Why Free Enterprise Is About Morals, Not Materialism

This first video is a presentation by Arthur Brooks, author of books such as,

This is a moral argument, not a materialist one:

This is a special Serious Saturday, and I will post the videos I liked from AEI’s gallery from their contest. These are very short, maybe 2 minutes long at the most, and they must explain one of the following three ideas:

  • Free enterprise promotes earned success, which is the substance of lasting happiness.
  • Free enterprise promotes real fairness, based on merit and hard work.
  • Free enterprise does the most good for the most vulnerable by supplying both ample charity and unmatched opportunity.


Left v. Right

For the serious minded, here is a long debate between Arthur C. Brooks and Jim Wallace at Wheaton College:

  • On October 28, 2010, AEI president Arthur Brooks joined Sojourners CEO Jim Wallis for a conversation about the morality of free enterprise. The event was moderated by Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson and held on the campus of Wheaton College (IL) in front of an audience of 1200 students, faculty, and community members.