“One of the great non sequiturs of the left is that, if the free market doesn’t work perfectly, then it doesn’t work at all-and the government should step in.” — Thomas Sowell
No really! The Russian jeep carrying the ashes of the late Cuban leader
Fidel Castro broke down and had to be pushed for a period on Saturday.
- 3-Questions Liberals Never Ask (EXTENDED VIDEO)
- 10 Myths About Government Debt
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- Are Regulations Causing Pain at the Pump? (PragerU)
- Concepts: “What Does ‘Free’ Mean?” (Smaller Government)
- California Has Debt, Not Surplus
- California’s Unfunded Liabilities
- Can the Government Run the Economy? (PragerU)
- Capitalism Works (See Video)
- Corporations Pay ZERO% In Taxes
- Crony Capitalism ~ What Is It
- Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share? (PragerU)
- Does the Minimum Wage Prevent Poverty? (PragerU)
- Free Enterprise Is About Morals, Not Materialism
- Food Stamp Mantra[s] from Democrats Rebutted
- Game of Loans (PragerU)
- Gender-Gaps, The Peace Index, and Happiest Countries
- Gender Wage-Gap Myths
- Gender Wage-Gap Debunked ~ yet again (PragerU)
- Greedy Rich Stuff Mattresses with Their Money
- Hayek vs. Keynes
- Housing Crisis of 2008 Revisited
- How Regulations Hurt Small Businesses (PragerU)
- How This Government Agency Hurts Us All (PragerU)
- How to Solve America’s Spending Problem (PragerU)
- I Pencil ~ The Invisible Hand
- Income Inequality is Good (PragerU)
- Is Capitalism Moral? (PragerU)
- Is the Unemployment Rate Lying to You? (PragerU)
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- Military Spending ~ We Spend More On It Than Education and Health
- Milton Freidman on the Phil Donahue Show – “Greed” (VIDEO)
- Money in Politics (PragerU)
- Myths, Lies and Capitalism (PragerU)
- Poverty Causes Terrorism?
- Price Gouging During Emergencies | Are There Benefits?
- Private Sector vs. Public Sector (PragerU)
- Profits Are Progressive (PragerU)
- Quantitative Easing (Inflation)
- Rich and Greedy Republicans Influencing Politics
- Rich Get Poorer ~and~ Poor Get Richer (+More Mantras Destroyed)
- [Evil] Rich HIDE Their Money
- TAX THE RICH! (Plus: CEO Pay vs. Worker Pay)
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- The Bigger the Government… (PragerU)
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- Trickle Down Economics Myth
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- Zero Sum Myth
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- Democratic Socialism is Still Socialism (PragerU)
- How’s Socialism Doing in Venezuela? (PragerU)
- How Socialism Ruined My Country (PragerU)
- Immigrants! Don’t Vote for What You Fled (PragerU)
- Jamie Foxx | Plus: Caller From Caracas, Venezuela (Audio)
- John Stossel vs. Noam Chomsky on Venezuela (Video)
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- Scandinavian Socialism
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- Should Government Bail Out Big Banks? (PragerU)
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- Socialism’s Failure (Professor DiLorenzo)
- Socialism Makes People Selfish (PragerU)
- The Venezuela Diet! (Video)
- Viva La Venezuela! (Video)
- What’s Wrong with Socialism? (Prager University Videos)
- Who Is Karl Marx (PragerU)
- Why “Democratic” Socialism Doesn’t Work (Video)
Dennis Prager Series – Left vs. Right:
- How Big Should Government Be?
- Does it Feel Good or Does it Do Good?
- How Do You Judge America?
- How Do You Deal With Painful Truths?
- How Do We Make Society Better?
MINIMUM WAGE (>>> Main Page <<<)
What happens when politicians decide they are in a better position than business owners to know how much workers should be paid? We don’t have to guess. Cities like Seattle and New York have already done so with their $15/hour minimum wage mandates. Simone Barron, a lifelong restaurant worker, recounts how “helping” her impacted her wallet, her career, and her life.
Corporations can absorb this “do-goodism”, small business owners cannot!
“Any Econ 101 student can tell you the answer: ‘The higher wage reduces
the quantity of labor demanded, and hence leads to unemployment’.”
(Larry Elder)
- $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Backfiring on Workers? (Video)
- $15 Minimum Wage: What We Can Expect | Forbes (Video)
- Applebees Franchisee On Min Wage Impact (Video | TownHall)
- Dunkin Donuts vs. Minimum Wage (Audio)
- Former McDonald’s CEO Ed Rensi Speaks About Minimum Wage
- Gutfeld: Seattle’s minimum wage hike failures (Video)
- How Does the Minimum Wage Work? (PragerU)
- How High Would You Make the Minimum Wage? We Asked L.A. Residents (Video)
- How the Minimum Wage Hurts Young People (PragerU)
- Is Raising Minimum Wage A Bad Idea? – Learn Liberty (Video)
- John Stossel – Minimum Wage, Maximum Folly (Video)
- John Stossel – The Politics of Income (Video)
- L.A.’s Garment Dist vs. Left-Coast Values (Audio)
- L.A.’s Minimum Wage Law Hurts Poor/Middle-Class People
- Larry Elder Discusses $15 Minimum Wage (Audio)
- Liberal Bias at the L.A. Times and Minimum Wage Debates ~ Michael Hiltzik & David Neumark (Audio)
- McDonald’s & The Minimum Wage (Video)
- Minimum Wage and Automated Kiosks (Audio)
- Minimum Wage Basics
- Minimum Wage Realities
- Minimum Wage and Regulations Killing L.A.’s Garment District
- Neumark/Wascher Bitch Slap Card/Krueger
- Ontario minimum wage increase “not about helping poor people” (Video)
- Popeye’s CEO on $15 minimum wage (Video)
- The “Card-Krueger” Study Debunked
- The Cruelty of the $15 Minimum Wage (Video)
- The Fifteen Dollar Minimum Wage is NONSENSE (Video)
- What’s the Right Minimum Wage? (PragerU)
- White Castle vs. New York Values (Audio)
See more on their website, HERE.
TeXaS vs CaLiFORNia
- America’s Future: California Or Texas? If California Is America’s Future, Then That Future Is Overrun With Poverty
- What is the cost of living difference between Texas and California?
- Texas v. California: The Real Facts Behind The Lone Star State’s Miracle
- California Wins ‘Worst State to do Business’ for 11th Year
- ‘Two-States of California’- Victor Davis Hanson at American Freedom Alliance (Video)