Mindless People on Facebook Continue White Nationalist Mantras

This is part of a conversation that was ongoing over the past few days. It started out because a friend posted about how childishly awful these riot were. J.D. rightly noted the same childlike behavior when Obama won — at least partly right. So I simply noted some of the differences. There were not wide-spread violent attacks by pre-and-post Obama like there were for Trump. Another difference is the GOP did not fund through shell activists groups these activities, like the DNC did as well as Hillary’s campaign. I noted that one of the signs he used as an example of this equal behavior was in fact a sign made by the political cult of Lyndon Larouche.larouche

Larouche founded the U.S. Labor Party in 1971, and in his eight-campaigns throughout his career, some being bids for the Presidency, he ran either as a Democrat or with the support of Democrats. In fact, this black woman, Kesha Rogers, pictured to the right was the Democratic nominee (and won) for a Texas district. She is part of the LaRouche “movement” — well, political cult. These signs are from the “LaRouchites,” and have been featured as proof of racism by MSNBC and others at Tea Parties. During Bush’s Presidency however, similar posters were made depicting him as Hitler.

Another difference I pointed out was that the T.E.A. Party was started/founded to oppose Bush’s T.A.R.P. program. Not to oppose the first black President as the media like to portray them. With each successive “bailout” Obama enacted, the T.E.A. Party grew. The reason why can be seen in the acronym of the name: taxed enough already (T.E.A.). But even to say “cut taxes” is racist now. And this labeling comes up in the below conversation and is one of the reasons people voted for Trump. They are tired of the unfounded hyperbole used against them.

The point was pressed, partly by me that his characterization of white-nationalist charges attributed to Trump and his people are unfounded, whereas my studies of Obama’s church of Twenty years is well founded for me to say “Obama went to a NAZI “style” church for twenty years. (You can go here for more of what I used for examples: HOT-TUB CONVERSATIONS).

Of course the very next point by J.G. was the ever vaunted KKK. I knew it would come. Leftists are soo predictable. This is where we pick up the convo which is mainly myself, as, J.G.’s comments were short and merely calling people names — essentially. Take note that I may add media and emphasis that FB does not allow via its platform:

My point is that Obama went to — actually went to — a NAZI style church. He really did. My conversation I have with people (I memorized it long ago because Democrats who talk to me get to hear it once they bring up the racist card) I build up to Barry by creating a similar church but that Bush would have hypothetically gone to.

Barry Soetoro really attended this church.

The claims about Bannon are being dismissed by Jews who have worked close to him for years, by higher up in the 2nd largest political party of Israel, by Muslims hired on by Bannon at Breitbart, by Jewish gays hired by him… even by a Jewish scholar used to prove white-nationalism/anti-anti-Semitism — he refuted the claim. 

So if you bring up White Nationalism, you have zero proof. Zero. But in my video and post on the cult-black-nationalist church based on the books and sermons [and more] I purchased from the church itself, I provide evidence.

LET ME REPEAT THAT in this bumper sticker mantra age… (*BOOMING* megaphone w/echo FX added) — I provide evidence.

I continued after his posting a link to Stormfront, a racist online site used by white power groups…

J.G., I study cults, especially racist cults. (I sport over 5,000 books in my home library on various topics.) I have studied four major racist cults: the KKK, Christian Identity, the Nations of God’s and Earths (Five-Percenters), and the Nation of Islam.

The KKK, and other white-power groups vote primarily Democratic. There are many reasons for this, one being that most of them are socialists of some sort (as was Hitler). Another is many are poor, and the 8,000 members (high number BTW) want the social programs [welfare, food stamp, etc.] they philosophically believe in. Another factor is many have done jail time and Democrats are about shorter sentences typically. And lastly the Democrats tend to be anti-Israel… which is why David Duke uploaded a video to his YouTube endorsing Charles Barron [Democrat] for his run for office.

These are just some of the reasons more that 80% vote Democrat. Even when they refuse to vote for the President (say, Obama), they will vote Dem down the rest of the ticket.

If they vote for a Republican for president, they would still vote Dem the rest of the ticket. Here, for instance you see the Grand Dragon of the KKK (California) making it known who he is voting for and probably who he told his people to vote for (to the right).

This was a wild election season though. Louis Farrakhan always votes Democrat. This year he told his people to vote Trump. Similar to the KKK, these racist cult members would vote Dem the rest of their ticket.

If you want to discuss something, I am open for it. I link to MY YouTube and MY website because that is me or my controlled content that I am familiar with. [<<<< I said that because what people do is merely link to sites that they just googled.]

Here you see some higher ups in this white racist movement telling their people (3-of-the-4) to vote Democrat for the election of 2008 [I originally attributed the year to 2012, I am correcting it here]:

➤ Tom Metzger: Director, White Aryan Resistance; Career Highlights: Was Grand Dragon of Ku Klux Klan in the 70s; won the Democratic primary during his bid for Congress in 1980…

➤ Ron Edwards: Imperial Wizard, Imperial Klans of America; Career Highlights: Sued in 2007 by the Southern Poverty Law Center for inciting the brutal beating of a Latino teenager; building the IKA into one of the nation’s largest Klan groups by allowing non-Christians to join.

➤ Erich Gliebe: Chairman, National Alliance; Career Highlights: Turning white-power record label, Resistance Records, into a million-dollar-a-year business juggernaut; an 8-0 record as a professional boxer under the nickname, “The Aryan Barbarian.”

➤ Rocky Suhayda: Chairman, American Nazi Party; Career highlights: Being widely quoted bemoaning in the fact that so few Aryan-Americans had the cojones of the 9/11 hijackers: “If we were one-tenth as serious, we might start getting somewhere.”

[See my, “Radical Groups Support the Democrats (Even the KKK),” for more info]

…In other words J.G., why are you concerned ONLY NOW about the KKK voting habits? And not concerned with the fact that they typically vote for the Democratic Party? These are questions an honest person would ask themselves… or at least consider revising their positions on once they are presented with information they were unaware of prior.

As an aside. Just to make a distinction between the Nation of Islam (NOI) and the many — very small — factions of the white supremacy groups. Since there are many small groups of white racists, their “leaders” are just heads of their chapter. They do not view them in any messianic way, or take their word as “set in stone.” NOI on the other hand is a cult in the truest sense of the word. They do look to Farrakhan in a messianic sense. And if he says vote Trump, probably 100% of his people will. Whereas the percentages for voting Republican in the white nationalist cults would swing a bit toward voting GOP, but not in a unified block.

Someone asked J.G. the following in regards to J.G.’s previous responses and interaction with me and others:

  • “Are you ok man? I mean seriously … you sound like you might need some help.”

J.G. responded:

  • I’m fine. Excited for the long overdue implosion.

To which I then note the following:

The GOP has a tri-fecta in 25-states, and the more what we see happening — that is — just labeling good, honest, hard working American one of these: sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted (S.I.X.H.I.R.B.), and the continued radicalism in educational, to wit….

When normal mainstream Americans see how the attempt to radicalize their kids is organized, and after a couple semesters at a university the parents are paying for and the child comes back home and grill them about being part of an imperialist white supremacist Christian cisgender capitalist heteropatriarchal, these people are taken-a-back and think hard and long about their vote.

In the warehouse I manage, when Obama-care hit, the four main — full time — employees, the owners (friends), me, and the original worker for the owners had health insurance. The owners made enough money to absorb the increased money. I have insurance through my wife and we were untouched for the most part. But the guy in our warehouse that was the “poorest” among us, within a year, was kicked off his old plan by the law, and his monthly payments more than doubled.

He is a lifer in the GOP… through experience and (patting myself on the back) discussions about the real world with me and my buddy (a business owner) have had with him.

So far from the implosion J.G., I see Trump putting into cabinet positions people that worked against him, people that were for him, and this is unifying much of the Party as it hasn’t been in a long time.

In a long time. AND THIS COMING from a guy (me) who started a website to help defeat Trump ➤ http://cfaparty.org/

He then continued by merely noting I was an Evangelical (he meant it derogatorily, I am proud of my Evangelical heritage). This is a common position taken by the Left as Wikileaks noted in released emails with the higher ups in the Hillary Campaign), and mentioned a graphic/shirt I own that says straight pride. Yes, if there is such a thing as gay pride, there can be such a thing as straight pride.

You have to understand. As the Left continues to separate people into what is termed as the Liberal Trinity of race, class, and gender [cultural Marxism]… you will have more people like me support ideas pictured above. Later you will get truly segregated movements that will rally around these ideas — splitting society even more. The Democratic left is not about our founding motto, E pluribus unum, “out of many, one.” Instead they want segregated graduations, college dorms, separate classes in higher education, protective status for every perceived minority or sexual preference. On and on. The are for E pluribus pluribus, “from many, many.”

Here are two examples I give to exemplify how this segregating is destroying unity. One is a quote, the other a fascinating eyewitness to the divisions in feminism:

  • “If homosexuality is really genetic, we may soon be able to tell if a fetus is predisposed to homosexuality, in which case many parents might choose to abort it. Will gay rights activists continue to support abortion rights if this occurs?” ~ Dale A. Berryhill, The Liberal Contradiction: How Contemporary Liberalism Violates Its Own Principles and Endangers Its Own Goals (1994), 172.

In other words if abortions are legal to the ninth month because of financial stresses, or the baby is found out to have a cleft pallet, or the mother wished to pursue education, which all fall under the “mental health of the mother” (Doe v. Bolton). Then surely an excuse for claiming mental health of the mother in the case of it “being gay” can be invoked.

This is anathema to our American culture.

I continued to enlighten him:

Yep. I meet with [use to be regular] a few gay men and women and the parents of gay children. We have in common a few things. We all believe the definition of marriage resides with the states… not the Supreme Court, or the Federal Government. Some of those gay men/women in that bunch do not support same-sex marriage as being AS beneficial to society as their heterosexual counterpart’s relationships… I quote quite a few gays in my main post on the subject (Same-Sex Marriage). So they would be against marriage being a thing sought after by themselves and other gays in their community as being equal to the “traditional sense” of male-female marriage. They realize it is inherently different. Keep in mind as well that some of these people were contributors in past times to GAY PATRIOT

We met on Mondays at either the Burbank Outback, or the Hollywood Sizzler. WHY? Because these two companies supported Mitt Romney in his run. WHY Mondays? Because the L.A. City Council put out an official suggestion to Angelenos… they should not eat meat on Mondays to help curb global warming. So we all get steaks.

You see, these men and women, some I call friends, understand the state of the union better that most (yes, even you J.G.). They realize they have a friend and a supporter of them who is truly concerned with their welfare and longevity in health and life. AS WELL AS the longevity and health of the American experiment.

In other words, they realize the complexity of humankind, and themselves get relegated in their own community as not being “authentically gay,” like conservative blacks are called Uncle Toms or Coons or “mot authentically black,” by fellow blacks.

People are sick of it.

They are sick of it <<< Did I say that already?

And people like you will continue to chase people like these to more rational ground. All people.

From Bannon to Sessions

So Steve Bannon is an anti-Semite even though many Jews came out an defended him (leftist Jews, Orthodox Jews, secular Jews, and higher ups in Israeli political parties. NOW, Jess Sessions is in cahoots with the KKK even though he fought the Klan in court as well as being key in desegregating schools… but he is a Stormfront racist. Um… okay [/sarcasm]

The Left has gone bat-shit crazy!

Thank you POWERLINE!

The left is going to make attacking Jeff Sessions the cornerstone of its early resistance to Donald Trump. Elizabeth Warren, a possible presidential contender in 2020, sounded the call almost immediately, asserting a moral imperative to block Sessions’ confirmation.

The alleged moral imperative is based on stale and, in some cases, disputed claims of mildly racist comments that were alleged 30 years ago when Sessions was denied confirmation for a federal judgeship. Warren stated:

Thirty years ago, a different Republican Senate rejected Senator Sessions’ nomination to a federal judgeship. In doing so, that Senate affirmed that there can be no compromise with racism; no negotiation with hate. Today, a new Republican Senate must decide whether self-interest and political cowardice will prevent them from once again doing what is right.

But did the Senate get it right 30 years ago. Arlen Specter, who cast the deciding vote against Sessions, later concluded it did not. Specter, who has never big on confessing error, called his vote a “mistake” that “remains one of my biggest regrets.”

Specter was right. Let’s look beyond disputed allegations about stray remarks to Sessions’ record.

Mark Hemmingway points out:

As a U.S. Attorney, [Sessions] filed several cases to desegregate schools in Alabama. And he also prosecuted the head of the state Klan, Henry Francis Hays, for abducting and killing Michael Donald, a black teenager selected at random. Sessions insisted on the death penalty for Hays.

When he was later elected the state Attorney General, Sessions followed through and made sure Hays was executed. The successful prosecution of Hays also led to a $7 million civil judgment against the Klan, effectively breaking the back of the KKK in Alabama.

In Warren’s terms, Sessions refused to compromise with racism and negotiate with hate.


The Democrats don’t have the votes to block Sessions’ confirmation. Thanks to rules changes pushed through by Harry Reid, it no longer requires 60 votes to confirm presidential appointees….

Here is more on that “deciding vote” by Arlen Specter that he regrets as one of the biggest miss-voted in his career (TOWNHALL):

…Also, the late Arlen Specter (D-PA), who had switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat in order to better his chances of re-election, said in that same year that his vote to oppose Sessions’ judicial nomination was wrong (via Politico):

Specter told reporters that out of the 10,000 votes he has cast, he can now recall one that he regrets.

“I don’t expect everybody to agree with all my votes, and I don’t agree with all my votes, either, at this point … and I was asked the other day what vote I regretted, and I couldn’t’ think of one that I wanted to publicly state, but I’m prepared to do that now in response to your question,” Specter said. “My vote against candidate Sessions for the federal court was a mistake.”

Asked why, Specter said, “because I have since found that Sen. Sessions is egalitarian.”

Yes, there are still racists in this country, but before we tar and feather someone, let’s see the evidence that isn’t part of the made up, arbitrary, and politically correct criteria of the social justice warrior….

Judge Allows Inmate to Meet Baby for First Time

A lot of things can impact a man’s life for the good. Obviously God being one of the most transforming points of change in a person’s life. But a good woman is one that changes men. And children can also be a factor. I hope what this judge allowed re-orients this young man’s life and get’s him to think about more important things other than himself (I am speaking from experience mind you):

The Alt-Right ~ Larry Elder Interviews Joel Pollak

Larry Elder interviews Joel about the charges of white nationalism and anti-Semitism stemming almost entirely from left leaning media, radical Marxist orgs (like MoveOn.org), and all the people that get their news from them and John Oliver. In a very recent article (besides all the Jews that came out to defend Bannon) a Muslim conservative notes how Bannon flew to the UK to get him to come write for Breitbart: “Raheem Kassam: Steve Bannon Is ‘the Man Who Flew to London to Hire This Brown Guy from a Muslim Family’.” Yep, a white nationalist/anti-Semite for sure.


Get Ready For FOUR Years of This B.S.

Dennis Prager comments on some recent actions by those who did not vote for or do not support Donald Trump. From the youth rioting to the baseless claims of racism, anti-Semitism, and the like, we are only a week after the election… hold yur’ horses folks – this will be a bumpy ride!

Larry Elder Covers Some Aftermath of the Election

I clipped and reordered a tad some of “The Sage’s” insights on the happenings since Hillary lost the election. Great stuff. Long, but worth the listen. BTW, for a shorter “Grand Dragon” endorsement, see here.

(Picture from the Washington Times)

David Horowitz Discusses the Media Lies About Steve Bannon

Remember, Horowitz is one of the people to “prove” Bannon’s anti-Semitism.

The discussion does not stay exclusively on Bannon, but it stays close to the broader issue. David Horowitz has apparently written a seventh book in his series.

Mosque and Church Arsonists Don’t Fit the Narrative

…Much to Democrats Chagrin

This is an old story I was aware of, but I just referenced it elsewhere and I wanted to make sure it was holstered on my site.

Here is a bit from an article:

A Muslim man charged with setting fire to a Marietta mosque may be in the country illegally, law enforcement officials confirmed Thursday.

Tamsir Mendy, 26, a native of Gambia, has been charged with first-degree arson and is being held without bail at the Cobb County detention center, said Scott Tucker, Marietta assistant fire chief.

Federal authorities have placed an “ICE detainer” on Mendy — meaning he will be handed over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement for possible deportation after his case is adjudicated, said Cobb sheriff’s department spokeswoman Nancy Bodiford.

While Mendy sat in jail Thursday, his wife’s cousin, Momodou Njie, was proclaiming his innocence.

“[Mendy] is not a criminal. It makes no sense for a Muslim to set fire to a mosque where he goes to pray everyday,” Njie told the AJC. “I think the authorities are looking for a quick answer and there he was. I still think this was a hate crime.”

Njie also insisted that Mendy was in the country legally.

…(read more)…

Of course Muslim’s do not think a fellow Muslim could do this… maybe it was the Mossad? This reminds me of the black churches being burnt in the South, and the media and Democrats bemoaning “right-wingers” as the cause. It turned out to be a black Democrat — then what?! Silence from the media. Here is some history on it followed by a more recent story:

A Church Arson Epidemic? It’s Smoke and Mirrors

By Michael Fumento

….The CDR claims there have been 90 arsons against black churches in nine Southern states since 1990, and that the number has risen each year, reaching 35 in 1996 as of June 18. Each and every culprit “arrested and/or detained,” it stresses, has been white.

But when I contacted law enforcement officials in several states on the CDR list, a very different picture emerged. The CDR, it turns out, regularly ignored fires set by blacks and those that occurred in the early part of the decade, and labeled fires as arsons that were not — all in an apparent effort to make black church torchings appear to be escalating.

  • South Carolina. This state has by far the most arsons on the CDR list (27). But seven of those fires were either found not to be arsons or have not had their causes determined, according to Chief Robert Stewart of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division in Columbia. (In a note, the CDR’s report admits that two of the 27 fires were probably not arsons, but insists they are still suspicious. It makes no mention of the other five.) Moreover, far from all the arsonists having been white, eight of 18 arrested in South Carolina were black. While it’s not clear that all these arrests were made in time to make the CDR’s report, two were arrested more than a year ago.
  • Georgia. Of the five fires the CDR lists as black church arsons, only two can be confirmed as such, says John Bankhead, public affairs officer at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. And one of those occurred at a church where “the congregation has about 1,000 members, of whom about a dozen are black.” What’s more, Mr. Bankhead’s records include one black church arson from 1995 that the CDR’s report omitted. The arsonist was black.
  • Alabama. The CDR lists 10 church fires, all between 1994 and 1996. But State Fire Marshal John Robison says that only one of these was a confirmed arson (the perpetrator being a white fireman). One fire was determined to have been an accident, another is too recent to be classified, and four are being treated as possible arsons but are as yet undetermined. That leaves three more incidents on the CDR’s list of “Southern States Black Church Burnings” for Alabama. All were in Sumter County in February 1994. The Sumter County Sheriff’s Department confirmed that none were fires but rather vandalism. The CDR’s claim they were arson, I was told, was “a bald-faced lie.” Surprisingly, the CDR omitted one bona fide 1994 black church arson in which the culprits were white [see below]. It also left out two 1994 arsons committed by blacks. (One of them was the pastor of the church.) Moreover, the group left out 10 black church arsons that took place before 1994, again creating the illusion that the burning of black churches is a recent phenomenon.
  • Mississippi. Of nine Mississippi fires in the CDR’s report, only three are confirmed arsons, says James Ingram, commissioner of public safety. And while the CDR reports no black church fires before 1993, Mr. Ingram’s list includes five between 1990 and 1992. One was committed by a black man; in another, black church members were suspected. Two of the Mississippi fires the CDR lists occurred this June 17; Mr. Ingram says they were clearly “copycat” crimes, spurred by the recent publicity.

Even the claim that black churches have been singled out for arson is questionable [again, see next story referenced]. In 1995, according to USA Today, there were 45 arsons against white churches and 27 against black ones in the surveyed states. Since whites outnumber blacks by four to one in these states, that seems on the surface to suggest a strong racist element.

But as USA Today pointed out, “a higher percentage of black churches are in economically depressed areas, traditionally a factor in arson.” Further, black churches tend to be smaller and therefore must be more numerous. Among the black churches USA Today surveyed, 67 percent had 100 or fewer members. Southern black churches often are in dark, lonely areas, are quite old and are made of wood. In other words, they’re an arsonist’s dream. Catholic churches, on the other hand, are virtually always made of brick or stone, and almost all are predominantly white.

So other than saying that some black churches over the years have fallen prey to racists, we can’t easily infer motives. “We have not uncovered in 38 cases a single piece of information to substantiate racially motivated fires,” said Alabama’s Mr. Robison. Further, the arsons have “been happening for at least seven years,” he said. “There have been no dramatic increases, except for this year because of the media hype.” Other states’ officials have told him the same….

…(read more)…

There is another story that included three you white males burning down churches in Alabama that is a bit more recent. However, in the general media’s missive they forgot to mention one thing, these men were equal opportunity attackers for the most part. Here is NPR on the story:

…The three students – Benjamin Moseley, Russell Debusk and Matthew Cloyd – initially said that they had burned the first five churches as a prank. They said they panicked and set the other four churches on fire to throw detectives off their trail. Many here still’don’t understand it.

Many of the churches targeted by the fires were predominantly black, but white congregations were struck, too. Over the past year, a small group of people from the western Alabama churches have forged an unusual partnership. They meet at least once a month in Aliceville, Ala., at a fast-food restaurant. Galilee Pastor Little routinely joins them. He says that in this area of Alabama, it’s unusual for an older white gentleman and a younger black man to be friends, “calling each other and communicating with each other and respecting each other’s ideas and visions.”

Before the churches burned, Little says he rarely saw blacks and whites working together in western Alabama. He says the fires and reconstruction have brought the black and white communities closer together.

…(read more)…

That last sentence, to get a bit theological here, is a great example of God working out a greater good from an evil. Another factor in church fires revolves around paganism. For instance, Rick Ross (I love his site) documents one such arson spree:

As many as 50 church fires in the Midwest and South over the past five years may have been solved all at once with the arrest of a man fascinated with the satanic.

Paramedics became suspicious of Jay Scott Ballinger, 36, because he waited two days before seeking treatment for severe burns he claimed to have suffered in a bonfire.

A Ball State University police officer, acting on a hunch, questioned him. Finally, last weekend, Ballinger admitted to federal authorities that he burned 30 to 50 churches in 11 states between 1994 and 1998.

So far, agents have connected Ballinger to close to 20 arsons, and he has been charged in seven of them, all involving rural churches in Indiana.

Agents said they aren’t certain of a motive, but Ballinger’s interest in the occult is clear. Police said a few years ago, he persuaded 50 teen-agers to sign contracts in blood pledging their souls to the devil.

Ballinger’s stripper girlfriend and another man have admitted taking part in burning an Indiana church where they painted an upside-down cross on the steps as part of a satanic ritual….

…(read more)…

The point here is that the narrative often heard in the press is merely presented with the lens of class-warfare — a Howard Zinn/Progressive view of history and motives. However, upon further review, the facts do not fit with the Liberal Progressive metanarrative [worldview].