The best summary of the election result I have heard by far.
Amazingly accurate and will give you hope.
Well done @Rowandean pic.twitter.com/9m3gherOfC
— Malcolm Roberts ?? (@MRobertsQLD) May 19, 2019
The best summary of the election result I have heard by far.
Amazingly accurate and will give you hope.
Well done @Rowandean pic.twitter.com/9m3gherOfC
— Malcolm Roberts ?? (@MRobertsQLD) May 19, 2019
(Originally posted in 2014)
This is connected to an older post titled, “Inconvenient Truths for FactCheck.org” which should also be part of a 2014 Christmas discussion titled, “Polar Bear Fraud ~ Highest Levels Eva!“
Via the Daily Mail:
Myth of arctic meltdown: Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago…despite Al Gore’s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now
CLIMATE DEPOT – Headlines Come and Gone
Read more at WHAT’S UP WITH THAT. Here is more info on the Polar Bear numbers — because they are associated with sea ice:
New SURVEYS have shown that
GATEWAY PUNDIT chimes in on the polar Bear “deaths” versus the facts — a while back (2011):
Bob Frantz (TWITTER) fills in for Hugh Hewitt and reads a 1989 Associated Press article about the dire warnings from the United Nations giving us a decade to turn it around.
Good segment – I added the “Goreacle” video and the full “Kat Timpf” segment from Greg Gutfeld’s show. (Related, “Occasional-Cortex Called A ‘Pompous Little Twit‘”) For more failed predictions see my: “CLIMATE MANTRAS“
This is more of some commentary by Hugh Hewitt on The Green New Deal. Hewitt makes the point that this isn’t socialism, but Communism. Jonathan Swan of Axios (TWITTER) joins Hugh in discussing the utter lack of thought involved in this New Green Deal.
Hugh Hewitt reads through the Green New Deal and has some fun time with the grammar and lunacy of the text and ideas. I include TARZANA JOE’S (below) poem dealing with the New Green Deal. Long but informative.
Dennis Prager plays Chuck Todd and then takes 2019’s first disagreeing call. Dennis starts out the year on point. The WASHINGTON TIMES has a story on Chuck Todd,
Also, if you go to my main CLIMATE LINK PAGE — you will find these helpful topics related to the caller and some of the show:
✦ 22 (Two Examples of CO2 Brainwash)
✦ Global Warming Good For Island Growth
✦ Hurricane/Tornado Myths ~ The Big Fizzle
✦ SERIES (Part 4) ~ CO2 Not The Demon It Is Made Out To Be
✦ Top MIT Climatologist Slams Consensus
✦ Wind Power Polluting the Beauty and Cleanliness Of Our World With Renewable Energy
✦ Wind and Solar More Harmful To Environment Than Helpful
CLIMATE DISPATCH has the best “skinny” on the matter (emphasis in the original, except last sentence):
See also: Climate-Change Activists Are the Real Science Deniers
I posted a link to a WASHINGTON TIMES article discussing the alarmist aspects and possible connections to those that swallow whole the anthropocentric aspect of global warming in the writing of the most recent “National Climate Assessment.”
This is the response I got from a friend:
First, the idea that Trump replaces people in total is silly. But that red-herring aside, this comment led to a typical conversation where I ask for a dialogue, and insults and appeals to authority are the mainstay. I wish to share it as it may illuminate your conversations and the directions it should and maybe even should not go. (I may edit slightly the conversation and add media for presentation value, FYI.) Here is my first response — I will emphasize my repeated requests for dialogue:
RT responds:
This is a reference to the “consensus” many people believe because of the brainwashing of their minds by the media. This “consensus” has been disproved soo many times by specialist/scientists/statisticians to the laity. I ignored this discussion as I have PROVEN this to him time-and-time-again in the past. Instead, I want a dialogue. My response:
I am trying to separate RT from his reliance on others to do his heavy lifting. You see, in the end, he comes to my Facebook wall to merely “tell the world” he like committing logical fallacies:
An argument from authority, (argumentum ab auctoritate), also called an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam is a form of defeasible argument in which a claimed authority’s support is used as evidence for an argument’s conclusion.
RT responds. And as you will see, a dislike for Republicans and Trump seem to always enter the conversation… stuff totally unrelated to my continued plea for dialogue:
I explain later in my responses why I quoted Larry Elder, but here is my response followed by his:
He simply responded “no.” He said he has been-there-done-that. But he really has not. All his conversations are like these. He thinks he has made a point using facts to support generalization, but in reality just state his personal opinion in a way HE FEELS is like a dialogue. He feels like he has shared a deep meaning when in fact he has only meandered into unrelated territories.
In the previous conversation I was driving and using a hands free app. So the following is now when I am home, AND ONE SHOULD NOTE that I am about to show RT how to take positions in the negative and positive modes:
RT’s response? No response:
What his response failed to do is offer any evidence. Which I will note in the following response to how the Left and the media refuse to report about the falling temperatures in the past two years showing that the sun (not CO2) is the main driver of climate, and why one should be concerned about the cold and not warming.
Not only that, but the man that programmed most of the satellites NASA uses to measure temperature (he is one of about three people that can do such a task) shows the same:
But remember, facts don’t matter. Just Trump Derangement Syndrome does. No worry about what evidence supports or refutes a position, just name the Donald and act as you brought information for others to be able to digest in supporting the claims initially stated further up in the conversation.
In fact, since we got out of the BIG ICE-AGE, temperatures have been fairly stable:
Much like the “Polar Bear Scare” – Polar Bears reaching a record population since being measured, I tell my “warmist” friends that we should burn more CO2 because if we were worried about CO2 when the population was thought to be decreasing… why aren’t we lauding it as it increases?!
LIKEWISE – here is a report about the “disappearing islands due to “SEA RISE“:
Should we encourage China to build MORE coal plants? Hmmm?
An older challenge was about ANWR… and running a pipeline from Alaska to a port. Eco-fascists use to tell me that it was bad for the caribou species in the area. Then someone did a study and found the caribou population thrived as they used the pipeline to break the harsh elements. After that study came out, the challenge faded into history. But, it caused headlines that swayed public opinion… truth being hindmost in the Left’s arsenal. One last example of this statement for context:
David Mamet, The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture (New York, NY: Sentinel Publishing, 2011), [FN] 161.
See also:
JO NOVA catches us up with the latest studies involving islans shrinking:
WATTS UP WITH THAT has the abstract and the conclusion of the study. Here is the abstract:
(h/t to CLIMATE DEPOT)NEW SCIENTIST has an inconvenient article about some islands we have been warned of that sea rise will create “climate refugees” is not so:
Smug Barack Obama Mockingly Explains How He Thinks He’s Better Than Most People He’s Worked With
He thinks American’s reject Climate Change because of: We Are Still Confused, Blind, Shrouded With Hate, Anger, Racism, Mommy Issues | May I say, if anyone has mommy/daddy issues, it is Barry.
Obama, speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit on Monday night, said the answers already exist to solve many of the problems facing both the U.S. and the world, but that the nation was not making progress “because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues.”
“People call me Spock for a reason,” Obama quipped. “I believe in reason and logic and all these enlightenment values.”
(Hat-Tip to WUWT) Video Description:
The first segment subject was Michaels’ “Lukewarm” synthesis of climate change, with special attention to the spectacular disconnect between forecast and observed upper tropical tropospheric temperatures as documented by University of Alabama’s John Christy. Michaels believes it is in part because the models are “tuned” to relate the warming of the early 20th century to carbon dioxide and other anthropo-generated emissions. He points out that when it began, the concentration was a mere twenty parts per million above the background, and that tuning them to predict the nearly 0.5°C warming from 1910 to 1945 almost certainly predisposes them to be overly sensitive.
Levin then asked Michaels for his views on the larger federalization of science, and how the political process can color the scientific literature. You could see where it was headed, when he noted that the aforementioned model disparity was enough to justify voiding EPA’s 2009 Endangerment Finding. Just to make sure viewers got the point, he finished the interview with a repetition.
There is an interesting new twist that I don’t think Michaels has put on TV before, which is that if the climate forecast were made in the same manner as the daily weather forecast, we would be using the (one) model that works, the Russian model INM-CM4, to which he said something like “Call the Special Prosecutor!”
This may be the first long-format climate interview that wasn’t cut into disjointed sound bites. It’s wide- ranging and really worth a look. Mark Levin did a thorough job.
(Originally posted December of 2014)
This is meant mainly as a supplement to a Christmas Eve-Eve gathering/discussion I was at. I will make this post a little different than other posts, as, it will be “minimalist.” This is the third installment of the topics covered, which are polar bears, rising sea levels, CO2, Inconvenient Truth (the movie), nuclear power, warmest year, electric vehicles (EVs)/hybrid cars, and bullet trains.
One of the main “evidences” the students raised was “rising oceans” for global warming being true. These students are basically saying… “Because my professor said” … see for yourself (via BREITBART):
There has been no change. ~ REAL SCIENCE
(February 04, 2017)
Breitbart makes fun of the idea that loans and insurance could ever be had if these Islands are soon to underwater… unless these banks and insurance companies know that “Climate Change” is more political than science
(Gateway Pundit): Seven years ago ABC News warned viewers that New York City will be under water by 2015 due to global warming.
The only way food would be soo high is if Obama’s war on affordable energy works it’s course! How come Manhattan property is through the roof!
JO NOVA catches us up with the latest studies involving islans shrinking:
WATTS UP WITH THAT has the abstract and the conclusion of the study. Here is the abstract:
(JUMP TO the latest tornado stats)
(See my post on Sea Level Rise)
From the video description:
I wanted to UPDATE this post (the above video and description) a couple ways, with the most recent storm examined in light of history, as well as an older post making similar points.
Hurricane Florence hit as a Category 1… even though we were told this was going to be a Cat 4 or 5 disaster! REAL CLIMATE SCIENCE mentions the “missed by that much” by saying,
Let’s play a game… North Carolina REALLY WAS hit by a category 4 hurricane in 1954:
(Click to Enlarge – Via STEVEN GODDARD)
So what is the deal? We are told hurricanes and tornadoes increasing are a result of climate change. As the earth gets warmer, the weather get’s worse. Right? that is the line… EXCEPT, the weather is getting better? Does that mean then, following the logic of climate alarmists, warming is good?
POWERLINE joined the historical fun yesterday with the following:
Tucker Carlson has DR. SPENCER on to discuss the politics involved in hurricanes (the experiment by Bill Nye “the science guy” being shown false can be found here at WATTS UP WITH THAT):
With THAT UPDATE, here is a portion of an older post on the subject:
…weather, especially tornadoes and hurricanes have lessened over the years. In other words, if Michael Grunwald (the author of the Time article) says weird weather is a indicator, an evidence for, that warming weather is something we should be fearful of and act on, what is normalizing weather and no warming suppose to indicate… OTHER THAN the whole premise of the article in a major magazine is undermined.
This candid admissions from the New York Post:
But keep in mind, our total Co2 (carbon) emissions is no laughing matter:
Besides the Global Warming crowd blaming everything on it (even the violence in the “arab spring“!), its failed predictions about no ice in the north-pole, no more snow in europe, islands drowning, polar bear numbers, and the like… Al Gore’s claims about Hurricanes is [again], laughable, to wit: when you even lose Jeraldo Rivera, your leftist stance may be very laughable:
UPDATE AGAIN! (10-4-2018)
To be clear, this is a 60-year low… and we have increased carbon output in the past 15-years almost as much as the previous 60-years.
Via WUWT (the below and above):