forever changed the trajectory of the Trump movement.

Donald Trump created a movement that brought tens of millions of people forgotten by politics into the system, which brought electoral victory to a Republican Party that had become used to losing to the Obama-coalition, which brought so much progress and accomplishments to the economy and foreign relations. He brought into the movement an unprecedented multiracial and multiethnic coalition united not by skin color but by love of country.

That movement was embodied in Trump, a unique figure, who had all the obvious personality perculiarities that allowed him to withstand a withering attempt to sabotage his administration and him personally. For four years Trump kept things under control, with Twitter as his vent — he didn’t start wars, didn’t sic the FBI and IRS on political opponents, didn’t do any of the truly repressive things his predecessors did. If not for the relentless attempts to undermine his presidency, his term may have been fairly boring.

Yet things have not been kept under control since election day, and particularly in the past 2-3 weeks. I think a lot of his supporters would acknowledge that.

I had no problem with litigating election disputes, even if some of those disputes were suspect. Let the court process run its course, I advocated. But once that process had run out, and not a single judge, not even Trump appointed judges, upheld any challenges, it was time to move onto more productive action. I advocated on December 14, moving towards building a resistance movement, not engaging in futile and stupid actions that had zero or close to zero chance of success, such as proposing alternative electoral votes.

But that’s not what happened, instead unreliable commentators picked up on the notion that Mike Pence could just reject electoral votes, something completely contrary to the plain wording of the Constitution. Neither Pence, nor even any of the Republican Senators willing to challenge the result through the congressional statutory process, took the position that Pence had such power. Yet that notion became an obsession, so much so that even today Trump in his rally speech was demanding Pence take such action.

Anyone who thinks today was just another negative news cycle is deluding themselves just as people were deluded into thinking grand conspiracy theories or Pence could act as kingmaker deluded themselves. Today was different.

The issue will be whether the Trump coalition can hold together, and who can hold it together. Should Trump choose to be that leader, he will retain his core base, there are a lot of Trump supporters — maybe even the majority — for whom it’s just become too much now. It can’t continue the way it was, there has to be some new way of making an American-economy-first, worker-first, capitalism-and-liberty-first coalition stay together.  It may be that there is no one other than Trump who can hold the coalition together, but if that’s the case, then the coalition will break apart because the center cannot hold after today……


Patriots enlist and defend their country. They work hard, do their best, raise good families. They help their neighbors. They perform civic duties. They grit their teeth and pay their taxes. Then they show up and vote. They compete, they win, or lose, but they do both with grace. These are some of the things patriots do.

They do not storm their own Capitol over a lost election. They do not bum rush members of Congress. They do not assault strangers. They do not push and shove police officers and trash federal buildings. These are things criminals do, and criminals of any political stripe deserve one thing: rule of law…..

May I add that patriots do not remove a United States Flag and throw it on the ground (BREITBART). But to reiterate, Trump called for the protests to be peaceful:

However, unlike BLM members calling for the death of police, and then members of BLM ambushing police and killing them. Or, Antifa and BLM violence resulting in more dead black people in a few short months than all unarmed black perps were shot by police in a year…. and destruction in the havoc in the lives of hard working people,

  • For at least 8 years, Democrats have remained silent as both far-left groups have wreaked havoc in cities across America. (100% Fed-Up)


Just to be clear, I am not condoning (if Lefties cannot pick up what I am laying down) the actions at the Capital by referencing the violent actions OF THE LEFT, I agree with RED STATE when they say:

Curiously, several people took to Twitter to attempt to justify the scandalous… no, terroristic behavior of those protestors. Most of the tweets look something like this, with lots of callbacks to the BLM/Antifa protests over the summer throughout the world of social media. The general idea appears to be that this protest is understandable, or even justifiable, because the BLM/Antifa protests over the summer were also chaotic and destructive.

Nothing that happened on Wednesday is understandable or justifiable. It was a damn shame, and it is not something we should condone.

A lot of this talk stems from the idea that because the Democrats allowed their side to get away with so much, and because the media refused to hold them accountable, that this is naturally what comes next – it is a continuation of the argument that we should be playing by their rules.

This is something that we should absolutely reject. It is an embarassment and a violation of the very spirit of what we are supposed to be.

We are supposed to be better than they are, not on the same level. We make our case to the public on not burning down American cities, on not violating the Constitution and its institutions. To stoop to their level hasn’t won us anything. At our best, we win elections and make gains in important battlegrounds. When we are at our most base, then we lose….

WE ARE NOT AOC! (source linked in graphic)


The media ignores those stories… and like the Accuser, the media “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” Which is why the Bible’s warning to those of us saved (and good common sense advice is, “Be on Guard” — “Be watchful.” Here is 1 Peter 5:8-11 via a paraphrase Bible version:

  • Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does. (The Message)

Here are 2 commentaries on that verse 8 that the believer can simply insert “secular society” because the end result is the same in our fallen world (that is, the goals of it and the Devil):

[Notes on verse 8] On be self-controlled see 1:13 and 4:7. Alert is a striking reference to Jesus’ words to Peter (Mt. 26:41; Mk. 14:38). Enemy (Gk. antidikos) is a legal term, a translation of the Heb. śāṭān, used of the adversary of souls (e.g. Jb. 1:6). Here, as there, Satan can be seen as the one who stirs up suffering and persecution in order to test and, if possible, destroy the faith of God’s children. Peter was familiar with this behaviour (see Mt. 16:23; Lk. 22:31). Devil is a Greek word meaning ‘slanderer’. In his role of undermining faith the devil slanders God to men (Gn. 3:1, 4–5) and men to God (Jb. 1:9–11; 2:4–5). On prowls around see Jb. 1:7; 2:2. 9 Resist is the method recommended for dealing with the devil, as in Jas. 4:7 (cf. Eph. 6:11–17). It is the desires of the flesh that one has to flee (1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 2:22). The word firm describes the solidity of material objects. No superficial faith will do here, as it is the enemy’s desire to make apostates through persecution. Rev. 12:11 gives further advice for victory in such trials. Throughout the world contrasts with the group of churches in Asia Minor (1:1) to whom this letter was addressed. 10 The call to perseverance is matched by the doctrine of preservation. Since God has called us to share his eternal glory in Christ, we can ultimately rely on him to bring us safely through to it (see Phil. 1:6; 1 Thes. 5:24; Jude 24). The NIV will restore, is a more likely reading than the AV ‘make you perfect’: this is a promise and not a prayer. Restore describes ships being repaired after a battle or storm. Strong (Lk. 22:32) is used primarily of physical objects and may denote fixity of position, firm denotes firmness of purpose, while steadfast has the idea of giving foundations. 11 Power (Gk. kratos, from which the adjective mighty in v 6 is formed) is not the usual word but means God’s overruling might which is guaranteed to bring the Christian through.

David H. Wheaton, “1 Peter,” in New Bible Commentary: 21st Century Edition, ed. D. A. Carson et al., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), 1384.

5:8 Be of sober spirit. See notes on 1:13 and 4:7. be on the alert. Strong confidence in God’s sovereign care does not mean that the believer may live carelessly. The outside evil forces which come against the Christian demand that the Christian stay alert. Your adversary. Gr. for a legal opponent in a lawsuit. the devila roaring lion. The Gr. word for “devil” means “slanderer”; thus a malicious enemy who maligns believers. He and his forces are always active, looking for opportunities to overwhelm the believer with temptation, persecution, and discouragement (cf. Pss 22:13; 104:21; Eze 22:25). Satan sows discord, accuses God to men, men to God, and men to men. He will do what he can to drag the Christian out of fellowship with Christ and out of Christian service (cf. Job 1; Lk 22:3; Jn 13:27; 2Co 4:3, 4; Rev 12). And he constantly accuses believers before God’s throne, attempting to convince God to abandon them (Job 1:6–12; Rev 12:10).

John F. MacArthur Jr., The MacArthur Study Bible: New American Standard Bible. (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006), 1 Pe 5:8.

The people entering the Capital were not of sober mind, and the “roaring lion” aspect of the Left and MSM used it to their advantage.

Now, on to another thought. Yes, Antifa infiltrated the Trump rally. And? This is no excuse for Trumpeters being led by the nose. They are responsible for their own actions. Conservatives need to be on guard. Period. When racists infiltrated T.E.A. PARTY protests, they were identified and told to leave.

Just a historical jog through our Capitals history, PJ-MEDIA has an interesting article about the other times our Capital was “breached” (link to post in graphic below):

And yes, I still believe the election was stolen. There are too many issues to go ignored. I can walk and chew gum at the same time. The acts of some asses does not change the facts and eyewitness testimony.

BTW, as I type, the Democrats are already trying to have Trump removed. Lol. Even though he agreed to [after the electors were confirmed] to allow for the peaceful transition. And he has stood by his word… but that doesn’t matter to the MSM… they will use the unfortunate actions on Capital Hill to blame Trump.

  • NEW YORK TIMES (Nov 26th): Trump, Still Claiming Victory, Says He Will Leave if Electors Choose Biden
  • WASHINGTON POST (Nov 26th): Trump commits to stepping down if electoral college votes for Biden

  • RIGHT SCOOP (Jan 7th): “There will be an orderly transition on January 20th” – President Trump

But this doesn’t matter. The left will call him a tyrant, just like they called him a racist. When will we learn?

Trump’s Lawyer, John Eastman, Explains Why He Claimed the 5th

As you will hear, his oath to the law made him take the 5th. I truncate a larger interview between John Eastman and Dennis Prager (12-6-2021). “Everyone knows the Jan 6th committee is a sham. It is filled with Democrats and two hand-chosen Republicans [against House rules] who are trying to save their political careers” (PALMIERI REPORT).

Here is an excerpt from AMERICAN GREATNESS that is a good read

Eastman is a highly respected constitutional law professor who acted as an attorney to President Donald Trump. Eastman has been called to appear before the House of Representatives’ “January 6 Committee.” This committee is an extraordinary departure from the role of Congress and from basic procedural fairness. The very legality of the committee is in question, as it includes no ranking minority member. It appears to have been stacked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with partisans for whom the outcome of the investigation is known before the investigation has begun. Eastman has very wisely declined to participate in this partisan denigration of procedural fairness, and has invoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. 

No person may be compelled to be a witness against himself in a criminal case. This is fundamental to our republican form of government. The origin of this rule, as illustrated at length by the famous Claremont professor Leonard Levy, is the necessity of forcing the state to produce evidence of a crime, to guard against the political persecution of enemies and the possibility of manufacturing evidence through coercion. Our legal tradition holds that no inference should ever be made as to guilt by the invocation of this sacred Constitutional right and rule of procedural fairness.

These safeguards are more urgent now than ever before. Every intelligent and educated citizen who is willing to face the truth, to look past the official narratives of the establishment media, can see the facts and the direction in which events are moving.


But, for those deemed enemies of the regime, no protection is given for the express right to a trial prior to punishment. 

The rule of law itself is at stake in this controversy. This growing danger must be firmly resisted now, before it is too late.

You can contribute to John Eastman’s legal defense fund HERE

The following is a link to a three hour video of people that probably have already been arrested and need felony assault charges [again, probably already done].

Of course none of this would have happened if they listened to Trump and Federal Authorities**… which is why they illegally banned [and thus made the J6 Committee illegal] Rep. Jim Jordan and Rep. Jim Banks:

  • “Pelosi Owns The J6 Commission, And That’s Why It Failed” (THE FEDERALIST)

Here is an excerpt:

….Pelosi’s decision to politically exploit the riot at the Capitol was a no-brainer. Democrats nearly lost the chamber in 2020 when Democrats took control of the Senate and presidency. The president’s party almost always loses significant numbers of House seats during midterm elections. The only time that didn’t happen in recent history was 2002, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Pelosi understandably felt her best bet to preserve power was, with a massive assist from left-wing media, to somehow turn disgruntled Donald Trump supporters’ riot at the Capitol into the next 9/11.

There were massive problems with the scheme. For one thing, Republicans had immediately and vociferously denounced the riot. This was a far cry from the Summer of Violence, when Democrats and their media enablers cheered as leftist groups destroyed sectors of cities throughout the country, resulting in “some 15 times more injured police officers, 23 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol riot.”

Democrats did not condemn these serious and lengthy attacks on the White House, federal courthouses, police buildings, private businesses, and homes. Instead, they joined with the rioters in calling for the defunding of police and other radical measures.

The riots were the result of a deeply destructive lie, pushed by top Democrats, that the country and its policing are irredeemably evil and racist. What’s more, any and all attempts to quell the siege of federal buildings were condemned in the most hysterical terms by Pelosi and other Democrats.

Kamala Harris, then a senator from California and the Democrats’ vice-presidential nominee, supported bailing out rioters who destroyed much of Minneapolis. Pelosi pooh-poohed the destruction of federal statues and historical markers. Republicans had consistently opposed political violence, beginning in the summer of 2020, but Democrats had not…..


** What is not known by the typical cable news watcher, probably, is that both the Capital Police and the mayor of D.C. turned down offers to help secure the government areas before and as the mob of crazed Lefties and Righties descended on the Capital:

  • …Three days before the riot, the Pentagon offered National Guard manpower. And as the mob descended on the building Wednesday, Justice Department leaders reached out to offer up FBI agents. Capitol Police turned them down both times, according to senior defense officials and two people familiar with the matter. Despite plenty of warnings of a possible insurrection and ample resources and time to prepare, police planned only for a free speech demonstration. (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser told federal law enforcement to stand down just one day before a mob of Trump supporters breached the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, smashing windows, entering the chambers, and forcing lawmakers and congressional staff inside into lockdown. “To be clear, the District of Columbia is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional deployment without immediate notification to, and consultation with, MPD if such plans are underway,” Bowser wrote in a letter to acting U.S. Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller, and Secretary of the Army Ryan D. McCarthy. According to Bowser, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department in coordination with the U.S. Park Police, Capitol Police, and Secret Sevice were well-equipped to handle whatever problems could come up during the Trump rallies planned for Wednesday. (THE FEDERALIST)

Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee (Full Jovan Testimony Added)

THIS GUY — Like A Boss!


Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer was in front of the Georgia Senate today and he totally destroyed Georgia’s 2020 election results.

Jovan Pulitzer on Wednesday told Georgia lawmakers he hacked into Dominion voting systems at a Georgia polling place.

Pulitzer confirmed that the Georgia runoff IS connected to the internet.

He established a two-way communication from a polling pad in a voting center.

“At this very moment at a polling location in the county, not only do we have access through the devices to the poll pad–the system, but WE ARE IN,” Pulitzer said.

He continued, “And it’s not supposed to have WiFi and that’s not supposed to be able to happen so we’ve documented now it’s communicating two ways in real time, meaning it’s receiving data and sending data — should never happen, shouldn’t be WiFi, we’ve now documented it in real time.


What this shows is that the CEO of Dominion lied, and NTD’S report is correct:

Jovan Pulitzer is also the guy that DAVID HARRIS JR. notes got the entire Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee to unanimously pass a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots using his method (I have been reading on Twitter they have to be in session for it to go anywhere… GRRRR):

I would love to see it but the Democrat’s puppets running the elections will probably find a way to stop it. But the plan is to let famous inventor, Jovan Pulitzer.

Pulitzer who has volunteered to do a count in Fulton County for free has pointed out that the ballot forms for Republicans are different in red counties and blue counties.

He found that the code for the ballots in red counties is right and will tally correctly but in blue counties, they use a different code that allows the machines to kick the vote where it can be changed from Trump to Biden. Pulitzer says he can prove fraud without examining the machines or the software. He just needs the votes themselves.

Pulitzer says it will only take him two hours to examine 500,000 votes. The plan is quick and cheap two things I always love. But those who perpetrated or abetted the fraud won’t like it and will try to subvert it or run the clock out if they can.


Mr. Pulitzer said he has “no regard for the smoke and mirrors of how the machines work.” – IT’S ALL ABOUT THE PAPER BALLOTS.

“I don’t care about the machine. I don’t even care about the code that was written in the machine. What I care about is that physical artifact [ballot] and that physical artifact has material differences district to district that should not be there.”

I hope he gets access!

Georgia Testimony by Two Data Scientists (Pennsylvania Added)

Georgia election data indicates at least 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Dec. 30 during a state Senate hearing.

Pennsylvania election data shows that over 423,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump during the November election, data scientists say. According to an analysis by the Data Integrity Group, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, votes for Trump—from both Election Day and mail-in ballots—were removed from the totals in at least 15 counties. Time-series election data shows Trump’s votes decrementing in various counties at numerous time points instead of increasing as would be expected under normal circumstances. The group said that Election Day vote removals happened during the vote tabulation process in at least 15 counties, including Lehigh County, Chester County, Allegheny County, Armstrong County, Westmoreland County, Northhampton County, Delaware County, Montgomery County, Lackawanna County, Dauphin County, Pike County, Carbon County, Washington County, Erie County, and Luzerne County.

“Amen” and “A Woman” | Crazy Democrats

(WIKI) Amen (Hebrew: אָמֵן‘ʾāmēn’; Greek: ἀμήν‘amín’; Arabic: آمین‘āmīna’; Aramaic/Syriac: ܐܵܡܝܼܢ‘ʾāmīn’) is an Abrahamic declaration of affirmation first found in the Hebrew Bible, and subsequently in the New Testament. It is used in Jewish, Christian and Islamic worship, as a concluding word, or as a response to a prayer. Common English translations of the word amen include “verily”, “truly”, and “so be it”. It is also used colloquially, to express strong agreement.


The usage of amen, meaning “so be it” (as found in the early scriptures of the Bible), is a word of Biblical Hebrew origin. The word originated in the Hebrew Scriptures, as a confirmatory response; it is found in Deuteronomy as a confirmatory response made by the people. Moreover, in the Books of Chronicles (16:36), it is indicated that around 1000 BC, the word was used in its religious sense, with the people responding “Amen” upon hearing the blessing, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from now and unto all eternity”. The basic triconsonantal root from which the word is derived, is common to a number of languages in the Semitic branch of the Afroasiatic languages, including biblical Aramaic. The word was imported into the Greek from the Judaism of the early Church. From Greek, amen entered the other Western languages. According to a standard dictionary etymology, amen passed from Greek into Late Latin, and thence into English. Rabbinic scholars from medieval France believed the standard Hebrew word for faith emuna comes from the root amen. Although in English transliteration they look different, they are both from the root aleph-mem-nun. That is, the Hebrew word amen derives from the same ancient triliteral Hebrew root as does the verb ʾāmán.

Grammarians frequently list ʾāmán under its three consonants (aleph-mem-nun), which are identical to those of ʾāmēn (note that the Hebrew letter א aleph represents a glottal stop sound, which functions as a consonant in the morphology of Hebrew). This triliteral root means to be firm, confirmed, reliable, faithful, have faith, believe.


Charlotte, NC — To open each Congressional session, a prayer is said. At the start of a new Congress, a prayer is said for that specific Congress. This year, the prayer was said, but it was a complete slap in the face to our founding fathers and our nation’s history.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo) opened the session in prayer. Cleaver was a United Methodist Pastor and the prayer did not deviate far from normal until he was near the end of his prayer.

Cleaver said he was praying to the monotheistic God, Brahma the Hindu god, and God known by many different names by many different faiths. It’s a significant departure for a nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian faith. But that’s not all.

To conclude his prayer, Cleaver apparently thought he was going to pray gender-neutral and said the words Amen and a woman. You can see his comments below and the Washington Examiner does a great job sharing that the word amen is not a reference to masculinity, but rather a word that translates “so be it.”…..

Here is the video:

DAILY WIRE great commentary:

….The first explanation for the bizarre expansion of “amen” to “amen and a woman” could be that Rep. Cleaver is simply guilty of appalling ignorance. However, given that Cleaver served as the pastor of St. James United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, from 1972 to 2009, it seems difficult to believe that such a statement can be chalked up to irreligious stupidity. Surely, after almost 40 years in the profession, Cleaver would know that “amen” doesn’t mean “a man?”

Then, what is to blame? The answer, quite obviously, is the absurd gender politics which have taken root at the heart of progressivism. After all, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has “proposed eliminating references to gender and establishing an Office of Diversity and Inclusion in the House.” Like Pelosi’s actions, could Cleaver’s laughable inclusion of “a woman” be another example of a pre-radical Democrat trying to survive in this new radical world?

Regardless of whether or not Cleaver is a true believer, what should cause further concern for conservatives — beyond the inaccuracy of Cleaver’s redefinition or his blatant pandering — is that his prayer demonstrates how nothing is safe when it comes to the new and fluid demands of the radical Left.

Long gone are the days of “Chairperson” replacing “Chairman” or “Chairwoman.” Similarly, long gone are the days of meaningless linguistic inventions such as “Latinx” or “womxn.” The radical Left’s lust for cultural dominance is never satisfied, and their appetite has been forced to grow more refined as their targets become harder to identify.

The scary part is not the absurdity of the radical Left or their fundamental premises — these have always been nonsensical — but the continued enthusiasm of those held hostage, forced to bow to their ever-changing demands. Even a pastor, an apparently religious man who presumably respects the words and meaning of scripture, is happy to bastardize language in order to survive another day.

It is this detail which should remind conservatives that the battle for language is more important than ever before. This “prayer” represents far more than ignorance or meaningless pandering. It shows that even religion — the one last entity which transcends the power of “the state” — has fallen into the cross-hairs of a radical Left who hope to dominate our language in their quest for power.

It’s not enough that we laugh at the absurdity of “amen and a woman.” It’s time we realized that the cultural battle is being fought on yet another front.

This sparked some responses


What kind of a woke moron ends a prayer with “amen and awoman”? Amen is Latin for “so be it.” ohhh a Democrat.

Cleaver ended his prayer to open up the 117th Congress on Sunday with the words “amen and awoman.”

Video of the prayer’s ending was posted to Twitter by Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, who pointed out that the word “amen” is Latin for “so be it.”

“It’s not a gendered word,” Reschenthaler wrote. “Unfortunately, facts are irrelevant to progressives. Unbelievable.”…..






Counties w/Dominion Machines Tilted Biden by 5.6%

Rumble — An unbiased by-county analysis of 2020 general election results of over 3000 U.S. counties shows large-scale skewing of election results in favor of Joe Biden in counties using Dominion Voting Systems.

Analysis conducted by DataScience and released through BASEDmedia constructed a statistical model to predict relative performance for either candidate based upon U.S. Census county data to 90% accuracy.

This analysis revealed that counties that used Dominion and Hart InterCivic ballot counting devices and software consistently gave a 5% vote advantage to candidate Joe Biden over President Trump. This advantage was observed regardless of the county’s majority political party affiliation nor urban, suburban, or rural area demographics.

For further information, the full report is available online here: Evidence of Potential Fraud in Counties Using Dominion Voting Machines (PDF)

California Education Failure: Progressive Minority Leadership in California

Many Californians wondered if a black or Hispanic politician would replace Kamala Harris in the U.S. Senate. After California Secretary of State Alex Padilla was chosen, Larry Elder looked into the effect of progressive minority leadership in California on things like education in the state. Does it actually make a difference? Unfortunately, California schools are failing students, even though research shows districts spend more money on poor and minority students than other children. Meanwhile, progressive politicians are still adamantly opposed to school choice.

  • QUESTION: does the above get better or worse with the school shutdown? (One Answer) If more people start homeschooling… better. — me

Asymptomatic Spread (Dr Barke and Larry Elder)

I posted this on my Facebook and got immediate reactions… here is the video:

While I mentioned in my post “I LOVE this woman!,” it is a store policy… and I myself would wear it. However, here is the comment and my responses, followed by a newer audio upload — while Jim G. responded (not effectively to include here), my only purpose here is to post some resources for people to track down:


Here’s Dr. Fauci in January:

Click to go to NATURE


Click to enlarge (Go to SOURCE)

And here is some recent audio discussing some of the above, via my RUMBLE Channel:

Delusional Democrats Pipe-Dreams About Renewable Energy | Larry Elder

Vice President Joe Biden aims to be the most progressive president on the issue of climate change. The man who spent most of 2020 hiding in the basement believes the future of energy is renewable energy like wind and solar. Biden should go back to the basement, watch Michael Moore’s “Planet of the Humans,” and rethink his advocacy for renewable energy. Wind and solar are not the answer, and the idea of converting our fossil fuel-based economy into renewables could be a devastating take-down to society.

Remember when Google joined the common sense era?

We came to the conclusion that even if Google and others had led the way toward a wholesale adoption of renewable energy, that switch would not have resulted in significant reductions of carbon dioxide emissions. Trying to combat climate change exclusively with today’s renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a fundamentally different approach.


“Even if one were to electrify all of transport, industry, heating and so on, so much renewable generation and balancing/storage equipment would be needed to power it that astronomical new requirements for steel, concrete, copper, glass, carbon fibre, neodymium, shipping and haulage etc etc would appear. All these things are made using mammoth amounts of energy: far from achieving massive energy savings, which most plans for a renewables future rely on implicitly, we would wind up needing far more energy, which would mean even more vast renewables farms – and even more materials and energy to make and maintain them and so on. The scale of the building would be like nothing ever attempted by the human race.”

Google Joins the Common Sense Crew On Renewable Energies ~ Finally! (RPT)

  • What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change: Today’s renewable energy technologies won’t save us. So what will? (SPETRUM)
  • Shocker: Top Google Engineers Say Renewable Energy ‘Simply won’t work’ (WATTS UP WITH THAT)
  • Polluting the Beauty and Cleanliness Of Our World With Renewable Energy (RPT)
  • Wind and Solar More Harmful To Environment Than Helpful (RPT)

LOL! Cultural Appropriation At It’s Finest/Funniest

Ian posted the below in response to this: