Violent Democrats
Women for Kavanaugh (The Red Wave)
Hugh Hewitt this morning asked only for first time women callers to call in — he had over 30 women chime in. A truck driver (widow) with 6-children. A couple psychologists as well as a few prosecutors, lawyers, house wives etc. They were all for Kavanaugh, and many said they would be horrified if this happened to their sons. Others had only girls and are in full support of Kavanaugh. Some said they were never interested in politics like they are after a good man had his life destroyed.
PJ-MEDIA has an excellent post and video:
- “A majority of voters believe that Kavanaugh’s confirmation process was politicized and mishandled, with 69% calling it a ‘national disgrace,’” a poll from the respected Harvard CAPS – Harris group just found.
Voters are surprisingly unified when it comes to one thing: Chastising Feinstein for her role in the debacle.
- “75% of voters believe that Senator Diana Feinstein (sic) should have immediately turned over the letter from Christine Ford to the Senate Judiciary committee in July, when she received it,” the Harvard CAPS – Harris poll found.
Even the Leftist rag SLATE has to admit November is looking like a “red wave”:
Here are the children of children, being brainwashed by the university to be the violent Democrats we are becoming familiar with:
This topic of violence made it to outnumbered on FOX where the Democrat strategist was, well, OUTNUMBERED (DAILY CALLER h-t)
Just a few of my own posts on this:
- Totalitarian/Fascist Fits – Violence from the Democrat Left
- Scalise Shooter A Radical Leftist (Eliminationist Rhetoric)
- The Mainstream Left Is Tacitly Supporting A Fascist Groups
- More Liberal Fascism
- Democrats [Vitriolic] Civility
- Do Conservatives Riot?
- The Continued Call for Violence from the Left
- Remember When Republicans Rioted…
The DAILY WIRE concludes similar to Slate:
(H. Wayne House hat-tip)
Crowder Confronts Violent Antifa “Ice Killer”
(Crowder) Steven Crowder confronts a vocal miscreant who’s openly called for the deaths of ICE agents and Betsy Devos. In his own words, he’s wished for “a piece of Steven Crowder.” Wish granted!
(MOONBATTERY) We have reached the point where moonbats need to be called out on their sociopathic extremism, no matter how difficult it may be to take them seriously. A creepy Antifa type who apparently calls himself “Slytherin” has publicly declared that he will pay $500 to anyone who kills an ICE agent. He has also proclaimed that he wants “a piece” of Steven Crowder. A remarkably dressed Crowder grants him the wish:
Officer Sweetchuck Discusses Bully of #MAGA Teens
- …Kino Jimenez is member of the Green Party of Texas according to their website. The group’s ‘key values’ include; nonviolence, respect for diversity, and social justice. Or maybe not….? (SCALLYWAG AND VAGABOND)
Crowder Confronts Firebomb Lady
Steven Crowder surprise confronts woman who threatened to firebomb our van in Austin. Hilarity ensues when things get heated in this first installment of ‘Crowder Confronts’.
IRONY | Maxine Waters Is Violating the KKK Act of 1871
Professor John Eastman notes that Maxine Waters may in fact be violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. Here is a posrtion of the HISTORY CHANNEL article on this:
Unhinged Party, 2018 (Updated)
The well produced ad opens with Senator Bernie Sanders saying, “a few years ago, ideas that we talked about were thought to be fringe ideas, radical ideas, extremist ideas — those ideas are now mainstream,” over footage of graffiti that reads “revolution or death” and Kathy Griffin holding President Trump’s severed head. (GATEWAY PUNDIT)
Who is really glorifying violence against people with other political views? Many in the entertainment and news media, as well as many Democrats, have tragically been destroying fair political discourse by glorifying violence against Trump supporters.
WND has more (see also, GATEWAY PUNDIT):
Forget Deplorables, You’re All Nazis Now |Updated|
Update BELOW
What is interesting to me is that with all the use of NAZI and comparison to Fascism, that those who hate fascism… real fascism, are missing the historical connection of the actions taken in pre-war Germany? Here is the latest use of NAZI for those that are voters for Trump:
- “If you vote for Trump then you, the voter, you, not Donald Trump, are standing at the border, like Nazis, going ‘you here, you here,’ ” Donny Deutsch said. (THE HILL)
Firstly, I documented the MANY instances of violence against people known to be Trump supporters:
- Totalitarian/Fascist Fits – Violence from the Democrat Left
- Exactly Like The NAZI Youth
- Do Conservatives Riot?
- ANTIFA – Premeditated Violence
- Democrats Cannot Be Racist or Ableist (Saay Whaaat!?)
- Trump Is Right – Both Sides Violent/Racist/Radicals
- The Continued Call for Violence from the Left
…I could go on, but you get the point.
But what is interesting is that groups (mobs) of people chase Trump officials out of normal life activities:
They refuse service to people (and remember please, that this has no correlation to people refusing to celebrate same-sex marriage. In all cases [the flower shop and bakeries] gay people were served in normal experiences. All that was refused was the creative skills to support a wedding. In other words, gays shopped at these places regularly and is why they knew about the people they wished to have do their weddings. The below example is just refusing business… which I also, as a Constitutionalist, support. But THIS is closer to the treatment of Jews in pre-war Germany than anything else the “right” has done.):
Or harassing families at their homes:
The above has happened many times before, one example is this:
All this calling people NAZI’s will get people hurt. Here is an excerpt of an excellent article by ISRAELLY COOL:
Steve Scalise’s shooter already proved the above point!
Here is the latest example of the Left’s call to violence:
Maxine Waters orders MORE public harassment of Trump aides: ‘God is on OUR side!’
Murder Weapon Found On Leftist at Jordan Peterson Event
Violent Leftists doing what they do the best… acting like Brownshirts:
Exactly Like The NAZI Youth
It doesn’t matter if your libertarian atheists, or Democrats (which all of the below are), if you step out of line with the end goal (socialism), violence from the Left is the consequence in and failing society.
Antifa Mob Shouts Down Dr. Yaron Brook, Assaults Students At King’s College In London (DAILY WIRE)
- In order to become ‘Führer’ of Germany, Hitler felt that speeches and propaganda were not enough to win him the election. His own private army, the SA, helped him; they beat Communists up, interrupted their meetings and deterred their campaigning. Next, Hitler had about 4000 Communists arrested and imprisoned. The newspapers were shut down. SA were waiting in the streets to beat anti-Nazis up. (IN)
Progressives Shout Down Christina Hoff Sommers At Portland Law School (HOT AIR)
Do Conservatives Riot?
An excellent point is made by Dennis Prager. We hate the Kate Steinle verdict deeply. Just as deeply as other high profile cases of people getting convicted, killed, or merely showing up to give a speech. Conservatives do not riot. Anarchists (Lefties) and Socialists (Lefties) do. Here are a couple great articles:
➤ New Study Shows Riots Make America Conservative (NEW YORK MAGAZINE)
➤ Violence comes from the Left (GAY PATRIOT)
➤ Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence? (THE FEDERALIST)
➤ Leftist Violence Goes Mainstream In America (WND)
➤ Leftist Violence & Double Standards (FRONTPAGE MAGAZINE)
ANTIFA – Premeditated Violence
What happens when two guys infiltrate Antifa, live amongst them for weeks, and take part in their deeply rooted tactics of disruption and violence?
HOTAIR has this on the above: