FBI Finally Admits “GOP Shooter” Was A Domestic Terrorist

It took them long enough, but they finally admitted it after Christopher Wray (FBI head) laughably said it was a death by cop scenario — rather than an ideological Leftist shooting political adversaries Here is THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER

The FBI quietly admitted Friday that the 2017 Alexandria, Virginia, baseball field shooting that nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise has been classified as “domestic terrorism” carried out by a “domestic violent extremist” targeting Republicans after the bureau previously classified it as “suicide by cop.”

The revelation appears in the middle of an appendix on page 35 of a 40-page FBI-DHS report released on Friday titled “Security Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism.” In a section describing approximately 85 different “FBI-Designated Significant Domestic Terrorism Incidents in the United States from 2015 through 2019,” the Alexandria baseball field shooting appears, with the FBI categorizing the perpetrator as a “Domestic Violent Extremist” and describing the incident thusly: “An individual with a personalized violent ideology targeted and shot Republican members of Congress at a baseball field and wounded five people. The subject died as a result of engagement with law enforcement.”

In June 2017, James Hodgkinson, a man from Illinois who was living out of a van in Alexandria, opened fire at Eugene Simpson Stadium Park after asking GOP Rep. Jeff Duncan, who was leaving practice early, if the players were Republicans or Democrats. Hodgkinson struck Scalise in the hip, hit lobbyist Matt Mika in the chest, and injured two U.S. Capitol Police officers, Crystal Griner and David Bailey. Scalise nearly bled to death and required multiple surgeries before returning to Congress.

Hodgkinson, an avid liberal and supporter of Democratic presidential primary candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, was killed by law enforcement. He had posted on Facebook that “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” and joined other groups such as “Terminate The Republican Party” and “Join The Resistance Worldwide!!”…..

THE BLAZE notes a portion of the declassified FBI report:

  • An individual with a personal violent ideology targeted and shot Republican members of Congress at a baseball field and wounded five people. The subject died as a result of engagement with law enforcement.

Continuing, they also write:

  • The Republicans also noted that Hodgkinson had a “potential ‘hit list'” in his pocket. The names on that list were GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (Ohio), Mo Brooks (Ala.), Trent Franks (Ariz.), Morgan Griffith (Va.), Scott DesJarlais (Tenn.), and Jeff Duncan (S.C.).


… of the recent revelation by Director Wray that got common sense people saying WTF!? BYRON YORK (May 3rd)

….“On Nov. 16, 2017, the FBI briefed those of us who were at the field that day,” Wenstrup said at a House Intelligence Committee hearing featuring FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Much to our shock that day, the FBI concluded that this was a case of the attacker seeking suicide by cop.”

“We were just astonished,” Wenstrup told me in a recent conversation. “We just went, ‘What?’ I said, ‘There’s no way. If you want to commit suicide by cop, you just pull a gun on a cop.’”

Hodgkinson had obviously done much, much more than that. and the suicide by cop theory made even less sense in light of the fact that the Capitol Police who were at the baseball field that day — the security detail for Scalise, a member of the House leadership — were sitting in an unmarked vehicle, wearing plain clothes. Hodkinson would not have known they were police.

Wenstrup also noted that the FBI had not interviewed the members — the victims — in this case. They never interviewed Duncan, who had actually spoken to the shooter. “I asked (the FBI), ‘Who did you talk to?’” Wenstrup recalled. “They took my number, called me the next day. I called them back, and never heard from them again.”

At the hearing, Wenstrup noted that, “Both the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published products labeling this attack as a domestic violent extremism event specifically targeting Republican members of Congress. The FBI did not. The FBI still has not.”

Now, in light of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, which is widely referred to as domestic terrorism, Wenstrup wonders what the FBI was doing. The attack “could have been a massacre,” Wenstrup noted. “The attacker may have believed he could change the balance of power in the U.S. House of Representatives in one morning.”


The unanswered question in all this is why the FBI, at the time under the leadership of acting Director Andrew McCabe, did what it did. Even at that time, the bureau was warning Americans of the danger posed by domestic terrorists. and yet the FBI refused to publicly recognize a clear act of domestic terrorism. Was some sort of Trump-era bias involved? Was it bureaucratic infighting? Something else? It’s time the victims in the case — and also the country as a whole — got some answers.


Katy Tur’s Tweet About Democrat Violence and Insurrection

I thought this Twitter response[s] tp Katy Tur was excellent (TWITCHY)… and it seems like people forget the past easily (when Democrats are involved):



Just a reminder of past events where Democrats praised offices being taken over.

A long montage (8-minutes), but the key point is the first few minutes of the longer montage.

This video is from Larry’s YouTube Channel. At the end of his small montage I add video of a larger call to violence by [hypocritical] Democrats.

Democrats for 4-years say Trump is illegitimated.

I use an excerpt of Matt Gaetz floor speech from the 6th (January 2021), and combine it with Dinesh D’Souza’s RUMBLE upload

American Fascists: A Bill Whittle Flashback

Left/right, Progressive/Conservative, Democrat/Republican… The names change and evolve but the core difference remains constant: The Collectivists vs. The Individualists. In his latest FIREWALL, but shows how violence, disruption and intimidation have always been the tools of the Collectivists. This is not about Donald Trump, no matter how much they want you to believe it.

Antifa Exposed By Ex-Neo Nazi (Clarion Project)

Violence cannot be the answer. Anti-fascist must also mean anti-violence. History has proven that anti-fascists like Stalin and Chairman Mao have led to obsessive violence and caused huge losses of life against their own people. Is this what Marxists inspired Antifa aspires to be?

The MSM and Democrats Are Calling For Unity (LOLZ)

(Just some reminders of how I am — and those Trump voters — are thought about by many) After more than 4-years of relentless attacks on Trump and those who voted for him (me)… calling us NAZI’s, racists, bigots, and the like — now the MSM and Democrats are calling for unity. Really?

Here is a small sample of what NEWSBUSTERS could probably have posted but chose just a few examples: “The Media’s ‘Unity’ Chickens From 2016 Coming Home to Roost”

….After spending four years assailing Donald Trump, suddenly the media wants to give peace a chance. Fox’s Greg Gutfeld astutely observed this the other night on Fox’s The Five. Said Greg:

GREG GUTFELD: “It’s like a miracle! The media and Democrats converge on one message! It’s time to just move on. Time to heal! Here’s how the president-elect and some in the liberal media described it over the weekend: 

JOE BIDEN ON SATURDAY: This is the time to heal in America!

CNN ANCHOR DON LEMON: America needed a release valve at that moment. Finally, the relief came.

MSNBC ON SUNDAY: We’re getting decency back in our country.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: [It’s] a time to heal America but a time to heal the world as well.”

And I would add The Washington Post’s columnist Alexandra Petri headlined her post-election column this way: “It’s time to unite, but if it’s not too big a bother, could you accept the results?”

Then there’s MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough: “It’s time for us to take a deep breath and move forward.” 

Really? Really? These media figures and oh so many more want us to “unite”, “heal” and “accept the results”?

Let’s take a look back at the media’s idea of healing and moving on over the last four years after the 2016 election won by President Trump.

Here is CNN’s Brian Stelter in 2019 as reported by The Daily Caller

“CNN’s Brian Stelter speculated Sunday on President Donald Trump’s mental health and called for more media coverage of the issue.

‘So something is wrong,’ Stelter said in the opening monologue of his show, Reliable Sources.

‘There are lots of theories about what it is. There are some doctors who think they know,’ he said. ‘Others say we shouldn’t speculate. There are ethical questions about having this conversation at all, but we can’t tiptoe around it anymore. We’ve got to talk about this.’”

Here is CNN’s Chris Cuomo in 2019 interviewing Kayleigh McEnany: The President, he said, is “patently racist.”

Here is New York Times columnist David Leonhardt: “Just Say It: Trump Is a Racist”

Here is The Washington Post headline on an Op-Ed by one Erika Lee, the director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota. “Trump’s xenophobia is an American tradition — but it doesn’t have to be

Here is The Washington Post on January 20, 2017 at 12:27 pm – a mere 27 minutes after Trump was sworn into office. “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.” 

Here is the editorial board of The New York Times on February 17, 2017, 29 days after Trump was inaugurated: “Bring On the Special Prosecutor.” 

Got all that? The media spent their time after Trump was elected demanding a special prosecutor and impeachment, calling the president mentally unstable, a racist, xenophobic and more. They were utterly unwilling to accept the 2016 results, and made it their mission to overturn those results in whatever way feasible.

One could go on and on and on with examples like this from the mainstream media over the last four years.

And now they demand Americans come together in a kumbaya moment?

Somehow, in someway, I suspect the answer from most if not all 70-plus million Trump voters will listen to all this be a resounding, decidedly emphatic no.

Or put another way? I suspect that the liberal media’s last four years of chickens are about to come home to roost.


  • Liberal Opponents ‘Trashed’ Trump’ s Presidential Transition In 2016 (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • Democrats Labeled Me and Now They Want Unity? No Way (TOWNHALL)
  • How Do Democrats Dare Demand Unity Now? (LIBERTY NATION)
  • Dear Democrats: Here’s What You Can Do With Your Unity Candle (PJ-MEDIA)
  • Biden And Dems’ Version Of ‘Healing And Unity’ Means Bowing To Their Policies (WASHINGTON TIMES)
  • ‘Unity’ Is the Carrot and the Schtick of Democrats (AMERICAN GREATNESS)


LARRY ELDER notes some of the “unity” proffered by Democrats:

Yes, nearly all polls show Biden ahead both nationally and in the battleground states. Imagine where Trump would rank in the polls but for the constant, relentless negative media coverage and deranged opposition that would have suffocated the average politician. Nearly one-third of the Democratic caucus boycotted Trump’s inaugural address. Several Democrats never attended a single State of the Union speech.

Immediately after Trump’s election, Democrats attempted to invoke the 25th amendment, arguing that the real-estate-developer-turned-politician lacked the mental fitness to hold a job. To counter this perception, Trump allowed his personal physician to hold a press conference to assure the country and the world that yes, this man is actually sane.

For nearly three years, a special counsel investigated thin and, in retrospect, virtually baseless allegations of collusion, conspiracy and/or coordination with Russia to win the election and to then, presumably, become a Russian stooge. Critics called Trump “soft on Russia.”

Never mind that it was the Obama administration that, to curry favor with the Iranians and Russians, turned its back on missile agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic negotiated during the previous administration. At the beginning of the Obama administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced their “reset” policy, a major policy redirection to change what President Barack Obama perceived as President George W. Bush’s dangerously hawkish relationship with Russia.

It was Obama who, during the 2012 presidential debate, ridiculed opponent Mitt Romney for calling Russia our biggest geopolitical threat. It was Obama who, on a “hot mic,” told then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, “This is my last election … After my election, I have more flexibility” to negotiate a missile defense treaty between our two countries.

Oh, and Trump was impeached on grounds so weak that neither Biden nor running mate Sen. Kamala Harris even bring up impeachment while campaigning….

AMERICAN SPECTATOR has a great post I will clip the numbered portion of:

You want unity? That’s fair. We will give you unity:

1. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and deny the legitimacy of the 2020 election for the next four years.

2. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and investigate the Biden family’s every business dealing at home and abroad.

3. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and question Biden’s mental fitness to hold office.

4. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and question Biden’s physical fitness to hold office.

5. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and blame Biden for every person who dies from the coronavirus.

6. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and blame Biden personally for every Black person who is shot anywhere in America.

7. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and never stop publicizing that Biden has been accused of grabbing a woman’s crotch against her will.

8. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and emphasize that, any time a woman makes a claim of sexual harassment against Biden, she must be believed.

9. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and continue publicizing that Kamala Harris, like Evita Perón, slept her way into public life.

10. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and remind people that, no less than Stormy Daniels, Kamala Harris was a public figure’s mistress.

11. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and accuse Biden of treason for consorting with enemies like the wife of the Moscow mayor, who gave the Bidens $3.5 million, the Chinese who put the Bidens on their payroll, and the Ukrainians of Burisma.

12. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and investigate the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and if and when those photos can be released, they will be distributed to the tune of Maurice Chevalier’s “Thank Heaven for Little Girls.”

13. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and demand that Biden condemn racism, anti-Semitism, and misogyny every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year.

14. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and remind the American public that, even with dead people casting votes for Biden — Democrats just dying to oust Trump — and with Republican poll watchers kept outside of range in the counting rooms of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin; and with mail ballots without postmarks being accepted after election deadlines … Biden still did not receive 50 percent of the vote, so lacks the mandate that would have come from winning support from at least a majority of the living electorate.

15. In unity with you, and to advance the national healing, we humbly will acknowledge that Biden indeed won the coveted Obituary Vote, as Democrats, shrouded amid grave circumstances, emerged furtively from their plot to flock in from their cemeteries and mausolea to cast ballots for the candidate to whom they most related in style and substance — and the the one with the most skeletons in the closet. Biden knew how to urn every dead voter’s ballot by invoking the ultimate rule of social distancing: every extra needed Democrat vote must come from a distance of six feet … under. Perhaps on Memorial Day, Biden will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Voter.

16. In unity with you, we will follow your example of the past four years and will work to disrupt and slow down every cabinet appointment and every nomination that requires Senate advice and consent. However, we will make one small exception and will not impeach. Just as Richard Nixon knew precisely what he was doing when he made Spiro Agnew his running mate (aka his life insurance policy), so did Biden by running with his.

The Media and Politicians Lie (Breonna Taylor the Latest Example)

BTW, I do not believe the theory proffered by Tucker about rich people covering their growing wealth: “Rich Get Poorer | Poor Get Richer (+More Mantras Destroyed)” I assume Tucker was using the rhetoric of the Left…. if you believe this [the the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer], what is the motive of the rich funding your violence?

The rage mob doesn’t care about justice, no matter what they scream. They want blood. So with the encouragement of our leaders, they unleashed violence on Louisville. They set fires and destroyed businesses. Then, to the surprise of no one, they opened fire on the police.

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=658890098376992&extid=VJYalg0yZX9sAq0t” width=”691″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

9 In 10 Voters Say Civil Unrest A Key Issue


This from WEASEL ZIPPERS [via The Hill]:

The vast majority of voters in a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill say they believe civil unrest will be an important issue in the November election.

More than 9 in 10 voters surveyed in the poll, 92 percent, said they thought the issue would be important in the presidential campaign and election, including 52 percent who called it “very important” and 40 percent who viewed it as “somewhat important.” The survey was released Friday.

I bet some of these New Yorkers will vote Republican for the first time in their lives:

NPR BIAS: Armstrong & Getty (Bonus Material Added)

(A&G end at the 2:20 mark, and the bonus material runs to the 8:36 mark where A&G pick back up) (The thumbnail is of Aaron Danielson [left], the murdered Trump supporter) Armstrong and Getty discuss a recent NPR news story that was quite biased (no surprise there). I added some bonus video detailing the Leftist proclivity towards violence.

Pam Keith’s “Hit Card” (Democrat’s Violent Past)

(This is with a hat-tip to Santa Clarita Community Watchdog Group — a Facebook group) In a post on Facebook I came across this linked article to LAW ENFORCEMENT TODAY discussing a Democrat politician from Florida’s 18th Congressional district apparently putting out a “hit list” against Republicans. Here is a portion of that article:

Politics is hardly ever pretty when it comes for folks racing toward an election, and thus that means the election for Florida’s 18th congressional district is not immune from the likes of nasty rhetoric from people trying to get a seat at the table.

But when you have people calling for an “open season” for killing your political opponents, then that is where a line has been crossed.

The person who crafted a hypothetical call for murdering the likes of President Trump, Roger Stone and AG Bill Barr is Pam Keith. This Democrat is vying to land Florida’s congressional seat for the 18th district, but a Twitter post dating back to June 10th  of this year puts her disturbing mindset on full display:

“GOP: Yeah he’s dead. But it’s not a big deal because he was a “bad guy.” Is that REALLY the new rule they want? Killing is OK if it’s a “bad guy?” Is it now open season on: Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Gates, Cohen, Trump, Barr, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski, Bolton, Pompeo, Papadopolous, Parscale.”

NATIONAL REVIEW is the original source for the LET article and notes the political struggle in that district, writing that “The race between Mast and Pam Keith for Florida’s 18th district is now considered a toss up by the Niskanen Center.” Continuing they note:

The district has swung Republican since 2016, however Keith represents a first major challenge to Mast’s tenure.

Mast is a veteran of the Afghanistan War, where he lost both legs after a bomb exploded under him. Keith is herself a former judge in the Navy, and is an African American who has voiced support for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairwoman Cheri Bustos has said of Keith, “Pam has never backed down from fighting for what’s right. She’s running for Congress to put an end to the petty partisanship that gets in the way of delivering results for Floridians.” However, Keith is not one of the candidates listed as part of the organization’s “Red to Blue” campaign to flip Republican-held districts.

With a competitive election on the horizon, focus has shifted to both candidates’ social media history. Keith was the subject of a profile in the Washington Post on Friday which did not mention her more controversial posts…..

Of course if this were a Republican, WaPo would have included those “controversial” posts. All this led to a humorous aside:


This made me think of a connection to the Democrat Party’s historical past. Here is my comment on that part of the group on Facebook:

You know, this reminds me of something from the Democrats past. What this is is a “hit card” that the violent arm [the KKK] of the Democrat Party use to carry around with them. They would use it as an identifier to kill or harass members of the “radical group” (Republicans who thought color did not matter) in order to affect voting outcomes. While we hear of the lynchings of black persons (who did make up a larger percentage of lynchings), there were quite a few white “radicals” lynched for supporting the black vote and arming ex-slaves. It is also ironic that the current Democrat melee is focused on racial differences.

I could go on, but I won’t.

Here is a short video discussing the matter:

  • virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” — Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
  • not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” — Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.

Point of No Return? Thomas Sowell

Here is the intro via PJ-MEDIA:

Thomas Sowell appeared with Mark Levin on the July 12 episode of Life, Liberty, and Levin to talk about his new book and to share his opinion on the push to fight “systemic racism” in America. Sowell told Levin that he fears America is approaching a point of no return, and that too many Americans have caved in to those attacking the country as systemically racist. Of the term systemic racism, Sowell said, “It really has no meaning that can be specified and tested in the way that one tests hypotheses.”

Right off the bat, Levin asked Sowell about the rioting that has gone on nightly in America since the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police. “I’m regarded as pessimistic,” Sowell said, “but I was never pessimistic enough to believe that things would degenerate to the point where they are now, where adult human beings are talking about getting rid of the police what is frightening is how many people in responsible positions are caving in to every demand that is made, repeating any kind of nonsense that you’re supposed to repeat. I do believe that we may well reach a point of no return. I hope, of course, that will never happen.”

Of the term “systemic racism,” Sowell told Levin it reminds him of Joseph Goebbels. “It does remind me of the propaganda tactics of Joseph Goebbels in the age of the Nazis,” he said. “He was supposed to have said, people will believe any lie if it’s repeated long enough and loud enough. And that’s what we’re getting. It’s one of many words that even the people who use it don’t have any idea what they’re saying. Their premise is served by having other people cave in.”…….