Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) has many more at his TWEET — he says he is “old enough to remember when the Dems didn’t think ‘Monkey Around’ was racist.”
Racist Democrats
Michael Medved Interviews Dinesh D’Souza About His New Film
In this wonderful interview, Dinesh discusses his detractors LACK of knowledge about the content of his film and his positions taken in it. Discussion about the “Southern Strategy,” as well as other historical myths is always an added plus to those that enjoy our political and racial history and the mantras surrounding our past. I include some expanded thoughts by Michael in the opening of the following hour in regard to a caller, I also include a snippet of Larry Elder expanding a bit on Michael’s discussion of interracial marriage from PRAGER U. See my PAGE dealing with much of this HERE (it is big and may take a moment to load).
We Are Sick Of It! Ergo, Trump
Larry Elder explains how we got Trump. The Left is confused… but its decades of abuse by them… but they are doubling down. And that is why Trump will rock in 2020. Here are some background to this “abuse”
- Democrats and the Nazi Card (
- Cronkite and the Roots of Media Bias (Commentary Magazine)
Larry Elder On the NAZI Card (Plus: A William F. Buckley Flashback)
Larry Elder reminds us that the term “NAZI” has been used on Republicans since at least the 1960s.
- “If you vote for Trump then you, the voter, you, not Donald Trump, are standing at the border, like Nazis, going ‘you here, you here,’ ” Deutsch said. (THE HILL)
Here is a flashback to 5-years ago where Larry Elder noted a 1968 discussion where William F. buckley was called a “Crypto-NAZI.” John Burton, the chairman of the California Democratic Party, called the G.O.P. Nazi’s. He of course gave a weak apology, but he was afforded more acceptance for it than Akin was afforded. The “Sage from South Central” is in his element here.
Michael Eric Dyson Crazy Talk Montage (After Caller Mentions Dyson)
A caller expresses his support for Trump, and in doing so coming up against the Leftist bigotry of low-expectations for blacks. A good portion of this audio is Michael Eric Dyson trying to sound smart but saying nothing.
Callers Find Larry Elder’ Facts Upsetting
This is actually picking up half-way through the commentary on this interview. The first caller is at the 5:30 mark. The second caller is at 8:45. The third call is at 14:50 – this third caller is a freed slave BTW (off the Democrat plantation). People can’t handle the truth! And yes, the Congressional Black Caucus is racist.
Swearing An Oath For Office Over A “Malcolm X” Autobiography
Dennis Prager reads about Mariah Parker, a 26-year-old progressive candidate and hip-hop artist… THE BLAZE has more:
The Left Makes Everything About Race By Design
Tucker: Increasingly it seems as if everything in American life revolves around race. It’s as if we live in country that’s completely divided between different groups of people categorized by their color. You get the sense that there aren’t Americans anymore. There are only hyphenated Americans. None of this is an accident. (Hat-Tip, Mike Vlach)
Gutfeld says he is “outraged out”!
A Larry Elder flashback:
FLASHBACK: Starbucks Uses Racist To Teach Anti-Racism?
This will be a longer post dealing with Common, the rapper. It is a redux of Larry Elder discussing Common being invited to the White House in May of 2011, and he [Common] was also a long-time member at Reverend Wrights racist church… so I will have a reminder of that church and whom it affiliated closely with.
FIRST, however, the reason for this transfer from my Vimeo account to my YouTube about Common. I was reminded of this because Starbucks has included Common in its anti-racism curriculum at Starbucks. FORTUNE has a short video worth watching about the training.
Flashback One
(ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION) Larry tackles race, violence, and the black community. Rapper “Common” has some very leery lyrics, so Larry attacks em head-on as only the Sage can.
Flashback Two
(ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION) Larry Elder adeptly deals with the Democratic double standard regarding who they lauds and who they condemn.
Common supports deeply a racist cop-killer that fled to Cuba. If you are not familiar with her, here are a few links to stories recapping her and commons support for her.
- Bring Assata Back ASAP (NATIONAL REVIEW)
- The “Common” Defense (REAL CLEAR POLITICS)
- #BlackLivesMatter Pays Homage to Marxist Cop Killer at Every Event It Holds (BREITBART)
- Berkeley Radicals Want To Honor Cop-Killing Communist (FRONTPAGE MAG)
Don’t forget about Angela Davis either…
BUT REMEMBER, Common went to the same church as our President. Here is a recent upload to my FACEBOOK PAGE (for this site) that I will reproduce here:
Analogy vs. Real Life
A utilitarian TOWNHALL update:
How The Left Discriminates Against Those It Professes To Champion
I thought of the following Thomas Sowell excerpt via a Facebook discussion regarding illegal immigrants/immigration. Stephanie C. said the following:
- Does anyone here know how many undocumented people live in SCV? [JUMP TO MORE DIRECT ANSWER] Seems like many people are assuming that if your Hispanic they must be undocumented. I hope people know that’s not the case.
California has the highest illegal immigrant population comparing states. And so the assumption of calling into question one’s “status” may be a logical leap in assumption. Which is why I thought of this Sowell portion of a book I just finished. Here is my Facebook response, followed by an excerpt from the aforementioned book (with a quick set-up for it):
I will forego the posting of what Discrimination 1 and Discrimination 2 are, but the main point easily extracted herein is that Leftist Democrats (“Progressives”) stop background checks in employment due to a [wrongly] perceived targeting of black youth. And so this is yet another example of a problem CREATED through Leftist legislation and then used (black unemployment) to keep said demographic in a state of anger and voting for who will give hand-out and not who will allow the market to create opportunity. I believe the leadership of the Democrat Party has this in mind when doing stuff like this, the general Left leaning population just wants to feel good about their position (SEE QUOTE A).
Another example of a problem CREATED by Democrats and then used in a political manner to rile up it’s base against Trump and the GOP is the immigration battle in sanctuary states is this:
Here is the Sowell excerpt as promised…. FINALLY:
Here is an excerpt from Jason Riley’s piece mentioned in footnote #2 above, via HOT AIR:
Watch Jason Riley discuss one of his books on C-SPAN’s Book TV interview.
This is with thanks to BLACK PIGEON SPEAKS! Using the numbers below and the idea (fact really) that the largest population of illegal immigrants live in California, I would say California illegal population is at least 13% of Cali’s population. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to say, then, that it could be as high as 20% (so 2-of-every-10 residents). Here are some other factoids:
- Most undocumented immigrants are from Latin America. Nationwide, 78% of undocumented immigrants are from Latin America—a slight majority (52%) come from Mexico alone. Most of the others (13%) are from Asia, although Africa and Europe also account for hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in the US. The Pew Research Center (PRC) estimates that as of 2014, 71% of California’s undocumented population was Mexican-born.
The Left Get’s a Pass For Their Racism
The title of the video should be, “Anti-Semitism Increasing Under Trump A Myth,” maybe a subtitle should read… “But holds firm in the Democrat Party”?
I suggest reading the entire article in the FEDERALIST, it is well written and informative:
Outrage Over White Curators
The Brooklyn Museum announced recently that they’d be housing a new temporary African art exhibit. So they hired Kristen Windmuller-Luna who is a curator and historian of African arts and architecture — and will oversee the exhibit. As a curator and historian of African arts and architecture, with a specialization in the early modern period and Christian Ethiopia, her work counters myths about African civilizations and artistic production by focusing on cultural specificity, artistic diversity and global historical context. Windmuller-Luna received her Ph.D. and M.A. in Art and Archaeology from Princeton University and her B.A. in the History of Art from Yale University.
The problem? She is a honky. (SEE MORE HERE)
One comment that I thought made a decent point was this one at LiveLeak:
- “Must be a tough realization for Dr. Windmuller-Luna that she wasted so much of her life trying to convince others of the beauty and merits of a culture that is, in reality, petty, hateful and ignorant.”
It isn’t the culture per-se, but the Leftism that has taken over that LARGE segment of the black population and the white liberals that guide it… which probably was how Dr. Windmuller-Luna once thought… but is now realizing that the Left always eats itself.