John Kerry Is A Symptom Of Democrats Sickness/Double-Standards

The above was the statement made by Kerry, below, Mark Levin quickly goes through the anti-Semitic background and how John Kerry is a symptom of the sickness.

(Gay Patriot:

How precious, this Democrat Congressman was speaking about “racism” on the Nation of Islam Radio. Guys who think that blacks are genetically superior to other races/ethnicity’s… THEEE definition of racist:

Webster’s says this:

a. belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one’s own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

So we see that Webster’s main definition are based on a belief in a genetic superiority of one ethnicity (falsely called race) over another. A more in-depth definition comes from “Safire’s Political Dictionary,” and reads (in-part):

racism Originally, an assumption that an individual’s abilities and potential were determined by his biological race, and that some races were inherently superior to others; now, a political-diplomatic accusation of harboring or practicing such theories. “This word [racism],” wrote Harvard Professor J. Anton De Haas in November 1938, “has come into use the last six months, both in Europe and this country… Since so much has been said about conflicting isms, it is only natural that a form was chosen which suggested some kind of undesirable character.” In fact, racism came into use two years earlier, in his 1936 book The Coming American Fascism, Lawrence Dennis wrote, “If … it be assumed that one of our values should be a type of racism which excludes certain races from citizenship, then the plan of execution should provide for the annihilation, deportation, or sterilization of the excluded races.” Racism, a shortening of racialism, was at first directed against Jews. In the nineteenth century, anti-Semites who foresaw a secular age in which religion might not be such a popular rallying force against Jews put forward the idea of Jewishness being less a religion than a race. Adolf Hitler, with his “master race” ideology, turned theory into savage practice….

(Taken from my letter to my youngest son’s high school:

LET ME BE CLEAR, as you read the following. I do not think Obama is a Muslim. What I do think is that Obama joining a church that is so far off the historical Christian position of just about everything taints his views of other religions. In other words, his wrongly held views of salvation and Christianity affect greatly how he views — for instance, a cult breakaway from Islam. A worldview that says Jesus is just like the Buddha, Muhammad, Moses, etc, causes him [Obama] to be wildly inconsistent with the historical ethos of the Christian faith, and our [America’s] founding principles.

From an older post:


Some history: The NOI was created by Wallace D. Fard, also known as Wallace Fard Muhammad. Fard claimed to come from the Islamic city of Mecca. He began a mosque in Detroit in 1930. He taught that Christianity should be rejected since it was the “slave-master’s religion.” In 1934 Fard disappeared and was neither seen nor heard from again. Fard was succeeded by Elijah Muhammad (Elijah Poole). Elijah Poole was born in Sandersville, Ga. on October 7, 1898. He changed his name to Elijah Muhammad after joining the NOI. After Fard disappeared, Elijah took over the leadership of NOI…..

The Nation of Islam claims that God is a man. “God is a man and we just cannot make Him other than man” (Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman in America, [Chicago: Muhammad’s Temple No. 2], p. 6). The NOI teaches that Fard was Allah in physical form (Elijah Muhammad, The Fall of America, p. 236, as reprinted in “The Mother Plane,” The Final Call 15, no. 25 [July 16, 1996]: 19). According to Elijah Muhammad, Fard told him, “My name is Mahdi; I am God” (Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman, p. 17). The NOI continues to teach that Fard is Allah. The current NOI statement is published in every issue of their weekly newspaper, The Final Call, in an article titled “What the Muslims Believe.” It states, “12. WE BELIEVE that Allah (God) appeared in the Person of Master W. Fard Muhammad, July, 1930; the long-awaited ‘Messiah’ of the Christians and the ‘Mahdi’ of the Muslims.” The NOI denies that God is spirit. The NOI claims that Christians worship an “invisible spook somewhere in space”(Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman, p. 5). According to Elijah Muhammad, “God is in person, and stop looking for a dead Jesus for help, but pray to Him whom Jesus prophesied would come after Him. He who is alive and not a spook” (Ibid., p. 3).

  • Obama’s father was a Muslim and not an atheist;
  • Obama attended a Muslim school before he attended a catholic one;
  • Obama was excused once a week from the catholic school for Muslim religious studies;
  • Every Friday Obama prayed at a mosque;
  • Obama did not convert to Christianity — he converted to a twisted/aberrant Christian faith;
  • Obama’s church gave a racist Muslim — who thinks the white man was created by a mad scientist on the Island of Cyprus 6,000 years ago, and who believes was taken up to a UFO where he was told by Jesus and the founder of the Nation of Islam, the “honorable” Elijah Muhammad, that he was the “little Messiah” — a “Lifetime Achievement Award.”
  • Obama’s picture was put on the church’s magazine cover along with the “honorable” Elijah Muhammad, Louise Farrakhan;
  • Obama’s church’s magazine, “Trumpet,” also had Farrakhan full shots on the magazine cover;
  • Obama’s pastor was a “former” Muslim and black nationalist;
  • Obama’s church also published Hamas’ “terror manifesto” and compared Hamas’ charter that calls for murder of Jews to Declaration of Independence.

From another post:

Obama’s pastor not only was a minister in The Nation of Islam, an anti-Semitic/racist group, but the church’s book store sells sermons by Louise Farrakhan, who teaches that the white man was created on the Island of Cyprus by a mad scientist, Yakub. (Mr. Farrakhan also believes he was taken up on a UFO to meet God, and was told he was a little messiah, take note also that he was directly involved in the deaths of police officers as well.) Louise Farrakhan was featured twice on the church’s magazine which reach 20,000[plus] homes in the Chicago area. Even placing on the cover with Louise Farrakhan a third time the founder of the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad likewise taught that the white man was created by Yakub 6,600 years ago. Walter, Louise Farrakhan teaches that the Jews in Israel do not belong there, and that the true Jews are the black people. Louise Farrakhan was invited into Obama’s church, to the pulpit and given a “lifetime achievement award.” In fact, the New Black Panthers and members of the Nation of Islam often times sat in the pews for sermons by Rev. Wright, whom Obama called a mentor.

GOP Rep. Challenges John Kerry About President Obama`s Shaking the `BLOODY HAND` of Raul Castro

Video description from original file, you can also read more at PJ-Tatler:

Florida Rep. Reminds John Kerry President Obama Shook ‘Bloody Hand’ of Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela Funeral 12/10/2013

During a congressional hearing on Tuesday, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) asked Secretary of State John Kerry pointedly about President Barack Obama’s reportedly spontaneous handshake with Cuban leader Raul Castro. She accused the Cuban dictator of possessing “bloody hands” used to brutally repress his people. Kerry, for his part, agreed that Cuba’s human rights record is problematic.

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) is questioned about President Obama’s handshake with Raul Castro

“It gives Raul some propaganda to continue to prop up dictatorial, brutal regime, that’s all it is, Why should you shake hands with somebody who’s keeping Americans in prison?”

Our Secretary of State Lied on TV This Morning

Gateway Pundit has this:

Obama Secretary of State John Kelly lied to George Stephanopoulos on This Week that Israel supported the nuclear deal with Iran.

“Actually Israel and the United States share the same goal here. There’s no daylight between us in respect to what we want to achieve at this point. We both want to make it certain Iran cannot have a nuclear weapon and Iran cannot be in a place where they can break out… Israel will actually gain.”

The Obama administration did not contact Israel before the agreement was signed with Iran.


Could You Imagine This Type of Support from O`Donnell for Bush ~ Me Neither

O’Donnell schooled by chess-player:

From video description:

On MSNBC’s The Last Word on September 16, after former chess champion and Russian political activist Garry Kasparov charged that President Obama had “blown up [the] reputation of his office” by allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to talk him down from his “red line” warning against Syria, host Lawrence O’Donnell tried to argue that Obama had not really lost face since he never specifically promised military action, even though the President warned of “enormous consequences” if chemical weapons were used.

Kasparov called out O’Donnell’s spin: “Now, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I think, I agree that that was the goal, and that’s why President said, “red line.” I understand that red line means that if somebody crosses red line, then you act and don’t talk anymore.”


Take note the agreement does not include biological weapons:

Gabriel Gomez (R) Humorously Responds to Chris Wallace

Video Description:

Former Navy SEAL Gabriel Gomez(R), is running in a special election in Massachusetts to replace John Kerry in the Senate next Tuesday. In an interview by Chris Wallace, Mr. Gomez had a funny quip in response to a challenge by Chris. (Posted by: Religio-Political Talk). Here is a cartoon related to Mr. Gomez:

John Kerry vs. `The Warming[?] World`

Mouse Over Graph

Via a guest post by Paul Driessen at What’s Up With That, entitled Our real manmade climate crisis

In his first address as Secretary of State, John Kerry said we must safeguard “the most sacred trust” we owe to our children and grandchildren: “an environment not ravaged by rising seas, deadly superstorms, devastating droughts, and the other hallmarks of a dramatically changing climate.”

Even the IPCC and British Meteorological Office now recognize that average global temperatures haven’t budged in almost 17 years. Little evidence suggests that sea level rise, storms, droughts, polar ice and temperatures or other weather and climate events and trends display any statistically significant difference from what Earth and mankind have experienced over the last 100-plus years…


1) Influence peddling.

Over the past three years, the Tides Foundation and Tides Center alone poured $335 million into environmentalist climate campaigns, and $1 billion into green lobbies at large, notes Undue Influence author Ron Arnold. Major US donors gave $199 million to Canadian environmental groups just for anti-oil sands and Keystone pipeline battles during the last twelve years, analysts Vivian Krause and Brian Seasholes estimate; the Tides Foundation poured $10 million into these battles during 2009-2012.

All told, US foundations alone have “invested” over $797 million in environmentalist climate campaigns since 2000! And over $19.3 billion in “environmental” efforts since 1995, Arnold calculates! Add to that the tens of billions that environmental activist groups, universities and other organizations have received from individual donors, corporations and government agencies to promote “manmade climate disaster” theories – and pretty soon you’re talking real money.

Moreover, that’s just US cash. It doesn’t include EU, UN and other climate cataclysm contributions. Nor does it include US or global spending on wind, solar, biofuel and other “renewable” energy schemes. That this money has caused widespread pernicious and corrupting effects should surprise no one.

2) Politicized science, markets and ethics.

The corrupting cash has feathered careers, supported entire departments, companies and industries, and sullied our political, economic and ethical systems. It has taken countless billions out of productive sectors of our economy, and given it to politically connected, politically correct institutions that promote climate alarmism and renewable energy (and which use some of this crony capitalist taxpayer and consumer cash to help reelect their political sponsors).

Toe the line – pocket the cash, bask in the limelight. Question the dogma – get vilified, harassed and even dismissed from university or state climatologist positions for threatening the grants pipeline.

The system has replaced honest, robust, evidence-based, peer-reviewed science with pseudo-science based on activism, computer models, doctored data, “pal reviews,” press releases and other chicanery that resulted in Climategate, IPCC exposés, and growing outrage. Practitioners of these dark sciences almost never debate climate disaster deniers or skeptics; climate millionaire Al Gore won’t even take questions that he has not preapproved; and colleges have become centers for “socially responsible investing” campaigns based on climate chaos, “sustainable development” and anti-hydrocarbon ideologies…


3) Climate eco-imperialism impoverishes and kills.

Climate alarmism and pseudo science have justified all manner of regulations, carbon trading, carbon taxes, renewable energy programs and other initiatives that increase the cost of everything we make, grow, ship, eat, heat, cool, wear and do – and thus impair job creation, economic growth, living standards, health, welfare and ecological values.

Excessive EPA rules have closed numerous coal-fired power plants, and the agency plans to regulate most of the US hydrocarbon-based economy by restricting carbon dioxide emissions from vehicles, generating plants, cement kilns, factories, malls, hospitals and other “significant” sources. Were it not for the hydraulic fracturing revolution that has made natural gas and gas-fired generation abundant and cheap, US electricity prices would be skyrocketing – just as they have in Britain and Germany.

EU papers carry almost daily articles about fuel poverty, potential blackouts, outsourcing, job losses, economic malaise and despair, and deforestation for fire wood in those and other European countries, due to their focus on climate alarmism and “green” energy. California electricity prices are already highest in USA, thanks to its EU-style programs. The alarms are misplaced, the programs do nothing to reduce Chinese, Indian or global emissions, and renewable energy is hardly eco-friendly or sustainable.

Wind energy requires perpetual subsidies and “backup” fossil fuel power plants that actually produce 80% of the electricity attributed to wind, and blankets wildlife habitats with turbines and transmission lines that kill millions of birds and bats every year. In fact, industrial wind facilities remain viable only because they are exempted from many environmental review, wildlife and bird protection laws that are enforced with heavy penalties for all other industries. Solar smothers habitats with glossy panels, and biofuels divert crops and cropland to replace fuels that we have in abundance but refuse to develop.

Now climate activists and EPA want to regulate fracking for gas that was once their preferred option.


Symbols Lost

BP goes ‘beyond petroleum’

Then in 2000 BP, now a group of companies that included Amoco, ARCO and Castrol, unveiled a new global brand with a new mark, a sunburst of green, yellow and white symbolizing dynamic energy in all its forms. It was called the Helios after the sun god of ancient Greece. In a press release announcing the change, the group said it had decided to retain the BP name because of its recognition around the world and because it stood for the new company’s aspirations: ‘better people, better products, big picture, beyond petroleum.’

In related news, BP is quitting its 40-years of investment in solar power:

It seems to be a trend now, last October it was Siemens who gave up on solar, now it is British Petroleum, who has been in the solar business nearly 40 years, and has made the last closure announcements, finalizing what they announced in 2011.

In the news today:

(Reuters) – British oil major BP shut down the remnants of its solar unit on Wednesday, drawing a line under the business on which most of its Beyond Petroleum tagline of the early 2000s was premised.


The company confirmed on Wednesday that it plans to exit its large-scale projects at Long Haven in the U.S. and Moree in Australia.

BP announced plans in July to abandon its household and industrial rooftop solar activities to concentrate on the larger projects but said on December15 that even those were no longer viable.

Networks Target Mitt Romney`s Wealth 13 Times More Than Richer Sen. John Kerry

Via NewsBusters:

…From January to April 2004, the ABC and CBS evening news shows only mentioned Kerry’s wealth once each. And NBC didn’t mention Kerry’s finances or his wife’s wealth at all. Those same three networks have discussed Romney’s wealth a total of 27 times during the same time period in 2012. That’s more than 13 times more than the coverage given Kerry’s wealth (27 stories to 2 stories)…

Facts Are Stubborn Things – Obama Inserted Berwick By Royal Decree

I thought this was supposed to be the most “transparent” Presidency. (I will post at the end what this story brings to mind.) In this video you will see this biased view explained here coming out from Bernard Whitman and also note Obama again inserting a czar in order to usurp proper protocol:

Dems Inaccurately Claim GOP Blocked Berwick Nomination, Media Happy to Play Along

The Times reported:

Dan Pfeiffer, the White House communications director, said the “recess appointment” was needed to carry out the new health care law. The law calls for huge changes in the two programs, which together insure nearly one-third of all Americans.

Mr. Pfeiffer said the president would appoint Dr. Berwick on Wednesday. Mr. Obama decided to act because “many Republicans in Congress have made it clear in recent weeks that they were going to stall the nomination as long as they could, solely to score political points,” Mr. Pfeiffer said.


The Daily News echoed:

Berwick supporters scoffed at GOP complaints and accused them of stonewalling.

“Republican lockstep stalling of Don’s nomination was a case study in cynicism and one awful example of how not to govern,” said Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.). “Republicans screamed that these federal programs were in trouble, then tried to deny the Administration the capable guy the President had chosen to oversee them.”

The Globe printed Kerry’s statement, and noted that “Obama…blamed Republicans for forcing his hand.”

President Obama Attacks Congress for Delaying His Nominees — Is He Right?

President Obama said in a statement that “It’s unfortunate that at a time when our nation is facing enormous challenges, many in Congress have decided to delay critical nominations for political purposes.”


Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., echoed the president’s suggestion, saying that “Republican lockstep stalling of Don’s nomination was a case study in cynicism and one awful example of how not to govern.”


But Republicans were not delaying or stalling Berwick’s nomination.

Indeed, they were eager for his hearing, hoping to assail Berwick’s past statements about health care rationing and his praise for the British health care system.

“The nomination hasn’t been held up by Republicans in Congress and to say otherwise is misleading,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, which would have held Berwick’s hearing.

Grassley said that he “requested that a hearing take place two weeks ago, before this recess.”

Berwick’s nomination was sent to the Senate in April, and his hearing had not been scheduled because he was participating in the “standard vetting process,” a Democratic aide on the Senate Finance Committee told ABC News.

But speaking not for attribution, Democratic officials say that neither Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., nor Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, were eager for an ugly confirmation fight four months before the midterm elections.


You can argue – and White House officials and Senate Democrats are, in fact, doing so – that Democrats were delaying Berwick’s hearing and the vote on his nomination because Republicans were going to play politics with it.

But a) that’s not the same as delaying or obstructing his nomination and b) some might argue that there’s also something to be said about combating policy arguments with better policy arguments.

This reminds me of all the times the Democrats said bush was cutting veteran benefits, when in fact he was increasing them. How? Because they would call for a 6-billion dollar increase in the proposal, but the Republicans and Bush would say their budget could only cover, say, 4-billion dollars. The net increase was 4-billion, but all you read in the papers and heard on MSNBC was that Bush cut 2-billion dollars in veteran benefits. Here is the comparison between Bush and Clinton in regards to veteran benefits, you tell me if the media was as mainstream as some purport?