The Real Lie of the Year Just Got Realer (Autopen Edition)

To be clear, I think Biden did sign more than one document… but the signatures that appear real are far and away different than the one’s suspected of being auto-penned. In fact, some look like maybe staff signed them as well. On that note, I am adding this to my previous updated post, The Real Lie of the Year | The “Shadow Presidency

Here is Grant Stinchfield’s 11-minute segment on it.

PJ-MEDIA covered this as well:

What makes this revelation particularly damning is that the only document confirmed to have Biden’s actual signature was his letter announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Let that sink in for a moment.

Remember when House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) revealed his discussion with Biden when Biden couldn’t recall signing the executive order halting LNG exports? Now we know why — he probably didn’t. The real question is: Who did? Who was running the country while Biden was not all there?


Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is demanding that the Department of Justice investigate whether Biden’s obvious cognitive decline allowed unelected bureaucrats to essentially run the government without presidential oversight. If this is true — and let’s be honest, all signs point to yes — every executive order, every pardon, and every official action taken under Biden’s name could be constitutionally void.


The evidence is overwhelming. We know that Biden’s handlers desperately tried to prevent anyone from meeting with him one-on-one. Even Democratic insiders admit the truth. DNC fundraiser Lindy Li recently spilled the beans and acknowledged that Biden wasn’t running the show; his staff, his wife, and Hunter were.

Thanks to the Heritage Foundation’s investigation, we now have proof that Biden’s signature was automated throughout his presidency — which raises serious questions about whether he was aware of what was being signed in his name at all. The Oversight Project rightfully points out that since Biden revoked Trump’s executive privilege, we can easily determine who controlled the autopen and what safeguards, if any, were in place.

The implications are staggering. We essentially had a presidency by proxy, with unelected staffers wielding presidential power while the man himself was barely cognizant enough to read a teleprompter. This isn’t just a scandal; it’s potentially the biggest constitutional crisis in American history. …..

The hosts from @lfs6b discuss an investigation into whether everything signed by Joe Biden was signed by him. “The signature does not look like the rest of them!”

The Real Lie of the Year | The “Shadow Presidency”

1st Posted 12-29-2024 ~ Updated Info:

President Joe Biden is not fully in charge of the country due to cognitive decline, and a “shadow presidency” is controlling him, a Democratic National Committee member has said.

Lindy Li, a member of the DNC‘s National Finance Committee, expressed her concerns about the mental acuity of the 82-year-old president in an interview on NewsNation on Sunday.


REAL CLEAR POLITICS has the transcript of this video

Here is the WALL STREET JOURNAL article not behind a pay wall

PolitiFact said the “lie of the year” was Trump saying that Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs. (CAUTION – SEE: here, here, here, here.) But in reality, the Democrat establishment gets the award in my opinion — AS — this is truly a scandal based on a coverup.

Known as lies. To wit…

@Scott Jennings KY  just dismantled a CNN panel as they attempted to defend Joe Biden’s legacy:

“I think he’s going to leave office in disgrace.” “The Hunter Biden pardon was disgraceful. He’s going to be remembered largely for inflation and for the disastrous Afghanistan pullout. And I think as we continue to we’re just getting the first draft of this now.”

“But as we continue to learn about the massive cover up that went on, not about his health, but about his mental acuity to cover that up, the efforts, that were undertaken by the White House staff, by his family, not in the last couple of months, but for all four years. I think it’s going to be a really ugly chapter.”

“I think we still don’t know the full extent of what they did to try to hide what they’ve been doing over in the West Wing.”


This is a must listen to Armstrong and Getty excerpt. Wow. The Wall Street Journal article is behind a paywall. So here is an unlocked version:

  • “How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge: Aides kept meetings short and controlled access, top advisers acted as go-betweens and public interactions became more scripted. The administration denied Biden has declined.” (TOVINA.COM| Posted Below)


Aides kept meetings short and controlled access, top advisers acted as go-betweens and public interactions became more scripted. The administration denied Biden has declined.

During the 2020 presidential primary, Jill Biden campaigned so extensively across Iowa that she held events in more counties than her husband—a fact her press secretary at the time, Michael LaRosa, touted to a local reporter.

His superior in the Biden campaign quickly chided him. As the three rode in a minivan through the state’s cornfields, Anthony Bernal, then a deputy campaign manager and chief of staff to Jill Biden, pressed LaRosa to contact the reporter again and play down any comparison in campaign appearances between Joe Biden, then 77, and his wife, who is eight years his junior. Her energetic schedule only highlighted her husband’s more plodding pace, LaRosa recalls being told.

The message from Biden’s team was clear. “The more you talk her up, the more you make him look bad,” LaRosa said.

The small correction foreshadowed how Biden’s closest aides and advisers would manage the limitations of the oldest president in U.S. history during his four years in office.

To adapt the White House around the needs of a diminished leader, they told visitors to keep meetings focused. Interactions with senior Democratic lawmakers and some cabinet members—including powerful secretaries such as Defense’s Lloyd Austin and Treasury’s Janet Yellen —were infrequent or grew less frequent. Some legislative leaders had a hard time getting the president’s ear at key moments, including ahead of the U.S.’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan.

Senior advisers were often put into roles that some administration officials and lawmakers thought Biden should occupy, with people such as National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, senior counselor Steve Ricchetti and National Economic Council head Lael Brainard and her predecessor frequently in the position of being go-betweens for the president.

Press aides who compiled packages of news clips for Biden were told by senior staff to exclude negative stories about the president. The president wasn’t talking to his own pollsters as surveys showed him trailing in the 2024 race.

Presidents always have gatekeepers. But in Biden’s case, the walls around him were higher and the controls greater, according to Democratic lawmakers, donors and aides who worked for Biden and other administrations. There were limits over who Biden spoke with, limits on what they said to him and limits around the sources of information he consumed.

Throughout his presidency, a small group of aides stuck close to Biden to assist him, especially when traveling or speaking to the public. “They body him to such a high degree,” a person who witnessed it said, adding that the “hand holding” is unlike anything other recent presidents have had.

The White House operated this way even as the president and his aides pressed forward with his re-election bid—which unraveled spectacularly after his halting performance in a June debate with Donald Trump made his mental acuity an insurmountable issue. Vice President Kamala Harris replaced him on the Democratic ticket and was decisively defeated by Trump in a shortened campaign—leaving Democrats to debate whether their chances were undercut by Biden’s refusal to yield earlier .

This account of how the White House functioned with an aging leader at the top of its organizational chart is based on interviews with nearly 50 people, including those who participated in or had direct knowledge of the operations.

Many of those who criticized Biden’s insularity said his system nonetheless kept his agenda on track.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates said Biden “earned the most accomplished record of any modern commander in chief and rebuilt the middle class because of his attention to policy details that impact millions of lives.” Bates, who rejected the notion that Biden has declined, added that the president has often solicited opinions from outside experts, which has informed his policymaking.

He said it is the job of senior White House staff to have high-level meetings regularly and that they were executing Biden’s agenda at his direction.

He also said that staff alerted the president to “significant” negative news stories. Bernal, via the White House press office, declined to comment.

‘Good Days And Bad Days’

The president’s slide has been hard to overlook. While preparing last year for his interview with Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents, the president couldn’t recall lines that his team discussed with him. At events, aides often repeated instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage, that would be obvious to the average person. Biden’s team tapped campaign co-chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg , a Hollywood mogul, to find a voice coach to improve the president’s fading warble.

Biden, now 82, has long operated with a tightknit inner circle of advisers. The protective culture inside the White House was intensified because Biden started his presidency at the height of the Covid pandemic. His staff took great care to prevent him from catching the virus by limiting in-person interactions with him. But the shell constructed for the pandemic was never fully taken down, and his advanced age hardened it.

The structure was also designed to prevent Biden, an undisciplined public speaker throughout his half-century political career, from making gaffes or missteps that could damage his image, create political headaches or upset the world order.

The system put Biden at an unusual remove from cabinet secretaries, the chairs of congressional committees and other high-ranking officials. It also insulated him from the scrutiny of the American public.

The strategies to protect Biden largely worked—until June 27, when Biden stood on an Atlanta debate stage with Trump, searching for words and unable to complete his thoughts on live television. Much of the Democratic establishment had accepted the White House line that Biden was able to take the fight to Trump, even in the face of direct evidence to the contrary .

Biden, staffed with advisers since he became a senator at age 30, came to the White House with a small team of fiercely loyal, long-serving aides who knew him and Washington so well that they could be particularly effective proxies. They didn’t tolerate criticism of Biden’s performance or broader dissent within the Democratic Party, especially when it came to the president’s decision to run for a second term.

Yet a sign that the bruising presidential schedule needed to be adjusted for Biden’s advanced age had arisen early on—in just the first few months of his term. Administration officials noticed that the president became tired if meetings went long and would make mistakes.

They issued a directive to some powerful lawmakers and allies seeking one-on-one time: The exchanges should be short and focused, according to people who received the message directly from White House aides.

Ideally, the meetings would start later in the day, since Biden has never been at his best first thing in the morning, some of the people said. His staff made these adjustments to limit potential missteps by Biden, the people said. The president, known for long and rambling sessions, at times pushed in the opposite direction, wanting or just taking more time.

The White House denied that his schedule has been altered due to his age.

If the president was having an off day, meetings could be scrapped altogether. On one such occasion, in the spring of 2021, a national security official explained to another aide why a meeting needed to be rescheduled. “He has good days and bad days, and today was a bad day so we’re going to address this tomorrow,” the former aide recalled the official saying.

While it isn’t uncommon for politicians to want more time with the president than they get, some Democrats felt Biden was unusually hard to reach.

That’s what Rep. Adam Smith of Washington found when he tried to share his concerns with the president ahead of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021. Smith, a Democrat who then chaired the powerful House Armed Services Committee, was alarmed by what he viewed as overly optimistic comments from Biden as the administration assembled plans for the operation.

“I was begging them to set expectations low,” said Smith, who had worked extensively on the issue and harbored concerns about how the withdrawal might go. He sought to talk to Biden directly to share his insights about the region but couldn’t get on the phone with him, Smith said.

After the disastrous withdrawal, which left 13 U.S. service members and more than 170 Afghans dead, Smith made a critical comment to the Washington Post about the administration lacking a “clear-eyed view” of the U.S.-backed Ashraf Ghani government’s durability. It was among comments that triggered an angry phone call from Secretary of State Antony Blinken , who ended up getting an earful from the frustrated chairman. Shortly after, Smith got an apologetic call from Biden. It was the only phone call Biden made to Smith in his four years in office, Smith said.

“The Biden White House was more insulated than most,” Smith said. “I spoke with Barack Obama on a number of occasions when he was president and I wasn’t even chairman of the committee.”

Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said his interactions with the White House in the past two years were primarily focused on the reauthorization of a vital section of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that authorizes broad national security surveillance powers. Biden’s senior advisers and other top administration officials worked with Himes on the issue, and he praised the collaboration.

But Biden wasn’t part of the conversation. “I really had no personal contact with this president. I had more personal contact with Obama, which is sort of strange because I was a lot more junior,” said Himes, who took office in 2009. Congress extended the surveillance authority for two years instead of the administration’s goal of five years.

Bates said that in every administration, some in Washington would prefer to spend more time with the president and that Biden put significant effort into promoting his legislative agenda.

One lawmaker who did get one-on-one time with Biden noticed that the president lacked stamina and heavily relied on his staff: Sen. Joe Manchin , the West Virginia Democrat-turned-independent who held up chunks of Biden’s legislative agenda during the first half of Biden’s term. Manchin said the job required a level of energy that he wasn’t sure Biden had been able to sustain.

“I just thought that maybe the president just lost that fight,” Manchin said in an interview. “The ability to continue to stay on, just grind it, grind it, grind it.”

Instead of Biden directing follow up, Manchin noticed that Biden’s staff played a much bigger role driving his agenda than he had experienced in other administrations. Manchin referred to them as the “eager beavers”—a group that included then-White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain . “They were going, ‘I’ll take care of that,’ ” Manchin said.

Klain, who was chief of staff for Biden’s first two years in office, said that “the agenda and pace” of the White House was at the “president’s direction and leadership.”

Dealing With Advisers

Interactions between Biden and many of his cabinet members were relatively infrequent and often tightly scripted. At least one cabinet member stopped requesting calls with the president, because it was clear that such requests wouldn’t be welcome, a former senior cabinet aide said.

One top cabinet member met one-on-one with the president at most twice in the first year and rarely in small groups, another former senior cabinet aide said.

Multiple former senior cabinet aides described a top-down dynamic in which the White House would issue decisions and expect cabinet agencies to carry them out, rather than making cabinet secretaries active participants in the policymaking process. Some of them said it was hard for them to discern to what degree Biden was insulated because of his age versus his preference for a powerful inner circle.

Bates said Biden has daily conversations with members of his cabinet. Several cabinet secretaries contacted the Journal at the White House’s request to attest to the smooth operations between their agencies and the White House. They said Biden would call them individually on the phone when seeking information or to give direction.

“I spoke with him whenever we needed his guidance or his help,” said Denis McDonough , Biden’s Secretary of Veterans Affairs and former chief of staff to Obama. “A lot of times it was him reaching out to us.”

Most often, however, they dealt with the president’s advisers, not the president himself, some of them said.

“If I had an issue or I needed attention on something, I had multiple avenues to explore to raise the issue,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “You don’t always have to raise the issue with the president.”

Vilsack, who also served as the agriculture secretary under Obama, said that presidents should primarily get involved when there’s a dispute between agencies.

Obama would often meet with smaller groups of cabinet members to hash out a policy debate, former administration officials said.

But that often wasn’t the experience under Biden’s administration. Instead, cabinet members most often met alone or with a member of the president’s senior staff, including Brainard, the economic adviser, or National Security Adviser Sullivan. The senior adviser would then bring the issue to the president and report back, former administration officials said.

Former administration officials said it often didn’t seem like Biden had his finger on the pulse.

Traditionally, presidents have more frequent interactions with certain cabinet secretaries—often Treasury, Defense and State—than others.

But Treasury Secretary Yellen had an arm’s length relationship with the president for much of the administration. She was part of the economics team that regularly briefed the president, but one-on-one discussions were more rare, and she typically dealt with the NEC or with the president’s advisers rather than Biden directly, according to people familiar with the interactions.

Some current and former administration officials said they would have expected a closer relationship between the two.

Bates, the White House spokesman, said Biden “deeply values Secretary Yellen’s expertise and counsel” and is “grateful for her service.” The Treasury Department declined to comment.

Defense Secretary Austin also saw his close relationship with Biden grow more distant over the course of the administration, with Austin’s regular access to Biden becoming increasingly rare in the past two years, people familiar with the relationship said.

During the first half of the administration, Austin was one of the cabinet members who would regularly attend Biden’s presidential daily briefing on a rotational basis each week. That briefing would be followed with a routine one-on-one in which Austin and Biden would meet personally behind closed doors.

Officials familiar with these meetings said they helped cabinet members to understand the commander in chief’s intentions directly, instead of being filtered through others, such as Sullivan, the national security adviser.

But in the past two years—a period when the wars in Ukraine and Gaza demanded the president’s attention—Austin’s invitation to the briefing came less frequently, to the point where the one-on-one meeting was seldom scheduled. When the one-on-one meetings did take place, they were more typically virtual meetings, not in-person. Still, Austin could always get an unscheduled meeting with the president if he needed it.

Bates disputed that there was any decline in regular contact or attendance to presidential daily briefings, adding that Austin “is a fixture in these briefings and they speak often.”

A Pentagon spokesman said Biden frequently called Austin on the phone for matters that varied from urgent to lower in priority.

Biden has a close relationship with Secretary of State Blinken, whom he has known for decades, former administration officials said.

Over four years, Biden held nine full cabinet meetings—three in 2021, two in 2022, three in 2023 and just one this year. In their first terms, Obama held 19 and Trump held 25, according to data compiled by former CBS News correspondent Mark Knoller.

Early in his vice presidency during the Obama administration, Biden sought to gather cabinet leaders once a week, saying in a speech that the synergy brought about by the regular meetings made the government more competent.

The White House said Biden meets with smaller groups of his agency heads and that the contemporary work environment means full cabinet meetings can be fewer and farther between.

In the fall of 2023, Biden faced a major test when Hur, the special counsel, wanted to interview him. The president wanted to do it, and his top aides felt that his willingness to sit down with investigators set up a favorable contrast with Trump, who stonewalled the probe into why classified documents appeared at Mar-a-Lago, according to people familiar with the sessions.

The prep sessions took about three hours a day for about a week ahead of the interview, according to a person familiar with the preparation. During these sessions, Biden’s energy levels were up and down. He couldn’t recall lines that his team had previously discussed with him, the person said.

A White House official pushed back on the notion that Biden’s age showed in prep, saying that the concerns that arose during those sessions were related to Biden’s tendency to over-share.

The actual interview didn’t go well. Transcripts showed multiple blunders, including that Biden didn’t initially recall that in prep sessions he had been shown his own handwritten memo arguing against a surge of troops in Afghanistan.

The report—one of just a few lengthy interviews with Biden over the past four years—concluded with a recommendation that Biden not be prosecuted for having classified documents in his home because a jury was likely to view him as a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory.”

Insulated On Campaign

Biden’s team also insulated him on the campaign trail. In the summer of 2023, one prominent Democratic donor put together a small event for Biden’s re-election bid. The donor was shocked when a campaign official told him that attendees shouldn’t expect to have a free ranging question-and-answer session with the president. Instead, the organizer was told to send in two or three questions ahead of time that Biden would answer.

At some events, the Biden campaign printed the pre-approved questions on notecards and then gave donors the cards to read the questions. Even with all these steps, Biden made flubs, which confounded the donors who knew that Biden had the questions ahead of time.

Some donors said they noticed how staff stepped in to mask other signs of decline. Throughout his presidency—and especially later in the term—Biden was assisted by a small group of aides who were laser focused on him in a far different way than when he was vice president, or how former presidents Bill Clinton or Obama were staffed during their presidencies, people who have witnessed their interactions said.

These aides, which include Annie Tomasini and Ashley Williams, were often with the president as he traveled and stayed within earshot or eye distance, the people said. They would often repeat basic instructions to him, such as where to enter or exit a stage.

The White House said that the work by staff to guide Biden through events is standard for high-level officials.

People who witnessed it felt differently. In the past, aides performing these duties were often on their phones, chatting with other people or fetching something from a car or a computer nearby, they said.

The president’s team of pollsters also had limited access to Biden, according to people familiar with the president’s polling. The key advisers have famously had the president’s ear in most past White Houses.

During the 2020 campaign, Biden had calls with John Anzalone, his pollster, during which the two had detailed conversations.

By the 2024 campaign, the pollsters weren’t talking to the president about their findings, and instead sent memos that went to top campaign staff.

Biden’s pollsters didn’t meet with him in person and saw little evidence that the president was personally getting the data that they were sending him, according to the people.

People close to the president said he relied on Mike Donilon, one of Biden’s core inner circle advisers. With a background in polling, Donilon could sift through the information and present it to the president.

Bates said that Biden stayed abreast of polling data.

But this summer, Democratic insiders became alarmed by the way Biden described his own polling, publicly characterizing the race as a tossup when polls released in the weeks after the disastrous June debate consistently showed Trump ahead. They worried he wasn’t getting an unvarnished look at his standing in the race.

Those fears intensified on July 11, when Biden’s top advisers met behind closed doors with Democratic senators, where the advisers laid out a road map for Biden’s victory. The message from the advisers was so disconnected from public polling—which showed Trump leading Biden nationally—that it left Democratic senators incredulous. It spurred Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) to speak to Biden directly, according to people familiar with the matter, hoping to pierce what the senators saw as a wall erected by Donilon to shield Biden from bad information. Donilon didn’t respond to requests for comment.

On July 13, Biden held an uncomfortable call with a group of Democratic lawmakers called the New Democrat Coalition, aimed at reassuring them about his ability to stay in the race.

The president told participants that polling showed he was doing fine. He became angry when challenged, according to lawmakers on the call. At one point, Biden looked up and abruptly told the group he had to go to church. Some lawmakers on the call believed someone behind the camera was shutting it down.

Biden dropped out of the race eight days later.

Post-Debate Musings via Russell Brand (Plus Rogan & Dore)

Tucker Notices Something About The Debate No One Noticed

Are the Dems now trying to replace Biden? Was it always the plan?


Joe Rogan And Jimmy Dore Laugh At The Media’s Coverage Of President Joe Biden

Via – KanekoaTheGreat 》》Joe Rogan and Jimmy Dore laugh at the media’s coverage of President Joe Biden following his disastrous debate performance.

@joerogan: “When you see Biden, ‘We beat Medicare.’ And they go, thank you, Mr. President. How is that real? The guy locks up like Windows 95, stammers for 15 seconds, and then says we beat Medicare.”

@jimmy_dore: “No one has ever loved Joe Biden. He’s always been a joke and a punch line. And the idea that this is somehow Joe Biden’s truth-telling against Donald Trump. The first time Joe Biden ran for president, he had to drop out because he was exposed for being a pathological liar. He said he graduated at the top of his class. He graduated at the bottom. He said he had three majors. He said he was chosen as the most outstanding in his class. It was all lies. And then he got caught plagiarizing their speeches and their life story. Who does that?”

@joerogan: “Did I ever tell you about the Joe Biden night we had at Stitches Comedy Club in 1988? I would go on stage and do your act, and you would do my act [because he’s a plagiarist]. It was an open mockery that he was a known plagiarist in 1988.”

@jimmy_dore: “I had to tell Cornell West this when he was on my show. Hey, the reason why black and brown people are locked up at way higher rates is because of Joe Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill. Not because of Donald Trump. Donald Trump actually passed the First Step Act, which is probably why he’s getting 20% of the black vote right now. So, you’re right. All of their narratives are falling apart.”


That Moment She Realized Her Hero Doesn’t Like Black People

Others in the rally don’t like her as well? She is at the wrong rally!


Sharp as a Tac! Media Malpractice

These videos are very well done and would be funny, save that this guy has a finger on the “red button.” The first video is the standard, via

Tom Elliot:

Matt Orfalea

The Best Biden Ever | “Sharp as a Tack”

The Truth About Joe Biden | Joe vs Joe vs Joe


What Was the Biggest Lie Exposed from Thursday’s Debate?

To tell you how different – typically, speaking from my own “in house” experience – men and women absorb the world; my wife gets sad when she sees Biden in the state he is: “What if that was your family member/loved one”, she said, watching clips I was playing (here, here, here, and here, for example). She gets upset at “nurse Jill,” for her abuse of Joe, but she ultimately feels sadness.

a) She is not a “politico” like me, and b) even though she [my wife] is tough as nails, us raising two Mil-Boys, she is a good Christian woman who has hidden pockets of care and concern (especially for her boys, me included) for innocent pawns in peoples power plays. So-to-speak.


I have followed or learned of Joe Biden’s destructive past and his almost anti-Christ secular worldview that so corrupts the Left.

I do not have that kind of compassion for a political leader.

Truth is my weapon, and I love to bludgeon those who fight against it.

THE BIGGEST LIE from Thursday?

Probably the biggest lies by those around Joe is just how sick he is.

Everyone saw the “cheap fake” in real time.

All these people would rail against Reagan when it was made known about his cognitive decline.

When they actually SEE IT, crickets and excuses.

One long time Democrat donor spoke his mind about this, brought to my attention via Gateway Pundit:

Billionaire hedge fund manager and longtime Democratic Party donor Bill Ackman has blasted the Democrat party and fake news mainstream media outlets for lying and misleading the country about Joe Biden’s health and mental acuity.


However, big-time lefty and longtime Democratic donor Bill Ackman, who previously said he was open to voting for Trump, has publicly blasted the Democratic party and mainstream media for misleading the country about Joe Biden’s mental acuity and health.

In a scathing post on his X account, Ackman wrote:

“As much as last night was an indictment of the Democratic Party for misleading party members and the country about the mental acuity and health of the president, the media deserve far more derision and scorn.

I and others were repeatedly criticized by the media for questioning the competency of the president. Among other false accusations, I was accused of spreading misleading videos which clearly showed Biden’s deterioration.

Do you remember the heavily excerpted and edited President Biden 60 Minutes interview where the interviewer covered for the president by saying he was ‘very tired?’

60 Minutes knew.

The New York Times knew.

CNN knew.

MSNBC knew.

Left wing media have had total and complete access to the president, his staff, and his administration.

They all knew, but they told you otherwise. They outright lied to you.


Red State writes similar sentiments when they note that Biden did not fail/fall alone on this past Thursday. But that he took the press with him:

…. All of these voices in the media today are in defiance of the very same media voices yesterday. What was witnessed Thursday night confirmed everything the press denied — for weeks, for months, and for the past four-plus years. The journalists currently declaring Biden’s condition was blatant and needing to be addressed were just days ago bleating that this exact same video evidence was fake. 

People noting the videos of Biden’s decrepitude were branded as liars and trafficking in “cheap fake” propaganda. Thursday night was a 90-minute presentation of “cheap fake” evidence, except it was live, uncut, unedited, properly framed, not “taken out of context,” or devoid of any other excuse journalists spat out to describe fully accurate presentations. Chuck Todd, unintentionally, admitted to this being the case.

At the end of the day, Joe Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting. And there were no clips tonight, right, this was – you saw it before your eyes.

What Chuck just did in this quote is prove out all of the media prevarications. They told us these descriptions of Biden were a caricature. They claimed the videos of his decline were manipulated and misrepresentations. It was entirely a slander campaign concocted by conservative media. All of that – all of it – was a complete lie told by the press corps. ….


The biggest liar that came out of the debate was “Nurse Jill’s” power craze and the media obfuscating  the real issue.

Biden’s health.

I am gonna do a series on CNN’s “lies list” from the debate., but the below is worth your while:

Alley Cat Morals

Larry Elder filled in for Dennis the day after the debate, and I clipped this and added to it in “RPT” fashion. Enjoy!

Joe “Alley Cat” Biden

I think Joe Biden is a liar about every aspect of his life. At least the stories he expects the voting public who kept him in office to believe is true. For instance, the Republican National Committee put a list together recently of this in their “Rapid Response” section:

Here are 21 made-up stories Biden has told about himself as president.

1. Biden claimed multiples times he spoke to the “inventor” of insulin.

Multiple scientists are credited with discovering insulin; two died before Biden was born and there is no evidence Biden met the others.

2. Biden claimed — on multiple occasions — he “used to drive” an 18-wheeler — sometimes with a woman he calls “Big Mama.”

Biden **rode** in an 18-wheeler once nearly 50 years ago. He’s never driven one.

3. Biden claimed he “had a house burn down with my wife in it” and said they “almost lost a couple firefighters.”

In 2005, Biden’s house had a “small” fire that was contained to the kitchen and “there were no injuries.”    

4. Biden claimed he was “raised in the Puerto Rican community” of Delaware.

There is no evidence of this, of course. In Delaware in 1970, only 2,154 people — 0.39% of the state population — were of Puerto Rican descent.

5. Biden claimed he served as a “liaison” to Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir during the Six-Day War.

Biden was plagiarizing fellow students at Syracuse law school during the war and Meir wasn’t even prime minister.

6. Biden said he remembered “spending time” and “going to” the Tree of Life synagogue after the 2018 shooting.

The synagogue said Biden never visited.

7. Biden claimed his “first job offer” came from Boise Cascade, an Idaho lumber company.

The company said they have “no record of President Biden’s application or of him having worked for the company.”

8. Biden said after he was elected VP, he awarded his Uncle Frank with a Purple Heart.

Biden’s uncle — who was not a Purple Heart recipient — died in 1999 and Biden wasn’t elected VP until 2008.

9. Biden claimed he “was appointed to the [Naval] Academy in 1965.

There is no record of Biden being nominated to the Naval Academy, and Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965 — making it impossible.

10. Biden claimed at least seven times that he had a conversation with an Amtrak conductor in 2012 or 2013 about traveling over 1 million miles on Air Force Two.

The conductor retired in 1993, passed away in 2014, and Biden didn’t hit 1 million miles on AF2 until 2015.

11. Biden claimed oil refinery pollution is the reason “I and so damn many other people I grew up have cancer.”

Biden doesn’t have cancer. He *had* skin cancer, but the cause was sun exposure — not pollution. Biden also previously blamed oil refineries for why he had asthma.

12. Biden frequently claims to have been a “full professor” at the University of Pennsylvania after being VP.

Biden took nearly $1 million from UPenn over a two year time frame when average undergraduate tuition increased by 8 percent, but he didn’t teach a single class.

13. Biden claimed his “great-grandpop was” a coal miner — something he has been saying for decades.

He wasn’t, a fact which Biden even admitted back in 2004.

14. Biden claimed his grandfather was an “All-American football player” at Santa Clara University.

Santa Clara and NCAA records show no evidence of Biden’s grandfather being an All-American.

15. Biden claimed he “could have been an All-American” football player.

Biden played on the *freshman* football team for part of *one* semester in college. That’s it.

16. Biden claimed he almost walked on to an unnamed NFL team and thought he “could make it in the pros.”

There is no evidence of this. Biden barely played any college football before his father forced him to quit the team because of bad grades.

17. Biden claimed he hit a ball 368 feet “off the wall” at his second Congressional baseball game.

Biden actually went 0-2, according to a 1974 newspaper article.

18. Biden claimed he was “shot at” overseas — something he also lied about in 2007.

It never happened.

19. Biden said that when he was a County Council member, a woman once asked him to remove a dead dog from her lawn — but instead of removing it, Biden claimed he left it on her doorstep.

When Biden told the same story a year earlier, he said he removed it. So, which is it?

20. Biden repeatedly claimed he was “involved” in the civil rights movement.

None of that is remotely true. Biden even admitted in 1987 he was “not an activist.”

21. Biden claimed “the first time” he “got arrested” was at a civil rights protest.

There is no evidence Biden has ever been arrested (despite repeatedly claiming he has been), and he was not a civil rights activist.

There are a lot of lies via Biden… but even egregious enough to get Chris Christy in a tizzy! (I uploaded this on April 2021)

See more here:

Nobody, I Mean Nobody, Lies Like Joe



Peter Doocy Serves KJP Some Cannibal Tartare (#CannibalGate)

I was amazed at Karine Jean-Pierre’s (KJP) response to Doocy. She said that Biden lying was fine because it was an emotional moment.


See RED STATE for more of Biden’s ?-?

Per Jesse Watters below, the “fact checks” were out n “full force”

  • “[Biden] off on details” – AP
  • “Biden mischaracterizes” – NBC
  • “Biden’s claim differs” – CNN
  • “Lol” – RPT


Could you imagine if Trump “mischaracterized” a story like that? Oh-my-goodness.. the 24-hour news cycle would b cray-cray.

Here is Peter Doocey’s after thoughts:


Joe Biden invented a story about his uncle being eaten by cannibals. Unsurprisingly, he’s now being accused of cultural insensitivity for it.


F&F discuss a few lies from Biden

Sky News Dropping Truth Bombs on “Team” Biden

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says it is “hard to exaggerate” how dangerously bad US President Joe Biden is. Mr Bolt said,

  • “the world is at a dangerous tipping point”.
  • “You’ve got America – leader of the free world in obvious decline.
  • “You’ve got China, the biggest dictatorship in history, on the rise – wanting to be top dog.
  • “And now, at this dangerous moment, the US gets a president who’s obviously senile.
  • “It’s hard to exaggerate just how dangerously bad Joe Biden is”.

Sky News host Rita Panahi says the mental decline of the “utterly deplorable and inept” US President Joe Biden, can no longer be ignored. Ms Panahi said President Biden’s mental decline can no longer be ignored, “not by the Democrats, not by his handles and not even by his media allies who steadfast refused to cover his cognitive issues during the election campaign”.

  • “Anyone who has observed Joe Biden in recent years could attest to his cognitive decline, his incoherent rants, his inability to answer the simplest of softball questions”.
  • “This is a man who has been in public life for decades. He used to be an elegant, authoritative speaker.”
  • Ms Panahi said President Biden seemed to be “inattentive and fatigued” during recent public events.
  • “It’s clear that the leader of the free world isn’t even free to decide when to answer questions,” she said.
  • “How many monumental screwups will Biden oversee before he is impeached.”

Politico Notes Biden’s Dementia/Age

Well, others have said the same thing, but I noted it as well, here:

  • BETS? Over/Under bets? I think Biden will last until no later than Nov. 11th of 2021, probably 6-months, and then step down. Then his socialist VP takes over the Presidency. (RPT November 8th, 2020)

But 6-months is a safe bet — 3-and-a-half- years seems like the number — in political and Christian time at least. This is what Dems really want. They worship the “Liberal Trinity,” race-class-gender — and Harris is their current idol. Why did they change the 25th Amendment? Making it easier to remove a sitting President? I think Trump will win on this as well (emphasis added):

(October 9, 2020) President Trump on Friday agreed with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that her plan for a 25th Amendment commission to evaluate presidential fitness isn’t really aimed at him — saying it was instead a plot to install Kamala Harris in the White House.

Trump tweeted that Congressional Democrats secretly hope to replace Democratic nominee Joe Biden with his much-younger running mate if they successfully deny him and Vice President Mike Pence a second term in the Nov. 3 election.

“Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris,” he told his 87 million Twitter followers.

“The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!”

Trump later doubled down on the theory during a virtual campaign rally on conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh’s talk show……


All that to set up POLITICO noting Joe Biden’s dementia (RPT, March 6, 2020) via RIGHT SCOOP: (January 20, 2020)


Joe Biden paces as he dictates long portions of his speeches to aides, spinning out thoughts that quickly pile into six, seven or eight paragraphs of copy, only to later be scrapped.


“I would never say this,” Biden once snapped at an aide, aghast over the prepared remarks he was reviewing, according to a person in the room during a speech prep session last year. “Where did you get this from?’”

The aide explained that Biden had just said it in a public speech a couple of weeks earlier.

Wow. It’s one thing not to remember something you said two weeks ago. It’s another thing to not remember and then think it’s something you “would never say”. His brain is definitely riding the struggle bus.

The question is why are they just now revealing this? They clearly knew about this during the campaign trail, but they held this back until the day he’s sworn in? The media in this country is utter garbage. Nothing but a big propaganda arm of the DNC.

But as I suggested in the title, this could be the beginning of the end of Joe Biden. Nancy Pelosi and her 25th amendment commission might be coming for him soon

Yep. And yep… not only have the Democrats done everything they claim Republicans have (colluding with China, using quid-pro-quo against Ukraine, having criminal children, etc), this is yet another “told-ya-so” moment coming down the turn-pike.