Larry Elder Covers Some Aftermath of the Election

I clipped and reordered a tad some of “The Sage’s” insights on the happenings since Hillary lost the election. Great stuff. Long, but worth the listen. BTW, for a shorter “Grand Dragon” endorsement, see here.

(Picture from the Washington Times)

Spoiled and Brainwashed Children of the Left Who Hate Democracy

Dennis Prager uses the idea that children leaving school and then blocking traffic and getting involved with violence against property (rioting in other words) is a great example of the superiority of conservative ideals compared to the Left. Prager asks if any conservative parent would allow such a thing. A previous upload is similar.

The media as well has trouble with defining what a riot is. HOT AIR has a good story showing the difference.

For more clear thinking like this from Dennis Prager… I invite you to visit: ~ see also:

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Political intimidation ~ Fascist Left

Intimidation, harassment, and blackmail have become the norm in American politics. Why? Because it works. Kimberley Strassel, author of The Intimidation Game, explains.

Here is an earlier interview of Kimberly by Dennis Prager: In a wonderful interview with Kiberley Strassel, Dennis Prager asks away on some VERY important issues that we conservatives should be knowledgeable on. Namely how the Professional Left is using government to suppress political opposition to their view of life. The subject was so interesting I bought her book, “The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech.”

The Left Always Wants Control of the Media

This is from POWERLINE:


As I noted earlier this week, I give Kerry credit for this much. I think that the Kerry Solution represents a truth generally applicable to the Age of Obama. We would all be happier not knowing what is going on. Indeed, many of our fellow citizens live by the Kerry Solution with no effort at all. I wonder how many of the journalists who applauded Kerry (and their colleagues elsewhere) already live by it as well.


When it comes to Kerry himself, we should probably add the Bellow Proviso: “A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”

(More on the end quotes author, Saul Bellow, HERE.)

Radical Charter Schools – Not to Teach, But To Revolutionize

Radically Dangerous Democrats!

The above is from MOONBATTERY, and notes some of the dangerous issues involved in the schools controlled by the left:

….The first presentation included a quote from communist executioner Che Guevara: “The true Revolution is guided by a great feeling of love.” What these people mean by “love” is incomprehensible, but they are very clear that “revolution” is to be taken literally.

New teachers were presented with a slide that read: “Definition of Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. How do you see your work as this kind of revolution?”

One presenter talked about the 1967 Newark rioters, the ones who got 26 people killed, hundreds injured, and left a path of looting and destruction that affected thousands of lives for years, as being “part of the revolution” and the National Guardsmen who restored order as “oppressors.”

The teachers broke into small-group “decompression sessions” where the whites among them had to “own up” to their “white privilege.”

Finally, the conference ended with everyone standing in a giant circle with their fists in the air chanting “Love and Revolution” over and over again.

The control of education by the radical left has become an existential threat to America….

Unfiltered Violence From Hillary Clinton’s Crowds

[fbvideo link=”” width=”695″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]


‘Racist!’: Trump Supporters Forced to Run ‘Gauntlet’ Through Aggressive, Violent Protesters (The Blaze)

Two Examples of Democrat Lawlessness ~ The Renegade Republican

Above Video Description:

Dan Bongino explains with two examples (this being the first) about how Democrats ignore Federal Law when it suits their purposes, but then they demand that Republicans follow Federal Laws, such as Obamacare.

This is a great example because it shows a double-standard in a tyrannical way about laws passed (right or wrong) and how the left views freedom and government — which is merely to suit their “power” goals.

Above Video Description:

Dan Bongino explains with two examples (this being the second) about how Democrats impose restrictions on free speech when it suits their needs… often times with violence. This is a historical trend that in the past has led to heinous crimes against humanity.

The example shown in the audio is video of a Black Lives Matter woman using force and threat of violence to get her way against Milo Yiannopoulos and others. In leftist-Democrat-fairyland, this is acceptable… but sitting politely on stage and fielding dissenting questions is not.

The other issue Dan brings up is of the Westboro Baptists… apparently he is not aware that Fred Phelps and his wife were life-long Democrats. Fred Phelps even ran for office 5-times, each time as a Democrat.

For more of Dan Bongino’s stuff, see here:

✦ Conservative Review:
✦ His blog is here:
✦ Make sure to follow him on Twitter:

Venezuela is Feeling the “Bern”

I love Gay Patriot’s clear take on things. I hope all my conservative evangelical readers head over to support such clear thinking and thank him:

In 1999, Venezuela was taken over by Socialist who promised that he would punish big corporations and redistribute wealth to “the people” to provide health care, education, infrastructure, and even out income inequality. (Sound familiar?) The American Left cheered. Celebrities like Sean Penn and Danny Glover praised his Democratic Socialist economic measures. Chavez systematically nationalized the oil, banking, agricultural, food distribution, telecommunications, and power industries in Venezuela; because running them as social democratic communes would eliminate “greed” and give the people lower cost goods and services. The American Left praised him for “democratizing” the Venezuelan economy. When Chavez shut down opposition TV, radio, and newspapers the American Left defended it as necessary to protect the Revolution.

The American Left likes to pretend now that Venezuela isn’t a real example of Social Democracy; but up until the economy collapsed (as every sensible person knew it would) they were Chavez’s biggest cheerleaders, as the links above (or any Google search) shows.

When Hugo Chavez died, he left behind a personal fortune of nearly $4 Billion. Just sayin’

Anyway, the real legacy of Hugo Chavez is that the country with the second largest oil reserves in the Western Hemisphere can’t even keep the lights on.  But, Hey, it’s not their fault, you guys.

  • (Venezuelan President) Maduro blames the collapse on an “economic war” by capitalists.

Actually, it’s the economic war *on* capitalists that caused your problems, comrade….

(click over to sea what Maduro is legislating now)