This is connected with my earlier post on “Global Warmers” saying snow would cease and children would forget what it was:
What you will find below is the “Global Warmist'” positions are not science. Why? Because, Scientific Explanations, To Be True Need Also To Be Falsifiable
Charles “The Hammer” Krauthammer makes this point in regards to the Climate Change frenzy:
Here are some examples (via the CORBETT REPORT)
- RACISM CAUSES THIS: Of course the left thinks this “okay” symbol is racist, like everything is now “racist” (milk, the term “athletic,” criticizing the IRS, saying that Barack Obama lied, wanting lower taxes, Star Wars, your baby, craft beer, being white, lunch bags, etc., etc. — TOWNHALL | TWITTER [Tucker Carlson] | WASHINGTON TIMES) | NATIONAL REVIEW | ZERO HEDGE [Tucker Carlson]). See, of course, my previous posts on the “okay” symbol, here and here.
- CLIMATE CAUSE THIS: I assume that “racist things” and the list of things caused by “Global Warming” will compete with each other.
The following is one of the reasons I reject Darwinian evolution (and, frankly, conspiracy theories like WTC-7 being a conspiracy), and any scientist would reject anything for.
That is to say, if a theory explains everything it explains nothing:
This info is with a hat-tip [and excerpt] to CLIMATE DEPOT. Here is the headline of an article to give you a flavor of the new debate:
- How Global Warming Can Cause Europe’s Harsh Winter Weather: Climate deniers are using a spell of unusually cold weather in Europe to incorrectly argue that CO2 emissions are not warming the planet.
CLIMATE DEPOT deals with various aspects in the response. From Artic “Warming” — Arctic Cool Off: Canada, Greenland & Iceland Have Seen Almost No Warming So Far This Century To a myriad of headlines from across the globe predicting catastrophgic warming — Settled climate science?! Everywhere is warming faster than everywhere!
But politicians persist:
.@BetoORourke blames Americans’ “emissions and our excesses and our inaction” for cold weather in Texas
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 17, 2021
I will include CLIMATE DEPOT’S article dump at the end. However, I wanted to add the excerpt from Marc Morano’s book he posted, here — regarding snowfall:
Book Excerpt: Back in 2000, when it was still “global warming,” David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (the institution that would be at the epicenter of Climategate), was featured in a news article in the UK newspaper the Independent with the headline, “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.” Viner predicted that within a few years winter snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event. Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”
So the trick of the “Global Warmers” is to define reality to fit their premise… no matter what.
- Record Cold/Snow caused by ‘global warming’?! Climate activists predict both outcomes — more snow, less snow — so they are never wrong – Book excerpt
- Feb. 2021: Polar vortex theory takes a beating: Journal Nature Refutes Claim That A Warmer Arctic Causes Extreme Cold Snaps
- 2019: UN IPCC’s Kevin Trenberth rebukes fellow warmists on polar vortex claims! ‘Frankly, it is a stretch to make that link…this is in realm of weather — Not climate’– “Frankly, it is a stretch to make that link,” Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday. “There is always cold air over the Arctic in the polar night and the question is whether it sits there or breaks out,” Trenberth said. “So all this is in realm of weather. Not climate.” … “‘Climate change’ once referred to outcomes measured via statistics (‘detection’) tracked over decades,” University of Colorado professor Roger Pielke Jr. noted Wednesday on Twitter. “Today ‘climate change’ is most often used as a causal factor in attributing events over hours, days or weeks,” Pielke said. “We’ve become dumber.”
- Vortices Of Controversy…Experts Slam Polar Vortex-Global Warming Claim, Suggest Public Trickery
- Veteran Swiss Meteorologist Slams Media For ‘Making It Up’…NOAA: Polar Vortex Term ‘Nothing New…Appeared In 1853’
- Elizabeth Warren Uses Coldest ‘Polar Vortex’ In Decades To Call For ‘Green New Deal’ To Fight Global Warming
- Polar Vortex: Killer Freeze Is Really Due To…Wait For It…Global Warming
- Physicist rips ‘global warming’ causing record cold claims: The whole ‘narrative involving the polar vortex is just another pseudoscientific scam’
He claims that Texas cold is “directly related to the warming”, which specifically is unproven and in general wrong:
*ALL* climate models show higher temps➡️fewer cold days and nights
You can’t just look at everything you don’t like and claim it is caused by climate
— Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) February 19, 2021