The Trans Rights Campaign says 98 percent of straight men refuse to date “trans women” (former men) because of straight hate. Is it time for heterosexual males to lay down their trans-phobic bigotry, buy a bouquet of flowers, and take that erstwhile guy to a nice restaurant?
Cultural Issues
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- “If you believe in equal rights, then what do ‘women’s rights,’ ‘gay rights,’ etc., mean? Either they are redundant or they are violations of the principle of equal rights for all.” — Thomas Sowell
Abortion | Pro-Life
- Abortion Debate at Westmont College
- Answering an Abortion Meme
- Babies: A Renewable [Green] Energy Source (Utopian “Dreams”)
- Babies Born Alive (and Abortionist Displays a Murdered Human)
- Baby Parts [Still] For Sale ~ Democrats Dehumanizing Human Life
- Bullet Points On the Pro-Choice/Pro-Life Argument
- Eugenics: America’s Past Genocide of Poor Minorities (+911 Call)
- Forcing Morality
- Hillary Clinton Admires Nazi Eugencist-Rewrites History On Top Of It
- Margaret Sanger and the Racist History of Planned Parenthood (Black Genocide)
- Obama Gives Highest Civilian Medal To Eugenicist
- Same-Sex Marriage Is Far From “Live-n-Let-Live”
- This Day Choose Life (*GRAPHIC* Not Intended For All Audiences)
- When Does Life Begin? (+Potential Life?)
- You Do Not Have To Be Religious To Be PRO-LIFE ~ Just Reasonable
FETUS (Latin) That which is born, an offspring (usu of beast occ. of human being, ect) b (sg. collect.) the young (of an animal), the children (of a parent). c the young born at one time, brood, litter. d the young while still in the womb – Oxford Latin Dictionary
Christian Concerns
Same-Sex Marriage
- Another Gay Man That Opposes Same-Sex Marriage #SSM
- Biblical Memes
- Is “Gay Immutable? Like Color?
- Is Marriage Heterosexual?
- Love Is Love…
- My (RPT) Position on Gays
- No Moral or Religious Thinker Ever Supported Gay Marriage
Please Visit:
Please Visit: The Studies
Please Visit: Biological Integrity
Various Topics
- A Cordial `Clambake` on Biblical Dietary Laws and Homosexuality
- Do You Eat Shellfish?
- Gay Animals
- Male/Female Differences
- Maskers
- Pedophilia
- Percentage of Gays
- Polygamy ~ How Polygamy Hurts Society by Making Girls/Women Chattel, and Stopping Boys from Turning into Healthy, Productive Men
- Science Being Politicized by the Left ~ AIDS/HIV
- Two Lovely and Freedom Loving Lesbians Stand Up To Gay Bullies!
- When Transgenders Acknowledge Reality!
What if a woman gets an operation to be a man, but has a dislike for men who become women (Or women in general)? These new “lifestyles” and the acceptance as normal by some will stretch credulity as well as language — as seen here.
“‘Transmisogynist’… yes, dears, some believe this is a thing” ~ Protein Wisdom
More “new-definitions” from a feminist site: