(Above video description) Scott Morrison’s Calls For FREEDOM at 2021 U.N. General Assembly. Scott Morrison is an Australian politician who is the 30th and current prime minister of Australia The original file comes from DEADACTIVIST, but forces you to watch it on YouTube which is why I uploaded it to my RUMBLE — not to mention it may be nixed at some point due to YT’s aversion to truth and real evil.
I posted a video showing a Federal Crime, and I get this retarded response:
First of all, that response did not address in any way the forensic evidence of a particular person deleting records that Federal Law says must be kept… but… Cyber Ninja’s [essentially] said no such thing. A normal — unbiased person sanely led by common sense and not a hook through the nose by the boob-tube news industry might ask as Kari Lake did (she is running for AZ Governor):
So, this post is for all the noobs like ROSS T.mentioned at the outset. I would say “enjoy,” but what is below is a crime that changed the outcome of an election. KEEP IN MIND… ALL THIS IS ONE COUNTY IN ARIZONA. ONE.
In the 2020 presidential election, the margin of victory was only 10,457 votes, a small fraction of the 57,734 ballots with known issues. Again, this is almost 6 times the margin of victory in the Presidential race and is multiples of the margin of victory in other races. Based on these factual findings, the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable. (“CYBER NINJAS” — see executive summary HERE)
Maricopa County did not preserve the digital security logs for the 2020 election for 22 months in accordance with FEDERAL LAW.
Shared passwords and the same passwords across the entire election system.
Mail in ballots were cast under voter registration IDs for people that may not have received their ballots by mail because they had moved, and no one with the same last name remained at the address.
Nearly half of the votes flagged as suspicious — 23,344 — fell into a category called “ballots cast from individuals who had moved prior to the election.” They included 15,035 who moved within the county before the registration deadline, 6,591 who moved to another state before the registration deadline and 1,718 who moved to a different county before the registration deadline.
Found 34,448 votes from those who voted more than once in Arizona in the 2020 election. 17,000 votes that NEVER should have been included in the audit!
The day before the audit was to begin, nearly 1.1 million subpoenaed files were anonymously deleted. Doing this was criminal obstruction of justice. Arizona’s Attorney General, Mark Brnovic, must pursue these crimes.
NOQ REPORT has some of the cataloging of issues here (RPT adds in some media to this post from NOQ):
Here are the facts. The hand recount did what those of us who have been paying attention expected it to do. It confirmed that the original counts were not falsified without an accompanying ballot, whether collected before/during the election or manufactured following Election Day. I cannot stress this enough that contrary to what some on the right were saying, this was fully expected. Those who cheated were not dumb enough to fake the numbers. They produced the ballots necessary to match the so-called “victory” by the Biden-Harris ticket.
It’s conspicuous that a quarter of the questionable ballots came in AFTER Election Day even though the total ballots received late represented a minuscule overall percentage of the vote. They got sloppy as they rushed to make up the gap. Their initial cheating before the election was simply not enough to overcome the Trump landslide, so they rushed to recover.
The real juice in this audit was discovering how many ballots were manufactured in order to produce the desired outcome. That’s where it is crystal clear that the election was stolen. As we reported earlier, over 17K envelopes were duplicates. That’s more than enough to justify decertifying the election since the Biden-Harris ticket “won” by around 10K votes. If that was the only evidence of voter fraud that was found, then we could cry foul. But it wasn’t all that was found. Not by a longshot.
The official Arizona Senate election audit report is in – and Trump supporters are calling for the state’s 2020 election to be ‘decertified.’ The results showed “57,734 ballots with serious issues were identified.” If those ballots were not counted, that would be far beyond the margin of victory needed to overturn the results of the election. The independent auditors recommended that “the election should not be certified.”
In addition, there were more disturbing findings, according to Cyber Ninjas: A Dominion technician allegedly deleted all of the log files a day before the audit began, while other security lapses abounded. Trump supporters and election integrity advocates exploded at the findings on Twitter.
Twitter was loaded with perspectives, many of which highlighted some of the many key findings in the audit hearing. Propaganda Sniper noted, “Despite poor password management by Maricopa County officials, the forensic audit team was able to identify the individual who erased the digital paper trails… but they will only release that name (or names) to the authorities.”
….That’s Maricopa officials DELETING logs to cover their tracks. (RIGHT SCOOP)
“Suzy” said, “Clear intentional overwriting of security logs from EMS account. 2/11/ 21- 463 entries overwritten. 3/3/21 – 37,686 entries overwritten. 4/12/21 – 330 entries overwritten. They have identified the individual not disclosed at this time!”
Liz Harrington observed, “Maricopa County fraudulently ‘verified and approved’ mail-in ballots that had NO signature THEN multiple ballots were approved with the same exact name and address, matching signatures, but DIFFERENT voter IDs.”
They stamped Verified and Approved on mail-in ballots that WERE BLANK except for the VOTE (RIGHT SCOOP)
…To make certain that what the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors did to ensure Biden’s victory would never be discovered, the day before the audit was to begin, nearly 1.1 million subpoenaed files were anonymously deleted. Doing this was criminal obstruction of justice. Arizona’s Attorney General, Mark Brnovic, must pursue these crimes.
For those who have maintained the election was fair and honest, these deletions are proof positive that it wasn’t. The Cyber Ninjas demonstrated that it wasn’t.
Only fools, those who have a vested interest in perpetuating the darkness, and the willfully obtuse can dispute the results of this audit. Arizona was stolen, plain and simple…..
Only fools — or — ROSS T.
Of note as well is what Dominion said was impossible:
On Friday the Senate auditors revealed they have proof of Maricopa County officials DELETING data from the Dminion voting machines.
This was a HUGE announcement.
Audit investigator Ben Cotton also told the Senators present that the Dominion machines that were analyzed included data not from Maricopa County. They were able to identify data from South Carolina and Washington State.
What the hell is this??
More from CYBER NINJAS regarding….
Massive Duplicate Ballot Discrepancies Revealed In Audit Report
Extensive Cyber Security Issues Found During AZ Audit
“Law enforcement needs to be involved”
Sen. Petersen says “the numbers don’t reconcile”
“It appears they broke the law with duplicate ballots”
Biden Administration Health and Human Services Doctor Says ‘Government Doesn’t Want to Show that the Darn [COVID] Vaccine is Full of Sh*t’; Claims Government Wants to ‘Shove’ COVID Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting ‘Under the Mat’
Firstly… I wish to list some past posts dealing with this next issue, which is, how deaths are recorded since late March and Early April of 2020.
I thought this article was excellent! Here is an excerpt from RATIONAL GROUND:
…..Florida House report on COVID deaths
Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva’s staff produced an Analysis of COVID Death Data report on October 12 that reviewed 13,920 death certificates provided by the Florida Department of Health on September 23. Of those records:
11,460 list COVID-19 as the immediate underlying cause of death in PART 1.
1,204 list COVID-19 as a cause, but not the underlying cause of death.
1,254 list COVID-19 as a condition in PART 2, but not a cause of death in PART 1.
2 did not list COVID-19 at all.
Of the 11,460 records that listed COVID-19 as the immediate cause of death, 8,058 (70%) listed no other causes. According to the report, these records were completed incorrectly, listing COVID-19 in Line a as the immediate cause of death rather than listing the result of COVID-19, such as pneumonia or acute respiratory disease syndrome (ARDS). While this does not imply the deaths were not caused by COVID-19, incorrectly-filled death certificates do not allow a clear distinction between deaths from COVID-19 and deaths with COVID-19.
Change in CDC guidance
A change in CDC guidance published on March 24, 2020 (COVID-19 Alert No.2) encouraged doctors to include COVID-19 in PART 1 “for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.” This was reinforced on April 5 (COVID-19 2020 Interim Case Definition), when the CDC said any death with COVID-19 on the death certificate is counted as a COVID-19 death, even if it was just presumed and had no confirming laboratory or clinical validation. In other words, the CDC guidance explicitly does not distinguish between deaths from COVID-19 and deaths withCOVID-19.
This is contrary to World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, which say to count only deaths “resulting from a clinically compatible illness, in a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death that cannot be related to COVID disease (e.g. trauma). There should be no period of complete recovery from COVID-19 between illness and death. A death due to COVID-19 may not be attributed to another disease (e.g. cancer).”
Unlike the CDC, the WHO specifies that COVID-19 listed in PART 2 is not considered a COVID-19 death. These examples are in their guidelines:….
The entire thing is worth your perusal.
Besides a financial incentive for many hospitals (not all), is there a political motive as well?
Motorcycle Crash Counted As Covid Death
Alzheimer’s Death Counted As Covid Death
The government is lying about my wife’s grandfather’s death, and I bet they’re lying about many more.
And here’s the thing… we’re talking about the government of the State of Oklahoma. Oklahoma. Far from the liberal, woke, left-wing bastion of agenda-driven government policy like New York, California, or Michigan.
Nevertheless, the State of Oklahoma insists that Jack Dake Sr. died of the coronavirus when he simply did not.
Jack Dake was born in 1930 Oklahoma. He survived the depression in the dust bowl. He served in the Korean War in the United States Army and fought in some of the toughest battles of that conflict.
Jack Dake was married for nearly sixty years and produced three children, seven grandchildren, and thirteen great-grandchildren.
He has also been suffering from Alzheimer’s for the past thirteen years. This year, the debilitating effects of that horrible disease finally got the better of Jack. He wanted to continue the fight and his body was willing, but his brain was not.
As is the case with the final stages of Alzheimer’s, Jack’s final weeks were disorienting, painful, tragic, and heartbreaking. His mind was no longer capable of instructing his body on how to ingest food or even drink water. The family knew this was coming, but no one is ever prepared for this sort of thing.
On May 6, after over a decade of fighting for his memory, his cognitive skills and his life, Jack Dake Sr. passed away.
That’s when his family’s fight began.
You see, Jack was in a special Long Term Care facility for Alzheimer’s patients. And, like so many elderly Americans over the past several months, he contracted the COVID-19 virus in mid-April.
He was taken to a hospital to check on dehydration issues resulting from Alzheimer’s when a routine COVID test showed a positive result. He had a slight fever and cough. He wasn’t short of breath, and his pulse oximetry hovered about 97% while breathing room air. He never used supplemental oxygen. He was in the hospital for less than two hours.
All and all, he was quite strong, physically. Even up to his death, his body, his heart rate, his vital statistics were relatively strong for an 89-year-old man. The coronavirus never really hit him in any significant way.
Five days after the COVID test, a doctor observed that he had no signs of any coronavirus symptoms. Doctors wrote that he had no fever, no cough and no shortness of breath — “no other complaints or modifying factors,” the doctor’s record reads.
After weeks of not eating or drinking water due to the devastating final stages of Alzheimer’s, Jack Dake finally succumbed, like so many elderly Americans, to Alzheimer’s disease. It was seventeen days after the COVID-19 test results and two weeks since he had shown any coronavirus symptoms at all.
Coronavirus is listed as his cause of death. That’s a lie.
“On the day he died, one of the people at the care facility said that his was a COVID-19 death, to which we immediately objected,” my father-in-law, Jack Dake Jr., told The Oklahoman. “COVID-19 had nothing whatsoever to do with his death, nor was it an underlying cause. In fact, since he had already been through the symptoms, he was probably negative for the coronavirus and now had antibodies.”
The nursing home staff told the family on April 30 that Jack Sr. was a “recovered COVID-19 case” according to state health guidelines since he had not shown any symptoms of the virus for several days.
So why would the government count this death as a COVID death?
Probably money. The CARES Act provides a hefty reimbursement to health care facilities for the treatment of COVID patients. Maybe a liberal definition of a COVID death helps funnel federal dollars to cash-strapped states. Maybe it’s pure politics as mounting death tolls are believed to hurt President Trump.
Who knows?
Frankly, it doesn’t matter. We deserve the truth. The Dake family deserves the truth.
Jack Dake wore the uniform of the US Army and fought in a war thousands of miles from Oklahoma. He lived a long life, raised his family, paid his taxes, and loved his country.
He suffered from Alzheimer’s and fought it with the same tough, tenacious American grit he exhibited in every fight he engaged in over his nine remarkable decades.
He deserves more than to be written off as another statistic. His death should not be a weapon to be used in a petty political fight or a sneaky scheme to get federal funding.
Jack Dake Sr. did not die from COVID-19, but the government says he did.
A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by the current COVID vaccines as of Aug 28, 2021.
NOTE:Twitter banned me [Steve Kirsch] for posting a link to this article. I’m offering a $1M academic grant to anyone who can show the analysis is flawed by a factor of 4 or more in either direction and provide a more accurate analysis to the correct number.We’ll have a panel of 3 judges decide if we disagree. Please send me an InMail on LinkedIn if you think you found I was off by a factor of 4 or more. First one to show the “correct” answer gets the $1M research grant.
….Researchers have tried to get at similar questions before. For two separate studies published in May, doctors in California read through several hundred charts of pediatric patients, one by one, to figure out why, exactly, each COVID-positive child had been admitted to the hospital. Did they need treatment for COVID, or was there some other reason for admission, like cancer treatment or a psychiatric episode, and the COVID diagnosis was merely incidental? According to the researchers, 40 to 45 percent of the hospitalizations that they examined were for patients in the latter group.
The authors of the paper out this week took a different tack to answer a similar question, this time for adults. Instead of meticulously looking at why a few hundred patients were admitted to a pair of hospitals, they analyzed the electronic records for nearly 50,000 COVID hospital admissions at the more than 100 VA hospitals across the country. Then they checked to see whether each patient required supplemental oxygen or had a blood oxygen level below 94 percent. (The latter criterion is based on the National Institutes of Health definition of “severe COVID.”) If either of these conditions was met, the authors classified that patient as having moderate to severe disease; otherwise, the case was considered mild or asymptomatic.
The study found that from March 2020 through early January 2021—before vaccination was widespread, and before the Delta variant had arrived—the proportion of patients with mild or asymptomatic disease was 36 percent. From mid-January through the end of June 2021, however, that number rose to 48 percent. In other words, the study suggests that roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease……
Making something “Mandatory” that you own stock in seems a bit fishy to me.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admitted she takes two positions on policy issues.
One in private — ostensibly, the “real” position and one for the public, according to a damaging email leak of released on Friday by Wikileaks that included clips of Clinton’s paid speeches to Wall Street banks and other organizations.
Wikileaks released emails reportedly from John Podesta, chairman of the Clinton campaign, on Friday, around 6 p.m.
Podesta received comments made in past Hillary Clinton speeches flagged as potential liabilities.
“You just have to sort of figure out how to — getting back to that word, ‘balance’ — how to balance the public and the private efforts that are necessary to be successful, politically, and that’s not just a comment about today,” Clinton said in a speech for the National Multi-Housing Council on April 23, 2013. “It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”
To be fair, Hillary explains the quote:
(Originally posted April 2021)
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host says the left is obsessed with ‘demographic replacement.’
What a difference an administration makes when it comes to immigration. Let’s remember at one time (and not very long ago), Democrats sounded just like former President Trump on the issue of illegal immigration. They even used the term ‘illegal alien.’ And why do they always throw around the number of immigrants in the United States is 11 million? And for the record, ‘illegal alien’ is not the same thing as an undocumented worker or undocumented immigrant. An illegal alien is an illegal alien. (Elder plays Eliseo Medina’s speech – who is noted in the video below that!)
Eliseo Medina PLAYBOOK
This is a montage of democrats revealing their true goals for illegal immigrants and other minorities – they want their votes. This is a clip from Trevor Loudon’s film, the “Enemies Within.” Watch the entire film @AMAZON:
Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains.
The popular Mexican-born comedian Paul Rodriguez shocked the CNN panel on illegal immigration when he advocated for deportation for illegal immigrants. Shamelessly, Don Lemon accosted him by insinuating that legal immigrants like Rodriguez can’t be against illegal immigration. Yeah, that’s pretty pathetic.
What about the leftist hero who was recently lionized by Obama? Mark Levine takes you on a short tour-de-forces of how Democrats try and re-write history:
…Chavez, who was also against ethnic organizations like La Raza, would tell illegal immigrants to get out of the country, especially because they lowered the wages of American workers. And he was often far from compassionate in handling illegal immigrants.
As Breitbart News has reported, “Chavez was so opposed to amnesty that even the film’s producers, who have a history of making politicized movies, decided, out of respect, to steer clear of the subject”:
As the New York Times noted, Participant Media, which produced the film, has a “fondness for films about social issues.” The company made Lincoln as a statement about bipartisanship, The Help to “highlight the plight of domestic workers,” and Promised Land as a “call for environmental action” against fracking.
But the producers avoided immigration reform in the movie because Chavez “fought for better wages and conditions for workers but held complex and evolving views on the status of unauthorized immigrants, some of which would be at odds with the changes many Hispanics and others are seeking today.”
Breitbart News has also detailed how much Cesar Chavez opposed amnesty:
Ruben Navarrette, Jr., a supporter of comprehensive immigration who has “studied and written about Chavez and the United Farm Workers … for more than 20 years,” wrote in a 2010 essay that “the historical record shows that Chavez was a fierce opponent of illegal immigration.” He added that “it’s unlikely that he’d have looked favorably on a plan to legalize millions of illegal immigrants.”
Chavez also wanted stiffer sanctions against employers who hired illegal immigrants, and Navarrette emphasized that it was “absurd for anyone to invoke the name of Cesar Chavez to pass immigration reform.” He stressed, “As I said, were he alive today, it’s a safe bet that Chavez would be an opponent of any legislation that gave illegal immigrants even a chance at legal status.”
Navarrette wrote that, according to numerous historical accounts, “Chavez ordered union members to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and report illegal immigrants who were working in the fields so that they could be deported.”
He noted that while Chavez was with the UFW, “UFW officials were also known to picket INS offices to demand a crackdown on illegal immigrants,” and the UFW even “set up what union officials called a ‘wet line’ to stop Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the supervision of Chavez’s cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince immigrants not to cross the border”:
When that didn’t work, they physically attacked the immigrants. Covering the incident at the time, the Village Voice said that the UFW was engaged in a “campaign of random terror against anyone hapless enough to fall into its net.” A couple of decades later, in their book The Fight in the Fields, Susan Ferris and Ricardo Sandoval recalled the border violence and wrote that the issue of how to handle illegal immigration was “particularly vexing” for Chavez.
Chavez was also against ethnic groups like La Raza. In fact, he saw the dangers of such organizations from the beginning.
“I hear more and more Mexicans talking about la raza—to build up their pride, you know,” Chavez told Peter Matthiessen, the co-founder of the Paris Review, for a profile piece in The New Yorker in 1969. “Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and it won’t stop there.”…
Democrat Congressman Vicente Gonzalez noted that Joe Biden’s border policies will be “catastrophic for our party, for our country,” when he appeared on CNN on 3/1/2021.
Rep. Henry Cuellar, who represents a district on the U.S.-Mexico border, says he has a lot of tough questions for the Biden administration on immigration policy.
LA TIMES: Even the Democratic mayor, Bruno “Ralphy” Lozano, backed the Republican governor, attacking President Biden on Twitter, saying he’s failed to address the border crisis.
Webb County (TX) Democratic Judge Tano Tijerina unloaded on the Biden administration during a Fox News interview on Thursday, saying that President Biden caused the crisis on the border and that he has alienated people in the region.
“What has he done?” Tijerina asked as the southern border has been flooded with over ten thousand illegal aliens in recent days. “I invited President Biden to come down to the border, speaking to my other colleagues, the other county judges.”
Tijerina said that “the Haitians are causing great havoc” and that “they’re not incredibly the best,” adding that they are difficult to work with because “they’ve been a little bit pushy, like compared to everybody else.”
“Biden fomented this and now he’s alienated us,” Tijerina said, later slamming the administration for the costs imposed on local communities because of the Biden administration’s crisis.
“I don’t know what’s going on with America today, but I can tell you that it’s not, it’s not right,” Tijerina continued.
Tijerina said that he called “BS” on the administration’s claims that their highest priority is people’s health “because in all reality, what’s going with our southern borders is wide open” as the pandemic continues.
Tijerina slammed the media for latching onto “one picture,” a reference to a recent incident involving a U.S. Border Patrol agent, “and they go off on it.”
“But there’s a thousand pictures of everything else that’s going on, that’s basically falling through the cracks,” Tijerina continued. “And yet nothing’s been mentioned.”
“You know, our county judges, I’ve spoken to almost all of them; we’re at our wits’ end, our mayors, we’re at our wits’ end,” he said. “We don’t know what to do anymore.”………..
Friedman is WRONG. Donald Trump did lay compromise on the table — the Dems rejected it. ALSO, the “hard-liners” Friedman mentions (Stephen Miler) are saying NOTHING DIFFERENT that Democrats a decade ago. Nothing. But at least the HARD-LEFT is admitting Trump is right. To Wit:
(DAILY CALLER) New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman explained on Wednesday on CNN how he thinks the U.S. government can solve the situation at the border, following his trip there.
Friedman’s appearance on the network corresponded with his op-ed from the day before, in which he described the port of entry at San Diego a “troubling scene.”….
A friend posted the following on Facebook:
One of this friend’s – friend’s responded:
PRESIDENT Biden is just trying to clear up the mess the former occupant of the White House left…
I respond:
He cleaned up the former Prez’s issue by ripping up agreements….
The Biden administration said on Saturday [Feb 7th] it was immediately suspending Trump-era asylum agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
As well as ending the “remain in Mexico” policy. Which is maybe why they will “reimplement” Trump’s policy’s to combat Trump’s policies??
LOL: Biden Accidentally Admits He Will Re-Establish TRUMP Border Policy as Crisis Spirals Out Of Control (TRENDING POLITICS)
The above bullet pointed story is one of many in the description of my upload….
I coble together some reminders that this crisis is all Biden’s doing.
Here are the linked stories:
Biden Called for the Border Surge, and Now He Owns It (TOWNHALL)
Mexican President Blames Biden For Border Crisis, Says He Created ‘Expectations’ (DAILY CALLER)
Biden Adviser Appears to Admit Biden Caused Border Crisis, Tells Spanish Speakers ‘Border NOT Closed’ By Accident (DAILY WIRE)
Biden Admin Says Migrant Surge A Response To ‘Hope’ (FOX)
All Democrats at Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage (REAL CLEAR POLITICS)
Tom Homan: Biden Created Border Crisis with Rush To ‘Undo Everything’ Trump Did on Border Security (FOX)
Migrant Surge At US-Mexico Border Is Worst In 20 Years, DHS Boss Says (NY POST)
LOL: Biden Accidentally Admits He Will Re-Establish TRUMP Border Policy as Crisis Spirals Out Of Control (TRENDING POLITICS)
After Border Patrol Release, Asylum-Seekers Test Positive for Covid In Brownsville, Texas(NBC)
108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Test Positive For Coronavirus, Officials Say (FOX)
Not 11-Million Million Illegals Living in America, closer to 30-Million (TUCKER CARLSON)
Biden Wants To Legalize 11 Million Illegals, Who Says There Are Only 11 Million? | LARRY ELDER
While Biden Beckons Illegal Immigrants, Democrats Are Working to Let Them Vote In US Elections (THE FEDERALIST)
Study Finds More Immigrants Equals More Democrats — And More Losses for GOP (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
Democrats Want Illegals to Vote Because They Vote Democrat (IBD)
Study Shows That Most Immigrants by Far Vote For Democrats; GOP’s Future Bleak Without Substantial New Limits (NATIONAL SENTENIAL)
Democrat Caught on Video Teaching Illegals How to Vote (THE LID)
Eliseo Medina: Revolution Through Illegal Immigration (EPOCH TIMES)
Remember When Democrats Cared About Illegal Immigration and Border Security? | LARRY ELDER (ends with Eliseo Medina – video above)
A Wall… With Cars?
First of all, as you look at the wall of Texas State Troopers vehicles lined up to make a wall — note, Texas is going to build a wall. BUT, the irony should not be lost on my Democrat friends, which is this: walls work. It just so happens that the Border Wall Trump envisioned has a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline fed movable walls.
Here is a portion of the border “secured” by the 2006 SECURE BORDER FENCE ACT... as you can see in the video (and the picture) just how effective this was:
…Representative Peter King (R-NY) introduced the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was subsequently passed with bi-partisan support and signed into law by then President George W. Bush. The goal of this law was to reduce illegal entry into the United States by adding fences and vehicle barriers along 700 miles of the southern border, plus provides funds for surveillance, checkpoints, additional lighting, and drones to support the border security. The overall program was funded with over $1 billion dollars, but in hindsight did little to stop the illegal invasion as the fences were easily scaled and the surveillance minimal if any along most of the fence. In 2008 the Reinstatement of the Secure Fence Act was introduced in Congress intended to add an additional 700 miles of two layer 14’ high fence, but the bill died in committee and never even came up for a vote. In 2010 a Finish the Fence bill was again unsuccessful and deemed too expensive and underfunded….
We recently posted this video of an immigration official saying building a border fence “isn’t possible” even though $1.2 billion was given in 2006 for a fence (100% FED UP):
The Biden administration is weighing a new name for the facilities it is setting up to manage the influx of migrant children and families at the southern border, hoping to limit the criticism and emphasize that the buildings will hold people only temporarily.
Biden officials are considering naming the facilities “reception centers,” according to three people familiar with the discussions, on the logic that the name sounds less harsh.
The name would distinguish the facilities, one of which has been set up in Carrizo Springs, Texas, from existing structures maintained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Health and Human Services’s Office of Refugee Resettlement. Images of one such Border Patrol facility led to criticism that President Donald Trump held children in “cages.” Often, other such buildings are called “detention centers” or “holding facilities.”
In particular, one official said, the new name would mark the Biden administration’s intention to use the “reception centers” not for holding people in custody, but for serving as sending-off points for releasing migrants into the United States….
More about Hurting Women/Children with an Open Border:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is releasing some horrifying numbers from the first month of Operation Lone Star, an operation he launched to combat #smuggling and other crimes at the southern #border. He explains how smugglers and cartels get drugs and criminals across the border by abusing young children.
Here is horrible footage of kids drugged for smuggling purposes:
Disturbing footage has been found showing Mexican smugglers carting drugged and sedated children across the southern border.
Human smugglers have been using children to fraudulently claim that they are migrants with their babies so that U.S. officials will allow them into the country. Border officials know that these coyotes often transport children from ages two to five over and over again to be used by illegal aliens to use as fait to get into the country.
But this disturbing video seems to show that the coyotes are drugging the tiny tots to make them easier to deal with.
When I ask people to offer me an example of Trump’s “racism,” I get a reference to this example most often:
“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems…. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you…. They’re sending people that have lots of problems…. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” ~ Donald J. Trump
Before I add information that I doubt a millennial has heard because either they or their friends are quick to label Trump as being bigoted or racist for saying this, and moving on without further reflection, I want to note that all Republican politicians said to round up illegals in America would be an impossible task. Trump has evolved on his statement that many understood as rounding up 11-million (actually, there are 30-million). ALSO, every Republican politician noted that the Constitution would not allow for the banning of all Muslims coming to our country. Again, our Constitution forbids this. It allows for banning all persons from a country, but not a religious or sectarian belief. He [Trump] has backed away from this as well, as all of us knew he would. In fact, this was removed from his site. Trump is not a politician, but his team is counseling him well.
Okay. What of Trump’s statement? It surely sounds bigoted at best.
I will shock the reader.
I think that is the most pro-woman statement in a long time by a politician regarding real — violent — crime against women.
As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.
According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report…
Through May, the number of unaccompanied girls younger than 18 caught at the US-Mexico border increased by 77 percent.
But while many of these girls are fleeing their homes because of fears of being sexually assaulted, according to the UNHCR, they are still meeting that same fate on their journey to freedom…
For clarity in the sources for the HUFFPO article, for those that are of the impatient and research non-oriented generation:
✦ 60% Amnesty International Report (PDF) ✦ 80% Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream? (FUSION)
(UPDATED EDITORIAL BY RPT) To be clear, these rapes are happening by residents who live in towns and districts these migrants are passing through. Other rapes are happening by Coyotajes, as well as many by the men making the trip as well. We know that many Honduren gang-members make the trek, and so, a high percentage of these men (criminals) do in fact cross our border into our nation. Where American women of all ethnic background are subjected to assault. Since we know illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born… rape is also part of these increased stats.
…“According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report,” the well-known news outlet continued….
So, many of the men they travel with are rapping them. Many of the Coyotajes as well take advantage of them. There are what are now being called “rape trees,” which you can learn more about on a previous post of mine, here. Here is how a conversation using this understanding went in the real world:
The above exchange was discussed a bit wrong, like Trump, the main idea is lost in the presentation. Gavin McInness made it sound as if the rapes were happening at the border when in actuality they are happening during the entire trip. And the girl thought he meant Coyotes, the real animal. Not Coyotajes. (That was very funny BTW, and why I ended the video like I did.)
What would be the most compassionate step to take? I would say, to control our border. That would help the migrant woman AS WELL AS our own mothers, daughters, and wives. Many from these countries that are experiencing these horrible circumstances are experiencing it because of their government models they have chosen. But this is neither here-nor-there.
The bottom line is that Trump, while not explaining this well at all, was actually making a statement about policy that in the end will protect women. There is this as well dealing with drugs and violence aspect of the comment:
A fresh wave of crime from the infamously violent MS-13 gang in the District of Columbia is being driven by the heavy recruitment of young illegal immigrants.
A surge of minors crossing the U.S. southern border is helping the notorious gang boost their ranks and instigate a new string of violent attacks in the city, reported The Washington Times. Over the past few years a wave of illegal migrant children crossed the U.S. border, and MS-13 appears to be targeting them for recruitment.
“They are certainly susceptible,” Ed Ryan, gang prevention coordinator in Fairfax County, Virginia, told The Washington Times. “They are new, they have very little family, they don’t know the language very well. They are looking for someone who looks like them, talks like them.”
Experts say violence from MS-13, which originally started in California, historically occurs in waves. Currently MS-13, on orders from El Salvador, is ramping up efforts in cities across the U.S. to reestablish their dominance on the streets, reports The Washington Times….
This is just a very short clip of a longer audio (here: ) of John and Ken discussing Mollie Tibbetts and her murderer, Christian Bahena-Rivera. According to the DAILY CALLER, he was employed by a Republican small business owner…
“He worked on Yarrabee Farms, which is owned by the family of GOP official Craig Lang, who was a former 2018 Republican candidate for state secretary of agriculture, according to reports by the Des Moines Register.”
…who may have illegally had him in their employ? However, he was an example of the DACA young… so did he have his temporary papers? I have no idea. Nor would I know if he immigrated legally if he would have passed all the checks/balances.
As an side…
Is this man a racist or bigot? He was the co-founder of the United Farm Workers union, and spoke out against the racist organization, La Raza, as well as calling workers who crossed the border “illegal immigrants” and “wetbacks.”
“In the mid 1970s, he conducted the ‘Illegals Campaign’ to identify and report illegal workers, ‘an effort he deemed second in importance only to the boycott’ (of produce from non-unionized farms), according to Pawel. She quotes a memo from Chavez that said, “If we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight.”
…“Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration,” Levin said during a Wednesday appearance on Fox News’ Hannity.
After saying that the premise that “compassion is an open border” is a “new idea” that has been pushed in recent times, Levin said that “a nation has a right to secure its border” and its citizens have a right to know who is coming into their country.
Chavez, who was also against ethnic organizations like La Raza, would tell illegal immigrants to get out of the country, especially because they lowered the wages of American workers. And he was often far from compassionate in handling illegal immigrants….
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host says the left is obsessed with ‘demographic replacement.’
What a difference an administration makes when it comes to immigration. Let’s remember at one time (and not very long ago), Democrats sounded just like former President Trump on the issue of illegal immigration. They even used the term ‘illegal alien.’ And why do they always throw around the number of immigrants in the United States is 11 million? And for the record, ‘illegal alien’ is not the same thing as an undocumented worker or undocumented immigrant. An illegal alien is an illegal alien. (Elder plays Eliseo Medina’s speech – who is noted in the video below that!)
Eliseo Medina PLAYBOOK
This is a montage of democrats revealing their true goals for illegal immigrants and other minorities – they want their votes. This is a clip from Trevor Loudon’s film, the “Enemies Within.” Watch the entire film @AMAZON:
Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains.
The popular Mexican-born comedian Paul Rodriguez shocked the CNN panel on illegal immigration when he advocated for deportation for illegal immigrants. Shamelessly, Don Lemon accosted him by insinuating that legal immigrants like Rodriguez can’t be against illegal immigration. Yeah, that’s pretty pathetic.
What about the leftist hero who was recently lionized by Obama? Mark Levine takes you on a short tour-de-forces of how Democrats try and re-write history:
…Chavez, who was also against ethnic organizations like La Raza, would tell illegal immigrants to get out of the country, especially because they lowered the wages of American workers. And he was often far from compassionate in handling illegal immigrants.
As Breitbart News has reported, “Chavez was so opposed to amnesty that even the film’s producers, who have a history of making politicized movies, decided, out of respect, to steer clear of the subject”:
As the New York Times noted, Participant Media, which produced the film, has a “fondness for films about social issues.” The company made Lincoln as a statement about bipartisanship, The Help to “highlight the plight of domestic workers,” and Promised Land as a “call for environmental action” against fracking.
But the producers avoided immigration reform in the movie because Chavez “fought for better wages and conditions for workers but held complex and evolving views on the status of unauthorized immigrants, some of which would be at odds with the changes many Hispanics and others are seeking today.”
Breitbart News has also detailed how much Cesar Chavez opposed amnesty:
Ruben Navarrette, Jr., a supporter of comprehensive immigration who has “studied and written about Chavez and the United Farm Workers … for more than 20 years,” wrote in a 2010 essay that “the historical record shows that Chavez was a fierce opponent of illegal immigration.” He added that “it’s unlikely that he’d have looked favorably on a plan to legalize millions of illegal immigrants.”
Chavez also wanted stiffer sanctions against employers who hired illegal immigrants, and Navarrette emphasized that it was “absurd for anyone to invoke the name of Cesar Chavez to pass immigration reform.” He stressed, “As I said, were he alive today, it’s a safe bet that Chavez would be an opponent of any legislation that gave illegal immigrants even a chance at legal status.”
Navarrette wrote that, according to numerous historical accounts, “Chavez ordered union members to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service and report illegal immigrants who were working in the fields so that they could be deported.”
He noted that while Chavez was with the UFW, “UFW officials were also known to picket INS offices to demand a crackdown on illegal immigrants,” and the UFW even “set up what union officials called a ‘wet line’ to stop Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the supervision of Chavez’s cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince immigrants not to cross the border”:
When that didn’t work, they physically attacked the immigrants. Covering the incident at the time, the Village Voice said that the UFW was engaged in a “campaign of random terror against anyone hapless enough to fall into its net.” A couple of decades later, in their book The Fight in the Fields, Susan Ferris and Ricardo Sandoval recalled the border violence and wrote that the issue of how to handle illegal immigration was “particularly vexing” for Chavez.
Chavez was also against ethnic groups like La Raza. In fact, he saw the dangers of such organizations from the beginning.
“I hear more and more Mexicans talking about la raza—to build up their pride, you know,” Chavez told Peter Matthiessen, the co-founder of the Paris Review, for a profile piece in The New Yorker in 1969. “Some people don’t look at it as racism, but when you say ‘la raza,’ you are saying an anti-gringo thing, and it won’t stop there.”…
Democrat Congressman Vicente Gonzalez noted that Joe Biden’s border policies will be “catastrophic for our party, for our country,” when he appeared on CNN on 3/1/2021.
Rep. Henry Cuellar, who represents a district on the U.S.-Mexico border, says he has a lot of tough questions for the Biden administration on immigration policy.
LA TIMES: Even the Democratic mayor, Bruno “Ralphy” Lozano, backed the Republican governor, attacking President Biden on Twitter, saying he’s failed to address the border crisis.
Webb County (TX) Democratic Judge Tano Tijerina unloaded on the Biden administration during a Fox News interview on Thursday, saying that President Biden caused the crisis on the border and that he has alienated people in the region.
“What has he done?” Tijerina asked as the southern border has been flooded with over ten thousand illegal aliens in recent days. “I invited President Biden to come down to the border, speaking to my other colleagues, the other county judges.”
Tijerina said that “the Haitians are causing great havoc” and that “they’re not incredibly the best,” adding that they are difficult to work with because “they’ve been a little bit pushy, like compared to everybody else.”
“Biden fomented this and now he’s alienated us,” Tijerina said, later slamming the administration for the costs imposed on local communities because of the Biden administration’s crisis.
“I don’t know what’s going on with America today, but I can tell you that it’s not, it’s not right,” Tijerina continued.
Tijerina said that he called “BS” on the administration’s claims that their highest priority is people’s health “because in all reality, what’s going with our southern borders is wide open” as the pandemic continues.
Tijerina slammed the media for latching onto “one picture,” a reference to a recent incident involving a U.S. Border Patrol agent, “and they go off on it.”
“But there’s a thousand pictures of everything else that’s going on, that’s basically falling through the cracks,” Tijerina continued. “And yet nothing’s been mentioned.”
“You know, our county judges, I’ve spoken to almost all of them; we’re at our wits’ end, our mayors, we’re at our wits’ end,” he said. “We don’t know what to do anymore.”………..
Friedman is WRONG. Donald Trump did lay compromise on the table — the Dems rejected it. ALSO, the “hard-liners” Friedman mentions (Stephen Miler) are saying NOTHING DIFFERENT that Democrats a decade ago. Nothing. But at least the HARD-LEFT is admitting Trump is right. To Wit:
(DAILY CALLER) New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman explained on Wednesday on CNN how he thinks the U.S. government can solve the situation at the border, following his trip there.
Friedman’s appearance on the network corresponded with his op-ed from the day before, in which he described the port of entry at San Diego a “troubling scene.”….
A friend posted the following on Facebook:
One of this friend’s – friend’s responded:
PRESIDENT Biden is just trying to clear up the mess the former occupant of the White House left…
I respond:
He cleaned up the former Prez’s issue by ripping up agreements….
The Biden administration said on Saturday [Feb 7th] it was immediately suspending Trump-era asylum agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
As well as ending the “remain in Mexico” policy. Which is maybe why they will “reimplement” Trump’s policy’s to combat Trump’s policies??
LOL: Biden Accidentally Admits He Will Re-Establish TRUMP Border Policy as Crisis Spirals Out Of Control (TRENDING POLITICS)
The above bullet pointed story is one of many in the description of my upload….
I coble together some reminders that this crisis is all Biden’s doing.
Here are the linked stories:
Biden Called for the Border Surge, and Now He Owns It (TOWNHALL)
Mexican President Blames Biden For Border Crisis, Says He Created ‘Expectations’ (DAILY CALLER)
Biden Adviser Appears to Admit Biden Caused Border Crisis, Tells Spanish Speakers ‘Border NOT Closed’ By Accident (DAILY WIRE)
Biden Admin Says Migrant Surge A Response To ‘Hope’ (FOX)
All Democrats at Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage (REAL CLEAR POLITICS)
Tom Homan: Biden Created Border Crisis with Rush To ‘Undo Everything’ Trump Did on Border Security (FOX)
Migrant Surge At US-Mexico Border Is Worst In 20 Years, DHS Boss Says (NY POST)
LOL: Biden Accidentally Admits He Will Re-Establish TRUMP Border Policy as Crisis Spirals Out Of Control (TRENDING POLITICS)
After Border Patrol Release, Asylum-Seekers Test Positive for Covid In Brownsville, Texas(NBC)
108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Test Positive For Coronavirus, Officials Say (FOX)
Not 11-Million Million Illegals Living in America, closer to 30-Million (TUCKER CARLSON)
Biden Wants To Legalize 11 Million Illegals, Who Says There Are Only 11 Million? | LARRY ELDER
While Biden Beckons Illegal Immigrants, Democrats Are Working to Let Them Vote In US Elections (THE FEDERALIST)
Study Finds More Immigrants Equals More Democrats — And More Losses for GOP (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)
Democrats Want Illegals to Vote Because They Vote Democrat (IBD)
Study Shows That Most Immigrants by Far Vote For Democrats; GOP’s Future Bleak Without Substantial New Limits (NATIONAL SENTENIAL)
Democrat Caught on Video Teaching Illegals How to Vote (THE LID)
Eliseo Medina: Revolution Through Illegal Immigration (EPOCH TIMES)
Remember When Democrats Cared About Illegal Immigration and Border Security? | LARRY ELDER (ends with Eliseo Medina – video above)
A Wall… With Cars?
First of all, as you look at the wall of Texas State Troopers vehicles lined up to make a wall — note, Texas is going to build a wall. BUT, the irony should not be lost on my Democrat friends, which is this: walls work. It just so happens that the Border Wall Trump envisioned has a smaller carbon footprint than gasoline fed movable walls.
Here is a portion of the border “secured” by the 2006 SECURE BORDER FENCE ACT... as you can see in the video (and the picture) just how effective this was:
…Representative Peter King (R-NY) introduced the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was subsequently passed with bi-partisan support and signed into law by then President George W. Bush. The goal of this law was to reduce illegal entry into the United States by adding fences and vehicle barriers along 700 miles of the southern border, plus provides funds for surveillance, checkpoints, additional lighting, and drones to support the border security. The overall program was funded with over $1 billion dollars, but in hindsight did little to stop the illegal invasion as the fences were easily scaled and the surveillance minimal if any along most of the fence. In 2008 the Reinstatement of the Secure Fence Act was introduced in Congress intended to add an additional 700 miles of two layer 14’ high fence, but the bill died in committee and never even came up for a vote. In 2010 a Finish the Fence bill was again unsuccessful and deemed too expensive and underfunded….
We recently posted this video of an immigration official saying building a border fence “isn’t possible” even though $1.2 billion was given in 2006 for a fence (100% FED UP):
The Biden administration is weighing a new name for the facilities it is setting up to manage the influx of migrant children and families at the southern border, hoping to limit the criticism and emphasize that the buildings will hold people only temporarily.
Biden officials are considering naming the facilities “reception centers,” according to three people familiar with the discussions, on the logic that the name sounds less harsh.
The name would distinguish the facilities, one of which has been set up in Carrizo Springs, Texas, from existing structures maintained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Department of Health and Human Services’s Office of Refugee Resettlement. Images of one such Border Patrol facility led to criticism that President Donald Trump held children in “cages.” Often, other such buildings are called “detention centers” or “holding facilities.”
In particular, one official said, the new name would mark the Biden administration’s intention to use the “reception centers” not for holding people in custody, but for serving as sending-off points for releasing migrants into the United States….
More about Hurting Women/Children with an Open Border:
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is releasing some horrifying numbers from the first month of Operation Lone Star, an operation he launched to combat #smuggling and other crimes at the southern #border. He explains how smugglers and cartels get drugs and criminals across the border by abusing young children.
Here is horrible footage of kids drugged for smuggling purposes:
Disturbing footage has been found showing Mexican smugglers carting drugged and sedated children across the southern border.
Human smugglers have been using children to fraudulently claim that they are migrants with their babies so that U.S. officials will allow them into the country. Border officials know that these coyotes often transport children from ages two to five over and over again to be used by illegal aliens to use as fait to get into the country.
But this disturbing video seems to show that the coyotes are drugging the tiny tots to make them easier to deal with.
When I ask people to offer me an example of Trump’s “racism,” I get a reference to this example most often:
“The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems…. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you…. They’re sending people that have lots of problems…. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” ~ Donald J. Trump
Before I add information that I doubt a millennial has heard because either they or their friends are quick to label Trump as being bigoted or racist for saying this, and moving on without further reflection, I want to note that all Republican politicians said to round up illegals in America would be an impossible task. Trump has evolved on his statement that many understood as rounding up 11-million (actually, there are 30-million). ALSO, every Republican politician noted that the Constitution would not allow for the banning of all Muslims coming to our country. Again, our Constitution forbids this. It allows for banning all persons from a country, but not a religious or sectarian belief. He [Trump] has backed away from this as well, as all of us knew he would. In fact, this was removed from his site. Trump is not a politician, but his team is counseling him well.
Okay. What of Trump’s statement? It surely sounds bigoted at best.
I will shock the reader.
I think that is the most pro-woman statement in a long time by a politician regarding real — violent — crime against women.
As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.
According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report…
Through May, the number of unaccompanied girls younger than 18 caught at the US-Mexico border increased by 77 percent.
But while many of these girls are fleeing their homes because of fears of being sexually assaulted, according to the UNHCR, they are still meeting that same fate on their journey to freedom…
For clarity in the sources for the HUFFPO article, for those that are of the impatient and research non-oriented generation:
✦ 60% Amnesty International Report (PDF) ✦ 80% Is rape the price to pay for migrant women chasing the American Dream? (FUSION)
(UPDATED EDITORIAL BY RPT) To be clear, these rapes are happening by residents who live in towns and districts these migrants are passing through. Other rapes are happening by Coyotajes, as well as many by the men making the trip as well. We know that many Honduren gang-members make the trek, and so, a high percentage of these men (criminals) do in fact cross our border into our nation. Where American women of all ethnic background are subjected to assault. Since we know illegals commit crimes at double the rate of native-born… rape is also part of these increased stats.
…“According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report,” the well-known news outlet continued….
So, many of the men they travel with are rapping them. Many of the Coyotajes as well take advantage of them. There are what are now being called “rape trees,” which you can learn more about on a previous post of mine, here. Here is how a conversation using this understanding went in the real world:
The above exchange was discussed a bit wrong, like Trump, the main idea is lost in the presentation. Gavin McInness made it sound as if the rapes were happening at the border when in actuality they are happening during the entire trip. And the girl thought he meant Coyotes, the real animal. Not Coyotajes. (That was very funny BTW, and why I ended the video like I did.)
What would be the most compassionate step to take? I would say, to control our border. That would help the migrant woman AS WELL AS our own mothers, daughters, and wives. Many from these countries that are experiencing these horrible circumstances are experiencing it because of their government models they have chosen. But this is neither here-nor-there.
The bottom line is that Trump, while not explaining this well at all, was actually making a statement about policy that in the end will protect women. There is this as well dealing with drugs and violence aspect of the comment:
A fresh wave of crime from the infamously violent MS-13 gang in the District of Columbia is being driven by the heavy recruitment of young illegal immigrants.
A surge of minors crossing the U.S. southern border is helping the notorious gang boost their ranks and instigate a new string of violent attacks in the city, reported The Washington Times. Over the past few years a wave of illegal migrant children crossed the U.S. border, and MS-13 appears to be targeting them for recruitment.
“They are certainly susceptible,” Ed Ryan, gang prevention coordinator in Fairfax County, Virginia, told The Washington Times. “They are new, they have very little family, they don’t know the language very well. They are looking for someone who looks like them, talks like them.”
Experts say violence from MS-13, which originally started in California, historically occurs in waves. Currently MS-13, on orders from El Salvador, is ramping up efforts in cities across the U.S. to reestablish their dominance on the streets, reports The Washington Times….
This is just a very short clip of a longer audio (here: ) of John and Ken discussing Mollie Tibbetts and her murderer, Christian Bahena-Rivera. According to the DAILY CALLER, he was employed by a Republican small business owner…
“He worked on Yarrabee Farms, which is owned by the family of GOP official Craig Lang, who was a former 2018 Republican candidate for state secretary of agriculture, according to reports by the Des Moines Register.”
…who may have illegally had him in their employ? However, he was an example of the DACA young… so did he have his temporary papers? I have no idea. Nor would I know if he immigrated legally if he would have passed all the checks/balances.
As an side…
Is this man a racist or bigot? He was the co-founder of the United Farm Workers union, and spoke out against the racist organization, La Raza, as well as calling workers who crossed the border “illegal immigrants” and “wetbacks.”
“In the mid 1970s, he conducted the ‘Illegals Campaign’ to identify and report illegal workers, ‘an effort he deemed second in importance only to the boycott’ (of produce from non-unionized farms), according to Pawel. She quotes a memo from Chavez that said, “If we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight.”
…“Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration,” Levin said during a Wednesday appearance on Fox News’ Hannity.
After saying that the premise that “compassion is an open border” is a “new idea” that has been pushed in recent times, Levin said that “a nation has a right to secure its border” and its citizens have a right to know who is coming into their country.
Chavez, who was also against ethnic organizations like La Raza, would tell illegal immigrants to get out of the country, especially because they lowered the wages of American workers. And he was often far from compassionate in handling illegal immigrants….
Isolation starts with a rebellion against God, and we must be conscious about the human need to be connected.
Neil is a Scottish television presenter and author. Trained as an archaeologist, he is best known as the presenter of several documentary series on archaeology and history, including A History of Scotland, Vikings, and Coast. He is also an author of popular history books and historical fiction.
(Hat-tip to PECKFORD 42) Dr. Rochagné Kilian, an ER doctor in Owen Sound, Ontario, resigned in protest of mandatory vaccines and the corruption of our health services. in this upload I combine two media sources. The first can be found at BIT-CHUTE:
I uploaded it here to preserve the main issue at hand:
Who is doing the tallying?
Where is there evidence for this?
What is the definition of vaccinated and unvaccinated?
(I heard you are considered vaccinated 14-days after your 2nd shot. Any time before that you are “unvaccinated”.) Here is THE STRONG AND FREE’S POST:
Dr. Rochagné Kilian, an ER doctor in Owen Sound, Ontario, resigned in protest of mandatory vaccines and the corruption of our health services.
Dr. Kilian came to public attention when the recording of the Grey Bruce hospital board was released (link below). In that recording, board president Gary Simms cannot provide any evidence whatsoever of his dire predictions of a ‘tidal wave of pediatric Covid cases’ which he says are coming this fall, while threatening Dr. Kilian when she spoke up for the truth.
Dr. Kilian has spoken out before regarding the growing corruption of our health care services and has shown leadership and integrity by resigning from her position.
“At least 80% of the ER patients in the past three months were double-vaxxed”, says Dr. Kilian of her informal survey of patients entering the ER with serious medical issues. “How many people are we going to kill if we keep following this narrative?”
Pandemic of the unvaccinated… not really:
…The oft-repeated refrain right now is that we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” meaning those who have not received the COVID jab make up the bulk of those hospitalized and dying from the Delta variant. For example, August 20, 2021, England’s chief medical officer professor Chris Whitty tweeted:
“Four weeks working on a COVID ward makes stark the reality that the majority of our hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated and regret delaying. Some are very sick including young adults. Please don’t delay your vaccine.”
Curiously, if you take the time to actually look at the data, you’ll find that this blanket statement is rather deceptive. Here’s a graphic published in the Evening Standard, sourced from Public Health England.
As you can see, as of August 15, 2021, 58% of COVID patients admitted to hospital who were over the age of 50 had actually received two doses of COVID injections and 10% had received one dose. So, partially or fully “vaccinated” individuals made up 68% of hospitalizations.
Only in the 50 and younger category were a majority, 74%, of hospitalizations among the unvaccinated. Whitty, however, completely neglected to differentiate between the age groups. The same applies to deaths. Unvaccinated only make up the majority of COVID deaths in the under-50 age group. In the over-50 group, the clear majority, 70%, are either partially or fully “vaccinated.”
It’s also unclear whether hospitals in the U.K. (and elsewhere) are still designating anyone who is admitted and tests positive with a PCR test as a “COVID patient.” If so, people with broken bones or any number of other health problems who have no symptoms of COVID-19 at all might be unfairly lumped into the “unvaccinated COVID patient” total.
A Facebook comrade (M.B.) pointed out that the NEW YORK TIMES TWITTER graphic is wrong. Either by a computer generated error or human error. What is not pointed out CLEARLY, which I see now, is that in the twelve days studied there was a benefit, and common sense would say there would be after that 12-days. But that is the only time span studied.
Some interpreted it thus:
Again, I agree with M.B., this is taken from it’s context.
The SEATTLE TIMES didn’t make this too clear either:
Wading into an acrimonious debate over booster doses, researchers in Israel reported Wednesday that a third dose of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine can prevent both infections and severe illness in adults older than 60 for at least 12 days.
I can see how that is misinterpreted, which I was a party to as well. Here is — for instance — the NYT’squote that seems to prove M.B.’s point:
….In the new study, the Israeli team collected data on the effect of booster shots, based on the health records of more than 1.1 million people over age 60. At least 12 days after the booster, rates of infection were elevenfold lower and of severe disease nearly twentyfold lower in those who received a booster compared with those who had received only two doses, the researchers found.
The researchers acknowledged that their results were preliminary. “We cannot tell at this point what will happen in the long run,” said Micha Mandel, a professor of statistics and data science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem…..
….The main finding was the older population [60+], when boosted, was 11 times less likely to get infected and 19.5 times less likely to get severely ill compared to similar people who had received two doses but not a booster shot.
In the Israeli study, the group that didn’t get boosters recorded 4,439 infections and 294 severe illnesses. The booster group had 934 infections and 29 severe cases. The risk reduction rates accounted for the fact that the two groups were not even in size, as far more people joined the booster group over time.
Additionally, the study has a very limited follow-up time, and doesn’t show how long protection from boosters may last. That’s an essential question in figuring our whether a booster campaign is worth launching.
The study’s limited duration may skew its findings. Researchers started counting cases for the booster group only when they are 12 days removed from the third dose.
It can take up to a month on average for a person to go from exposed to infected to seriously ill, Murray said. Therefore, the study may not include enough follow-up time to show the true effect of the boosters.
There aren’t any high-quality studies on booster shots “It’s not clear to me that there’s anywhere near enough follow-up time, even for the earliest boosters,” Murray said.
“All of these problems together make it really hard to know how much we can trust that number that comes out of the study,” Murray added…..
I love when Mark Davis fills in for Prager. When he discusses Constitutional issue I usually tune in. This is a subject many are afraid to tackle, and that is why I grab this topic when I have the time and upload it. I will also include some videos below this audio to encourage the point (maybe even challenge a mind that has never heard this position in their life — which I find is often the case with the Left) and change minds. Much thought on this topic. I include a truncated disagreeing call near the end. I edit it a bit because the main disagreement is what Mark is good at zeroing in on. And that is the main point. The person Mark mentions, Jennifer Christie, her sites can be found here: jenniferchristie.org | lovelouder.com — Here is Jennifer’s story:
My first introduction to this was a DVD [many years ago] with 22-people speaking about either raising a child conceived in rape or being a child of rape. Those stories can be seen here: CONCEIVED IN RAPE & OTHER EXCEPTIONS
A comment on my YouTube regarding the full interview by Dennis Prager of Howard Zinn prompted me to do a search. I isolated a small portion of it for the purpose of accentuating a post on the topic… but this interview was widely available. Until – apparently – very recently. Here is my RUMBLE description:
Dennis speaks with Howard Zinn, leading leftist, professor emeritus at Boston University and college campus icon. His newest book is Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics. Best of Prager Hour. This has gone away from most video sites, even CONSERVATIVE UNIVERISTY’S version is truncated a bit. So I am making the entire interview available. This interview dates from Sept of 2006.