Examining Eastern Religions with Douglas Groothuis

Eastern religions are considered in relationship to biblical faith with apologist Dr. Douglas Groothuis of Denver Theological Seminary. We take a look at Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism in terms of how they view ultimate reality, the human condition, spiritual liberation and more. His “Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith” is a one stop hop for the apologetic enthusiast.

Republicans Should Do To Democrats What They Did To Trump

Remember This?

Well… hello Mabel….

Fox News host Mark Levin explains why he’ll press Donald Trump, should he be elected to the White House, to indict President Biden on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’

A very interesting article over at The Federalist concurs:

…. Hutchinson wasn’t alone in calling for the rigged, obviously corrupt trial and Soviet-style conviction to be “respected.” The former GOP governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, who is now running for U.S. Senate, encouraged people “to respect the verdict and legal process” and invoked the “rule of law” — a curious thing to say given how the entire trial made a mockery of the rule of law.


Put bluntly, Republicans have to make Democrats play by their own rules. They have to inflict pain ruthlessly on Democrats with endless show trials and lawfare, just as Democrats have done to Trump. The leftist radicals who run the Democrat Party only understand power, and they will only stop when they are force-fed their own medicine over and over. 

What does that messaging look like? It looks like Anthony Sabatini, a Florida Republican who said Thursday he’s running for Congress “to imprison as many Democrats as possible.”

As my Federalist colleague Sean Davis said Thursday, “If you’re a Republican running for office, you can just go ahead and throw away all of your elegant little policy proposals for this or that corporate exclusion or tax subsidy. Give me a list of which Democrat officials you’re going to put in prison, or get lost.”

What does that look like in practice? Here’s one idea. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton should immediately indict President Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland for the ongoing crisis at the border, which in every way is a criminal human-trafficking conspiracy that they have orchestrated and sustained by flouting federal immigration law.


If the Republican Party is going to be anything other than controlled opposition for the Democrats, fiddling while the republic burns, it needs to purge its ranks of snakes like McConnell and elevate those who aren’t afraid of playing by Democrats’ rules. A good way to separate the two groups would be to start asking Republican officeholders and candidates whether they’d be willing to bring criminal charges against high-ranking Democrats and, if they can, imprison them.

That’s the world Democrats have called into being with this show trial. They are the ones who have cried “no quarter” in this fight. The least Republicans can do at this point is accept their terms and enter the fight on equal footing.

Why is that so important? For two reasons. The first, mentioned above, is that Democrats will never stop unless they are made to suffer exactly what they would inflict on Republicans. If we’re going to start jailing political opponents in America, then it has to go both ways. The other reason is now that Democrats have done this, have made a mockery of our justice system, the only way to restore faith in the rule of law is to make those responsible pay for what they’ve done and bring them to justice. If Democrats get away with this, Americans will be justified in thinking the entire system is illegitimate.

So Republican officials have a choice to make. They can do what’s necessary to stop Democrats and restore faith in our justice system, or they can become Democrat slaves and let the republic burn.

John Yoo: Trump Verdict Will Cause ‘Harm’ To Our Legal System

CNN Legal Experts Call Foul | PLUS: Third World Nation Status

Alan Dershowitz FLASHBACK.

JD Vance Calmly Explains ‘Sham’ Prosecution Of Donald Trump As Wolf Blitzer Stammers

Alvin Bragg’s former colleague/current CNN legal analyst called out the rigged Trump case

A former colleague of both Alvin Bragg and Todd Blanche at the Southern District of New York AND a senior legal analyst at CNN just trashed the charges brought against Trump by Bragg and the trial itself as an “ill-conceived, unjustified mess.”

Elie Honig doesn’t fault the jury for doing their job, but rips everything else about the trial in new article in the New York Magazine.

Here’s what he has to say:


The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever. Even putting aside the specifics of election law, the Manhattan DA itself almost never brings any case in which falsification of business records is the only charge.

Standing alone, falsification charges would have been mere misdemeanors under New York law, which posed two problems for the DA. First, nobody cares about a misdemeanor, and it would be laughable to bring the first-ever charge against a former president for a trifling offense that falls within the same technical criminal classification as shoplifting a Snapple and a bag of Cheetos from a bodega. Second, the statute of limitations on a misdemeanor — two years — likely has long expired on Trump’s conduct, which dates to 2016 and 2017….


CNN Legal Panel Says There’s ‘Great Likelihood’ Of Trump Overturning Verdict On Numerous ‘Issues’

Attorneys On CNN Rip Merchan For Throwing Constitution ‘Out A Window’ With ‘Bad’ Jury Instructions

Hans von Spakovsky: New York might as well rename itself Venezuela following Trump trial verdict

….‘One of the Craziest Things’

Constitutional law expert Hans von Spakovsky says the conviction isn’t likely to stick, for an array of reasons. Chief among them: Merchan’s convoluted jury instructions, in which the Biden campaign-donor judge framed the jury’s deliberations in a way that, according to legal expert Jonathan Turley, “seemed less like a jury deliberation than a canned hunt.” Merchan told the jurors they didn’t have to agree on the three possible “unlawful means” prosecutors vaguely alleged Trump had employed to “influence” the 2016 election. 

“The jurors were told that they could split on what occurred, with four jurors accepting each of the three possible crimes in a 4-4-4 split. The court would still consider that a unanimous verdict so long as they agree that it was in furtherance of some crime,” Turley wrote in the Hill before the verdict was handed down. 

Accomplice media outlets running interference for Biden and his minions — and attempting to influence the 2024 election — collectively wailed that conservative news outlets have been misrepresenting Merchan’s jury instructions. But there’s no denying the unusual nature of the judge’s explanations at the end of a deeply legally flawed trial. 

Von Spakovsky said Merchan’s instructions point to reversible error — “an error in trial proceedings that affects a party’s rights so significantly that it is grounds for reversal if the affected party properly objected at trial,” according to the Legal Information Institute. 

“This is such a mistake. … If I were the court of appeals, the moment this case came in, I would overturn the conviction,” the former Federal Election Commission member and Heritage Foundation fellow told me before the verdict this week on the Simon Conway Show. “That is one of the craziest things I have ever heard and it is a complete violation of President Trump’s substantive due process rights.” 

Von Spakovsky said the standard in like cases is that jurors come to a unanimous agreement on each of the charges they are deliberating. He said Merchan added an absurd twist to the proceedings after handicapping Trump’s defense throughout the trial. 

Threw the Constitution ‘Out the Window’

Defense attorney Randy Zelin told CNN that Merchan’s jury instructions contained a “key flaw.” 

“Whether you are driving in a Ford or a Ferrari, if someone gives you bad directions, you’re going to end up lost. And those jury instructions were just a complete, just take the Constitution, throw it out a window, burn it, shoot it and hang it,” the attorney said on “CNN Special Report.”

Turley told Fox News that the “trial is a target rich environment for appeal,” although he said the appeal will likely “stretch beyond the election.”

Speaker Mike Johnson has called on the U.S. Supreme Court to quickly take up the case because of its unprecedented constitutional implications. The state appeals courts in line to preside over the Trump case are lined with Democrat-appointed judges. 

Von Spakovsky said the courts should act as expeditiously as the Supreme Court did in the Colorado ballot access case in which it unanimously overturned the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling kicking Trump off the state presidential primary ballot. 

As for Merchan, von Spakovsky said the judge is either one of the most incompetent judges he has ever seen or his curious instructions to the jury was “a sign of intentional misfeasance.” 

“In fact, I think it’s the latter because throughout this entire case he has acted as if he is an alternate member of the prosecution team,” the legal expert said. ….


Excerpts of Dr. Robert A. Morey Regarding Reincarnation

(I clip portions of the original file as well as add stuff to the presentation.) This was found on Calvary Apologetics YouTube, a video originally titled, “Reincarnation a la Shirley MacLaine,” but now titled [as I found it]: “Reincarnation of Human Souls. Dr Robert Morey. RARE!

I came across this video working on another critique of reincarnation via my call into the Dennis Prager Show: “Tackling Reincarnation on the Dennis Prager Show | RPT Views” (And the subsequent post on my site, HERE)

Sam Shamounian Leads a Muslim to Christ after John 17/Hebrews 1

(Avery of GodLogicApologetics had a recent conversion as well) Sam can be rough at times, but he is rough with some people…. but Muslims can be very disrespectful of Jesus and our faith — and he protects the authority of Scripture. But here you have an honest Muslim, and so Sam is showing the kindness of God.

Muslim SHOCKED When God Calls Jesus “Ya Allah” In The Arabic Bible; ACCEPTS Christ After [Emotional]

Some people will not like the crosstalk, but Sam dices up this Hebrew Israelite with Scripture… and this is useful [these verses] with our Jewish brothers.

Sam DESTROYS 2 Heretics Simultaneously on Isaiah 9:6 & the Messiah’s Deity [HEATED]

“It Was Me…” | The Fallen Soldier

Others have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you could be free. Remember them—today, and always. A moving tribute, written and narrated by former Navy SEAL and author Jocko Willink.

…It Was Them…

While the speeches and cartoons are perfect for this Memorial Day… they do not express the loss persons individually feel that express our Nation’s loss through their pain. Pray for the families of the fallen, always.

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A few of the below are from the same heroes funeral,

a link to the story is in the pictures

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March 4, 2002: John Chapman, an Air Force Combat Controller, along with a SEAL Team, are attempting to rescue their lost teammate. You’ll watch Chapman’s stunning and heroic actions as he saves the lives of his entire SEAL team, and another 18 members of a quick-reaction force, to earn America’s highest honor: The Medal of Honor.

The First Medal of Honor Ever Recorded

Battery Storage Fire Flares Up For Sixth Day

Battery Storage Fire Flares Up For Sixth Day

From the time of the above interview, firefighters are planning on camping out there for a month!

This from HOT AIR:

As of this past Tuesday, CalFire was still pouring water on and into the building while coming to the realization that “water” around lithium-ion batteries was a double-edged sword. Like Ramius tells Ryan in Red October, “Most things in here don’t react too well to bullets.” In the batteries’ case, they don’t react well to water.

…Pascua said things began to reignite Friday night.

You have to put water on it to keep the fire confined, but that water damages the batteries also allowing them to arc starting another fire. We’re just trying to keep the public safe and keep the fire contained to the building,” he said.

The chain reaction can happen when a lithium-ion battery creates heat faster than it can dissipate. That rapid increase of temperature can then turn to fire.

But water’s all they’ve got, and, as of yesterday, they were well into multiple millions of gallons flowing without having put the fire to bed.

One fire. In a perpetual drought state.

The fire has already consumed 5 million gallons of water, and firefighters estimate it will take an additional 7-10 days to control, using a total of 15-20 million gallons. LETHAL amounts of Hydrogen Cyanide were present in the air for 3 hours after the fire began

All that and, as of this morning, still en fuego. ….

Tackling Reincarnation on the Dennis Prager Show | RPT Views

(If you wish to skip to my all, it is at the 26:52 mark)

A week ago, I called into the Dennis Prager Show for the “Ultimate Issues Hours.” The topic was regarding reincarnation, and to a lesser extent, past lives. I was the first caller to get through, and I used examples from some in-class comments in a Philosophy 101 class. Which made it into a paper for that same class, “The Logic of Reincarnation”.

[And here is the 1st chapter as well that bleeds into the “Reincarnation” one well]

Another post dealing more specifically with “channeling” and past lives is this one, in it you will find various links and media to help dissect these views of new age and eastern thinkers: “Spiritism and Ghosts | The Christian View”.

I start the blow video with a great apologetic against the reality of “reincarnation” via Robert Morey (books):



Is Jesus Plagiarized from Pagan Myths?

Also see my: Is Jesus a Copycat Savior?

PART ONE: Since its release in 2007, Zeitgeist: The Movie has been seen by millions. Most people remember the second part of the film, which discusses 9/11, but the first section is of special interest to ancient history buffs. In this review, Dr. Miano looks at the history claims made by Peter Joseph, the writer of the movie, to see if they are in keeping with the facts.

PART TWO: In this second part of a review of Zeitgeist: The Movie, we consider the claims made about the myths of Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, and Mithra (Mithras) to see just how similar to the narratives about Jesus of Nazareth they are. Was the writer of the film suffering from parallelomania?