Steyn was filling in for Rush Limbaugh on Monday (6-5-2017), and I grabbed some content that I was loving. (BTW, when Rush retires, Steyn would be a great replacement). He touches on terrorism, Kathy Griffin, “bollards,” the London Mayor, and the broader culture. 21-minutes of classic Steyn!
The MSM and #NeverTrumpers Join Forces in “Wooden” Literalism
A friend linked to a WASHINGTON POST article after I posted the above on my Facebook with this statement:
- “Trump quoted the mayor COMPLETELY out of context. Read this:”
(I – RPT – post a section from his link for clarity):
(He also linked to FOX NEWS’ story on it.) HOTAIR deconstructs Mayor Khan better:
I will now post our conversation to help the conservative leave the “woodeness” of the Left, whom complains about the Right not considering grey areas of life — but what Prager rightly notes the “black n white” truly exists on the Left (and so, in the media). BTW, this is a fellow compatriot. These are honest and cordial disagreements between us GOP’ers. I consider this an in-house debate about Trump, like the age of the earth or other theological matters. I am not posting this here to belittle my friend but merely to note the closeness of the #NeverTrumpers to the MSM’s understanding of the view they have of all Republicans since Nixon. They [the #NeverTrumpers] are just now lining up with that same rhetoric from the Left because of their dislike for Trump. You see, I am not an analyse… I am a conservative. I see the larger fight for the soul of America as between Left and Right. I want the right to win in politics… and I do so by defending Republicans from the dopiness of the Media [Left].
These two totally variant views on reality are at their core, two completely different worldviews/philosophies. My job as a polemicist is to make sure we win in arguments where truth is concerned and the ethos of our Founding is defended in some way.
The Trump Derangement Syndrome that infects the #NeverTrumpers is hindering their view that they are siding with the MSM in their false view and inability to pick up what Trump was laying down… specifically in that Tweet. I have to admit as someone who is imperfect, I bet I practiced some of this with Obama. But these people are not seeing the forest beyond a few trees…
…to wit I hope my responses shed a bit of light on this:
ME –
J.G. –
ME –
J.G. –
ME –
J.G. –
ME –
The British government have been too weak and too politically correct. We want real action, not more speeches from outside 10 Downing St.
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 4, 2017
…to be continued… maybe?
Here is JIHAD WATCH’S take on the matter:
Why We Are Vigilant!
(via FUNKER 530) Take a good look at the world today. We have children in the streets of the United States throwing a temper tantrum because they believe that the politicians have failed. Maybe they have. They have failed them by allowing them to believe that they live in a world of sunshine and rainbows.
Politics completely aside, this video is a snap back to reality. This is the real world that we live in today as a species. Grown men are training children, some as young as six, to move through a house in a tactical fashion with live ammunition, having them kill actual living human beings. To put the cherry on the cupcake, they are recording it with some serious production value, and then uploading it to the internet to show the world that their children are ready to die for their cause. I don’t see you marching for women and children’s rights in Syria.
While you whine and complain about social issues that are a moot point in our society, women and children are being raped and murdered around the world by maniacs. Take a look outside of your own safe space, and realize that the world can’t be the Utopian place you want. It isn’t possible, it is never going to happen.
This is why….
Muslim vs. Jewish Terrorism | Time-Lines
(Caroline’s Book: The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East)
There is a conversation going on elsewhere on the “InterWeb,” that is giving me an opportunity to import some information from a previous post on my old blog in mid-2009 regarding Arab/Muslim terror. Here is the statement I wish to address with history:
- “Hamas came AFTER Jewish terrorism. Even the Jewish leaders’ documented admissions demonstrate as much.” — Tim W.
This statement just is not true. I will mention some past history first, then dive into more modern Zionism.
…OKAY… FIRSTLY… out of the worlds “World Religions” Islam holds the distinction of being founded by a terrorist. Muhammad personally dug graves for men, women, and children he likewise assisted in slitting the throats of and “marrying” off (sex-slaves) female children to his men. Remember, Muhammad married a 6-year old and consummated that marriage when she was nine-years old.
He instructed his followers to lie, to kill satirical poets (today known as stand up comedians) for speaking negatively of him. Orders to steal and thieve, rape and pillage, were the norm — as well as making treaties with the knowledge that they would be broken when Muhammad’s forces were stronger. You can see a a handout I made for a adult Sunday School class (linked in pic to right).
There is also this history relating to terror in the caliphates from Robert Spencer and Bill Warner. First Robert, then the video by Bill:
More on this can be found in at my The Crusades vs. The Three Caliphates (Moral Equivalence)
Before continuing however, here are some recomended books from my book shelf… click to enlarge:
Besides the myth that the “Palestinians” are being displaced (see many presentations of the myths surrounding modern-day Israel HERE), the myth that “Zionism” perpetrated terror prior to “Hamas” or the Arab-Muslims is simply a false narrative. For instance… here are terror attacks by Muslims BEFORE the first Irgun (Jewish extremist) attack ~ again, click to enlarge:
Nor are these attacks warranted on the typical Leftist drivel… and this is only a decade of examples:
So, the contention that Jewish extremism or foreign policy or removing a non-existent people from one-place to another just does not comport with the historical evidence. Not only that, but similar “evictions” of the “Palestinians“‡ do not garner U.N. attention nor the attention of the media, as is explained here:
‡ “An Invented People” — The Jamie Glazov Show w/Daniel Pipes and David Meir-Levi (there can be no two-state solution, BTW):
Three Article On Pacifism and Just War Theory (+Dennis Prager)
The following is taken from Philosophia Christi Vol. 18 Num. 1 (Summer 2016). You can purchase back issues (this current issue) HERE. These articles were in response to two pacifist authors theologians. I did not include them herein, but you can see the index of the issue I am excerpting from in order to see the other authors on the opposing side of this debate, HERE. Here is a description of this journal issue:
- The Summer 2016 issue features a new and updated discussion on “Just War as Deterrence Against Terrorism” with contributions from Paul Copan, Myles Werntz, Gregory Boyd, Matthew Flannagan, Keith Pavlischek, and J. Daryl Charles. These papers offer philosophically attentive engagements from pacifists and just war advocates.
This is a partial excerpt from a larger article…
The “Hammer” Nails the Obama Admin
Foiled Terror Attack in France
“One of the women arrested over the foiled terror attack in Paris was engaged to a man who slit a priest’s throat, it has emerged….” (JIHAD WATCH)
The Paris prosecutor said on Friday (September 9) that individuals from so-called Islamic State in Syria directed three women arrested in connection with a car loaded with gas cylinders found near Notre Dame cathedral. The French interior ministry said the women had been planning to attack a Paris railway station. Three women arrested after a car loaded with gas cylinders was found near Notre Dame Cathedral had been planning to attack a Paris railway station… (see more at The Daily Mirror)
The DNC Star ~ Khizr Khan (Hillary’s Close Associates to Wahhabism)
…Drip… Drip… Drip…
(The above is with a h-t to PowerLine)
As one learns to do after a political event such as the excellent speech and patriotic swelling up during the speech of Khizr Khan at the 2016 Democratic National Convention… wait.
By-the-by, if you have not watched Mr. Khan’s speech, I suggest doing so (HERE). COL. ALLEN WEST simply responds to it by saying, “Yes sir, Mr. Khan, I’ve read our Constitution[!]…”
Col West continues:
However, this simple response aside, and Trump’s atrocious response as compared to John McCaine’s response ALSO set side… AS WELL AS MIKE PENCE’S excellent response… I see much more information like the below coming out in droves. In other words, this is only the beginning.
Typically, just like in wartime theaters, the first reports are wrong. And more vital information gets added. We see this starting to happen, and I knew it would when the Khan’s asked to be out of the political limelight… as they made another appearance in the media.
The DAILY CALLER notes Khan is a proponant of Islamic Sharia Law, and promotes this in a way antithetical to U.S. interests in my minds eye. Robert Spencer connects some dots that the Clinton Cash documentary has alerted us to:
In another JIHAD WATCH (JW) post it is mentioned that mentioned that “Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship.” This is a controversial programme to say the least, JW continues via the Washington Examiner:
CREEPING SHARIA notes as well in their excellent culmination of Khan’s writings on Sharia Law, that Khan thanks a Muslim Brotherhood luminary/scholar. One must always keep in mind that “Sharia is in direct opposition to the US Constitution and they cannot co-exist,” period. Here is an excerpt from that post:
At the bottom of the page, Kahn [sic] shows his appreciation for an icon of the Muslim Brotherhood: “The contribution to this article of S. Ramadan’s writing is greatly acknowledged.” S. Ramadan is Said Ramadan, head of the Islamic Center in Geneva and a major icon of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Ramadan was a writer who wrote material for the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia, an organization that has been promoting Islamic revivalism and indoctrination to recruit young people in Malaysia to jihadism. It is actually a Malaysian branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Ramadan wrote a book called, Islamic Law: Its Scope and Equity, and a version of it was published for the Malaysian Muslim Youth Movement (a branch of WAMY)…
World Association of Muslim Youth (WAMY) was created through the collaboration of the Wahhabist and Muslim Brotherhood led by Said Ramadan who was the son-in-law of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood including Ahmad Bahefzallah, the boss of Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton’s aid) and her parents Mahmoud and Saleha Abedin. It was also financed by the wealthy Abdullah Omar Naseef, another boss of the Abedin family.
Said Ramadan, Kahn’s [sic] source for his writing, was major leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, according to the Islamic scholar, Kemal A. Faruki.
According to a recent report, Khan moved from Pakistan to the United Arab Emirates, a hotbed for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Kahn [sic] currently runs a law firm in New York City called KM Kahn Law Office. According to the website, the the law firm specializes in “immigration services.” Most likely Kahn [sic] was working to bring Muslims into the country.
WOW! And these people are gonna be in charge of the number one spot! So it seems that many people close to Hillary Clinton are Wahhabist influenced with direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Of course this does not matter to a Democrat… because what Khan offered in his moving speech about his son, who is an American hero, is the emotive basis for all this to be ignored. They can never separate the son from the father. Because U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan is a hero, ergo, so to is his father… and no amount of ties to the same ideology that has influenced 29,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 will change their minds.
In a equally moving open letter from another combat veteran (his bio can be found here) to the Khan family that should not be ignored:
OF COURSE the typical reaction by the Left’s use of SIXHIRB (sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted) came into play about the above veteran’s viewpoint. You see, the only viewpoint allowed as genuine and reflexively caring is the Left’s position on all matters.
Islamic State Posters and Eschatology (Doctrines of Demons)
The below are two online “posters” from the Islamic State that portray jihadism in France… put online after the most recent attack by the religion of peace. Take a look at the posters… and then I will comment to my fellow believers.
The above are, to me, an almost cliche of what is doctrine of demons. IF, the devil did exist –and were to cause a movement embedding the hatred for everything good and Godly…
…mankind being a shadow of this goodness via the Imago Dei (“image of God”)…
…Satan, wishing to destroy this image at all costs would seem to come to fruition in this radical jihadi movement.
And so this evolving terrorism that is prompting NATO to declare war on the Islamic State (or at least the last attack France was asking them to do so, and now with this new attack we may see a renewed push to do such) is almost a fulfillment of the foresight of Godley men in the Old Testament and the New.
To fight this evil IS a righteous act — that is, putting a stop to this heinous evil. But, I also see it as a “hook in the jaw” of the West that may kick off a larger battle — or an era of peace [or both]. However you view the steps in end-time eschatology.
- “I will turn you around, put hooks in your jaws, and bring you out with all your army, including horses and riders, who are all splendidly dressed, a huge company armed with shields and bucklers, all of them brandishing swords.” (Ezekiel 38:4, HCSB)
So, an evil like none we have seen (evil done to strike fear and for sadistic pleasure), seems to be drawing the West into an area that Napoleon said could accommodate the worlds armies:
Another “unrelated” story revolves around Putin… who, in Stalin like fashion, sacked every commander in his Baltic Fleet mainly due that these commanders were refusing orders to engage U.S. warships in a harassing manner. Presumably trying to instigate something like the previous SU-24 flying 30-feet over the bow of one of our warships, or the continuous close calls with NATO. Russia also has the hook in their jaw and has decided to send additional advanced aircraft, including K-52 helicopter gunships, to Syria “in order to strengthen the Russian military grouping that takes part in anti-terrorist operations.”
While the above means almost nothing to my non-religious readers… in eschatological terms and in the idea that we “battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens,” it means a lot.
Bill Whittle on Orlando, Islam, Gays, and Obama
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John and Ken Detail Turf War Over Terror Suspect (Jaw Dropping!)
FOX NEWS‘ story is worth reading in full, here is an excerpt:
Orlando ~ Relevant Info Surrounding Omar Mateen
I wanted to wait a bit and allow for some information to trickle out on who this killer was, and why this information is relevant to our current issue of Democrats not allowing for common sense to call a spade-a-spade. So below will be links to a lot of stories that hit a nerve with me with a small excerpt… but first, it should be noted that Jim Hoft, of GATEWAY PUNDIT, has come out of the closet and is now in the pantheon of conservative [Catholic] gay bloggers.
I wish to make a point before going to a relevant [similar] story. Remember the story about the second known American killed while fighting for ISIS in Syria? His name was Abdirahmaan Muhumed, and do you know where he was working before fighting overseas? He worked at Delta Global Services at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. This position allowed him access to the tarmac and unfettered access to planes (JIHAD WATCH). GAY PATRIOT turned me on [watch it!] to a story about Omar Mateen — the Orlando jihadi shooter — and his “day job,” here is the excerpt:
Gotta love that political correctness kicking in, considering he was on the FBI’s radar:
- Mateen traveled to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — before the FBI interviewed him in 2013
- A former co-worker reported Mateen’s extremism to their employer but no one took action… because Mateen was Muslim
- Last year, the FBI investigated Mateen’s connection to “the first American suicide bomber in Syria”
- Fox report: Mateen was enrolled in online courses from a notorious terrorist recruiter
This is the thing as well, Mateen was friend’s with the first American suicide bomber and went to the same mosque (Ft. Pierce, Florida — DAILY MAIL) as his friend, Moner Mohammad Abusalha. The polidce invited a speaker after the night-club shooting to warn against the “sensationalizing of the story into more than it is (JIHAD WATCH). However, this man who heads the Islamic Society of Central Florida is on VIDEO blaming the U.S. for 9/11 (right). To my ears this is anathema, to many Democrats, they say the same thing (*wagging head*).
Omar Mateen went so far as to brag about his involvement with terror orgs. Which may be why a co-worker reported and complained about him:
When a police officers warning goes unheeded, we have a problem [Houston]. This person goes on to claim that he “quit because everything he [Mateen] said was toxic, and the company wouldn’t do anything (THE BLAZE) — “He always talked of killing people” (DAILY MAIL). Mateen’s classmates said he praised Allah after 9/11 — um, it seems like his whole life is a red flag? (YOUNG CONSERVATIVES)
And his dad, Seddique Mateen, is a GIANT RED-FLAG! Even CBS said this: “The Orlando gay club gunman’s father has well-known anti-American views and is an ideological supporter of the Afghan Taliban.”
Besides supporting the Taliban, he even ran for Afghanistan’s presidential bid (HEAVY). In addition, Got News.Com has discovered the sister of Omar Mateen, Miriam Seddique, purchased Omar’s house for $100 in April via a “quit claim deed.” Obviously the family knew something was up.
Now we come around to who the left blames for all this. MSNBC’s law enforcement expert said it could be white supremacist groups. CNN’s Sally Kohn took the opportunity to demonize Christians. The gay left magazine The Advocate “quotes ACLU lawyer Chase Strangio, who blames Christians for the Islamist attack along with several other left-wing politicians and then echoes the left’s call for outlawing the civilian ownership of firearms” (GAY PATRIOT). Canadian “journalist” Doug Sanders said that “yesterday’s violence showed us how shockingly similar the philosophies of jihadism and US Republicanism have become” (GAY PATRIOT). The New York Daily News on their full-paged front cover story blames the NRA (MOONBATTERY). Meanwhile, sane Republican gay groups are begging for the President and his administration to use the term, RADICAL ISLAM! ~ That Would Be Swell ~ On cue the New York Times op-ed as well blames the NRA (TWITCHY). Obama essentially blamed us for the problem (NEW YORK POST). And even preacher’s are blamed for Omar’s jihadi attack (GAY PATRIOT).
- All that is why I must note that the shooter was a registered DEMOCRAT! (AMERICAN THINKER).
His father was a fan of Obama as well. And now the retarded Democrat law makers come out and mislabel the gun and the attributes of the gun. In fact, one conservative journalist is offering $50,000 to Democrat Representative Alan Grayson’s asinine statement… video:
My son and I were talking about the logistics of this. A shooter that could pull this off would have to be legendary. There would have to be a wheel-barrel full of magazines, and a person to hand off full magazines to the shooter who would have to change them out quickly. Carbon build-up would most likely jam the striker, the shooters finger would tire from pulling the trigger so many times. We were laughing about all the scenarios available to a father and son, but the idea Grayson puts forward is not funny as it serves the left to try to put forward gun-control.
What a crazy world, thanks to the obfuscation of facts and common sense by Democrats covering for radical terrorism. Obama got it WOEFULLY WRONG when he said this in his speech in response to this radical Islamic jihadi attack:
There was no assault weapon used in this attack. Sorry Charlie.