Roxanne Beckford Hoge (IMDB), known for her roles in A Different World, Something’s Gotta Give, and more, was on the political left until she started listening to Dennis Prager on the radio. She observed Hollywood increasingly stifling freedom of thought, as a love for liberty and tolerance pushed Roxanne toward conservatism. Now as a parent, she discusses how anti-American curriculum is hurting students, and she urges parents to advocate for their children against this radical agenda.
Hollywood Bias
Live PD Cancelled (So Was COPS)
‘Live PD’ canceled amid police protests, unrest; former host Dan Abrams reacts.
(**FLASHBACK: early-to-mid 2011) Larry Elder plays some audio from Ben Shapiro’s hard work in obtaining comments for his book, “Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took over Your TV“. People interviewed are (all links are to WIKI):
**My Vimeo account was terminated; this is a recovered audio from it. (Some will be many years old, as is the case with this audio.)
Ted Cruz Nails Hollywood’s Radical Hypocrisy
Ted Cruz nails Justin Timberlake with righteous correction. BREITBART has more:
Roseanne Barr vs. Jimmy Kimmel Over Trump
“…you guys moved…” [and still are]
CNN Finally Found Proof!
(CAUTION, rough themes)
While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.
Hollywood Wants Your Mind, And Money
Imagine a group so powerful they could beam ideas directly into your head. Well, you don’t have to imagine — it’s Hollywood. Ben Shapiro, Editor of the Daily Wire, explains the world’s largest mass propaganda machine.
Matt Damon’s “Racial Reckoning”
Dennis Prager discusses Matt Damon’s comments on race relations and “racism” in America. Prager plays the comment (I add the video), and then dissects what the hell Damon is talking about — (I think in the end, it is just an actor liking the sound of his own voice). Let me say I think when Matt Damon says “there needs to be a reckoning,” he really means that conservative/libertarian view of the state and it’s influence on freedom to associate should be forcefully ripped from America. He would view there to be MORE of a problem than there really is, and want the state to come in and “fix it.”
Hollywood’s Hypocrisy At Large
HOTAIR notes the following HOLLYWOOD REPORTER piece:
Democrat and Hollywood Hypocrisy – Harvey Weinstein
Larry Elder takes us on a Democrat infested mine-field courtesy of Harvey Weinstein. For more on the mentioned “Nuts or Sluts defense,” see Larry’s detailed explanation HERE. And more anti-woman positions by Hillary, see HERE.
Gay Patriot grabs this excerpt to point to how good of a progressive Weinstein was….
In 2015, [Weinstein’s] company distributed “The Hunting Ground,” a documentary about campus sexual assault. A longtime Democratic donor, he hosted a fund-raiser for Hillary Clinton in his Manhattan home last year. He employed Malia Obama, the oldest daughter of former President Barack Obama, as an intern this year, and recently helped endow a faculty chair at Rutgers University in Gloria Steinem’s name. During the Sundance Film Festival in January, when Park City, Utah, held its version of nationwide women’s marches, Mr. Weinstein joined the parade.
- Weinstein sexual harassment controversy exposes Hollywood’s double standard (LA Times)
- Yashar Ali calls Michael Moore OUT for being a silent COWARD about Harvey Weinstein! (Twitchy)
- ‘Your Silence Is Deafening’: Oscar-Winning Actresses Who Worked with Harvey Weinstein Stay Quiet on Sexual Harassment Claims (Breitbart)
- Lisa Bloom Resigns As Weinstein’s Adviser As A-List Actresses Like Meryl Streep Remain Silent (HotAir)
- How Hollywood has reacted to Weinstein allegations (CNN)
- The Week In Pictures: That Sorry Time Of Year Edition (Powerline)
Gun-Control Advocates Bump Up Against Hard-Facts
Funny how “Putting politics aside” means “Advancing the Democrat Left Agenda.”
I would be remiss to NOT add this by BEN SHAPIRO (for the transcript read THE DAILY WIRE):
Some must read articles and stats — the first is an article by GAY PATRIOT, who quotes a WAPO article (which I will include in full, below). Here is GP referencing about the Washington Post article:
I want to pause here and break down the suicide numbers a bit… and this is really for all the people that support assisted suicide. Why does it have to be assisted? The biggest demographic that shoots themselves are the geriatric. Many of whom are in the throes or chronic pain or were diagnosed with a life threatening disease with no hope of overcoming. Here are the suicide by gun numbers:
It is sad, but using the Left’s argument FOR suicide… why is this bad? CONTINUING with Gay Patriot…
Mmmm… that brings up a different stat. I wouldn’t know where to look for such a study, but, I bet if one were to quantify those who are Democrat and those who are Republican using guns in homicide activity… I wonder what the comparative percentages would be.
For instance, one can see many more Republicans own guns, but more inner-city gang members use them illegally.
Last I remember from being in jail myself, most minority criminals are Democrats in regard to who they support.
Also, as people buy more guns, the death rate has dropped. If one were to believe the rhetoric of the Left… this should be the exact opposite:
Dennis Prager is right… this and other arguments from the Left are driven by emotions:
Here is the promised article… Leah Libresco is a statistician and former newswriter at FiveThirtyEight, and a Leftist!
In this meme a point is made that I think is worthy… and that is…. there are already laws on the books to make murder illegal. What law can you pass that will stop a person from really committing this horrible act? If laws like this work, why haven’t they?
More than 64,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2016. Over 11,500 deaths by homicide are gun related each year [+/-]. Has the war one drugs and all the regulations and laws (local, county, state, and federal) stopped this? No. The answer is no. NEITHER would any law have helped less people die in Vegas. The next media presentation is prefaced by POLITISTICK:
The following is from an family friend-of-a-friend who was in law enforcement for 35-years:
Jimmy Kimmel Used Democrat Talking-Points
Remember the Marches Against Bill Clinton?
John and Ken in their humorous way look at the hypocrisy of the women at the Washington march who are worried about Trump’s vulgarity but were waaay more vulgar — either on stage or cheering for what was going on on stage. They note as well, sarcastically of course, all the marches against the rapist known as Bill Clinton. Who also stuck cigars in girls butts in the White House. Yeah, trump is the issue. John and Ken note as well the reversal of TPP which many union leaders just praised:
- Trump tells business leaders he wants to cut regulations by 75% or “maybe more”
- AFL-CIO Praises President Trump’s Move to Withdraw from TPP, Renegotiate NAFTA, Target Big Pharma
One last thing. Hollywood is a Leftist filled and populated industry. So it wouldn’t surprise me to find out their are pay differences among the sexes. As usual, very entertaining.