Election 2016
The Best Flip-Flop In A While ~ Donald Trump
AS AN ASIDE: I hate that term, “alt-right,” see a great commentary by GAY PATRIOT on it.
(HOTAIR) [see also, The American Spectator] A classic via the Daily Rushbo. Listen [above] and you’ll realize immediately that he’s not laughing out of affectation. He’s honestly cracking up at the ridiculous irony that the great populist warrior who’s come to smash the Washington “globalists” has turned out to be the amnesty errand boy they’ve been dreaming of. Marco Rubio couldn’t sell amnesty to the populist right. Rush Limbaugh couldn’t sell it. But Mr Nationalism? If he says it’s okay, what cuckish RINO would dare disagree? If Rush wasn’t laughing, he’d have to cry at how little many of his own grassroots listeners seem to care about the policies they claim to support when a heroic authority figure argues to the contrary…..
(POLITICO) Team Cruz on Trump’s immigration shift: Told you so…. “Everything Trump promises comes with an expiration date,” said Cruz’s former Senate communications director, Amanda Carpenter. “We knew it during the primary, and now it is apparent he has duped his most loyal supporters on the issue they care about most, immigration. Don’t say we didn’t warn them.”
(WINTERY KNIGHT) Trump Cuckolds Low Information Alt-Right Voters By Reverting To 2013 Pro-Amnesty View…
Wintery continues:
- Cruz reminded voters during the primary: “Donald Trump will betray you on every issue. If you care about immigration, Donald is laughing at you”
Two quotes from WINTERY KNIGHT about or in the above noted article:
Hitler Finds Out About Trump’s Flip-Flop on Immigration
Trump’s First Political Ad
Trump v. Trump
The David Duke thing was great!
Hillary’s Charitable Giving (Insert Laugh Track)
CNN’s Chris Cuomo made a statement today that we already knew to be true:
- “We could not help [Hillary] any more than we have… she’s got just a free ride so far with the media.”
Bias is sometimes NOT providing all the pertinent information. For instance, in some of these reports, you would think Hillary is very charitable:
Here is a better report:
What I find interesting however, is not that the Clintons essentially gave over 96% of all their charitable giving to themselves…. but that the only other “charitable giving” — a $42,000 contribution was to Desert Classic Charities, that group hosts an annual PGA golf event. Soo nice! That isn’t the end of the story however:
- Desert Classic Charities effectively returned that donation back into the Clinton orbit. Its 2015 tax filing shows that it contributed $700,000 to the Clinton Foundation for work on obesity programs. The group handed out $1.6 million in grants that whole year. (DAILY CALLER)
Soo charitable of them.
Here is an interesting juxtaposition. Something Dennis Prager said last week that made me chuckle. He was mentioning media bias against Republicans and said that Mitt Romney lived the most upstanding life anyone could except for a person raised in an Iron Lung. He said that if you could malign such a man as Romney, you can malign anyone.
Which brings me to a story from long ago:
Mitt Romney’s Tax Rate and Charitable Giving
Generosity = True Character!
BIDEN (Politico):
The slightly longer video/audio of the below can be found here… I cut out the Benghazi commentary for this posting. This was originally uploaded to my MRCTV account in September 26, 2012:
Unfiltered Violence From Hillary Clinton’s Crowds
[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/myiannopoulos/videos/vb.423006854503882/754896297981601/?type=2&theater” width=”695″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]
‘Racist!’: Trump Supporters Forced to Run ‘Gauntlet’ Through Aggressive, Violent Protesters (The Blaze)
Some protesters got aggressive at the end of the night as Trump supporters left Minneapolis fundraiser. @StarTribune pic.twitter.com/gNcZGYhqBm
— Renee JonesSchneider (@reneejon) August 20, 2016
Clinton Cash (Movie) and Campaign Donor List! [+ More]
The following is with a h-t to YOUNG CONSERVATIVES, and comes by way of THE FEDERALIST PAPERS!
Take note that if you combine the above with this… you have in the Democratic Party EVERYTHING the Republicans are accused of. An example:
From maligning and subverting others in the race (GOP or Democrat), from taking bribes, to making bribes… what has happened here in the primary is a giant leap ahead of what Democrats accuse George Bush of doing in Florida. Florida is chicken feed to what was revealed from these leaked DNC emails. On the DNC Convention floor, Bernie signs were confiscated, they censored the California delegation with “white noise speakers” and “reserving” the seats. It is worth noting that the woman behind this original censoring in the leaked DNC emails, stepped down because of this activity… to only be immediately hired by Hillary’s campaign. I would also posit that this almost Orwellian censoring at the Democrat Convention has Debbie Wasserman Schultz finger prints all over it.
Republicans are rightly called “the stupid party” (read here Donald Trump) and the Democrats are called “the evil party” (read here Hillary Clinton).
I would rather be part of the Stupid Party.
Eric Metaxas WRECKS Don Lemon
ERIC METAXAS was on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon talking about Hillary Clinton’s VP choice, Time Kaine. Eric made a salient point about why she might have chosen him, with a simple come-back to Lemon! (Still learning how to do the FX… getting better.)
“…So Here We Are” ~ Gay Patriot
Plagiarisms Apparent Double Standard
I commented right away on my FB on Melania Trump’s speech being lifted off of Michelle Obama. Here is that commentary:
However, for many days afterword the nets went ape-shit over it (so I heard… I do not have TV). Why haven’t they done the same for their messiah in times past?