Here is an extended quote from Dinesh D’Souza’s book, THE BIG LIE, detailing the easy switch from socialist leaders and unions to fascist — overnight:
Placing the “Moral Onus” Where It Belongs
A caller tells a story of a friend of his and how she had to kill her infant in order to keep herself and others hidden from the Nazis. This get Dennis Prager to poignantly explain where the onus lies for such things. Great addition to the quiver of clarity!
True Heroes of History vs. Faux Pop-Culture Heroes
In an age of pseudo political “science” and a waning of an understanding of true heroism in the face of evil — mainly due to a lessening of what evil “is.” I previously wrote about this true hero that had her Nobel Prize swiped from her by the fraud known as Al Gore. Maybe he believes that “global warming” is the #1 issue facing humanity in order anesthetize his understanding that Irena Sendler is a TRUE hero of humanity — who fought real evil. Al Gore’s predictions have failed to come to pass (in Old Testament times he very well may have been put to death), and the following graph shows how fleeting political and environmental heroes can be in the face of real one… like IRENA SENDLER, who should have won the Nobel Peace Prize that year instead of Gore.
JOE BASTARDI finishes off a post (after the above graph) by saying this:
Is this an example of the Left relying on old white, wealthy males to guide society rather than lauding women of history?
Extended Sentences for Chilean Cult Members
“We Have To Declare War On Hitler” ~ Irena Sendler
Facts about Irena which are not generally known. All of these are from primary sources
Much of the facts were compiled by “LIFE IN A JAR“
Drunk Pilots? (Chem-Trail Debunking)
In a recent exchange, a believer in chemtrails posted the above photo and sarcastically asked if these pilots were drunk. Actually [I thought to myself] they looked like military maneuvers via fighter jets… so I got to looking. I eventually found out where this person got it from, Geoengineering Watch:
(click to enlarge)
(BTW, just about every photo on that page does not support their premise!)
So I did about 45-minutes of looking and eventually found the source of the photo (thanks to a feature in BING). It is a Chinese media internet channel (see original post here, be sure to have google translate the page if you are still a skeptic). Bingo… military.
Then I found it on METABUNK:
- “It’s actually from a 2007 photo of contrails left during an exercise of the Chinese air force practicing high altitude dogfights between F-10 and SU-27 fighters”
Yep. Geoengineering Watch caught knowingly lying and misleading people again:
METABUNK is supposedly owned by the evil, nefarious government set to control us through ice-crystals.[/sarcasm]
THIS IS THE MAIN POINT (humor aside) to remember when someone is backed in a corner and they say this type of thing… say, “okay, let us assume you are right… how does that information of a government owned entity negate these counter points and seeing the phenomenon happening since the dawn of flight?“
In-other-words, if the government, or Sasquatch owned the website (which neither do) , that would not impact at all the point made.
The person who posted the original photo keeps telling me to look up in the sky and see for myself… take note I have pointed out this phenomenon has happened all the time, and that all the below picture ARE someone looking up! To wit, here are a couple other pics I thought were very interesting due to their historical connection to WWII. Here is the info on this first picture (via WIKI):
- Fighter plane contrails mark the sky over Task Force 58, during the “Great Marianas Turkey Shoot” phase of the battle, 19 June 1944. Photographed from on board USS Birmingham (CL-62). (Battle of the Philippine Sea, June 1944)
Here is the second historical shot described (I found this one at The Atlantic):
- The condensation trails from German and British fighter planes engaged in an aerial battle appear in the sky over Kent, along the southeastern coast of England, on September 3, 1940
This third one is a Life Magazine shot (many more Life Mag pics can be found here at Contrail Science):
- 1944 – Allied aircraft vapor trails in skies above (prob.) farmhouse in the Ardennes Forest during last days of the Battle of the Bulge, the final major German offensive of WWII.
God I love history!
Michael Medved Critiques Obama’s Hiroshima Speech
I wasn’t gonna upload this, but this is an important [and fair] critique of Obama’s “Hiroshima Speech” by Michael Medved.
I usually include phone calls because Medved almost always takes disagreeing calls. But the two that came in were not that coherent. So it will be his commentary and portions of the speech. Barry Soetoro didn’t come out and apologize… like many (including myself) said he was going to. Instead, he morally equated the actions by the Allies (esp. America) to those of Japan. Still VERY disgraceful.
Japanese Internment ~ Regrettable But Complex
This post shed light on an all too simplistic tactic of left-leaning thinking and the internment of many innocent Japanese. Remember, this is NOT a post defending this historical failure of the U.S., but it merely sheds some light on the type of manure created today that causes misplaced activism in our youth.
Part of the problem with the left is that they try to equate our current problem with a low-number of 100-million people in the world that would like to kill and support those that kill Westerners for being nothing more than Kaffir with internment of an innocent population of people in the U.S. — the Japanese American. That being said, another thing I cannot stand about the left is that they do not understand the complexities of decisions in hard times.
They look back and simply say,
- “I wouldn’t have made that choice.”
They have no idea the choice they would make given the intel of the day in question. Thomas Sowell likens this thinking to Stage One Thinking. So, even though every leading Democrat believed Saddam Hussein had WMDs, and every intelligence agency worth their weight in gold said he had them… Bush still lied, knowingly, in order to steal oil that we never ended up getting.
It’s childish thinking at best, at worst it is destructive to the fabric of our complicated Union. Like the complete-and-total-myth that the Iraq war was over oil. This type thinking and simplifying of complex decisions is dangerouse to the fabric of our nation and since the Iraq war we have gotten extremists movements like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and others.
(Many actions taken during this time are regrettable)
Here is the excerpt from Michelle Malkin’s book, In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror:
The Fallen of World War II ~ An Animated Visualization
Via The Blaze:
The Fallen of World War II from Neil Halloran on Vimeo.
An animated data-driven documentary about war and peace, The Fallen of World War II looks at the human cost of the second World War and sizes up the numbers to other wars in history, including trends in recent conflicts.
- Visit for the interactive version and more information
- Written, directed, coded, narrated by
- Sound and music by
“The True Meaning of Giving” ~ A Tearful WWII Themed Ad
“Take Them At Their Word” ~ Obama VS. History (Afterburner)
Was it Wrong to Drop the Atom Bomb on Japan? (PragerU)
In recent years, many academics and others have condemned President Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as unnecessary and immoral. Yet this interpretation relies on a poor understanding of history that both lacks perspective and ignores context. Dropping the bomb shortened the war and saved countless lives — both American and Japanese. In five minutes, Professor of History at Notre Dame, Father Wilson Miscamble, explains.
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