Democrat Supported BLM Killing Machine Laid Bare ~ Firewall

While these stats show blacks are 13% of the population… in reality, most black families and intact homes are not causing the issue. I don’t know what the fair estimate is of black persons percentage-wise of the whole causing the criminal activity. Four-percent? Three-percent? That is a lot of criminal activity for a small percentage if this is the case. It may be more, as, the fatherless home percentage in the black community is over seventy-percent.

In this powerful and timely Firewall, Bill Whittle provides shocking evidence that demolishes the central, Big Lie of Black Lives Matter and then goes on to explain why a lie that size needs to be told by people like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Loretta Lynch. Speaking this kind of truth plainly requires courage, and it also requires your help: keep them coming by becoming a Citizen Producer:

Radical Charter Schools – Not to Teach, But To Revolutionize

Radically Dangerous Democrats!

The above is from MOONBATTERY, and notes some of the dangerous issues involved in the schools controlled by the left:

….The first presentation included a quote from communist executioner Che Guevara: “The true Revolution is guided by a great feeling of love.” What these people mean by “love” is incomprehensible, but they are very clear that “revolution” is to be taken literally.

New teachers were presented with a slide that read: “Definition of Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. How do you see your work as this kind of revolution?”

One presenter talked about the 1967 Newark rioters, the ones who got 26 people killed, hundreds injured, and left a path of looting and destruction that affected thousands of lives for years, as being “part of the revolution” and the National Guardsmen who restored order as “oppressors.”

The teachers broke into small-group “decompression sessions” where the whites among them had to “own up” to their “white privilege.”

Finally, the conference ended with everyone standing in a giant circle with their fists in the air chanting “Love and Revolution” over and over again.

The control of education by the radical left has become an existential threat to America….

Colin Kaepernick ~ Alex Boone | Tomi Lahren (Plus, Islam?)

Former U.S. Rep. ALLEN WEST had a Scripture to recommend to Kaepernick.

I would recommend a simple scripture from the wise King Solomon for Mr. Kaepernick, Proverbs 17:28 (NIV): “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues,”

Or, as the old folks down South would say, “best for a stupid person to keep their mouth shut and not open it and let everyone know they are.”

I will give more context to Alex Boone’s comments after the video:

This story is making more sense as we get a few days behind it. THE DAILY CALLER notes a recent change in Kaepernick’s worldview that is driving this support for a racist, black nationalist political movement [Black Lives Matter]:

A recent report indicates that Colin Kaepernick’s Muslim girlfriend Nessa Diab was behind his decision to not stand during the national anthem.

The report from sports gossip blog Terez Owens states, “As the entire world knows by now, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the National Anthem in Friday’s pre-season game against Green Bay because he was protesting ‘black oppression’ in the United States. We’re now hearing that it was actually his girlfriend Nessa’s idea for Colin to protest. Colin and his girlfriend, Nessa Diab, an MTV DJ, are still planning an Islamic-style wedding.”

SNOPES as well, while saying his full conversion is false… notes the following, “…but all of these reports stemmed back to an anonymous tip posted by the sports gossip site Terez Owens in July 2015″:

  • Now we’re hearing he’s transitioning to become a Muslim, according to people close to the player. We received this in our tipbox, Colin’s girlfriend, Hot 97 DJ Nessa, introduced him to the teachings of Islam, and he’s ready to embrace it fully. Our tipster tells us Kaep and Nessa are going to have a traditional Muslim wedding. Colin seems to be all over the place lately.

This is the basic line so far:

  • There are some facts about Colin Kaepernick that you should know. 1) He recently converted to Islam, 2) His girlfriend,  DJ Nessa Diab, is a prominent activist in Black Lives Matter and is Muslim. She is also a fan of the Cuban dictator, Fidel Castro. (Uncle Sam’S Misguided Children)

We will build up to Nessa’s background, but first, she has posted a couple of things I would say also influenced Colin. For instance:

And in the recent press conference by Colin discussing his not standing up for the National Anthem, he was wearing this “pro-Cuba/pro-Castro” shirt on:kaepernick2-1

BABALÚ BLOG has some excellent commentary on the shirt:

We’re guessing his t-shirt statement wasn’t satiric. Instead we’re guessing that –owing much to modern American education–this black American athlete is (unwittingly) hailing the man who jailed and tortured the largest number of black political prisoners in the modern history of the Western hemisphere and who craved–and came within a hair of– nuking the nation that has made Kaepernick a multi-MULTI-millionaire.


“The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent.” (CHE GUEVARA)

THE WEEKLY STANDARD continues with the bottom line for Colin:

…However, there was one startling display of ignorance by Kaepernick that makes me think he’s not the best person to listen to on the topic of racial injustice. I’m referring to his attire at the press conference: a Malcolm X hat, and though it’s difficult to make out, his T-shirt is of photos commemorating Malcolm X meeting Fidel Castro.

One can revisit the great civil rights debate over using violence as a means to an end; suffice to say, America’s better off that Martin Luther King, Jr. and his commitment to nonviolence, not Malcolm X and his “by any means necessary” approach, won the day. And this divide is only highlighted by Castro’s harboring of a bunch of American cop killers, such as Assata Shakur and Eldridge Cleaver, who claim their unconscionable and murderous actions were done in the name of “racial justice”.

The biggest problem here is that Kaepernick is seemingly unaware of Castro’s legacy. Aside from Castro dragooning and executing Christians and gays, Castro’s record on racial justice is decidedly not “woke”, as the Internet likes to say. While Cuba’s legacy of racism predates Castro, it’s safe to say overt racism against individuals of African ancestry there remains far more pronounced than it is in the United States. In fact, racism is kind of an unstated official policy: “State-posts, government jobs, or positions in the tourism industry are often allocated on the basis of skin color. Take a look at the top office holders in Cuba. See any black faces there? No,” Mediaite’s AJ Delgado wrote.

Earlier this year, as the White House was normalizing relations with Cuba, the New York Timesdeclared “Cuba Says It Has Solved Racism. Obama Isn’t So Sure.” Obama even addressed the topic of Cuban racism explicitly during his historic visit. But there’s no evidence Obama used his leverage to extract any meaningful reforms to address the issue.

The fact remains that the Cuban government doesn’t deal with racism, because to talk openly about it would be to admit that Cuba’s not the socialist paradise it’s cracked up to be. But don’t take my word for it—Cuban editor Roberto Zurbano wrote an illuminating article about Cuban racism that was translated and published in the New York Times three years ago:

Racism in Cuba has been concealed and reinforced in part because it isn’t talked about. The government hasn’t allowed racial prejudice to be debated or confronted politically or culturally, often pretending instead as though it didn’t exist. Before 1990, black Cubans suffered a paralysis of economic mobility while, paradoxically, the government decreed the end of racism in speeches and publications. To question the extent of racial progress was tantamount to a counterrevolutionary act. This made it almost impossible to point out the obvious: racism is alive and well.

As a result of a critical article about Cuban racism being published in an American newspaper, Zurbano lost his job at the state-sponsored Casa de las Americas cultural center. Colin Kaepernick, on the other hand, appears to be in no danger of losing his decadent, capitalist, multimillion-dollar paycheck for speaking out against his government.

UNCLE SAM’S MISGUIDED CHILDREN notes the above in a powerful and personal way:kaepernick mom and dad white ppl

….Mr. Kaepernick, you have no clue what Oppression feels like. I know exactly what it feels like. I can tell you as a communist survivor who almost saw his family sent to prison because of bringing a drawing of the birth of Christ and telling my 1st grade kids about Jesus.

I remember clearly watching my father being beaten by Castro henchmen right in front of my grandma’s house… all because we were coming to America.

I remember having only a glass of sugar with water because no one would hire my father or mother for fear they would receive the same discrimination.

I understand you embrace communist/socialist ideas, yet I do not see you giving away all of your millions of dollars to charity. And if you hate it here so much, why aren’t you fleeing to North Korea or Cuba?

You are a new Moslem convert who supports an ideology that has kept women oppressed for thousands of years, without even the right to vote or participate in any leadership role without permission of their father or husband.

You talk about ‘oppression’ from the white men, yet your own white parents have given you a college education  and life of  “white privilege.”

History shows that blacks sold blacks into slavery.  Today, the ‘human trade’ as they call it now is predominantly run by Moslem Arabs: the diamond slavery is a huge example.

It shows that no matter how many millions you have, you can still be a slave in your own plantation.

Nessa has been heavily influenced by contact with the Middle-East dues to her fathers job, as San Jose’s paper THE MERCURY NEWS notes:Pig Skin

  • She was born in Southern California, but frequently moved between the U.S. and Middle East growing up, thanks to her father’s job.

STARCASM enlightens us further:

Nessa’s full name is Nessa Diab and she is originally from Southern California. As a child she moved back and forth from California to the Middle East because of her father’s job, and it was during this time that she first began writing songs. “Here is the thing, I was a young girl fearing for my life-I wore gas masks to school,” Nessa said of being present during the Gulf War. “I heard war sirens constantly and I knew at this point I had to break out of this lifestyle.”

I have spent hours looking for her father and why he would be in-n-out of the Middle-East. I contacted a couple fellow bloggers to help in the endeavor. But the connection with radical Islam and the Black Lives Matter movement and their anti-Semitism is unmistakable, CONSERVATIVE TREE-HOUSE:

  • In the social justice arena, there is no daylight between the various BLM activism groups, and activist Islam.   They are interwoven amid every controversial eruption over the past six years.  We have tried to draw attention to it numerous times, but many don’t fully grasp the scope of the relationship between radical Islam and Black Lives Matter.  It’s a symbiosis, a complete synergy in activism and intent.

Keep in mind some key questions remain about Colin and his girlfriend. Was her father connected to radical Islam in some way (say, the Muslim Brotherhood)? What was his job? Maybe she is an elSisi fan? Does she have connections to the Nation of Islam (NOI) or the Nation of Gods and Earths (5%’ers)?

Surely this will be continued!

Rapper Shot While Making Black Lives Matter Video (Irony Alert)

One must remember this when thinking about the choices in “Mr. Yella’s” life that led him to this point, via HIP HOP WIKI:

King Yella is a rapper from Chicago, Illinois. He is also a member of the Gangster Disciples gang from the set known as Ada Block (Skeeze World/Skeezy Gang). King Yella is affiliated with rappers and gang members from FBG, (Clout Boyz), Bricksquad, and STL among others. Some of King Yella’s most popular songs include “Hot N*gga Remix,” “Ain’t With That Glo,” and “Clout” among others.


King Yella has a long standing feud with members of Chief Keef’s GBE/Glo Gang crew. This beef stemmed from a gang beef between the Gangster Disciples and the Black Disciples in Chicago and reached its height following the death of well-known GD rapper Lil Jojo. While King Yella and his affiliates are mostly GDs, majority of the rappers affiliated with Chief Keef are members of the Black Disciples gang. King Yella has dissed Chief Keef’s crew in a number of songs including “Aint With That Glo.”

Here is the video:

MOONBATTERY has this comment about the above:

  • White people are not the problem. The police are not the problem. Slavery 2 centuries ago is not the problem. Given that other communities have guns too (44% of US households), and Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, guns aren’t the problem either. Could it be that black “oppression” is a self-inflicted cultural issue?

The irony is they probably called the police after. BLUE LIVES MATTER points out the main issue that the Chicago police face, and the communities affected by trying to suppress their policing:

King Yella was only one of ten people shot in Chicago on Wednesday alone. The heroes of Chicago PD are constantly trying to fight back a tide of violence while they aren’t given the resources they need and are facing a hostile public and city administrators

Black Lives Matter has made it clear that they wish to get rid of the police all-together, in favor of “community solutions.” How are those community solutions working for you?

Hugh Mungus “Aggresses” a BLM Feminist

Becuase the video is so unbelievable, I want to intro it with a couple comments from across the WWW:

Obnoxious protester, Zarna Joshi, had been getting in people’s faces and demanded to know their names. Joshi then saw a police supporter being interviewed by a news reporter, and she decided to harass him. When Joshi confronted the supporter, he identified himself to her as “Hugh Mongous.” And that’s when the world fell apart. The crazy really starts about two minutes in.


Rather than arrest Zarna Joshi for creating a disturbance and refusing to leave, the responding officers left her to run free and create more of a disturbance because: Seattle.

These are the sort of self-entitled obnoxious people that police officers are forced to deal with every day. When you think that you’ve had a bad day at work, just remember that you aren’t putting up with this kind of crazy.


This has a little of everything. It’s got social justice warriors. It’s got Black Lives Matter. It’s got PC culture. And it has a guy who called himself ‘Hugh Mungus.’ The nerve on the patriarchist!

Picture it: Seattle, 2016. SJWs and BLM are upset that the city wants to build a new police station. Because, naturally. The media chose to interview a guy – and a WHITE guy at that – whose daughter was a heroin addict instead of anyone from BLM. You know, someone whose opinion might be relevant.

And that’s where the antics ensue. Particularly at the 1:00 minute mark…


This is yet more proof that today’s SJW left is beyond parody. If I were to have created a sketch of a feminist freaking out and calling the cops over someone using the name “Hugh Mungus,” the comments sectionwould have excoriated me for creating such a straw man straw woman non-binary straw-person. If I then created a scenario in which she called the cops over “rape culture” but refused to cooperate with the cops because of “police brutality culture,” people would have accused me of debasing the argument to lazy parody. Yet here we are, 2016….


Black Lives Matter Even For Jaywalkers!

  • “A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you’re looking down, you can’t see something that’s above you.” ~ C.S. Lewis (read more – PDF)

Police brutality right in the beginning of the video? LOL… I was swatted with a wood pattle at private school. That was more “brutal” than wrestling!

Leftists and Black Lives Matter types are saying this is “police brutality.” Anything could be further from the truth.

…According to a report provided to TheBlaze by the Fresno Police Department, the incident in question began Monday around 7:30 a.m. near Hoover High School when a traffic cop observed “a student beginning to run westbound across First Street.”

“The student was not in the crosswalk and the pedestrian crossing light was blinking red,” the report continued. “The officer told the student to go back onto the sidewalk and cross the intersection in the crosswalk when the signal changed.”

Rather than simply obey what appeared to be the most banal order on Earth, the young punk of course had to act like a brat by reportedly running behind the officer to the crosswalk and entering “into the intersection within the crosswalk but against the red signal.”

“The officer told the student to return to the sidewalk until the signal changed,” the report continued. “The student smiled at him and continued to walk westbound against the red signal.”

Finally, when the signal turned green, the young punk crossed the street, upon which time the officer approached him to issue a citation for “pedestrian walking against the red signal.”…

(Conservative Spirit)

Issue a citation!? That is R-A-C-I-S-T! How dare he! Just joking.

The reason why the officers around schools ask at first and if repeatedly ignored, issue citations for jaywalking is to protect drivers from hitting kids and especially to protect kids from being maimed, injured, or killed by cars. While this person was a high school student, some stats that show the importance of this, especially if you are a parent of a child, are these:

  • One-fifth (21%) of children 14 and younger killed in traffic crashes were pedestrians.
  • An estimated 9 percent of children 10 to 14 years old (6,000 of 66,000 after rounding) were injured pedestrians – the highest among the age categories.
  • Five percent of all pedestrian fatalities (236 of 4,735) and an estimated 15 percent of all pedestrians injured (10,000 of 66,000 after rounding) were children 14 and younger.

(more info)

Which is why the schools, the parents, the community, and the drivers wish such things be enforced. The Black Lives Matter movement will heap on bad thinking into more situations like this. Here are more examples of citations for jaywalking in another state:

Police in Charlotte hope they’ve made a point with pedestrians who violate crosswalk laws.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers handed out 100 warning tickets in 90 minutes Thursday at a single intersection downtown where 12 people have been hit in the past five years, The Charlotte Observer reported.

Police said they ticketed people who crossed in the middle of a block or crossed against crosswalk signals. Others were ticketed for entering a crosswalk when the flashing walk sign was counting down. It’s illegal to start crossing when the “no walk” sign in counting down.

Those crossing the street were not the only ones targeted.

Three drivers were given warning tickets for failing to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. About two dozen drivers were cited for various violations. One driver was arrested on an outstanding warrant….

So the prideful disregard to authority brought on by misplaced pride fueled by such hate groups like Black Lives Matter, will [again], make these confrontations even for very minor issuance of citations more common. This hatred for anything authority related will make law enforcement job more complicated. The IRONY is this… these same people who cannot stand authority vote in a party that wants bigger government. Which in turn will create more militarized policing to enforce state mandates on minor things (think of the man who died of heart failure resisting arrest selling “loosies” in New York).

Here is a meme to further this point:



The Bible talks A LOT about pride… and before a fall (or in this case a take down by a police officer) comes pride (Prov 16:18). If the kid had cooperated, no arrest or need to call dad would be necessary.

When I posted the above in a comment section, someone responded with this:

  • I am a born again Christian. I live at church. This cop needs to be arrested. Not the kid. Don’t bring the bible into this. Cops are out of control.

To which I responded to my born-again commentator:

For what? The camera starting rolling late. Do you have evidence that the kid was just jay walking and that he humbly was going to allow the officer to reprimand him? I do not know the kid was just jaywalking. What I see is a confrontation that did not need to happen BECAUSE of the kids actions. When I got a ticket for a seat-belt violation (the top strap was under my armpit because it would bother my neck — so I had it on technically), I didn’t rip the ticket up… I didn’t get out and argue with the officer. I didn’t yell “white lives matter!”

I humbly submitted to what I thought was a bad choice on the officers part, and argued (and won) my case in front of the judge.


This kid was most likely going to — at the most — get a written warning. Satan was cast out of heaven because of pride (Isaiah 14:12-15). He had the selfish audacity to attempt to replace God Himself as the rightful ruler of the universe. Today, people try to replace the justice in the authority God instituted (Romans 13:1) with their own versions of what the law is. This pride will lead the world to a pinnacle. When Jesus was speaking about “nation rising against nation” (Mark 13:8) he was saying in Greek, “ethnicity will rise against ethnicity.” And we know the pride and secular positions in Black Lives Matter (anti-God/anti-God pride). I have posted many times on the movement and it is a black nationalist cult driven often times by the works of Elijah Muhammad through the current head Louise Farrakhan (NOI) or the Nation Gods & Earths (Five-Percenters).

This kid may not have a grip on the above… but he is being led by the nose (Isaiah 37:29) to the Battle on that final day (Ezekiel 38:4).

The FRESNO BEE has this commentary on the matter:

The 16-year-old Hoover High student who failed to comply with a Fresno police officer’s commands, as well as the bystander who videoed the incident, did the Black Lives Matter movement no favors.

All the student had to do was follow orders and the likely outcome would have been an explanation of the bad things that can happen when you jaywalk at a busy intersection. No harm, no foul. Instead the result was a wrestling match that could have – but thankfully didn’t – end in injury or death for the student or the officer.

If you believe the officer singled out the student because he was black, or if you have jaywalked when a patrol car was nearby without being warned or ticketed, allow me to explain something. Patrol officers in Fresno are continually responding to calls: burglaries, robberies, domestic violence, assaults and more. They aren’t going to stop for a jaywalker.

The officer in the Hoover incident is part of the motorcycle division; his job is traffic enforcement. And early in the school year, traffic officers focus on the areas near schools with the goal of keeping everyone safe.

Imagine if this student had caused an accident by running into traffic. Everyone would be wanting to know why the cop didn’t prevent it.

Police critics are always suggesting that officers “engage in a conversation with the community.” That’s hard to do when some members of the community have no interest in talking to cops, much less following their instructions.

Full disclosure: I am the father and the brother of law enforcement officers, neither of whom works for the Fresno Police Department. I think about them often – their service to their communities, their love of the profession, and their love of family. Every morning, I pray that they return home safe and sound.

Left Wing Liberal Orgs Paying For Racial Strife

For all its talk of being a street uprising, Black Lives Matter is increasingly awash in cash, raking in pledges of more than $100 million from liberal foundations and others eager to contribute to what has become the grant-making cause du jour.

The Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy recently announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund [BLMF], a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition.

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.

“The BLMF provides grants, movement building resources, and technical assistance to organizations working advance the leadership and vision of young, Black, queer, feminists and immigrant leaders who are shaping and leading a national conversation about criminalization, policing and race in America,” said the Borealis announcement.

In doing so, however, the foundations have aligned themselves with the staunch left-wing platform of the Movement for Black Lives, which unveiled a policy agenda shortly after the fund was announced accusing Israel of being an “apartheid state” guilty of “genocide.”

Released Aug. 1, the platform also calls for defunding police departments, race-based reparations, breaking, voting rights for illegal immigrants, fossil-fuel divestment, an end to private education and charter schools, a “universal basic income,” and free college for blacks.

As far as critics are concerned, the grab-bag platform combined with the staggering underwriting commitment offer more evidence that Black Lives Matter is being used as a conduit for left-wing politics as usual.

“It’s about time people woke up to the fact that big money is using people as pawns to stoke racial hatred and further their global agenda,” said the Federalist Papers Project’s C.E. Dyer.

Bill Johnson, executive director of the National Association of Police Organizations, said corporations and others may want to think twice about partnering with the Ford Foundation, the fifth-largest U.S. philanthropy with $12.4 billion in assets.

(Washington Times)

Larry Elder Exemplifies Effective Political Conversations

Larry Elder recalls a very recent conversation he had with a person who has “drank” from the media cool-aid. While his conversation is highlighted here, it is good to put some stats and facts on 3×5 cards and memorize some of them. When you do this it will be easier to recall them in general, polite, conversation. Our goal is to change peoples minds. Larry does a good job in helping us do this.


Student Gets Suspended For Posting “All Lives Matter”

PowerLine has this opener for us on the meat of this story:

Rohini Sethi is the student body Vice President at the University of Houston. After the assassination of five Dallas police officers at a Black Lives Matter inspired rally, she wrote on Facebook: “Forget #BlackLivesMatter; more like #AllLivesMatter.”

Sethi quickly deleted the comment, but it nonetheless generated outrage. In response, Sethi issued a statement in which she called her comment “inappropriate.” She said it was an emotional response to the tragic killings in Dallas. She ended with the message: “‪#‎LetsTalkUnity‬.” You can read her full statement here. There’s no reason to think it is insincere.

Sethi’s statement wasn’t enough to avoid punishment. Student body president Shane Smith suspended her for 50 days and ordered her to take a diversity seminar as condition of being reinstated…

MoonBattery bullet points the punishment for us:

…special powers were granted to SGA president Shane Smith to punish Sethi for saying that all lives matter. Here is her sentence:

  • A 50-day suspension from SGA starting August 1. This suspension will be unpaid (she currently receives a stipend of about $700 a month).
  • A requirement to attend a three-day diversity workshop in mid-August.
  • A requirement to attend three “UH cultural events” each month from September through March, excluding December.
  • An order to write a “letter of reflection” about how her harmful actions have impacted SGA and the UH student body
  • An order to put on a public presentation Sept. 28 detailing “the knowledge she has gained about cultural issues facing our society.”

If Sethi fails to comply with these requirements, she will be expelled from SGA….

#Black Lives Matter | George Wallace Approved

Hat-Tip to THE BLAZE!

…“White media get to the back! Black media come to the front!” the demonstrator shouted into a microphone.

When white members of the media did not immediately comply with her surreal request, the activist singled them out, telling the crowd that protesters are “not afraid to put people out.”

“Excuse me, sir!” she yelled. “Somebody needs to tell this person to get to the back. Go! Somebody needs to tell these folks to get to the back! We are not afraid to put people out!”

Throughout the rant, she said she “need[s] all white people to move back,” telling them to “take your rightful positions, and get behind us.” She also offered this instruction to fellow Black Lives Matter protesters: ”Y’all see any white folks, direct them to the back of the crowd.”

“You do not have a say up in here,” she told white people at one point.

“White people to the back! Black people to the front!” she repeated again at the end of her remarks…

Rosa-Parks 2