During our interview on Wednesday with Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote — TGP and 100%FedUp Release New Suspect Drop Box Video from Michigan
Here is the FULL TCF Center video
During our interview on Wednesday with Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote — TGP and 100%FedUp Release New Suspect Drop Box Video from Michigan
Here is the FULL TCF Center video
Taylor Lorenz. Actress, hypocrite, clown. pic.twitter.com/08uUOGOa5M
— Maze (@mazemoore) April 19, 2022
Fox News host reacts on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ to the woman behind ‘Libs of TikTok’ being outed.
SPECTATOR WORLD notes that the Washington Post seems to have lied in their defense of their “journalist”:
…..The Washington Post‘s assertion that they did not “publish or link to any details about her personal life” appears to be false. According to Washington Examiner reporter Jerry Dunleavy, an early version of the article linked to the Libs of TikTok account owner’s real estate license. The link contained the account owner’s real estate license number, full name and possible address.
It is true that Libs of TikTok has amassed numerous followers on Twitter by reposting videos of left-wing insanity on the social media app TikTok.
The Washington Post has failed to properly justify, though, why the account owner’s name or occupation are useful to developing an understanding of why the account has had such an impact on online discourse.
Their claim that “her identity had become public knowledge” also diminishes their responsibility as a media outlet in determining if information sourced from social media can be amplified to their audience ethically.
Lorenz recently decried online harassment campaigns in an interview with MSNBC’s Meet the Press. Lorenz did not respond to requests for comment via email and phone……
BTW, she is a H Y P O C R I T E
Okay… I have never, ever, heard the guy from CNSNews, Terry Jeffrey, speak before. The first thought was “this is a joke.” And immediately it reminded me of the voice Mark Dice does for Brian Stelter. So, I suggest you watch the Mark Dice video first, then at least watch the first minute of the CNSNews interview.
(More at CNSNEWS)
Frederick Douglass was born into slavery, but through his own heroic efforts became one of the most influential advocates for freedom in American history. His journey, a tale both agonizing and inspiring, should be known by everyone. Timothy Sandefur, author of “Frederick Douglass: Self-Made Man,” guides us through Douglass’ amazing life.
I spoke with the owners of the video that I grabbed this clip from. They were kind enough to allow this to stay up — HOWEVER — if you enjoyed this clip, please visit and consider subscribing to EncourageTV. The channel is built with positive, wholesome, and religious viewership in mind. (Which is better than the drivel we get elsewhere.)
(REALLY this is young Douglas vs. old Douglass, Kaepernick merely takes him out of a lifetime of thought)
Kaepernick quoted Frederick Douglas in “bashing” July 4th. FIRST, Ted Cruz does a bang-up job in responding to this here (DAILY WIRE). But the mistake I see here (#TWO) is that people evolve.
Let me explain.
I have heard many people over the years quote St. Augustine to support their understanding of a Church Father supporting old-earth creationism (OEC). But in fact, as Augustine matured in his faith and thought about the competing worldviews (remember, he was a Pagan before being Born Again) he became a solid young earth creationist (YEC). So the quote people choose pre-dates his ending up as a YEC’er. In other words, as he moved further away from his Pagan roots he came closer to God’s clear work. (See my post entitled “Taking Physicist Stephen Barr to Task Over St. Augustine“)
The same applies here, Douglas was newly freed, he fell into being tutored by someone who viewed the Constitution as a “slave document, but after spreading his wings further, reading the Constitution (and the Civil War) — he matured to believe the Constitution was an anti-slavery document.
The book pictured and I highly recommend is this: “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White“. There is a DVD as well.
See as well my page on my site with many resource recommendations on various topics: “U.S. RACIAL HISTORY“
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Bill Maher’s explosive interview on the “Joe Rogan Experience” where he unleashes on the left for proving conservative like Dennis Prager right for advocating for things like pregnant men, looting, and wanting to abolish the police. Dave shares a clip of Maher complaining about the left pushing the idea of pregnant men. This is essentially the same idea that Dennis Prager was mocked for on Real Time with Bill Maher in 2019 when he claimed that the left was pushing the idea of menstruating men. Maher also takes Disney and other woke companies to task for pushing their woke agenda on an unquestioning public. Maher broke new ground with his scorching criticism of Dr. Fauci, and big pharma for not properly handling vaccine skeptics and expecting the general public to not even have questions about the COVID vaccine. Finally a look inside the Shanghai lockdown in China where the zero COVID policy is pushing people to the brink of madness. The China lockdown is resulting in people being trapped in their apartments for a week as they slowly run out of food. Meanwhile, in Florida Ron DeSantis is promising that no Floridian will ever be locked down again.
(ALL NEWSBUSTERS) Remember when the entire leftwing media establishment pushed a letter by former “intelligence officials” alleging, without evidence, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was somehow Russian disinformation? Now that even The New York Times admits that the laptop story is real, what say the journalists who so happily pushed that reckless lie to shield then-candidate Biden from bad press?
Not only did the former intelligence officials present no evidence that the laptop was in fact part of a “disinformation campaign,” — they were also rebuked by both the Director of National Intelligence and the FBI.
Yet the pro-Biden media ran with this story regardless, for no reason other than because it was politically expedient.
Armstrong and Getty discuss some transgender issues brought up via a LOS ANGELES TIMES article, which quotes trans psychologist Erica Anderson:
A transgender psychologist fears many teens are making life-changing decisions about gender because it’s trendy and pushed on social media.
Erica Anderson, 71, told the Los Angeles Times she is horrified by 13-year-old kids getting hormone treatments without meeting with psychologists first.
Dr. Anderson identifies herself as a transgender woman after decades of life as a man. The psychologist began with hormone treatments and eventually had gender reassignment surgery at the age of 61.
“To flatly say there couldn’t be any social influence in formation of gender identity flies in the face of reality,” Anderson said. “Teenagers influence each other.”
Social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic included children becoming more isolated and many leaned on social media networks, according to the Times report.
“What happens when the perfect storm — of social isolation, exponentially increased consumption of social media, the popularity of alternative identities — affects the actual development of individual kids?” asked Anderson……
Armstrong and Getty read from a WASHINGTON POST article by a trans “woman” who confesses they wish they had known then (age 19) what they do now.
When I was 19, I had surgery for sex reassignment, or what is now called gender affirmation surgery. The callow young man who was obsessed with transitioning to womanhood could not have imagined reaching middle age. But now I’m closer to 50, keeping a watchful eye on my 401(k), and dieting and exercising in the hope that I’ll have a healthy retirement.
In terms of my priorities and interests today, that younger incarnation of myself might as well have been a different person — yet that was the person who committed me to a lifetime set apart from my peers.
There is much debate today about transgender treatment, especially for young people. Others might feel differently about their choices, but I know now that I wasn’t old enough to make that decision. Given the strong cultural forces today casting a benign light on these matters, I thought it might be helpful for young people, and their parents, to hear what I wish I had known.
I once believed that I would be more successful finding love as a woman than as a man, but in truth, few straight men are interested in having a physical relationship with a person who was born the same sex as them. In high school, when I experienced crushes on my male classmates, I believed that the only way those feelings could be requited was if I altered my body.
It turned out that several of those crushes were also gay. If I had confessed my interest, what might have developed? Alas, the rampant homophobia in my school during the AIDS crisis smothered any such notions. Today, I have resigned myself to never finding a partner. That’s tough to admit, but it’s the healthiest thing I can do.
As a teenager, I was repelled by the thought of having biological children, but in my vision of the adult future, I imagined marrying a man and adopting a child. It was easy to sacrifice my ability to reproduce in pursuit of fulfilling my dream. Years later, I was surprised by the pangs I felt as my friends and younger sister started families of their own.
The sacrifices I made seemed irrelevant to the teenager I was: someone with gender dysphoria, yes, but also anxiety and depression. The most severe cause of dread came from my own body. I was not prepared for puberty, nor for the strong sexual drive typical for my age and sex.
Surgery unshackled me from my body’s urges, but the destruction of my gonads introduced a different type of bondage. From the day of my surgery, I became a medical patient and will remain one for the rest of my life. I must choose between the risks of taking exogenous estrogen, which include venous thromboembolism and stroke, or the risks of taking nothing, which includes degeneration of bone health. In either case, my risk of dementia is higher, a side effect of eschewing testosterone.
What was I seeking for my sacrifice? A feeling of wholeness and perfection. I was still a virgin when I went in for surgery. I mistakenly believed that this made my choice more serious and authentic. I chose an irreversible change before I’d even begun to understand my sexuality. The surgeon deemed my operation a good outcome, but intercourse never became pleasurable. When I tell friends, they’re saddened by the loss, but it’s abstract to me — I cannot grieve the absence of a thing I’ve never had.
Where were my parents in all this? They were aware of what I was doing, but by that point, I had pushed them out of my life. I didn’t need parents questioning me or establishing realistic expectations — especially when I found all I needed online. In the early 1990s, something called Internet Relay Chat, a rudimentary online forum, allowed me to meet like-minded strangers who offered an inexhaustible source of validation and acceptance.
I shudder to think of how distorting today’s social media is for confused teenagers. I’m also alarmed by how readily authority figures facilitate transition. I had to persuade two therapists, an endocrinologist and a surgeon to give me what I wanted. None of them were under crushing professional pressure, as they now would be, to “affirm” my choice.
I may well have transitioned even after waiting a few years. If I hadn’t transitioned, I likely would have suffered from the world in other ways. In other words, I’m still working out how much regret to feel, but I’m comfortable with the ambiguity.
What advice would I pass on to young people seeking transition? Learning to fit in your body is a common struggle. Fad diets, body-shaping clothing and cosmetic surgery are all signs that countless millions of people at some point have a hard time accepting their own reflection. The prospect of sex can be intimidating. But sex is essential in healthy relationships. Give it a chance before permanently altering your body.
Most of all, slow down. You may yet decide to make the change. But if you explore the world by inhabiting your body as it is, perhaps you’ll find that you love it more than you thought possible.
The ship that Ukraine sank was the ship that reportedly took those guys on the island captive that told the ship to “go ‘effe’ yourself” when told to initially surrender… how the tables turn:
(Final Cut) Russian warship, idi na huy! Sound on! ?#Moskva #StandWithUkraine ???? MUSIC by: @MaxBarskih ORIGINAL ART by @BorisGrohArt pic.twitter.com/mUyzeu5c4v
— Russ Castella (@RussCastella) April 16, 2022
News on the possibility that the Russian Missile Cruiser May Have Had Nuclear Weapons On Board, what the U.S. Military calls “Broken Arrow,” a situation with potentially lethal accidents involving nuclear weapons. DAILY MAIL:
Russia’s ‘broken arrow’: Fears that NUCLEAR MISSILES sank with Putin’s flagship Moskva amid claims that 452 of the 510 crew have drowned and top admiral has been arrested after cruiser was ‘hit by Ukrainian missile’
Russia’s Black Sea flagship which sank yesterday after an explosion on board may have been carrying nuclear warheads, analysts and experts have warned today, as a Russian politician said more than 400 sailors could have gone down with the ship.
The Moskva, a Soviet-era guided missile cruiser, sank near the port of Sevastopol on Thursday after Ukraine said it hit the ship with two cruise missiles. Today, Mykhailo Samus, director of a Lviv-based military think-tank; Andriy Klymenko, editor of Black Sea News; and Ukrainian newspaper Defence Express all warned that the Moskva could have been carrying two nuclear warheads designed to be fitted to its P-1000 ‘carrier killer’ missiles.
If true, the loss of the warheads into the Black Sea could spark a ‘Broken Arrow’ incident – American military slang for potentially lethal accidents involving nuclear weapons.
‘On board the Moskva could be nuclear warheads – two units,’ Samus said, while Klymenko called on other Black Sea nations – Turkey, Romania, Georgia, and Bulgaria – to insist on an explanation. ‘Where are these warheads? Where were they when the ammunition exploded,’ he asked.
Meanwhile Ilya Ponomarev, a politician exiled from Russia for opposing Putin’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, said just 58 of the 510-strong crew have since been accounted for – raising the prospect that 452 men went down with the ship in what would be a bitter loss for Vladimir Putin’s already beleaguered army.
The figure, while unconfirmed, is consistent with losses suffered on exploding warships. During the Russian Navy’s infamous defeat at the Battle of Tsushima against Japan, an explosion on board the Borodino – slightly smaller than the Moskva – saw all-but one of her 855 crew killed.
Leonid Nevzlin, a Russian-Israeli businessman who fled the country in 2003 after being targeted by Putin, said yesterday that 20 Russian generals have been arrested over the military’s failings along with 150 FSB officers for providing false information about Ukraine’s defences…..
The WASHINGTON POST has a good article as well noting that this anti-ship missile is 100% Ukraine made:
Soon after Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula in 2014, a Ukrainian defense firm used an arms show in Kyiv to unveil its latest project: an anti-ship cruise missile it called “Neptune.”
The new missile drew little attention at the time. But now it is in the spotlight after a U.S. defense official said Ukrainian forces used Neptune missiles to strike and sink Russia’s flagship Moskva war vessel in the Black Sea.
The strike on Wednesday marked a major boost for Ukraine — not only for its war effort but also for the homegrown arms industry, even as it relies on weapons donated by Western allies.
“For the Ukrainians, if they were able to sink this ship or damage it with their own Neptune missiles, that’s a point of pride, first, and a useful military capability in that they will be able to keep the Russian fleet at bay,” said Mark Cancian, senior adviser for the international security program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
“For the first time, a warship was destroyed by an anti-ship missile made entirely in Ukraine,” Daria Kaleniuk, executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center in Ukraine, wrote on Twitter.
The Neptune was in development before Russia’s annexation of Crimea, but the territory’s capture helped spur the missile’s production. The peninsula houses Ukraine’s main navy base and the Soviet-era coastal defense systems that had once protected the country from attack along the Black Sea.
The R-360 Neptune is itself based on an old Soviet cruise missile called the Kh-35, which had been produced in the Ukrainian town of Kharkiv. The company that developed Neptune, Luch Design Bureau, was founded in 1965 and had a long history of designing Soviet missiles.
If Neptune missiles were fired at the Moskva, it would mark the first time that the weapon was used in practice, military experts say. The incident also suggests that the cruise missile, which has a stated range of about 200 miles, can evade missile defense systems such as those onboard the Russian ship.
The ship was fitted with long-range radar and an S-300 air-defense system, designed to provide protection not only for itself but the rest of the Russian fleet. Accounts from Ukrainian officials suggest that an aerial drone was used to distract the defense systems during the attack……..
Almost two years after the New York Post broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was suppressed by multiple social media platforms, major media outlets are admitting that the laptop story was true. Yet at the time, they repeated the baseless accusation that the laptop was Russian disinformation. And remember how Twitter suspended the New York Post for more than a week before reversing its action and admitting it was a mistake? Maybe Elon Musk recently buying the largest share in the company could help prevent such things in the future.
The Real “Pay-To-Play”
Amala Ekpunobi grew up believing that policing in America was systemically racist. An outspoken activist, she marched for Black Lives Matter and advocated to defund the police. A chance encounter with a kind police officer made Amala begin to question her assumptions. Eager to validate her long-held beliefs, she investigated the facts behind the “racist police” narrative. The deeper she dug, the more her doubt grew, ultimately leading to a confrontation with the truth that transformed her entire worldview.