This is a book I came across via a recent article I read. The article quoted the book [below] but I wanted to expand a bit on it. The philosophical discussion dealt with “activists” (those leaning towards corporal punishment all the time), and pacifism. The middle ground Doctors Moreland and Geisler call “selectivists.” I will emphasize the smaller quote used in a recent post:
Gun Control
LIE: Mass Shootings “Tripled” After Assault Weapons Ban Ended
Jesse Watters: “Can you guess who’s running these places? Democrats. Democrats want to disarm you during the crime wave they created”
BREITBART notes the WaPo article Watters mentions above:
Here is FACT CHECK .ORG for one example:
‘Disarming You Is The Point’: Tucker Slams Biden’s Gun Control Speech
(See more at NEWSBUSTERS)
AMMOLAND joins the fray:
2018 Excoriated a Bit (RALLY FOR OUR RIGHTS):
And a noteworthy TWITTER THREAD discussing the idea that the United States leads the world in gun violence:
Joe Biden Doesn’t Know Shite About Guns (Ben Shapiro)
Joe Biden goes on an incoherent anti-gun rant; the media fulminate over the supposed rise of “Christian nationalism”; and Jim Acosta of CNN says the NRA has blood on their hands. Here is a great comment on the Rumble upload of this:
- If you ban abortion, women will just have it done illegally. If you ban guns, we will all be safe. Leftist logic.
Woman Stops Mass Shooting (MSM Fails To Report)
The day after the Uvalde School Shooting, a woman armed with a pistol killed a mass shooter who fired a rifle into a crowd during a party, police say. A woman with a handgun literally stopped a mass shooting, and none of the major mainstream media outlets have even mentioned it. The mainstream media doesn’t want you to know the truth about guns in this country because they can’t get you on board with more gun control laws if they’re they’re constantly showing you story after story of good guys and girls with guns stopping bad guys/girls with guns.
ACTIVE SHOOTER Smoked by WOMAN with a Gun!!
Last week, according to WOWK 13 News, people at a graduation/birthday party had complained to a man about speeding in the apartment complex parking lot where kids were playing. After a short time, the man, later identified by police as Dennis Butler, 37, returned armed with an AR-15 and began shooting into the crowd.
Fortunately, one partygoer was legally carrying a handgun. As Lieutenant Tony Hazelett, of the Charleston Police Department, described, “Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night.”
(Also see RIGHT SCOOP)
NRA: America’s Longest-Standing Civil Rights Organization
African-American leaders speaking out against proposals to restrict gun rights at a Feb. 22, 2013 news conference in Washington, D.C. Among them: Harry Alford, president and chief executive officer of the D.C.-based National Black Chamber of Commerce.
Alford, who spoke in Milwaukee in 2008, said at one point:
“I want to thank the Lord for our Constitution. I also want to thank the NRA for its legacy. The National Rifle Association was started, founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan.”
Well known as a defender of the right to bear arms, the 5 million-member NRA does describe itself as “America’s Longest-Standing Civil Rights Organization.”
This made me think of a connection to the Democrat Party’s historical past. Here is my comment on that part of the group on Facebook:
Here is a short video discussing the matter:
- “…virtually every significant racist in American political history was a Democrat.” — Bruce Bartlett, Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past (New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan, 2008), ix;
- “…not every Democrat was a KKK’er, but every KKK’er was a Democrat.” — Ann Coulter, Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama (New York, NY: Sentinel [Penguin], 2012), 19.
Today’s gun control advocates tend to paint themselves as concerned with the plight of minorities in America. What they don’t want you to know is that their movement originated as an initiative to deprive African-Americans of the means to defend themselves. In this episode of The DL, Dana Loesch is joined by NRA personalities and gun-rights advocates to delve into the deeply racist history of gun control and to explain how it continues to disproportionately affect minority communities.
“Racist” Filibuster vs. Minimum Wage and Gun Control
Larry Elder made a good point about Democrat’s “concerns” about the origins of something being racist means getting rid of it — which he nor Dems really believe the filibuster to be, rather, just a convenient argument in the use of the race-card in order to grab power. BUT, if the concern is genuine, then we should do away with gun control as well as the minimum wage.
— I use a video from the NRA (The DL l S1 E3: “Gun Control’s Racist History”) and recommend their article: Jim Crow and the Racist Roots of Gun Control
- Democrats Claim Filibuster Is A Racist Tool — But Only When Republicans Use It (NEW YORK POST)
- Biden’s Argument Against the Filibuster Gets Eviscerated by…Biden, Obama, and a Few Inconvenient Facts (RED STATE)
They Are Coming For Our AR-14s and AR-16s (WTF?)
Joe Biden threatened to take this union worker’s “AR-14” in a train wreck of a viral video.
That union worker’s name is @JerryWayneAR14 and one day after the interaction, he went out and got an “AR-14” in honor of Joe.
This is his message to America:
— NRA (@NRA) March 13, 2020
What Isn’t Taught During Black History Month (Larry Elder)
Larry Elder takes the opportunity this Black History Month to investigate certain myths surrounding Black history and why some people think Black History Month is not necessary. Topics:
- Slavery;
- Gun Control;
- Minimum Wage.
(Also see my voluminous post on RACIAL MANTRAS)
A Conversation Regarding Utopian Gun Control (Plus More)
This is one of the many convos on SANTA CLARITA COMMUNITY’S Facebook Page about a meeting to “Stop Gun Violence: SCV’s Message to Mitch McConnell”
(ME) Stop gun violence, health insurance for all, free college, etc., etc. All these Utopian ideals are just that. Fiction.
(SANDRA RC) Hey Sean, not fiction as it works in other countries. Are you saying that we’re sub-standard?
(ME) Sandra RC mmm no, it doesn’t work in other countries. There is a myth about Australia. The first being that there are more guns now owned in Australia than before the 1996 massacre (3.2 million vs. 3.6 million).
The following is from a post on my site: “Mass Shootings Have Decreased ~ Obama vs. Australia”….
…Here is the actual data from Australia. First note that gun ownership exhibits a very interesting pattern that isn’t often acknowledged. There was a large gun buyback in 1996 and 1997 that reduced gun ownership from 3.2 to 2.2 million guns. But immediately after that gun ownership increased dramatically and is essentially back to where it was before the buyback. Why is that important? Well, if it is the number of guns that is important, you should initially see a large drop in suicides or crimes and then see it increasing. Yet, in none of these data series do you observe that pattern.
For example, homicides didn’t fall until eight years after the laws. It is not clear what theory they have for why the long delay would occur. Nor can I even find an acknowledgment of that long lag in the cited literature. A more natural explanation for the drop at the eight year point would be the substantial increases in police forces that occurred at that time…
In places like the UK, Jamaica, and the like, violent robbery and home invasions while the occupants are home are VERY high. It is a dangerous place to live in, and many wish they could protect their loved ones.
And of course there is this moving testimony of one of the patrons at Luby’s Massacre:
(STILL ME) Sandra RC — in other words, they [the countries you are thinking of] are sub-standard. Or the purported beliefs about what they have done and accomplished with gun control — those beliefs are sub-standard.
Some More Stuff
Obama vs. Australia
The American Spectator has this great information that sets the record clear by giving guidelines to the debate:
Type “mass shootings” and “common” into a search engine and you’ll get all sorts of breathless commentary that might lead one to believe there Americans face a genuine epidemic of shooting rampages. A few headlines:
- Vox: “Mass shootings on campus are getting more common and more deadly.”
- ThinkProgress: “Mass Shootings Are Becoming More Frequent.”
- NPR: “Study: Mass Shootings Are On The Rise Across U.S.”
- Washington Post: “Why are mass shootings becoming more common?”
Homicide in America is far more common than it ought to be. But mass shootings — defined as four or more murders in the same incident — constitute a minuscule share of the total, as I discuss in “The Shooting Cycle” in the most recent edition of the Connecticut Law Review…
I want to break here and post something Mother Jones said in trying to define what a Mass Shooting is… “she” says this:
Broadly speaking, the term refers to an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence. But there is no official set of criteria or definition for a mass shooting, according to criminology experts and FBI officials who have spoken with Mother Jones.
Mother Jones then goes on to quote the definition — after being ambiguous about it — as four or more [excluding the shooter]. Wikipedia says this:
It is odd to me why Mother Jones would be ambiguous about it while at the same time use the accepted FBI terminology/definition. At any rate, I HIGHLY suggest reading this Debunking of Mother Jones’ “10 Pro-Gun Myths,” worth the read.
Obama recently praised Australian gun-control.
ANN COULTER tackles this “Australian Stat” often mentioned. She quotes the New York Times’ Elisabeth Rosenthal as saying this:
John Lott Responds:
…ELSEWHERE he states:
Crime is dropping recently in Australia, but this can be attributed to gun ownership rising back up to the previous rates before the ban. GAY PATRIOT comments on the before mentioned Obama quote about Australia:
I reiterate the two hidden rules of “Common Sense Gun Laws:”
1. “We only want to keep guns away from dangerous persons.”
2. “Anyone who owns a gun is a dangerous person.”
NATIONAL REVIEW also makes the point that in order to praise Australian “success,” one is praising anti-Constitutional actions:
Just a long side-note, continuing with the AMERICAN SPECTATOR article:
…The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported that from 2002-2011, 95 percent of total homicide incidents involved a single fatality, 4 percent involved two victims, 0.6 percent involved 3 victims, and only .02 percent involved four or more victims. Another study performed between 1976 and 2005 yields similar results — that less than one-fifth of 1 percent all murders in the United States involved four or more victims. In other words, the bottom line is that out of every 10,000 incidents of homicide, roughly two are mass killings.
Further, contrary to what the zeitgeist may suggest, mass shootings are not on the rise. Prominent criminologist James Alan Fox has found “no upward trend in mass killings” since the ’70s. Take campus statistics as an example: “Overall in this country, there is an average of 10 to 20 murders across campuses in any given year,” Fox told CNN (and roughly 99 percent of these reported homicides were not mass shootings). “Compare that to over 1,000 suicides and about 1,500 deaths from binge drinking and drug overdoses.” Mass shootings on college campuses lag far, far behind many much more prevalent social and mental health problems.
The rare nature of these incidents also holds true for safety in K-12 schools, which garnered a significant amount of attention in the wake of the tragedies in Columbine and Newtown. According to two reports by the Centers for Disease Control, the probability of a child “dying in school in any given year from homicide or suicide was less than one in 1 million between 1992 and 1994 and slightly greater than one in 2 million between 1994 and 1999.”
Of course any story like the above needs a positive one added to it. The Blaze has this:
Another Debunking Of “America Leads In Mass Shootings”
Older Posts:
- Mass Shooting and Other Gun Myths! (My Fav)
- Mass Shootings Have Decreased ~ Obama vs. Australia
- 9 Potential Mass Shootings That Were Stopped By Someone With A Personally-Owned Firearm
- Gun-Control Advocates Bump Up Against Hard-Facts
- Obama vs Trump’s Blame for Mass Shooting
REAL CLEAR INVESTIGATIONS has an excellent study of the history of mass killings in America:
PJ-MEDIA responds to the lies — on cue — from the Left:
The Truth About Gun Control (VOX Rebuttal)
Originally posted July of 2013, updated January 2019
(Louder with Crowder) Misrepresenting numbers, massaging “facts,” are tactics used by leftists daily. Misrepresentation is the secret ingredient in their half-caf soy latte. Leftists always have a pre-determined outcome in mind. In Vox’s case (like all leftists), TAINT GUN OWNERSHIP. Make gun owners look like out of control whack jobs with no hearts.
Crowder likewise showed that the “Gun Show Loophole” exists only in the leftists mind:
Here is a great video by Encounter Books:
From the video description:
Here is the OG info via John Lott:
One thing gun control advocates such as Vox would never mention is that every single time that guns are banned — either all guns or all handguns — homicide/murder rates rise. This is a remarkable fact. One would think that just due to random chance, one or two countries would have a drop in homicides after banning guns.
Vox begins its discussion on mass public shootings using data collected by Jaclyn Schildkraut of the State University of New York-Oswego and H. Jaymi Elsass, a researcher at Texas State University. Unfortunately, in December 2015, when it was pointed out that their list was missing a lot of cases, Washington Post “Fact Checker” reporter Michelle Lee wrote Dr. Lott: “[Schilkraut] said they are still adding cases, and that it’s not a complete database.” However, Schilkraut and Elsass had already gone public with their findings about how the U.S. compared to other countries. They did so with full knowledge that they were missing many shootings in foreign countries. Not only did they miss cases, but Vox also doesn’t present the numbers for different countries on a per capita basis. It is startling that Vox puts other numbers in per capita terms, but not these numbers.
Here is a much more complete list of mass public shootings in the US. For cases around the world, see here.
Responding to Vox’s and the New York Times’ graphs.
1)’s Claim #1 and New York Times Claim #1: “America has six times as many firearm homicides as Canada, and nearly 16 times as many as Germany”
Vox offers no explanation for why it compares only these 14 countries or why the New York Times looks at just 11. The New York Times graph is also mislabeled, as it clearly concerns firearm homicides, not murders. OECD, the organization of developed countries, has 34 member nations. But 192 countries worldwide provide homicide data.
Here are homicide rates across all countries for which data is available (click on figures to enlarge). Even disregarding the problems with homicide data being underreported in many countries, the US homicide rate is less than the median rate and half of the mean average for all countries (the raw data for this section are available here).
….READ THE REST! It is a beast of an article/rebuttal!
Dozens of news outlets reported that America has the most mass shooters in the world. Many say that shows America needs more gun control.
Guns For Children?
Mr. Rogers has solved the gun violence issue: let’s take away everyone’s guns! It’s only fair, right? WRONG. In his latest FIREWALL, host Bill Whittle takes down the childish naivete behind the gun control movement.