Former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock is under fire for more than office cuddling during the lockdowns. (Language warning at the end)
United Kingdom

Is The Delta Variant Bad? Should We Mask Up For It?
This is a comment by a close friend…
….and while this is using her comment, it is not being used to zero in on her — it is merely indicative of a wider position held by many. It is a raw expression of ultimately the failure of leadership in various levels of our government (federal, state, and local). Not giving us the real info, stirring people up by fear that is not warranted in order to cover-up administrative failures.
It is almost comical, but the next “we are all gonna die” moment is already here… Delta is soo last week, cue hysteria:
It’s a never ending political power-grab opportunity.
First however, a quote to set the mood:
- “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” – CS Lewis, God in the Dock.
So, let us first deal with the real numbers and why the individual should be concerned about themselves — coming from a person who got the J&J, but who’s wife refuses to get the jab.
(Graphic and more found at RIGHT SCOOP)
Ben Shapiro has been hitting these out of the park! Here is a good-sized excerpt of him speaking “truth to power-grabs.” (A truncated one also at his site is worth watching and passing on — also, the Fuller Show)
One of the most important aspects of this is that the Delta Variant is LESS DEADLY than the original variants. Here is Rand Paul to kick off the next part:
- “So, the Delta variant is more transmissible but less deadly,” Sen. Paul said. “But if you say that, Facebook will take you down; they’ll chastise you, take away your birthday, and say you’re spreading mistruth. But it’s absolutely factual.”
Yes, it is waaay less deadly! Here are some UK stats via an excellent post over at PJ-MEDIA: (all graphs to follow are enlargeable on clicking):
And of course, common sense tells you that the Biden Admin knows it’s full of crap:
- If New COVID-19 Variants Need to Be Taken Very Seriously, Why Isn’t Biden Closing the Border? (PJ-MEDIA)
Here is a recent story about another case most likely linked to an mRNA vaccine:
Here is a recent story of a drill Sgt. who is now rumored to be part of a large study on the possible effects of the mRNA vaccines — why? — because he was said to be a couple of weeks past his 2nd shot. Here is his story via Deven Strong’s “PERSONAL BLOG” on Facebook:
(June 29th) On Wednesday June 23rd around noon, Staff Sergeant Deven Futch had a major heart attack affecting his major artery. He just finished a big run at work for Family Day. He was down for 52 minutes before they were finally able to find a light pulse on him. He was rushed back where they found his main artery was 100% blocked. They Inserted a stint in his heart to clear the blockage and placed him on the respirator.
Deven was transported that day to a bigger hospital that specializes in Cardiology. He was placed on life support a machine called ECMO that pumps and oxygenates his blood outside the body, allowing the heart and lungs to rest and placed on a lot of meds. He was also placed on dialysis because his kidneys also took a big hit.
On June 26th Deven had a small seizure they sent him for a CT scan that showed slight brain swelling, and fluid in his lungs. Dr’s suspected this with his condition. He also has broken ribs and collapse lungs from the prolong CPR. They placed him on seizure meds and neurology watched very closely.
On June 27th they eased up on Devens sedation medicine and he was able to follow the DR’s commands. I was able to let him know I was not going to leave his side and he nodded his head at me. I walked away for a moment to go to the cafe to grab a coffee and Deven Took it upon himself to pull out his breathing tube while tied up. When his Nurse looked at him and asked why he did that, he gave a little Grin. That’s our Deven lol We watched closely to monitor Devens breathing, his lungs still need more time to heal. He did pretty good for about an hour until his oxygen levels were dropping and he was struggling to breath. After talking with the Drs and seeing things differently we could do we finally told Deven the best thing would be to sedate him for a couple more days and place another breathing tube in. He tried so hard to push through to be able to stay awake with us, but finally agreed to another breathing tube. I asked if he wanted me to stay and he shook his head yes, I stayed by his side while they inserted another breathing tube and he said he loved me and blew me a kiss.
His parents and I were able to talk to him and let him know how much we love him. He understood where he was at and what happened. We let him know how much love and support he has and he needs to continue to fight for his beautiful children.
Today on June 29th he will have a procedure to remove him from life support the ECMO machine. We ask for prayers for our sweet Deven and ask that God watches over the Dr’s and Nurses while they do their job and work on him.
We are all so greatful for his Marine friends starting CPR as soon as they did and acted the way they did because of them and the good CPR that he got he is where he is right now!! He is here able to still fight. Deven is strong ?? I know he will get through this. He’s Deven Strong.
He is recovering, and his family has time to spend with their husband/father.
(UPDATED 8-4-2021) This comes by way of REASON.COM discussing a recent study on masks:
…The research has not yet been peer-reviewed, and may still prove to be flawed. But it does line up with some other data points on mask mandates. For instance, Texas saw no case spike when it lifted its mandate in early March. And an April 2021 analysis saw states with stricter rules about face coverings and indoor dining faring worse than states that did not.
This goes against many people’s assumptions—including those of this study’s authors.
Contrary to our hypothesis, early mandates were not associated with lower minimum case growth. Maximum case growth was the same among states with early, late, and no mandates. This indicates that mask mandates were not predictive of slower COVID-19 spread when community transmission rates were low or high.
We wondered if mask mandates were associated with smaller or slower surges in case growth. Differences between minimum and maximum case growth were similar among early, late, and no mandate states, and surges from minimum to maximum growth occurred at similar rates. These findings suggest that mask mandates are not predictive of smaller or slower shifts from low to high case growth.
The authors also “speculated that statewide mask use, rather than mask mandates per se, may predict COVID-19 case growth.” This hypothesis fared slightly better, but still didn’t hold up for situations when case growth was high.
“Data suggest that mask use is a poor predicter of COVID-19 growth at the state level,” they conclude. “Our findings do not support the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates decrease with greater public mask use.”…
Most important in this post is this, WHERE CAN I GET Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? AMERICA’S FRONTLINE DOCTORS has a consultation sign up HERE! See also FLCCC ALLIANCE (Click Pic)

Churchill: The Man Who Saved the Free World
(See more at POWERLINE) The West is free today thanks in large part to one man – Winston Churchill. Historian and bestselling author Andrew Roberts explains how Churchill saved the world from Nazi Germany.

Anglo-American Traditions – Jeff Sessions
Michael Medved’s discussion of history as it relates to our law enforcement traditions and the Left’s lack of knowledge regarding our Anglo-American history… which they enjoy.
- “I want to thank every sheriff in America. Since our founding, the independently elected sheriff has been the people’s protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elected process,” Sessions said in remarks at the National Sheriffs Association winter meeting, adding, “The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement.” – Jeff Sessions
MOONBATTERY notes Senator Schatz’s (like in “I shat” my pants?) offense taken and explains in written word what Medved does in spoken word:
This failure to despise Anglo-American heritage was seized upon at once by the thought police. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) righteously barked:
Do you know anyone who says “Anglo-American heritage” in a sentence? What could possibly be the purpose of saying that other than to pit Americans against each other? For the chief law enforcement officer to use a dog whistle like that is appalling. Best NO vote I ever cast.
Uh oh. Barack Obama is a dog-whistling racist too:
Obama, who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for more than a decade, said captured suspects deserve to file writs of habeus corpus.
Calling it “the foundation of Anglo-American law,” he said the principle “says very simply: If the government grabs you, then you have the right to at least ask, ‘Why was I grabbed?’ And say, ‘Maybe you’ve got the wrong person.’”
Schatz could use some edification regarding why of our Anglo-American legal tradition is relevant to the office of sheriff:
Never mind. The most useful thing about dog whistles is that moonbat demagogues can hear them whenever they want to.
(emphasis added for history)
Communal Defense. You mean these Leftist Democrats are against a “communal” organization? How did a community organizer win the Presidency twice then? What about this:
- We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Is that racist? We already have a community guardian, a sheriff. Is calling for another one assuming Anglo-American traditions a dog whistle?
William F. Buckley used to remark about what he called the “invincible ignorance” of liberals. Too bad he didn’t live to see Sen. Brian Schatz. After Senator Schatz complained about Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s use of “Anglo-American tradition” as a “dog whistle” for racists, Paul called him a moron, presumably because there aren’t many stronger words available for ignorance this epic. On thing I will say for liberals like Schatz: they have a finely-tuned sense of hearing, as they are able to make out “dog whistles” that even dogs can’t hear.
I wonder whether Sen. Schatz has taken a look at the flag of the state he represents (Hawaii) lately:

The Hawaiian flag was designed at the request of King Kamehameha I. It has eight stripes of white, red and blue that represent the eight main islands. The flag of Great Britain is emblazoned in the upper left corner to honor Hawaii’s friendship with the British. The combination of the stripes of the United States flag and the Union Jack of Great Britain is said to have pleased the merchant shippers of both nations. The flag was adopted for official state use in 1959.
Paul and I have already commented on the invincible ignorance of Sen. Brian Schatz’s comment that invoking “Anglo-American heritage” is racist, and it really does seem as though Sen. Schatz was jumping to someone’s talking points memo about what right-thinking people on the coasts should say about Attorney General Sessions. Because Schatz has company, such as this from the likely next governor of California:
BTW, as an aside… someone at my LIVE LEAK posting of Medved’s audio noted the following: “Why is it ok to say African American, but now it’s taboo to say Anglo American?” Indeed.

Oh Bollard, It’s Mark Steyn!
Steyn was filling in for Rush Limbaugh on Monday (6-5-2017), and I grabbed some content that I was loving. (BTW, when Rush retires, Steyn would be a great replacement). He touches on terrorism, Kathy Griffin, “bollards,” the London Mayor, and the broader culture. 21-minutes of classic Steyn!

The MSM and #NeverTrumpers Join Forces in “Wooden” Literalism
A friend linked to a WASHINGTON POST article after I posted the above on my Facebook with this statement:
- “Trump quoted the mayor COMPLETELY out of context. Read this:”
(I – RPT – post a section from his link for clarity):
…But then he decided to slam the mayor of the city attacked, who had calmly warned his fellow Londoners: “Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no reason to be alarmed.” Trump took the second part out of context and responded viciously, “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’” (The mayor, of course, was telling them not to be alarmed by the heightened police presence.) Trump was not done, however, inanely tweeting, “Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That’s because they used knives and a truck!”…
(He also linked to FOX NEWS’ story on it.) HOTAIR deconstructs Mayor Khan better:
Sadiq Khan, the mayor, didn’t say there’s no reason to be alarmed about terrorism. What he said: “Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. No reason to be alarmed — one of the things the police and all of us need to do is make sure we’re as safe as we possibly can be.” In other words, there’s no reason to be alarmed that another attack is imminent. The police will be out in the streets as a precautionary measure, not because there’s intelligence suggesting more bombs are about to go off.
I will now post our conversation to help the conservative leave the “woodeness” of the Left, whom complains about the Right not considering grey areas of life — but what Prager rightly notes the “black n white” truly exists on the Left (and so, in the media). BTW, this is a fellow compatriot. These are honest and cordial disagreements between us GOP’ers. I consider this an in-house debate about Trump, like the age of the earth or other theological matters. I am not posting this here to belittle my friend but merely to note the closeness of the #NeverTrumpers to the MSM’s understanding of the view they have of all Republicans since Nixon. They [the #NeverTrumpers] are just now lining up with that same rhetoric from the Left because of their dislike for Trump. You see, I am not an analyse… I am a conservative. I see the larger fight for the soul of America as between Left and Right. I want the right to win in politics… and I do so by defending Republicans from the dopiness of the Media [Left].
These two totally variant views on reality are at their core, two completely different worldviews/philosophies. My job as a polemicist is to make sure we win in arguments where truth is concerned and the ethos of our Founding is defended in some way.
The Trump Derangement Syndrome that infects the #NeverTrumpers is hindering their view that they are siding with the MSM in their false view and inability to pick up what Trump was laying down… specifically in that Tweet. I have to admit as someone who is imperfect, I bet I practiced some of this with Obama. But these people are not seeing the forest beyond a few trees…
…to wit I hope my responses shed a bit of light on this:
ME –
So a mayor who has ignored terrorism, in fact tripling since he’s been mayor, himself having ties to extremism, a police force that ran away from the attackers, and a suspect who master mined the attacks who was warned of 2-years ago, and the populace is not suppose to be alarmed? Please. And the WaPo has never taken Trump (or Rubio) out of context? Please.
J.G. –
I didn’t suggest that WaPo has never published a news article or an opinion piece in which the writer took Trump (or Rubio) out of context. When that occurs, I have no objection to anyone calling them out on it. Most of your posts on your blog do just that (and I think that is good). So, I find it ironic that suddenly, you are defensive when a similar standard is applied to something you posted. Be fair Sean.
The main point I was trying to make Sean, is that this particular post of yours was spreading a false narrative. Feel free to criticize politicians and others who are hesitant to take necessary and reasonable steps to keep citizens safe, but you can do that without helping Trump spread more falsehoods.
ME –
Trump had all that in mind when he Tweeted that. Others may not know or follow this mayor’s many previous statements about Trump and his connections to jihadists, but, but I have. What is a false narrative from the media is that the people of London are not effed, and mean ol Trump is smearing a good guy. Leftists like to pardon Islamists (like the mayor), lift up severed heads as “art,” because they have similar worldviews (I have an entire chapter from Melanie here on this). Her book Londanistan should be the topic, not something Trump says [laid down] that you or the press cannot pick up.
I feel like I am responding to an atheist. Let me explain. When I talk to persons who challenge the Bible (and take note Protestants look at Scriptural integrity differently that Catholics), they will bring up points from the O.T. as literal, without applying genres (like poetry, war texts, history, wisdom literature, prophecy, and the like), or subcategories such as hyperbole.
So I merely bring up that using the way the skeptic is using the Bible would be the same as reading Exodus 15:8 and positing that God has a BIG nose, or reading Psalm 91:4 and saying God is a giant chicken.
Similarly, WaPo is taking the rhetoric of Trump as woodenly literal without keeping in mind the following:
- a jihadist sympathizing mayor, police running away, 2-year old warnings unheaded, and now military police in pubs [that is hyperbole in case you are not getting it]… etc.
Are you now taking Trump’s Tweet as literally using the phrase of the London mayor without reference to any deeper meaning J.G.?
J.G. –
Many reasonable people are interpreting many of the things that Trump says as asinine, ignorant, immature, and unbecoming of a POTUS. He better work on improving his communication skills if we’re all misunderstanding him. I’m not talking about left-wing nutcases misunderstanding him. I’m talking about lifelong conservatives (like me) and mainstream moderates misunderstanding him. Please don’t blame the media. The media doesn’t write his Tweets or speak for him when he’s in front of the camera.
ME –
If he was as eloquent as Obama was it would make not a single iota of difference in the stories at WaPo.
Reagan was an excellent communicator, as was Ford, Nixon, etc. But ALL were bumbling idiot according to the press.
J.G. –
Sean Giordano, you don’t get it. There is a huge difference between how conservatives and moderates viewed Reagan, Ford, Nixon, etc. and how they view Trump both in terms of competence and ability to communicate effectively. I’m not talking about the Washington Post. I’m talking about Americans across the whole country. Trump is perceived as a bafoon by the vast majority of Americans, not just journalists.
ME –
No, trump has done waay more conservative things that any of those before him in the same time.
So I separate Obama’s excellent rhetoric from his horrible policy. LIKEWISE, I separate Trump’s horrible rhetoric from his excellent policy.
He is a buffoon in public. So? So was Mozart, Beethoven, Immanuel Kant, Lewis Carroll, and others. And?
So, Trump is not a Rubio or a Bobby Jindal (my first choice) or a Ted Cruz (my second choice).
Trump still has done more in his first days than I think any of them could have (including winning the rust belt, and thus winning).
The British government have been too weak and too politically correct. We want real action, not more speeches from outside 10 Downing St.
— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) June 4, 2017
…to be continued… maybe?
Here is JIHAD WATCH’S take on the matter:
President Trump has taken London Mayor Sadiq Khan to task for his grossly insensitive statement about the London jihadist attack:
- “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack,” the president wrote on his personal Twitter account, “and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’”
Only a “leader” with either an unsound mind or an unsavory agenda could utter such bizarre words following a gruesome jihad rampage (within two weeks of the one Manchester) that began with the mowing down of innocent civilians and continued with a 12-inch blade “knife frenzy.” All the while, the jihadis shouted “this is for Allah.”
Khan’s words start to look more sinister than obtuse when one considers his own jihadist connections. He was reported by the UK’s Spectator to have known links to “extremists”:
Some of these associations date back to his time as a director of Liberty and a human rights lawyer – trying to get the UK to lift its ban on the American Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has described Jews as ‘blood-suckers’ and called Hitler ‘a very great man, and speaking at the same conference as Sajeel Abu Ibrahim, a member of the now proscribed Islamist organisation that trained the 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan.
It doesn’t stop there:
in 2004 he appeared on a platform with five Islamic extremists at a conference in London organised by Al-Aqsa, a group that has published works by the notorious Holocaust denier Paul Eisen….In the same year, Khan was the chair of the Muslim Council of Britain’s legal affairs committee and was involved in defending the Muslim scholar Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.
Qaradawi is no “moderate.” As reported by Jihad Watch in February:
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the most renowned and prominent Muslim cleric in the world, has stated: “The Muslim jurists are unanimous that apostates must be punished, yet they differ as to determining the kind of punishment to be inflicted upon them. The majority of them, including the four main schools of jurisprudence (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanbali) as well as the other four schools of jurisprudence (the four Shiite schools of Az-Zaidiyyah, Al-Ithna-‘ashriyyah, Al-Ja’fariyyah, and Az-Zaheriyyah) agree that apostates must be executed.”
In September, Khan stated that it was necessary for Westerners to be careful not to insult Muslims and to affirm that Muslims can hold Western values, otherwise they would join jihad groups. In other words, Khan was warning non-Muslims to beware of insulting Muslims, otherwise they would kill you.
Also, it did not matter that jihad attacks in Britain tripled in five years: Khan boasted in March that he planned on bringing in 1,500,000 more migrants….

Undercover Video of Muslim School in the U.K.
This shocking video shows Islamic scholars teaching young British children in a Muslim faith school in the UK.
The woman first illustrates what happens when a person decides to leave Islam.“What are we going to do?” asks the woman in broken English. “We kill him. Kill.”
“The ones who reject Islam?” a British student asks.
“Yeah,” the teacher says. “Kill him. You have to kill him. Do you understand? We’re talking about Islam.”
The video jumps to the woman outlining the punishment for adultery.
“The judgment for adultery,” she asks. “What is the law?”
“Stone him,” a student replies.
“Until he dies,” the woman elaborates. “And the one who is not married?”
“Lash him, lash him,” says a chorus of students.
“Yes,” the woman says. “With 100 lashes.”
She then describes with disturbing coldness what the intended punishment is for gays.
“Throw them from the highest place,” she says. “We’re not going to live like animals.”
A student replies with a passage from her Islamic textbook. “’The punishment for homosexuals is throw them from the highest point and then stone them. Then you reduced him to the lowest of the low. So if you throw someone off a mountain you are reducing them to the lowest of the low because they are falling off the highest place’.”
The Islamic teacher further explains the nature of Allah to her students.
“It is not enough that you worship Allah,” she says. “We have to also in our heart hate what displeases Allah and love what Allah loves. You have to hate what displeases Allah, especially when living in this country, with that non-Muslim.”
Another British student reads a passage from her textbook:
“’Verily are free from you and whatever you worship beside Allah. We have rejected you and there has appeared between us and you hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone.”
“Islam is keeping you away from disbelief and from the disbelievers,” says the teacher. “Any questions?”
A student then asks if being friends with non-believers is allowed.
“No. You understand?” says the teacher. “You don’t have to be friends with them. That is not allowed. Because loyalty is only to the Muslim, not to the kafir.”
The word ‘kafir’ is a derogatory term used in the Muslim world to describe unbelievers.

British Prime Minister Supports Free-Speech and Rejects Safe-Spaces

“We Saved Our Democracy” ~ Pat Condell

Nigel Farage Last Speech Before The Referendum (Countdown Clock)
The above is a clock to the open opening of the polls in the UK.

Choices: A Sovereign Democracy Or A Federal Dictatorship
Here is an “introduction” to BREXIT (the documentary) by Pat Condell
Here is a must watch documentary on the issues at stake in Europe… which have eschatological ruminations:
Here is the videos desrciption:
BREXIT THE MOVIE is a feature-length documentary film to inspire as many people as possible to vote to LEAVE the EU in the June 23rd referendum.
BREXIT THE MOVIE spells out the danger of staying part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline?
BREXIT THE MOVIE shows a side of the EU they don’t want us to see: the sprawling self-serving bureaucracy, the political cynicism, the lack of accountability, the perks, the waste, the cronyism, the corruption.
BREXIT THE MOVIE cuts through the patronizing intellectualism of the noble, higher goals of ‘Project Europe’, to reveal the self-interestedness of the political-bureaucratic class which runs and benefits from the EU.
BREXIT THE MOVIE highlights the danger of becoming a prisoner in an insular, backward-looking Fortress Europe. And it explores the exciting opportunities that open up to us when we look beyond the narrow confines of the EU.
BREXIT THE MOVIE looks to the future, arguing forcefully and persuasively that it is safer and wiser to live in a country which is free, independent, self-governing, confident and global.
For more information, visit

“Smart” Diplomecy – FIREWALL
From the petty — such as his buttinsky remarks regarding Britain and the EU — to the tragic — his failure to support the 2009 Iranian revolution — Barack Obama and his “Smart Diplomacy” has been an absolute catastrophe the the United States and her allies, and a huge boon to those countries that wish us harm. (DONATE to Bill Whittle HERE)