Obama Scandals and Impeachment

With Trump’s impeachment trial underway, Larry decides to look back at two scandals from Barack Obama’s presidency: the IRS and Fast & Furious scandals. Larry discusses whether these incidents were impeachable or not.

Rich Black PPL Telling Poor Black PPL Racism Keeps Them Poor

Ever notice how many rich black people are on television telling non-rich black people how racism is stopping them from becoming rich black people? Larry makes a list of the most prominent representatives of this group on television.

Pelosi’s Legacy | UPDATED


(More at NOQ REPORT)


As an UPDATE… she was planning this all along… it wasn’t like “my emotions got the best of me.” No, she premeditated the act.:

(More at the NEW YORK POST)

JONATHAN TURLEY writes on his website about the tradition Nancy trampled on:

Forty-four years ago, I walked on to the floor of the House of Representatives as a new Democratic 15-year-old page from Chicago.  I stood and marveled at the beehive of activity on the floor in the People’s House. I can still remember that moment because it forged a bond and reverence that has never weakened for me.  As a Democratic leadership page during the speakership of Tip O’Neill, I watched some of the most passionate and important debates of the generation from the Neutron Bomb to civil rights legislation to sweeping national park bills.  The country was deeply divided, but both parties maintained the tradition of civility and decorum.  I was struck how members, even in the heat of furious debates, would not attack each other by name and followed rigid principles of decorum. They understood that they were the custodians of this institution and bore a duty to strengthen and pass along those traditions to the next generation.

That is why I was (and remain) so offended by this display. I believe that President Trump himself is worthy of criticism for not shaking the hand of Pelosi. I also did not approve of aspects of his speech, including bestowing the Medal of Freedom on Rush Limbaugh in the gallery like a reality show surprise scene. There was much to object to in the address, but presidents often make comments that enrage or irritate speakers.

However, none of that excuses Pelosi. At that moment, she represents the House as an institution — both Republicans and Democrats. Instead, she decided to become little more than a partisan troll from an elevated position. The protests of the Democratic members also reached a new low for the House. Pelosi did not gavel out the protest. She seemed to join it.

It was the tradition of the House that a speaker must remain in stone-faced neutrality no matter what comes off that podium. The tradition ended last night with one of the more shameful and inglorious moments of the House in its history. Rather than wait until she left the floor, she decided to demonstrate against the President as part of the State of the Union and from the Speaker’s chair. That made it a statement not of Pelosi but of the House.

For those of us who truly love the House as an institution, it was one of the lowest moments to unfold on the floor….

And from THE HILL, Turley notes,

The House has its share of infamies, great and small, real and symbolic, and has been the scene of personal infamies from brawls to canings. But the conduct of Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) at the State of the Union address this week will go down as a day of infamy for the chamber as an institution. It has long been a tradition for House Speakers to remain stoic and neutral in listening to the address. However, Pelosi seemed to be intent on mocking President Trump from behind his back with sophomoric facial grimaces and head shaking, culminating in her ripping up a copy of his address.

Her drop the mic moment will have a lasting impact on the House. While many will celebrate her trolling of the president, she tore up something far more important than a speech. Pelosi has shredded decades of tradition, decorum and civility that the nation could use now more than ever. The House Speaker is more than a political partisan, particularly when carrying out functions such as the State of the Union address. A president appears in the House as a guest of both chambers of Congress. The House Speaker represents not her party or herself but the entirety of the chamber. At that moment, she must transcend her own political ambitions and loyalties.

Tensions for this address were high. The House impeachment managers sat as a group in front of the president as a reminder of the ongoing trial. That can be excused as a silent but pointed message from the Democrats. Trump hardly covered himself with glory by not shaking hands with Pelosi. I also strongly disliked elements of his address which bordered on “check under your seat” moments, and the awarding of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Freedom inside the House gallery like a Mardi Gras bead toss. However, if Trump made the State of the Union look like Oprah, then Pelosi made it look like Jerry Springer.

What followed was an utter disgrace. First, Pelosi dropped the traditional greeting before the start of the address, “Members of Congress, I have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the president of the United States.” Instead, she simply announced, “Members of Congress, the president of the United States.” It was extremely petty and profoundly inappropriate. Putting aside the fact that this is not her tradition, but that of the House, it is no excuse to note that the president was impeached.

Such an indignity was not imposed on President Clinton during his own impeachment proceeding, and anyone respecting due process would note that Trump has been accused, not convicted, at this point in the constitutional process. Pelosi proceeded to repeatedly shake her head, mouth words to others, and visibly disagree with the address. It was like some distempered distracting performance art behind the president.

My revulsion over this has nothing to do with impeachment. Ten years ago, I wrote a column denouncing Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito for mouthing the words “not true” when President Obama used his address to criticize the court for its decision in the Citizens United case. I considered his response to be a disgrace and wrote a column criticizing Chief Justice John Roberts for not publicly chastising Alito for breach of tradition. Instead, Roberts seemed to defend Alito in criticizing Obama for his “very troubling” language and saying that it was unfair to criticize the court when the justices, “according to the requirements of protocol,” have “to sit there expressionless.” That was not unfair. That was being judicious.


Pelosi has demolished decades of tradition with this poorly considered moment. Of course, many will celebrate her conduct and be thrilled by the insult to Trump. However, even those of us who disagree with his policies should consider what Pelosi destroyed in her moment of rage. She shredded the pretense of governing with civility and dignity in the House. Notably, she did not wait to rip up her copy of the speech until after she left the House floor. Pelosi wanted to do it at the end of the speech, in front of the camera, with the president still in the chamber.

That act was more important to Pelosi than preserving the tradition of her office. In doing so, she forfeited the right to occupy that office. If Pelosi cannot maintain the dignity and neutrality of her office at the State of the Union, she should resign as the Speaker of the House of Representatives.


TIE BREAKERS: Democrats Flip Coins (PLUS: #NeverTrump Fail)


(GATEWAY PUNDITYes, coin tosses are used in Iowa’s caucuses to determine winners in precincts with tied results.


A coin toss determined who got the last delegate out of one of Iowa’s precincts after Buttigieg and Klobuchar were tied.

Democrat Pete Buttigieg ‘randomly’ won the coin toss in Iowa Monday night.

Maybe this is how Hillary Clinton won 6-for-6 coin toss victories in Iowa in 2016?

(BIZ PIC) Democrats already under fire for the trainwreck caucuses in Iowa on Monday are facing new outrage over how votes in several precincts were determined by a coin toss.

Monday’s caucus results ended with no official vote totals as the Iowa Democratic Party blamed “inconsistencies” in some precinct reporting. But in some locations, tied caucus votes that were too close to call were broken with an actual flip of a coin.


One tie-breaker between Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar gave the win to the former South Bend, Indiana mayor. Apparently the student who executed the questionable coin toss must have realized his lack of expertise in the area.


Buttigieg won another coin flip against Sen. Elizabeth Warren that raised audible protest from some gathered at the venue.

AS an aside…. the #NEVERTRUMPERS failed in their “challenge” to run against Trump.

Here the WASHINGTON EXAMINER details the above a bit more:

For six months, some of President Trump’s most implacable foes have invested great hope in two Republicans, former Rep. Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, who are challenging the president for the GOP nomination. Could they do some damage to Trump’s reelection prospects?

Tonight, in Iowa, that hope was put to a first test. It failed.

In the state’s Republican caucuses — yes, there were Republican caucuses, even though the competitive Democratic caucuses received all the attention — the Walsh and Weld candidacies fizzled.

In the end, Trump won 97.16% of the vote, to Walsh’s 1.08% and Weld’s 1.27%. Others, write-ins of various people, totaled 0.47%. It was a striking show of strength for the president.

Beyond that, turnout was high for a year in which an incumbent president is assured of re-nomination. In the last election, 2016, about 180,000 Republican voters turned up for caucuses. But that was a highly competitive year in which Trump battled Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and a bunch of other candidates. The last time there was a noncompetitive GOP caucus, that is, a caucus with an incumbent president, was in 2004, when President George W. Bush was in the White House. That year, about 8,000 Republicans showed up for what were essentially meaningless caucuses…..

SKITS: Nightmare In Paradise | 3-year Old Chooses Gender


  • A recent arrival from Kansas learns what it is like to run a business in the People’s Republic of California…. You can see why the pathologically despotic Michael Bloomberg sees hyper-regulated California as a model to emulate. You can also see why moving vans tend to be full when they leave California and empty when they return. But the Third World still keeps the state’s population growing, if slowly.

Another skit where a 3-years old “chooses” his gender:

Hispanic Trump Supporters Interviewed by Jorge Ramos


RAMOS: Let me ask you about the trial currently underway against President Donald Trump. They are trying to remove him, I don’t know if you are following it. Do you believe that President Donald Trump tried to cheat for personal gain…


RAMOS: …when he had this call with the president of Ukraine?

BACA: I heard the call when…

RAMOS: From July 25th.

BACA: From July 25th. I didn’t see a problem. What is most interesting to me about this situation is- why don’t the Democrats want to know what happened with…with Biden and his son. How is it that Democrats are ready to plunge this country into a very difficult time- to force a president out over something he said? Saying, “Hey, can you look into what you can do about that issue”.

RAMOS: Isn’t he asking for a favor? Many people believe that he was asking for a favor in exchange for their investigation of a political opponent.

BACA: I didn’t see it that way, but at the same time, I’ll tell you this: why is it that if the Democrats have a Vice President who has a son that is making 80 thousand dollars a month in a company that is supposedly…that’s cheating in another country, why don’t they want to know? 

RAMOS: There are no formal charges against the Bidens, let me make that clear. What do you think about attempting to remove President Trump?

ANTHONY AGÜERO: It’s the same thing we go back to, right? We have cases of over 4,800 families (being) trafficked along the border with fake documents, right? We have over 600 of those children that have been “recycled”, we have many more important things that we should be focusing on. That call that the president made clearly has nothing to do with him trying to persecute anybody. He’s just doing his job and seriously trying to investigate something that is going on, because he is opposed to corruption, and the moment we have someone like Joe Biden’s son, who has no experience whatsoever, none to do with that sort of work, who is making over 80,000 dollars a month, we should investigate what’s going on. The same thing with a relative of Nancy Pelosi’s, who is also very well connected in Ukraine. 

Rand Paul’s Question Rejected… Again

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul’s whistleblower question blocked in Senate impeachment trial by Chief Justice John Roberts. (Watch that moment HERE)

LEGAL INSURRECTION adds some thoughts to this:

So do people know the whistleblower’s identification? If not then let Paul ask his question.

Chief Justice John Roberts once again rejected a question from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) since it supposedly names the impeachment whistleblowereven though supposedly NOBODY knows the identification of the whistleblower.

He asked: “Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings.”

POWERLINE continues with Rand Paul’s question rephrased (<< video at link):

  • I believe that Senator Ron Johnson rephrased the question Senator Paul submitted to Chief Justice Roberts as set forth in the adjacent post. Chief Justice Robert having declined to read the question, Senator Johnson gave it another go. The question alludes to the RCP columm by Paul Sperry that we also published last week in “Whistleblower overheard.” Not surprisingly, Chief House impeachment manager and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff declines to answer the question.