Here is a comment from an upload of Prager discussing Hydroxychloroquine:
Enforced Group Think – Covid 1984 (Senator and Doctor, Scott Jensen, MD)
Senator and “Doctor of the Year,” Scott Jensen, MD, was interviewed on MSM about the new and unorthodox way he was instructed to fill out death certificates by the CDC, as well as comparing Coronavirus and the seasonal flu, a statement already made by Tony Fauci and other officials. In a shocking turn of events, his medical license is now under review by the state of Minnesota. Jensen has publicly stated he has “no regrets,” and talks to Del about how he’s even more inspired to speak out.
- See a previous post with video of some of the mentioned sources mentioned below in my post: “Funny Covid-19 Numbers By Date (Why Many Are Skeptical)“
Could this happen to you by speaking out? Could they come after your business or license? Share the message, no one’s immune to attacks.
Masks? What Does The Science Say? (Ben Swann CDC Update)
(Remember, the same people that tell us there is more than two sexes and that we can change the planets temperature are now telling us the best way to reach herd immunity is by as little contact as possible) I clipped this just to isolate the studies aspect of the presentation, the entire segment can be seen at FOX’S YouTube Channel here (it is worth watching). BTW, I watch segments from Cuamo, and Tapper at times to get another perspective (to test my own views). I sent the full segment of this Laura Ingraham clip to a friend, and even the mention of Fox News is considered “pot stirring.” If someone sent me an MSNBC clip or a CNN clip, I would not respond with such bias. What is funny is that these same people will go around and bemoan that our society is soo split right now, not realizing that they refuse to go out of their safe zone to even consider other points of views. In other words, their Leftism in labeling other ideas as “sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted” as a way to reject even polite conversation is legend on the Left. I haven’t had cable for over 15-years, so I cannot watch any of this minus YouTube. But thank Gawd for Fox… while still a corporate entity, at least they offer a different opinion from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, BBC, CBS, NBC, NETFLIX, HULU, etc. — media and Hollywood.
There is no health crisis in California. Are we to break a Constitutional right to happiness (make a living, own land, a business) every flu season?
- 2018: 6,917
- 2017: 6,340
- 2016: 5,981
- 2015: 6,188
- 2014: 5,970
- 2005: 7,553
Corona deaths are at least 25% lower than reported number, I argue well for even lower. So with the safe Birx and states that have gone through their numbers… there are a total of 5,696 deaths (7,595 official as of now) in California. See more:
- Funny Covid-19 Numbers By Date (Why Many Are Skeptical)
- 1st Colorado and Washington, Now Texas Reduces Covid Deaths
- Infection Fatality Rate Percentages of The Wu Flu (Updates)
Here is the CDC STUDY: “Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures”
Experts And Models Constantly Over-Predict Disaster!
To update the “Sweden Story,” REUTERS has an interesting update:
1st Colorado and Washington, Now Texas Reduces Covid Deaths
Someone who dies with the disease is not the same as someone who dies from the disease. (See some great comments over at FREE REPUBLIC):
CHICKS ON THE RIGHT note that the real question “becomes how accurate can the antigen test be?” Continuing, this is hinted that it does not fair well for other than strep.
One of the managers at Von’s told me today his wife’s sister or his sister (I forget what he said) had made an appointment to get tested for Covid. He said she cancelled, but a few days later received a notice she was positive. Here is another confirmation of such shenanigans:
[fbvideo link=”″ width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT
When memes become reality…
— M3thods (@M2Madness) July 17, 2020
And as states are going over death certificates, they are dropping by at least 25% in deaths by Covid-19. And some independent groups are helping “catch” the inflated number, like Pennsylvania’s “Wolf administration was caught this week adding up to 269 fake deaths to the state totals on Tuesday” (CITADELPOLITICS). Or this short example (PJ-MEDIA)
- On Thursday, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) confirmed a report by the Freedom Foundation that they have included those who tested positive for COVID-19 but died of other causes, including gunshot injuries, in their coronavirus death totals. This calls into serious question the state’s calculations of residents who have actually died of the CCP pandemic.
- Last week, after it was reported that, like Washington, Colorado was counting deaths of all COVID-19 positive persons regardless of cause (which had resulted in the inclusion of deaths from alcohol poisoning), the Colorado Department of Health and Environment began to differentiate between deaths “among people with COVID-19” and “deaths due to COVID-19.”
Just one more of the many examples I could share is the New York Times getting 40% wrong of their “died from Covid-19 under 30-years old” front page news story. Mmmm, no, they didn’t die of Covid. As states figure this out, the inflated counts (like when Colorado did this — fell by 25%: lots more on this below).
First up, Dr. Birx setting the stage for this with how deaths are coded:
Another example comes from Dr. Ngozi, Director of public health Illinois. She explains how ALL deaths are counted as Covid-19 even if the patient was diagnosed to have die from another disease:
Adapted from the above video description is important (via 4 TIMES A YEAR)
Here is more information from Daniel Horowitz over at CONSERVATIVE REVIEW:
TO WIT… Dennis Prager’s guest is Dr. Joel Hay, who is a professor in the department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy at the University of Southern California. Both give examples of cancer deaths being coded Covid:
And my third evidence to support my contention a nurse is filmed commenting on the percentages of deaths at NYC hospital. In my posts point #2 (the video still up amazingly) notes that every death cert in NYC-hospital is coded as Rona. In fact, 99% of deaths from that hospital were coded Rona during a period — AN IMPOSSIBLE statistic (my site)
A CLEARER PICTURE blog comments on the above indirectly:
However, we are starting to find out that “pure” deaths caused by Covid-19 exclusivelt is low (DAILY WIRE):
Dr. Scott Atlas Discusses Rise In Coronavirus Cases
AUDIO BELOW the hospitalizations excerpts/updates:
- …Lindsey Rosales, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of State Health Services, confirmed to Just the News this week that the state is categorizing every inpatient in the state with a positive COVID-19 test as a COVID-19 hospitalization. … (JUST THE NEWS)
AMERICAN THINKER notes the following, “We are told new cases are rising by double-digit percentages, including: “The number of people hospitalized with coronavirus.” Hospitalized with or from coronavirus? Is this really a surge or simply fear-mongering fake news?” Continuing they quote a Texas area hospital CEO:
Larry O’Connor spoke with Dr. Scott Atlas, the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, about the latest surrounding the country reopening following the coronavirus.
More from the DAILY CALLER:
The One-Size-Fits-all Approach To The WuFlu Authoritarian, Inefficient
Dr. Scott Atlas is the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, an accomplished physician, and a scholar of public health. For several weeks, Dr. Atlas has been making the case in print and in other media that we as a society have overreacted in imposing draconian restrictions on movement, gatherings, schools, sports, and other activities. He is not a COVID-19 denier—he believes the virus is a real threat and should be managed as such. But, as Dr. Atlas argues, there are some age groups and activities that are subject to very low risk. The one-size-fits-all approach we are currently using is overly authoritarian, inefficient, and not based in science. Dr. Atlas’s prescription includes more protection for people in nursing homes, two weeks of strict self-isolation for those with mild symptoms, and most importantly, the opening of all K–12 schools. The latter recommendation is vital for restarting and maintaining the economy so that parents are not housebound trying to work and educate their children. Dr. Atlas is also adamant that an economic shutdown, and all of the attendant issues that go along with it, is a terrible solution—the cure is worse than the disease. Finally, Dr. Atlas reveals some steps he’s taken in his own life to try to get things back to normal.
John Ziegler Truth Bombs Ventura County Board of Supervisors
[Dr. Robert Levin, Health Officer and Medical Director, Ventura County] He predicted 400-to-600 hospitalizations a day. He revised that to 200-to-400 a day…. we are barely over 200 for the ENTIRE ordeal…. We now have a panic over 51 total hospitalizations in a county with eight hospitals. Can you people do math? Can you PLEASE do basic math. This is not a crisis, you however, have created one. You, in an effort to try and prevent all deaths (we’ve had 43 deaths) you have ended all relevant life…. (See more at JOHN ZIEGLER’S site)
Infection Fatality Rate Percentages of The Wu Flu (Updates)
STANFORD has released a new paper where they look at their own studies as well as “23 studies with a sample size of at least 500 have been published either in the peerreviewed literature or as preprints as of June 7, 2020.” In this they find confirmation to strongly say:
Keep in mind in March I noted that the rates would be from 0.03% to 0.25% — not to brag or anything, but I am in the 23-studies lane-lines. I just couldn’t differentiate between age groups, but that was assumed as the average age of deaths.
And as states are going over death certificates, they are dropping by at least 25% in deaths by Covid-19. And some independent groups are helping “catch” the inflated number, like Pennsylvania’s “Wolf administration was caught this week adding up to 269 fake deaths to the state totals on Tuesday” (CITADELPOLITICS). Or this short example (PJ-MEDIA)
- On Thursday, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) confirmed a report by the Freedom Foundation that they have included those who tested positive for COVID-19 but died of other causes, including gunshot injuries, in their coronavirus death totals. This calls into serious question the state’s calculations of residents who have actually died of the CCP pandemic.
- Last week, after it was reported that, like Washington, Colorado was counting deaths of all COVID-19 positive persons regardless of cause (which had resulted in the inclusion of deaths from alcohol poisoning), the Colorado Department of Health and Environment began to differentiate between deaths “among people with COVID-19” and “deaths due to COVID-19.”
Just one more of the many examples I could share is the New York Times getting 40% wrong of their “died from Covid-19 under 30-years old” front page news story. Mmmm, no, they didn’t die of Covid. As states figure this out, the inflated counts (like when Colorado did this — fell by 25%: lots more on this below).
In a recent conversation two items came up that are worth updating for friends and family. The first deals with if a person can get the WuFlu twice. FORBES has a good article on this:
The second issue was regarding animals being able to contract the virus.
CNN has a good short response to this:
More “known” examples from the CDC:
- A small number of pet cats and dogs have been reported to be infected with the virus in several countries, including the United States. Most of these pets became sick after contact with people with COVID-19.
- Several lions and tigersexternal icon at a New York zoo tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 after showing signs of respiratory illness. Public health officials believe these large cats became sick after being exposed to a zoo employee who was infected with SARS-CoV-2. All of these large cats have fully recovered.
- SARS-CoV-2 was recently discovered in mink (which are closely related to ferrets) on multiple farms in the Netherlands. The mink showed respiratory and gastrointestinal signs; the farms also experienced an increase in mink deaths. Because some workers on these farms had symptoms of COVID-19, it is likely that infected farm workers were the source of the mink infections. Some farm cats on several mink farms also developed antibodies to this virus, suggesting they had been exposed to the virus at some point. Officials in the Netherlands are investigating the connections between the health of people and animals as well as the environment on these mink farms.
(The below is from June 19th)
MAROON numbers are death rate, and the BLUE numbers are hospitalization rates. Rated by placement as well. This is merely for comparison to decide if $1.1 trillion lost for every month of the economic shutdown and the long-term damage on the U.S. economy, shrinking it by $7.9 trillion over the next decade.
- [1] The 1918-19 “Spanish Flu” Pandemic — 675,000 died in the United States, some victims died within mere hours or days of developing symptoms.
- [2] The 1957-58 “Asian Flu” Pandemic — 116,000 deaths were in the US. Most of the cases affected young children.
- [3] The 1968 “Hong Kong Flu” Pandemic — 100,000 deaths occurred in the United States
- [12](9) The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic — About 80% of those deaths are believed to have been people younger than 65 — which is unusual. During typical seasonal influenza epidemics, 70-90% of deaths occur in people over 65. 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths in the United States due to the virus.
- [9](7) 2010-2011 flu season — 290,000 influenza-related hospitalizations and 37,000 flu-associated deaths
- [6](3) 2012-2013 flu season — 56,000 deaths is the CDC estimate. 571,000 influenza-related hospitalizations
- [8](6) 2013-2014 flu season — 347,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 38,000 flu-associated deaths
- [7](2) 2014-2015 flu season — 591,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 51,000 flu-associated deaths
- [11](8) 2015-2016 flu season — 280,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 23,000 flu-associated deaths
- [8](4) 2016-2017 flu season — 500,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 38,000 influenza-associated deaths
- [5](1) 2017-2018 flu season — The CDC estimates that between 46,000 and 95,000 Americans died due to influenza during the 2017-18 flu season. This resulted in an estimated 959,000 hospitalizations and a middle-ground of 61,099 deaths.
- [10](5) 2018-2019 flu season — 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza
- [4](10) Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) — With the adjusted numbers that I believe the flu (a bad influenza season assumed to be novel influenza on untested patients), I would bet we are at about 80,000 or less deaths from The WuFlu. US Coronavirus Hospitalizations is at a current level of 229,212.
Steven Crowder takes to the streets of Dallas to have real conversations with real people. In this installment, Steven discusses the COVID19 death count and the fake news surrounding it.
Crowder is posted above as an UPDATE to support my contention below:
(The below is from May 24th, 2020)
Here are some updated numbers, from CONSERVATIVE REVIEW — and I will post a portion of an older post [recently updated] underneath this (also, if the graphics are not linked to ENLARGE, I will link to the Twitter accounts associated with the graphics):
I wanted to expand the Twitter graphic and link above a bit, I spent some time going through the comments and many of the conversational offshoots. I figured this collection (ending with my comment) sums up the issue in a lot less time:
(Click once to get large graphic, click again to blow it up)
There is a fascinating “official” continuation of this convo with more detail (linked in below Twitter graphic):
Great, great stuff. All this vindicates my own early numbers,
…all the “anti-body” studies,
…this more recent stuff,
…as well as all the Facebook discussions/debates between myself, friends, family, and complete strangers.
…as I show below, this number will get lower upon investigation of common sense assumptions if never investigated.
REASON has their article discussing the issue of IFR and America compared to Europe (see also BLOOMBERG’S article):
Of course there is another twist in the whole story morning glory… even with the vaccine, the virus itself is disappearing naturally as more and more people are naturally getting immune to it through contact (most react with no or minor symptoms), the vaccine will be useless by the time it is produced. (Which is why they will in the end FORCE this on us, to vindicate the monies spent and a need to recoup costs.)
Coronavirus ‘disappearing’ so fast Oxford vaccine has ‘only 50% chance of working’
— Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) May 24, 2020
This is because the HERD IMMUNITY rate may be much lower that some have been saying:
Some other posts of mine noting herd immunity:
- Woodstock Occurred in the Middle of a Pandemic
- Infectious Thoughts On “The RONA” (My Facebook Posts)
% Asymptomatic Expressions %
* I also believe the CDC to be waay off in their assessment of the asymptomatic expressions of this virus. They say it is 35%, I say this is way too low. I would posit the lowest is 50%, whereas the highest is between 80% and 86%. My guess is closer to 80%. Here are some examples to support my statements:
[1] “There are probably 25 to 50 people who have the virus for every one person who is confirmed” — Dr. Marty Makary
Here is my uploaded (truncated) video of Dr. Makary (John Hopkins) being interviewed by YAHOO FINANCE (see their FULL video at YouTube HERE):
[2] 86% of infections went undocumented — Science Journal
Here, the NEW YORK POST (March 17, 2020) notes the journal article by saying:
This information likewise calls into question the “official numbers of deaths” being attributed to the CDC as well as supporting the idea that many more persons have the WU FLU, making the death rate percentages even smaller than being discussed above. I am repeating the below because I think it is crucially important!
other PERTINENT information
MAY I ALSO NOTE that I believe the deaths from The Rona are a bit overstated, while Dr. Birx noted that the CDC may be inflating the death toll by 25%, I provide a couple other examples to support my claim.
First up, Dr. Birx setting the stage for this with how deaths are coded:
Another example comes from Dr. Ngozi, Director of public health Illinois. She explains how ALL deaths are counted as Covid-19 even if the patient was diagnosed to have die from another disease:
Adapted from the above video description is important (via 4 TIMES A YEAR)
Here is more information from Daniel Horowitz over at CONSERVATIVE REVIEW:
TO WIT… Dennis Prager’s guest is Dr. Joel Hay, who is a professor in the department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy at the University of Southern California. Both give examples of cancer deaths being coded Covid:
And my third evidence to support my contention a nurse is filmed commenting on the percentages of deaths at NYC hospital. In my posts point #2 (the video still up amazingly) notes that every death cert in NYC-hospital is coded as Rona. In fact, 99% of deaths from that hospital were coded Rona during a period — AN IMPOSSIBLE statistic ( — my site)
A CLEARER PICTURE blog comments on the above indirectly:
However, we are starting to find out that “pure” deaths caused by Covid-19 exclusivelt is low (DAILY WIRE):
Also note that all the anti-body tests are showing a larger infected population than previously considered. REASON.COM previously noted the Stanford study that between “48,000 and 81,000 residents of Santa Clara County, California are likely to have already been infected by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.” Stanford University has revised the numbers to better fit the assumption (via MERCURY NEWS):
A friend on FACEBOOK has been a light in the war-torn field of The Rona (Wu Flu) battle of infection rates. Here are two posts of his [combined with a response to a friendly comment from one of his peeps] followed by some recent articles (links to papers will be in graphics):
The original post (OP) on this second strain was a graphic. I will link to the Kent County (Michigan site through it. Here is my FB description of the following: “A person named B.M. wrote on a friends Facebook wall the following regarding “contact tracing.” (The original post had to do with hiring government employees to trace citizens with Covid.)”
ALSO, a short bit from Bruce Carrol:
The SPECTATOR USA has an excellent article backing up the above conversation, entitled, “Stanford Study Suggests Coronavirus Might Not Be As Deadly As Flu: All their estimates for IFR are markedly lower than the figures thrown about a couple of months ago” (This was a SPECTATOR UK original piece – FYI)
This backs up of course some excellent article by Daniel Horowitz:
- One Chart Exposes The Lie Behind Universal Lockdowns
- Ep 641 | Everything You Need to Know About Antibody Tests
- Lockdowns Missed The Boat: More Likely Coronavirus Cases In Us As Early As December
- We Have Been Lied To: 6 Facts That Change Everything We Know About SARS-CoV-2
A CLEARER PICTURE has a great post about this as well, I suggest if you like what you see you check out that blog weekly.
Released Prisoners Part Of The Riot Equation
NYC releases inmates amid coronavirus pandemic, New Jersey is no following their lead; Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden speaks out.
This is a large part of the violent equation we have seen as well:
The Long-Overdue Collapse of the American Education System
With a grateful hat-tip to ACE OF SPADES, these videos were pretty enlightening:
- NYU Business Professor: Covid Has Begun a Long-Overdue Collapse of the American Education System, and They Deserve Everything They’re Going to Get Two videos of him, below, making the same basic points. He’s on shows hosted by people you will not like (Amanapour, Cooper), but he’s worth listening to. — ACE
Another positive from this whole Covid thingy is that many parents plan on continuing home schooling:
- While the majority of parents are hoping that schools will open in the fall, a great number of parents plan on continuing to homeschool regardless of if schools open or not. A survey conducted recently by Real Clear Opinion Research found that among 2,122 families surveyed, just over 40% of them claimed that they would most likely keep their kids at home and will use distance learning until the pandemic ends, no matter what their local and state governments decide about school closures. (MOMS)
Some Hydroxychloroquine Straight Talk
I ended up pausing the first video below and went to FLECCAS TALKS to watch the second video below that BLUE COLLAR LOGIC played. But here are both of them:
This might be the most important episode of Fleccas Talks: This week Kez and I spoke with Dr. Jeff Barke (30 year board certified MD). He blows a hole in the MSM’s fake Corona Virus narrative and explains why it’s so important to get the country open as quickly and safely as possible. Dr. Barke receives a lot of flack for coming out and saying these things. His patriotism is greatly appreciated!
BONUS video:
This Doctor, Ivette. C Lozano, shares her experience with Covid-19 and she is upset at what is happening in our nation. Seek truth, freedom, and justice.