Michelle Malkin investigates the history of systems used to calculate results from November’s big race, and presents claims that suggest the winners and losers might have been influenced by outside parties. – via Michelle Malkin Sovereign Nation, Saturdays at 7PM ET on Newsmax TV
Voter Fraud

Is Trump Undermining Democracy With Legal Court Cases? (MSM Narratives)
Dave takes you through an excellent article detailing the many statistical oddities present in Joe Biden’s impossible win.
- If taking claims to court undermines democracy, how to defend Democrats’ vociferous and repeated claims that Donald Trump stole the election in 2016 with the help of Russia? (THE FEDERALIST)

Blue Collar Logic On the Electoral Sleight of Hand
Here is the article read through in the video:
Dave takes you through an excellent article detailing the many statistical oddities present in Joe Biden’s impossible win.

The Stolen Election | FIREWALL SERIES
(As an aside, a recent poll shows that One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media)
We begin this multi-part series by stepping way back, because the scale of the corruption is so vast and so extensive that your vote might have been stolen years before the election.
The manipulation of the 2020 presidential election by partisan-tuned algorithms on social media platforms might be the least of our worries. Bill Whittle shows how Twitter and Facebook hiding the Hunter Biden laptop (and Joe Biden influence peddling) story, helped Biden beat President Trump in battleground states, and thus in the electoral college. More disturbing than Silicon Valley Leftists protecting Joe Biden, Bill Whittle illustrates how Google (which owns YouTube, Waze, Nest and more), aims to create a world that lives by ‘Google values’ through a subtle, but ubiquitous, recording and steering of even our smallest decisions. ‘The Selfish Ledger’ it accumulates about your behaviors, attitudes, choices and travels — taken in the aggregate — helps the search giant determine what you see and what you never see, and it leads you inexorably to what they want you to see, to do, to be…and how they want you to vote.

Dr. Eric Coomer – How To Change Votes (UPDATED)
IN CASE YOU DON’T KNOW: Dr. Coomer, for those that do not know, is on the Board of Dominion and a lead engineer there. He is also a radical Antifa guy who posts “ACAB” and other anti-police slurs on his social media. And when asked by a friend about Trump, Dr. Coomer said: don’t worry, he won’t win, I’ve taken care of that. (100% FED-UP)
See my YT UPLOAD which included Dr. Coomer saying they do not do updates unless a full reauthorization happens… yet…
- A software update made 12-days before voting began in Georgia was not adequately tested for security issues nor was it recertified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. Why? Because infamous Dominion Voting Systems executive Eric Coomer claimed the change was “minor” and did not require recertification. (NOQ REPORT)
In this video, Eric Coomer, the Dominion Exec who allegedly told an Antifa member on a conference call that Trump wouldn’t win, and he would make F—In Sure Of That, is explaining at a conference in Chicago in 2017 that “adjudication teams” are able to make alterations in the Dominion system, if they feel there was an issue with the voter’s intent. And he explains how it’s done. (Also watch on TWITTER)

Are Voting Machines Vulnerable To Hacking/Fraud
(As an aside, I “hear” CNN and other networks and Democrats mention that Republicans and Donald Trump are undermining Democracy. In fact, 4-years of the Democrat Presidential candidate saying Trump is an illegitimate President and Democrats entire lie about Russian Collusion based on a lie about Trump’s involvement with Russia based on a knowable fake dossier which was the brainchild of Hillary. Democrats Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost!)
This was an excellent audio by Larry Elder… I add to the resources both in the audio as well as below:
- (NEW YORK TIMES) How I Hacked an Election | NYT – Opinion;
- (PBS NEWS HOUR) PBS Special on Dominion Voting Systems in Georgia 2020 – October 26, 2020;
- (SYMANTIC) I Bought a Voting Machine Online … Then Hacked It;
- (FUSION) A Hacker Shows Us How Easy it is To Manipulate Voting Machines;
- (CNN BUSINESS) We Watched Hackers Break Into Voting Machines;
- (NBC) ‘Online and vulnerable’: Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet
- (CEO SMARTMATIC) Election Company: Venezuela Result was Tampered;
[SIDE NOTE: for last video… election auditors were kept out in many swing state districts that had large Biden “vote dumps”].

Pennsylvania – The Banana Republic
The Pennsylvania State Flag
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just confirmed what many have thought was a myth. Here is an example from a video upload of mine (WATCH THE FIRST 25-SECONDS…. that’s not too much to ask is it?):
….Observers were forced to stand 30 to 100 feet away from the ballot counting and resorted to using binoculars. NEWSLA rightly calls PA a Banana Republic:
President Trump was up by nearly 700,000 votes on election night in Pennsylvania when all of a sudden vote counting came to a halt.
Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia stopped counting ballots on election night.
This is when crooked officials in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh got to work stealing the election for Joe Biden.
Millions of ballots appeared within a few days and hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted for Joe Biden as officials blocked GOP poll observers from having access to the vote counting centers.
GOP poll observers and lawyers for President Trump’s campaign were blocked from observing the process despite a court order from an appellate judge.
According to the court order, GOP observers must be allowed within 6 feet of the ballot counting.
Observers were forced to stand 30 to 100 feet away from the ballot counting and resorted to using binoculars.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said all the state law requires is observers be allowed “‘in the room’ where ballots are counted. The law does not set a minimum distance between them and the counting tables…The legislature didn’t provide one, and the court can’t, either.”
- “The Board of Canvassers had originally voted 2-2 along party lines. The tie meant the election results were not certified.”
Wayne County Reverses Decision, Certifies Disputed Election Results as Video Goes Dark - Ian Miles Cheong: “All the left has to do to get what it wants is to threaten people with violence, et voila, people cave because they care about their lives and health.”
GOP Board of Canvassers Members in Wayne County, MI Cave After First Refusing to Certify 2020 Election Results
- The recent statement by Chris Krebs on the security of the 2020 Election was highly inaccurate, in that there were massive improprieties and fraud — including dead people voting, Poll Watchers not allowed into polling locations, “glitches” in the voting machines which changed votes from Trump to Biden, late voting, and many more.
President Trump Fires Top Election Cybersecurity Official Chris Krebs - “Montenegro submitted over 8,000 fraudulent voter registration applications between July and October of this year, according to the district attorney’s office. Additionally, Montenegro allegedly falsified, ‘names, addresses and signatures on nomination papers under penalty of perjury to run for mayor in the city of Hawthorne.'” (I bet Trump probably made California a very close race, if not won it – jjs)
California: 2 Charged with Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted Registration Applications on Behalf of Homeless - “I’m here to tell you that the electronic voting machines Americans got to solve the problem of voting integrity, they turned out to be an awful idea,” Halderman says in the video. “That’s because people like me can hack them, all too easily.”
FLASHBACK: Univ. of Michigan Computer Scientist Warned About Voting Machine Vulnerabilities in 2018 - “The Trump campaign’s legal team seems quite confident of a big win to come. Should they be?”
Hurry Up With That Kraken, Will You? - “The obvious — and overwhelming — evidence.”
Proof of the Dems’ Election Steal - Robert Spencer: “… the ongoing revelations about the 2020 election are more than enough, if not to overturn the result, then at very least to underscore the fact that whether or not President Trump’s efforts to throw out illegal votes and stop voter fraud this year succeed, America will have no more free elections if this problem is not thoroughly addressed, and concrete actions taken to ensure that future elections are tamper-proof.”
The Disputed Election of 2020 Could Make America Into Venezuela - “Remind the state legislators of their duty.” (linked here – jjs)
Sign the Petition Telling State Legislators to Do Their Constitutional Duty
- “The sudden surges of votes for Biden can be seen in the code.”
It’s In the Code: Trump Won Michigan and Wisconsin
- “The decision was 5-2 because two justices wouldn’t have even decided the case, preferring to rule that it is moot. The principal dissent also explicitly says that throwing out valid ballots would not be an appropriate remedy anyway. “
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules 5-2 Against Trump Claim on Ballot Observers
- “Late this afternoon, I filed an Amended Complaint against GA Secretary of State @GaSecofState, et al. Due process issues are now also raised. The recount is a sham. Tomorrow, I will move for an emergency TRO.”
Attorney Lin Wood Takes a Flamethrower to Georgia Gov. Kemp - “Fayette County is a county that Trump won by 19 points in 2016 and is up by 6 points in this election.”
Second Georgia County Finds Thousands More Votes, Majority Are For Trump - ‘”Choose ye this day who you will serve,’ said the Democrat.”
Warnock: “Nobody Can Serve G-d and the Military”
- “All of the races in Clark County have been certified except the one for the District C commission seat where the Democrat candidate, Ross Miller, had a 10-vote lead.”
Entire Local Election in Nevada Thrown Out After “Discrepancies” Found
- “Looking closely at outcomes in states like Minnesota and Wisconsin, certain “red flag” patterns emerge.”
Red Flags in Wisconsin and Minnesota - “Shrinking from the cost of the Wisconsin recount would be much too costly.”
Milwaukee Is Brewing
- “Blatant election-rigging leaves Republicans few options.”
If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself - “They must insist that the problems with their election counts be resolved to the satisfaction of all voters, or they must reject these fraudulent election results entirely, either by letting the Republicans in the House choose, or by choosing themselves.”
If Election Issues Are Not Fixed, Elected State Republicans Must Refuse to Certify - “We must accept a perfect storm of implausible anomalies and brazen irregularities.”
What We Must Believe to Believe Biden Won - “This is an incredibly dangerous moment for the country and may be a pivotal point in the future of America’s democratic republic. Did we just cross the Rubicon?”
If Americans Can No Longer Trust Our Elections, We’re In Big Trouble - “Let me list just some of the ways one could engage in election cheating by fiddling with software.”
An Engineer Explains Why We Must Kill Software-Based Voting - “We have the legal and constitutional means to save the American system of self-government. All that remains to be seen is if we have the will to save our country.”
A Real Red Wave - “Trump has chosen to tackle this swamp monster head on. If Obama were not such a flaming hypocrite, he would applaud the effort.”
Hypocrisy Alert: Obama Won First Election By Challenging Voter Fraud - “Totally normal. Move along, nothing to see here.”
Paul Joseph Watson Video: The Stolen Presidential Election - “Until now, Trump Derangement Syndrome could be dismissed as the cries of impotent rage by sore losers of a fair election. Now we’re hearing the vengeful howls of people who no longer feel impotent.”
Fools and Nobody’s Fools - Daniel Greenfield: “Every state but one that had a Democrat acting as Secretary of State was called for Biden.”
The Real Presidential Election Was Rigged in 2018

“Trump Team’s Evidence Will ‘Overturn’ Multiple States”
(100% FED-UP) Sidney Powell has been such a fearless warrior during the investigation into the 2020 election. She has been unafraid to expose corruption. America could use more patriots like Powell to help expose the lack of election integrity.
Powell reportedly told Mark Levin tonight that even Trump administration officials have been trying to stop her effort to expose the fraud in this year’s election. The Deep State runs deep in DC.
Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs tonight and read statements from the Smartmatic whistleblower:
I want this to be true!

PBS Special On Voting Machines (Oct 26, 2020)
(Larry Elder quotes PBS’s special below this video) Oh no… A University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science & Engineering is not confident in the Georgia voting system at all. They just made a last minute software change right before the election. Can anyone say Voter Fraud?
Protecting the American voting process from outside interference is a top priority this election season. But public and political opinion are divided over the best voting systems to prevent tampering. Miles O’Brien takes a look at the latest technology being used in Georgia — and whether it provides a stronger defense against meddling than the traditional paper ballot.

Some Quick Thoughts Of Where We Stand (Part 2)
KEY: If any votes are thrown out through either fraud, breaking the law (the court ruling), or mishandling the count (not allowing poll watchers), then this is only the fault of one Party. DEMOCRATS!
FIRST! the latest
Yesterday I was letting people know (family and friends) the following: “165,000 in Philly, and 330,000 in Pitts were processed against state law. If shown true in court, 80% of Bidens and 20% of Trumps ballots would be nixed. Trump would win PA. Ohio’s AG asked SCOTUS to rule against the lower court usurping PA’s voting law. Missouri AG asked as well, saying the court ruling shouldn’t be able to change state election laws.” It was based on this as I was doing deliveries (I added the Pam Bondi video from a couple days earlier to give context to Giuliani):
Via “Our plan for the President. Rudy Giuliani with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First“.
I added the Pam Bondi video which I have a fuller version on in this audio: “Hans von Spakovsky On Election Integrity“
The question was basically, Justice Alito asked for PA to separate the late votes where signatures and postmarks may have not been up to Pennsylvania election law — if these ballots are simply mixed in the rest [to hide the irregularities], what is the possible action. Remember, a court added to election law, whereas the state legislature is the only entity that can change election law/rules/procedures… not mayors, city councils, or governors or the courts. IN FACT, the Attorney Generals of Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma are urging SCOTUS to overturn the lower courts ruling. Why? Because the chaos Democrats created in PA would spread to other states where Democrat Judges would wantonly rule on issues of election laws. Here is more from THE DAILY SIGNAL:
…Three of the state attorneys general—Jeff Landry of Louisiana, Eric Schmitt of Missouri, and Mike Hunter of Oklahoma—held a virtual press conference Monday to announce the filing of an amicus brief in the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot challenge brought by the Pennsylvania Republican Party, which is before the Supreme Court.
“We are weighing in on a case, on a writ, that has been brought to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to bring additional arguments before the court as to why we believe the court should take up this matter,” said Landry, chairman of the Republican Attorneys General Association.
In unofficial results contested by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign, Democratic challenger Joe Biden got 49.8% of the vote in Pennsylvania to Trump’s 49.1%. The president has not conceded the election, which major media outlets called Saturday for Biden after some put Pennsylvania in the former vice president’s column….
In a previous conversation on Facebook with an ex-co-worker, this is what I noted:
Granted, my original statement was a misrepresentation of what I heard in a short clip on the radio while driving. Getting in and out of the vehicle I drive, turning the sound down while on a studio lot (windows open no sound [not even the AC on] when reversing on a lot, etc). I will emphasize though what my correction said to explain better the following:
[Original Statement] Biden does worse than Hillary and Obama in every state except WI, GA, MI, and PA. Lol
[Talk to text additional context] I misspoke Chris Lazar, the stat I heard was from a story LIKE THIS (Biden Is Underperforming Hillary in Battleground States) I believe Biden outperformed Hillary in those counties [cities] that many of the questionable practices [late ballots and blocking watchers, large percentages found for a single candidate, etc] happened.
[While in stopped traffic that old article I read was all I could find, not the article mentioned by the radio personality] This is what I should have been clearer on in messaging (RUSH LIMBAUGH):
Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country,” except… Are you ready? “Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”
Let me go through this again. “Joe Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area” except for four. Milwaukee (i.e., Wisconsin), Detroit (i.e., Michigan), Atlanta (i.e., Georgia), Philadelphia (i.e., Pennsylvania.) It just so happened to be the four states that are gonna put Biden over the top in their scenarios here.
Here are two recent articles for clarity discussing this in-depth [and the portion not excerpted is a portion that supports some of Chris’s points from a previous discussion, FYI]. And this one example of Milwaukee is a reply in a sense to Chris’s nide LOL/TEAR emojis and missfounded response when I said this clearly:
- (ME) the stat I heard was from a story LIKE THIS
- (Chris) ???? that’s an article from AUGUST 28TH!!!!!
- (ME) I am driving now, but there is a fresher comparison
- (Chris) stop digging to try & fit the fraud hoax
The following is a combination of JONATHAN TURLEY’S article as well as THE FEDERALIST’S article:
…In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both, receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.
What makes this suspicious is that the county is shrinking. The Census Bureau population estimates show that in the last 10 years, thousands of metro Milwaukee residents have left the area for other parts of the state and country. As the Milwaukee Sentinel put it, “We’re lagging in a key metric that often reflects the vitality and desirability of a metro area: population growth.” The City of Milwaukee, which makes up about 60 percent of the county’s population, saw the number of registered voter decline by more than 26,700 from 2008 to 2020.
While it’s true that Obama in 2008 won about 18,000 more votes than Biden in the City of Milwaukee itself, one would also expect the countywide vote total for Biden to be less than Obama. Obama was a historic figure that motivated record numbers of blacks to vote in 2008. In addition, he had one of the most robust and successful campaigns in American history. His ground game and get-out-the-vote efforts were unprecedented, utilizing door knocking, canvassing, and phone banking. Not surprisingly, in no small part because of the black vote in Milwaukee County, he won the state of Wisconsin handily by a 6.9-percent margin.
The numbers in Milwaukee County suggest something fishy is happening in Wisconsin, and the Trump campaign is right to call for a recount.
So the above was for clarity.
Now, because of all of the above, REAL CLEAR POLITICS (hat-tip, 100% FED-UP):
Remember what I told my family and friends two days ago (Link Below) — and we are in the midst of either scenario:
Never before has an election been overturned by the amount of spread between the two candidates.
But, Trump has accomplished many hurdles. So there are many tracks I see happening.
One is [best case scenario] that SCOTUS is going to reject ballots after the 3rd (8pm) of November. The ballots not allowed to be jointly viewed by GOP/DEM “minders” need to be reviewed again, the ballots “cured” while not under view within 6-feet of GOP persons will be fully rejected because of that and that the equal “curing” didn’t happen in other districts for heavy Trump areas. [“Curing” happened in multiple districts in multiple states]. The machines (software) that “glitched” in the district in MI is in 30 states. ALL those ballots need to be hand counted and viewed properly. If this happens, Trump may win….BEST CASE.
WORSE CASE? Trump is a lame duck but uses his last couple months to install an independent council to look into Bidens’s’ dealings. Using his position to show everyone how corrupt the Democrat machine is and the depths of cheating elections, thus, taking away the peoples real power. As he heads into the sunset helping set up a revived GOP machine to help fight the retarded philosophy of the Left’s corruption and depths of depravity in socialism.

Election Integrity: von Spakovsky | Kris Kobach (Larry O’Connor Show)
This is a partial interview of Mr. von Spakovsky via the Larry O’Connor Show. I include video of the Pam Bondi presser with just a few minutes later the result of Philadelphia Democrats stopping the lawful act of viewing how ballots are processed (mark 1:05 to 4:15). Crazy! All these votes that were counted need to be recounted. And ballots that were “cured” without Republicans being close enough to observe need to be rejected. CBS PHILLY reports on the court case won:
- PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The Trump campaign has secured a win in a Philadelphia lower court Thursday morning. Poll watchers are now allowed to be within six feet of ballot counting at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, rather than the previous 20-foot perimeter.
Larry O’Connor interviewed Kris Kobach who has been involved in the political field since the G.W. Bush admin. The topic is of course the current election. Kris’ article on BREITBART are here: “Why It’s Necessary to Watch Them Count the Votes in Pennsylvania”

Some Quick Thoughts Of Where We Stand (+ Article Dump)
- BETS? Over/Under bets? I think Biden will last until no later than Nov. 11th of 2021, and then step down. (But 6-months is a safe bet — 3-and-a-half- years seems like the number — in political and Christian time at least.) Then his socialist VP takes over the Presidency.
There are 71,000,000 Americans that are our friend’s in arms. Take Heart and as AMERICAN GREATNESS says, “[Trump] should pursue every constitutional and legal means to dispute these funny results and take it all the way to Congress.” BE THE HAPPY WARRIOR.
Also note, President Trump is taking Hillary Clinton’s advice to Biden:
- “Joe Biden [insert Trump] should not concede under any circumstances, because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually I do believe he will win if we don’t give an inch, and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is…“
During her interview Sidney dropped several bombs including this: That Democrats manufactured 450,000 votes in battleground states that miraculously ONLY have a vote for Joe Biden.
What I told my boys:
Never before has an election been overturned by the amount of spread between the two candidates.
But, Trump has accomplished many hurdles. So there are many tracks I see happening.
One is [best case scenario] that SCOTUS is going to reject ballots after the 3rd (8pm) of November. The ballots not allowed to be jointly viewed by GOP/DEM “minders” need to be reviewed again, the ballots “cured” while not under view within 6-feet of GOP persons will be fully rejected because of that and that the equal “curing” didn’t happen in other districts for heavy Trump areas. [“Curing” happened in multiple districts in multiple states]. The machines (software) that “glitched” in the district in MI is in 30 states. ALL those ballots need to be hand counted and viewed properly. If this happens, Trump may win….BEST CASE.
WORSE CASE? Trump is a lame duck but uses his last couple months to install an independent council to look into Bidens’s’ dealings. Using his position to show everyone how corrupt the Democrat machine is and the depths of cheating elections, thus, taking away the peoples real power. As he heads into the sunset helping set up a revived GOP machine to help fight the retarded philosophy of the Left’s corruption and depths of depravity in socialism.
Either way our country will still be like this:
Biden supporters vs. Trump supporters:
Biden side screaming angrily and calling Trump supporters fascists while the Trump sides sings the Star spangled banner
America 2020. pic.twitter.com/v9e1meB9TK
— Savanah Hernandez (@sav_says_) November 7, 2020
When Joe Biden and other Democrats and media outlets say the votes he has received have given him a mandate to fight climate change and systemic racism, he has received no such mandate (LEGAL INSURRECTION). Either transparency needs to happen in the election process or our country will be more divided than ever. (Remember, the Left and Democrat officials has called every Republican Presidential candidate since Goldwater a racist… it has just gotten worse against Trump and Republicans with the New Left).
When Democrats and media outlets say we should unify behind Biden…
How can I unify with these two (Biden and Harris) who called me a racist bigot? Paw-lease.
Before the election the news media predicted Joe Biden would win by 12-15 points and the Republicans would lose 15 to 20 House seats. The GOP won 28 of 29 of the most competitive US House seats. Republicans DID NOT LOSE one single House seat! The Republicans also took control of three more state legislatures.
But Trump lost. LOL. So, where are we?
- Lawsuits starts on Monday
- 50/60 poll watchers, some attorneys, will testify about deprived the right to inspect mail-in’s
- 300k ballots in Pittsburgh not inspected by R’s
- (Similar issues in GA MI NC and other states)
- witnesses of back dating mail-ins (USPS and Poll Whistleblowers)
Here is my Sunday Morning Article Dump:
- Ballot Clerks in Wisconsin Allegedly Added Witness Statements To Thousands of Invalid Ballots (RED STATE)
- Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count (BREITBART)
- PA-based USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins Comes Forward & Agrees to Testify; Whistleblower Testifies Late Ballots Back-Dated for Nov. 3, Election Day; Whistleblower: Other Employees Feel the Same…Contacted Me (PROJECT VERITAS | WASHINGTON TIMES)
- Postal Service Inspectors Interview Erie, Pa. USPS ‘Postmark’ Whistleblower; Whistleblower to O’Keefe: ‘I Told Them What I Told You’; Third Post Office Whistleblower: USPS Sorts Late-Ballots to Special Bins For Future Counting (PROJECT VERITAS)
- Las Vegas Mailman Agrees To Pass On ‘A Nice Handful’ Of Unclaimed Ballots To Project Veritas Undercover Journalist: ‘If It’s In There—I Didn’t Do It.’ (PROJECT VERITAS)
- Eyewitness Says as Many as 20,000 Unverified Absentee Ballots Counted in Detroit Primary (BREITBART)
- GOP Poll Watcher Alleges Fraud at Detroit Ballot-Counting Center (BREITBART)
- Nevada Whistleblower Says He Witnessed Processing of Illegitimate Votes (BREITBART)
- Nevada Whistleblower Says He Was Told To Process Ballots Without Signature Verification (WESTERN JOURAL)
- Stunning Video Shows Philadelphia Poll Watchers Observing Vote From Across Room With Binoculars (100% FED-UP | TWITTER VIDEO)
- Lisette Tarragano from #Philadelphia: We should all be concerned, we are being constrained (TWITTER VIDEO)
- Poll watcher in #Philadelphia: What I saw was disturbing, they did it so we couldn’t observe or challenge it (TWITTER VIDEO)
- Poll watcher in #Philadelphia: “We just want a fair election” (TWITTER VIDEO)
- This is the kind of intimidation poll challengers at the TCF Center in Detroit were exposed to (TWITTER VIDEO)
- Poll Workers Filling In Ballots – Gues What They Are Missing? People from Independent, GOP, and Democrat “minders” Watching for Integrity (TWITTER VIDEO | YOUTUBE VIDEO)
- Volunteer Reportedly Busted Handling Ballots Unsupervised in Philadelphia Cafeteria (WESTERN JOURNAL | TWITTER VIDEO)
- Administrative changes in Wisconsin election put tens of thousands of votes in question: From allowing clerks to fix spoiled ballots to permitting voters to escape ID rules, Wisconsin election officials took actions that were not authorized by legislature. (JUST THE NEWS)
- Michigan Legislature Subpoenas Election Officials (PJ-MEDIA)
- SCOTUS, Justice Alito orders Pennsylvania to separate LATE ballots from the ON TIME ones (RIGHT SCOOP | THE FEDERALIST | DAILY WIRE)
- Pennsylvania House Speaker seeks ‘full audit’ of election returns before certification: Pennsylvania senate majority leader says it’s too early to tell if the secretary of state’s handling of the rejected mail-in ballots on the county level will have a significant impact on the vote count in the state (JUST THE NEWS)
- Lawyers for Nevada GOP cite claims of voter-fraud in criminal referral to Attorney General Barr: Reports of fraudulent voting practice have been ticking up in the western state that has yet to tally all of its votes (JUST THE NEWS)
- Pennsylvania orders counties to separate provisional ballots from count while court makes a decision: A Pennsylvania court will determine whether some provisional ballots cast on Election Day should be counted if the voter had originally voted by mail or with an absentee ballot (JUST THE NEWS)
- Trump, RNC sue Arizona over rejected votes (WASHINGTON TIMES)
- Was the Election Stolen from Trump? He should pursue every constitutional and legal means to dispute these funny results and take it all the way to Congress (AMERICAN GREATNESS)
- Ken Starr: Pennsylvania Ballot Extension ‘Constitutional Travesty’ (NEWSMAX)
- Confessions of a voter fraud: I was a master at fixing mail-in ballots (NEW YORK POST)
- James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas, said, “Our journalists found spoiled ballots that were supposed to be preserved—but, instead were thrown out with the trash.” (PROJECT VERITAS)
- Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016 (JUST THE NEWS)
- Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Court Challenge Hinges on Numbers (NEWSMAX)
- Voter Fraud In Michigan (POWERLINE)
- GOP Rep. Scalise: Election Laws, ‘Transparency’ Violated (NEWSMAX)
- ‘American Hustle’: Party Insiders Tell The True Story Of How Philadelphia Elections Work (THE FEDERALIST)
- Reports Of Election Fraud Keep Piling Up In Michigan. What’s Going On? (THE FEDERALIST)
- They should probably be looking into Minnesota big time #BallotHarvesting (TWITTER VIDEO)
- Trump Campaign Mobilizes Historic Ground Game to Make Sure Legal Ballots Count (PJ-MEDIA)
- Stealing Philadelphia: Landslide Joe puts Landslide Lyndon’s theft of a Senate seat to shame (AMERICAN SPECTATOR)
- Stealing Pennsylvania (AMERICAN THINKER)
- Philly’s long history of corruption includes judge convicted of bribery to cast fraudulent ballots: Just six months ago, a former Philadelphia Judge of Elections was convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections (JUST THE NEWS)
- Michigan county flips back to Trump, following repair of voting software glitch: Reliably GOP county had originally swung to Biden (JUST THE NEWS)
- Wisconsin Clerks May Have Altered Thousands Of Ballots To Make Them Valid… (WEASEL ZIPPERS)
- More Troubling Questions Raised About Election System Used in Contested Races In Swing States (RED STATE)
- Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election (JUST FACTS DAILY)
- RNC Chair: Detroit Election Worker Blows Whistle On Cheating Operation…”All Election Workers” Were Reportedly Told To Backdate Ballots [VIDEO] (100% FED-UP)
- GOP Beware: The Republican Party Did Not Carry 71,000,000+ Votes, President Trump Did… (CONSERVATIVE TREE HOUSE)
- VIRGINIA: In Tight Race, Officials Miraculously Find 15,000 Mostly Dem Votes On USB Flash Drive: It’s all so hard to believe, unless you’re a Democrat (NATIONAL FILE)
- Mathematical impossibilities may be what trips up Democrat plans (AMERICAN THIINKER)