Compilation of Joe Biden’s Lies | Larry Elder

n his first national address, President Biden said a Philadelphia woman told him she “just wants the truth.” Well, breaking news, Ms. Philly, Joe Biden spent the last four decades of his career lying. In this episode, Larry highlights the many lies from the current President. From his civil rights record to plagiarizing speeches of past leaders, Biden is anything but a truth-teller. But hey! He ain’t Donald Trump, and as far as the media is concerned, that’s all that matters.

Mentioned Videos:

  • PBS: WATCH: Americans need the truth to beat COVID, Biden says
  • Washington Post: Plagiarism in Joe Biden’s 1988 presidential campaign

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Corey Booker’s Trump Card Is A Race-Card (ACB/BDP/EPMD Edition)

Firstly, Amy Coney Barrett’s simple “yes” reminded me of a song from my younger years: “Boogie Down Productions – My Philosophy”, so I mixed it in a couple of times.

This upload is really in edition to the CRAZY notion by Democrats that Trump has never condemned neo-NAZIs or white supremacists. Here are my other editions of this lie:


The video I used for Cory Booker is via BREITBART’s YouTube. The first montage of Trump condemning over the years racism/David Duke/white supremacy/neo-NAZIs is with a hat-tip to PATRIOT POST. And the second montage (w/music) is via Adrian Norman (TWITTER). I end with an older mix I did for “The Sage” using EPMD’s “Strictly Business”.

Larry Elder Debunks Media’s Latest Lies (“Hoax” Lie)

(An older two posts somewhat combined with a new Tweet added by Robby Starbuck)

Larry Elder goes through the lies of the media and Democrats saying Trump called the Coronavirus a hoax. Democrat politicians and the Media (and some #NeverTrumpers) continue to spread this untruth, like they did the Charlottesville Lie and the lie that Trump made fun of a man’s handicap. The other DOUBLE-STANDARD by the media is that they themselves called the Coronavirus the Chinese Virus or Wuhan Virus themselves. When the “Bad Orange Man” used it they switched gears and said it was racist.

Here are some posts I think are worthy to compliment the audio:

  • Fact Check: Did Trump Call Coronavirus a ‘Hoax’? (DAILY SIGNAL)
  • Media Claim Trump Called Coronavirus A ‘Hoax.’ But Video Shows That’s Not What Trump Said at All (THE BLAZE)
  • Woke Media Calls Term ‘Wuhan Virus’ Racist After Using Term ‘Wuhan Virus’ (THE FEDERALIST)
  • [WATCH] 35 Times the Media Said ‘Wuhan Coronavirus’ or ‘Chinese Coronavirus’ (PJ-MEDIA)

Click on the graphic to open it, then click on the graphic to enlarge it. This comes via Robby Starbuck:

Democrats and the media (and #NeverTrumpers) try to say that the Trump administration refused and slowed test kits for the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19). This just is not the case, as the interview Larry Elder excerpts from between Dr. Anthony Fauci and Hugh Hewitt (YOUTUBE) shows clearly.


The media and Democrats push false Trump coronavirus narrative.

AMERICAN THINKER runs some good Tweets by Steve Guest (You can find the entire Twitter thread HERE):


When the AP fact-checks Democrats… you know its bad. More from an earlier AMERICAN THINKER article:

To set the stage, here are a few indisputable facts:

On January 31, 2020, as China confirmed that 259 people had died and there were about 100 cases reported outside of China, President Trump ordered that the U.S. would prevent foreign nationals who had recently visited China from entering the country. He also ordered quarantined American travelers who posed a high risk.  

Democrats called Trump a racist.

Democrats were worried that Trump’s germ phobia would make him issue even more and worse racist orders.

President Trump held a press conference during which (1) he was surrounded by government scientists who explained what was going on (2) he appointed Vice President Pence, a competent, experienced administrator, to be the White House point person on coronavirus efforts.

Democrats called Pence a killer.

Democrats also announced that henceforth they would call coronavirus “TrumpVirus” because Trump had appointed Pence to oversee the administrative end of dealing with coronavirus and because Trump said there was no need for panic.

Nancy Pelosi complained that Trump had waited too long to act, even though when she spoke not a single American had died.

Elizabeth Warren said that she would end the “racist” border wall by taking all wall funds and putting them into coronavirus research (never mind that, since time immemorial, sealing borders has been one of the prime ways in which governments have been able to protect their citizens from epidemic disease).

Trump stated during the rally in South Carolina that the Democrats’ unceasing and dishonest attacks against him for his handling of the coronavirus risk were their latest hoax.

The media reported that Trump had declared that coronavirus itself was a hoax, one of the most blatantly dishonest bits of reporting ever to come from the media.

Leftists are actively hoping that coronavirus causes so much economic disruption that it will hurt Trump politically – never mind that it will also hurt ordinary Americans….

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Meet With Racist/anti-Semite

Larry Elder quickly notes the consequences of the MSM’s rhetoric about police killing blacks disproportionately, and, the death caused by such lies perpetuated by the media.

Larry Elder speaks with former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (who established Americans Against Antisemitism to bring together a broad cross-section of Americans who are prepared to combat growing antisemitism when and where it’s needed most: regarding both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris meeting Jacob Blake Sr – who is a member of the Nation of Islam, a racist black nationalist New Age UFO cult and anti-Semitic group.

  • Tucker Carlson Scorches Biden, Media for Elevating Anti-Semite Jacob Blake Sr. as ‘Moral Authority’  – I added video from MRCTV where “Fox News host Tucker Carlson eviscerated Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden and his media handlers last night, for continuing to promote and elevate an outspoken anti-Semite as the nation’s moral authority on racism.” (NEWSBUSTERS)

(Tucker also had Dov Hikind on his show, which can be seen here [2nd video]) It would be akin to Trump meeting with a vocal and known member of Richard Spencer’s group. Just more evidence that racist black ideology is mainstream and pushed by Democrats.

The Atlantic’s WWI Hit Piece (Anonymously Sourced Of Course)

Four more witnesses have gone on the record to say that The Atlantic’s anonymously-sourced report claiming President Donald Trump called dead soldiers “losers” and “suckers” is false, bringing the total to 10.


I combined two segments of the Larry O’Connor Show responding to THE ATLANTIC’S story. One at his opening to the show yesterday, and the other is his interview with Sean David from THE FEDERALIST. I also add at the beginning a SPECIAL REPORT excerpt regarding Bolton’s assertion from actually being in the meeting (full video @FOX). As well as ending the audio by Larry O’Connor with an excerpt of THE FIVE. The point of this is to note that if a person who is a hostile witness to Trump – substantiates Trump’s claim, that goes a long way to making the point (WESTERN JOURNAL).

MAKE NO MISTAKE, there is an issue with anonymous sources in the media that is on steroids right now. I note this in a book review series I just started on my site (R-PT). But here you have four ON-THE-RECORD sources that rebut the anonymous sources (EPOCH TIMES). Five according to the DAILY WIRE, whom 4 were present and go on the record: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Hogan Gidley, Dan Scavino, Steven Miller, and Lt. General Keith Kellogg.

And in story-after-story you see this pattern, the Washington post or the New York Times or CNN and the like will have a breaking news story – that in the end cannot be substantiated.

What The Atlantic SHOULD DO is include with every story bashing Trump mention that it’s owner is a mega-donor to Biden’s campaign. Here is the DAILY CALLER’S bullet points:

  • Billionaire philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the majority owner of The Atlantic, has donated over $1.2 million to former Vice President Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates and groups since 2019, Federal Election Commission records show.
  • Powell Jobs owns a 70% stake in The Atlantic, and she reportedly communicates often with its editor-in-chief, Jeffrey Goldberg.

So not only is The Atlantic apparently guided by the same bias CNN is driven by ([undercover video] BREITBART), but an ad that ran on Morning Joe’s MSNBC show was another factor in how well-orchestrated this was. The Atlantic story came out after the business day Thursday (“The story came out at night on the east coast” — video at TWITTER)”

The ad was aired 12-hours later. As the WASHINGTON EXAMINER notes:

It is not just an ad featuring a dubbed-over voice, some scary music, and a few screenshots of the Atlantic article. This is a high-quality, sophisticated television spot featuring testimony from multiple Gold Star parents.

That is some amazing turnaround time — getting all those parents together overnight and then getting the ad into MSNBC’s hands, considering the Atlantic story had only just come out Thursday evening….

RED STATE also joins the fray:

….We’ve been reporting on this story from The Atlantic from “anonymous sources” claiming the president didn’t go to an American military cemetery in France two years ago, because he called military members “losers” and “suckers,” an obvious and transparent lie. The story has now been debunked six ways to Sunday by real people who are willing to go on the record and who were there at the time.

But this story dropped late Thursday night on the east coast. So we find it rather curious that the anti-Trump leftist group, “Vote Vets,” had this ad up early this morning, talking specifically about what was in the article, using the particular alleged terms, “losers” and “suckers.”


How were they able to find those six Goldstar families and do interviews over night? Really? And had all the production values? Then they were able to get it on Morning Joe first thing?

It even has a “secure blue” link to donate to on the video.

The Democratic Super PAC American Bridge already has another ad out on this too and launching a $4 million ad buy in Midwestern battleground states to try to pitch to the Midwest that Trump doesn’t like the military. The ad features an alleged former Trump supporter military person now claiming he’ll be voting for Biden.

But unfortunately the story doesn’t have to be true. All that the Democrats need is for any in the middle to think it might be and hold their vote from Trump. That’s what Democrats are aiming for here.

As one comment from the TWITTER thread linked above says:

  • If anyone wants to offer an explanation other than the media colluded with the Biden campaign, I’m more than happy to hear it.

Mee too.

(See more at TWITCHY)

The “Big Lie” Biden Continues To Spread

Larry Elder recaps one of the biggest lies by the media and Democratic Presidential nominee… Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (e.g., Good Ol’ Joe). I include video “The Sage” had audio for, as well as extending some other audio – like Michael Smerconish doing what real reporters and media persons should do… that is… track down the real story [the truth of the matter]. This is Larry at his best, I only tried to embolden his points [hopefully I did]. I will be making a smaller truncated version to accent my just uploaded video, HERE.

Michael Smerconish doing what real reporters and media persons should do… that is… track down the real story [the truth of the matter] (“The Michael Smerconish Program” — March 27th, 2019). The article mentioned by Michael Smerconish’s guest, Steve Cortes, can be found here: Trump Didn’t Call Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People.’ Here’s Proof



Did President Trump call neo-Nazis “very fine people” during a famous press conference following the Charlottesville riots of August 2017? The major media reported that he did. But what if their reporting is wrong? Worse, what if their reporting is wrong and they know it’s wrong? A straight exploration of the facts should reveal the truth. That’s what CNN political analyst Steve Cortes does in this critically important video.

Larry Elder On The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Lie (Plus, FLASHBACKS)

Did you know: the fraudulent narrative was SO PERVASIVE that even #BlackLivesMatter was founded on this very lie.

“Hands Up. Don’t Shoot.” NEVER HAPPENED

You’ve been manipulated. Here’s the truth behind the Ferguson Lie.

  • Correction: 1:33 Michael Brown was 18, not 19.


Michael “the Gentle Giant” Brown’s toxicology report is out… and it suggests hallucinations. This would explain well the erratic behavior some (like the Rev. Al “Not So Sharp” Sharpton) in the above clip have issue with. Here is some info from CONSERVATIVE TRIBUNE (now Western Journal):

Eyewitness testimony has already confirmed that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot, and the recently released county autopsy report indicates the same. In addition, forensic tests proved that Michael Brown’s blood was present on Wilson’s gun, uniform, and interior car door panel, corroborating his statement that the two struggled for control of Wilson’s gun in the car.

Now the toxicology report has been released, and it, too, puts another nail in the coffin of the liberal narrative surrounding the Brown shooting, according to The Washington Post.

“Jurors have also seen the St. Louis County autopsy report, including toxicology test results for Brown that show he had tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, in his system,” the paper reported on Thursday.

The Post’s sources said the levels in Brown’s body may have been high enough to trigger hallucinations,” it continued.

It’s only speculation, of course, but hallucinations could account for some of Brown’s reportedly irrational behavior that day, including his attempt to take a gun away from a trained police officer.

The race hustlers, or at least some of them, will undoubtedly portray this report as further evidence of the conspiracy to deny justice to Michael Brown, as if exonerating Wilson were a perversion of justice, rather than its necessary outcome — assuming, of course, that when all the facts are in, Wilson’s story remains credible….

…read more…


Bubba Smollett, NASCAR Hate Hoax (Mark Dice)

See the SUPERCUT of the MSM via TWITTER

  • As reliably as children being fooled by Santa Claus, the news media has once again been duped by an obviously false story that fit their favorite narrative about race. Last year, it was the Jussie Smollett fiasco, which I was one of the first media commentators to call out as lacking credibility. Today, in a very different but similar story, we have learned that, contrary to an enormous amount of media outrage and moralizing, black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace was not the victim of a noose-related hate crime. (NEW YORK POST)

While I like their rants (Paul Watson, Mark Dice, and others) and these commentaries hold much truth in them, I do wish to caution you… he is part of Info Wars/Prison Planet and Summit News network of yahoos, a crazy conspiracy arm of Alex Jones shite. Also, I bet if I talked to him he would reveal some pretty-crazy conspiratorial beliefs that would naturally undermine and be at-odds-with some of his rants. Just to be clear, I do not endorse these people or orgs.

Brandon Straka Goes to a BLM Protest

At what point does our fear of losing America become greater than our fear of being called racist? America is being destroyed over a LIE.

Brandon Straka, the founder of the #Walkaway campaign joined the Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill to discuss what happened at a recent Black Lives Matter protest that he attended, the groups two year anniversary and more.

Media and Democrats Spreading Lies About Trump

  1. Tear Gas Used On “Peaceful” protestors;
  2. Trump Held Up Bible To Mimick Hitler Holding Bible Up;
  3. Hillary Clinton “compares” Obama and Trump Whitehouse;
  4. Hodge Twins and Larry O’Connor Show BUNKER BONUS.


THE NATIONAL PULSE was one of the first places I could find a story (hat-tip to theWANAB3), Here is an excerpt from their story:

U.S. Park Police have told reporters they did not use tear gas in LaFayette Square last night ahead of the President’s walk to St. John’s Church. Instead, police officers used smoke canisters to disperse protesters who were hurling bottles at them.

The news – from Park Police themselves – potentially renders virtually every mainstream media organization and Twitter verified user guilty of spreading misinformation.

WTOP’s Neil Augenstein reported this morning: “U.S. Park Police is explaining its decision-making in clearing Lafayette Square, at least 20 minutes before DC’s 7p curfew, on night 4 of protests. A source says tear gas was never used — instead smoke cannisters [sic] were deployed, which don’t have an uncomfortable irritant in them.

“And, the source says Park Police didn’t know President Trump would be walking across the park several minutes later. Park Police say the reason the crowd was disbursed with smoke cannisters is that at that moment, officers were being pelted with water bottles. Another factor was that protesters had climbed on top of the structure at the north end of Lafayette Square that had been burned the day before.”

Adding to this, Augenstein said: “In theory it’s possible another agency used tear gas, in addition to Park Police using smoke cannisters [sic], but my source was on the scene, got a dose of smoke, but didn’t feel the irritants of tear gas.”


UPDATE 11:40AM – WTOP reports: “DC Police Chief Peter Newsham just said the only time his agency used tear gas and pepper balls last night was later in the evening, when protesters had gotten “very aggressive” near Judiciary Square.”

Then I cam across the FOX NEWS story: Attorney General William Barr gave the order to push protesters out; Kristin Fisher reports from the White House.

A really good article on this comes from THE FEDERALIST, and it is worth adding some emphasis to a portion of it:

For the media, however, these actions were further proof that Orange Man Bad is literally the worst, restoring rule of law is criminal, and standing in front of a church holding a Bible is an assault on the American conscience. They focused on how the Park Police had cleared the area ahead of the city-wide curfew declared by D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Facts were no barrier to their narrative. They spun a tale of violent, jack-booted cops running rampant through the streets over innocent docile protesters, using tear gas to clear the area. It turns out none of that was true.

Every single major media outlet falsely reported that Park Police were unprovoked when they used “tear gas” to clear the area. If any of that were true, it might mark the first time in history that cops without gas masks launched tear gas in an area that the president of the United States easily walked through minutes later.

After thousands of false tweets, print stories, and broadcast stories to the contrary, local journalist Neal Augenstein of WTOP reported that a Park Police source said “tear gas was never used — instead smoke canisters were deployed, which don’t have an uncomfortable irritant in them.” Further, the source said the crowd was dispersed because of projectiles being thrown by the “peaceful protesters” at the Park Police and because “peaceful protesters” had climbed on top of a structure in Lafayette Park that had been burned the prior night.

Sgt. Eduardo Delgado, the public information officer for the Park Police, confirmed the agency did not use tear gas. And later this afternoon, United States Park Police acting Chief Gregory T. Monahan exploded the entire false narrative:

On Monday, June 1, the USPP worked with the United States Secret Service to have temporary fencing installed inside Lafayette Park. At approximately 6:33 pm, violent protestors on H Street NW began throwing projectiles including bricks, frozen water bottles and caustic liquids. The protestors also climbed onto a historic building at the north end of Lafayette Park that was destroyed by arson days prior. Intelligence had revealed calls for violence against the police, and officers found caches of glass bottles, baseball bats and metal poles hidden along the street.

To curtail the violence that was underway, the USPP, following established policy, issued three warnings over a loudspeaker to alert demonstrators on H Street to evacuate the area. Horse mounted patrol, Civil Disturbance Units and additional personnel were used to clear the area. As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.

Prior to getting the actual facts, nearly every major media outlet falsely reported that canisters of tear gas, not smoke canisters, were used against peaceful protesters. ….


THE FEDERALIST then goes on to document just how wide-spread the lie was.

Some other lies not so widely picked up are these two. LEGAL INSURRECTION details one of them by Debra Messing (actress):

I already covered one fake photo today. Now the left claim President Donald Trump held a Bible yesterday as Hitler did during his reign of terror.

It was photoshopped. Why would people fall for this? Hitler hated religion….



TWITCHY has a story about the second photoshopped (not really photoshopped but mislabeled year-wise). They note this and then the TWITTER response:

There’s a “Trump’s afraid” narrative going around on the Left, and Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell has done her best to try and reinforce that perception:

Hillary Clinton appears to have used the same photograph in her “compare/contrast” tweet of Obama vs. Trump:



I combine a segment from a recent Hodge Twins video ( along with yesterdays Larry O’Connor Show (790-KABC: The Hodge Twins play Don Lemon’s audio that Larry O’Connor plays and refutes as well with President Trump actually speaking out on the issue of the riots. Kinda a hodgepodge, but well worth the listen.

Media Narrative (Smoke and Mirrors)

This is the general public (and many on FACEBOOK) believing these headline makers lock-stock-and-barrel (ROLL CAMERA PLEASE):


(If this does not play, WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE)


Does Trump “Own” Evangelicals? Rush Limbaugh Attacked Falsely

A Facebook friend posted a link to the following story from PATHEOS saying Limbaugh said Trump “owned” Evangelicals… (more below audio):

A Patheos article was just published saying Rush Limbaugh said “Trump owns Evangelicals,” then it made reference to Christ owning us by Calvary, etc. Here is an excerpt (“A Fresh Warning for Evangelical Trump Supporters”):

On Friday, one of Trump’s media sycophants and enablers, Rush Limbaugh, made a statement on air that was both alarming, and in a sense, prophetic.

To paraphrase, Limbaugh stated that Donald Trump “owns” American evangelicals.

Yes, he did use the word “owns.”

For those of us who are evangelical and recognize our freedoms come from God, paid for by the shed blood of Christ, the idea of being “owned” by any worldly politician is rather repugnant….

The full context is this (the fuller is in the audio):

  • “Because the Republicans Party cannot win anything without their votes. There are at bare minimum 24,000-million Evangelical votes in America, and maybe more… and guess who owns them? And long before today, Donald Trump.”

Rush Limbaugh was merely saying the Pro-Life movement (Evangelicals) took over the Party platform and transformed the GOP. The Republicans since Reagan have essentially owned the GOP, and the Republicans can trust/depend [own] their votes. And this wasn’t repugnant under Dubya, Reagan, etc… only “the bad orange man.”

This attack on Rush reminds me of Chuck Todd asking “why you do not trust the CIA” to a Republican who merely said he did not trust John Brennan.  As if Brennan encapsulates the totality of the CIA. Or Democrats repeating ad nauseum that Republicans and Trump do not believe Russia attacked the 2016 election [when it was Republicans who first warned Obama of this upcoming event in 2014] because they say Ukraine attacked our 2016 election. As if both cannot be true (FOOTNOTE 565).

People with bias do not take a break and think things through. The above political positions are reminiscent of Many have built a straw-man argument out of the teaching of literal interpretation, alleging that we have to take everything in the Bible literally, e.g., “the trees of the field shall clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:12).  The Bible as well as politicians and talking heads, contains, and use definite types of figurative language, including metaphor, simile, hyperbole, and anthropomorphism.  But all of these are easily detectable and separable from the literal text itself.  Unless you have a bias.

I also made the point of a very recent tragic event to drive home the point:

you miss the point of my OG article. I have a very committed Christian friend (5-pointer to the max). He said, “RIP Koby. You were the greatest.” Susan Wright’s linked article could apply “just as forcefully” to him and the many other people praising Koby. // “We true Christians know who the greatest is…. The Alpha and Omega…. The Greatest bought us on Calvary with His she’d blood…” — etc., etc.

Everything you have posted from her (that I have seen at least), runs along similar veins. She just emotes here dislike of Trump.

As others here do as well. ?