White Privilege
White Students Wear White Monikers
THE COLLEGE FIX explains the above:
Crazy that people do not see that separating people into classes doesn’t lead to one class marking the other as the root of their problems.
Why You Should #DumpStarWars
There is a LANGUAGE warning that accompanies Gavin:
White Privilege in ROGUE ONE… no thanks, I will pass. Here is some info via HOLLYWOOD REPORTER:
The DAILY CALLER continues to discuss the above graphic:
Democrats ARE Institutionalized Racists-Larry Elder Lays Down the Law!
Larry Elder hits a “bases full homer” with this one. The Sage focuses in on John Podesta’s email to Hillary and talks about all the way this proves what he has been saying for YEARS. That is, the Democrat Party doesn’t care about Black men and women… in fact, they think they cannot change. And so, all the social programs are really just to keep the black man and woman on the Democrat plantation.
Republicans in contradistinction to the Left, think that anyone who works hard and follows some basic sociological steps (graduate high school, marry before having children, and the like) as well as following some basic economic steps (have an entrepreneurial spirit, understand supply and demand, and the like) — can be successful.
Donate to these two wonderful causes: https://www.prageru.com/donate – and – https://home.isi.org/donors
Dennis Prager Takes a Call from a Social Justice Warrior
In a great call you get the feel for the left’s view of institutional racism. The call ends with Terra’s non-sequitur about the Holocaust being dissected.
Old, Rich, White (Obstructionist) Men
The Republicans are the Party of the rich, and run by old, rich white guys who like to say “no” all the time.
Here are a few stories on Harry Reid’s obstructionism:
Again, the main point is that Harry Reid was trying to make the Democrat Senators up for revote to only have to deal with local issues in their state… and not for them to be “burdened” with defending bills passed in the Senate:
Here is another example of Reid’s obstructionism:
Here is an update via AMAC:
Thinking through leftist mantras:
✪ Average age of Democrat’s in the House (average age): 74
✪ Average age of House Republicans? 53
Seven of the top ten richest people in Congress are Democrats. The top five donors to unrestricted super PACs reads like a billionaire boys club and are Democratic donors/supporters.
ERGO: the Democratic Party are run by old, rich, white,
obstructionist, men. Not the Republican Party.
Portland Community College’s “Rape Culture”
Progressives Today have a wild story about how low the Left goes today to make a point that really is not set in reality anyways. I assume that they want to take these fictitious positions but can only find people to make them that could care less about truth and law.
Here is part of PT’s earlier story:
- The startling past of Tony Funchess has come to light. Currently running for student body president of Portland State University, someone distributed a flyer around the college detailing Mr. Funchess’ criminal past, which centered around a 3 year jail term for 2 sex abuse charges; Sodomy III and Attempted Rape II.
What do you expect when DEMOCRAT LEADERS and Reps model such behavior?!
Appropriate This! ~ Firewall
See my previous post on the example of dreadlocks, here: Cultural Appropriation Alert: Honkeys Cannot Have Dreadlocks
The Social Justice Warriors — the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife — have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this, and has a list of grievances all his own.
5 Signs You’re A Regressive Liberal
Cultural Appropriation Alert: Honkeys Cannot Have Dreadlocks
To me, this is an example of the left eating itself. This hippie-dippie kid is probably left-wing, and this BLM styled activist is a leftist… and one is telling the other to groom themselves a certain way. I guess she is an employee of the university, but we will soon (like Iran) have a dress code police. Something Walter Williams coined as “lifestyle Nazis” (one and two). The positive thing that may come out of these types of experiences is that we will get more Republican voters as they leave the crazy left.
People were in a tizzy over Mitt Romney’s forced haircut on a fellow student. The Left said this prank was enough to disqualify him from the Presidency. Yet, here, we see the Left wanting to forcefully cut hair due to “cultural appropriation.” Breitbart notes:
Harvard Students Debate “White Self-Genocide”
(Libertarian Republican h/t) Harvard University has again broke into the news with the advocacy of white self-genocide. The first time, it was something of a joke, although based on an actual professor who says things such as ”treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” This time, the news story concerns a debate in which a participant argues that white people should commit suicide, and it appears the story is true.
Video Description
Cambridge, Mass. – White lives do not matter, according to a student debater/activist from the University of West Georgia. Miguel Feliciano, along with fellow West Georgia student Damiyr Davis, reportedly participated in a recent debate with other students at Harvard University. During an exchange with their opponents, Feliciano suggested that white people should kill themselves because of their “white privilege.” — “White life is wrong,” [….] “Our argument is that we should never affirm white life. White life is based off black subjugation.” When a white debater asked Feliciano whether he should commit suicide, Feliciano said “I don’t see why not, it’s ethical.”
When the white debater suggested that it might be better to remain alive and fight the social forces that promote “white privilege,” Feliciano rejects the notion. “Struggling against the structure means putting yourself on the line, putting your body on the line, do it. Affirmative suicide, that’s cool, it’s one little step in the right direction,” Feliciano said. Ironically, the debate topic was supposed to be about renewable energy. “The black debaters simply ‘chose’ to point out their opponents’ skin color and begin advocating genocide,” reported InvestmentWatchdogBlog.com. “They expressly stated that these were their ‘sincere beliefs,’ not just an argument to win a debate.”
Feliciano and Davis are not some anonymous student crackpots posing as serious debaters. They form a respected two-person debate team that took second place at the 2013 Cross-Examination Debate Association Nationals. Feliciano also acts as an instructor at the Eddie Conway Liberation Institute, an annual debate camp at Coppin State University that reportedly instructs high school students on debate strategy and radical thought. The institute is named after former Black Panther Party member Eddie Conway, who was convicted and imprisoned for 44 years for his involvement with the 1970 murder of a Baltimore police officer.
I Love My White Male Privilege!
I love being constantly called a racist, a sexist, and being collectively blamed for the slave trade!
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