Appropriate This! ~ Firewall

See my previous post on the example of dreadlocks, here: Cultural Appropriation Alert: Honkeys Cannot Have Dreadlocks

The Social Justice Warriors — the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife — have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this, and has a list of grievances all his own.

Cultural Appropriation Alert: Honkeys Cannot Have Dreadlocks

To me, this is an example of the left eating itself. This hippie-dippie kid is probably left-wing, and this BLM styled activist is a leftist… and one is telling the other to groom themselves a certain way. I guess she is an employee of the university, but we will soon (like Iran) have a dress code police. Something Walter Williams coined as “lifestyle Nazis” (one and two). The positive thing that may come out of these types of experiences is that we will get more Republican voters as they leave the crazy left.

People were in a tizzy over Mitt Romney’s forced haircut on a fellow student. The Left said this prank was enough to disqualify him from the Presidency. Yet, here, we see the Left wanting to forcefully cut hair due to “cultural appropriation.” Breitbart notes:

The video begins with the woman threatening the man by asking her friend whether he has a pair of scissors.

An argument ensues as the student insists on his right to have dreadlocks regardless of the style’s cultural origins.

“You’re saying I can’t have this hairstyle because of your culture? Why?” asks the student.

“Because it’s my culture,” responds the student.

The woman proceeds to grab him as he begins to walk away from the situation. When the white student pushes back, she accuses the man of putting his hands on her….

Harvard Students Debate “White Self-Genocide”

(Libertarian Republican h/t) Harvard University has again broke into the news with the advocacy of white self-genocide. The first time, it was something of a joke, although based on an actual professor who says things such as ”treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” This time, the news story concerns a debate in which a participant argues that white people should commit suicide, and it appears the story is true.

Video Description

Cambridge, Mass. – White lives do not matter, according to a student debater/activist from the University of West Georgia. Miguel Feliciano, along with fellow West Georgia student Damiyr Davis, reportedly participated in a recent debate with other students at Harvard University. During an exchange with their opponents, Feliciano suggested that white people should kill themselves because of their “white privilege.” — “White life is wrong,” [….] “Our argument is that we should never affirm white life. White life is based off black subjugation.” When a white debater asked Feliciano whether he should commit suicide, Feliciano said “I don’t see why not, it’s ethical.”

When the white debater suggested that it might be better to remain alive and fight the social forces that promote “white privilege,” Feliciano rejects the notion. “Struggling against the structure means putting yourself on the line, putting your body on the line, do it. Affirmative suicide, that’s cool, it’s one little step in the right direction,” Feliciano said. Ironically, the debate topic was supposed to be about renewable energy. “The black debaters simply ‘chose’ to point out their opponents’ skin color and begin advocating genocide,” reported “They expressly stated that these were their ‘sincere beliefs,’ not just an argument to win a debate.”

Feliciano and Davis are not some anonymous student crackpots posing as serious debaters. They form a respected two-person debate team that took second place at the 2013 Cross-Examination Debate Association Nationals. Feliciano also acts as an instructor at the Eddie Conway Liberation Institute, an annual debate camp at Coppin State University that reportedly instructs high school students on debate strategy and radical thought. The institute is named after former Black Panther Party member Eddie Conway, who was convicted and imprisoned for 44 years for his involvement with the 1970 murder of a Baltimore police officer.

Radical Leftists Shutting Down Free Speech (Rebel Pundit)

Here is the appearance of the Rebel Pundit guys on Hannity (Gateway Pundit h/t):

  • Tonight Andrew and Jeremy went on Hannity to describe the scene. It’s important to remember that this violence did not start with Trump. The left has been promoting violence against their opposition and the American public for decades.

Here is the entire video from The Rebel Pundit:

The Rise of the DINDU ~ by Black Pigeon Speaks

See the video description below (also, here is the Urban Dictionary definition of DINDU):

Michael Brown was a man, who robbed a liquor store and at the same time assaulted its clerk. He then went on to attack a police officer and attempted to hijack his weapon and was shot in the ensuing scuffle.

And to top it all off, Black Lives Matter (BLM) got its start and first martyr. Also many in his community and then nationwide tried to claim him to be an innocent “gentle giant.”

The term “dindu,” became popular in the aftermath of Michael Brown’s death and the Ferguson, Missouri riots to describe a certain class of criminal. The term is a pejorative for criminals and gang members (and their families) who feign innocence and never take responsibility for their actions (when caught in the commission of a crime by the police). It is used, in the title to explain the rise of criminals and their supporters who believe they are not required to be responsible for their actions and now have movements like BLM who will support them against “the system” no matter what they do.

The media / government and those that fund them: The corporations. The well funded (George Soros) along with academia is pushing to divide peoples everywhere. They use events like this to enrage people. Resist with knowledge.

This whole video was inspired by someone who sent me the article on the former Marine being assaulted by BLM supporters.

— Hat tip to Ted. T.

For material used, please see here.

Larry Elder Notes Trump’s Double Standard

Larry Elder hits one out of the park while filling in for Dennis Prager last week. Per the “Sage’s” modus operandi, the left’s double-standard is brought to bare. This is what Larry Elder is best at… that is, showing how the Democrats are two-faced hypocrites. (Larry calls out a couple of Republicans as well.) Enjoy!

Wearing a Sombrero Is Racist (White Guilt)

Believe it or not, this is all related… teaching young minds racism early: “WHITE GUILT” Video Shown to Virginia High School Students: “The Unequal Opportunity Race” (below/right).

Breitbart brings more of this embarrassment to our attention:

Bowdoin Students in Therapy After ‘Culturally Appropriating’ Tequila Party

Bowdoin College, a private liberal arts college in Maine, has offered counseling to students who felt “injured and affected” by a group of classmates who attended a Tequila-themed birthday party on campus wearing miniature sombreros.

Two members of Bowdoin’s student government, Duncan Cannon and Claire McInerney, are now facing impeachment after the college administration launched a crackdown.

“This has to do with our social code and the context of other issues we’ve been dealing with as a college,” Bowdoin’s president, Clayton Rose, told the Portland Press Herald.

Michelle Kruk, a senior and vice president of student government, told the paper “It’s not about tequila or sombreros.”

“It’s about casual racial and ethnic stereotyping and cultural insensitivity at a school that has seen far too many examples of both.”…

And another blogger notes well the audacity of some to wear a sombrero — Valerie Love over at Watchman writes what you think is a joke, an SNL skit ~ but unfortunately… not for the cream-puffs being raised today:

…“To avoid this oversight in the future, the document details a list of “recommendations” for the school to better deal with future sombrero/tequila tragedies and what they see as a disturbing trend of “cultural appropriation” on campus.”


“Don’t buy sombreros, ponchos or fake mustaches.” – “Our culture is not for you to create costumes out of.”

“No more ‘wetback’ jokes.”

“Stop calling guacamole ‘guac.’” – Her argument is that guacamole, as a word, “has significance as it comes from indigenous Nahuatl language, so please make the effort to pronounce it in its entirety.” Less than two percent of Mexico’s population speaks Nahuatl (once known as Aztec).

Don’t modify our words to phonetically match your fraternity or sorority name.” She hates that fiesta can become “Phiesta,” for example. She hates “guakamole.”

So if you are in Boston and want to look up Dani Marrero, do not wear a poncho, sombrero or fake mustache. Do not offer to take her out for guac or attend a fiesta….

These SNL type skits will be a thing of the past however.

Comedy Break

This seems as good a place as any to post this video:

Gay Patriot has a recent post discussing this infantalizing of young America:

These snowflakes really believe that allowing people to speak opinions that are different than theirs is the worst form of oppression that has ever been visited on any people at any time in history.

Racism Is ~ As ~ Racism Does (Oberlin College)

Joy Karega Farrakhan FIXED

(See Farrakhan’s UFO sermon and other issues related to Obama’s church)

The College Fix (h/t Moonbattery):

Oberlin College professor Joy Karega, a social justice writing instructor at the Ohio-based liberal arts college, has published a series of posts on social media that largely blames the 9/11 attacks and the rise of the Islamic State and Charlie Hebdo attacks on Israel, according to a report in the campus newspaper that included numerous screenshots of the scholar’s comments.

The Tower campus newspaper reports that inflammatory remarks on the professor’s Facebook page have been published in various posts since 2015. After the Hebdo shooting last year, she posted “an ISIS terrorist pulling off a mask resembling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” it reported. Last year, she threw up a Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam video that suggested “’Israeli and Zionist Jews’ were behind the attacks on the World Trade Center,” it added.


The Tower report, published Feb. 25, comes just a few weeks after some 225 Oberlin College alums signed an open letter calling on the university to address what they contend is rampant anti-Semitism on campus, with the alums’ spokeswoman telling The College Fix last month: “For the last few years, I have been hearing reports about the Oberlin campus becoming increasingly hostile for students who express their Jewish identities by supporting Israel.”

David Duke Did Not Endorse Trump (Biased Media)

Black & Right has this interesting post:

Do you want to know who’s behind these surreptitious attacks on Donald J. Trump and his supporters? The fat and nervous, elite DC donor-class multi-millionaire/billionaire class, from both sides of the aisle. The hit-men are those in the media industry; print, radio and television.

In our opinion. CNN had it’s orders to use David Duke to accuse Donald Trump of being a racist to label, embarrass and compartmentalize Trump’s supporters as ‘racists’. If effective, this would discourage more people from becoming Trump supporters and quite possibly his support would decrease.

Ex-racist David Duke didn’t endorse Donald J. Trump, he hasn’t been a democrat or a leader in the KKK for over 40 years. You would have never known he was a racist if he would have remained a KKK democrat and an elected politician. a school or highway named after him…. (Robert Byrd)

Larry Elder On the Dave Rubin Show

Larry Elder (conservative radio host) joins Dave Rubin to discuss Conservatives, Libertarians, Black Lives Matter, systemic racism, Hollywood liberal bias, and more.

Segmented Portions of the Above

Black Lives Matter, Racism: A Conservative Perspective ~ Isolated

Conservatives, Libertarians, and the Iraq War ~ Isolated

War on Drugs, Hollywood Liberal Bias ~ Isolated