This is from POWERLINE:
(More on the end quotes author, Saul Bellow, HERE.)
Radically Dangerous Democrats!
The above is from MOONBATTERY, and notes some of the dangerous issues involved in the schools controlled by the left:
[fbvideo link=”” width=”695″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]
‘Racist!’: Trump Supporters Forced to Run ‘Gauntlet’ Through Aggressive, Violent Protesters (The Blaze)
Some protesters got aggressive at the end of the night as Trump supporters left Minneapolis fundraiser. @StarTribune
— Renee JonesSchneider (@reneejon) August 20, 2016
Above Video Description:
Dan Bongino explains with two examples (this being the first) about how Democrats ignore Federal Law when it suits their purposes, but then they demand that Republicans follow Federal Laws, such as Obamacare.
This is a great example because it shows a double-standard in a tyrannical way about laws passed (right or wrong) and how the left views freedom and government — which is merely to suit their “power” goals.
Above Video Description:
Dan Bongino explains with two examples (this being the second) about how Democrats impose restrictions on free speech when it suits their needs… often times with violence. This is a historical trend that in the past has led to heinous crimes against humanity.
The example shown in the audio is video of a Black Lives Matter woman using force and threat of violence to get her way against Milo Yiannopoulos and others. In leftist-Democrat-fairyland, this is acceptable… but sitting politely on stage and fielding dissenting questions is not.
The other issue Dan brings up is of the Westboro Baptists… apparently he is not aware that Fred Phelps and his wife were life-long Democrats. Fred Phelps even ran for office 5-times, each time as a Democrat.
I love Gay Patriot’s clear take on things. I hope all my conservative evangelical readers head over to support such clear thinking and thank him:
Here is the appearance of the Rebel Pundit guys on Hannity (Gateway Pundit h/t):
Here is the entire video from The Rebel Pundit:
See the video description below (also, here is the Urban Dictionary definition of DINDU):
The leftist ideology of “multiculturalism” is dividing Europe. Europe as well has become more secular over the decades… so you have generations of people removed from a “conserving” Western cultural advances via a Grecian/Judeo-Christian history and worldview. So with the rapes and violence (see a recent post of mine where there is video of women being forcefully drug into a subway — yes — to be raped [2nd video]) caused by an ideology that rejects the advances of Western society and a religious tradition that even Richard Dawkins says Christianity is a “bulwark against something worse.”
And so, this something worse includes Islam, of course, but, it also is a harbinger to other ingredients in a civilization headed towards a world war. And it is the children living in the vapors of freedom created by the Judeo-Christian “bulwark.” These secular believers want freedom… but do not know how to retain or advance it — outside of how Mussolini says to:
This energy is seen in movements ~ reactions to [rightly so] ~ these animals living by and wanting to impose on civilization an ideology from 600 A.D.
So we will see more headlines like these:
The secular man’s growing response to this growing threat will be — in the end — vicious, animalistic, based on a neo-Darwinian approach to ethics in survival…
and the rest of the world will be brought along for the ride. Tennyson said it best:
Brace yourselves… with Russia, Islamo-Fascism, Anarcho-Left Fascists, Obama [may be] running for General Secretary of the U.N. later in his career, and the current Pope… we may — I stress may — be living in a very violent age for the eschatology watchers. Keep in mind that I am not saying this is right or wrong… I am merely supplying how I see the cookies falling. R.J. Rummel’s work on what he terms “Democide” is that as a government gets larger [socialist, communist, fascist], there is a correlation in history to more of that governments people dying at its hands. This is what I see growing as well in the world… these large secular governments trying to implement a border-less Utopian ideal that will backfire in soo many ways. It will pit citizens against their government and governments against the reality of the world.
SeanG (AKA ~ Papa Giorgio)
(This is with a hat-tip to a friend, Tanner.) I loved this Front Page Magazine article (also in National Review) by David Horowitz, it reads in-part (I invite you to also read the CS LEWIS quotes after the excerpt):
My PREVIOUS POST on a Yale issue should be noted as well.
GAY PATRIOT has a post worth reading, here is a snippet from his slightly larger post:
POWERLINE once again notes:
Gay Patriot notes at the top that the left has “created a monster and It’s turned on them… the campus wars are about power, not justice” ~ This is something I have said for some time, and I see it as having two outcomes:
A wonderful post by Professor Thies ~ at Libertarian Republican ~ noting the impossibility of the various options outside the “one-male/one-female” classical view of marriage:
And from Gay Patriot: