Bill Maher’s Common Sense For Leftists On Trans Culture

(Don’t know the acceptance and commonalty of this movement? Read through well this RIGHT SCOOP post to find out)


….He concluded, “And never forget children are impressionable and very, very stupid. Kids don’t know why mom drinks every day or why dad has two cell phones. Maybe the boy who thinks he’s a girl is just gay or whatever Frasier was. Maybe the girl who hates ‘girly stuff’ just needs to learn that being female doesn’t mean you have to act like a Kardashian. Maybe childhood makes you sad sometimes and there are other solutions besides hand me the dick saw. And look, I’m sure the vast majority of parents do not take this lightly and that it’s very hard to know when something is real or just a phase and I understand being trans is different, it’s innate. But kids do also have phases. They’re kids. It’s all phases. The dinosaur phase, the Hello Kitty phase, one day they want to be an astronaut, the next day, you can’t get them to leave their room. Genderfluid? Kids are fluid about everything. If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate, thank God nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”


On Friday’s Real Time on HBO, host Bill Maher blasted the left for being willing to give children puberty blockers, despite plenty of scientific evidence showing the harmful effects of such medications.

Maher had just finished mocking the ACLU for saying that LGBT individuals would be among those most affected by a Roe v. Wade reversal, “I’m happy for LGBT folks that we now live in an age where they can live their authentic lives openly, and we should always be mindful of respecting and protecting, but someone needs to say it: not everything’s about you. And it’s okay to ask questions about something that’s very new and involves children.”

He also observed:

we’re literally experimenting on children. Maybe that’s why Sweden and Finland have stopped giving puberty blockers to kids, because we just don’t know much about the long-term effects, although common sense should tell you that when you reverse the course of raging hormones, there’s going to be problems; we do know it hinders the development of bone density, which is kind of important if you like having a skeleton. Fertility and the ability to have an orgasm seem also to be affected. This isn’t just a lifestyle decision. It’s medical. Weighing trade-offs is not bigotry.”…….


“What I wish I’d known when I was 19….” (Transgender)

Armstrong and Getty read from a WASHINGTON POST article by a trans “woman” who confesses they wish they had known then (age 19) what they do now.


When I was 19, I had surgery for sex reassignment, or what is now called gender affirmation surgery. The callow young man who was obsessed with transitioning to womanhood could not have imagined reaching middle age. But now I’m closer to 50, keeping a watchful eye on my 401(k), and dieting and exercising in the hope that I’ll have a healthy retirement.

In terms of my priorities and interests today, that younger incarnation of myself might as well have been a different person — yet that was the person who committed me to a lifetime set apart from my peers.

There is much debate today about transgender treatment, especially for young people. Others might feel differently about their choices, but I know now that I wasn’t old enough to make that decision. Given the strong cultural forces today casting a benign light on these matters, I thought it might be helpful for young people, and their parents, to hear what I wish I had known.

I once believed that I would be more successful finding love as a woman than as a man, but in truth, few straight men are interested in having a physical relationship with a person who was born the same sex as them. In high school, when I experienced crushes on my male classmates, I believed that the only way those feelings could be requited was if I altered my body.

It turned out that several of those crushes were also gay. If I had confessed my interest, what might have developed? Alas, the rampant homophobia in my school during the AIDS crisis smothered any such notions. Today, I have resigned myself to never finding a partner. That’s tough to admit, but it’s the healthiest thing I can do.

As a teenager, I was repelled by the thought of having biological children, but in my vision of the adult future, I imagined marrying a man and adopting a child. It was easy to sacrifice my ability to reproduce in pursuit of fulfilling my dream. Years later, I was surprised by the pangs I felt as my friends and younger sister started families of their own.

The sacrifices I made seemed irrelevant to the teenager I was: someone with gender dysphoria, yes, but also anxiety and depression. The most severe cause of dread came from my own body. I was not prepared for puberty, nor for the strong sexual drive typical for my age and sex.

Surgery unshackled me from my body’s urges, but the destruction of my gonads introduced a different type of bondage. From the day of my surgery, I became a medical patient and will remain one for the rest of my life. I must choose between the risks of taking exogenous estrogen, which include venous thromboembolism and stroke, or the risks of taking nothing, which includes degeneration of bone health. In either case, my risk of dementia is higher, a side effect of eschewing testosterone.

What was I seeking for my sacrifice? A feeling of wholeness and perfection. I was still a virgin when I went in for surgery. I mistakenly believed that this made my choice more serious and authentic. I chose an irreversible change before I’d even begun to understand my sexuality. The surgeon deemed my operation a good outcome, but intercourse never became pleasurable. When I tell friends, they’re saddened by the loss, but it’s abstract to me — I cannot grieve the absence of a thing I’ve never had.

Where were my parents in all this? They were aware of what I was doing, but by that point, I had pushed them out of my life. I didn’t need parents questioning me or establishing realistic expectations — especially when I found all I needed online. In the early 1990s, something called Internet Relay Chat, a rudimentary online forum, allowed me to meet like-minded strangers who offered an inexhaustible source of validation and acceptance.

I shudder to think of how distorting today’s social media is for confused teenagers. I’m also alarmed by how readily authority figures facilitate transition. I had to persuade two therapists, an endocrinologist and a surgeon to give me what I wanted. None of them were under crushing professional pressure, as they now would be, to “affirm” my choice.

I may well have transitioned even after waiting a few years. If I hadn’t transitioned, I likely would have suffered from the world in other ways. In other words, I’m still working out how much regret to feel, but I’m comfortable with the ambiguity.

What advice would I pass on to young people seeking transition? Learning to fit in your body is a common struggle. Fad diets, body-shaping clothing and cosmetic surgery are all signs that countless millions of people at some point have a hard time accepting their own reflection. The prospect of sex can be intimidating. But sex is essential in healthy relationships. Give it a chance before permanently altering your body.

Most of all, slow down. You may yet decide to make the change. But if you explore the world by inhabiting your body as it is, perhaps you’ll find that you love it more than you thought possible.

“I Am a White Lesbian” Says The Black Guy (Classic!)

Administrative “legalize,” Lol

For those new here, some time back, myself as well as some extended family of some gay men or women, and anywhere from 5-to10 gay men and women met almost every month. All were lovers of the Constitution and what brought us together was the website GAY PATRIOT and our admiration of what Bruce Carroll (former Chairman of the gay conservative political action group [and co-founder], and founder of the blog Gay Patriot – now defunct sadly) and other conservative/libertarian gays were doing.

Some of these people I met with and have communicated with over the years said same-sex marriage should not be placed on the same level in society as heterosexual marriage, others would posit that what is not clearly enumerated in the Constitution for the federal government to do should be left for the states. And thus, they would say each state has the right to define marriage themselves.

As an aside, we met at Sizzler in Hollywood or the Outback in Burbank on Mondays. Why? Those two CEOs gave to Mitt Romney’s campaign. And on Mondays because the L.A. City Council asked people not to eat meat on Mondays to help the planet.

What I respect are men and women (gay or not) who protect freedom of thought/speech. Like these two freedom loving lesbian women I post about on my site.

Here is a taste of Gay Patriot’s “swerve”

I was waiting for the wife to be done in the bathroom this morning, as to not rile her up by getting in her way…. this early. So I was just kicking back on the bed watching some media… the following being one:

As Amy Klobuchar was spinning her tale, the wife and I met eyes as she was walking out of the bathroom (brushing teeth, hair, etc) and we both had a skeptical look and I said “politicians”. To which the wife said “that guys ‘spin’ is amazing.” [Note – “guy”] To which I responded without missing a beat: “You are right when you said ‘guy,’ because even though this is a female Senator, really, ‘what is a woman’?” (See HERE and HERE)

I got my wife to laugh AND I didn’t get in her way.


Take note that when the gay guy brought up discrimination against blacks. The white lesbo gal took that argument away by noting just because something is legal (or illegal) doesn’t “ipso facto” make it right, healthy, or moral for a society. I am reading between the lines a bit…. but that is the gist of HIS point. Very entertaining.

Part 2: Jews are the Most Religious People (Manpons)

(First and foremost I must thank Dave Rubin for an excellent interview and channel. The original file can be found HERE) This will serve as the follow-up clip to the first: “Part 1: Jews are the Most Religious People (Secular or Religious)“. This is the very next part of the excerpted discussion/interview of Dennis Prager by Dave Rubin.

This video is worth teaming up with my previous posts:

It is worth clipping a portion from that 1st linked post to further Crowders point:


✂️ SNIP ✂️

And yes, it appears that the Menstrual Equity Act is a real thing. H.R. 1882, otherwise known as the Menstrual Equity For All Act of 2019. Apparently Beto thinks women across America have never heard of a pharmacy. Oh but wait, this absurd legislation isn’t just for women! According to GovTrack, this legislation will “increase the availability and affordability of menstrual hygiene products for individuals with limited access, and for other purposes.”

Individuals. Because men have periods too! Duh! Beto may not have gotten that memo, but Cory Booker and Julián Castro did. …

Here is the bit by Julian Castro that got those who love science scratching their heads:

Here is the above in print via THE DAILY WIRE:

On Wednesday, during the Democratic presidential debate, Julian Castro, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under former President Barack Obama, decided biological men should be given the same rights to an abortion as biological women, stating, “Let’s also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female, is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to choose.”

Trans females are biological men who claim identity as women.

Castro’s answer was triggered by NBC News’ Lester Holt, who asked, “Secretary Castro, this one is for you. All of you on stage support a woman’s right to an abortion. You all support some version of a government health care option. Would your plan cover abortion, Mr. Secretary?”

Castro answered, “Yes, it would. I don’t believe only in reproductive freedom, I believe in reproductive justice. And, you know, what that means is that just because a woman — or let’s also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female, is poor, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have the right to exercise that right to choose. And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.”

RBG Considered “Right Wing”? (BONUS: Cartoons)

Ben Shapiro NOTES in his dealing with the below responses that if a 2-year old can answer the question, a Supreme Court nominee should be able to as well. To Wit, Justice Ginsburg is now considered “patriarchal” — my inference, but closer to the truth than this SCOTUS nominee:

Gwendolyn Sims writes for PJ-MEDIA and notes what this really is. And much like Adam Carolla’s point, it is a power play:

…..With their relentless attack on gender, the left is denying reality as author George Orwell described through the characters in his novel,1984: “Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense.” It would therefore be heresy for Jackson to incorrectly define “woman” according to the radical left’s pre-approved definition (whatever that happens to be this week). While defining “woman” may on the surface seem commonsensical, it’s actually instrumental to the left’s ideology. “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing,” wrote Orwell. If the left can force us to invalidate commonsense reality and replace it with their own, they can also hold all the power.

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four,” Orwell wrote. “If that is granted, all else follows.” In other words, the left can’t allow ‘woman’ to be defined by the right as anything objective or provable. It must remain vague and subjective so that it can be defined in whatever malleable way benefits the left’s ideology and power. Or, as the Party in Orwell’s book put it, “You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”…..

I thought this was a good Tweet by Obianuju Ekeocha that makes a salient point, which is the patriarch has been right this entire time. Men ARE better at everything…. although Miss Ekeocha didn’t express it in those terms. That is my interpretation:

Maybe the #MeeToo movement should be the #MeWho movement. A phrase that came out of that movement is this: “Believe Women”

  • What is a woman? — Biden’s SCOTUS pick, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

Or how bout this trope?

  • “Women make 73 cents for every man’s dollar.”

So again the question is,

  • What is a woman? — Biden’s SCOTUS pick, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson

How about this: “women remain underrepresented in CEO positions.” You get the point.


“He’s a man!” (No Shame In This Younger Generation)

The audio of the video is bad (background noise/echo). But here is the main part of the convo via RIGHT SCOOP:

WOMAN: “You think his body is the same as the other girls in the pool? Are you saying he doesn’t have male organs?”

DIPSTICK: “I don’t think that ‘she’ – you are twisting words and I think you have no idea

WOMAN: “No, I’m a woman and that’s not a woman. Do you have ovaries?”

DIPSTICK: “Can I ask you a question? Are you a biologist?”

WOMAN: “Oh my god, don’t be ridiculous. I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is!”

Here is the heartening part of the event, the dude getting booed:

There is a Title IX lawsuit, which should win (POST MILLENNIAL).

“Don’t Say Gay” Bill and The Trans Agenda

An example of concern from California: Teachers at California school disguise gay club, coach 12 yr-old into transgender behind parents back, then calls CPS on mother

Watch the Campaign/Narrative that Florida Democrats are pushing:


Governor Ron DeSantis questions a reporter where the so called “don’t say gay” bill says “Don’t say gay.” The answer as Gov. DeSantis points out is that it doesn’t. The bill that the Governor has seen stops transgenderism and sexual education of children in elementary school.


REPORTER: “What critics call the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill…” DESANTIS: “Does it say it in the bill? Does it say it in the bill?!” Oh man, this is SO good 🔥🔥🔥


“Don’t Say Gay Bill” Is A Lie (Straw-Man)


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Fox News’ Karol Markowicz, Newsmax’s John Cardillo, and David Reaboi about Joe Biden’s lies about what is being called the “don’t say gay” bill. Joe Biden is spreading the lie that Florida’s parental rights in education bill is actually a hate filled attack on LGBT kids. Democrats have even started calling it the “don’t say gay” bill. Dave and his guests explain what the bill actually says about sex education for young kids.

Dave Rubin puts the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ movement on blast as the left wages war against Florida’s new education bill.


(Hat-tip FOX NEWS) Overtime: Frank Bruni, Batya Ungar-Sargon | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO): Bill Maher and his guests answer viewer questions after the show.


Today on the Matt Walsh Show, as creepy sexuality camps for kids proliferate across the country, video surfaces of Pete Buttigieg’s husband leading children at a gay camp in a pledge of allegiance to the pride flag. Also, Democrats pass a 1.5 trillion dollar spending bill with lots of goodies for left wing causes and Ukraine. Plus, a black man kills a white man for saying a racial slur and is only sentenced to house arrest. In our Daily Cancellation, a married couples claims they’ve never argued in thirty years of marriage. Where’s the fun in that?


Public Schools Are Grooming Children… Sexually

In October, a shocking report claimed that teachers at a Salinas, California, middle school secretly recruited students into a pro-LGBT club disguised as a “gender equality club” without their parents knowing.

Royal Gnosticism Displayed By the “Religious Left”

Clay Travis and Buck Sexton cover the recent Microsoft Employee Introductions during the company’s recent “Ignite” conference. This is a shorter version of a longer clip (LONG VERSION HERE), but the point of introducing “royalty” I thought deserved a segment of its own. I include the call by the blind gentleman.

A couple posts on the topic for the people who want to follow up on this:

  • ‘I’m a Caucasian Woman:’ Microsoft Event Highlights the Future of Woke Capitalism (VOICES OF A NATION)
  • ‘WTF Is This’? Microsoft Security Podcasters Introduce Themselves By Race, Gender, And Hairstyle (In Case You Couldn’t Tell By Looking At Them) (TWITCHY)
  • Microsoft Mocked for ‘Utterly Bananas’ Employee Introductions (RED STATE)

And a few weeks ago I heard something by Michael Knowles said at a DAILY WIRE symposium (DAILY WIRE BACKSTAGE: LIVE AT THE RYMAN) that really hit home with me. You always hear about “Leftism” being “religious,” or environmentalism being a “stand in religion,” and the like. This in my mind’s eye give the Postmodernist/Gnostic combo a real metaphysical “umph.”

Michael Horton defines some of the old vs. new aspects of “Gnosticism” (WAYBACK MACHINE). And Voddie Baucham describes how the Critical Race Theorists use it to “know” what is racist: “Voddie Baucham – What Is Ethnic Gnosticism?”

  • (Reform Wiki) In this clip, Pastor Voddie Baucham explains his phrase, “Ethnic Gnosticism,” which is the concept that certain people have a secret knowledge about racism because of their ethnicity.

Trans “Women” vs. Women | John Stossel

Trans women compete in women’s sports and many win. Is that fair?

Just a quick aside. The trans body lifter that lost in the Olympics lost because HE was 43-years old. If HE had been a younger, healthier dude, he would have most likely won. And the point is HE took a spot away from a female going to Japan. See some of my other posts:


Social Dysphoria… Great Inner Battle Led To Detransitioning

(RIGHT SCOOP hat-tip) “I haven’t really had an issue with my body, in the sense of wanting to have the female parts to be removed, I was just in general insecure,” she says. “I think I had more social dysphoria than actual gender dysphoria.”