Election 2016
The Best Flip-Flop In A While ~ Donald Trump
AS AN ASIDE: I hate that term, “alt-right,” see a great commentary by GAY PATRIOT on it.
(HOTAIR) [see also, The American Spectator] A classic via the Daily Rushbo. Listen [above] and you’ll realize immediately that he’s not laughing out of affectation. He’s honestly cracking up at the ridiculous irony that the great populist warrior who’s come to smash the Washington “globalists” has turned out to be the amnesty errand boy they’ve been dreaming of. Marco Rubio couldn’t sell amnesty to the populist right. Rush Limbaugh couldn’t sell it. But Mr Nationalism? If he says it’s okay, what cuckish RINO would dare disagree? If Rush wasn’t laughing, he’d have to cry at how little many of his own grassroots listeners seem to care about the policies they claim to support when a heroic authority figure argues to the contrary…..
(POLITICO) Team Cruz on Trump’s immigration shift: Told you so…. “Everything Trump promises comes with an expiration date,” said Cruz’s former Senate communications director, Amanda Carpenter. “We knew it during the primary, and now it is apparent he has duped his most loyal supporters on the issue they care about most, immigration. Don’t say we didn’t warn them.”
(WINTERY KNIGHT) Trump Cuckolds Low Information Alt-Right Voters By Reverting To 2013 Pro-Amnesty View…
The so-called “alt-right” is a group of secular leftist white nationalists who supported Trump in the GOP primary because they thought he would be tough on immigration. They called traditional conservatives “cuckservatives” because they thought that voting for GOP primary candidates who had a record of being tough on immigration was less important than insults and vulgarity. Well, just as policy-oriented conservatives predicted during the primary, Trump has reversed himself on his tough rhetoric and resumed the standard Democrat position on immigration: amnesty.
There are a whole bunch of posts about Trump’s reversal on immigration policy over at the Conservatives 4 Ted Cruz hub.
….Rick Tyler, Cruz’s former campaign communications director, said that Trump’s evolving stance seems like amnesty for illegal immigrants.
“From what I have seen, he is now the pro-amnesty candidate,” he told Politico.
“If Trump is insistent on reversing himself on amnesty, then he will have fooled his entire base. He would have fooled enough people who voted for him to make him the Republican nominee. It’s deceitful; it was a betrayal.”
Wintery continues:
- Cruz reminded voters during the primary: “Donald Trump will betray you on every issue. If you care about immigration, Donald is laughing at you”
Two quotes from WINTERY KNIGHT about or in the above noted article:
- Trump’s only skill in life was ability to inherit wealth. That’s it. The rest of his life has been committing adultery, hosting beauty pageants and declaring bankruptcy several times. Trump is not qualified for any kind of professional work. The presidency is a professional job and requires experience, judgment and proven ability. If we want to have a free country with the rule of law, then we need the alt-right people to stop getting their marching orders from the National Enquirer. (WK’s Article)
- This is only a surprise to people who thought that Trump’s campaign-speech clowning was more important than Ted Cruz’s winning second amendment and religious liberty cases before the Supreme Court, and battling against Rubio’s Gang of Eight amnesty and Obama’s executive amnesty. If border security and immigration were your issues, Cruz was your candidate – unless you were stupid enough to mistake grade-school vulgarity for a conservative record. (WK’s Facebook)
Hitler Finds Out About Trump’s Flip-Flop on Immigration
Trump’s First Political Ad
Trump v. Trump
The David Duke thing was great!
Hillary’s Charitable Giving (Insert Laugh Track)
CNN’s Chris Cuomo made a statement today that we already knew to be true:
- “We could not help [Hillary] any more than we have… she’s got just a free ride so far with the media.”
Bias is sometimes NOT providing all the pertinent information. For instance, in some of these reports, you would think Hillary is very charitable:
Chip Reid gave a detail during his report on CBS Evening News that the other networks overlooked — Mrs. Clinton’s book earnings:
CHIP REID: Hillary and Bill Clinton, filing jointly, made about $10.7 million last year. Most of it was speaking fees — $5.3 million for him, $1.5 million for her. She also got $3 million for her book, ‘Hard Choices.’ Their federal tax rate was 34.2 percent. They gave about a million dollars to charity — almost all of it to the Clinton Family Foundation, which is separate from the controversial Clinton Foundation.
Here is a better report:
On NBC Nightly News, Welker also mentioned the Clintons’ contributions to their own foundation. But instead of playing a clip of Senator Sanders, the correspondent played a soundbite of Mrs. Clinton’s talking point about her speech transcripts:
KRISTEN WELKER: The filings show the Clintons made a combined $10.7 million last year — far less than the $28 million they made the year before. They donated just over $1 million to charity — virtually all of it to the Clinton Foundation — and more than a half of the Clintons’ income from paid speeches — some of the same speeches she came under fire for during the primary for not releasing transcripts.
What I find interesting however, is not that the Clintons essentially gave over 96% of all their charitable giving to themselves…. but that the only other “charitable giving” — a $42,000 contribution was to Desert Classic Charities, that group hosts an annual PGA golf event. Soo nice! That isn’t the end of the story however:
- Desert Classic Charities effectively returned that donation back into the Clinton orbit. Its 2015 tax filing shows that it contributed $700,000 to the Clinton Foundation for work on obesity programs. The group handed out $1.6 million in grants that whole year. (DAILY CALLER)
Soo charitable of them.
Here is an interesting juxtaposition. Something Dennis Prager said last week that made me chuckle. He was mentioning media bias against Republicans and said that Mitt Romney lived the most upstanding life anyone could except for a person raised in an Iron Lung. He said that if you could malign such a man as Romney, you can malign anyone.
Which brings me to a story from long ago:
Mitt Romney’s Tax Rate and Charitable Giving
Generosity = True Character!
BIDEN (Politico):
When the Obama campaign released past tax returns for Biden in 2008, it was revealed that the Bidens donated just $3,690 to charity over 10 years — an average of $369 a year.
♦ 2005: $77,315 to charity out of income of $1.66 million (4.6 percent)
♦ 2004: $2,500 out of $207,647 (1.2 percent)
♦ 2003: $3,400 out of $238,327 (1.4 percent)
♦ 2002: $1,050 out of $259,394 (0.4 percent)
The slightly longer video/audio of the below can be found here… I cut out the Benghazi commentary for this posting. This was originally uploaded to my MRCTV account in September 26, 2012:
From Video Description:
Larry Elder leads off with small talk about Hollywood’s silence on censorship, he plays SNL’s skit about undecided voters (video included)…. Then “The Sage” settles into his forte… stats. Quoting liberal sources he dissects Jonathan Karl’s ABC report (video included) and the general lunacy of the legacy media in stacking the deck against Romney. Long, but worth listening to.
For stories related to this report from Jonathan, see NewsBusters:
- ABC’s Karl Dissembles on Romney’s Tax Rate, But NBC Points Out He Pays Higher Percent Than Middle Class
- Nets Use Romney’s Taxes to Advance Obama’s False ‘Fairness’ Narrative
For more clear thinking like this from Larry Elder… I invite you to visit: http://www.larryelder.com/
Unfiltered Violence From Hillary Clinton’s Crowds
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/myiannopoulos/videos/vb.423006854503882/754896297981601/?type=2&theater” width=”695″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]
‘Racist!’: Trump Supporters Forced to Run ‘Gauntlet’ Through Aggressive, Violent Protesters (The Blaze)
Some protesters got aggressive at the end of the night as Trump supporters left Minneapolis fundraiser. @StarTribune pic.twitter.com/gNcZGYhqBm
— Renee JonesSchneider (@reneejon) August 20, 2016
Clinton Cash (Movie) and Campaign Donor List! [+ More]
Clinton Cash, is a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book that the New York Times hailed as “The most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.”
Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation. This wealth was accumulated during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as US Secretary of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors.
The following is with a h-t to YOUNG CONSERVATIVES, and comes by way of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!
….Topping Hillary’s list is the Saban Capital Group. The “private investment firm,” (read: hedge fund) has given the Clinton campaign more than $10 million this year alone. Founded by Hami Saban, an Jewish Egyptian national, he has said his greatest concern is to protect Israel. He is also part owner of Univision, Hillary Clinton’s greatest Spanish-language cheerleader. Here’s how the New Yorker described his relationship with the Clintons:
By far his most important relationship is with Bill and Hillary Clinton. In 2002, Saban donated five million dollars to Bill Clinton’s Presidential library, and he has given more than five million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. In February, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a major policy address at the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, co-sponsored by the Saban Center. And last November Bill Clinton was a featured speaker at the Saban Forum, an annual conference attended by many high-level Israeli and U.S. government officials, which was held in Jerusalem. Ynon Kreiz, an Israeli who was the chairman and chief executive of a Saban company and Saban’s closest associate for many years, attended the conference, and when I commented that his former boss appeared to be positively smitten with Bill Clinton, Kreiz replied, grinning broadly, “No! No! I remember once Haim was talking to me on the phone, and he said in Hebrew, without changing his tone so Clinton would have no idea he was speaking about him, ‘The President of the United States, wearing his boxers, is coming down the stairs, and I am going to have to stop talking and go have breakfast with him.’”
A close second on the list is Renaissance Technologies, another hedge fund. They sunk $9.5 million into Hillary’s campaign this year. Founder James Simons has given more than $30 million to Democrats and their campaigns since 2006.
…It’s important to note that Trump’s top contributor has given a fraction of all the people on Hillary’s list.
The John Powers Middleton Companies gave $150,000 to Trump this year. Middleton is a TV producer who co-producedThe Lego Movie.
Also on the list? A boring group of contributors, really.
There’s a financial group that gave $50,000, a realty company. The AON Corporation. All told, Trump has received zerodollars from Political Action Committees and has self-funded 56 percent of his campaign.
Love him or hate him, he answers to nobody but himself and the American people….
Take note that if you combine the above with this… you have in the Democratic Party EVERYTHING the Republicans are accused of. An example:
From maligning and subverting others in the race (GOP or Democrat), from taking bribes, to making bribes… what has happened here in the primary is a giant leap ahead of what Democrats accuse George Bush of doing in Florida. Florida is chicken feed to what was revealed from these leaked DNC emails. On the DNC Convention floor, Bernie signs were confiscated, they censored the California delegation with “white noise speakers” and “reserving” the seats. It is worth noting that the woman behind this original censoring in the leaked DNC emails, stepped down because of this activity… to only be immediately hired by Hillary’s campaign. I would also posit that this almost Orwellian censoring at the Democrat Convention has Debbie Wasserman Schultz finger prints all over it.
Republicans are rightly called “the stupid party” (read here Donald Trump) and the Democrats are called “the evil party” (read here Hillary Clinton).
An old Washington joke is that the Republicans are called “the stupid party” and the Democrats are called “the evil party.” When the Republicans and Democrats get together on legislation, they do something both stupid and evil—and they call it “bipartisanship.”
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) called conservatives “the stupidest party” in his Considerations on Representative Government (1861). The newspaper columnist Samuel T. Francis (1947-2005) was credited in 1993 with writing “There are two parties in Washington: the Stupid Party and the Evil Party.” It’s probable that Francis wrote the full joke at some time in the 1980s or early 1990s. The joke (cited in print since at least 1999) is also often credited to an unnamed Congressional staffer, who was explaining the U.S. government to someone from Russia (or another country in the former Soviet Union).
I would rather be part of the Stupid Party.
Eric Metaxas WRECKS Don Lemon
ERIC METAXAS was on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon talking about Hillary Clinton’s VP choice, Time Kaine. Eric made a salient point about why she might have chosen him, with a simple come-back to Lemon! (Still learning how to do the FX… getting better.)
“…So Here We Are” ~ Gay Patriot
So here we are.
This is the choice we’re given this year:
An egomaniacal New York Democrat who represents the terrible nexus between powerful moneyed interests and overbearing governmental influence in our lives.
A candidate whose entire family’s wealth in fact is a direct result of underhanded, criminal at times, manipulation of power that puts the ‘little guy’ under the thumb of those in undeserved positions of power and authority.
A candidate with actual legal travails in fact hanging like the Sword of Damocles as we move into the general election season.
A staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood, universal healthcare, and the expansion of governmental power, with a blindly protectionist view of free trade, who (although a supporter of it at the time) contends that George W Bush lied us into war in Iraq.
A candidate who cozies up to (and profits from relationships with) foreign strongmen.
A candidate who expresses an excitement and yearning desire to gut the First Amendment, primarily with the goal of targeting political enemies.
A candidate who colluded with party leaders to squelch any expression of inner-party dissent and explicitly and in the most personal and insulting ways conceivable to deny fellow-party adversaries any legitimacy even if it meant dragging them through the mud.
A candidate who chooses to offset such obvious personal (and universally accepted) flaws with a boring and milquetoast running mate with the hopes the general electorate will not take notice of such clear unfitness for the job.
A crooked, deceitful, duplicitous lout with an unquenchable desire for power and a seemingly physical inability to tell the truth.
The most unliked major-party nominee for president in the history of the United States.
So what, then? Are we supposed to vote for his opponent instead?
-Nick (ColoradoPatriot, from TML)
Plagiarisms Apparent Double Standard
I commented right away on my FB on Melania Trump’s speech being lifted off of Michelle Obama. Here is that commentary:
from a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life. That your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily life. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son, and we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.
and Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don’t know them, and even if you don’t agree with them. And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generation.Because we want our children — and all children in this nation — to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.
There are some good side-by-side videos there as well. I don’t see this as a problem. We know Michelle Obama and her husband… their entire career saddled up with Marxists and radicals/racists didn’t mean what they said in the campaign. I bet as well that Melania has been proud of these United States plenty of times prior to Trump running. In other words, I doubt you will EVER hear Melania say something like this:
➤ “[F]or the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction…” — Michelle Obama
So the two speeches (if Trump wins) are a great petri-dish experiment. Both said the same thing… let us see who actually does it. Although, Obama’s word IS his bond, and he DID SAY he wanted to fundamentally change the country.
However, for many days afterword the nets went ape-shit over it (so I heard… I do not have TV). Why haven’t they done the same for their messiah in times past?