Founding Statute of Dept of EDU | Glenn Beck and More

The first 4-minutes is Glenn Beck discussing and reading from 20 USC 3403: Relationship with States. After the first 4-minutes are some examples of how this idea is violated.

  • “Trumpian incompetence will provoke a counterreaction” — David Brooks, New York Times columnist

I hate to break it to Mr. Brooks, this is the counterreaction.

Here is the statute (JUMP TO APPENDIX)

Partial Transcript:


GLENN: Listen to this.

It is the intention. This is the founding document passed by Congress. It is the intention of Congress in the establishment of the Department of Education to protect the rights of state and local governments, and public and private educational institutions.

STU: Wow.

GLENN: Just that! Are they operating within the law, that was set by Congress?

STU: Because I think you could convince me, that that was a good idea. Right? That sounds great.

GLENN: Right. So let me read that again.

The intention of Congress, in the establishment of the Department of Education, to protect the rights of state and local governments, and public and private educational institutions, in the area, of educational policies, and administration of programs. And to strengthen and improve the control of such governments and institutions, over their own educational programs and policies.

Did you hear the second half of that?

To strengthen and improve the local and state administration, and — and the control of their own educational programs and policies.

That is not what the DOD is doing. Not even. Listen to the next line!

The establishment of the Department of Education, shall not, increase the authority of the federal government over education. Or finish the responsibility for education, which is reserved to the states. And the local school systems, and other instrumentalities of the states!


This is not what the Department of Education is. At all.

So when they say, well, he can’t accomplish the department of he had. No. They abolished the Department of Ed.

The Department of Ed isn’t that! Because like you just said, I wouldn’t have necessarily a problem with that!

STU: I would have some questions.

GLENN: Yeah, I wouldn’t want it.

STU: As a direction, protecting local rights over education, is exactly kind of what I want.

GLENN: Yeah. Exactly right.

B, no provision of a program, administered by the Secretary or any other officer of the Department, shall be construed to authorize the Secretary or any such officer to exercise any direction, supervision, or control, over the local curriculum.

Any program of instruction or administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system over any accrediting agency or association, or over the selection and content of library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials. By any educational institution or school system.

Except to the extent authorized by this law.

STU: Hmm. I mean, it seems there’s all sorts of limitations on it.

GLENN: Yeah. I mean, if you just go back to this: If he just reset it to this, do you know how many problems would go away?

STU: I know. This is really common too. But we mentioned the same thing with the Patriot Act.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: The guy who wrote the Patriot Act. There’s a bunch of these things about to go.

I can’t believe the Patriot Act would do this. I wrote it. It’s not supposed to do that.

GLENN: Right. Right.

STU: That’s not what it’s supposed to do at all.

It always grows. It always evades. And the initial — the limiting principles put on it, by the law itself.


President Donald Trump has kicked out 50% of the Department of Education. Good. And before you accuse us of hating teachers, it’s not teachers who are getting cut. It’s administrators. Keep cutting. Let’s see if we can get rid of the whole thing. (Click for this shows resources)


Good summaries of the info…

now for the statute:


20 USC 3403: Relationship with States

Text contains those laws in effect on March 21, 2025

From Title 20-EDUCATION


(a) Rights of local governments and educational institutions

It is the intention of the Congress in the establishment of the Department to protect the rights of State and local governments and public and private educational institutions in the areas of educational policies and administration of programs and to strengthen and improve the control of such governments and institutions over their own educational programs and policies. The establishment of the Department of Education shall not increase the authority of the Federal Government over education or diminish the responsibility for education which is reserved to the States and the local school systems and other instrumentalities of the States.

(b) Curriculum, administration, and personnel; library resources

No provision of a program administered by the Secretary or by any other officer of the Department shall be construed to authorize the Secretary or any such officer to exercise any direction, supervision, or control over the curriculum, program of instruction, administration, or personnel of any educational institution, school, or school system, over any accrediting agency or association, or over the selection or content of library resources, textbooks, or other instructional materials by any educational institution or school system, except to the extent authorized by law.

(c) Funding under pre-existing programs

The Secretary shall not, during the period within eight months after May 4, 1980, take any action to withhold, suspend, or terminate funds under any program transferred by this chapter by reason of the failure of any State to comply with any applicable law requiring the administration of such a program through a single organizational unit.

( Pub. L. 96–88, title I, §103, Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 670  )

Democrats Hurting Those They Purport To Care For – Children

As you read below… note that CHRISTIANS make up about 60% of the foster care system.

Much like blue states legalizing same-sex marriage, like in Massachusetts, the Democrat policies and politicians ran the most successful and oldest adoption services out of business. One non-Christian adoption specialist notes the impact back then:

  • “Everyone’s still reeling from the decision,” Marylou Sudders, executive director of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (MSPCC), said yesterday. “Ultimately, the only losers are the kids,” said Maureen Flatley, a Boston adoption consultant and lobbyist. (more at RPT WT)

Around the same time (2012-2013), it was noted in Philadelphia that “the City of Philadelphia put out an urgent call for 300 new foster families.”


  • Despite the desperate need for homes for the 6,000 children in Philadelphia’s foster care system, the City then abruptly barred Catholic Social Services, one of the most successful foster agencies in the city, from placing any children. The City’s actions mean that foster homes are sitting empty and loving foster parents are unable to serve at-risk children, simply because the City disagrees with Catholic Social Services’ longstanding beliefs about marriage. (RPT’S SSM POST – point #3)

In the naming of the bill e peer — yet again — into the mind of the Orwellian parlance of the Democrats:

“Safe and Appropriate Foster Care Placement Requirements” (Christian Post)

So, here is a nationwide bill hurting those the Democrats purport to care about:

  • “This is not just about foster care,” explains American Family Association Senior Fellow Jameson Taylor. They’re “beginning to define Christian parents teaching a biblical worldview and defining that as a form of abuse. If you deny the LGBT lifestyle for your children, that is where this is headed.” (CBN)

Tucker Nails Reason Why ‘Transgenderists’ Hate Christians

Tucker on Why ‘Transgenderists’ Hate Christians: They Refuse to Bow Down & Worship a False Idol


A TikTok went viral of someone saying that the Nashville shooting victims would be alive today if it weren’t for the “anti-trans bills” passed by the Tennessee legislature. It’s not just TikTokers. Katie Hobbs’s press secretary put out an insane tweet defending the trans community.

Joe Biden Doesn’t Know Shite About Guns (Ben Shapiro)

Joe Biden goes on an incoherent anti-gun rant; the media fulminate over the supposed rise of “Christian nationalism”; and Jim Acosta of CNN says the NRA has blood on their hands. Here is a great comment on the Rumble upload of this:

  • If you ban abortion, women will just have it done illegally. If you ban guns, we will all be safe. Leftist logic.


You Can’t Be Free Without This

It wasn’t an accident that the First Amendment to the Constitution is about religious liberty. Why was it so important to the Founders? And why should it be just as important to you? Kelly Shackelford, President of First Liberty, explains.

Jason Whitlock Discusses BLM’s/Left’s Anti-Christianity

Jason Whitlock:This has been the intent from Black Lives Matter from the very beginning. We’re seeing it reshape right before our eyes the hostility toward Christianity is overtaking the sports world and Kurt Beathard is paying the price… It’s a calculated, not an organic deal. This has been underway for years… You’ve got to usher out God to usher in immorality.”

Black Lives Matter Is Anti-Christian (Part 2)

(PART ONE is linked as well as PART 1.6)

Black Lives Matter is now protesting churches in New York!

Here is a sermon that a mentor sent me — keep in mind there is a volume warning, the pastor is impassioned at times (via FACEBOOK):

[fbvideo link=”” width=”690″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

God’s Law or Chaos (Anti-Christian PART 1.6)

(This is PART ONE POINT SIX of an “anti-Christian” series. PART ONE and TWO can be viewed, respectively)

Watch this powerful new sermon from Apologia Church. Dr. James White and Jeff Durbin both preach to the congregation about the recent events, #BlackLivesMatter, #Marxism, and #Communism. Don’t miss this vitally important message and be sure to tell someone about it!

What’s so controversial about Black Lives Matter? Shouldn’t everyone, especially Christians, agree with this phrase? Of course. Unfortunately, though, it’s much deeper than simply a phrase or statement. Black Lives Matter is an organization that Christians need to understand, especially when it comes to this important question: should Christians support Black Lives Matter?

The N.E.A. and B.L.M. Promotes Anti-Americanism/Racism

FLASHBACK with “the Hammer”

These two article should be read in union with this post regarding education: “Educayshun (Updated w/White Privilege)

Two Must Read Articles, the first by THE WASHINGTON TIMES:


The National Education Association (NEA) is aggressively promoting an anti-American, polarizing agenda that is the root of the current racial divisions and rioting. They do this using clever messaging and The New York Times’ much-ballyhooed “1619 Project,” which intentionally perverts American history. 

Times writers weave a twisted tale in which the evil of slavery so pervades the American experiment that literally nothing about our history isn’t motivated by some racist need to preserve the intentional subjugation, exploitation, marginalization and persecution of enslaved Africans.      

Don’t get me wrong; America’s history is undeniably stained by the dark evil of slavery.

But to rewrite American history as if slavery is the defining and motivating factor behind nearly every aspect of our national story is ludicrous. It’s also dangerous and unethical to reframe history this way; especially considering America confronted the immorality of slavery head-on and defeated it.

The 1619 Project claims slave-owning colonists and hateful bigots hell-bent on institutionalizing racism set the tenor for our nation in 1619. It deceptively obliterates our true inspiration — Christian pilgrims who escaped religious persecution in 1620, launching the freest, most God-honoring “love your neighbor” nation in world history.

“1619” is chock-full of revisionist history promoting racial division and white blame, claiming our founding ideals were a lie purposefully told so whites could enslave blacks to get rich from an evil capitalist system. All this slander promoted by activists posing as journalists, educators and scholars is presented 155 years after hundreds of thousands of Americans (most of them white) gave their lives in the Civil War precisely to put an end to slavery.

It’s no wonder so many historians called out the NYT, but it’s revealing that the NEA did not.

Instead, the NEA coordinated directly with The New York Times, the Pulitzer Center, Southern Poverty Law Center and Black Lives Matter to put 1619 into the hands of educators and activists. Their goal? To assert a false but preferred narrative to advance a political agenda.

To legitimize their tales, the author of 1619 won the Pulitzer Prize, and the NEA praised 1619, saying it “informs and challenges us to reframe U.S. history and better understand the hold of institutional racism on our communities.” The NEA also launched “Black Lives Matter Week of Action” in America’s schools to train our K-12 children, college students and educators in their narrative.

Again, don’t get me wrong. Black lives do matter! Indeed, every human life is sacred. But the organization named Black Lives Matter is not what it claims to be. Like the unions, it’s a Trojan horse of anti-American, anti-family beliefs masquerading as defenders of good. 

Now Americans are terrorized by rioters who believe these anti-American narratives, while the NEA quietly launches 1619 and its historical distortions into the history curricula of schools nationwide — virtually unchallenged. 

America’s students are taught that the American Revolution was fought not to secure freedom from a tyrannical British Empire, but singularly to protect the institution of slavery. 

This ignorance of reality and true history is a major weapon in their arsenal, and they’re pushing a raft of new pseudo-realities onto our culture, too. 

No longer is gender defined by science or our Creator; it’s “fluid.” 

No longer are environmental claims based on strict adherence to the scientific method; weak theories and hysterical “consensus” rule. 

No longer are families seen as the center of a strong society, nor are children expected to obey or respect authority; “willful defiance” reigns while adults cower under the rule of child tyrants. 

No longer is history determined by fact; instead, it’s reframed to support a constant assault on our Judeo-Christian culture. 

That’s why union activists work behind the scenes ensuring this rubbish from The New York Times passes as approved history curriculum; against the will of good teachers. While The Times stirs up conflict, Black Lives Matter protests attract rioters inciting recurring fear and distraction, and the Pulitzer Center legitimizes 1619, the unions and their coalition stealthily indoctrinate our children and flip our nation’s history on its head. ….


The next article should be paired with this recent post as well: BLM Is Anti-Christian (BONUS: Carol Swain | Larry Elder)

In a video from 2015, Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors confesses to being a “trained organizer” and a “trained Marxist,” validating claims the global group might be a radical left-wing organization designed to pander to modern multicultural permutations of Marxist ideology.

Cullors is one of the Black Lives Matter movement’s co-founders, a queer activist, and has advocated for the abolition of prisons.

In the shortened 2015 clip taken from an interview for The Real News Network, Cullors says, “I think of a lot of things: The first thing I think of is that we actually do have an ideology frame.”

She continues, “Myself and Alicia, in particular, are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super versed on ideological theories, and I think what we really try to do is build a movement that can be utilized by many, many black folk.”

The second comes from THE FEDERALIST:

Remember that Black Lives Matter BlackLivesMatter Pays Homage to Marxist Cop Killer at Every Event It Holds. Here is the Federalist article:

….One recent derivative of this assertion is, “You can’t be Christian unless you affirm that black lives matter.” On the surface, it seems obvious that to properly represent a position that states all men are created in the image of God you would, indeed, need to affirmatively declare black lives matter.

Our Christian faith requires we believe in the intrinsic value of all life. Love for our fellow man is the motivation for promoting life-affirming culture. If our black brothers and sisters feel they’ve been disenfranchised, addressing this carefully is paramount to getting to the truth and healing wounds. Loving and supporting black people’s goal of equity in opportunity is vital for those who hope to see a universal acceptance of the sanctity of all life. As hashtag advocacy goes, #BlackLivesMatter seems self-evident and as nonpartisan as declaring #MeToo if you’re a sexual assault survivor.

But while BLM the organization declares their movement a “natural phenomenon” and its organization decentralized, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter was intentionally marketed to a specific cause. As such, we must be cautious to clarify that affirming “black lives matter” is different than supporting Black Lives Matter, the 501 (c)(3), its chapters, and its partners.

Christians should limit our use of popular hashtags — primarily #BlackLivesMatter and #HandsUpDontShoot — to share messages regarding equality. Hashtag advocacy leads back to the organizations that create the hashtags. In this case, it means directing friends and family to an overt effort to fundamentally remake the world with socialist ideas—ideas that often directly contradict the message of the gospel.

The Origin of Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter began as a social media hashtag intended to bring attention to the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, who was shot by George Zimmerman. The words were a desperate cry for justice. As arguments regarding white supremacy and gun control policy dominated the airwaves, black women were burying their sons. In a country that believed it had finally broken the race barrier, electing our first black president just a few years before, this contradiction was unacceptable.

In her famous 2013 “Love Letter to Black People,” Black Lives Matter founder and community organizer Alicia Garza wrote: “I continue to be surprised at how little black lives matter.” Her friend and fellow organizer, Patrisse Kahn Cullors, created the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter. Another organizer friend, Opal Tometi, saw the marketing potential, purchased the domain name, and created a social media presence. The three formed the official Black Lives Matter Network after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Since July 2013, Black Lives Matter has grown to 40 chapters worldwide, with 16 located in America. Famous faces and influencers like John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, and Beyoncé Knowles openly support and promote BLM. As a movement, it is here to stay. Yet despite its seeming newness, Black Lives Matter is just part of a movement that has been in existence for decades under different names.

BLM Founders Openly Support Socialism

While it’s considered lazy scholarship to declare those who have left politics “socialist,” all three founders of the Black Lives Matter movement have openly shared their desires to end capitalism. In their online articles, videos, and interviews, all three allude to concepts that originate in socialism, communism, or Marxism.

Garza started her organizing career working in abortion advocacy before moving on to groups like NDWASOUL, and POWER—which merged with CJJC in 2014, and RTTC—all of which focus on worker and housing activism via anti-capitalist activism.

Cullors works in jail and policing activism as the founder of Dignity and Power Now. Her philosophy rests on the concept of prison abolition and reparations in financial compensation and land redistribution. She promotes BDS—the leftist, antisemitic boycott, divest, and sanction movement—both as a signatory to public statements supporting Palestinians and in articles she’s written. She speaks eloquently about “peoples-led socialist movements” in South America and once was “mentored” by Eric Mann, a former agitator of the Weather Underground domestic terrorism organization.

Opal Tometi focuses almost exclusively on immigration activism. She has spoken at Left Forum events, shared a stage with Venezuelan dictator Nicholas Maduro, and helped oversee “fair” elections in Venezuela in 2015.

Virtually all of the spaces Black Lives Matter and its founders inhabit are associated with leftist or openly socialist worker’s movements. All three women have spoken at Left Forum, a think tank for socialists, which engages high-profile communists, socialists, and Marxists as keynote speakers. Speakers include luminaries such as Marxist Silvia Federici and Frances Fox Piven.

Black Lives Matter has sponsored town hall meetings with leftist extremists even the leftist agitation group Southern Poverty Law Center finds objectionable. They’ve written touching eulogies for mass murderers who brutally suppressed Christianity.

They’ve recreated narratives to characterize a law enforcement officer as inherently aggressive and deceptive, even when forensics have shown their position to be inaccurate. While I agree that criminal justice reforms are needed, BLM’s misleading coverage forced the police officer involved in the Brown shooting to go into hiding due to death threats. Although we’re six years removed from 2014, he remains in hiding…..


BLM Is Anti-Christian (BONUS: Carol Swain | Larry Elder)

(This is PART ONE, PART 1.6 and PART 2 are in those links)

This is from Church Militant, and while they focus on anti-Catholicism, one should mind that many of the cultural Marxist positions are in fact just anti-Judeo-Christian… I will follow their excellent video with some Carol Swain.

Here is a 2019 C-PAC interview of Carol Swain and her thoughts on Cultural Marxism.

Identity politics has done little to resolve the grievances of minorities in the United States. Rather a group of individuals is pushing socialist policy to manipulate people for political power. Carol Swain, a political scientist, author, and political commentator, explains the cultural Marxist roots of identity politics, and the harm it has caused black Americans, in a recent interview with The Epoch Times, noting “this socialism that’s on display now, it’s been underground for a long time.”

In taking classes at seminary, one of my professors was Ray D. Arnold… he was one of the 1,000 missionaries that General MacArthur called to go to Japan at the conclusion of WWII. One blog notes this about the endeavor:

  • Perhaps General MacArthur didn’t succeed in bringing Christianity to Japan in the institutional sense.  But he did bring mercy, forgiveness and respect for human dignity–the heart of Christianity–and these the Japanese graciously accepted.

All that to say, taking his classes he used material that was older, and this excerpt expands Dr. Swain’s mention of the churches being impacted by cultural Marxism (social-justice):

As Dr. Carl F. H. Henry pointed out: “The Chicago evangelicals, while seeking to overcome the polarization of concern in terms of personal evangelism or social ethics, also transcended the neo­Protestant nullification of the Great Commission.” “The Chicago Declaration did not leap from a vision of social utopia to legislation specifics, but concentrated first on biblical priorities for social change.” “The Chicago evangelicals did not ignore transcendent aspects of God’s Kingdom, nor did they turn the recognition of these elements into a rationalization of a theology of revolutionary violence or of pacifistic neutrality in the face of blatant militarist aggression.” (Cf. Dr. Carl F. H. Henry, “Evangelical Social Concern” Christianity Today, March 1, 1974.) The evangelical social concern is transcendental not merely horizontal.

We must make it clear that the true revolutionaries are different from the frauds who “deal only with surface phenomena. They seek to remove a deep-seated tumor from society by applying a plaster to the surface. The world’s deepest need today is not something that merely dulls the pain, but something that goes deep in order to change the basic unity of society, man himself. Only when men individually have experienced a change and reorientation, can society be redirected in the way it should go. This we cannot accomplish by either violence or legislation” (cf. Reid: op. cit.). Social actions, without a vertical and transcendental relation with God only create horizontal anxieties and perplexities!

Furthermore, the social activists are in fact ignorant of the social issues, they are not experts in the social sciences. They simply demand an immediate change or destruction of the social structures, but provide no blueprint of the new society whatsoever! They can be likened to the fool, as a Chinese story tells, who tried to help the plant grow faster by pulling it higher. Of course such “action” only caused the plant to wither and die. This is exactly what the social radicals are doing now! And the W.C.C. is supporting such a tragic course!

We must challenge them [secular social activists] to discern the difference between the true repentance and “social repentance.” The Bible says: “For the godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret; but worldly grief produces death” (II Cor. 7:10). This was the bitter experiences of many former Russian Marxists, who, after their conversion to Christ came to understand that they had only a sort of “social repentance”—a sense of guilt before the peasant and the proletariat, but not before God. They admitted that “A Russian (Marxist) intellectual as an individual is often a mild and loving creature, but his creed (Marxism) constrains him to hate” (cf. Nicolas Zernov: The Russian Religious Renaissance). “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one…. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:10,23). A complete change of a society must come from man himself, for basically man is at enmity with God. All humanistic social, economic and political systems are but “cut flowers,” as Dr. Trueblood put it, even the best are only dim reflections of the Glory of the Kingdom of God. As Benjamin Franklin in his famous address to the Constitutional Convention, said, “Without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel.” Without reconciliation with God, there is no reconciliation with man. Social action is not evangelism; political liberation is not salvation. While we shall by all means have deep concern on social issues; nevertheless, social activism shall never be a substitution for the Gospel.

Lit-sen Chang, The True Gospel vs. Social Activism, (booklet. Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co: 1976), 9.

Dr. Arnold’s classes ended up being my favorite… his background in the missions and apologetics of responding to Eastern thought were very impactful. CONTINUING… more from Dr. Swain:

Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.

She also talks about the “PARTY SWITCHING MYTH” I have much more on that in my post here: Did The Party’s Switch?And so, we see this is the same all throughout the Left’s history:

  • “…virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” ~ Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
  • “…not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” ~ Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.

The south used to vote Democrat. Now it votes Republican. Why the switch? Was it, as some people say, because the GOP decided to appeal to racist whites? Carol Swain, Professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, explains.

It was not until the Republican Revolution of 1994 that for the first time in modern American History the Republicans held a majority of Southern congressional seats, a full three decades after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. As the South became less racist, it became more Republican (NATIONAL REVIEW).

We should round out the above with this longer presentation by Larry Elder:

As part of CCA III: The Sixties, Larry Elder, host of The Larry Elder Show, gives a lecture at Hillsdale College on the development of the Civil Rights Movement.

Pete Buttigieg’s “Hypocrisy” Claim Irked Prager

  • It is odd that someone whose own faith would have been called into question until quite recently for a lifestyle that directly contradicts traditional Christian principles would dare to question anyone else’s commitment, doing unto others precisely what he would not have done unto him. — JOEL POLLAK

I did edit the longer audio a bit to seam it together well. It is some good commentary [after I edited it of course]. Here is a bit of an intro from PJ-MEDIA:

Mayor Pete (as the fawning media has dubbed him) called evangelicals who support Trump hypocrites. “Here you have somebody who not only acts in a way that is not consistent with anything that I hear in scripture or in church, where it’s about lifting up the least among us and taking care of strangers, which is another word for immigrants,” Buttigieg said, “and making sure that you’re focusing your effort on the poor. But also personally, how you’re supposed to conduct yourself. Not chest thumping look-at-me-ism, but humbling yourself before others.”


Let’s put aside for a moment Buttegeig’s reductionist definition of Christianity — a truncated version that leaves out the bits about sin, repentance, and judgment….

MATT SLICK discusses this section of Leviticus well… the rest of the article past this excerpt is excellent (See also his, “Why Did God Make Me Gay?“):

Lev. 18:22

  • ‘You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.” (NASB)
  • “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” (ESV, NKJV)

Clearly, the Old Testament condemns homosexuality.  What else does it mean when it says “you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female”?  The term “lie with” here refers to sexual intercourse in the phrase “lie with a male as one lies with a female.”  It is an abomination.  The word here is תֹּועֵבָה towʿebahtoʿebah.

117 occurrences; AV translates as “abomination” 113 times, “abominable thing” twice, and “abominable” twice. 1 a disgusting thing, abomination, abominable. 1a in ritual sense (of unclean food, idols, mixed marriages). 1b in ethical sense (of wickedness etc. ).1

Lev. 20:13

  • “If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltiness is upon them.” (NASB)
  • “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.” (ESV)

The word “detestable” is the same Hebrew word found in Lev. 18:22, “abomination.”

There can be no doubt that the Old Testament condemns homosexuality as a detestable act worthy of death.  But we might ask, why such harsh penalty for a simple “sexual orientation”? The answer lies in the overall context in which the Old Testament is written.  God had promised the Messiah who would be the Savior, the Deliverer of people from the judgment of God.  If homosexuality was to run rampant, it would threaten the arrival of the Messiah and thereby make God’s Word invalid (essentially making God a liar), and this cannot be.  Since God works through people, he provided the harshness of the law in order to guard people from their own sins, the sins of others, and ultimately provide a way by which the Messiah would come and die on the cross for our sins. 

Of course, the Old Testament Law is no longer in effect in this area because the Messiah has come, and we are not under a theocratic governmental system.  Therefore, we are not to execute homosexuals.  We are to pray for them and their repentance, so they might find salvation in Christ…..


The War On “Merry Christmas” [Christmas]

(Here is a different version of the above.) Should Americans wish each other “Happy holidays” or “Merry Christmas”? Should an office “Christmas party” be called a “holiday party” so that it’s more inclusive? Dennis Prager answers these questions and more in this short video. (More Prager: Most Jews Wish You a Merry ChristmasNot saying ‘Merry Christmas’ is hurtful to most of your fellow Americans | ‘Merry Christmas’ to All!

Some past posts regarding anti-Christmas/anti-Christian motifs: