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The title could have been called, “Heroes vs. Zeroes” — in other words, if Milo was a Leftist… he very well may be the apple of the Left’s eye.
Milo Yiannopoulos has said some things in the past that has caused consternation (and rightly so). This got his dissented to C-PAC. But honestly, what should have got him NOT invited in the first place is his repeated admission he is not a conservative. (The latest time was his appearance on the Bill Maher Show.) In case you missed it, C-PAC stands for CONSERVATIVE Political Action Conference.
Here is the offending comment from an old documentary:
Later Milo tried to correct what he says was his unclear language:
- I did say that there are relationships between younger men and older men that can help a young gay man escape from a lack of support or understanding at home. That’s perfectly true and every gay man knows it. But I was not talking about anything illegal and I was not referring to pre-pubescent boys. (Young Conservatives)
(See his full apology HERE.)
In the gay community this is an issue. Years ago one of my favorite gay authors I follow and read, Tammy Bruce, noted:
Likewise, another gay commentator/professor noted, without exception every gay person she knows has issues from their childhood. She goes on to say that the natural default is heterosexuality, and that being gay is fighting nature. One commentator goes on to note that,
- Ms. Paglia reminds us that within homosexual circles there still exist some critics with clear minds, capable of rational thought, and the ability to express such critical thought clearly, coherently, and entertainingly. (iDolphin)
In a gay private group on Facebook for gays, their friends and family to meet and discuss various topics, I asked a question relating to if the men had homosexual encounters as a young, prepubescent boy with an older family member or some other acquaintance. Almost all the me did. One gay man I worked with was very public about it. Another close gay friend was private bout the issue but confirmed that he had an older family member molest him, repeatedly.
George Takei, of Star Trek fame, is very public about a 19-year old molesting him at camp when he was thirteen-years-old.
Mind you, while this equation may be the norm [abuse of some sort], there are acceptations that I think Camille Paglia’s commentary fits well with:
Even the gay Leftist hero, Harvey Milk was a victim of this and continued his victimization of other boys. GAY PATRIOT notes this in his quick response to the Milo thingy, saying that Milk [a hero] actually did what Milo merely mentioned:
Before getting to more about Harvey Milk, I wanted to note that it is the progressive Left that is all about promoting pedophilia. From Obama’s school czar, Kevin Jennings, to the Left’s marches on Washington — of which, here are a couple examples I note in my post on PEDOPHILIA:
You see, this is why Salon Magazine promoted this sickness ~ U-N-T-I-L THAT IS ~ Milo was caught speaking from the truth of a sizable portion of the gay community. Leftists are now stuck between a rock and a hard place. SALON hates Trump soo much that is scrubbed it’s site from previous articles supporting pedophilia in order to clear a path to attack Milo [a perceived conservative]. TWITCHY says it all in their headline:
Will they scrub praises for Harvey Milk, and the many famously gay-Leftists who took advantage of boys? Or icons of the Left that abused underage girls? I somehow doubt it.
Here is more on Milk:
GAY PATRIOT hit the nail on the head years back when he VtheK noted that since “marriage is no longer about creating a stable environment for children, and has become (and this mainly the fault of heterosexual liberals) about personal fulfillment, validation, and access to social benefits, there literally is no constraint on how much more broadly it can be redefined.”
If “love-is-love,” then the Professional Left has a Mack Truck with a payload of reality headed their way.
One last note. The Left has for YEARS denied what everyone knows, that in the gay (esp. male) community, there is an abuse of younger boys… because the male sexual nature by default wants variety, and wants it often. I will explain a bit more with a portion of a letter I wrote to a cyber-friend whom had announced that he was gay (it actually turned out his Facebook was hacked):
Yep, mature men need to fight their nature. But this denial of the issues discussed above by the Left has harmful consequences for children. For instance, in a few states now it is against the law for teachers or school counselors to even begin to suspect anything wrong with a young child starting to exhibit behaviors that they are now told they must accept as the child being “gay.” In other words, if a 9-year old (whatever-age) boy starts to show some effeminate activity, this may very well be the boy trying to cope with sexual abuse in the home by a family member or someone the family knows. It is the natural way a male child will act out.
But this type of reasoning, found for instance in California’s Assembly Bill 1266 (as well as Senate Bill 1172), signed into law by Jerry Brown, ties the hands of counselors to deal with an obvious sign of abuse. I gave some links above, but here are some excerpts from a few studies, controlled as well as anecdotal:
But schools are not allowed to ask questions in the most liberal states that start from the idea that a boy (or girl) shouldn’t be acting out like this. If a boy acts out violently because that is how he is internalizing the issue, a counselor can probe… if a boy starts to act effeminately because that is how this particular boy is internalizing it — hands off! In fact, the school must enable such feelings.
THIS is a great example for when Dennis Prager says “everything the Left touches it destroys.” This includes buffers to protect children from the most heinous crimes against them. AGAIN, this puts them [Leftists] between a rock and a hard place… do they acknowledge that such abuse exists and thus through therapy gay men and women can deal with the abuse of their past — and become heterosexual again? Like any therapy helps victims of violence. Or do they wholly reject this idea of childhood abuse in the gay community (while simultaneously speaking about male priests who are gay abusing boys) and cover-up any deleterious affects on all genders who are sexually abused at such a young age?
BTW, dealing with a destructive abusive past works even for transgender persons.