The MSM Will Not Tell the Truth About Black Lives Matter

What the media won’t acknowledge: Black Lives Matter fuels violent anti-police sentiment. WATCH Sheriff David Clarke with the facts (and Don Lemon with the stammering and cut to commercial). (The original video following Sheriff Clarke and Don Lemon was uploaded at PRAGER U on Apr 16, 2018):

My old video making the short point:

Video Description

This group is a racist, political cult. Many of it’s people are into the Nation of Islam’s teachings, wrapped up in the Black Panthers [new or old] bow. Their leaders have said that if you are white, just being white makes you racist. The leader of BLM have taken trips to support the Palestinian’s in their anti-Semitism, anti-gay freedoms, etc.

BLM activists and leaders consistently call for a race war, the killing of police officers, and the like, all geared towards white people. And yet Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders… as well as many Democrat Senators and Representatives and left-leaning groups continue to support and defend them.

Even the BLM radio show has called for a race war and an “open season” on white officers.

One of the best conversations on this topic can be found at the RUBIN REPORT

(This video is isolated from a Mark Levin upload of mine)

Shelby Steele (Riots)

In this episode of Life, Liberty, & Levin, Mark Levin interviews author Shelby Steele to criticize how white liberals in the democratic party have a history of telling black people they must rely on them.

Best-selling author Shelby Steele, a veteran of the Civil Rights movement, says the current protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death have no clear objective, and an exclusive focus on police brutality, when the Black community could take more personal responsibility to improve their lot in life. His nearly-nine-minute remarks on Mark Levin’s show run counter to the narrative you hear in the mainstream media. Is the author of “The Content of Our Character” no longer down for the struggle, or does he simply walk the “the road not taken”?

Cancel Culture Cancels America (Seattle Lost Real Estate)

As we’ve been reminded over these past 14 days, the culture is where the battle for our future will be won or lost.


Seattle’s “Capitol Hill Free Zone” <"Petoria">

First, for the humor:

By the way, I just wish to note that the Leftist MSM and the Leftist politicians like to say that “Right Wing” organizations (most are really Left-Wing orgs, but that is neither here nor there) want to secede and are “anti-government.” However — like with all the other items I could list, it is actually Lefties that attempt it. I think it is hilarious. Here is ANDY NGO keeping us in the loop, with a hat-tip to GATEWAY PUNDIT:

RIGHT SCOOP has the latest video from PROJECT VERITAS and the main point of this installment is that they want to secede fully from America. Here is a bit from RS and then the video:

“We believe in complete abolition of the system” – O’Keefe undercover video shows Antifa militia group in North Carolina ….. James O’Keefe is out with a new video that shows how one of his agents infiltrated an Antifa-ish militant group in Shelby, North Carolina ….The group is called Redneck revolt and they were among the groups at Charlotteville in 2017. The undercover journalist explains that they are the militia wing of Antifa, adding “they are Antifa in that they share the Antifa ideology.”


While we’re on the topic of Antifa, here’s a clip from Lara Logan that you might find interesting on how organized they are and how they stay one step ahead of police:

Mark Twain said that history doesn’t repeat itself, but that it rhymes. Which leads us back to the earliest parts of our founding as a nation… we had to realize that socialism didn’t work… at all. These radical fascists in their “Capital Hill Free Zone” are learning the same lesson. Here is my Facebook post, with media added in here for easier viewing.

Hat-tips to WEASEL ZIPPERS and TWITCHY and me (RPT):

Jamestown too was first a socialist society where each produced according to his ability and received according to his need which, of course, affected supply. One cannot divide what does not exist. Our textbooks tell us that only one of twelve survived the first two years for precisely the same reason, starvation.


I mean, you can’t make this stuff up! GATEWAY PUNDIT:

Antifa domestic terrorists set up an “autonomous zone” in six square blocks in Seattle this week.

On Tuesday “Free Capitol Hill” the antifa “Autonomous Zone” released its list of demands from the Seattle and Washington State governments.

The list includes reparations, ending the police and free stuff — pretty much what you would expect from a bunch of illiterate leftie kids.

The “police free zone” is a perfect utopia of free love, free food, free water and no police!

Until the anarchists ran out of food.

One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

ECONOMICS 101 is easier to learn by intuition rather than the hard way. The longer this is allowed however, the crazier it will get: Andy again:

Freydo Encounters Facts (Georgia Voter Suppression?)

“His counter punches to Cuomo’s pre-canned arguments fall under the definition of a “narrative interrupted”, folks. And the look on Cuomo’s face midway through says it all. He was not prepared for what Sterling brought.” ~ RED STATE

RED STATE has an excellent post on the above:

CNN’s Chris Cuomo was one of many in the mainstream media who took the “voter suppression” ball and ran with it in a heated back and forth with Statewide Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, who made it clear he was not going to be trifled with nor was he going to allow his state to be smeared by yet another media lie about how elections are run in Georgia.

Cuomo hit Sterling with Democratic talking point after talking point about polling places allegedly being deliberately shut down in places where there tend to be higher numbers of black Democrats who vote, claiming it was a repeat of 2018. Sterling corrected him everytime by laying out what really happened, saying much of it was related to the Wuhan virus outbreak:

Cuomo’s research team left him ill-prepared for the fact bombs Sterling was about to drop. “Well, the reality of what you’re seeing in Georgia today is a function of the COVID situation in large part,” Sterling began. He went on to explain that the state had lost many polling places as locations such as churches and VFW halls opted out of hosting.

Pointing to Fulton County, which “collapsed many of those locations into mega precincts,” Sterling said state election officials told them “this is not a good idea, you need to find other alternative locations,” but they didn’t listen.

And when it came to who made those decisions, Sterling noted: “They are made at the county level and the state has zero ability to tell them not do that.” They also had to roll with the punches and train new poll workers since their average age was 70 and they didn’t want to risk going out.

Sterling upended Fredo’s argument. Cuomo began by bashing Trump’s position on mail-in voting, but his guest countered by noting that Georgia had just launched the state’s largest mail-in voting campaign ever, with over 1.3 million registered voters turning in a ballot before Election Day.

Sterling also noted that “the rules of COVID spacing only allowed four voters at a time into the place.” That will understandably slow down the voting process quite a bit, especially on a day where there was allegedly record turnout….


A Racist Cult Rant (Nation of Islam Disciple)

LEGAL INSURRECTION has a story about Chicano gangs running security in their neighborhoods (blocks) to keep looters out. I watched many of the videos, there were some shootouts with black gangs[?] or looters? At any rate, the animosity between the two “factions,” blacks and browns will increase in Chicago, and as the police are attacked in the media and by politicians, I can see an increase in homicides.

At any rate, this one video had me laughing. It reminds me of the woman in Training Day that Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington’s character) stole from.

I also confirms my long standing and written (and video) about influence of the racist cults such as Nation of Islam (NOI – this woman refers to this black nationalist UFO cult leader many times, that is, Louis Farrakhan), and the Five Percenters (The Nation of Gods and Earth). As an aside, 5%’ers have towel sets to proclaim your racism loudly in the bathroom. At any rate, enjoy the racist cult rant, and keep in mind while this is humorous to myself and many, this is a major player of hate and delusion in the inner city. And yes, she is also mad as hell that she can’t loot. (For the full rant by her, and the Afro-centric history worldview along with more Cultic Rants, see HERE):

Closing Down Free Thought/Speech — The M.O. of Leftists

The totalitarian cry babies are out in force:

Stan Wischnowski had worked at the Enquirer for 20 years and was editor-in-chief when the newspaper won the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for a thorough investigation into violence in schools in Philadelphia. Here is the article by the way — click to enlarge:

Gangs Running Security In Chicago

LEGAL INSURRECTION has an interesting story on gangs in Chicago stopping looters…

  • In Chicago, Hispanic Gangs Protect Their Neighborhoods From Looters: “Get the F*ck Out! We Won’t Let Our Neighborhood Burn” — As calls to abolish the police reach a fevered pitch, we see a glimpse of what might fill that vacuum

But this was the funniest black woman. It is like an IN LIVING COLOR skit, but not. This is another example of the black racist cults influence in the inner cities (e.g., Nation of Islam and Five-Percenters)

Collective Guilt?

Larry O’Connar references two excellent articles as he comments on “our” collective guilt:

SPIKED-ONLINE was mentioned and here is an excerpt… great article:

…There’s a new sin. Forget gluttony. Forget sloth. The great moral error today is whiteness. To be white is to be fallen. Whiteness has become a kind of original sin, an inherited moral defect one must atone for throughout one’s life. In the wake of the brutal execution of George Floyd by police in Minneapolis, this almost religious treatment of whiteness as an existential flaw has gone uber-mainstream.

Listen to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Yesterday he called on ‘white Christians’ to ‘repent of our own prejudices’. Repent, ye sinners! Or if you prefer your leaders to be secular, how about the high priestess of middle-class decency, Nigella Lawson, who instructs her fellow white people to ‘acknowledge [that] systematic racism exists’ and that we are ‘complicit in it’. That brutal killing in Minneapolis – it’s your doing, white people.

Or read Time, the most mainstream magazine in existence. ‘White people’, says one of its contributors, ‘have inherited this house of white supremacy, built by their forebears and willed to them’. Inherited. The sins of the father shall be visited upon the son. The Time writer says white racism is a spectrum, stretching from those white people who tell a black woman ‘how pretty our hair looks when we wear it straight’ to ‘the more extreme end of the spectrum… cops literally suffocating black people like George Floyd as they beg for their lives’.

To compare a compliment about a woman’s hair to the merciless killing of Floyd is deeply disturbing. It sanitises the crime committed against Floyd and debases his suffering by putting it on a par with a mere uninvited compliment. It also confirms how thoroughly whiteness has been pathologised in mainstream ideology. What was once said about black men – that it is problematic when they compliment women of another race and that their racial make-up drives them towards murderous behaviour – is now said about white men. Perhaps someone can explain how replacing one form of racial fatalism with another is progressive.

Whiteness-as-sin is everywhere. ‘White America, if you want to know who’s responsible for racism, look in the mirror’, cries the Chicago Tribune. ‘White people, you are the problem’, it continues, in case you didn’t get its message that this sinful race, these fallen people, are the scourge of our time.

‘I’m talking about white people’, said James Corden in his monologue on The Late Late Show on Monday. ‘This is our problem to solve’, he said of the murder of Floyd and the problem of racism. White people, all of you, you did this. This is how mainstream the pathologisation of whiteness has become: it is now beamed into suburban living rooms across the US by famously inoffensive TV hosts. A white man telling white people about the sins of white complicity – this is, at the very least, an extremely odd state of affairs.

Let’s be clear about what is happening here: this is an effort to establish racial collective guilt for the murderous suffocation of George Floyd. There are two problems with this approach. The first is that collective guilt on the basis of racial origin is always a wicked ideology to pursue. Whether it’s Jews being held collectively guilty of the alleged excesses of ‘rich Jews’ or blacks being collectively punished for the offences of individual black people, such racial extrapolation always leads to prejudice and suffering. There is a twisted irony in the fact that so many commentators and activists who pose as anti-racist are promoting the ideology of collective racial guilt in response to the killing of George Floyd….

And THE FEDERALIST makes note of the disconnect as well as a natural extension of the MSM thinking:

It is always good to remind people not to be racist—though it is doubtful just how much reminding is needed between the legacy media, television, and movies all constantly promoting that message.

What’s sad is that so many good, utterly non-racist Americans feel if they don’t go through the “approved” steps they’ll be roped together with actual white supremacists.

Not to be left out, businesses from coffee chains to game developers also feel they must denounce what we have always known to be evil, namely, the unwarranted taking of another human life.

It would be ridiculous and unjust to blame a 20-year-old Russian for the heinous atrocities committed by Joseph Stalin more than 70 years ago. It would still be unjust to blame a 90-year-old woman who lived in the Soviet Union while Stalin was alive for the millions who died under his tyrannical rule.


A Natural Extension of the 1619 Project

The 1619 Project isn’t about making you feel contempt and anger for those who brought the first black slaves from Africa to Virginia four centuries ago. It’s about making all Caucasians and all Westerners feel as if they piloted the slave ships themselves. Its main thesis—and heinous lie—is that America is an irredeemably vile nation, conceived in sin.

In a disturbing example of the confluence of the 1619 Project and modern corporate guilt-tripping, Ben & Jerry’s issued a statement that reads like an updated version of the radical Port Huron manifesto—only it’s angrier and more incendiary. What does an ice cream company have to do with any of this? You’re not allowed to ask. Sit down and take your medicine.

“The murder of George Floyd,” the dairy brothers proclaim, “was the result of inhumane police brutality that is perpetuated by a culture of white supremacy. What happened to George Floyd was not the result of a bad apple; it was the predictable consequence of a racist and prejudiced system and culture that has treated Black bodies as the enemy from the beginning.”

Then, to prove their outrage bona fides, they go for the gold and tag 1619 for the finisher: “What happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis is the fruit borne of toxic seeds planted on the shores of our country in Jamestown in 1619, when the first enslaved men and women arrived on this continent.”

The statement closes by calling on “white America” to “collectively acknowledge its privilege” and “take responsibility for its past.”

Of the host of problems with the screed published by Ben & Jerry’s is that even if it were legitimate for Americans to “take responsibility” for all of the nation’s past sins, not only is it functionally impossible to do so, but radical leftists aren’t interested. That’s not the point. The point is to keep the anger machine firing on all cylinders. That’s the only way they get the permanent revolution they’re after.

Unlike the sin that man commits to his fellow man, for the authors of the 1619 Project, there is no hope for forgiveness, no chance for reconciliation, no way to atone.

If, as the 1619 advocates claim, the seeds are toxic and the tree is poisonous, then the only thing left to do is burn it all down. Nikole Hannah-Jones, the author of the lead 1619 essay, recently told CBS News, “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.” While all Americans are indeed created equal, Pulitzer Prizes are clearly not….