Hunter Biden
Banned from Facebook for True Story (Facebook Jail Again)
Some raw thoughts… I think the Russians already had info on Hunter to blackmail the White House with and that may have been the behind the scenes actions that got Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline running again.
So… I was banned from Facebook for 24 hours for a link to this story at the DAILY MAIL (click link to go to DM story):
The NEW YORK POST also has a story with a FOX NEWS video regarding it:
MSM Telegraphs It’s Bias (Larry Elder vs. The World)
Larry Elder’s Show from Wednesday the 26th (2021) was good. The upload is mainly from the first hour, however, I add a lot of video to compliment his excellent points. Very long but worth the watch and listen.
Make Orwell Fiction Again (Hunter Biden Edition)
A family member commented on a sticker on the back-window of my van by affirming the idea of “Make Orwell Fiction Again.” (Click to Enlarge) [This will be a continuing series to address this idea]
However, knowing that his only form of news is essentially late-night [political] comics, CNN, and NPR… he meant it in a differing way than both the novel, and I meant it. So, below will be the beginning of a series of articles with small excerpts that I will continually add to in other posts. And note as well that what we have is a marriage of Orwell as well as Huxley as expressed in the quote from Joshua Charles’ book, Liberty’s Secrets: The Lost Wisdom of America’s Founders, found here: Orwell vs. Huxley (Big Tech Update)
Only a society that can effectively block and censor news, and shut down free expression is the kind the sticker refers to. Non-conservative ideas and news stories can be found readily in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, San Francisco Chronicle, ABC, NPR, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, etc.
In fact, almost every newspaper WITH THE EXCEPTION of the opinion pages of the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, and the New York Post, and at times FOX NEWS, have a more conservative leaning bias and news stories to be considered.
One example is that years ago the L.A. Times carried columns by Dennis Prager (and other conservative voices). Today they carry zero.
THE NEW YORK POST was censored for many weeks… scrubbed from Twitter as well as Facebook. Here is what my past Twitter looked liked when trying to share the story:
This was all common knowledge [for the most part] because of Peter Schweizer’s March 2019 book, “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends“. And the NEW YORK POST had a wonderful article that Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NYT, WaPo — essentially ignored or censored.
Armstrong and Getty cover Glenn Greenwald resigning from the “free speech” news outlet he founded. The article mentioned them of Glenn’s is this one: “Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept”. [As an aside, I added MUCH MORE of the Tucker interview.]:
In Glenn’s article, this stood out (SUBSTACK):
The NEW YORK POST opines on the recent “discovering” of an old story: “Liberal media ‘snuffed out’ Hunter Biden coverage until after election to help defeat Trump: critics” . But a must read article is this one over at RED STATE: “Ric Grenell Blows Up, Big Time, the Group That Should Be Most Ashamed of What They Did on the Hunter Biden Story“
Except the story was [and still is] 100% true. It was Russian disinformation UNTIL BIDEN WON, then the media discovered it’s veracity.
JUST THE NEWS notes the jump to #1 of 1984 on Amazon
- Later ages are always surprised by the casual brutality of totalitarian regimes. What those innocent ages neglect is the unshakeable (though misguided) conviction of virtue that animates the totalitarians. The historian John Kekes, writing about Robespierre in City Journal some years ago, touched on the essential point. If we understand Robespierre, “we understand that it is utterly useless to appeal to reason and morality in dealing with ideologues. For they are convinced that reason and morality are on their side and that their enemies are irrational and immoral simply because they are enemies.” That is the position of conservatives in American culture today. (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
Tammy Bruce’s book, “The New Thought Police: Inside the Left’s Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds,” was an important salvo in all this. Not the first book, but one of the most relevant for it’s day. Tammy has noted for years the censorship of the Left, one example is an older post:
The tech companies are just emboldened now. That’s all.
Yep, there were MANY disgusting videos on Hunter Biden’s laptop: him sexually abusing underage girls, including a family member, smoking crack, etc. But what was more disgusting was covering up a real news story [evidence of pay to play in the Ukraine and China] by almost all news outlets (print or media), as well as the censoring of it on social media. However, as Jonathan Turley notes wisely about NPR….. the designation as “a distraction” shows a bias rather than a news outfit, video precedes Turley’s article for context:
Tony Bobulinski will attend Thursday night’s debate as guest of President Trump.
JONATHAN TURLEY [Lefty Legal Scholar] notes this about Tony Bobulinski giving AMPLE evidence of who “the big guy” is:
It did guarantee a Biden victory BTW:
RUSH LIMBAUGH: The MSM “Discovers” the Hunter Biden Story
This was all common knowledge [for the most part] because of Peter Schweizer’s March 2019 book, “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends“. And the NEW YORK POST had a wonderful article that Facebook, Twitter, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NYT, WaPo — essentially ignored or censored.
Some previous uploads speaking to the censorship are these:
- Social Media Censorship – Massaging Outcomes
- The Russian Conspiracy/Hoax 2.0
- Hunter Biden: Hewitt, Tucker, Trump, and Det. Tom
The NEW YORK POST opines on the recent “discovering” of an old story: “Liberal media ‘snuffed out’ Hunter Biden coverage until after election to help defeat Trump: critics” . But a must read article is this one over at RED STATE: “Ric Grenell Blows Up, Big Time, the Group That Should Be Most Ashamed of What They Did on the Hunter Biden Story“
Last Post On Reason’s Trump Can Win (BIGLY!) |UPDATED 11-3|
(Note, I have added items throughout this post)
5:20 am update
Updated 11-3 (AM)
What we are seeing is a movement toward Trump with late breakers. We are also seeing folks that had initially given every indication that they were going to support Biden or they were undecided moving toward Trump. And the issue we see moving on is the shutdowns. Even young people we’ve identified who don’t like the president. They like shutdowns even less. Even suburban women who said they have problems with the president, they like their children home and shutdowns even less. — Robert Cahaly
- “Biden leads, 52% to 42%, among registered voters in national WSJ/NBC News poll; race in battleground states is narrowing.”…. (“President Trump Trails Joe Biden by 10 Points Nationally in Final Days of Election” — WSJ)
- To borrow from Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman, “I’ve seen enough.” No, I don’t know who’s going to win the election. According to our forecast, President Trump still has a chance at a second term: a 10 percent chance, to be more specific…. (“Trump Can Still Win, But The Polls Would Have To Be Off By Way More Than In 2016” — 538)
- Some WASHINGTON POST maps and scenarios.
- If Biden is collapsing this late in Iowa, it’s reasonable to assume he has a late collapse elsewhere in the Midwest that might not yet be captured in polling…. (“Something’s happening here: Trump and Ernst surge to substantial leads in final Des Moines Register polls” — LEGAL INSURRECTION | THE BLAZE)
- A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds that Joe Biden leads President Trump nationally by 10 points, 52-42. The poll also finds that the race is somewhat tighter in 12 states the pollsters identify as “swing states.” Even so, if these poll numbers reflect the true state of the race, Trump has almost no chance of winning. On the other hand, a new poll by Democracy Institute/Sunday Express has the popular vote split evenly, with Trump nominally ahead by 48-47. In the “swing states” including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Trump leads 49-45 according to this survey. The Democracy Institute poll is an outlier, for sure. However, it correctly forecast Brexit and Trump’s 2016 upset victory…. (“Dueling Poll Numbers And Grounds For Optimism” — POWERLINE)
- ‘This newspaper has not supported a Republican for president since 1972’ One of Pennsylvania’s top newspapers has endorsed President Donald Trump over Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, a major win for Trump in a state that is critical to winning the White House. The endorsement was even more significant because the newspaper has not endorsed a Republican for president in nearly a half-century. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board, one of Pennsylvania’s largest newspapers, revealed late Saturday that Trump is their man…. (“Top Swing-State Newspaper Hasn’t Endorsed Republican In Almost 50 Years — But Is Backing Trump Now” — THE BLAZE)
- (Map to the right is by Bruce Carrol… had to throw him in the mix! Click to enlarge)
- …Robert Cahaly, a pollster and political consultant who is the founder of the Trafalgar Group, is helping fuel questions with a series of polls showing Mr. Trump running stronger in battleground states than conventional wisdom suggests. “These polls are predominantly missing the hidden Trump vote — what is referred to as the shy Trump voters,” Mr. Cahaly said recently on Fox News. “I definitely think it is going to be a surprise,” he told The Washington Times last week. “I think people just lie to pollsters.”…. (“Trump’S Hidden Vote In Question: ‘I Think People Just Lie To Pollsters'” — WASHINGTON TIMES)
- …From Minnesota to New Hampshire, Biden is down. PollWatch, Larry Schweikart, and David Chapman have been some of the people who have been tracking the early vote totals and the overall state of polling, in general, this cycle, cutting through the liberal nonsense. … (“If New Batch of Polls are Correct, Trump Will Soar Past 300 Electoral Votes” — TOWNHALL)
- …The wonks are partially right: crowd sizes and rallies, caravans and carnival do not necessarily translate to all-important votes. But they are forgetting a few things. For all the intricacy and sophistication an election model may possess, it doesn’t know people. It doesn’t account for history. No model, not in my lifetime, will ever come close to doing so. Consider this: On the admittedly fun swing-state generator at FiveThirtyEight, Joe Biden’s odds are around 90 percent. Hand Florida over to President Trump, and Biden is still strongly favored with 69 chances in 100. Yet Florida has picked the winner in every presidential election except one since 1964. Without Ross Perot in 1992, Florida’s record would be unblemished…. (“Trump: Always Be Closing” — AMERICAN GREATNESS)
- …In conclusion, Trump is well on his way to gain at least a 10-point increase in Latino and black votes combined. Both groups make up about 32% of the Florida electorate and will likely have the same share of the votes. This means that Trump can afford to lose white votes by 5 points (about 62% of the electorate in 2016) and still carry the Sunshine state. (“Will Trump Win Florida? An Update On The Numbers” — AMERICAN THINKER)
This will be my final post on this… I may update it [see above], but… between this and my other two posts (here and here) — the idea should suffice.
When gallop or other polling outfits call people to find out who they are voting for… they ask a series of questions about past voting habits to determine if they are a likely voter. Questions like:
- Have you ever voted in your precinct or election district?
- How often would you say you vote?
- In the last election, did things come up that kept you from voting or did you vote?
- Do you happen to know where people in your neighborhood go to vote?
- ETC., ETC.
Someone who say “I haven’t voted in 20-years,” or, “I have never voted before,” or comments in the negative for the many questions like those exemplified above (ETC) are not included in the “likely voter.” And so, are not being represented in the stats used often by CNN, NYT, NPR, WaPo, etc.
Other factors is that in some major swing states new registrations for party affiliation — the GOP is outstripping the Dems. (However, this percentage disparity is not being polled for well — more the polls would have to add more Republican respondents to show the Party change.)
- [I didn’t explain this well enough when I posted this early this morning. Polls are based on the previous 2-election cycles typically… so they stats are based on an understanding of voter turn out in the 2016 and 2018 election cycles. However, this election cycle even now is setting records, and this newer voter and change of Party is part of the mix — which undermines the stats being presented by the MSM.]
- …at least 93 million people have already voted – about two-thirds of the total votes counted in the 2016 general election, according to Michael McDonald, a professor at the University of Florida who runs the U.S. Elections Project. (USA TODAY)
Why is this import. Some Trump Rallies will help shed some light on this:
The “did not vote in 2016” and the “last four elections” would disqualify them from being included in the likely voter polls. In other words, THIS GUY would not be included in the official polls:
4 more Years.1st time ever to Vote wow that felt great. Now DJT Make America Great Again
— david wells (@BoomerWells33) October 28, 2020
Other head tilts are as follows, but remember, these are projections:
- Republican Support: 77% (2016) vs. 96% (projected 2020). That’s 10,000,000 votes!
- Evangelical Christians: 81% (2016) vs. 90% (projected 2020)
- Hispanics: 28% (2016) vs. 36.5% (projected in 2020). A potential swing of 8.8 million from 2016.
- Catholics: 45% (2016) vs. 53% (projected 2020). A potential swing of 12.4 million votes from 2016.
- Black vote: 8% (2016) vs. 15% (projected 2020). A potential swing of 6.8 million votes from 2016.
I also think that the Libertarian party not having a “Gary Johnson” again to run against Trump will siphon more votes towards Trump rather than the Libertarian Party this year. Here are some more anecdotal evidences:
While I know my biases play a large roll in my outlook, one can see how — LIKE IN 2016 — Trump could win. BIGLY.
Also this from GATEWAY PUNDIT confirming some of the above percentages:
Two predictions – one by StatesPoll (left), and the other by Kevin McCullough (right) — CLICK TO ENLARGE:
Predicted 10/30 |
Predicted 10/28 |
I have to add this for the fun factor… this comes by way of “The Mooch’s” Twitter — he is showing a Biden landslide! Lol. I included Glenn Amurgis “crack pipe” comment:
Larry Sabato and his Crystal Ball are predicting an electoral landslide like he did four years ago (NEWSTHUD), click to enlarge:
This is what my WIFE has hope for:
RED STATE contributors all made their own predictions:
Robert A. Hahn, Pundit Emeritus
With all of the above, as I noted as well in my previous post, I would like to see the “forsureness” of a friend bumped down a notch. I will leave this and the other clips from Facebook up [even if Trump loses], out of fairness.
Even Glenn Greenwald Gets Censored (Armstrong and Getty)
Armstrong and Getty cover Glenn Greenwald resigning from the “free speech” news outlet he founded. The article mentioned them of Glenn’s is this one: “Article on Joe and Hunter Biden Censored By The Intercept”. [As an aside, I added MUCH MORE of the Tucker interview.]:
In Glenn’s article, this stood out (SUBSTACK):
For more by Glenn see here: as well as his TWITTER
MSM and Social Media Censorship Allows for Massaging Outcomes
Armstrong and Getty make a notable point that by censoring news stories to one segment of the population (here, the Left: CNN, MSNBC, NYTs, WaPo, NPR, Twitter, Facebook, etc) allows time for the “massaging” of “how” the MSM will present the story to it’s readership. It is a way to push a narrative rather than allow the facts of the case to get to the people and then allow the people to decide for themselves what the deal is. Good stuff.
Here is just one example of a narrative that was attempted — but failed to those that want to know or chase the truth. Sadly however, the people who simply hear headlines probably still think this story to be how it was first encapsulated: “The Media Narrative About the Portland Stabber Crumbles“
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host discusses the Hunter Biden story and media bias.
The NEW/2.0 Russian Conspiracy by the Left
I am starting out with wetting your whistle with some audio by Larry Elder (0.00 to the 8:18 mark) showing the difference between how MSNBC and others are reporting the Hunter Biden lap-top story vs. other European based news channels. Some are even saying it is a new “Russian Conspiracy.”
Which brings me to the following days show by Armstrong and Getty (from the 8:18 mark till the end) , who talk about the same characters involved in the “Russia Hoax” that enraptured the Left and #NeverTrumpers for over two years. They signed a letter saying this is a Russian Undercover Intel Attack (rough synopsis). A friend on Facebook linked to a POLITICO story regarding these 50[+] intel persons signing a letter: “Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say.”
However, 2-days ago Fox news confirmed with the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) that this laptop in no way is Russian Intel. Yesterday, CBS confirmed via their contacts at the FBI AND DOJ that the fox report is correct. Fox News contacted someone in the “cc” portion of the email discussing the “Big Guy” and who that was… the person involved as a person in the email chain said that was Joe Biden. AND, there are signatures from Hunter dropping it off.
Here is how I responded to my friend:
Here is a Fox News story on the Glenn Greenwald piece: “Glenn Greenwald trashes media ‘cone of silence’ around Hunter Biden email scandal” (VIDEO at link)
Evidence Of Wrongdoing Pre-Dates Trump
John Solomon gives an example of evidence showing Hunter Biden and his father’s involvement in corruption and the media saying it is poppycock:
VANITY FAIR MAGAZINE in May noted some of the following… it shows that this story PRE-DATES Trump, and, is a “truism” as Left and Right (pundits/columnists) have written about it. This is an excerpt from the Vanity Fair article:
In Peter Schweizer’s March (2019) book, “Secret Empires,” he shows many of these connections… and JOE BIDEN HIMSELF admitted it in an open forum:
And the four Democrat Congressmen threatened the Ukraine more than Trump EVER has (via MARC THEISSEN):
(For a person to say the following Biden dirty business dealings didn’t happen is to ignore Left and Right — and Joe Biden’s own admission. Hunter Biden went into business with John Kerry’s step-son, and Whitey Bulger’s nephew. The deal in the Ukraine became so shady that John Kerry’s step-son cut business ties with him due to drugs and corruption:
Katy Tur — Russian Media Propagandist (John Solomon)
Here is another example of the media and the Left doing what they accuse others of. In this case, spreading a statement that is obvious propaganda… like the race card, the media and Democrats use the “Russian Card.” Sean Hannity and John Solomon discuss everything Ukraine in the time allotted for him on the show (10-01-2019). I added the Bill Maher and Katy Tur videos that were mentioned by Solomon.
Here are two of John’s recent articles:
- Let’s Get Real: Democrats Were First to Enlist Ukraine In US Elections
- These Once-Secret Memos Cast Doubt on Joe Biden’s Ukraine Story
Nothing Burger 2.0 (Ukraine) | Hewitt, Hannity, and Levin
These are just some excerpts of guests discussing the Ukraine and the Democrats outrage [nothing burger 2.0] starting with the earliest show (AM) to the latest (PM). I had time yesterday to upload the following (Dr.’s Appointment), I hope to get to Larry Elder tonight.
HUGH HEWITT (+ Rep. Gallagher)
This is why I like listening to Hugh Hewitt. Apparently Nancy Pelosi didn’t start an inquiry into impeachment like the Republicans started one with Bill Clinton. Nothing has changed after Nancy Pelosi’s presser. In other words, we aren’t even one step closer to an impeachment trial or investigation. And representative Gallagher said that they are meeting to prematurely release The whistle-blower complaint, which was already scheduled for the end of the week. So the Washington Post noted that this was not first hand information from said whistle-blower. And the Wall Street journal debunked quid pro quo. In other words the Democrats have bupkis. But now President Trump has a new whipping boy. Which is: Hunter Biden getting $50,000 a month for 5 years for doing nothing but “going into business” with John Kerry’s son and Whitey Bulger’s son.
SEAN HANNITY (+ JOhn Solomon & Gregg Jarrett)
John Solomon and Gregg Jarrett discuss everything Ukraine, the Biden’s, and even some Russia thrown in for good measure — with Sean Hannity.
MARK LEVIN (+ John Solomon)
What a great interview! Have any misunderstanding or feel ignorant about how hypocritical Democrats are? Wonder no more.
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