More Leftist Attacking Free Speech

Free Speech loses to Rollkommandos again:

JIHAD WATCH chimes in with the example from Richard Evans:

…Although this violence and brutalization of political opponents is a new phenomenon in American politics, it has a historical antecedent: the Nazi Brownshirts. In The Coming of the Third Reich, historian Richard J. Evans explains how, in the early days of National Socialist Germany, Stormtroopers (Brownshirts) “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.”

To express dissent from Nazi positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands. The idea of people of opposing viewpoints airing their disagreements in a civil and mutually respectful manner was gone. One was a Nazi, or one was silent (and fearful). That is just the kind of public arena that the Left has been trying to bring to the United States for years, and is bringing to us now….

REASON.COM has this story:

BLACK BLOC “anti-fascists” attacked right-wing media figure Gavin McInnes outside a New York University building on Thursday night.

McInnes was there to give a talk to students, but was incessantly interrupted by hecklers. Afterward, masked black bloc protesters assaulted the controversial former Fox News personality and sprayed him with mace. Eleven people were eventually arrested.

“I saw Gavin McInnes and I wanted to punch him in the fucking face, but he got away,” said one protester.

Meanwhile, a woman claiming to be a professor—presumably at NYU, though this detail is unconfirmed—screamed at the police for not engaging in violence against McInnes and his followers (the so-called “Proud Boys”). Her tirade was captured on video. Watch below [press play and it should start at the 10:15 mark]:

LOL… she threw the professor moniker around like it meant something. Hahaha. Her meltdown makes more sense after she said she was a professor. “Coming from a professor” — LOL (See more at HOTAIR.)

More Liberal Fascism

Before showing more FASCISM from the Left, I will post this bit from history:

(BREITBART) In a blog post for Foreign Policy magazine, Rosa Brooks, a former Obama administration official, outlined four ways to “get rid” of President Trump, including declaring him mentally unfit for command or carrying out a military coup: “The fourth possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”

Also note that the political leanings of the mob are not mentioned. If this were a TEA Party group, all sorts of “right” – “alt-right” – conservative” monikers would have been used:

Besides the one mention by CBS of Berkeley being a “liberal campus,” no other mention was made of political ideology of the rioters. But that doesn’t mean political labels were absent from the reports. “Conservative” and “right-wing” were both used to describe Yiannopoulos.


On CBS, correspondent John Blackstone called Yiannopoulos a “ultra conservative” known for his “outrageous comments and articles.”

ABC referred to him as “right-wing” twice, while NBC’s Almaguer described him as “a leading member of the Alt-Right movement” from the “far right.” NBC’s Hoda Kotb also called Yiannopoulos as the “controversial” editor of “right-leaning” Breitbart News.

On top of that,instead of focusing the criticism on the ones causing violence, all three networks took the opportunity to bash Yiannopoulos instead, calling him out for past controversial statements in an apparent effort to legitimize the violent riot.

NBC’s Miguel Almaguer called out Yiannopoulos in his report for his “racist and misogynistic views,” “inciting harassing tweets” and being accused of being a part of “the growing group of white nationalists.” CBS anchor Gayle King also delved into Yiannopoulos’ “racist and misogynistic” online comments.

GAY PATRIOT also notes this violence from the Left:

Apparently, setting fire to your own campus because someone you don’t like is giving a talk is broadly supported by the coastal liberal elite.

Hey, if torching Berkeley is how leftists protest conservative speakers, I say keep sending them until the place is burned to the ground and then salt the Earth where it stood.

Update: Hollywood Dingbat Leftist Sarah Silverman calls for a MILITARY COUP (ALLCAPS in original) to overthrow Donald Trump.

‘Nother Update: Former Obama Administration Official (Counselor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and served as a senior adviser at Obama’s State Department) calls for Military Coup against President Trump.

I guess we need a military coup to “preserve democracy” or something.


Leftists at the University of California at Berkeley did not like the words that Milo Yiannopoulos had come to their campus to say. So, they smashed property and set things on fire.


With each day that passes, it becomes harder for anyone to defend the Democratic (Socialist) Left as a non-violent movement. Although it’s cute the way the reporter tries to distinguish between the violent and “peaceful” protesters… as though they are not on the same team with the same goal (and the same hateful intolerance).

Yep, military coups.

Here is some of the recent violence from the birthplace of the modern free-speech movement…

JIHAD WATCH chimes in with the example from Richard Evans:

…Although this violence and brutalization of political opponents is a new phenomenon in American politics, it has a historical antecedent: the Nazi Brownshirts. In The Coming of the Third Reich, historian Richard J. Evans explains how, in the early days of National Socialist Germany, Stormtroopers (Brownshirts) “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.”

To express dissent from Nazi positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands. The idea of people of opposing viewpoints airing their disagreements in a civil and mutually respectful manner was gone. One was a Nazi, or one was silent (and fearful). That is just the kind of public arena that the Left has been trying to bring to the United States for years, and is bringing to us now….

A Day Earlier

Let me just say that for years the Left has labeled Republicans and conservatives as racist. Now the label has changed to Nazi. BOOM, GAY PATRIOT just wrote this (2-2-16):

A sad and disappointing number of leftists have decided that the violence, vandalism, and arson committed by “Anti-Fascist” protesters in Berkeley last night was justified because Milo Yiannopoulos is a “Nazi,” and anything… *anything* … done in the name of fighting “Nazism” is justified.

As Milo has never advocated genocide, political violence against opponents, or the control of all industrial assets by the state on behalf of German workers… he does not fit the commonly accepted definition of “Nazi.” But as I am reminded constantly, “literally” now means “figuratively;” “absolutely” is an acceptable affirmation; the Oxford comma is dead, and “Nazi” now means “someone a leftist hates on the basis of their ideas.”

It used to be that if you disagreed with the left, they called you a “racist.” Now, they call you a Nazi. Coincidentally, the decision to label all opponents as “Nazis” comes only a week after the left decided it’s “OK to Punch Nazis.”…

Once someone is a crowd labels you a Nazi… they have a green light to try and kill you. Grant Chisholm preaches for a hobby… here is a video of him in action (HERE). That’s what he was there to do. But once you are labeled a Nazi (which is now a replacement of these: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted — then you better watch your six. The Left has a long violent and deadly history. We are seeing it fomented and supported by the media and the Democrats in this nation.

…Grant Chisholm, 39, was with three other members of the Bible Believers Group…

Chisholm claimed a Trump opponent hit him three times on the head with a metallic object.

 He told the Oregonian: ‘They almost killed me tonight.’

The shocking video was posted on a ‘Women for Trump‘ website. It shows the victim falling to the ground after he is punched.

Several people surround the victim until police arrived.

Chisholm said he was at the protest to preach and claimed one of the demonstrators asked him for a fight.

He was rushed to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center for emergency treatment but was released approximately two hours later after being treated for concussion.


I feel this is important to note:

…Even I initially thought that whoever did it was either a Republican or some backwoods, tinfoil-hat-wearing pseudo-Libertarian. Now that it’s come out he is a Democrat/Independent, it’s no surprise; virtually every assassin or would-be assassin of American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, have been leftists (to the extent that their political views are known).

Successful assassins (whose politics we know):

  • John Wilkes Booth, a Democrat, shot and killed President Lincoln
  • Charles Guiteau, a member of the communist Oneida Community, shot and killed President Garfield
  • Leon Czolgosz, a leftist anarchist (similar to the useful idiots in the Occupy movement) shot and killed President McKinley
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, a communist, shot and killed President Kennedy.

Failed assassins (whose politics we know):

  • Severino Di Giovanni, a leftist anarchist, tried to bomb President-elect Hoover’s train
  • Giuseppe Zangara, a professed anti-capitalist, tried shooting President-elect Franklin Roosevelt
  • Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola, two Marxists, tried killing President Truman at the Blair House
  • Samuel Byck, who tried joining the leftist Black Panther group, attempted to kill President Nixon
  • Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, member of the Manson Family and also a hippie environmentalist, shot at President Ford
  • Sara Jane Moore tried to kill President Ford as well because, as she said, “the government had declared war on the Left.”
  • Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, a leftist connected to the Occupy movement, tried getting a one-in-a-billion shot at President Obama by firing a gun at the White House

The only individual whose political motivations can be deduced as coming from the right side of the political spectrum is Francisco Martin Duran, who claims he was “incited” by conservative talk-show host Chuck Baker, but also claimed that he was trying to save the world from an alien mist which was connected by an umbilical cord to another alien in the Colorado mountains. So there’s that….


Democrats Want 100% Control Over Media and Lifestyles

“The biggest challenge that I think we have right now in terms of this divide is that the country receives information from completely different sources.” — Obama

What is funny is that Obama made this interview partly about “fake news,” which is ironic. THE BLAZE explains why:

…Obama then continued:

Good journalism continues to this day. There’s great work done in Rolling Stone. The challenge is people are getting a hundred different visions of the world from a hundred different outlets or a thousand different outlets, and that is ramping up divisions. It’s making people exaggerate or say what’s most controversial or peddling in the most vicious of insults or lies, because that attracts eyeballs. And if we are gonna solve that, it’s not going to be simply an issue of subsidizing or propping up traditional media; it’s going to be figuring out how do we organize in a virtual world the same way we organize in the physical world. We have to come up with new models.

Absent from Obama’s take on “fake news” was the fact that the very magazine he was speaking to had just been found guilty of, in fact, publishing fake news. Earlier this month, the very same magazine Obama dubbed as “good journalism” was found guilty of defamation for an article written by Sabrina Rubin Erdely.

Her article titled “A Rape on Campus,” appeared in the December 2014 issue of Rolling Stone and centered around a woman named “Jackie” and an account of a vicious gang rape at the University of Virginia. The story unfortunately turned out to be, well, fake news.  The jury in the case found the story was written with reckless disregard for the truth and that Erdely was guilty of false reporting. Rolling Stone and Erdely were ordered to pay $3 million in damages to an administrator at the school who filed the suit….


GAY PATRIOT notes the left’s tendency towards control in all realms of life (public and private):

Let’s review how the American Democrat Left regards political disagreement:

It’s like Obama whining yesterday that the reason Hillary lost is because people were able to watch FoxNews in too many public places. Owning 99% of the media isn’t enough; the left must have all of it or it can’t succeed. Is the Democrat Left’s political philosophy so fragile that not even one voice of dissent can be permitted to question it?


* Love this quote: “Her claims to be a ‘queer Muslim’ are probably part of an act designed to fit into as many victim categories as humanly possible,” Adams elaborates. “Sometimes I wonder whether LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Thespian. So much drama, so few letters in the alphabet.”

Remember these stories?

We Want Answers! ~ Liz Wheeler

THE GOLDWATER SAYS:Democrat Gay Fascism

….The conspiracy theorists were correct. Now we have the proof that the Hillary Clinton campaign has sent up to 500 at a time to infiltrate Trump rallies in order to illicit responses from the less stable people In the crowds that is supporting Trump.The chaos that has been caused has resulted in the injuries of many people including police officers. Veritas released the proof of the Violation of Federal campaign coordination laws.By using consultant groups as she was able to direct the Clinton campaign to commit illegal acts with plausible deniability.

The activists that the DNC and the Clinton campaign sent to the Trump rallies were actually trained for weeks .They were trained in how to ask questions, and where to stand in the audience to get their questions answered. They were also coached in how to start confrontations with Trump supporters.

Scott Foval the National Field Director at Americans United for Change was Bob Creamer’s attack dog. Foval and his people trained the agitators to go on Trump rallies.

“ The thing that we have to watch is making sure there’s double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what were doing.There is double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it. “

“ There’s a script, there’s a script of engagement. Sometimes the crazies bite and sometimes the crazies don’t bite.”

– Scott Foval

The tenacity that the DNC and the Clinton campaign have shown to get Hillary Clinton elected, has been revealed to be over the top and beyond that which is legally acceptable. The future of the United States lies within our hands and these evidences reveals the situation of the war that we are getting into.

[fbvideo link=”” width=”692″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0″]

Prager University Videos Being Censored on YouTube (Google)

Sign the petition here.

The COLLEGE FIX notes the issue:

YouTube has placed 21 PragerU videos on “restricted mode,” a category meant for inappropriate and objectionable adult and sexual content.

PragerU stands for Prager University. Its four- to five-minute videos promote Judeo-Christian values and principles and are ideal for young people as they distill complex issues into concise bullet points with stimulating graphics.

“We’ve worked quietly behind the scenes for months to resolve this, but YouTube’s censorship continues, leaving us with no option but to go public,” PragerU announcedTuesday on its Facebook page.

YouTube is owned by Google, and PragerU states on its website that “in response to an official complaint we filed, Google specialists defended their restriction of our videos, and said, ‘We don’t censor anyone,’ although they do ‘take into consideration what the intent of the video is’ and ‘what the focus of the video is.’”

“There is no excuse for Google and YouTube censoring and restricting any PragerU videos, which are produced with the sole intent of educating people of all ages about America’s founding values,” the conservative nonprofit states on its website….

The WASHINGTON TIMES has this great article as well:

When fascism comes to America

Liberals love to share an old quote attributed to Sinclair Lewis that goes, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” As always, the left gets it wrong.

When fascism comes to America, it will be adorned with corporate logos. Liberal fascism is taking over America and its proponents are corporations.

Prager University is a nonprofit educational organization run by talk show host Dennis Prager. PragerU as it is sometimes called, produces educational videos that it then places on various platforms, including YouTube, which is owned by Google. Mr. Prager’s videos are definitely from a conservative or libertarian point of view.

Recently YouTube put 21 of PragerU’s videos on “restricted mode.” This is typically reserved for material that is inappropriate for teenagers. PragerU designs its videos to be educational and to be viewed by all ages. While YouTube puts PragerU videos regarding the police, racism, Feminism and Muslim women on its restricted list, videos produced by left wing organizations on the same topics are not.

YouTube’s parent company Google has been accused of altering search results in its eponymous search engine to favor Hillary Clinton. Searches done this summer by groups showed, for example, “Hillary Clinton crime” did not show stories that featured accusations that Clinton had committed crimes. Instead if directed searchers to Hillary Clinton on crime reform. Even today, a search of “Hillary Clinton cri” will not bring up any suggested searches for Clinton crimes. It will show Hillary Clinton crisis or Hillary Clinton cries, but crime is not to be found.

Meanwhile, competing search engines, will fill in those blanks. On Bing, the search “Hillary Clinton Cr” immediately brings up suggested terms for Hillary Clinton criminal. The search engine Duckduckgo also brings up similar results.


It isn’t just social media that has become fascist. Corporate America is fascist. Major American corporations have launched full force into the LGBTQ revolution. Corporation such as Paypal, General Electric, Dow Chemical, Pepsi, Hyatt and Hewitt Packard have announced they will boycott North Carolina because the people in North Carolina supported a law that says women have the right to privacy in the bathroom and have the right to use the bathroom without men coming into the bathroom.

Some of these corporations do business with some of the most repressive regimes in the world. Yet they are upset that North Carolina doesn’t want men in the women’s bathroom.

Fascism only allows one opinion. That is the approved opinion. That is what we have in America today. The leading proponents of fascism is not the government. It is big American corporations.


The Movie “Goonies” Is Now Considered Hate Speech! (U.C. Davis)

Dennis Prager reads from a National Review article about “hurtful words” and the cream-puffs it is meant to protect. (I use “cream-puffs” NOT to insult gays, but to include ALL [straight or otherwise] who are soo damned sensitive that their world falls apart upon hearing the English language.)

Here is an excerpt from the NRO article entitled “UC Davis: Saying ‘You Guys’ Is Using ‘Words That Hurt’ ~ Oversensitivity 101

A guide titled “Words That Hurt” on the website of the University of California, Davis, warns students to avoid using the phrase “you guys” — because, apparently, that’s really harmful or something.

“You guys [e]rases the identities of people who are in the room,” the guide states. It “generaliz[es] a group of people to be masculine.”

The purpose of the guide, which is published on the school’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual Resource Center, is to remind students that “sometimes we say words without realizing the impact they may have on others.”

Sorry, but . . . no. If someone is actually “hurt” by hearing another person walk into a room and say, “Hey you guys!” then that person is the one with the problem…


The list also includes the words “lame” and “crazy.” Now, to me, saying “wow, this concert is lame” or “wow, this storm is so crazy” seems like, you know, fine. The guide, however, insists that doing so “targets mental, emotional, and physical disabilities as objects for ridicule.”

The guide also claims that calling someone “ugly” is not only mean, but also a term that “can be connected back to white supremacists standards of beauty.”…

I would like to sit-in on a movie night with these people watching classic 80’s movies with all these words bleeped out. It would be surreal.

Oppose SB 1146 ~ Updated

The Threat

SB 1146, introduced by Senator Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), seeks to eliminate the current religious exemption in California that fully protects the freedom of California’s faith-based colleges and universities to operate in ways that are consistent with their religious missions and faith tenets. The provisions of the proposed bill represent a dramatic narrowing of religious freedom in California. It would mean faith-based institutions would no longer be able to determine for themselves the scope of their religious convictions as applied in student conduct policies, housing and restroom/locker facilities, and other matters of religious expression and practical campus life. Though the free exercise of religion is guaranteed by both the U.S. and California Constitutions, SB 1146 would make religious institutions like Biola vulnerable to anti-discrimination lawsuits and unprecedented government policing.

This bill, if it became law, would diminish religious liberty in California higher education. It would unfairly harm faith-based institutions and it would weaken the rich educational diversity of our state.

Which Institutions Are Affected? As many as 42 faith-based institutions of higher education in California.

Stopping The Bill Requires Immediate Action

Right now SB 1146 is being heard by the California Assembly’s various committees. It has already passed the California Senate. If approved in committee, the bill will then move to the Assembly for a full vote. The best chance to stop it is before it reaches the Assembly floor for debate and vote. Click here for urgent action steps to take by June 30.


Albert Mohler explains more about the Bill:

Gary Johnson Is a Cake Fascist (Updated!)

(What Gov. Johnson proposes requires a VERY large and intrusive bureaucracy/government)

A friend (True Free Thinker) reminded me of the following story in the comment section of my question for Gov. Gary Johnson. Here is the story:

In light of recent court decisions regarding bakeries and photographers, this story is beginning to make the rounds once again: New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez was dropped from her gay hairdresser’s client list in 2012 due to her stance against same-sex marriage.

Darden told a local news station that he cut the governor’s hair three times, but won’t do it again as long as she continues to oppose gay marriage.

“The governor’s aides called not too long ago, wanting another appointment to come in,” he told KOB-TV. “Because of her stances and her views on this, I told her aides no. They called the next day, asking if I’d changed my mind about taking the governor in and I said no.”

Martinez isn’t the only person to be subjected to a refusal of services due to her beliefs about marriage. Alan Sears, the CEO and lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative group against gay marriage, was turned down by a photographer who refused to shoot a Christmas card for his family due to his anti-gay marriage stance.

Six months ago, a Southern California photographer turned him down flat when he asked her to take a Christmas card photo of his family, explaining in an email, “I oppose the goals and objectives of your organization and have no interest in working on its behalf.”

That was fine with Mr. Sears, CEO and general counsel of the conservative Alliance Defending Freedom, who is leading the legal battle on behalf of photographers, florists, cake decorators and others sued for refusing to create products for same-sex weddings.

Like Sears, I am fine with these decisions by private businesses….

Here is the comment by my friend:

  • Some years ago in Johnson’s very own New Mexico a homosexual cosmetologist refused to cut the hair of Governor Susana Martinez due to her views on same sex “marriage.” Do you recall the nation-wide outcry, wall to wall 24-hour national news coverage and boycotts? No? Right, because she did something radical: she simply went elsewhere.

Well, this hairstylist MUST BE forced to cut hair of those they disagree with.

Gay Patriot points out the obvious for the end result of such policies by Gov. Johnson. If a musical star cancels a show to North Carolina, he should be forced to perform. Apologist FRANK TUREK agrees:

When Bruce Springsteen refuses to do a concert in North Carolina for moral reasons he’s a hero to the liberals and the media, which are the same thing.

Imagine what would have happened if Bruce had a wedding band that refused to perform at a gay wedding? He’d go from hero to zero!

Yet, when a conservative band, florist, or photographer refuses to work at a gay wedding for moral or religious reasons, the left and the media bully those folks mercilessly as intolerant bigots. And they do so while claiming to be against bullying and for “tolerance”! (As Ryan Anderson pointed out, if it wasn’t for double standards, liberals would have no standards.)

In America, a gay T-shirt maker should not be forced to print up anti-gay marriage T-shirts. And a Christian or Muslim photographer should not be forced to photograph a gay wedding.

If Bruce has the right to deny service, so does everyone.

Springsteen explained his decision in a lengthy statement to fans.

“As you, my fans, know I’m scheduled to play in Greensboro, North Carolina this Sunday. As we also know, North Carolina has just passed HB2, which the media are referring to as the ‘bathroom’ law. HB2 – known officially as the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act – dictates which bathrooms transgender people are permitted to use. Just as important, the law also attacks the rights of LGBT citizens to sue when their human rights are violated in the workplace. No other group of North Carolinians faces such a burden. To my mind, it’s an attempt by people who cannot stand the progress our country has made in recognizing the human rights of all of our citizens to overturn that progress. Right now, there are many groups, businesses, and individuals in North Carolina working to oppose and overcome these negative developments.”

The rocker added he felt it was not the right time for him and the E Street Band to perform in North Carolina.

(Fox News)

Here is another article zeroing in on another recent case of freedom inhibited via Gay Patriot:


I don’t think he did anything wrong; a business owner ought to have the right to refuse service to people if he finds their views offensive. Right, Bruce Springsteen?  Right Michael Moore?

FWIW: Gary Johnson is also a wedding cake fascist. But so are Hillary, Bernie, and Trump so it really doesn’t matter.

Here is my question (I called in) to Gary Johnson when he was on the Michael Medved Show:

Michael Medved had Gary Johnson on his radio program to interview him and I was able to get in with a question during his 15-minutes of airtime. Medved telegraphed “quickly” so I knew he were up against a break, so I shortened my question and it gave Medved time enough to finish out the interview with the Barronelle Stutzman example.

I still think Gay Patriot’s position on Gary Johnson is correct, he is a “cake fascist.” But GP continues to point out that “so are Hillary, Bernie, and Trump… so it really doesn’t matter” weighs in on my choice that is so far leaning towards the Libertarian Party candidate. I have posted a date the CFA will endorse a candidate.

I hope Gary will look into this matter more over time, but I know as of now that he understands better than Trump of Hillary what the Executive branch can-and-cannot do Constitutionally, his non-sequitur in regards to the Civil War and baking cakes aside.

1980 Was Not a Primmer ~ ESPN Authoritarianism (Updated)

ESPN let’s everyone know, no one can hold differing views of those held by the left.


I have been saying as of late that in pre-war Germany, it wasn’t that a law was passed that immediately forbade Jews the freedom to interact in business (owning a business), society (respectful interactions with the community), commerce (the buying and selling with all people groups)… they were pushed out of these incrementally. Similarly, we are seeing the same thing happen here. Over a decade the Judeo-Christian view (the traditional Western view of marriage) is now considered bigoted. It is becoming impossible to own businesses in some states… and this view was “federalized” by the Court recently.

Take note that while I agree with Larry 100% that ESPN has a right to fire whomever they wish, this thinking that is starting to pervade corporations and public life is an ethos similar to that of pre-war Germany, and should be called out as “fascistic” by those of us who love freedom.

I first saw this on The Blaze, here is the gist of the story:

Legendary MLB pitcher Curt Schilling on Monday shared a meme to his Facebook page that one pro-LGBT website called “disgusting.”

The post, which Schilling later deleted, showed a man dressed as a woman with a caption referring to the transgender bathroom laws that have become especially controversial recently. It was unclear whether the individual seen in the photo is actually transgender.

Before Schilling deleted the post, however, users on social screen-captured and shared the image.Transgender


Schilling was suspended by ESPN last year after tweeting a Hitler meme comparing world’s percentage of Muslims to the percentage of Nazis in Germany in 1940. He later deleted the tweet, and apologized, saying, “it didn’t come across in any way as intended.”

And in March, Schilling was criticized for saying of Hillary Clinton, “She should be buried under a jail somewhere.” ESPN confirmed after that comment it still planned to have Schilling return as an analyst on Monday Night Baseball this season, the Huffington Post reported.

But in light of his most recent post about transgender individuals’ bathroom use, the sports network said it is “taking this matter very seriously and are in the process of reviewing it.”

Gay Patriot quotes the main story as well:

Schilling, a baseball analyst for ESPN and former Red Sox pitcher, posted a Facebook comment criticizing a transgender women.

“A man is a man no matter what they call themselves,” read Schilling’s comment, which he apparently posted in response to a photo about a recent North Carolina law that restricts transgender people’s access to bathrooms and locker rooms. “I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic.”

ESPN issued a statement on Tuesday, saying “ESPN is an inclusive company. Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated.”

Then, Gay Patriot brings in the BOOMSTICK:

The second to the last sentence is a lie; by firing Schilling for having the wrong opinion, they have proven that they are not ‘inclusive’ at all. But, as a private company, they have and should have the right to fire people whose values conflict with their own.

And, that same standard ought to apply to Christian businesses who don’t want to participate in homosexual weddings, but for some reason it doesn’t.  And by “some reason,” I mean the systematic abuse of state power to selectively enable certain politically favored groups to bully other politically disfavored groups.

This is not about empathy for transgendereds; it’s about enforcing compliance with political correctness and punishing those who refuse to comply. In other words, it’s about using power to bully others.

This is FASCISM. Remember, Mussolini defined it for us:Cake Gay Fascism

“Everything I have said and done in these last years is relativism by intuition….  If relativism signifies contempt for fixed categories and men who claim to be bearers of an objective, immortal truth… then there is nothing more relativistic than fascistic attitudes and activity….  From the fact that all ideologies are of equal value, that all ideologies are mere fictions, the modern relativist infers that everybody has the right to create for himself his own ideology and to attempt to enforce it with all the energy of which he is capable.”

Peter Kreeft, A Refutation of Moral Relativism: Interviews with an Absolutist (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press; 1999), 18.

And POWER this is about, because you cannot have equality (as the left sees it) without an authoritarian government to make sure of it.

For the curious who missed a previous post/upload on this, here is the North Carolina law and misunderstanding of by the left and Democrats on this protection: