Larry Elder LAYS INTO the hypocritical Left and their constant “selective outrage” on issues important to the American people. This is Larry at his best, with his keen mind and memory laying bare the Left’s tendency to make the trivial seem important and the important seem trivial.
Double Standards – It Depends On Who Is In Office
Larry Elder nails down some double standards that Democrats enjoy and the media perpetuates. Larry zeros in on an example using Oprah Winfrey and a Larry King interview of Donald Trump. I include near the end Larry and Professor John Eastman discussing the topic as well.
Hollywood’s Hypocrisy At Large
HOTAIR notes the following HOLLYWOOD REPORTER piece:
Democrat and Hollywood Hypocrisy – Harvey Weinstein
Larry Elder takes us on a Democrat infested mine-field courtesy of Harvey Weinstein. For more on the mentioned “Nuts or Sluts defense,” see Larry’s detailed explanation HERE. And more anti-woman positions by Hillary, see HERE.
Gay Patriot grabs this excerpt to point to how good of a progressive Weinstein was….
In 2015, [Weinstein’s] company distributed “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about campus sexual assault. A longtime Democratic donor, he hosted a fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton in his Manhattan home last year. He employed Malia Obama, the oldest daughter of former President Barack Obama, as an intern this year, and recently helped endow a faculty chair at Rutgers University in Gloria Steinem’s name. During the Sundance Film Festival in January, when Park City, Utah, held its version of nationwide women’s marches, Mr. Weinstein joined the parade.
- Weinstein sexual harassment controversy exposes Hollywood’s double standard (LA Times)
- Yashar Ali calls Michael Moore OUT for being a silent COWARD about Harvey Weinstein! (Twitchy)
- ‘Your Silence Is Deafening’: Oscar-Winning Actresses Who Worked with Harvey Weinstein Stay Quiet on Sexual Harassment Claims (Breitbart)
- Lisa Bloom Resigns As Weinstein’s Adviser As A-List Actresses Like Meryl Streep Remain Silent (HotAir)
- How Hollywood has reacted to Weinstein allegations (CNN)
- The Week In Pictures: That Sorry Time Of Year Edition (Powerline)
Kathy Griffin’s Jihad (Plus Flashbacks)
(POWERLINE >>) Remember how Sarah Palin was blamed for the Gabby Giffords shooting because her Facebook page featured “targets” over congressional districts Republicans wanted to pick up in the next election, and President Obama’s subsequent speech calling for more “civility” in our political discourse? Yeah, apparently that’s another liberal theme with an expiration date. Always worth remembering that if liberals didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.
These tolerant, peace loving Democrats seem to call for the killing of Republicans often. Here is another comedian posting a horrid scenario:
Of course, in similar fashion to the spoofed video above… people got to work to “bagging” Lopez… but this runs counter to the CLAIMS of the Left but fits perfectly with the HISTORY of the Left:
- Joe Scarborough: “You can draw a straight line from Republican candidates thinking that sort of behavior is okay when you have Donald Trump berating reporters, throughout the entire campaign, suggesting terrible things, calling them – using the Stalinist term ‘enemy of the people.’ A term so offensive even in the Soviet Union that Khrushchev outlawed it after Stalin died…This is not a big leap from what the head of the Republican Party is saying every day and what happened last night in Montana.”
- Don Lemon: Mr. Lemon suggested that Mr. Gianforte’s behavior is somehow linked to the “guy who’s in office now” who has “said very horrible things about reporters and has said that the reporters are the enemy of the American people.” | Mr. Dennard disagreed, stating plainly, “No, Don.” | “That has nothing to do with anything?” Mr. Lemon continued. “That people feel that they can get away with it, because I don’t believe that you actually believe that. There’s no way you believe what you’re saying.
Chelsea Handler vs. Chelsea Handler
YOUNG CONSERVATIVES discusses Chelsea Handler’s rhetoric:
CHICKS ON THE RIGHT also weighs in:
BOOM! Free Association For Powerful Liberals Only?
Thank you REASON for this, h-t to professor George:
Peaceful Transitions (John and Ken)
THE FEDERALIST notes how the following liberals are outraged at Trump’s statements… but have rejected results or called them into question in the past:
When Trump claims the system is rigged, he’s a crazy conspiracy theorist.
When Dems claim it’s rigged, they’re paragons of wisdom.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 18, 2016
See more examples:
- Flashback: Gore Refuses To Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘To Ensure All The Votes Are Counted’
- Last week Hillary agreed that Gore ‘won’ 2000 election
- Newsweek: Hillary Clinton to Crowd at Fund-Raiser in Los Angeles: Bush Was ‘Selected’ President, Not Elected; Says Bush’s Machine Has Raised Far More Money to ‘Ruin the Reputations of Our Candidates’
- John Kerry Thinks Bush Rigged The 2004 Election
The “Obama Boner” Heard Around the World
He purposely flaunts his erection toward the females… you can see one woman walk away disgusted at Obama’s behavior. I bet the woman laughing in the recording is self-righteously attacking Trump’s behavior while idolizing Soetoro. This is also a great example of media bias. This video is from 2008… it was hid to protect the Democrat, the Trump audio was used to attack the Republican.
Video Description:
- President Obama showing off his erection to giggling female reporters. 2008 video by CNN surfaces Obama showing off his erection. President Obama sexually harasses female staff. Obama exposes himself while having erection. Obama boner.
Larry Elder Dives Into Trump’s Taxes
Larry Elder destroys the Democrats talking points on Trump not paying taxes. Like I have said before this is not an argument against Trump but an argument against the progressive tax system as currently in our tax law code.
Clinton Cash (Movie) and Campaign Donor List! [+ More]
The following is with a h-t to YOUNG CONSERVATIVES, and comes by way of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!
Take note that if you combine the above with this… you have in the Democratic Party EVERYTHING the Republicans are accused of. An example:
From maligning and subverting others in the race (GOP or Democrat), from taking bribes, to making bribes… what has happened here in the primary is a giant leap ahead of what Democrats accuse George Bush of doing in Florida. Florida is chicken feed to what was revealed from these leaked DNC emails. On the DNC Convention floor, Bernie signs were confiscated, they censored the California delegation with “white noise speakers” and “reserving” the seats. It is worth noting that the woman behind this original censoring in the leaked DNC emails, stepped down because of this activity… to only be immediately hired by Hillary’s campaign. I would also posit that this almost Orwellian censoring at the Democrat Convention has Debbie Wasserman Schultz finger prints all over it.
Republicans are rightly called “the stupid party” (read here Donald Trump) and the Democrats are called “the evil party” (read here Hillary Clinton).
I would rather be part of the Stupid Party.
Hypocrites in the Church ~ Conversation “from the Pit”
“We are all fallen creatures and all very hard to live with.” — C.S. Lewis
I wanted to update my earlier post with this from Andy Bannister (great book BTW) and STAND TO REASON’S clear insight… BEFORE getting to my original post. Enjoy:
(Originally posted September 6th, 2007)
This was a conversation with a very nice lady from work who wanted to discuss Christianity but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) get pass this point of hypocrites in the church. This wasn’t in conversation with me, but another Christian in my place of work and he asked me for a response and understanding on how to answer such a challenge. I mentioned that the best answer/response that was honest and forthright was one I read in a book by an ex-atheist, Reasons for Believing: A Seekers Guide to Christianity (emphasis added). At a later date the woman and I discussed the topic in the “Pit,” which is the specialty cubicle at Whole Foods:
This last point is an important one. Many point fingers to the followers, when, the character of the founder of the religion in question is what we are after — ultimately.
~ 33-minutes long ~
For Christ claimed something that no other founder of a world religion has. That is: to be Creator of the space/time continuum who loves us soo much that He willingly was led to the cross. This is a love story that is missing from all other religious narratives.
The nine founders among the eleven living religions in the world had characters which attracted many devoted followers during their own lifetime, and still larger numbers during the centuries of subsequent history. They were humble in certain respects, yet they were also confident of a great religious mission. Two of the nine, Mahavira and Buddha, were men so strong-minded and self-reliant that, according to the records, they displayed no need of any divine help, though they both taught the inexorable cosmic law of Karma. They are not reported as having possessed any consciousness of a supreme personal deity. Yet they have been strangely deified by their followers. Indeed, they themselves have been worshipped, even with multitudinous idols.
All of the nine founders of religion, with the exception of Jesus Christ, are reported in their respective sacred scriptures as having passed through a preliminary period of uncertainty, or of searching for religious light. Confucius, late in life, confessed his own sense of shortcomings and his desire for further improvement in knowledge and character. All the founders of the non-Christian religions evinced inconsistencies in their personal character; some of them altered their practical policies under change of circumstances.
Jesus Christ alone is reported as having had a consistent God consciousness, a consistent character himself, and a consistent program for his religion. The most remarkable and valuable aspect of the personality of Jesus Christ is the comprehensiveness and universal availability of his character, as well as its own loftiness, consistency, and sinlessness.
Robert Hume, The World’s Living Religions [New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1959], 285-286.
Josh McDowell put it best on why there has to be judgment for our sins, let me paraphrase him with this story of a judge and his daughter.
There is another aspect to this idea of hypocrisy. Often times the charge of hypocrisy is merely a psychological crutch to find people we deem worse than us in order to build up ourselves in a moral way. Or, it is done in order to not face our own failures and deeds in order to obfuscate what God wants to do in our own lives.
Jesus actually expands the definition a bit when He described the symptoms of hypocrisy specifically:
- hypocrites “love to be seen by others” (Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18);
- they invent weaselly excuses to disobey God while looking spiritual (Matthew 15:3-9);
- they manipulate spiritual language to disguise their actual agenda (Matthew 22:15-21);
- they might actually be preaching the truth, but they don’t follow it themselves (Matthew 23:1-12);
- and they major on nit-picky rules (even legitimate ones) and miss the heartbeat of God behind them (Matthew 23:13-36).
Often times the use of “hypocrisy” is a means of justifying spiritual compromise and departure from the inspired Word is something that the postmodern world has accelerated, not abated. People use hypocrisy as a way to abandoned Bible truths, or, to not fellowship with the body of Christ and thus be challenged to live a holy life (i.e., the church), often unleashing a myriad of wrongs committed by others! These same persons will joke about being headed to hell in a hand-basket — determined to share a place in hell with these hypocrites rather than spend time with them in church… there fellow hypocrites.
One commentarry gets to the heart of the issue:
CARM wisely adds to the discussion the following:
- It has been said that you must be smaller than the thing you hide behind. Are you hiding behind the hypocrisy of others to keep yourself out of church? You must realize that you are responsible for yourself and God won’t ask others about you on judgment day. He will come to you and ask you to give an account for your life. The hypocrites in the church will also stand before God, with or without you there.
The issue is, what does the person saying there are hypocrites in the church going to do on judgement day? Hopefully none of the following:
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