Joe and Mika Survived Their Trip to Trump’s Death Camp!

This is an excerpt via Megyn Kelly On Rumble:

PJ-MEDIA has a field day with this:

In the wee dark hours of Friday morning, President-elect Donald Trump’s Goldshirt thugs stormed into the West Palm Beach home of MSNBC “Morning Joe” hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, abducted the couple at gunpoint, and immediately removed them to one of Literally Hitler™’s hastily erected concentration camps.

I’m kidding, of course. Mika and Joe spent a nice time with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate and expressed several differences of opinion, for which Trump had them sent immediately to Gitmo.

Not really. “We didn’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues, and we told him so,” Scarborough said Monday morning from his usual perch on the “Morning Joe” set, free from any obvious signs of abuse. “What we did agree on,” Brzezinski added, “was to restart communications.”

Before we continue, please allow me to remind you that everything is stupid. 

“Don’t be mistaken. We are not here to defend or normalize Donald Trump,” Scarborough assured his audience of panty-wetting progressives. “We are here to report on him” and provide insights in “these deeply unsettling times.”

Ha-ha. Too late. You can’t spend eight years demonizing somebody as Literally Hitler™ and then enjoy drinks and snacks at his swanky Florida home, argue politely for a bit, and then leave freely without normalizing Trump.

Joe and Mika, you ignorant sluts (with apologies to Dan Aykroyd), your visit with Trump was entirely normal — and normalizing. American politicians do these little background talks with people like you all the time.

You were not brave souls venturing into the belly of a murderous beast, whose bloodlust is unprecedented in American politics. You’re part of the well-paid, highly credentialed elite, kept on by MSNBC for your ability and willingness to instill completely unnecessary panic among some of America’s most vulnerable and worst-informed citizens.

I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Mr. and Mrs. Morning Show Hosts, but you aren’t the heroes of this story. ….



Lies My Leftist Teacher Told Me | Wilfred Reilly and John Stossel


Schools teach children that, when it comes to slavery, America was the worst.

But Wilfred Reilly, author of “Lies My Liberal Teacher Taught Me,” says that’s just not true.

“Slavery around the world, was slavery,” says Reilly in our new video.

He believes it’s better to teach the truth – that almost every society had slavery: the Aztecs, Persians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Vikings, and most of all, the Islamic world.

American slavery was horrible. But it wasn’t unique.

Our culture would be healthier if we learned about that.


Americans are taught that the native people were stewards of the environment.

Movies like Pocahontas sell that message.

But Wilfred Reilly’s new book, “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me” debunks this and other myths about America’s history.

Government guides for teachers say, “Native Americans lived in harmony with nature… They did not kill anything they could not use.”

I believed it!

But Reilly points out the Natives took slaves, set big forest fires to clear land, and often were just as cruel as white Europeans.

Our new video looks at myths American schools still teach.

Tough Love Truths for the Democrats | Bill Maher’s New Rule

This comes by way of RIGHT SCOOP

BTW, LANGAUGE WARNING… and … while I don’t necessarily agree with all Bill Maher’s thoughts — in general and below — he is truth telling in a high percentile range:

Staunch Democrat but realist Bill Maher went after Democrats last night who are already attacking the incoming Trump administration while continuing to ignore the reasons why they lost the election.

Maher wrote in a tweet “It’s amazing how an election loss, even as big as this one, still doesn’t put a dent in the thinking that lost it.”

He goes after the woke Democrat orthodoxy and says “Democrats run for office as if the voters don’t live here”, suggesting just how out of touch Democrats have become with the very voters they demand vote for them.”

He even suggests that Democrats must make “too woke a cancelable offense” after describing how Seth Moulton’s campaign manager resigned after Moulton suggested he doesn’t want his daughters to play against a “formerly male athlete.”

It’s time for Democrats to stop screaming at people to “get with the program,” and instead make a program worth getting with.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Discusses the Amsterdam Pogrom (Al Sharpton’s Version)

Today on The Free Press Live, Michael Moynihan and Batya Ungar-Sargon interview Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the recent violence in Amsterdam directed toward Jewish residents—and what this disturbing event signals about ongoing trends in the West.

New York’s Pogrom Leader Made a “Kingmaker”

Among those calling for former President Donald Trump’s conviction for the impeachment charge of incitement to insurrection is none other than the Rev. Al “No Justice, No Peace” Sharpton. No joke. Now, the reverend doesn’t have the most credible voice when speaking about justice or peace. On the contrary, his past activism reveals otherwise. Larry revisits Rev. Sharpton’s list of lies in this episode, from the Tawana Brawley scandal to 5 million debt in taxes. Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, Larry presents the Rev. Al Sharpton: “Democratic Kingmaker.” (Many links at Larry’s video description)

Larry Elder reminds the audience about these two characters credibility… and the hypocrisy that suits their need. More:

  • Democratic Race Hustlers in Ferguson | |
  • Larry Elder Works Through Obama’s Re-Inserting Racism Into the Trayvon Martin Affair | |

The Biden Admin Peacefully Transferring Power To Hitler

I add a bunch of stuff to Larry Elder’s recent audio from November 11th (APPLE TUNES). The quick change of tune here is amazing, both from KJP, Biden, and Kamala Harris – as well as the MSM.

ACE of SPADES has a good post on this:

Even stupid, idiot, uneducated leftists are putting it together: Wait, you told us he was Hitler. Literally Hitler. So either you are a bunch of craven quislings who are eager to fete Hitler, oryou lied, gaslit, and drove us crazy for eight years just to cling on to filthy political power.

I think it’s the latter.

Biden called Trump “President-elect” and welcomed him back to the White House. All with a smile on his face:

BIDEN: “Well, Mr. President-Elect and former President Donald, congratulations.”

TRUMP: “Thank you very much.”

BIDEN: “And looking forward to having a, like we said, smooth transition. We’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re accommodated, what you need. We’re going to get a chance to talk about some of that today.”

TRUMP: “Good.”

BIDEN: “Welcome.”

TRUMP: “Thank you very much.”

They met for two hours — longer than scheduled.

I approve of Trump going there. Not to pay respects to Biden, but to get the concession he never got from Hillary Clinton. He needs the left and the establishment (but I repeat myself) to understand and acknowledge that he has beaten them fair and square, and if they #Resist the democratically-elected, majority-vote president, then they are #Insurrectionists and will be treated with all the mercy that Biden treated the J6 “insurrectionists.”

Speaking of: Good point from Legal Insurrection.

There’s going to be a lot of talk about Trump needing to “extend the olive branch.” NO.

If he had lost, he would have been jailed. And for his support of Trump, Elon likely would have been bankrupted and jailed.

Those who launched the lawfare must be held accountable.

He doesn’t need to persecute random Democrats. He does need to ensure that his DOJ investigates Fani Willis, Nathan Wade, Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Merrick Garland.


PJ-MEDIA pounces, lol

…. The other oddity of this happy meeting was the fact that Old Joe was palling around with the guy that the Democrats were calling Hitler just a few days ago. In fact, X is still full of videos of hysterical leftists wailing about the descent of fascism upon our once-free country, and the beaming old man to Donald Trump’s immediate left (of course) at the White House on Wednesday was largely responsible for that hysteria.

This did not, of course, start with the election season. The Democrats’ fearmongering about Trump began the moment he announced his candidacy for the 2016 Republican nomination, and it never let up in the intervening years. It reached its apex on Sept. 1, 2022, when Biden, in a dark, threatening, nationally televised speech before an ominous red-and-black background and flanked by two Marines in full dress uniform, declared that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

For the first and only time in American history, a president declared that his primary political opposition was outside the bounds of acceptable political discourse. The message couldn’t have been clearer: The establishment left, entrenched in power but deeply afraid of losing that power, was intent on criminalizing political opposition. Dissent from Biden’s agenda, and you could end up with the thought police breaking down your door at 4 a.m. The FBI, on the other hand, comes at 6 a.m., as Polymarket’s Shayne Coplan just found out.

“As I stand here tonight,” Biden declared in front of his ersatz National Socialist background, “equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.” Biden said equality and democracy were under assault, and then he proceeded to assault them. He said he intended to “speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face,” but he wasn’t referring to China, Russia, North Korea, or the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, and certainly not to the woke America haters who infest our public schools, colleges, and universities. No, Biden’s big threat to the nation was Trump, along with the Americans who dared to vote against him and reject his policies. Old Joe came closer to calling for war upon American citizens than any president since Jefferson Davis.

“MAGA Republicans have made their choice,” Biden declared. “They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.” This was the “accuse your enemy of what you’re doing” strategy to a T. Old Joe added, “Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans: We must be stronger, more determined, and more committed to saving American democracy than MAGA Republicans are to — to destroying American democracy.”

And yet, there he was on Wednesday, cheesin’ and grinnin’, as Barack Obama would put it, with the sinister destroyer of democracy himself. Why, it’s as if the whole thing was a put-on. There never was any threat to democracy, except from Old Joe himself and his henchmen. Trump and his supporters never represented “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” and Biden likely knew this even as he was saying it back in 2022. But will Old Joe, in his present happy mood, call on leftists to calm down and tell them the whole “threat to our democracy” shtick was just a vote-getting tactic? Don’t hold your breath.

“I’d Do It Again” | Veteran’s Day

Veterans Day stands for a lot of things to many people. But for the men and women who served, it’s personal. In this feature we hear from three veterans of different eras of U.S. military history on what Veterans Day means to them. A very special thank you to Troy Taylor, Steve Evans and Wayne Matter for telling us their story.

Are you grateful for your freedom? Then, today and always, we should thank our veterans. For Veterans Day, use this video to honor these brave men and women for their service and sacrifice. They put their very lives on the line to keep us safe. They left loves ones and shed blood so that we could live free. We owe each of them such great appreciation. Set aside a time during your worship service to let the veterans in your church know how thankful you are for their service.

This Veterans’ Day, we believe it is particularly important to take the time to thank those who have served our nation and defending our freedom. Thank you!

The Man – Reagan

Reagan’s Remarks at the Veterans Day Wreath-Laying Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery 11-11-85


MSM Argues/Admits One of the Reasons Trump Won | #WarOnWomen

Before the video, here is some good X comments via Thomas Chatterton Williams:

Content aside. One of the reasons podcasts have exploded their audiences while cable news dwindles is that it’s actually just unbearable as a viewer to watch a bunch of people shout over each other instead of fully making their points.

[The] man can’t even complete a sentence before he’s called a transphobe and accused of using a slur with a level of indignation that is unhinged.

Who at CNN likes this and believes it’s serving their audience?

Dennis Prager has said this for years in a memorable quip, S.I.X.H.I.R.B. ~ sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, racist, bigoted. Somehow “Transphobia” needs to be added. Maybe, SIXTHIRB, like you have a lisp… lol. Remember Hillary’s version?

  • “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

Speaking about the CNN debate, Coleman Hughes notes:

Okay, here is what started out just as the CNN video, but blossomed into this monstrosity. Lol.

More from the NEW YORK POST:

Female athletes have lost nearly 900 medals to transgender rivals competing against them in women’s sporting categories, an eye-opening United Nations report has revealed.

The study — titled “Violence against women and girls in sports” — stated that more than 600 female athletes have been bested at various events by competitors who were born male.

“According to information received, by 30 March 2024, over 600 female athletes in more than 400 competitions have lost more than 890 medals in 29 different sports,” the report said.

“The replacement of the female sports category with a mixed-sex category has resulted in an increasing number of female athletes losing opportunities, including medals, when competing against males.”

The wide-ranging report, compiled by Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, was presented to the UN General Assembly earlier this month.


“Women and girls already have many odds stacked against them that impede their equal and effective participation in sports. In addition, their ability to play sport in conditions of safety, dignity and fairness has been further eroded by the intrusion of males who identify as female in female-only sports and related spaces,” 

Kamala Budgeted Campaign Like She Would Have the Government

SEE: How Kamala Harris plowed through $1 billion (WASHINGTON EXAMINER)

It was ultimately no use. On Tuesday, Donald Trump made history and became only the second former president to win a nonconsecutive term. After surviving two assassination attempts on the campaign trail, Trump dominated Harris in battleground states to emerge as the president-elect. And he did so with far less cash.

The story of how Harris pocketed record sums while failing to gain support from voters will be studied by campaigns for decades to come. Democrats who successfully pressured octogenarian President Joe Biden to pass the torch to the former California senator are now conducting an internal autopsy of the 2024 race, in which Trump raised and spent hundreds of millions of dollars less than Harris.

“A billion dollars paled in comparison to the increased prices Americans were seeing across the country,” Tom Fitton, president of the conservative group Judicial Watch and a longtime Trump ally, told the Washington Examiner. “Voters weren’t fooled.”

The Harris campaign and its affiliated committees dropped more than $654 million on advertising from July 22 to Election Day, whereas Trump spent $378 million, or 57% less, in the same category, according to data from AdImpact.

Future Forward, the $500 million “ad-testing factory” and super PAC that supported Harris, was a reliable clearinghouse for checks from wealthy Democrats such as Reid Hoffman, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and Dustin Moskovitz. And anonymous donations, or so-called “dark money,” also benefited Harris at a faster and more substantial clip than Trump thanks to lax federal laws that progressives often criticize but, nonetheless, exploited in 2024.

The Harris campaign declined to comment on its finances. A fuller portrait will be public after the election, as the Federal Election Commission mandates post-general election reports for candidates within 30 days.

In mid-October, the Harris campaign disclosed that it had spent over $880 million this election, almost $526 million greater than the roughly $354 million that the Trump campaign had disclosed spending, according to a Washington Examiner analysis of federal filings. Much of the Harris campaign’s spending was allocated for digital media advertising, polling, and travel from state to state, including to a private jet company called Advanced Aviation.

Payroll and the taxes that accompanied it accounted for $56.6 million of the Harris campaign’s spending. In comparison, the Trump campaign reported spending $9 million on payroll — employing hundreds fewer staff members.

There was also the army of political, digital, and media consultants who were paid over $12.8 million by the Harris campaign, filings show.

read it all


Finger-pointing has erupted over the Kamala Harris campaign blowing up to $20 million on swing-state concerts Monday night, hours before the VP’s spectacular election loss to Donald Trump — prompting concern that everyday staff and vendors won’t get paid amid reports the campaign is in debt by the same amount.

Members of the defeated Harris team tell The Post that the concerts had a ruinous effect on the Democratic campaign’s coffers and that fact was no secret — with one planned performance by ’90s alt-rock goddess Alanis Morissette getting scrapped to save money.

The seven swing-state concerts on election eve featured performances by Jon Bon Jovi in Detroit, Christina Aguilera in Las Vegas, Katy Perry in Pittsburgh and Lady Gaga in Philadelphia — with 2 Chainz joining Harris on Nov. 2, three days before the election, for an eighth concert in Atlanta.

Two sources said that Obama campaign alum Stephanie Cutter pushed the concert concept as a way to woo lower-propensity voters to the polls.

While the performers donated their time and talent, the sets still required an immense commitment of manpower and financial resources. ….


… Most of it went for advertising, which is a reasonable expenditure for a presidential campaign. The Washington Examiner reported Friday that “the Harris campaign and its affiliated committees dropped more than $654 million on advertising from July 22 to Election Day, whereas Trump spent $378 million, or 57% less, in the same category, according to data from AdImpact.” A good chunk of what was left went for polling and travel, which is reasonable, but the Harris campaign wasn’t going to risk getting dirty by hobnobbing with the hoi polloi: the travel expenses includes payment to “a private jet company called Advanced Aviation.”

Neo-Marxist apparatchiks don’t come cheap, and so the Harris camp shelled out a princely $56.6 million for payroll and the accompanying taxes. On top of that, Kamala and her henchmen plunked down $12.8 million for “political, digital, and media consultants,” all of whom promptly proved that they don’t know their own business and are wildly overpaid.

To get some idea of how disproportionate that is, note that the Trump campaign spent all of $9 million on payroll. There are some very wealthy Commies out there today courtesy of Kamala Harris, although to be sure, her campaign employed far more people than Trump’s did.

Harris also spent over $15 million to hire the parade of icky celebrities she trotted out to boost attendance at her allies, and sent a cool million to Oprah Winfrey for hosting a town hall with her and appearing at her final rally. Oh, you thought Oprah was appearing out of conviction, love for our country, and thoughtful support for the candidate she thought would best lead us through the perilous coming four years? Come on, man! 

Worst of all, however, was the fact that “the Harris campaign spent six figures on building a set for Harris’s appearance on the popular Call Her Daddy podcast with host Alex Cooper. The interview came out in October and was reportedly filmed in a hotel room in Washington, D.C.” Wait a minute. Doesn’t this notorious sex podcast have a studio? Yes, but it’s in Los Angeles, and apparently Kamala and her minions decided that it would be better to spent over a hundred thousand dollars to build a new set rather than have the candidate fly all the way out to a state she already had in the bag.

The set that the Harris campaign built was not exactly a masterpiece. The Daily Caller asked trenchantly: “How the heck could this have cost six figures? How? The chairs, shelves, and knick-knacks on the shelves are ugly and cheap-looking, like Chinese-made Amazon basics furniture. In a couple of trips to the local Home Depot, the boys and I could whip up something better with a fraction of the budget. Although $100,000 is a drip in an ocean of billions, it’s emblematic of the poor spending choices of the campaign that got them nowhere. Also, to spend it for an hour-long appearance on a trashy sex podcast? What an utter waste of money and time.” ….

Trump Never Stronger Than Now | A Lincoln Project Failure

I added a clip of Rick Wilson (the Failed Lincoln Project member) from November 4th, the day before Trump was reelected. Rick cusses and is in general, a mean man. BE WARNED.

See my previous post that exposes Rick and the Lincoln Project a bit more: How We Got Here

“Greed” and the Free Market (Milton Friedman)

Few people have had as profound an impact on modern economics as economist Milton Friedman. His Nobel Prize-winning ideas on free enterprise resonated throughout the world and continue to do so. Johan Norberg, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, tells Friedman’s fascinating story.

With the recent passing of Walter Williams, I watched a video of him [Thomas Sowell’s tribute] that reminded me of a video of Milton Friedman on the Donahue Show. So I wanted to combine them for affect.