Behind The Crazy Headlines Trump Is Winning!

We’re back to the media cycle of a Trump

“bombshell” every 2-3 days to create a permanent

crisis news effect. But it’s all noise.

L E G A L  I N S U R R E C T I O N

All the fervor of hatred — really just people emoting on Trumps personality and how they don’t like it — is helping the conservative agenda win, in bigger leaps and bounds since Reagan. Keep it up Dems, you are helping us! Everyone will be talking about Steve Bannon. Good.

Rush Limbaugh reads some points made in this article by a left leaning columnist at Politico, warning his compatriots that the MSM and comedy shows railing on Trump’s buttons, hair, and other Tweets and misspoken points… much is being passed. Here is the article headline and link:

  • 55 Ways Donald Trump Structurally Changed America in 2017: These are the concrete actions his administration has taken to alter how the country works. (NEW YORK MAGAZINE)
  • 138 Things Trump Did This Year While You Weren’t Looking: Behind the crazy headlines, more conservative priorities got pushed through than most people realize. An exhaustive list of what really happened to the government in 2017. (POLITICO)

Trump vs. FBI – CNN Legal Analyst Changes Mind

Prager plays and comments on Paul Callan’s change of mind on Trump and others “slamming” of the FBI (REAL CLEAR POLITICS). Apparently, this deep bias wasn’t just in the leaders of these investigations, but in the grand jury.

This was a comment on the latest upload of mine from YouTube (posted on LIVELEAK):

  • Keep convincing yourself the whole FBI is corrupt and it’s not just Trump. What makes more sense?

The problem is that the evidence is saying something different. If they were as “clean” and “noble” as I have been told, they should have recuse themselves — like Sessions. But by not doing so the cards are being played and the poker faces are melting away…. here is my response:

  • That the same three or four guys at the FBI (that were getting money directly from the DNC or that had wives working at GPS Fusion and exonerated Hillary and mentioned a “fail-safe” for defeating Trump is he won) are corrupt… that is where the evidence points. No one is saying the W-H-O-L-E FBI. Dumb.

Another comment from my YouTube notes this: “The more CNN squeezes the more the anti-Trump narrative slips from their fingers.” Yep.

CBO’s Underwhelming Prediction For The Tax-Code Outcome

I excerpted the very end of a larger post over at POWERLINE and received a challenge of sorts from a friend:

….It’s always nice when these folks let the mask slip and reveal their hatred of individual freedom and capitalism, and the open embrace of a statism that is indistinguishable from fascism. Lukacs’s conclusion is: Jeremy Corbin will save us! You can expect the same impulse to dominate the Democratic Party as it heads toward 2020. Elizabeth Warren or Bernie will save us! Anything less than this will not be tolerated by the increasingly leftist base of the Democratic Party. And this is the best thing Trump has going for him.

Here is the challenge:

  • But it’s not just the left Sean, with a 30% ( being generous ) approval rating, this means a lot of Conservatives aren’t on board either. I personally know a few fiscal conservatives that would’ve voted no strictly due to what it adds to our debt. How do you square this?

Fair question. I respond:

This is how I square it. These fiscal conservatives do not, apparently, believe in a fiscal conservative “gods” edict:

➤ “I am favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it’s possible.” — MILTON FRIEDMAN

Also, the press is pushing the CBO’s idea that growth will not be over 1.8% for ten years… um… yeah. So these fiscal conservatives are taking the -under 2% approach when the coming quarter will be 3.8%

Every 1% in growth the deficit is reduced [over ten years] by 3-trillion dollars (Just over 4-minutes):

How the Media Portrays Progressives vs. Conservatives

Ron Robinson has served as Young America’s Foundation’s president for more than three decades. Time magazine wrote that Young America’s “Foundation—run by a former Reagan Administration advisor, Ron Robinson—is now the nation’s largest advocacy group devoted to student politics.”

In this talk from Oct, 2017 he describes how the media portrays progressives compared to conservatives. Full video found HERE (MOONBATTERY H-T)


Trump Reverses An Obama Era Reg (Merry Christmas)

The DAILY CALLER discusses another great reversal of Obama Era regulations meant to choose winners and losers:

…..Wind turbines kill hundreds of thousands of birds every year, and thermal solar plants in California have scorched hundreds more. These killings are unintentional, and represent a small percentage of accidental bird kills overall.

But while wind turbines and solar arrays killed migratory birds, the Obama administration exempted them from prosecution for years.

The Obama administration prosecuted more than 200 cases from 2009 to April 2013 involving the taking of protected birds and eagles, but never brought wind turbines to task, the Associated Press found.

Obama officials, however, did fine oil and gas companies for unintentionally killing birds. For example, ExxonMobil pleaded guilty in a 2009 federal court case to charges of killing 85 federally protected birds and agreed to pay $600,000 in fines and fees.

PacifiCorp was fined in 2009 for killing birds and paid $1.4 million in fines and restitution for the killing of 232 eagles in Wyoming that were electrocuted by power lines.

In fact the Obama administration didn’t prosecute wind power producers until Nov. 2013 for bird deaths at wind farms when they ordered a subsidiary of Duke Energy pay $1 million in fines….

Ben Ferguson Fills In For Mark Levin – And Hits Homers!

Ben Ferguson of the “Ben Ferguson Show,” filled in for Mark Levin. I really like the guy. I would love to help him prep responses! Anyhew, he took a call from a guy who says Trump’s deregulating certain aspects of government actions is destroying the environment. The Keystone Pipeline ended up being the topic of discussion. Enjoy.

While filling in for Mark Levin, Ben Ferguson of the “Ben Ferguson Show”, took a call from a guy who thought Trumps deregulations hurt the economy. Follow Ben on TWITTER.

Another Conservative Notch On Donald Trump’s Belt

Hat-Tip to THE BLAZE. Below is a larger excerpt of the WT article, but I noticed this quote:

  • Trump’s unprecedented, illegal action is a brutal blow to our public lands, an affront to Native Americans and a disgrace to the presidency,” said Randi Spivak, public lands program director at the Center for Biological Diversity.

IF THAT Executive Order is illegal, then so is Clinton and Barack’s making it federal land to begin with. Trump would win in the the Supreme Court if the Leftist 9th Circuit sides with the eco-fascists.


President Trump’s long-awaited decision Monday to pare down and carve up two highly controversial national monuments in Utah has set off an unprecedented legal fight over the scope of an executive’s power to cede control of federal lands.

During a speech in Salt Lake City, Mr. Trump said he’ll reduce both the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments, which were established by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, respectively.

The president cast his move as an effort to return control over land to local stakeholders, and to reverse a trend that saw administrations stretch the century-old Antiquities Act to its breaking point by using it as a tool to shut down huge swaths of land to energy development and recreation.

“Some people think the natural resources of Utah should be controlled by a small handful of very distant bureaucrats located in Washington. And guess what? They’re wrong,” Mr. Trump said. “The families of communities of Utah know and love this land the best and you know best how to take care of your land.”

While past presidents on 18 occasions have reduced monuments, none have done so on the scale Mr. Trumpannounced Monday. The Antiquities Act gives presidents the power to create monuments, but is silent on whether they have the authority to cancel or amend them.

Courts have never ruled on presidents’ power to shrink monuments, and opponents of Mr. Trump’s move immediately took their fight to court. Some legal scholars have said the battle, ultimately, could wind up before the Supreme Court.


Trump’s unprecedented, illegal action is a brutal blow to our public lands, an affront to Native Americans and a disgrace to the presidency,” said Randi Spivak, public lands program director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “He wants to hand over these lands to private industry to mine, frack, bulldoze and clear-cut until there’s nothing left for our children and grandchildren.”

The reductions have long been a policy goal of Sen. Orrin Hatch, Utah Republican, and other lawmakers who saw the Trump administration as a golden opportunity to finally reverse egregious federal land grabs. Supporters of Mr. Trump’s actions say they’re the beginning of true reform of how national monuments are created and managed.

“These new proclamations are a first step towards protecting identified antiquities without disenfranchising the local people who work and manage these areas,” said Rep. Rob Bishop, Utah Republican and chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.

The Clinton administration’s 1996 creation of Grand Staircase-Escalante — done with virtually no consultation with Utah officials — was the first example of a president truly stretching the Antiquities Act.

The law states that a monument designation should be limited to the “smallest area” compatible with the artifacts or other historical items to be protected. Many other monuments across the country are relatively small and were created to protect specific items or locations of historical significance, such as the Stonewall Inn in New York City, an iconic location for the LGBT rights movement. But in the case of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase, hundreds of thousands of acres of wooded area were locked up, leading critics to charge that Democrats had found a legal loophole that allowed them to grab massive patches of land with impunity.

Code-Talkers Honored… Sorta? (LOL)

This segment had me cracking up in traffic this morning

The Trump administration is clueless about this Democrat apparently. Jackson was the author of the trail-of-tears, he broke every treaty with the American Indians, etc., etc. (read D’Souza’s book, “The secret history of the Democratic Party“)

CNN Deflates “Locker Room Talk” Position Defending Al Frankenstein

The arguments made by the CNN host and the guest in defending Al Frankenstein take the wind out of the “attack Trump” sails.