“Muslim Ban” – Give Me Some Numbers Please

Liberal hypocrisy comes to light as Kellyanne Conway rightfully cites Barack Obama’s history of banning Muslim refugees (which was worse than Donald Trump’s), yet the press and the liberal protestors get angry at Trump for “banning” Muslim refugees? Whether you agree with this banning or not (I disagree with the banning, by the way), you have to put things in perspective when it comes to left-wing hypocrisy and these protestors.

I grabbed a short bit from Larry Elder and added the video to his audio… as well as ending this upload with another clip where a specific question about numbers of those stuck at the airports is, as well as a clarification of the State Dept. numbers.

Trump’s Media Inspired Green-Card Mayhem

Larry Elder pours over the Sunday shows and by doing so shows the green-Card issue is at worst a misunderstanding [purposefully or innocent] on the Press’ part – at best poorly communicated through proper channels via the Trump administration. What is clear however is that nothing in the bill itself requires the conclusions by the Left and the media. Here David French makes the point:

✦ The plain language of the order doesn’t apply to legal permanent residents of the U.S., and green-card holders have been through round after round of vetting and security checks. The administration should intervene, immediately, to stop misapplication. (National Review)

I include in this long audio/video Mark Levin’s impersonation of John McCain.

Trade, Taxes, and Executive Orders | Mark Levin (UPDATED)

(Originally posted on the 27th of January)

People warned the Democrats… “what would happen if a Republican does what your guy did?” Well…

Mark Levin gives us an Econ 101 class on tariffs and taxes. This is why the unions love this because it protects their jobs and not other businesses in the States. An interesting part of the call which I stitched to before the other segment is an article in the Wall Street Journal which notes that the reason car manufacturers build in Mexico is due to free-trade agreements:

  • Audi says that an array of free trade agreements favors Mexico over U.S. sites. Its not just the price of skilled labor that is attractive to Audi. If you think about a $50,000 car made in the U.S. that is then exported to Europe there is a 10% duty on that car. So that’s $5000 in duties that Audi is paying. When that same car is made in Mexico there is no duty. This means with an already concentrated area of auto manufactures in Mexico, low cost skilled labor and free trade agreements it is a huge win for Audi and it will be easy to do business. No reinventing the wheel or stepping out alone as the only auto manufacture, Audi is simply following suit.  (WSJ)

Not only will these Executive Orders (E.O.) worsen us in the long run (unless this administration has something else up their sleeve), it is the same thing we gripped about when Obama was President and Left leaning legal scholar, Jonathan Turley said was not what the office of President was intended for. Agreed.

What is interesting is the juxtaposition the Dems find themselves in regarding the E.O.’s. You see, you had many challenges to Obama’s E.O.’s and he holds the record for the most overturned by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in our history as a country. But they were brought to the court mainly by Republican Attorney Generals in a state[s] or a group — or a combination thereof. AND YES, many of these actions Trump is taking with his pen and paper are just as unconstitutional. However, in 2018 we find this:

  • The GOP will be defending just eight seats, while Democrats must fight for 23 — plus another two held by independents who caucus with Democrats. (THE HILL)

This means that since the Democrats know their constituents are already upset enough at them to switch parties… why would you rock the boat on some of these executive orders that they know their constituents like. Like the car manufactures/unions. What Democrat in their right mind would bring a case to SCOTUS to overturn something they wish they had did?

Or how bout’ the growing concern in the black community about jobs and the influx of illegal immigrants? You see, they type of people Trump is putting on the Court would vote AGAINST what Trump is doing. They are originalists, and so, the Democrats would certainly win these cases if brought before the conservative Court.

AGAIN… they also have to win in 2018. They are essentially protecting 25-seats… 10 of which are “red-state” seats.

So many of these E.O.’s Trump is writing could easily be overturned if moved forward by the Democrats. Right now however, doing so would be politically dangerous for them. For now at least.

Again, I emphatically agree with HOTAIRExecutive Orders Are Not The Way To Do Policy…Even Good Ones

President Donald Trump’s latest executive order is as good as executive orders come. Trump has banned executive appointees from becoming a lobbyist of the particular branch they served in for five years, plus several other restrictions.

“2. If, upon my departure from the Government, I am covered by the post-employment restrictions on communicating with employees of my former executive agency set forth in section 207(c) of title 18, United States Code, I agree that I will abide by those restrictions.

“3. In addition to abiding by the limitations of paragraphs 1 and 2, I also agree, upon leaving Government service, not to engage in lobbying activities with respect to any covered executive branch official or non-career Senior Executive Service appointee for the remainder of the Administration.

“4. I will not, at any time after the termination of my employment in the United States Government, engage in any activity on behalf of any foreign government or foreign political party which, were it undertaken on January 20, 2017, would require me to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended.

“5. I will not accept gifts from registered lobbyists or lobbying organizations for the duration of my service as an appointee.

This is really good policy, and also delivers on Trump’s “drain the swamp,” rhetoric from the campaign. Ethics reform is something all governments should engage in, because it can increase transparency and keep cronyism from rearing its ugly head. It can possibly save the government money, and reduce the debt.

But there’s still a massive problem. Trump is doing this action through executive order, instead of letting it go through the legislative process. The Constitution is quite clear on which branch originally comes up with rules. From Article I, Section 8, Subsection 14 (emphasis mine):

  • The Congress shall have Power…To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

It’s Congress which develops the rules for government employees, not the president. Trump is acting as CEO of the government (which he’s not), meaning he’s so used to doing things his way, without having to have others sign off on his actions. He’s taking another page out of former President Barack Obama’s playbook, but promising he’ll do it right. ….

(H-T to REGGIE DUNLOP for the above)

What leftist is going to bring the above to the Court? This is how I described it on my Facebook:

Many of the economic one will be too far along to be challenged (like the pipelines for instance). There are 25-Dem seats up in 2018 (10-in red states). Only 7-GOP seats. What Democrats would challenge the E.O. putting tariffs on Mexico (something I hate but unions l-o-v-e). The Dems have already alienated their base… unions.

So I think even though these Democrats could challenge many of these — they are stuck between a rock and a voting booth. And let me also say, the people Trump is putting on the Supreme Court are originalists and would vote these down in a heart beat (bravo for Trump for putting forward such upstanding justices!)… but the cases have to make it there

In other words… if Trump were truly a dictator looking to split the branches of government… he would pick Justices who would support his Executive Orders.

BIG JOE Tears Into Anti-Trump Protesters (UPDATED w/MORE)

Take note the girl who starts the debate mentions him being on a bicycle. You see, they are about the poor, or those that care about the environment — unless they are conservative. Then? Effe You! If you were in a Volvo I might respect you a wee-bit more. They say they are against race, class, gender… until they need it to club you over the head with.

Trump Supporter Stands His Ground at Women’s March in LA. “Big Joe” is based in LA.

Illegal Voters Back In The News!

I don’t know how the media can — with a straight face — say that voter fraud, felons voting, and non-citizens do not contribute to changing outcomes of elections. We have had Senators put in power with fraudulent counting of felons votes. If this Senator wasn’t in his seat, Obama-Care wouldn’t have passed. We also know that much of the nations voter fraud is committed by Democrats, and thanks to Jill Stein, this was confirmed by a recount of Detroit (as one example). Some votes were counted 6-times!

Dennis Prager interviews John Fund about the recent Press conference with Sean Spicer regarding Trump’s view on his winning the popular vote. This led to discussion of Obama’s lie about the industrialized world. John’s article on this can be found at National Review (Obama’s Final Whopper as President). The other article mentioned by Fund and Prager was this late 2016 article of at the Heritage Foundation (Do Illegal Votes Decide Elections?).

With Al Franken being seated as a Senator due to felon’s ballots being illegally counted… Jill Stein’s recount attempt showing massive voter fraud in heavily Democratic districts, and the studies mentioned in this interview… to say there is no voter fraud is, well, deplorable!

“Crowd Size Controversy Starts With Me” ~ Tom Barrack

Here is my description of the audio:

Hugh Hewitt sets up Tom Barrack’s Sunday “Meet the Press” interview with Chuck Todd and himself. Mr. Barrack is the Chairman of the Inaugural Committee and says that his team was responsible for providing the White House with the crowd numbers.

Not included was Chris Matthews noting how reasonable and intelligent Barrack is and follows that up with saying Trump is the same way in person. Adding that Trump is a great listener as well. Matthews continues to say that the public gets a Trump that everyone who personally has met and knows him does not recognize.

You can watch the fuller interview on MEET THE PRESS.

I wanted to pass on a note I left my friends and readers on my Facebook in regards to Chuck Todd’s interview of Kellyanne Conway, and her statement about facts:

Just to be clear… There are no alternative facts. Facts are just that, facts. They may be warped with presuppositions. A good example would be uranium dating. While we know the general half-life [decay rates] of radioactive material to lead, what is presupposed is that this rate has stayed the same over millions/billions of years and that nothing can change or affect the decay rate. Or, that it started out as pure “radioactive” material with zero led. So this dating method is not a “fact,” like many assume.

Crowd sizes can be closer to an estimated fact. And while I have noted fudged numbers in the past due to political influence… this is not the case if one goes to the best resources.

In other words, the Trump admin SHOULD be hyper sensitive to attaining the BEST possible information before stating it as a factoid.

NOT doing so is feeding red-meat to the wolves. The mainstream press leans a certain way, and in knowing this, the Trump admin. needs to be diligent in their enterprise.

If Trump is going to keep his Twitter (in my estimation a mistake) account, he should try to keep responses on social media to social media attacks while having a more official response to MSM.

Just my two-cents.

Totalitarian/Fascist Fits – Violence from the Democrat Left

GAY PATRIOT notes just how different the Left is:

It would not be fair to judge the left on the violence and property destruction carried out by unhappy anti-Trump protesters. After all, didn’t Anti-Obama conservatives smash windows, assault Obama supporters, and set fires after Obama won the election?

Oh, wait, we didn’t do any of those things, did we?

These people call themselves Anarchists, and yet they are committing violence because they want more socialism, socialism being a maximized amount of Government control. Do they see the irony? Or are they just violent and stupid and have latched onto the progressive left because that side of the political spectrum is more accepting of hate and violence?

And I’m sure some lefties are saying (nasal, high-pitched, know-it-all liberal voice), “Oh, I think violence is wrong no matter which side does it.” Yeah, nice virtue signaling, but you’re just evading the reality that most of the time… an overwhelming amount of the time… it’s *your side* that’s doing it. Mainly because, your side tells people that temper tantrums and hatred are okay if they are directed against…. [insert name here]

I laughed out loud when I saw this.

I have a tag [VIOLENT DEMOCRATS] for posts I use detailing the violence from the left. It extends to the violent environmental groups (like ELF), to violent unions/members, and other instances like the Democrats getting very violent at Trump rallies (and often time being paid to do so), I have even asked for analogous actions by conservative as well as noting the joke of “this week in hate” via the New York Times, etc., yada-yada-blada.

Another example that makes me put “tolerant” Leftists in air-quotes is this story via MOONBATTERY:

Some entertainers have refused to participate in the inauguration because they are moonbats who put their self-indulgent leftist posturing ahead of their profession — others, because they are afraid:

  • Opera star Andrea Bocelli backed out of singing at Donald Trump’s inauguration after receiving death threats, The Mail on Sunday has learnt.

It was rumored that Bocelli backed out because he didn’t want to face a boycott from intolerant liberal fans…


Bocelli isn’t alone:

The revelation came as another singer – Broadway legend Jennifer Holliday – last night pulled out of the President-elect’s festivities after being threatened and branded an ‘Uncle Tom’.


Singer Holliday, 56, famed for her performance as Effie in Dreamgirls, had originally said she was ‘determined’ to sing for Trump despite voting against him.

She also denounced the abuse she was getting and called it an attack on freedom of speech.

However, she knuckled under to this attack, not only canceling her performance but validating the thugs who forced her to….

NEWSWEEK points out that “A new survey report shows that 8.5 percent of current college freshmen expect to participate in a student protest while in college. That figure is up 2.9 percentage points from 2014, and it is the highest percentage to respond that way in the annual survey since 1967.”

  • As the rapper Tef Poe sharply pointed out at a St. Louis rally in October protesting the death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.: “This ain’t your grandparents’ civil rights movement.” (WaPo)

GAY PATRIOT notes this violence in trying to feel as relevant as the 1960s generation:

Left-wing protesters seeking to deny Milo Yiannopoulos and Martin Shkreli their right to free speech, and the right of their audience to peaceably assemble, demonstrated their superior debate skills by literally throwing feces and assaulting a cameraman.


…The protests began peacefully, but quickly escalated into violence as protesters jumped the barricades set up by campus police. The news station confirmed that one anti-Milo protester threw hot coffee at its camera crew and their equipment.

Also, Andrea Boccelli has bowed out of performing at Donald Trump’s inauguration because leftists have threatened to murder his family.

The DAILY CALLER notes the anti-free-speech movement of the fascist left:

A new Pew Research Center poll shows that 40 percent of American Millennials (ages 18-34) are likely to support government prevention of public statements offensive to minorities.

It should be noted that vastly different numbers resulted for older generations in the Pew poll on the issue of offensive speech and the government’s role.

Around 27 percent of Generation X’ers (ages 35-50) support such an idea, while 24 percent of Baby Boomers (ages 51-69) agree that censoring offensive speech about minorities should be a government issue. Only 12 percent of the Silent Generation (ages 70-87) thinks that government should prevent offensive speech toward minorities.

The poll comes at a time when college activists, such as the group “Black Lives Matter,” are making demands in the name of racial and ethnic equality at over 20 universities across the nation.

Some of the demands include restrictions on offensive Halloween costumes at Yale University to the deletion of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s image and name at Princeton University to “anti-oppression training” for employees at Brown University….

(NEWSBUSTERS) The Anti-Capitalist Anti-Fascist Bloc’s DisruptJ20 Inauguration protest quickly turned violent Friday morning as protestors gathered at Logan Circle in D.C. and marched down 13th Street. Footage shot by MRC Culture and CNSNews.com during the march show protestors vandalizing local businesses, destroying a limousine, and chanting “no cops, no borders, fight law and order.”

More BLACK BLOCK violence:

Public Schools Are for Brainwashing – California Democrat

In this great short review of an article in the LOS ANGELES TIMES speaking about Santa Monica’s own Stephen Miller, we find an admission of the goals of public school education:

Rep. Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village), who was the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District’s board president at the time, remembered Miller showing up at events in coat and tie — “unlike any other student” — to argue against special treatment for immigrants and others.

“He had very conservative views — the exact opposite of what we were trying to accomplish in the school district,” she said.

A good heads up on the article as well as commentary!

Violent Leftists Plan Inaugural Disruption (Part I)

In this video, Project Veritas investigators uncover a group known as the DC Anti-fascist Coalition plotting to disrupt President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration by deploying butyric acid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for January 19th.

The meeting, captured on hidden camera, was held at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizza restaurant that is better known as the location of the Pizzagate controversy. The coalition members discuss the steps they would need to take to halt the Deploraball event. Project Veritas notified the FBI, Secret Service and DC Metro Police of the content of this video prior to its release.